The Hypocrisy Of America

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  1. soldout1 profile image60
    soldout1posted 13 years ago

    Living In America has always came with a Rule Book call double standards. Obama is just a Black Man handling White Affairs. Many Americans definition of America is White' not all but many. I see this on the job and in the market places to this very day. I've never understood the color issue personally. And why America implemented the word race when referring to culture in the first place. What are they racing against? Only Dogs see black and White. Maybe this is where we get our word Sheppard' GERMAN Sheppard. When did color really be come a factor in history?  Well, we are hear now. Obama was selected for what purpose. Everyone knew the depth of America's dept and the condition of her economy. So lets deal with the real reason this particular President was selected. The Country was already deep in before he was even selected. Why would they choose an experienced President in the first place? White America is to quick to destroy this mans image. There had to be another reason for choosing this President. It would make it a lot easier to throw stones f course. Really, why did White Americans choose this President,giving him less then two years to accomplish a 4 year term?

    1. profile image0
      Brenda Durhamposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Obama's destroying his own image by his anti-Life, anti-traditional-marriage, anti-patriotism, anti-Christian words and actions.
      Stop defending the indefensible.

      1. soldout1 profile image60
        soldout1posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        If  you can destroy his image why can't Idefend it? Nothing is indefensible.

      2. Jeff Berndt profile image73
        Jeff Berndtposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        "Stop defending the indefensible."
        Stop making stuff up.

        1. soldout1 profile image60
          soldout1posted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Tee Hee Hee' your so funny and Cool. Made up huh.

        2. Evan G Rogers profile image61
          Evan G Rogersposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          off topic, there's a great book called "Defending the Undefendable" by walter block.

          Great stuff.

      3. IntimatEvolution profile image68
        IntimatEvolutionposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        This is so laughable.  Hardy, harr-har Brenda.

        Where do you come up this logic?  The comic strips?  The political cartoons?

        Amazing..........roll  At least you're consistent.hmm

        1. Jeff Berndt profile image73
          Jeff Berndtposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Did someone say something once about consistency and hobgoblins?

      4. profile image0
        kimberlyslyricsposted 13 years agoin reply to this


        to OP;    The whole race thing is si 2006 also,  chill.  And I'm not even American  lol

    2. Ruben Rivera profile image59
      Ruben Riveraposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Very simple

      Republican in office for eight years, they get fed up and elect a democrat for the next eight.  Same cycle all over again.

      Obama will probably be in office for another four but at the end of the next term, his ratings will be to the ground.

      I'll vote for Condoleeza if she runs for the Republican party.

      1. soldout1 profile image60
        soldout1posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I really don't think so. Will the Economy hold for that long,  The floor is going  to cave. The foundation is being streched too thin right now. Common Sense . Condoleeza 'thats funny. Thanks for  your comment.

    3. profile image0
      Deborah Sextonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      My family voted for Obama because we loved him. He is not black anyway, he is Mulatto.

      There are a diverse amount of people who are not Caucasian in America. Think about moving to another country

      1. soldout1 profile image60
        soldout1posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        So that's what satisfy your fancy, that he is Mulatto? Give me break. What country does not have the Great Britian hand in its pot. From Rome(German) to Great Britian(Greek) Greeco-Rome the hand of the white man has dominated.   know this sounds horrible and racist, but there is no easy way to put it. All roads really lead back to Rome. America was the country in which I was born and my forefathers were brought into slavery.  But its just like the so call american to tell its unwanted native to move to another Country. America will reap the harvest of her greed and hatred toward her fellow man. The greed that has devastated its own people Black and White, no one has been deprived of her Robbery.. It doesn't matter Deborah how diverse this country has become. Its root remain the same. Greed Is It Her Root. Slavery is at her Root. Racism is at her Root. Therefore the fruit will remain the same.

        1. profile image0
          Brenda Durhamposted 13 years agoin reply to this

 don't like being in America?

          But indeed it will remain the same, as long as the vengeful hand calling for vengeance upon people for what was done before they were ever even born, continues to slap Americans in the face.

          It amazes me how people hold grudges for ages-ago happenings, while radical Islam that destroyed so many lives on 9/11 is being treated with kid gloves.

          1. couturepopcafe profile image61
            couturepopcafeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Save your breath, Brenda.  She won't concede one iota to anything positive.

          2. JOE BARNETT profile image59
            JOE BARNETTposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            hey brenda- longtime. the success of this country was at the expense of black people. it was wrong! there are no two ways about it. that doesn't make 911 correct nor does 911 excuse slavery and all the racism that followed after it. blacks were cheated out of any portion of anything. there was nothing to inherit to pass along because you were cheated and every dollar that flowed through america was earned directly from your hand. brenda i know how you are, full of fire. tell me what would your conversation be if this were you? i understand how the descendants of the slave owners and the inheritors of goods money and favors past on for generations want to distance themselves from it.
            OHMA- yes the whites did commit an injustice to blacks. period! i understand how you would like to pass the buck on this issue. but this is history. it is what it is

            1. Ohma profile image60
              Ohmaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              I did not say that what the Whites did was right or excusable. It was neither of those things but this is another of those subjects like religion where people tend to leave out the parts that make them uncomfortable.
              All I am saying is if the whites that bought slaves and all of their descendants are racist then what about the Blacks that sold them into slavery to begin with? That is history you do not get to pick and chose which part of it you report.

              1. JOE BARNETT profile image59
                JOE BARNETTposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                ohma- we have always known that. it doesn't make us anymore uncomfortable. but while we are on the topic of uncomfortable , what i do see is, the minute this topic comes up everyone immediately starts a song and a dance almost like al jolson as to how somebody else is to blame. like now you say , it's the blacks fault that they became slaves. it's all their own fault huh?

              2. JOE BARNETT profile image59
                JOE BARNETTposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                they were criminals!

            2. profile image0
              Brenda Durhamposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              What would my conversation be, you ask?

              I would say that it was horrid what was done to my race, and I would blast anyone who upheld it even today.   But I would NOT blame you, or anyone living today, or anyone living THEN, who didn't take part in it or could do nothing about it!

              And even the ones who perpetuated those horrible crimes against humanity, are....gone.  And so God will judge them.

              Unlike you apparently and Obama and many (not all) blacks,  I don't place grudges against people who did me NO WRONG, nor the descendants of people who DID me wrong, nor the descendants of people who did my family wrong, unless they uphold the wrong-doing.

              Once something is resolved and rectified,  there is no more bitterness or conflict from that event.   Perhaps a certain mistrust or distance until the wrong-doer proves himself, if possible, but no more vengeance. 

              As horrible as the persecution of blacks and slavery was, there is a huge portion of today's civil-rights movement that is perpetuating vengeance.  Unwarranted vengeance upon people simply for the color of their skin!   Sound like anything you recall in history?   Only today, the skin color is white.   Just because I'm white, you hold in your heart a vengeance against me;  you assume that you're "owed" something that I've gotten, simply because my ancestors were white.   The calls for "reparation" are simply calls for vengeance.  Isn't that the truth, Joe?? 

              What I "owe" you, Joe, is simple human respect.  But then, I owe that to everyone, and I give that to everyone.   And you "owe" me the same respect.  But I don't owe you or anyone else any reparation for the sins of white people;  and you don't owe me anything else either except simple respect.   I'm white.  You're black.  Who cares??  Not me.   

              But you and I have had a conversation before about Obama.  I believe he was put in Office simply BECAUSE his skin is black.    I hate almost everything he's done, every policy he's put into effect.  But I don't hate his soul, and I don't hate him for the color of his skin.   I DO hate it when HE plays the race card, though.  And when others do it.  Roland Burris sits in Obama's vacated Senate seat for one reason only---because he's a black man.

              You're fairly conservative on some issues, aren't you, Joe?   But yet you back Obama because he's black.   Tell me, what policies of his are conservative?   None that I've seen!  And if you'll look past his skin color, there will be none that you see either.   He's perpetuating everything from black vengeance to killing unborn babies to urging the homosexual agenda to ride the coattails of the past-legitimate civil rights movement.

              It may have been high time that there's a black President,  but not THAT ONE.   Maybe a conservative like Larry Elder (I don't know all his views, but from what I've seen he's a "good" man.   Maybe ........who, Joe?   Tell me a black man who's conservative enough to lead this Nation the way it should be led,  and I'll start writing his name all over the internet.   The problem is that most of the black Candidates are so into black-rights activism that they don't seem to want to focus on the issues that need to be focused on!    Like that guy that Barbara Boxer got into an argument with.  I'm not for Barbara Boxer, but in that incident she was right and the black man was wrong.  He played the race card in a "God-awful" way, yet blamed HER for it!  My mouth dropped as I watched him and others say it was okay what he did.
                You can't have it both ways, Joe.  Either you're FOR equality or you're not.   Either the NAACP is FOR equality or it's for special rights for one specific group of people.

              1. JOE BARNETT profile image59
                JOE BARNETTposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                HEY BRENDA-well i'm having to start over because this pc started an update right in the middle of my response.
                this response begins and ends with equality. slavery was an extreme lack of it. it allowed whites to think that they were better than blacks. it was an illusion a false sense of superiority. when slavery ended this false sense of superiority allowed another 150 years of racism( blacks being cheated, red lining and held to a different standard)having to go to seperate schools and learn from old,used trashed out ragged books)in the south and whites thought that was fair.they talked and made jokes about blacks on tv and radio.they thought that was fair. they held blacks to a different and much harsher standard.

                this made blacks "KEENLY" aware of how they are and knew what the outcome of any situation would be , before it happened. for example- we watch as you say absolutely nothing about geo. bush all but collapsing the country. your only complaint is with obama trying to fix it. ha ha ha  but we know. we watched the public ridicule of blacks and then the song " babys'got back" came out. i never saw such crying in my life. whites cried and complained about how unequal and insensitive it was . in the south they had it banned from the radio.they were in a tizzy. it was a shock for them to see the things that what we knew but never said and that was the tip of the iceberg.

                now days we have victims compensation, civil courts and all kinds of arbitration. these groups and agencies are made to dispense money that is owed, to make whole again. as long as it is owed . . . it is owed. if a business goes out of business you will not receive compensation. but america is still in business, reapt all the benefits of slavery, has the money to pay it and owes any other standard it would and should be paid. why not now? because it would be everything. there would be a total financial shift. all money would go to blacks. whites are in deep debt,they and the rest of the world watch and know this. its appalling. watching them talk out of both sides of their mouths. if you do it , it's bad . if they do it , it's good! ha ha ha and they think no one can see this. and this same thought process carries on in the republican party, today. do or say whatever we can to make money and at anybodies expense.

                i am democrat only because of it's philosophy.dems are for the people of which i am one. republicans are "strictly" for business. they care not for the people. they will work you for nickles a day in the most dangerous of conditions if allowed. when they can't they move to a third world country leaving you unemployed.they hire the illegal aliens while complaining of illegal immigration. abortion in an early enough stage i don't think is bad and is certainly better than all the homemade , back alley stuff that used to go on and will continue to go on if abortion were reversed. i know you know and remember what i'm talking about.

                you talk of us voting for obama just because he is black. but you didn't vote for him and you complain about him "just because he is black". eventhough he is obviously much smarter and has a better education than bush,did not take part in this collapse and has made each situation better( wall street,healthcare etc).this racism is so ingrained in some that they think that if they say hello to a person of another race then that makes them not a racist. whites are for such high standards as long as those standards are for someonelse and this truly is "the hipocracy of America"

                1. Jim Hunter profile image61
                  Jim Hunterposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  "i am democrat only because of it's philosophy.dems are for the people of which i am one. republican is strictly business. they care not for the people."

