Trump and Trumpism have been a threat to the democratic process and if Mr. Biden erred, it is that he was too mild in his description, in my opinion, of course.
Does the first amendment still apply to all? You say Trump and Trumpism are threatening our democratic process. That is completely your right.
Do Americans that choose to support Trump not have the same rights?
Do you trust that voting is a good way to weed out persons that the majority do not appreciate, and feel may be detrimental to the Country?
It matters little what you or I feel, the majority has always been the deciding factor. Is pitting one against the other with name-calling, and whipping up pure anger a really good strategy? Consider, while all the name-calling goes on, many are in search of a president that problem solves... Many can see all the current problems being not addressed as if they don't exist. Just, yelling, just spending, just watching all get worse.
So, in the end, wear will citizens turn? You tell me. So, will Joe's dismissive attitude, and angry finger-pointing really benefit the Democrats?
At this point, voters have very little but negative to consider on both sides.
So, what now? Hold our noses once again? Will we just buy into more of what we have had? Or should the people be demanding more from our candidates?
In my view, we are being played, led around by our noses... It's only "we the people " that can demand more.
We are at a dangerous crossroads in my view. And I think we the people are the problem at this point. We have settled, have we not?
In the end, the majority will speak.
"That is completely your right."
I know, just as it is your right to disagree.
And of course, I trust the majority vote to make the decision as to who is to lead us. That vote is sacred and cannot be impeded or tampered with.
We have a differing opinion as to which President "problem solves" and which President is just "a problem".
We democrats are elated that "Old Joe" told it like it was. As far as I am concerned, any one that tries to undermine the electoral process, the fake electoral delegates and such, is a danger. That needs to be pointed out.
It is true, that in end, the majority will speak. And sometimes their voices can be hard to discern until the very last minute. The Democrats have their challenges, but so do the Republicans.
It's just time to move past what president does a better job at problem-solving. I can not honestly come up with Biden solving any problem, I watch the same problems I have been complaining about get worse. I am not sure when I have seen the country in such a mess. I can't imagine what problems you feel Biden has solved.
Not sure why Democrats would be elated with Biden's demeanor. His demeanor has made many angry. He has energized Trump's base, and more moderate Republicans just find him embarrassing, and feel more hell-bent on getting him out of the White House. So, can we say it's a draw, that both sides benefited from Joe's speech?
I agree both parties have challenges.
That is an opinion, one which is not based on facts, however.
Actually, no. Facts are not on your side. But if I were a hardened Progressive, I would be delighted that Biden, the racist, is now Obama's butler.
But I am not delighted. I believe that America is better than that.
I feel only sorrow for children and grandchildren whose lives may be ruined by the policy of Progressives, who are dead set on destroying this great nation.
Not something I expect you to understand.
And we are delighted and anxiously wait to see who rules the day at the polls this November, that much I do understand.
I am totally committed to the total capitulation and
the utter defeat of all the right wing hordes. My vote will reflect that fervent desire.
Savvy, sadly, very sadly politics is supposed to be objective; however, politics today is an adolescent slingfest. People who are supposed to be objective adults are acting like subjective junior high schoolers. Politics have become more extreme & divided than ever before. Instead of politicians becoming divided; why don't they act like adults, put on their big kid pants & work together for improving Americans. Politics, grow the f***** up, will you.
What planet do you come from, Grace? Have you been hiding under a rock?
Yes, we are divided in many ways beyond healing. You, who are just as strident in your rightwing views, speaks to me now about kumbaya?
My ideas about improving America verses yours and that of any rightwinger on this forum are light years apart.
Wouldn't it be great if they worked for the people they are elected to serve?
But people fall for the propaganda. Thus, they elect idiots. We no longer have energy independence; we no longer have a secure border, which is now run by the cartels who rape women and children and bring massive amounts of fentanyl across our border which is killing our youth and making the cartels massively rich; Instead, we have the worst inflation in 40 years, wars & rumors of wars with poverty on the rise. Everything is going to hell.
Exactly, politics today is analogous to junior high school. You know the cliques which exists at the junior high school level. My God, these are grown people who act in a very puerile manner. Stop the party division bull, come together, act like grownups instead of cliquish tweens & work to improve the country. Yes, Savvy, everything is going to hell. What is needed is a STRONG GRASSROOTS movement of engage people who will work beyond insipid party allegiances to help bring America to her full potentials. I, as a Liberal, see many good points of many Conservatives here.
Being mature means respecting other's viewpoints. It is a sign of immaturity to consistently attack those who have different views. A divided America will fall while a united America will improve, prosper, & even flourish.
"What is needed is a STRONG GRASSROOTS movement of engage people who will work beyond insipid party allegiances to help bring America to her full potentials"
This is key. It's just tough to get people to stop thinking of party as an unchangeable, personal identity. I'd like to see more fluidity across party lines. We all can find agreement with aspects of the other "side" I would personally find it stifling to always have to remain on my "side' regardless.
What did you type the other day... something along the lines of:
"Biden is Centrist to me any further Right and he would be a Republican"
Yeah, you are slightly to the left, any further Left and you would have to look right to see Stalin, in my opinion, which is probably biased.
People always seem to get these concepts back asswards.
I wanted to dig a little further. Your comment comparing my positions with that of Joseph Stalin, tasked me to address this.
Are dictators Left or Right?
Neither, and both. Dictatorship describes a style of government, which is unrelated to political ideology. However, generally both extreme ends of the political ideology spectrum end up with dictatorship: right wing extremism usually is marked by fascism, while left wing extremism usually is marked by communism/marxism.
( so from a political standpoint which side is really the closest to any form of dictatorship?)