                  This sentence caught my eye.

                  Joe, who do you work for?

                  How many people are dancing in the streets over the democrat health care plan?

                  There are 30 companies seeking exemptions from the health care plan so that they can continue to offer their employees affordable coverage. You remember that coverage Obama said we wouldn't lose? He lied.

                  In a capitalist society business is a pretty important thing, putting up obstacles in the way of business doesn't help the "people" it hurts them.

                  You may have noticed the recession that we are currently experiencing? Taxing and punishing business is prolonging it, you want to help the people?

                  Vote every democrat and every fake republican you can out of office.

                  1. Ralph Deeds profile image65
                    Ralph Deedsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    Some think the health care reform went too far and others think it didn't go far enough. Others support it. The total of supporters and those who think it should go farther amounts to a majority.

                  2. JOE BARNETT profile image59
                    JOE BARNETTposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    jim hunter- wow that was fast. i was still writing. in response to this i will tell you that the people that are dancing in the streets are the 30 million people that were begging for it. this is where me and republicans break down and people like your self. they scream of gov't becoming too big while they sleep under flame retardant blankets and clothes and homes. with medicine(fda) and food and technical(osha) things and on and on etc etc. that you call an obstacle to business. you say that now till you or someone close die from food posioning from unregulated meat(usda). and on the creation of each one of these agencies a person like your self stood up screaming " regulation is against freedom. some insurance companies are opting out of the business now because they can nolonger charge the greedy inflated rates. you need to look for and watch the movie the will show you how the insurance companies are and should change your view. debate is healthy!

                  3. soldout1 profile image60
                    soldout1posted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    Jim are you losing it?   Do  you honestly believe that the Ruplicans are going to make things right?  How did America end up here in the first place? You are not being honest. The condition of this economy could not be fixed not even in four years by Obama. And for those that could not afford Health Care, now they have a chance to get coverage.  Jim  when greed is premitted to continue by those that have lined their pockets by robbing the American People we then deserve the outcome. This is and has alway for the pass 50 years been the way of the Republican Party. After slavery the Republican party catered more towards blacks for their votes. And history records that blacks at this time voted Republican. It wasn't long before Jim Crow ruled in the south and the Repulican Party only benifited the upper classes. Has anyone done their history? The economy is always left in shams when the Republicans leave office.  The Economic System is broken and lower levels are left holding the bag. This is the history of the republican party. Even Plato who is the writer of this western culture warned of  greed and how it had no place in politics. At least he was more merciful then Machiavelli in whom his own society imprisoned and executed. Plato said that if greed was the motivater behind political decisions that the greater would then consume the lesser. Obama went after those that were Financially comfortable. Those that never considered  the lesser classes who could never benifit from the Republican Party. Yet the little man  who has struggled under the weight of Lack, you are saying crys out for the republican party'. this is  insane. Whats wrong with our society when greed and self love has become the determinig factor of politics.  Obama's greatest defeat is that he actually has a heart. It doesn't fit well within this system. A heartless Political Beast.  Mine Mine Mine is the out cry of today. How sad.

              2. Jim Hunter profile image61
                Jim Hunterposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                "Like that guy that Barbara Boxer got into an argument with.  I'm not for Barbara Boxer, but in that incident she was right and the black man was wrong.  He played the race card in a "God-awful" way, yet blamed HER for it!"

                You think her condescending attitude and expectation that the Gentleman should fall into line because of his skin color was right?

                That man was absolutely correct in going off on her and should call her up today and do it again just for good measure.

                I don't know what you watched but I saw something completely different.

              3. JOE BARNETT profile image59
                JOE BARNETTposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                BRENDA I HAD TO RESPOND IN TWO ENTRIES- i like you just fine. what racism and slavery did was create a huge mistrust of the white race. you can go around the world and meet everyone, but the whites are known(world wide) for stabbing you in the back and it's true. whites used the race card non-stop . i don't think it is as effective as it used to be because people know better or should i say the intelligent ones.

                you talk about people using the race card and i have only seen whites do it but the question is, why does it work on whites? you talk about forgivnes and equality but, as soon as someone says blacks will be connected with it, even if you wanted it, you will vote the other way. to me it sounds like you are talking out of both sides of your mouth. you say that you would vote for a black candidate if there were one qualified. as i recall that was what whites said throughout history as to why they never had any blacks working in there companies. black with an engineering degree not qualified. you did see the black doctor that did the researched and did the first heart replacement didn't you, and who took credit for it?

                in the 80's the right wing was trying to eliminate welfare by saying blacks on welfare was eating up the budget. when in reality the roles of people on welfare was 88% white. using the race card. obama hadn't been in office a week and you were complaining about him why. i used to say if he gave you a million dollars you still wouldn't like him and you agreed. so he's a nice guy, very intelligent, not bad lookin, and every policy he has created he's done at the request or necessity of protecting the people, he worked too much, so what could be wrong? oh he's black. thats how we know. geo. bush talked like he should have been riding on the back of a tractor it was embarrassing and i would cringe whenever he spoke. the answers he gave, you would expect from a ninth grader " cuz i'm the decider" the decisions he made were against all reason, but he was ok
                personally all money owed is owed. not by you but by the gov't.slavery was gov't sponsored.however you and your family benefited from it.  at one time they were gonna pay it with 50 acres and a mule so they know and agreed it is owed. i guess the equivalent today could be nice home and nice car or the cash value. it's owed and it's not vengeance; it's owed and the interest just keeps stacking up and it's not gonna go away

                1. Jim Hunter profile image61
                  Jim Hunterposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  "when in reality the roles of people on welfare was 88% white. using the race card."

                  Of course there would be more whites on welfare.

                  There is substantially more white people than black.

                  About 36% more whites than black.

                  Its just math.

                  Who's playing the race card?

                  1. JOE BARNETT profile image59
                    JOE BARNETTposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    hey jim- but that what they were saying in the 80's everyone was thinking that blacks were just suckin it up. then came the info. you see info in the 80's was not available like it is today. you could not find out that result period. then the info hit and everyone was shocked to see that they were lieing. and so, from there i started to watch and fact check everything and now i know who lies. if you want to hear the truth then hear me when i say republicans tell nothing but lies!!!!

                  2. JOE BARNETT profile image59
                    JOE BARNETTposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    hey that's what they were saying. they made it seem like the "only people on welfare were blacks"

                  3. soldout1 profile image60
                    soldout1posted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    The Welfare issue didn't become a problem until blacks needed assistance. Welfare in the United States was the dispensing of post-Civil War pensions to aging veterans of the Union Army and their Families . Tho it has been in place since the Roman Era. See the truth is that White Americans has always taken care of its own. I personally see welfare as a disabler. When it becomes a source of reliance.  Whites you say outnumber black Americans, since when have the censors been accurate. If many are not working. Many are without housing and Jobs and can not be counted.  The blacks were breeded like cattle doing the period of slavery. Unfortunately many are still breeders. And many black house holds are with out Fathers. Maybe you should read W.E.B. Dubois/ The Souls Of Black Folks. Or Even( Willie Lynch). How to make a slave. Before you make anymore comments. The system implemented by Willie Lynch is said to have long lasting affects' even until 2011-2012. This is history . The intention was to cripple a whole culture to the degree of dependancy upon its Owners. Education is great, but knowledge without inherited consciousness  of ones own being is still vacancy. The image reflected in this society about many blacks is lazy, and fatherless and only those that are honest will agree not only at their kitchen tables.  Yet these are the attribute of a ruptured soul.  Read your history my friend.

          3. lovemychris profile image76
            lovemychrisposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            "Two weeks ago, President Ahmadinejad of Iran called for a UN investigation of 9/11. He was called a lunatic by President Obama. Now, Fox News, new owner of Farsi 1, Iran’s biggest entertainment network, has blown the lid off 9/11, calling it a “whitewash” and saying that the 9/11 Commissioners staged a coverup. "

            Faux news said it.....NOW do you believe it??

            BTW---talk about owning both sides!! sheeeesh.

            1. rachellrobinson profile image85
              rachellrobinsonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              Actually you said it, and since you didn't provide a link NOPE don't believe you.

              1. lovemychris profile image76
                lovemychrisposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                If you google "who did 9/11?", you will come up with at least 3 million pages.

                Close your mind to it if you is already there in black and white.

                1. rachellrobinson profile image85
                  rachellrobinsonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  I googled it too, but the thing is go to the actual article and you will see that it has nothing to do with the US Govt. causing 9-11. Nice try though.

            2. rachellrobinson profile image85
              rachellrobinsonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              Since you obviously got your information off of a blog that wants everyone to think 9-11 was caused not by terrorist but by the government let's clear a few things up, what Fox News found out is that the Department of Defense possibly knew of one of the hijackers prior to 9-11. Knew of him, doesn't mean they knew he was planning an attack only that he was a known terrorist. Which means (I know how much you hate to hear this) that the Islamist Terrorist are still to blame for 9-11, and if anything was "Whitewashed" or covered up it is the fact that the Department of Defense knew that Atta was a terrorist prior to 9-11.
              Next time you want to make assertions about Fox News how about going to their website and reading the article?
     … -findings/

              1. Jim Hunter profile image61
                Jim Hunterposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                You're wasting your time on this one.

              2. lovemychris profile image76
                lovemychrisposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                I'd assasinate my first-born before I EVER went NEAR anything Fox "News".

                1. JOE BARNETT profile image59
                  JOE BARNETTposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  ha ha ha !!

                2. rachellrobinson profile image85
                  rachellrobinsonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  So all that proves is your a pro-abortion. Why quote fox news if you aren't willing to verify that the quote you are using is correct? Do you like sounding like an idiot when some finds out that it's not?

                3. lady_love158 profile image60
                  lady_love158posted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  This is a typical progressive liberal statement that shows the true philosophy of the liberal left! Anyone that thinks you are kidding doesn't understand the entrenched hatred the left has of freedom and of people that don't or won't think like them! It's an astonishing and telling statement and everyone should realize this is what progressives actually believe, they'd rather eat their young then expose them to ideas that aren't their own! Keep electing democrats and that's what America will become!

                  1. Greek One profile image64
                    Greek Oneposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    To be fair, I don't think anyone said anything about eating one's children..  just assassinating them.

                  2. JOE BARNETT profile image59
                    JOE BARNETTposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    lady love you're starting to sound like limbaugh and hannity.