But the issue is much more complicated as aspects of government control, economic theory, and social values all intertwine. For instance, saudi arabia is a monarchy (not technically a dictatorship, but still totalitarian) and has extremely conservative social values (right wing), but has high government control of industry (left wing). Ussr was a communist dictatorship with liberal social values such as equal rights for women, family planning (left wing) and high government control of industry (left wing). And then many south/central american dictatorships were more conservative socially and allowed industry a lot of freedom (both right wing). Ultimately, dictatorship is not about right or left wing, but about absolute control, and either wing can be the culprit.
Yes, and as for your opinion, yes it is biased.....
Inspirational? LOL I am glad the Democrats are showing the world that they have chosen to become a Satanic party. They need a mass exorcism.
James, some interesting reading.
Oh MY, First there were a few good things in regard to the speech --- most networks did not carry his speech, and only a couple of million watched it, more chose to watch Tucker... Secondly, many Americans formed their opinion not from watching the speech but from social media, and media. The speech was widely slammed by both.
My thoughts on the speech --- Hold on to your seats.
First, and most importantly --- Biden did not address all the many current problems, and what he intended to do about them! I wanted to hear about how he would help fix the border, how he would work on our current economic problems, and a few solutions to the crime we are seeing in the Country. He came out with divisive rhetoric and finished with the same.
Let's start with the definition of the word inspirational
providing or showing creative or spiritual inspiration.
"Did you find it inspirational?" NO
Now my feelings as I watched, were not what I might feel today, but as I view, and listened to his speech.
The very setting and obviously overdone setting. Yes, I use the word set, because this speech was staged --- staged by someone, in my view, to be the wrong choice. (I would love to know who came up with the idea to make Biden appear as an evil dictator, a man that is reviled by the majority of Human Beings around the world.) Yeah, great choice set an old screaming man with dim lighting and glaring blood red lights behind him, with two military "body Guards"...
Let's move on to his demeanor. He possessed a grimace on his face through much of the speech, and his red skin tones did not help matters. He was visibly angry much of the time snarling, and raising his voice. Not to mention raising his fists frequently. One positive is he did not add in his creepy whispery voice. I guess they have seen the error in using that creepy tacktic.
His words were written to point at one segment of our society. It was clear to me who he was speaking about, a segment of Americans that could be considered Trump's base. A base that feels strongly that the election was stolen, and supports Trump in totality. However, not sure if old Joe realizes these people are citizens too! They are Americans and share the same rights as all other Americans.
His words angered me. He attacked fellow Americans from the presidential podium. In my view, he sought to spread division. This speech sought to gin up Democrats and invited them to join in his radical position and to feel comfortable in their disliking a segment of Americans. Ultimately what I walked away with is that ya better hate Trump and anyone that supports him ---. And if you don't we are coming after you.
Yeah, the set matched his speech., foreboding, I am the all-powerful, snd I have a military behind me... So watch your step.
Now for my real feelings --- LOL
This was the most divisive speech I have ever heard from a president. A dangerous speech, from a dangerous administration. Note I did not use the word president. Because, these words were well thought out, by those that pull his strings IMO. I did not see a Hitler, but a Wizard of Oz.
A scared cognitively impaired man with a bunch of wack jobs telling him what to say from behind a curtain.
In my view, it's time for Americans to wake up and take note, we have a puppet dictator, with some very anti-American people running the show.
Biden's speech was Hitleresque. He demonized half the country the same way Hitler demonized the Jews. The Jews did nothing wrong. They were a prosperous and educated citizenry. I am amazed that people fall for Biden's propaganda. Republicans believe in the rule of law, school choice for children, and secure borders. (I know I'm preaching to the choir)
Progressives, on the other hand, want to dismantle this country and reassemble it into their supposed Utopia. But that will never happen. Instead, they will destroy our prosperity. But what does Biden care? He gets to keep his wealth and compromise our security by letting China off the hook for every lawless thing they do.
Biden is Obama's lackey and President Xi and Putin's useful idiot. He is a threat to our democracy.
We share the same thoughts, and I am shocked that anyone could defend Biden or his administration at this point. Yes, the entire speech was Hitleresque in my view. The Democratic party has decided to up the game and out and out to see how the general public will buy into a dictator. I mean they clearly get away with propaganda, and the followers seem very much blind to all the current problems this administration has caused, why not take the next step --- turn citizens against citizens? So, dangerous, we can only hope many Americans will start waking up to what is right in front of them. They did not with Hitler... Biden has nothing to run on, the same tactic he used from his basement. Bash Trump, lay low in order not to be faced with questions. on the mess he has created.
Not going to work this time around, Americans are feeling inflation and turning to other media outlets for news. One only needs to look at the ratings of the three cable networks. Joe's speech was carried on CNN and MSM and Tucker had a far bigger audience than the two added together in the hour Biden gave his speech. He drew a very small audience. This in my view shows the general population is not interested in anything he has to say. One only needed to check social media to see what people thought of Biden's speech, to be kind I won't share what I read.
I truly feel this administration is dangerous. I think Biden is and has been for sale, for most likely much of his career.
Sharlee, There is no doubt that Biden is and has been for sale. His life of lies and plagiarism speak to his character or lack thereof. What most people do not know about Biden is that he is a narcissist. He is not kindly "Uncle Joe."
His demonization of Republicans is a distraction from his failed policies and low poll ratings. Biden has no morals. (Just ask Ashley Biden's diary)
As always, we patriotic women will speak up and do what we can.
They don't call him Uncle Joe for nothing.
I am sure I have mentioned this in the past, but this IS how Biden fixes the border.
Biden ran on this, said he would support the Global Compact on Migration (Open Borders).
So this IS the fix, if you don't like it then as Biden would say, you are a threat to America, this IS the new Border normal.
Inspirational? Why yes Savvy, I am certainly inspired to do all within my power to expose this evil takeover of the people's Government.
Uncle Joe has clearly sold...or lost, his soul...maybe that's why he is so obsessed with the subject!
My attempts may continuously get buried, just as they did when I attempted to share the Hunter Biden story, right before the election...
But, nevertheless, I am inspired to carry on!
Never deterred and fired up!! {no pun intended}
The press covered for Obama and now for Biden. People believe their lies even after they've been thoroughly debunked and wrong doing done by Democrats has been exposed. It's weird.
Hang in there and fight the good fight.
It is the favorite child syndrome. Obama & now Biden are the golden children while Trump is the scapegoated/unfavored child.
Grace, I don't know about child syndrome. However, I do know that scapegoating is the favorite tactic of dictators. Find a scapegoat, just as Hitler did and Biden is doing now.
Next, appeal to a gullible populace... such as people who have no idea or do not care to know that children are being taught racism in public schools. Those are the gullible people that Hitler loved the most. They gave him his power.
While you are a classic Liberal (not a Republican) we do share some thoughts regarding the need for a prosperous America,
It is sad how easily so-called educated Americans forget History.
Do you have an example of how racism is being taught in public schools?
I take it you are not aware of the thousands of parents who protested at school meetings...all over the country... and particularly in Virginia, who were labeled as domestic terrorists by this administration...for trying to protect their children against racist theories. Both Democrats & Republicans. All races protested. How do you not know this?
Two words: Virginia election
Three words: Do your research
I mean specific examples of curriculum that is actually being taught in schools? School districts in particular and specific books being used? What exactly were the racist theories that were being taught that these supposedly thousands of parents were rallying against???
A few words for you I am a retired educator of 25 years.
There are many upsetting books in schools.
"California high school teacher boasts 'queer library' with material on orgies and BDSM/kink
A California high school teacher's 'queer library' included a book which said kink/BDSM was 'sexual liberation'
FIRST ON FOX – A California teacher in the Capistrano school district posted about a "queer library" in her classroom that was filled with over 100 books – some of which contained sex imagery, information on orgies, sex parties and BDSM.
The teacher at San Juan Hills High School, identified on the shool's website as Danielle Serio, is known as "Flint." Flint posted repeatedly on TikTok about books in the "queer library" and said it was available to students and has been active for five years.
One of the books, "Juliet Takes a Breath" by Gabby Rivera, contains extremely graphic imagery of sex between women.
"Everything you Ever Wanted to Know About Being Trans…" discusses BDSM, fetishes and a kink social media networking site.
"I find the BDSM/kink community to be extremely open-minded and welcoming in every way; it's a place of sexual liberation," the book states. "There is often more blanket level of acceptance of transgender people within the kink/BDSM (bondage and discipline, dominance and submission, sadism and masochism) scenes and sites such as FetLife."
FetLife is a social media networking site for the "kink community."
"These are people who have already opened themselves up to a greater range of romantic and erotic possibilities and transgender often just adds to the smorgasbord," the book states about those in the "kink community."
Another book, called "This Book is Gay," discusses the casual hookup site "Grindr" and includes detailed information on how to have anal and "girl on girl" sex.
"We all want to have sex with loads of people," the book states. "[T]he prostate gland… feels amazing when massaged. Lots of men, gay or straight, like how this feels." … -bdsm-kink
Mike gave you solid information. What you do not know is that teachers have been told not to tell parents that they are teaching CRT. CRT is a racist theory. All of your musings, to date, reflect talking points from the far Left. You will not find the truth on 98*% of media outlets, and especially not on Twitter. You would have to listen to interviews with both leaders and parents who have faced the truth about CRT. Given your view that Republicans are "threats of violence" which is propaganda, I doubt you're there yet.
But at least you asked.
No, as an educator I know this was not solid information. I understand the process of curriculum implementation much better than you.
CRT is a theory that is taught in law schools, when it is even taught at all, and I have yet to see these principles being taught in public schools to children. You should read the actual principles of CRT as it is taught at that level and you will see that it has nothing to do with what you think it is.
It's absolutely outrageous to propose that teachers are being told to keep things secret by administrators.
Have you gone to your local elementary school? Have you sat down with the administrators and asked them point blank if they're teaching law school principles to kindergarteners? Have you asked to look at the books that they're using?
Public schools across this country overwhelmingly use textbooks published by two or three companies, all of which are available to view online.
And how does this coordination happen? Who is telling all of these administrators or teachers to teach law school principals to Young children? Sounds like a pretty large operation considering the number of public schools in our country. How are they getting their orders? Are we still operating on the underground pizza parlor operation? Or Jewish space lasers or Italian satellites or what?
As an educator, looks like I was left out of the loop.
Apparently you were. Parents were not protesting because they had nothing better to do. Both Democrat and Republican parents protested. There is no divide when it comes to our children.
Darn you caught me. Hundreds of thousands of us are being coordinated from the basement of a Washington DC pizza parlor to indoctrinate your white children with principles reserved for law school students about how principles of racism have influenced the law. And absolutely all of us are on board with this. Consider yourself warned.
... so, you have walked in, sat down and have observed numerous teachers in numerous classrooms in numerous schools across the nation?
No and neither have of any of you.
But that doesn't stop you from assigning motives to thousands of teachers across the country
CRT is a cross-disciplinary examination, by social and civil-rights scholars and activists, to explore how laws, social and political movements, and media shapes, and is shaped by, social conceptions of race and ethnicity. Goals include challenging all mainstream and "alternative" views of racism and racial justice, including conservative, liberal and progressive.
No, sorry this was never part of my third grade curriculum. Since its generally seen in law schools as an elective course, I find it would be just a bit above the comprehension of most of our elementary students.
He finally addressed the elephant in the room: the irrational election denial and the threats of violence from Mr Trump supporters. He made a lot of good points. These things needed to be recognized.