                  3. maven101 profile image71
                    maven101posted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    Excellent encapsulation of the liberal " disease "...Where are all the democrats lining up to take credit for voting for Obama's " health care reforms "..? All I can see are rats deserting the ship of state and dropping the democrat tag in their mail-outs and TV spots...reality bites, and there is going to be a big bite in November...Grey Poupon, anyone..?

          4. soldout1 profile image60
            soldout1posted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Theres No grudge my  friend 'only truly. You just can't can't handle the truth. I 'm not angry at all. That's funny  tho. White folk always getting angry about the truth. Anything covered and not dealt with will always re-surface. The root is still there. My friend its not personal it just the truth' thats all it is . Deal with it. Thanks for your the Comment.

        2. Lisa HW profile image62
          Lisa HWposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          What will grow can be changed when people turn over the soil and cultivate new growth.  Or, people can choose to keep throwing fertilizer on the same old ground, and making sure nothing new ever grows.    Once the glow of the historical significance of Obama's election wore off, most people went back to not giving a rat's bottom what color or two colors or however many colors he is or isn't - and some went back to throwing that fertilizer on those old roots to try to make sure the same old stuff keeps right on growing.

          1. soldout1 profile image60
            soldout1posted 13 years agoin reply to this

            The fertilizer unfortunately is ingrown. It has never stop growing until this very day. Do your History.  The Color Issue was considered to be an historical event when Obama was elected President. Remember?  The disaster he was given to manage or Preside over was a no win . Please do not speak as if the world did not know America's indebtedness to not only her own citizens; but to other nations as well. Social Security will soon be a thing of the past, never mind health Care. Americans work to received their retirement funds' who's been dipping in hat pot? Who can really retire now ? Lisa until America deals rightly from the foundation she will continue to throw dirt on the surface of a much deeper problem.   Thanks  for  your comments.

        3. mom101 profile image61
          mom101posted 13 years agoin reply to this

          DITTO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                                 ENOUGH      IS     ENOUGH

          My son is 16. and overweight. People are cruel. His heart gets broken DAILY. By blacks and by whites.  But you know something, he can CHOOSE  to overlook their cruelty or waller in it.
          People, black, white, latino and others alike voted Obama in. Why? Who knows?

          1. soldout1 profile image60
            soldout1posted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Yes we know why, we may  not have the right heart to admit it '  but we know why. The problems that  this country was facing needed a more experience Candidate.  Nevertheless Obama is the choice of the so call United State's Of America. Are we United?  Was he exalted to be destroyed in the face of every country in the world? I'm sorry that the world has become so insensitive toward your 16 year old son.  Its because of the overlooking that our children are being molested of their innocents everyday. Thank you Mom101 for your comment.

            1. mom101 profile image61
              mom101posted 13 years agoin reply to this

              I have pictures of  when my son started school. Happy face, happy eye. You could look at him and just see happy. Now, a junior in hs, his eyes show pain. He begs me EVERYDAY to drop out and just get a job. He said he would much rather forfeit his diploma than to have to continue school.

              But, he is a strong spirit. He has, and knowing him, probably will continue to grow.

    4. Evan G Rogers profile image61
      Evan G Rogersposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      i think it's foolish to hold Obama to a higher standard.

      I was cursing Bush's name in his first year of office.

      1. soldout1 profile image60
        soldout1posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        This is what I call equal. Many voted for Bush the second time around simply believing that He would keep basic moral standards at the forefront.  Never realizing that he would be robbing American citizens blind from behind. Obama on the other hand was a Junior Senator and inexperience. America was aware of this. Why are they whinning?

    5. lady_love158 profile image60
      lady_love158posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      The real question is why did more than 90% of blacks vote for Obama? Did they vote for him only because he was half black? It certainly wasn't because he was experienced, because he wasn't. Maybe they voted for him because he promised them free stuff that the rich would pay for? Obama is a traitor to his own kind. He seeks to enslave people, by making them dependent upon the government to live. Whites voted for him because they were weary of Bush, of war and they believed Obama would be a uniter. Obama has shown he is actually a divider, a liar, and an incompetent leader. He's wrecked the economy and he wants to blame everyone else for his policy failures. The people got what they paid for, an inexperienced leader, an intellectual elite, a socialist community organizer, and now they're all sorry!

      1. lovemychris profile image76
        lovemychrisposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        "now they're all sorry!"

        Really? This is news to me!! I speak everyday to people who love Obama...and want his policies to have a chance to grow and seed rather than being turned back to the money-grubbing greed-mongering policies of the Right.

        And lady--get yer facts straight. Bushco wrecked the economy, not Obama....have you been asleep since 2000?

        1. lady_love158 profile image60
          lady_love158posted 13 years agoin reply to this

          The Dems had congress since 2006...they are the ones that destroyed our economy... sure many still haven't come to the realization that Obama is an inept fraud that's destroying America, but many have, even those on the left are starting to question his choices!

          1. lovemychris profile image76
            lovemychrisposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Ok...2 years destroyed it.

        2. couturepopcafe profile image61
          couturepopcafeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          I keep trying to tell them it's congress, but they won't listen.

          1. rachellrobinson profile image85
            rachellrobinsonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            That is because if they acknowledge that then they also have to acknowledge that it's not all the Republican's fault that the economy is in the tank.

            1. Ralph Deeds profile image65
              Ralph Deedsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              True, only 90%.

        3. soldout1 profile image60
          soldout1posted 13 years agoin reply to this

          I would Never be sorry for my choice of the Presidency, he's doing the best he can with almost no support from his whit constiuents.  This man can not run a country alone. Black or White who would expect him to,excepted for an unjust crowled.

      2. JOE BARNETT profile image59
        JOE BARNETTposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        lady-love - do you live in america? where is it that you get your information. everything you said is wrong.economy was made bad by bush. obama works to repair the mess period! no two scenarios alike. infact they are opposites. if you don't like what he's done, that is your opinion. but, he has helped only to eliminate practices that would have gobbled you up if given the chance. it looks like you are blinded by racism so much so , that you don't recognize help unless it's from a white person

        1. rachellrobinson profile image85
          rachellrobinsonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          racism has nothing to do with disliking the man's policies. Why is it if we disagree with Obama's policies in whole than it must mean we were racist. Name one thing that Obama has done, that a white person has also done, were someone say's well I agree with the white person, but I disagree with Obama... if you can do that then you will prove that it's racist. But we are talking not about race, we are talking about policy that if a white Dem had implemented the policies that Obama implemented then people would still say hey I don't agree with this.

          1. JOE BARNETT profile image59
            JOE BARNETTposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            RACHELL ROBINSON- excellent. bush collapsed this economy. everyone hates on obama because of the bad economy. people say we need jobs and we need to fix the bridges, we need to stimulate the economy. obama devises a plan that will put people to work repairing the bridges and the multiplier effect will help to stimulate the economy. three birds with one stone. no one says hey that was a clever idea. instead the racists are unable to see any good from FIXING THE INFRASTUCTURE or so they say. 700 million was needed to fix the louisiana levy. they said no, too much money. they waited till it destroyed the city, cost hundreds of lives and thus far we have spent 16 billion on it's's not good that our president would prevent that according to them.

            the president is doing only what needs to be done and with the resources available. wall street reform and healthcare reform are excellent examples. people that would prefer the old insurance practices', sanity is suspect. so, basically it boils down to the two seperate standards that the racists use.

            when we went to war in iraq. i was against it. we had no reason to invade a country. the engineers that we sent said there were no wmds. still no reason to invade even if there were. then "ALL" the other countries backed out, the u.n. said no and lastly england(tony blair) said just wait till and if we find something. geo said "nope". you rallied him for buying into a 10 billion a month war that we had no money to pay for. then we pay for the wars through taxes and you let him cut taxes and you ralied him again. then you blame obama for the wars and the deficit and say he wants to raise the taxes not because he is fiscally responsible, but because he is a socialist.ha ha ha. and btw tony blair was later impeached for taking part in that ridiculous war.

            the one thing i find thats consistant with the right or racists is that everything they say or do makes the average persons head twist to the side in confusion. their words always ring hollow.e.g. 9 white people jump your fence to cut through your yard you say nothing. 1 black steps on your grass next to the sidewalk you say put him in jail for tresspassing. we'll say why because you're racist? you'll say no because he doesn't respect people. we simply smile and nod our head. for years and years people like this, did this. what they didn't realize was that we were watching and had seen the other ten go over the fence also. just by saying you're not racist does not make it so. your ingrained views are what make it so apparent. our motto: damn what they say;watch what they do!

            1. rachellrobinson profile image85
              rachellrobinsonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              Half, well most of that post doesn't make any sense. Are you saying that Obama was President during Katrina and he wanted to reinforce the levy's? I am so confused. Bush Collapsed the economy? How? Because the news media says so? How would you know if I would have a problem with 9 people jumping my fence and going through my yard? First you say 9 people jumped my fence and then you say 10. So your example doesn't even make sense. Let me put it to you this way, I didn't like the policies and structures of Clinton's presidency. I don't like Jimmy Carter. Both of them are white. I don't like Obama's Policies. I am a conservative, you will not shame me into liking Obama's policies, I am not afraid of being called a racist. I will accept that the best argument you can come with is that rather than change my views just so I don't offend you. I have one thing that no amount of "shaming" or name calling can take away and that is my beliefs that Liberalism is wrong, and that if people do not speak up it will eventually ruin this wonderful country. I have my values, my faith, and my courage and calling me a racist is not going to make me say oh okay well I guess I will go along with Obama ruining this country because he is black and I don't want to offend anyone.

              1. Jim Hunter profile image61
                Jim Hunterposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                Ah, the old "you're racist" argument.

                I love that one, it ranks right up their with "better dead than red"

                1. rachellrobinson profile image85
                  rachellrobinsonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  better dead than red? Never heard that one before. I am assuming that means better dead than conservative?

                  1. Jim Hunter profile image61
                    Jim Hunterposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    No, it means communist.

                    I'm probably quite a bit older than you.

              2. JOE BARNETT profile image59
                JOE BARNETTposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                rachell robinson- this is an intelligent debate. all my post was saying or showing is that there is no "GOOD" reason to dislike obama. what about liberlism is bad? let's see, women equal work for equal pay. women working as doctors lawyers business owners. guess you don't like that huh? social security and medicare, guess you won't apply for that huh. what im saying is that supposed conservatives words ring hollow.tell me what is conservative about general electric moving to mexico, leaving thousands unemployed, yet continuing to call themselves an american company. i guess you're for that though huh? so you see nothing makes sense . . .ever, but general electric and a whole host of companies are doing this right now. how much money do you or anyone you know get from this . . .none! but they,  are getting richer,even in this recession

                so if what i said makes no sense to you then we have a problem. if what i said made sense, yet you still vote republican then you are masochistic or rascist or you want to be part of a group that you think is all white and it is. which brings us back to racism. so unless you make after all deductions over $250,000yr what would that party have to offer?