This is sarcasm correct?
"Gradually it was disclosed to me that the line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either—but right through every human heart—and through all human hearts.
[The problem with the villainization of Trump and his supporters, this fight against evil and tyranny is that ] “They destroy only those carriers of evil contemporary with them…. And they then take to themselves as their heritage the actual evil itself, magnified still more. " ~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Whatever Trump wanted to be, wishes to be, or tried to be... ultimately he did no great evils, he did start a World War, he did not declare Martial Law, and he has left the Presidency behind.
He is the past, what is of concern, is the present, the current President, and his handling of not just Trump and those who would support him, but his determination to overthrow Putin as well.
... and yet China and Russia are joining.
Does he want WWIII?
Our coffers are emptying, our oil reserves are dwindling. Hillary gave away, (sold) a fifth of our uranium. China has what we need for solar power and what we need for electric cars such as cobalt, nickel other rare earth minerals ... Do we want to make China rich and powerful
... as we slide into poverty?
or worse ... slavery. … ort-shows/ … to-keep-up … is-tried-/
Yes, they are and it is just a matter of time before Iran attacks Israel. The writing is on the wall. This sends shivers of joy up and down the dark progressives' "soul.". This would never have happened under Trump. But China, Russia, and Iran know that Biden is weak and doesn't give a damn about this country. So long as his son can rake in the favors from China, he's good.
The question should have been, "Did Biden's speech fulfill your soul? If so, why? If not, why?
Interesting quote by Solzhenitsyn, by the way.
While Trump was labeled orange, one can see that all that red behind Biden in this speech made him appear the opposite color:
I found biden’s speech to be one of the stupidest and idiotic speeches ever made by a president of the United States.
That senseless, babbling, old fool imitating a president went on national television and called 75 million American fascists. A man who was behind shutting down businesses, schools and mandating vaccines, calls other people fascists. A man who ignores the role of Congress when it comes to finances with student debt forgiveness calls others fascists. Democrat governors were even forbidding people to do things such as go to hardware stores or go to beaches, and much more. What a hypocrite.
Then Captain Clueless, AKA biden, talks about MAGA violence. His VP promoted donations for a group that paid the bail of rioters who destroyed several cities and caused billions of dollars in damage because of THEIR rioting. Why was there no mention of the violence of ANTIFA? There are countless stores of Republicans being physically attacked only because they wore a MAGA hat. Captain Clueless didn’t mention the illegal protests against the Supreme Court Justices or even the attempted murder of a Supreme Court Justice. I could go on, but it would take too much time. He needs only to look at his party and their supporters if he wants to see real violence and authentic fascism. What a hypocrite.
His speech showed desperation. The likelihood of Republicans taking the Senate and Congress in November is increasing. The democrats have nothing else left to offer other than to demonize their opposition and attempt to rewrite history. That speech made it quite obvious.
The good news is that the speech has energized the Republican voting base in ways I’ve never seen before. People are more determined than when Donald Trump was running for president. Trust me, people were energized then and are even more so now. I don’t think the democrat party comprehends what they’ve unleashed.
I mean, what will he do (undo) in the time remaining?
Here is another interesting article on the subject.
Anti-Defamation League launches review of education content after Fox News Digital investigation
"Its "Education Glossary Terms," which the ADL said it used in anti-bias programs, addressed "intersectionality," a term coined by a critical race theorist named Kimberlé Crenshaw. Intersectionality holds that a person who is in various oppressed categories — for example, someone who is gay and a person of color — can be marginalized by multiple systems "simultaneously." Fox News Digital found that Crenshaw's theory on intersectionality was included in an ADL lesson plan from 2020 on women's rights.
DL's lesson plan called "Power and Privilege" included an exercise to help students identify their White privilege. One of the "privilege statements" included, "When I wear a hoodie, headphones or my pants sagging, no one says or thinks I’m dangerous."
According to the ADL, denying one's privilege is a "biased attitude."
The ADL included an article by Peggy McIntosh called "White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack" within the lesson plan. The article indicated that White women are "justly seen as oppressive" and said they "enjoy unearned skin privilege." … estigation
What a bunch of Malarky.
And if you are Chinese and live in China, you have "Chinese Privilege".
If you are Arab and Muslim then you have privilege in Western Asia and North Africa.
That's OK though, soon enough the Majority in America will be Hispanic and Spanish speaking, I am looking forward to that, because I know how they are going to handle the Malarky of this Black vs. White narrative.
You people are either mad or otherwise full of yourselves...
Witness 'King Donald" and his fairy tail that he wants to pawn off on children. … rt-3048096
Regardless of what you all say, he remains a loathsome tyrant
I agree with you. Trump supporters are living in Trump's fantasy world. He is the only president since Barry Goldwater who has not gracefully given the power to the next duly elected president. Instead, he continues to fantasize to his people, the election was stolen and even formed an insurrection using white supremist groups. They go to jail and he gets away scot free.
He grabbed all those documents, because he has the grand plan of being elected again.. If he is not, he will play the same game again and convince his people, the election was stolen and he will make himself president.
That's why he needs those documents to give him the edge and bargaining power with other entities. At this point he is very powerful as he has stacked the higher courts with many of the people he appointed and they feel beholden to him. These are all mafia like tactics.
He has as much power today as the DOJ and he is going to use it to keep himself from being indicted. Trump supporters don't realize, he is nothing more than a narcissistic master con man who plays to peoples fantasies. He already has control of congress and it will be just a matter of time, he will take over the government in some form that suits him. He is a threat to our democratic republic.
Took me a few hours, and a lot of reviewing of various threads.
That's the 317th time you've typed that, almost verbatim, in the last two years.
I guess you really believe it.