          2. JOE BARNETT profile image59
            JOE BARNETTposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            rachell-robinson- the man has done not one thing wrong! their will be a fire, he will put it out. you and yours will say "he doesn't know what he's doing". your responses make no sense. he got health care for 30 million. thats his job. what did he do wrong. so you say some don't like it. i bet the ones that don't like it are the ones that have insurance. the words you use ring hollow and after you search and see that he has done nothing but good anybody will come to the conclusion. . .racism. if you search and you were in the same position. what would you do? remember he gets to see and hear both sides of the story. then he weighs and prioritizes, then decides. thats what i want in a leader. you want the same things too, you just want someone white to do it.

            1. Greek One profile image64
              Greek Oneposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              He was born black, is a Democrat and has a Muslim-sounding name.

              That's 3 strikes against him for many

          3. soldout1 profile image60
            soldout1posted 13 years agoin reply to this

            What policies, most of Obama's time in office has been spent trying to clean up the mess left behind. Condoleezza Rice already knew what it would take to  make things right. Or whether or not it could be fix.  No she wouldn't run for the Presidency after serving Bush, she had an inside seat of the garbage.

            1. lady_love158 profile image60
              lady_love158posted 13 years agoin reply to this

              How about every single thing Obama has done so far? He's destroying this country with his failed big government solutions, all of which have been done before and have proven to be failures in the past! Obama is one big failure and I can't wait to be rid of him and the rest of that pack of follish democrats that think they know better then anyone eles. A bunch of clowns!

            2. rachellrobinson profile image85
              rachellrobinsonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              First off, you don't know what Obama's policies are? I am not sure whether or not you voted for him, but if you did don't you think that should have been one of the first things that you looked into.

              That being said, these are the policies of Obama's that I personally disagree with.

              1. Healthcare. I don't believe that it is in the Constitution anywhere that we are guarenteed healthcare

              2. Partial Birth Abortion. During the 2008 debates I remember hearing that Obama supported Partial Birth Abortion. If this is in fact not the case I don't recall ever hearing him deny it.

              3. Redistribution of Wealth. When he told Joe the Plumber during the election that he felt that he should take from the wealthy and give to the poor, this is something that I am fundamentally against, and I am not wealthy in the least but I don't think someone else should work hard and then give part or most of that to either the government or to me. What you work hard for and earn is yours not mine and not the government.

              There is more, those are just the top three things that he has stated he is for that I disagree with.

            3. Druid Dude profile image60
              Druid Dudeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              Condie just met w/ Obama in the "O" office. Hope he was piping her aboard. I think she would be an asset. The forum needs to consider that there has always been two Americas, One for status quo, one for revolutionary change. Once, abolition was considered radical change. Civils rights, including for women. There has always been factions afraid to embrace that which only makes us stronger. Fear of the unknown. We improve as we go, that's the way the nation was designed, the Bill of Rights is a document made to evolve as the need arises, So while, yes, there are hypocrites here, but that is a wrong word to use. It means ACTORS, and those afraid of change aren't acting...they are scared to death! The beauty of this country, is that we can, and do change, usually for the better, simply because that is who we are

        2. lady_love158 profile image60
          lady_love158posted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Racism has nothing to do with it! If Condoleezza Rice was running I'd vote for her in a heart beat! Yet you didn't answer why you voted for Obama or why he has such large support from the black community in spite of his failed policies?
          Even if it was Bush that ruined the economy, and that's debatable since dems controlled congress since 2006, Obama has had 2 years to fix it! Remember he said we had to pass stimulus to keep unemployment below 8% he did and fail, unemployment is a 9.6%, foreclosures are up, in fact nothing he's done has accomplished anything he promised! He's a fraud and a liar no matter what his color!

          1. Ralph Deeds profile image65
            Ralph Deedsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            It's undeniable that there is a significant racist element in the Tea Party and the criticism of Barack Obama, probably a minority but significant.

          2. JOE BARNETT profile image59
            JOE BARNETTposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            obamas had two years to fix it. that shows just how messed up things are. the projections were you said 8%. we thats exactly what they were projections. can you imagine what it would be if geo. were in office. our country would probably look like a scene from the book of eli. you guys are only able to see the negatives if someone else does it. it's like "he one the race" you guys say "yeah but"'

            lets see first he worked too hard(never took time off) then he worked on too much at a time. now has played golf 52 times in 2 years which is too much. the jobs are starting to come back. but the only thing you can see is 9.6% vs 8% and another surge of foreclosures. but, he stopped that too didn't he? but i bet you can't see the good in that. bush is the cause of the foreclosures but you say nothing.

            and what failed policies do you speak of? i don't know of one?
            the right wing is liars and the truth eludes them. they can't even tell their own the truth. obama would do more but has the right wing trying to block everything and vowing to turn everything back to the way it was and you're for this. you think it's bad now ha ha ha just wait!

            1. lady_love158 profile image60
              lady_love158posted 13 years agoin reply to this

              You're a denier, you refuse to look at the data and accept it. How would things be if Bus was still president? I don't know but it's quite possible it would indeed be better! Obama justifies his results by claiming things would be worse if not for what he did? Really? Please explain to me how one goes about proving such a claim? For all we know we might be twice as well off if Obama did nothing but play golf!

              The numbers clearly show, Obama has been a failure, and if he was running today, he'd be voted out, and he will be in 2012 if he even runs!

              1. mom101 profile image61
                mom101posted 13 years agoin reply to this


              2. JOE BARNETT profile image59
                JOE BARNETTposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                lady-love you obviously missed when we were losing 700,000 jobs a month and that was stopped. you missed when the first stimulus money was begged for then received and one company spent 400,000 on a junket partying, another company took the money and invested it in a company in china. obama put a stop to it held the companies accountable for it then suddenly chase bank gave theirs back ha ha ha. but to you these are"FAILED" policies.

                1. soldout1 profile image60
                  soldout1posted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  Yes He Did.

              3. soldout1 profile image60
                soldout1posted 13 years agoin reply to this


          3. Jeff Berndt profile image73
            Jeff Berndtposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            "Yet you didn't answer why you voted for Obama or why he has such large support from the black community in spite of his failed policies?"

            Wait, failed policies? It took 8 years of neocon idiocy to wreck the prosperity of the Clinton years. It takes a long time to correct the course of something as large as the USA. It's to early to really tell whether Obama's policies have truly failed or succeeded yet, though according to economists, the recession's* already over.

            *Recession = 2 or more consecutive quarters of negative economic growth. Remember how bad the economy seemed during the Bush years? And how conservatives kept waving the definition of 'recession' around, to prove that things aren't really all that bad? Well, now the recession's over, and it happened on Obama's watch, and where are all those conservatives with their dictionaries? They seem to be sitting on their dictionaries so they appear bigger at the table. smile

            1. Ralph Deeds profile image65
              Ralph Deedsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              Failed policies?

              Passed health care reform attempted by all previous Democratic presidents since Roosevelt. The bill is not perfect, but is a good first step in the right direction.

              Passed banking reform and consumer financial protection reforms which were imperfect but a big step in the right direction.

              Passed a stimulus package that was too small but which pulled the economy back from the bottomless pit of a depression.

              Revived the SALT nuclear disarmament talks which were neglected by Bush.

              Revived the Palestine peace talks also neglected by Bush.

              Restored the separation of church and state breached by Bush.

              Withdrew combat troops from Iraq as promised.

              Sent additional troops to Afghanistan along with new leadership as promised in his campaign and stepped up drone attacks against Al Qaida leaders. [I don't agree with Obama's Afghanistan policy because more Americans and others are being killed with no satisfactory end in sight.)

              Began to repair U.S. relations with our allies and improved cooperation in measures to deal with terrorism.

              Stepped up the heat on Iran to refrain from developing nuclear weapons.

              President Obama has accomplished quite a lot in two years against GOP opposition on every initiative.

              1. mom101 profile image61
                mom101posted 13 years agoin reply to this

                rd;  hey it sounds good "HEALTH CARE BILL PASSED"  except to a small business owner (without employees)  who is already bombarded by so many this and thats and to be for forced to pay for insurance (or a fine, either or ) is going a bit too far.
                Stimulus package? Excuse me. Something of this importance would have gone down a bit easier IF the public had a "vote" in it. Here is an idea. Take the amount of the stimulus package and divide it between the number of legal citizens. Rich, poor, white, black,  equal.  Put stipulations if you must such as, 1/4 MUST be used to pay off some sort of debt OR home improvement/down payment on a home. Since having auto insurance is mandatory,  1/4 must be used toward auto insurance. 1/4 must be used for some type of energy and of the remaining 1/4, 1/8 of it must be put into some type of savings and the remaining to be spent as desired or even used on some sort of medicial services. .............Thus, the money would have benefited local people in their hometown, equally, where they need it, and I can promise you, the people of this country would have been a much happier people.  The way the stimulus was handled, well, the people were not happy.

                These are just 2 of the points you raised that affects me directly. And I promise you, both are going to cost the country a lot of money. There will be several small businesses go out of business. I seen that first hand back in the late 80's early 90's when there were a lot of "laws" passed that indirectly affected the business I had. Around 3/4 of our customers were forced to close their doors because they could not afford the cost that had been forced on them. Even if they could, who do you think would have been the one paying the cost.
                Prices in general are at the out of hand point. Prices in no way reflect the wages being earned.
                Something is wrong. Most know the problem. The "fix" would be simple.
                But the lack of the solution is what got us in the shape we are in now.

                1. Ralph Deeds profile image65
                  Ralph Deedsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  I think you will like the health reforms once all the provisions have gone into effect.

                  "Prices in general are at the out of hand point. Prices in no way reflect the wages being earned.
                  Something is wrong. Most know the problem. The "fix" would be simple.
                  But the lack of the solution is what got us in the shape we are in now."

                  The problem with wages is the 90 cents per hour earned by manufacturing workers in China and less in Cambodia and Vietnam coupled with the blind devotion by our politicians to untrammeled free trade that has resulted in turning our manufacturing jobs over to China.

                  "The fix would be simple."

                  Please tell us what the simple fix is. In my opinion there is no quick, simple fix.

                  1. mom101 profile image61
                    mom101posted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    Yes, the fix is simple. Stop spending 40.00 on a .10 screw. etc......
                    Do not spend more than you take in.
                    Do this until you are out of debt.

                    Gas prices went to near 4.00 here last year. I stayed at home. Vacations, everybody enjoys them. (It would be my guess that in any given "hometown" half or better of the citizens of that town only know of half of what their town has to offer.
                    Hey, we have just got too big for our britches.
                    I did not say it would be quick or painless.

              2. lovemychris profile image76
                lovemychrisposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                Yeah...imagine how much further along our country would be if there were no obstructionist republicans?

                We'd be way up into the 21st century by now!

                These fools want to stay in the dark ages.

                1. rachellrobinson profile image85
                  rachellrobinsonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  Oh my god you actually buy into that lie. Um you guys on the Democratic side have had the super majority for how long? The Republican's can't stop anything or "obstruct" anything. It's the Dem's who don't want to loose their seats that know better than to go along with these hairbrained schemes of Obama's.

          4. soldout1 profile image60
            soldout1posted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Why is Obama a lier?  Okay what he iplemented could not filter through the mess of the republican manurer. How are you living right now. Probably kind of comfortable. I wonder what your income bracket is since you seem to be feeling the pain of his decision.

            1. lady_love158 profile image60
              lady_love158posted 13 years agoin reply to this

              OMG! Transparency- Lied
              Bipartisian- Lied
              Stimulus- Lied
              Health Care- Lied

              He's done nothing but lied!

              1. JOE BARNETT profile image59
                JOE BARNETTposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                i'm starting to think you are from another country. everything you say is not true. transparency-repulicans fought;healthcare-republicans fought but he still got; bipartisan cooperation- he asked the republicans so many times for help to fix this humongous problem. they refused!stimulus was paid twice and still not enough to repair the country.
                LADYLOVE- wake up! unless you are being paid to say these things, you argue for for your are the new joe the plumber

                1. rachellrobinson profile image85
                  rachellrobinsonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  Lady Love if that was me I would be very greatful to be called the new Joe the Plumber, doesn't that guy make tons of money off of his speeches and television appearances, sounds like Mr. Barnett is hoping that you have the same luck and will soon be making lots of money from your appearances too, you can go around the country trying to open the eyes of these poor misguided souls.

                  1. JOE BARNETT profile image59
                    JOE BARNETTposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    wow you guys really are uninformed! if thats what you think then you have a lot more reading and catching up before we talk again. rachell nice pic couldn't be you cuz she looks intelligent(just kiddin')

      3. JOE BARNETT profile image59
        JOE BARNETTposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        it's always funny to me how a nay sayer will make up reasons as to why a person should or shouldn't do or become something. you say obama had no experience at being president. now name me one president that had been the president , before he was the president. the job is an administrator. the system will drive itself . you just keep an eye out for things to start to go wrong and fix them. like a manager. nothing more. the problems are the right wing never wants to fix or repair anything

        1. lady_love158 profile image60
          lady_love158posted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Well there was quite a few Joe since many served two terms Bush and Clinton right off the bat. In any case I didn't say or imply Obama had no previously presidential experience, I said he was inexperienced, a big difference. He was nothing but a junior senator in his first term! All he really did was campaign to be president. He was the least experienced of all the candidates that were running from both parties, that's simply a fact that you can't deny!

          1. JOE BARNETT profile image59
            JOE BARNETTposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            he was the least experienced? it's always funny to me to see how uninformed people reach and make decisions. g.w.bush was president for eight years. he was never pres. bofore that. so no experience and the same applies to everyone accept i think roosevelt.
            people think that if you were in the military then you can run the nation. mccain was nothing more than a pilot. you could say it's the same as an infantry soldier but less. they just go where directed and drop a bomb. other than shooting his gun he knows nothing. mccain has been in the senate for a long time. still no experience as president. so obama has just as much experience as the rest.

            1. soldout1 profile image60
              soldout1posted 13 years agoin reply to this

              Joe you have to admit Hillary being in office with Bill eight year gave her a head start above them all. Every man knows who runs the house when know one else is looking, Black or White. We women tend to be the same just as the men. We all allow our husband to look the part out front. Hillary played a big roll doing Bill's administration. Even doing a time of great slander and adversity. So she had much experience. Mccain on the other hand was Bush in another body. Thank you for the comment.

              1. JOE BARNETT profile image59
                JOE BARNETTposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                but hillary did not run the white house when bill was not there. she simply was married to a president period. that is not experience as a president. she could ask him for advice  if she became a president .but thats all. they all ask the best and the brightest for advice. none have experience at being a president before they become the president.

                1. soldout1 profile image60
                  soldout1posted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  I always thought their marriage was a Political Union.

                  1. JOE BARNETT profile image59
                    JOE BARNETTposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    you can title it what you like but one persons experiences do not just carry over through osmosis. you have said it clear. you just liked hillary. . . better. i like her and liked her too but but not better than obama. obama has the demeanor of a leader, the best education, is very results oriented and a critical thinker. i can't imagine obama sitting and publicly crying because he is about to lose a race.
                    i think maybe what is starting to show through is that you would like a woman president. fine! but that doesn't take one bit of anything from obama

      4. soldout1 profile image60
        soldout1posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        You no unfortunately many did vote for Obama just for this reason. Black and White. And then there were those of us that were actually listening to his policies and to his agenda.  We truly wanted what was best for our Country. Many of the youth on the other hand came out in droves.  And voted for him simply because they wanted to see someone that look like them in the White House. There was a time  when the United States of America said that this could never happen. All  Black Americans are not that shallow. We realize that there are deeper issues at hand. Issues that can't be help with the color of mans skin. This is on the real. Thanks for your visit.

    6. Jillian Barclay profile image73
      Jillian Barclayposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I voted for Barack Obama and will do so again if he chooses to run. Personally, I think the things that the Republican party have done and said to this man are shameful! First, they presented him with an economy that was on the verge of collapse and then, stood in the way of anything he tried to do to correct the situation, so the blame falls on him. They gave him the gift of two wars that have gone badly. Every move he makes has to be so watered down because there are so many members of Congress that have their own agendas at the forefront, not the agenda of the American people. Obama is not a dictator. He can not wave a magic wand and solve all of our problems. Congress actually makes the decisions. If you don't like the health care legislation, it is because Congress designed it and then compromised endlessly. As for the giant stimulus, most of it went to tax cuts. Anything job-related, our President was given an economy that was losing 750,000 jobs a month. He got a handle on that and no one can even suggest that he has made it worse than it was. If they do, they have no facts to back them up.

      This is a good man; he is intelligent and has a heart and conscience. Those three things make it difficult for him in the evil, corrupt snake pit that we call politics.

      Hillary is possibly the best Secretary of State we could have right now! She is doing our country a great favor by stepping up  and giving us the benefit of her knowledge.

      As for defending Obama, I will defend him every day if I have  to. My taxes have not gone up (they actually should have because we have so many things to pay for), they have decreased. Is the economy good? No. But I have hope that it will get better. I see no evidence of us leaning towards socialism, communism or anything else that everyone gets all panicked about. Is there too much government? Maybe, but I want police, fire protection, people testing our food supply, roads and bridges being maintained. We need the FBI, CIA, border patrol, monitoring of our nation's education, etc.

      Finally, all of the talk about race is such a waste of time and energy. We should never base any decisions on what race someone is. Decisions about people should always be based on their character and in that category, President Obama wins hands down!

      1. couturepopcafe profile image61
        couturepopcafeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        JB - I agree with your comment and not taking sides in this, just a fact correction - when Obama took office, Democrats were in the majority so Repubs did not 'present' the economy such as it was.

    7. Eaglekiwi profile image74
      Eaglekiwiposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Ive enjoyed many of your thoughts and analogies ,please write a hub .
      I think it would be well read  and reach a greater reading area.
      Thankyou  smile

    8. KFlippin profile image60
      KFlippinposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Not even worth a thought, much less a comment, this topic is so clearly biased, and sad, very sad -- I'd be booted off of HP just for posting this opening topic comments.  White America elected Obama, believed in Obama, that would tell most clear thinking individuals that most of White America is not biased -- but the current political bent (and yes let's hope it is successful) of voting out liberal "tax and spend Democrats" says most of White America and Black America and Blue America and Pink America and Yellow America and Brown America and Polka Dotted America -- care about America and the future of their American families - just my very humble Opinion.

      1. soldout1 profile image60
        soldout1posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Give me a break.  Then why are your thoughts implemented here? Please deal with the truth and stop hiding behind the Mask of superficialty. Since when have America not been bias(there was a slant ) in their judgement and purpose plan for this Election. Yes many Americans care, but its obvious that you do not watch the News because many Americans are destroying and robbing their own. Politics has had a bend  in it before day of my birth. By the way how can you be the voice for most white americans. . Why should one be booted off of HP for being honest. White Americans' let me refrase, some white americans, has always sought to shut somebody down. This is repeated history in the making. I love you my sister' just stating facts.
        Thanks for visiting the site

    9. profile image53
      WillSNifurundiesposted 13 years agoin reply to this


      1. soldout1 profile image60
        soldout1posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        As Dumb as anyone may appear to be to the genus commenting on this topic. Everyone seems to be getting their point across quite well.  How many hits do we have so far, just about a 140 I think.. So there are no mis- communicating for sure. I always thought the Bloodline was from the father.  For your comfort he is a make of the two cultures of course, but we know  the real truth don't we?  Thanks for the visit.  By the way be sure to check out the spelling, we're all looking for improvement here.

        1. profile image53
          WillSNifurundiesposted 13 years agoin reply to this


          1. mom101 profile image61
            mom101posted 13 years agoin reply to this

            willsnif...just what kind of onions do you like?
            That's funny.

          2. soldout1 profile image60
            soldout1posted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Many of the founding Fathers of America Presided over the whole country with very little Education. Many of the Presidents did not  even have a college degree. My grammatical skills may not fit your fancy my friend, I'm cool with that. In any event you seem to respond with comprehension to my statements without hinderance.  Education is good. We all must learn to communicate our personal thoughts to others. Yet another mans knowledge does not determine the depht of my intuitiveness. It only certifieds or allow me to receive the response of people such as yourself. I'm not interested in the grammar as much as I am the topic at hand. I certainly do not want anyone to feel excluded or intmidated because of their lack of grammatical skill. So to all that desire to communicate your feelings on this topic, do the best you can. The issued topic is priorty.

  2. Mighty Mom profile image77
    Mighty Momposted 13 years ago

    You raise some excellent points,soldout1.
    Who did elect Obama?
    As always there are two tiers of America. The "insiders" and the "citizens."
    The insiders knew what was going to come down with the housing bubble burst and the impending recession before 2008.
    The average American citizen did not.
    The insiders knew that after 8 years of Bush the citizens would not tolerate another Republican in the WH. That's a given.
    So knowing that they had to concede to a Democrat, they wanted one who could easily be torn apart and spit out after 4 years.
    So they sat back and allowed the collective frustration of 8 years of failed Bush policies to coagulated within the citizenry.
    If I were really cynical I would say that these insiders even  engineered Obama's winning the WH.
    *Personally I said all along that Hillary would have made a better president. For one reason, she had already withstood the mudslinging during Bill's tenure and her own as NY senator.*

    How convenient to hand a relatively inexperienced politician the presidency during the worst economic times since the 1930s.
    And how convenient that the economy will be soooo much better by 2012 when the Republicans can swoop in and take credit for it.

    Hypocrisy is right.

  3. Mighty Mom profile image77
    Mighty Momposted 13 years ago

    Republicans in office 8
    Democrats in office 4
    At least, that's the "desired" model

    1. soldout1 profile image60
      soldout1posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      You are On it Mighty Mom. Hillary did undergo a crucial time from the inside out. I agree she would have been the more experience canidate. Women unfortunatly are just as rejected in political places of leadership as the Black Race. Your points are excellent. And just plain old common since to those that lack political intelligence. Great Comments.