Ken: I believe what I said, but I don't believe what you said about me. I just posted that reply a few minutes ago. It took you a lot of hours to research my 317th times I have said that, unless you have mixed up with someone else.
So are you saying that is the first time you said it, or that I miscounted and you stated it more than 317 times in the last two years?
That is certainly a probable mistake on my part. 2x365 = 730 if you made a post in that regard even once every other day that would equal 365.
Ken… We are up against those who deny what they say, and believe denying the truth is the truth. PP has no capacity to recognize truth. Most of us know that, except for some “educators” here.
In any event, I appreciate your having researched actual (archived) data.
My prayer (that is not to say you believe in prayer) is that the 3 million illegals Biden has admitted into our country (which is against the law) will, in years to come, reject his policies just as American Hispanics todays have rejected Biden in fantastic and beautiful numbers this year!
But, Biden, the degenerate (according to his daughter, many other women, and historical fact) is only concerned about only short term gains, like the lawless and narcissistic person he is and has always been.
Ken… We are up against those who deny what they say, and believe that denying the truth is the truth. But even hard core Progressive's here recognize the “useful idiot” when they see them. Their dupes advance the Progressive cause… that is, until the they no longer have use for them.
Meanwhile, the mushy moderates aka, so-called conservatives, remain silent here and elsewhere.
It is no wonder our nation is at risk. Progressives rely on spineless “Independents” & never Trump “Conservatives” to advance their cause. Those who would destroy our economy and our families know how to take advantage of “intellectuals” who will never lift a finger to defend our freedom, much less the Republican Party.
That is not to say you are a Republican. For example, I cannot imagine voting for Tulsi Gabbard, whom you would’ve chosen as a candidate for U.S. President, and who has defended the Syrian dictator, Asaad, the murderer.
I digress.
Keep fighting for freedom, Ken. Freedom is precious and so easy to lose.
"Most of us know that, except for some “educators” here."
Oh yes most of you know better. Heck, what do worthless "educators" know? You're quite a nasty person.
I apologize if I made you feel bad. Your news sources are not telling you the truth. And yes, there is such a thing as Truth.
Who's truth with that be? My truth? Your truth?
Who is determining this truth? Just does it just come from the sources you deem credible?
At any rate, I consume news across the political spectrum.
Did Trump have a peaceful transfer of power to Biden when he lost the election? How many presidents before him had a peaceful transfer of power when they lost the election? I rest my case.
Ultimately I believe the Hispanic population is going to be what saves America, in the near future.
I have thought this for a few years now and the reasoning boils down to the fact that they aren't going to buy into the Black vs. White narrative.
They aren't going to accept the 'white privilege' narrative, they won't want to hear about 'restitution and reparations'... and they damned sure aren't going to support the 'its OK that this type of person robs you because they have been a victim of society.'
As for Biden and our 'State of the Nation' I summarized my thoughts on it in the thread linked below: … ng-tyranny
Some make Parson's character from 1984 look smart. Sad for our democracy and freedom for which brave Americans gave their lives.
Thanks Mike, I needed to break up this rightwing mutual admiration society.
It is like an alien presence came and turned once reasonable people into Trumpbots. Is there any outrage that they would not react to?
Well, Goldwater was a prick as well. Landslide Lyndon won an overwhelming victory back in 1964.
I am exhausted with the endless excuses for Trump's stupidity in this matter of the appropriate handling of classified documents.
Conservatives want to censor Toni Morrison and Alice Walker, but allow the clown prince of crime the ability to indoctrinate impressionable children's with his lies.
This document issue is more than just an "oversight", nobody is that stupid, or so I thought. He had some sort of sinister intentions associated with holding them.
Yes according to this article this is the threat and why so many of his lemmings are amored by him. … -exception
Have to give you credit for being a great propaganda machine. You make Obama & Reverend Wright proud. Sadly.
Praise from a master is most gratifying, thanks, Savvy.
Ha! You flatter me, dear Credence. So many of us have been around for years. Oh, the nostalgia. HP was kinder back then. Have a good evening, my recalcitrant friend.
Until we disagree again...
"He had some sort of sinister intentions associated with holding them."
And the earth is flat, the sun circles around the earth and the moon is made of green cheese.
Claims are a dime a dozen, as are opinions, but both are worthless without supporting evidence and fact. Particularly when they spring from intense dislike or hatred rather than real events or experience.
LOL people these days take just about anything as supporting evidence to their opinions. We are in an age of design your own truth and reality. And if you don't like someone else's, just deny its existence
"He is the only president since Barry Goldwater"
Yeah, if there had been a President Goldwater, we would be having an entirely different conversation right now.
Many lies were told {still are told} about Goldwater and so instead...we the people got stuck with President Johnson.
Perhaps that is around the time our fabric began to unravel. Stitched up/repaired, a couple of times, over the years, by a couple of conservative Presidents (sadly, only two) and NOW, it's just a race to our finish; the progressive left are seeing to that!
I was kind of wondering where that guy studied American history!
Sorry, I am still bugged by that, can you tell?
As far as PP goes, hard to say, hard to figure!
He was thoroughly brainwashed at the university of CNN.
I guess the fact checkers there decided that Goldwater was a former president.
This is the ignorance Republicans have to deal with everyday. According to Democrats and half of Independents, facts are whatever you decide they are, or what CNN, MSM & Twitter tell them they are, regardless of documented truths.
This mindset is a very real threat to the freedom patriotic Americans honor and cherish & which uninformed Americans take for granted.
A big LOL. And people don't believe in the Gospel according to Fox, OAN and Newsmax?
This could be considered a serious case of rightwing derangement, AB,
Barry Goldwater was a militarist and a saber rattler in a time of serious controversy over Cold War threats to peace.
People did not get stuck with LBJ, but he won by a landslide, so who got "stuck"?
While Goldwater was not really a racist, his stands on state rights supported Southern States in their Jim Crow and the restricting of voting right for residents having the wrong color. He was a man whose rants and raves time has passed, even as long ago as '64, where I can say that the Civil Rights community was not going to tolerate a "turning back of the clock". WE were not in the mood and this wasn't the time.
Appropriately, he only won in the deep Southern States and in his native Arizona.
If Goldwater had won, this country and this society may well have ceased to exist.
It doesn't matter about Barry Goldwater. The point I was trying to make is that Trump is the only candidate that ran for president that did not afford the duly elected president the peaceful transfer of power. Instead, he did Jan.6 and tried to change the outcome of the election to suit himself.
Trump is obsessed with winning and will do anything to win including having others destroy government property while destroying his opponents politically. It didn't work for him, but he is still obsessed with winning the election and he has brought his supporters with him who are just like sheep. They even think he won because they have been brainwashed by a narcissistic master con man who plays to their fantasies.
So what was your point exactly about referring to Goldwater as President? I am not following & not sure if anyone else is either.
Also, what do you mean by, "Trump did Jan.6"? Because when I see, "Trump did Jan.6", I recall how he made an appearance, gave his speech, as planned, as scheduled, and then he exited the stage...because that is what happened!
There's "obsession" alright, but it ain't Trump who is obsessed!
"He grabbed all those documents, because he has the grand plan of being elected again.. If he is not, he will play the same game again and convince his people, the election was stolen and he will make himself president.
That's why he needs those documents to give him the edge and bargaining power with other entities. At this point he is very powerful as he has stacked the higher courts with many of the people he appointed and they feel beholden to him. These are all mafia like tactics."
It seems you share this statement as factual. You mention a "plan", it seems you know factually what Trump was going to do with the documents. This is curious, I don't think is fair, in any respect.
((... at one point, it was whispered that they were trying to get his evidence against Hilary for this case: … 0b0dc.html
... but as you can see it has all ended.))
Ya know what Kathryn, We just don't know if Trump even knew what was in his basement or if he personally went through what ended up in his basement. We have seen well-played leaks. I just want a fair picture of all of this, the other side. We are seeing one side, nothing else.
We see our most trusted law enforcement agencies leaking, and agents leaving due to biased actions... I have come to be mistrustful of the FBI, and DOJ. I see no indictments, only once again leaked allegations.
These allegations to me appear very political, and like ploys.
I want facts. If I don't see facts I will go with what is in front of me --- no indictments no laws broken. Another witchhunt.
Sharlee: Trump has and or had top secret documents that required a specific highly secure environment to access them. What do you think he was going to do with them...make paper airplanes out of them?
What's not fair is that as a civilian, he should not have possession of documents that are detrimental to the national security of the United States of America. … formation/
For Trump’s Lawyers, Legal Exposure Comes With the Job … li=BBnb7Kz
"Sharlee: Trump has and or had top secret documents that required a specific highly secure environment to access them. What do you think he was going to do with them...make paper airplanes out of them?"
To be honest, I don't know what he was going to do with them. I could assume, I could even just make up a great scenario of what he would have done with them. I am more apt to ask questions. In hopes of getting some facts beyond DOJ leaks. The leaks just promoted me to wonder ----
Who packed the documents?
Did Trump order this person or persons to pack certain documents?
Did Trump personally pack any documents during the move?
Were any of these documents shared with anyone else?
Were the containers even opened when the archives went in to assess them?
Why didn't the DOJ take all boxes when they had the opportunity to in June with the subpoena?
Could have that prevented a raid of Trump's home?
You see one can come up with many questions. The problem occurs when one just without any facts, answers with their own imagination.
Just seems unfair, to me. I mean your statement appeared so mattered fact ---
"He grabbed all those documents, because he has the grand plan of being elected again.. If he is not, he will play the same game again and convince his people, that the election was stolen and he will make himself president.
That's why he needs those documents to give him the edge and bargaining power with other entities. "
It certainly appears (although he has not been charged) that he should not have taken some of the documents. Although we have not heard Trump's explanation as to why he took the documents in question. Perhaps we never will, unless he is indited. If he broke any laws, I expect the DOJ to do its job. If not, we have a problem, because it appears they believe Trump has broken several laws, I mean they raided his home. They certainly had to show cause. If they don't indite, I guess we are all left to add our own scenarios as to why this all happened, our unfactual views... As we did with Russiagate and all the rest of the Trump investigations.
It is also been reported the FBI took some of Trump's personal documents that contained attorney-client privilege documents, as well as several passports, and his health records. Who will the FBI agents they answer to? Has an ex-president lost his right to privacy? I must remind you he is not just a citizen, he is an ex-president and had access to any and all documents while president.
Do you feel Joe Biden should be trusted at this point with his son under investigation for several crimes? I have offered an article that offers information on the several crimes Hunter is being investigated for. Just wondering if you see a problem with Joe Biden having access to any and all government documents when his son is clearly under investigation, and suspicion of many crimes that include foreign players? … un-1726578
Please note, that I am not offering an opinion on the many problems that the media is sharing in regard to Hunter. Just offering a media report. It is clear as of today, there as in the case of Trump have been no indictments.
In fact, parents are becoming more and more vocal in expressing disappointment and anger at what is being taught and presented to their children outside of academics.
I was a sub for GUSD and was threatened with a very short career if I did not follow the teachers' lesson plans for the day, exactly. In one elementary school, I was to present the horrible treatment of Africans being transported on slave ships to America: Rats gnawing at their toes, little to eat or drink, tied up and piled on top of each other for the entire trip. To eight and nine year olds! From the text book! The administration reprimanded me for telling the students to read the rest of the history chapter at home with their parents. In another elementary school, I was expected to read a certain book, (a fiction all about gay adult men and their trials and tribulations at "coming out,") in support of the gay lifestyle. In both cases, I stopped the lesson and risked getting fired.