      1. couturepopcafe profile image61
        couturepopcafeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        So if I read you correctly, you're saying the insiders, the Democratic party, set their own man up for failure?  Hillary backed down even though the polls showed her a very close second to Obama. She succumbed to the sure position of Sec. of State rather than trusting her own intelligence and guts and going for it all the way.  The Democrats were in the majority at the time so they are the insiders you refer to.

  4. couturepopcafe profile image61
    couturepopcafeposted 13 years ago

    Soldout1 - I'm fairly sick of hearing all the black/white controversy over Obama.  People such as yourself tend to thrive on perpetuating the myth that whites hate blacks, whites think they're superior, Obama is black (but you never mention his white heritage and I'd like to know why), the debt he inherited which his congress then tripled, and on and on.  If you listen to the pundits you'll drive yourself crazy.  No one expects anything more from Obama than they do from any other president.  Not more because he's "black", not less because he's "black".  He's a smart man.  He'll figure it out.  He's up against the same scrutiny as any other president.

    On top of that, if he didn't win, you would have cried because you'd think he didn't win because he's black in white America.  He won because he was the better of the two main candidates.  So he had to have a lot of white votes for this to happen, right?  Now you say the whites who did vote for the man did so because they wanted to see him fail in an office that was already fraught with problems.  All presidents face the same fate.  They're stuck with the congress they get and do the best they can.  Quit listening to Rush Limbaugh or whomever else is filling your mind with this racial hate.

    1. soldout1 profile image60
      soldout1posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Its always been about Black and White. America do not even celebrate the Emancipation Proclaimation. Its not even reconized as a National Holiday. Freedom is a big thing' would you say ? So if you do not like the comments, why do you continue to respond? That's insane ?  I personally  don't believe the type of  statements  being made about Obama would apply to the opposite Color. I have this right. I could be wrong but its pretty obvious. America has never wanted to deal with the real issues. Freedom never acknowledged by a nation that  lived off of the enslavement of another race is a blaton slap in the face.  I would never cry over a payed target. Obama represent White America' he's handling their affairs. I 'm not a racist  by far. My family has Scottish blood in its veins. The fact  still remains that there are many issues that are ignored and has begin to corrode. America have always expected more from the Black race, even though the Whites had a 300 year head start. Truth , Hillary was the better candidate. She had already  traveled this road. And was well qualified to fullfill this position.  You really think they wanted a woman running this country? Obama has been in office less then two years, his scrutiny has arrived quite early. Again I  can assure you I have no racial hate. I would have to hate myself and my half white brothers. Take a real look at my picture. My feelings are built on the facts and the history of america. Whenever someone brings up the issue of racism they are a racist. Please. You are the real racist, because you are unable to address these issues peacably. Thanks for your comment.

      1. couturepopcafe profile image61
        couturepopcafeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Well, with respect, I'm sorry your (maybe not your) life is filled with the image of Negroes in pain.  It doesn't have to be that way.  But there really needs to be a stopping of all the talking about it or it will never go away.  That doesn't mean it's not really there.  That doesn't mean it never happened.  But a lot of things happened.  Building on the negative events just perpetuates them.  You asked why you shouldn't have the right to defend Obama.  I'm assuming you mean as a means of trying to get a point across.  I will use that argument and say I answer comments because I'm trying to show another point of view as well.  Surely you can't think, as an intelligent woman, that this is the way to enlightenment.  My people were persecuted when they came to this country, too.  Spit on, given the worst jobs, looked upon as dirty.  But we learn history so that we don't repeat it, not so that we can constantly have it in the back of our minds. 

        I have been overly outspoken in the political forums.  You have my apologies one human to another.  I don't think I'll be checking back as I have had enough.

        1. soldout1 profile image60
          soldout1posted 13 years agoin reply to this

          These names given to a lost culture, such as Negro's or Africans were given by Captives but initually they were called Hebrews . Intelligence is only brought about through enlightment.  Black people suffer different types of persucutions today that are not so readly noticed . They are also still recovering from years of scarring to the soul which has passed on from generation to generation unfortunately. I appreciate your empathy and I enjoy your comments. Sometimes (couturepopcafe) I add a little stirring stick just to increase the flames that reveal the true hearts of man. You owe me no apologies Sis. Let your flame burn.  I do not feel deprived of any opportunities, because I believe that the opportunities are out there and it is up to me to make it happen in. Thanks again for your comments.

      2. profile image0
        Brenda Durhamposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Your "half white brothers"??!! aren't all-white people your brothers and sisters?
        See, this is what gets me-------blacks can call each other "brother" and "sister" simply because of the color of their skin, but if whites go around calling each other "brother" and "sister" because they're white, they're most likely gonna be called racist.

        A "300 year head start"???
        I didn't grow up with a 300-year head start!  My parents worked just as hard as anyone else did to make a living in America, and raised 7 kids to boot,  without whining about not getting special "rights" or special treatment;  we were dirt poor, but we didn't care because we knew what was really valuable in life.
        So don't tell me blacks still don't have equality!   Because they have more than equality now.   They have amnesty from their racist remarks and racist minds already;  they're treated with kid gloves just because of the color of their skin!    The line where the need for civil rights ended has been replaced by a line where blacks get special rights as soon as they step over it.  Enough is enough already.

        While there are still some cases of racism that the NAACP might be useful in handling, for the most part those cases could be handled by other non-racist organizations like.....our regular system of law enforcement.
        And as long as the NAACP and other outright-racist organizations continue, they'll be feeding the ulterior agendas of the homosexual movement, the illegal immigration movement, and other ....ahem...illegal or ulterior movements that seek to ride the coattails of the once-necessary civil rights movement.   Liberal activism these days is taking over your basic civil-rights movement.   Surely you don't want to be a catalyst for those?!

        1. Jeff Berndt profile image73
          Jeff Berndtposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          "So don't tell me blacks still don't have equality!"
          They don't. You have white privilege. So do I. You and I benefit form it all the time, whether we want to or not. Alas I haven't time for a full treatment of the subject right now, but merely consider this:

          White people don't get pulled over by the cops for driving in a black neighborhood.
          Most people in a position make hiring decisions are white.
          Most people in executive-level jobs are white.
          White people don't fear getting lynched for marrying someone who isn't of their own race.

          You personally don't have a 300 year head start, but doors are open to you where they would not be open to a black woman. This is true, and no amount of pretending that common courtesy to people who are different from you is somehow an evil liberal plot (political correctness) will change that fact.

          1. soldout1 profile image60
            soldout1posted 13 years agoin reply to this

            You are so on it Jeff Bernt, you understand and your honest about it. I must say that I have many friends that are white, but in reality they are my true to life family. Yet it is interesting to see the response of those that deny what is so apparent. Your statements were awesome and thank you so much for visiting. Wow.

        2. soldout1 profile image60
          soldout1posted 13 years agoin reply to this

          There are many whites as if you do not know that go to klan meetings. I have friends that no longer have dealings with their own family, simply because they are not as their family. Yes its still here. I have a love for most people even those that are ignorant whom I feel very sorry for. Yet this doesn't take way the fact that many white Americans are still racist and Blacks can not be excluded. You act like color do not matter, you are not dealing in reality. This is sad. Your parents worked in the feilds or were they the over seer?  It was a blessing to be able to pass as white in the times I speak of. It was only 40 years ago blacks were allowed to set at the front of the bus. I don't need the NAACP . We see were this got Martin Luther King.  There has not really been another one like him in many years. What is the use. How can any white compare their upbringing to the horrible pit Blacks had to crawled out of. Just to fight for what was freely given to another race. This Government was never established with the freedom of blacks in mind. Thats real. Now you do not have a choice. Every step for equality has been a fight.  Here's Honesty. Liberals existed long before the Civil Rights movement started. They were just in the closet. We were alway civil if not by choice by force. Thanks again for your comments

  5. Mighty Mom profile image77
    Mighty Momposted 13 years ago

    Two very qualified "Black" Republicans have basically been run out of politics. By qualified I mean national level experience, intelligence and personal integrity.
    Colin Powell was forced to fall on his sword
    Condoleeza Rice lost a lot of credibility by fronting for Bush

    Either one would make a far better president than Sarah Palin.
    Neither one is even on the radar screen for 2012.
    And it has not a whit to do with their skin color.

    1. couturepopcafe profile image61
      couturepopcafeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Rice did not lose any credibility with me so maybe it's only with you.
      Powell was not forced to fall on his sword.  He supported missile defense since way back in the days when he served as Reagan's national security advisor.  In 2001, as Sec. of State to the Bush admin., he wanted to work out a compromise with Moscow that would enable the U.S to move ahead on missile defense without withdrawing from the ABM treaty.  In the end, Bush and Rice sided the other way.  That may be what you're talking about but it was his own decision.  Actually Rice was the central figure in the conceptual changes that took place after 9/11.  She wanted Richard Haass' overview of the national security strategy completely rewritten.  Haass, if you recall was Powell's senior aide.  Powell just got tired of being overridden and decided to call it quits.  No hurt feelings.  No racism.  No swords being fallen on.  Rice never fronted for Bush.  She was his right hand man.  She was a hawk who wanted stronger national foreign policy.  Neither Rice nor Powell want to be on the presidential radar screen.  Can you blame them?

    2. Diane Inside profile image72
      Diane Insideposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I actually liked Colin Powell,  I thought he would have made a good president.  But in an interview once he said his wife did not want him to run.  And I understand why.


      1. couturepopcafe profile image61
        couturepopcafeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Diane, you're exactly right.  Everyone liked Powell.  No one was urging him to get out of the Pentagon.  In fact it was just the opposite.  Everyone wanted him to stay.  Even though he was Regular Army, he was so qualified, he was offered many assignments, one being an invitation to work (in the Pentagon) for one of the top aides to Defense Secretary Harold Brown.  That's sort of what propelled his career.  By the time he got to the White House, he was a Washington professional.  He knew how the paper moved, how deals were cut, and how promotions were made.  He learned how bureaucracy operated and he had great negotiating skills.  But I imagine that life takes its toll.

    3. JOE BARNETT profile image59
      JOE BARNETTposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      colin powell resigned from the bush administration. and never wanted to be part of it because of iraq and does not like nor want to be in politics. he didn't fall on any sword

      1. Petra Vlah profile image60
        Petra Vlahposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Colin Powell is one of the most decent man and his withdraw from politics is due to the way he was mislead by the Bush administration who intentionally compromised him so they can wash their durty hands.

    4. Jim Hunter profile image61
      Jim Hunterposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      "Two very qualified "Black" Republicans have basically been run out of politics. By qualified I mean national level experience, intelligence and personal integrity.
      Colin Powell was forced to fall on his sword
      Condoleeza Rice lost a lot of credibility by fronting for Bush"

      By qualified you mean Powell is a democrat masquerading as a republican.

      I hope we have run him off.