I lasted as a sub in that district until 2019 when I was "separated" due to telling seven year olds that the Elf on the Shelf did not really surveil them from Nov 29 until Dec 25, and that it was just a doll and could not fly to the North Pole every night to tell Santa who was good or bad. I had come upon the elf propped on a book shelf toward the back of the class and patted it saying, "How cute!" The entire class exclaimed that by touching it, I took away its magic powers. I went along with the fantasy until one child came up to me and said, "That's okay, if you say the magic incantation it will get its powers back." It was too much nonsense for me and at that point I just told them the truth. This fantastical story, however, is part of the Christmas tradition in public schools, mostly, I presume, to help the teachers discipline their students for an entire month.
Our children are being held hostage. Thank you for providing this dreadful and heartbreaking experience in school lesson planning. Maybe Faye will read it.
While I appreciate the example experienced by one individual I cannot and will not generalize it out to be the experience of the greater majority. I do not share in Kathryn's experience. And I certainly do not believe children are being held hostage by educators.
Again, this is another nonsensical issue that politicians use to stoke fear. Do you ever wonder where the Republican's platform is that deals with real issues? Inflation? Immigration? Healthcare and so on??
Why is it always these sort of Fringe culture war issues?
As an independent voter, it certainly doesn't draw me In.
Do you remember a news story about a child who shot himself as he sat trying to do his zoom lessons at home on the computer during the lockdown? This is a child who was being forced at HOME to do the public school work. I don't know the whole story, but the story haunts me to this day and I wish I knew more about what led to the poor child ending his own young LIFE!
Of course, children are being held hostage by their public school educators in more ways than one.
This is why Home-School and other new directions in education are on the rise.
"This is why Home-School and other new directions in education are on the rise."
Many homeschool programs are done by the child, alone and in front of a computer.
How does this differ from the way in which some of our nation's children learned during the pandemic?
At least children during the pandemic were able to join the rest of their class via zoom. Many homeschool children never join any sort of online classroom. Talk about isolation.
There is a lot to discuss regarding this topic. Maybe on another thread,
or not.
Are you serious? That is all Republicans care about and talk about. I continue to be amazed at how little your average person knows about important matters that are actually happening in the US every day, to include the policies Republicans hold dear and have plans for.
The fact that you stated and believes Republicans “are prone to violence” tells me you know nothing at all.
I sent you a link a day ago. I assume you didn’t bother to look at it.
It's hard to read this thread. It goes on and on, and we have so many true problems that are worsening daily. The projecting is serious here at this point. When will the Democrats ever realize how very transparent their representatives have become each and every election we see and hear the same BS from them? The projection is thick here on HP's.
Lindsey Graham of South Carolina warned, repeatedly, that there would be violence in the streets if Mr Trump were indicted for anything.
In terms of what Republicans have to offer? I am not reading or hearing anything other than culture war issues from all of those running in this midterm election.
Where is the platform on anything meaningful and consequential to the country? In my own State we have a governor's race that is completely focused upon making abortion illegal at fertilization and making sure newborns private parts aren't whacked off. It's insulting to anyone with a moderate amount of intelligence. Especially living in a state that does so poorly on indicators of education, healthcare, the economy and so on. But hey I suppose folks exchange living in squalor and having little opportunity for the excitement of the culture wars.
As far as the link, I cannot take Mark Levin seriously. For every story he has I can raise you 10 opposite stories based on my own experience. So who is right?
Anyone else think this is a personal attack?
Faye; I do. You have to forgive them for they know not what they say.
PP, I understand you have your opinion, which you are entitled to, but using the Lord’s words in vain and for self serving purposes is not okay. It is an abomination unto the Lord and his righteousness.
No one should stoop that low.
As an aside, HP can track IP addresses on any bots, human or otherwise.
Savvy: OMG get a life. I didn't even think about the lords name in vain or otherwise. It was just a saying that popped into my head. You self righteous people are a pain in you know what. Oh I'm sorry, I said Oh my God. Are you going to chastise me for that as well?
No, not at all Faye?!? Savvy is right, you have no profile, no history here whatsoever!
I remember questioning you about this a few months back, when you first started chiming in here in the forums. I have had my doubts about you ever since.
Prove me wrong.
Be careful, I got dinged for accusing certain forum participants of misrepresenting themselves. You may be treading upon dangerous ground.
If I am wrong, I will make my apologies Cred.
It just seems to me that the human heart and soul has to shine through all of this heavy stuff we discuss, eventually, with some subject, at some point!
Maybe I am the problem, maybe I don't belong here. Because my heart hurts often, with some of the places our topics take us and I must walk away at times, for my own good. Hopefully everyone here understands what I am saying.
I do understand the feeling of pain but do not understand why you are even concerned. It is not like she is claiming to be some senator or presidential appointee. She is an educator from Arkansas, and has as much right to express her views as the rest of us.
You guys crack me up. So you think that Faye is a robot. If she is, that is one hell of a robot. Let's see this robot can reply with cogent messaging. The robot can draw from paste experiences as an educator and arguing in logical terms. That's amazing for a robot.
I do not think Faye is a robot and do not know where you came up with that idea. I have noticed that you speak as if you attended the university of CNN so maybe you were not able to understand the comment.
You think People is a CNN junkie, hah, you need to check out Esoteric.
That man's world is defined by CNN, reality begins and ends with it for him.
Yes, I noticed that too!!! I wonder when the pair of them will find out that it is an entertainment company and no more reliable than Fox.
Oh you people know not of what you speak. I get a lot of my news from msn which is an admixture of all kinds of news outlets including Fox and MAGA websites.