      A republican wouldn't have voted for Obama, or maybe I should say a real republican. There are all kinds of posers out there

      Rice has not lost any credibility.

      1. Jeff Berndt profile image73
        Jeff Berndtposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        "Rice has not lost any credibility."

        Heh, okay. Any credibility she had, she lost along with the W administration. Of course, if you're one of the NeoCon choir, she's still a golden girl, but for pretty much anyone who doesn't subscribe to the NeoCon worldview, she's not worth considering.

        1. lovemychris profile image76
          lovemychrisposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          She belongs in a prison cell with the rest of them.

  6. Mighty Mom profile image77
    Mighty Momposted 13 years ago

    Please do not deliberately misinterpret what is a very clear and straightforward assertion.
    The "insiders" I refer to are the masterminds behind politics. This includes the funders and the promoters (media).

    The Democrats may not be as cunning or as savage as the GOP. Heck, if they were, we would never have had 8 years of Bush in office in the first place.
    The Democrats would gain nothing from putting Obama in office and setting him up for failure. But other interests would gain a lot.
    In a short period of time.

    As to some other apparent misreadings of my comments:
    1. I never, ever claimed that racism had anything to do with either Powell or Rice. I don't believe race was or is an issue with either of them.
    2. As to Hillary and her concession to Obama as the Democratic candidate, being a close second was not good enough. She assumed she was a shoe-in and was blindsided by Obama's popular appeal. She started the race as a polarizing figure, which split the party and enabled Obama to swoop in and capture the voters who turned on Hillary because she voted to go to Iraq (even though Obama was not even in the Senate at the time -- he somehow came off as the lone avenger who was against going to war) or because she is "shrill" or because she is a woman.  Take your pick.
    She had the misfortune of timing her run for POTUS for 2008.
    As it happens, SOS is an almost perfect use of her talents.
    But it is, nonetheless, a consolation prize.

    1. couturepopcafe profile image61
      couturepopcafeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I agree, she is in the right place, other than being president.

      No deliberate misinterpretation on my part.  Since you didn't name names I assumed you meant the people who put him there.  So who are, in your opinion, the powerbrokers?  George Soros, et al?  If this is who you mean, I would agree with you 100%.  But Soros is not a conservative.  He's a foreign multi-billionaire with his own agenda who would love to see this country fail.

      I didn't accuse you of racism.  Just setting up some facts about why Powell and Rice are out of politics and what their positions were in Bush's White House.

  7. Mighty Mom profile image77
    Mighty Momposted 13 years ago

    As for Colin Powell falling on his sword -- I'm obviously NOT the only one who believes such, as it is the headline of this article. Shows the disgraceful way he was treated by Bush and his cabinet. And imagine this -- is forced resignation opened the door for Ms. "I'll say and do anything George and Dick want me to" Rice to take his place.

    As I said in my original post about this. Two very qualified, respected people whose association with the Bush administration did nothing positive for either of them. … 00106.html

  8. dutchman1951 profile image60
    dutchman1951posted 13 years ago

    this white American chose him because he was the best Man running. I had hopes for changes in the USA. What I did not want was a subversion of the Government structure, and a man, a president,  for sale to power bankers who want control of the US economy, while in return Our President which I though was for better change was really for socialized re-structure. If the Bankers get control, he will get funded fully to go ahead with his socialist agenda.

    The Whites are not your problem, your emotionaly blind vision may be though.

    To see Obama in full light just look at South Chicago and ask yourself how many years was he there in training as an organizer, and how much did the lives of those he organized there truly  improve?

    The startling truth is he did not improve their status one bit, but He profiteered big. You are so intent on playing the race card, you are not looking at truth. Your "culture" as you say is being used, manipulated into unionized strong armed structure to follow in mass, You are being manipulated to fill slots in a worker class.  Union bosses do not care if your status improves one bit, only that you pay dues to them.

    You are subjecting your selves to pre-determined structure. The amount of money you can make, the amount of wage you can have, what you can buy and eat, all of it decided for you. Without your input.

    Economic structure is not improving, and it will not, you will be made equal to everyone else in the world, not just the USA, and not advancing free of choice by your ability to do it., you will be- just equal...think about that a real min. There will be a Rich class and a worker class, and noting more.

    BOTH white and black America, rose up together, we did the right thing we thought, now Both of us need to stand together and stop this mess. It's the "color " of socialism that’s the problem not the Mans skin. Wake up, grow up. and see with real vision, not vision from past race problems.

    We will never advance like this, and you are helping the prejudice to grow again., think...

    Obama is destroying himself with his policy and actions

    1. Making a super Bank structure, fully US backed, not Black and white advancing, just  rich men with power. Covered and guaranteed to make back any loss no matter how reckless they act. We all Black and White pay for it.

    2. Stimulus to bail out Investment banks, not the type of banks that Black and White folks use at street level. The  kind that do small personal loans, savings, checking etc, not those, but the Investment Banks (Stock Market type Banks that do not deal with the general public) Investment Bankers, wall street rich, no advancement again but for rich men.

    3. He Tightened the credit rules so Black and White folks can not re-finance because we are already in trouble with our Mortgages, have credit hits because of it,  and he made it harder not easier..?  Forcing us to Foreclosure, but telling us he is pulling us back from the Brink..?

    4. Allowing illegal’s to flood the welfare roles, pushing poor Blacks down to less in number, crowding them out of welfare roles, so Cities can not support the programs, what happens to the Poor Black kids in that mess? The get even less, because States can not pay..?

    5. Change the Medical coverage’s so poor folks have to enter a risk pool to be covered. Yes, they can not be denied, but they have to answer to a review board during care, and the Insurance can determine how much they are “willing to pay” no have to pay, but “willing” look at the hidden meanings in the buzz and hype words..?

    6. What about black folks who are finally making it…they will also face higher tax rates, pay more for  coverage’s, loose take home pay just like all white folks, remember the word is equal, not better.

    This President is killing his own reputation, he does not need help from Whites writing him off. Look for Truth, not emotion because he is black. His staff is leaving, jumping ship, he has to threaten to force legislature, he can not command respect at all. He is a lousy President, and  that fact has nothing to do with color.

    The economy problem started way back by sending our jobs off shore and across border, and depressing the available job market. We sell nothing in mass amount to the world to make enough money to sustain growth. Has he attempted to open trade, world wide, NO   Has he re-negotiated any tariff and  or tax to improve pricing on world markets to improve our international trade positions, No.

    He proposes shovel ready jobs? Will they lat 30 years, send kids to college, pay off a house, NO
    Soo…what the hell is he there for. To borrow from china even more..?  Think…

    Small Business is just that “SMALL” not enough to hire 100 or 1000, or 2500 workers. Those factories have been sent out of country? So what does he do? …prints more money, de-values the dollar against Gold reserve, cause more world markets to tighten, and then throw borrowed and newly printed money at the problem.

    The Guy has no clue, and that’s why we do not want him. So play the card, play it well, we all know better. Even those in your own race know it.

    1. soldout1 profile image60
      soldout1posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Why should he have to command  those that should automatically follow. You're blind to truth. The cards were already layed out for Obama.  He 's playing a fixed hand. I agree enslavement comes in many form.  The black race understood that he would never bring change, those that have read  history . Hes like Ceasar surrounded by many ememies. He dosen't have the power to change anything. Only a idiot would believe he does. His color isn't the real issue, but it plays a big part in this secret plot. Its nice to know that there are those that see beyond this. If this is genuine. The issues at hand are crucial and the American people are in trouble. As far as the past, it is ever before many black men. Whether acknowledged by their white counter parts or not. So don't right off your history just yet. Its doom to repeat itself.  The real character of this President will be proven doing this peroid of Abandonment. Why would anyone abandon the inexperience? What was the puropse for these men accepting their position in the frst place. Were they put in place for this very purpose? Jst to leave him holding the cards to a FIXED Hand?  Hes being instructed by the very men that are jumping ship. Your kidding me right?  Those in the black and white race know America's History. She always repeat her history.

      1. Petra Vlah profile image60
        Petra Vlahposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I have no doubt Obama is playing a "fixed hand"; he did not choose the cards; Obama has little say on what to keep and what to throw. He will be blamed though and I believe he knew this when he got into the game. Why did he do it? Because somebody had to.

        1. couturepopcafe profile image61
          couturepopcafeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Agree, same with all the presidents.  They bear the brunt because most people don't really follow the votes and bills in Congress.  These are the guys that need the axe.

  9. lovemychris profile image76
    lovemychrisposted 13 years ago

    Colin Powell has plenty of blood on his hands. He was, after all, the one who gave us that charade about weapons labs in the desert in a speech to the United Nations.
    Also saw a documentary about Nicaragua and the Contra's (Sandanista's?)
    Anyway, there was Powell, standing next to HW Bush, deep in the doodoo.
    He's done his part for the cause.
    And, if I remember right, his wife didn't want him to be president precisely BECAUSE he is black....what does that tell you???

    soldout1 is right...the root of this country will have to be accounted for...there is no escaping that fact.

    "Its root remain the same. Greed Is It Her Root. Slavery is at her Root. Racism is at her Root. Therefore the fruit will remain the same."

    Exactly. There is a lot of blood crying out from the ground...and still ongoing the horrible things we do and support.

    1. couturepopcafe profile image61
      couturepopcafeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I remember history correctly when I say that every major power's intel said there were weapons in Iraq.  The UN dragged their feet for so long, he had time to get rid of them.  Remember?

      1. JOE BARNETT profile image59
        JOE BARNETTposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        yes but you remember - incorrectly!  the first gulf war is when they said that he had wmds. after that he had no more. we sent the engineering team 3 times. they came back the first time and said  we couldn't find anything. he sent them again. they found nothing and lastly he sent them a third time and they found nothing! we had no allies. england went with us because we are joined at the hip. even if they have wmds that is still not a reason to invade.a country is soverign. just like your neighbors house. if you don't like him, so. if he has a shot gun in his house you can ask him to get rid of it. i guess he would look at you like you are nuts. but you can't kick in his door and kill him because you say you are afraid of him. it sounds like it should have been the other way around huh?

      2. lovemychris profile image76
        lovemychrisposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        No, I remembr Hans Blix going in there and saying "He's go nothing." HE'S the one they prevented from continuing.

        I also remember the "sexed up" memo, and the man who wrote it ending up dead.

        The intel was from a certified kook.

        "In the run-up to the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003, Secretary of State Colin Powell delivered a dramatic presentation to the U.N. Security Council. The United States had first-hand accounts, he said, detailing how Hussein was secretly creating biological agents using mobile laboratories in "road-trailer units and rail cars."

        As slides depicting drawings of the supposed germ labs flashed on a big screen in the Security Council's chamber, Powell drove his point home:

        The source is an eyewitness, an Iraqi chemical engineer, who supervised one of these facilities."

        "Just days after Powell's presentation, U.N. weapons inspectors presented evidence they said disproved those claims. But six weeks later, on March 20, 2003, the United States launched its invasion, toppling Hussein's government in three weeks but locking itself in a war against an insurgency that has cost more than 4,000 American lives.