Also I watch David Muir on NBC, He presents the unbiased world news. I watch Fareed Zakaria on Sunday mornings. He has notably head of states on his program. Sunday he was in Ukraine and interviewed Zelensky. How many people on Fox news can attest to that?
DRMARK: My comment about Faye and the robot was not supposed to be addressed to you. It was for Savy and others who think Faye is a robot. My forum is set for chronological, not threaded and you were the last comment.
My apologies. I thought you were saying that I was calling her a bot. (I did chuckle when I saw her new avatar.)
Dr. Mark, I think you may have misunderstood AB's comments. She would never deny anyone's free speech.
The question I posited has to do with the credibility of a site or IP address.
You can always look up Loudon County, Virginia elections to learn more. I supplied the retired educator with a link to an interview with Gov. Youngkin and Winsome Sears, Lieutenant governor, but she refused to look at it. In any event, they speak eloquently about CRT and the rights of parents and children.
Thanks Savvy, golly!!
I love the team of Youngkin & Sears, I plan to check out the link you've provided.
No need to apologize AB, you are a passionate soul and are quite invested in your beliefs. It may differ vastly from my perspective, but where is the fun if we all had identical opinions?
So, yes, I understand.....
Great reply, Cred, I certainly do not agree with you or Faye either but certainly enjoy seeing your input here and reading your views.
We do pretty well, considering the many backgrounds, beliefs, personalities {and occasional trolling troublemakers} represented here at HP.
To keep things cordial the majority of the time is quite an accomplishment IMHO.
Oh well I guess I'll consider myself the trolling troublemaker. Proud to be a recalcitrant hillbilly through and through upsetting the apple cart at every turn.
I wasn't referring to you; there have been quite a few trolls come and go through the years! Most are harmless but a few have left their mark, somehow managing to takedown a few long-time & popular HP authors.
Why on Earth do I have anything to prove? And more ridiculously, why would I have to prove anything to you?
It's not your place to question me. Lol, this is the internet, not some private club. Google lands people in various places all the time whether by intention or by accident as I have here. Have all the doubts you want.
I believe you have misquoted Graham. The context of the interview where he made a statement in regard to violence in the street was with Gowdey. He was comparing the way Trump has been treated to the way Hunter, his dad, and Hillary have been treated. \
"Sen. Lindsey Graham has warned there “literally will be riots in the street” if former President Donald Trump is prosecuted following the raid on his Florida Mar-a-Lago compound.
“Most Republicans — including me — believe when it comes to Trump, there is no law. It’s all about getting him,” the South Carolina Republican told Fox News’ “Sunday Night in America.”
“There is a double standard when it comes to Trump,” he insisted, comparing the unprecedented Mar-a-Lago raid to the lack of action against either Hunter Biden or former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton".
"And I’ll say this if there is a prosecution of Donald Trump for mishandling classified information after the Clinton debacle … there will be riots in the streets,” Graham told host Trey Gowdy."
The leading lawmaker repeated the concern again that he has “never been more worried about the law in politics as I am right now.”“How can you tell a conservative Republican that the system works when it comes to Trump?”
He also called the earlier probe into unfounded Russian interference in the 2016 election a “joke of an investigation” in which “people lied and manipulated the evidence.”
“Look at what happened to Hunter Biden. They gave him a complete pass, apparently. And social media outlets in this country suppressed information that could have mattered,” he said of the censorship of The Post’s shocking exposés on the first son’s outrageous behavior.
“And if they try to prosecute President Trump for mishandling classified information after Hillary Clinton set up a server in her basement — there literally will be riots in the street,” Graham repeated." Please watch the interview Graham's context is very clear. … rosecuted/
He shared his opinion, and he gave clear context as to why he felt there would be violence. He was very open.
He did not say the words repeatedly, that there would be violence in the streets if Mr. Trump were indicted for ANYTHING." He was specific, and his context was clear. He was displeased with how Trump was treated with such bias, in light of how Hunter, and Hillary thus far escaped any charges. The media fed p on sentence, and many that like this form of media ran with it. His conversation with Gowdey was interesting, and yes, he offered his views.
Did Biden make mention of any of your concerns last week or did he seek to spread rhetoric to stir up his base? Does he ever mention any of our greatest concerns? I say no he did not. In my view, he made a fool of himself, with an angry baiting loud accusation, a red angry face, and both fists in the air. So, in my view, he deepened the divide,
as he sought to do, he pitted cultures, calling some Americans fascists. He is trying to make the term MAGA a fascist slogan. Make America Great. Again... Like no other time do we need to heed that very slogan.
Republicans are out campaigning on bread and butter issues. You may not be tuning into the right media or reading the right publications.
Republicans are certainly bashing Biden for his poor job record, and all the problems he ignores and can't handle. Biden has given
republicans a treasure trove to run on.
Including his support for Gender issues, and abortion. You see conservatives are not partial to either. These issues are being used by both sides. So, isn't fair to point a finger at just the Republicans?
Disagree and I am surprised that you didn't refer to him as an outright racist, as is usually the case. Johnson on the other hand, was a real piece of work! Like every other Democrat, he wondered who he could use {especially blacks} and not how he could best equally SERVE, all of the people!! He was definitely a big government guy like every other Dem, which does us zero favors. Because as we all know (or should know) our form of Government requires government limited in size and scope.
If you truly feel we are better off for choosing Johnson, that is your prerogative. I just don't share in it.
I am sorry, but I have to object. There are many posters that choose to involve themselves solely in the forums and not write articles. There is no law that people have to identify themselves to the satisfaction of others.
I dunno, with Rightwingers, being too accessible gives a Salmon Rushdie sort of need for caution.
Savvy, what is this use the lord's name in vain stuff? Mike's comment is appropriate and has nothing to do with religious sacrilege or blasphemy.
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