        No biological weapons, no germ labs, no weapons of mass destruction of any kind were found in Iraq after the invasion. Curveball -- Rafid Alwan -- remained in hiding in Germany, where he had been interviewed by the German intelligence service, the BND.

        Subsequent U.S. investigations into the intelligence failure around the claims found that German intelligence considered the defector "crazy" and "out of control," while friends said he was a "liar."

        And, it turned out, the CIA not only never spoke with him, it never even saw transcripts of the German interviews, only the Germans' analysis of the interviews."

        NOW do you recall???????

        How many deaths later?

        Anti-Abortionists???? You have a lot of nerve.

  10. Wayne Orvisburg profile image62
    Wayne Orvisburgposted 13 years ago

    I just want to interject my thoughts here for a moment. I did not vote for President Obama. Not because he is black, but because he represents larger government. A larger government that allows people to be lazy. NO, I am not referring to the black community, because matter of fact, there are more white people receiving social aid than black people. I could care less about race. I really could. The fact of the matter is that no matter what color you are, you have plenty of oppurtunity to advance yourself and take part in the pursuit of happiness.

    What we ALL need to do, is elect people (regardless of color, religion, etc) that will enforce what the Constitution intended. If the Constitution was enforced the way it was intended, the government COULD NOT help one social class weaken another.

    1. soldout1 profile image60
      soldout1posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      This is so true, Blacks and Whites are in the same boat these days.  I'm happy you realize that the race factor is a very minute part of the problem but was used instead as a cooking tool. It work. I just really think Hillary would have been better experience. Thanks for your wonderful comments.

  11. lovemychris profile image76
    lovemychrisposted 13 years ago

    "radical Islam that destroyed so many lives on 9/11 is being treated with kid gloves."

    That is your opinon. Millions of people around the world differ as to who "did" 9/11.

    1. couturepopcafe profile image61
      couturepopcafeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      You'll need to be a bit more clear.  I understood you to be against the Bush agenda of "letting them hear from us" and going to war, now you say they are being treated with kid gloves.  You can't have it both ways.  Did I misunderstand you?

  12. Ohma profile image60
    Ohmaposted 13 years ago

    I am just curious about the OP here. Is the point to this thread really about President Obama or is it just to ad more fuel to the racism fire.
    I think the later is the case so I will not even discuss Obama But to the OP I would say yes your ancestors likely came into this country as slaves but why is it that when people like you want to talk about the injustices committed against the Blacks in this country you never include the part that it was other Blacks selling your ancestors into slavery?

    1. profile image0
      china manposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I guess all those raped black girls were 'asking for it' as well ? 

      I must point out that what you are saying is tantamount to the same thing.

      1. Ohma profile image60
        Ohmaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I must point out that I do not believe you understood or read my reply.
        I did not say that anyone deserved to be sold into slavery I said that to be historically correct it was not what the Whites did to the Blacks. The injustice committed against the race where committed by others of their own race. Yes the Whites bought the slaves and in that respect they were wrong. My only point is why do we always talk about that and not talk about how equally wrong it was for the Blacks to sell their own race into slavery.

        1. profile image0
          china manposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          I don't think anyone is 'uncomfortable' with the ideas, it is that slavery is a product of the people who enslave, the issue of black people rounding up there own kind is a bit like blaming the hunting dog for people shooting pheasants.

          Maybe what I find slightly distasteful is the smearing thought behind it, Britain did most of the slave trading and sold most of them into America - and that developed its 'rich' economy of today on the backs of millions of slaves.  Your comment kinda implied that it partly their own fault.

          1. couturepopcafe profile image61
            couturepopcafeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            I think you make a good point, although your analogy might be a bit off.  Might be more to the point to say if drug dealers didn't buy drugs to sell in America, there would be no drug cartels in Mexico.  The drug cartel is the African people seller, the drug dealer is the European people buyer, and the person sold is the drug user, caught in the middle trap.  Both sides of the ocean were wrong.  But there is no human bondage in America today. 

            When I was a child, I was made to feel very badly, and without going into details, I carried this with me well into adulthood.  One day I realized that carrying this with me served to keep me in its bondage and did not serve to edify me, it no longer had purpose, as if it ever did.  Letting go of the hold that ego puts on us can be very difficult.  It is not about who is right and who is wrong.  The people who did what they did are all dead.

            For those who are still trying to keep them alive to prove some sadistic and misplaced point, all I can say is "Bury them".

  13. Petra Vlah profile image60
    Petra Vlahposted 13 years ago

    There is so much hypocrisy in America that a few sentences will not do it and even an entire hub will not change anyone's mind. People just have a need to get drunk on pure water

    1. couturepopcafe profile image61
      couturepopcafeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Are we unique to the world, Petra?  You're from another country originally.  Maybe you can give an interesting perspective.

  14. profile image53
    Myloloposted 13 years ago

    Please forgive me - but I recall working in a high school a few years back that was predominantly Black. There was a particular term paper a Senior wrote on Slavery - we talked about it and asked her how she felt realizing that the people who she thought were the culprits behind slavery actually weren't and that kings of Africa had no issue selling thier people? She told me it was very eye-opening.  I admit, the treatment was herendous. There is no call to treat another human no matter the color or creed like garbage. What bothers me is that the same thing is repeated over and over and the fantastic growth that has been made is ignored. Condi Rice, Colin Powell, Judge Thomas, Obama...and the list goes on. Call me simplistic but I was under the impression we were all for equality - I'm pretty sure we have it. I also see the people who have achieved so much have worked very hard for it and didn't feel they were entitled to it - Once again, sounding very equal. In my eyes there is only one race and it's called the human race.

    A little blurb I found on
    Who Started the Triangular Trade?
    For two hundred years, 1440-1640, Portugal had a monopoly on the export of slaves from Africa. It is notable that they were also the last European country to abolish the institution - although, like France, it still continued to work former slaves as contract laborers, which they called libertos or engagés à temps. It is estimated that during the 4 1/2 centuries of the trans-Atlantic slave trade, Portugal was responsible for transporting over 4.5 million Africans (roughly 40% of the total).

    How Did the Europeans Obtain the Slaves?
    Between 1450 and the end of the nineteenth century, slaves were obtained from along the west coast of Africa with the full and active co-operation of African kings and merchants. (There were occasional military campaigns organized by Europeans to capture slaves, especially by the Portuguese in what is now Angola, but this accounts for only a small percentage of the total.)

    1. JOE BARNETT profile image59
      JOE BARNETTposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      what youre trying to do is blend two seperate things. the africans sold people. a crime, they were criminals.  white americans wanted to buy people that they could makeslaves in this country. then  established and perpetuated slavery. another and different crime. we have known this story since it's inception and always attempts made to pass the buck are to tell this story.

      1. couturepopcafe profile image61
        couturepopcafeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Hey, Joe, I'm very interested to hear your perspective on this since you may have had stories handed down from not so long ago.  When you say "attempts made to pass the buck are to tell this story" do you mean this generation is placing blame on the past for their lack of success or effort?

        1. JOE BARNETT profile image59
          JOE BARNETTposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          COUTURE-not sure that i understood your question. but i will answer what i think you meant. everything that i say is true. whenever the topic comes up there is such guilt that whites immediately start saying "well the blacks sold them" or the people that did this are dead etc. rush limbaugh tried to deny it even occured in the early 90's. all that is well and good but the fact of the matter is that the gov't owes . . . alot. there are no two ways about it. i hope this answered your question

          1. soldout1 profile image60
            soldout1posted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Excellent  answer Joe, It sounds like 40acers and a Mue. Well said. Facing the truth of the past in America has been hard. Yet study shows that when one has been injured in the soul that counselling helps many to recover.  Well America do not want to deal with this painful history that has been lived over. But those that have suffered such abuse within so many times end up returning to  the root for their final healing. Thanks for your comment Joe.

            1. profile image0
              china manposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              It seems to be a wave of 'lets just forget' about all the bad things in history from Black American slavery to the Japanese and their invasion of China, and the wars of the religious folk.

              This seems to go hand in hand with promoting lies, removing relelvant books, paintings and writings from public view, and the promotion of outdated thinking by repetition rather than argument - all the signs of a civilization breaking apart before a drastic change.  Lets hope it is a change for the better this time.

        2. JOE BARNETT profile image59
          JOE BARNETTposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          i had to re-read it . no everytime someone mentions slavery to a white person they immediately begin to pass the buck or should i say pass the blame on to someone else  by saying well it was blacks that sold them and i didn't have anything to do with it or the people are dead and gone, so why don't they just forget about it.just like the jews are forgetting about germans. we all no everything that happened to this day just from the family stories passed down.

          1. couturepopcafe profile image61
            couturepopcafeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            I think you did answer the question.  Your perspective is, of course, more valid.  I wish I could walk in the shoes of a black person for just a day.  Enlightenment is a wonderful thing.  Thanks for taking the time to answer.  What, in your opinion, would be a productive way to deal with this? (not talking about forums, but society, government, etc.)

            1. JOE BARNETT profile image59
              JOE BARNETTposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              COUTUREPOPCAFE- it's simple and easy to determine. an accountant could do it in a day. i could do it in a day. they should just pay the money. but they know that will create a financial shift. because all that is here, at least half is owed.

              1. KFlippin profile image60
                KFlippinposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                smile smile smile  Really.  I will look for more ... detailed support for this post/opinion/statement, and will gladly tick off (accounting term, so don't get your back up) what is accurate and what is not - I have a high respect for the opinions of Certified Public Accountants - or just accountants who reveal their background.

                Liberalism is personified by Barney Frank, and Frank, or rather Barney, as I prefer to refer to him, knows more than most CPA's will ever get a glimmer of, as to why this country is in the toilet, and BARNEY is sitting fine, and Barney, the good liberal Dem that he is, keeps playing the party line and lying and lying and lying, and of course -- sputtering and sputtering, and spittling and spittling -- is that a word????  Can't stand the man.  Spittle comes to mind every time I endure witnessing him LIE to US -- which he does every time he opens his mouth.  I'd like equal pay with BARNEY.

              2. couturepopcafe profile image61
                couturepopcafeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                Joe - are you talking about retribution?  But how could it possibly be determined or divided up?  So many records are lost or were never written in the first place.

                1. JOE BARNETT profile image59
                  JOE BARNETTposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  COUTUREPOPCAFE=  people that don't want to pay say things like this. it's easy to determine. where did all the money from slavery go. then where should it be . . . ta-dah! see how easy that was. if it takes a year or ten years . . . so what! america became a success at the "EXPENSE" of black people and we were here since it began, the 1600's. did you understand just what that last sentence said?
                  open a business today. then don't pay any body and force them to work. you will be sued at least and the money will go to it's rightful owners. it's just that when it's too much money, they'll say anything to prevent paying it.did you see the movie "rosewood" with don cheadle. find it , watch it. that is just one of the millions of things that happened after slavery. many non confrontational people want it to just go away because it's an ugly reprehensible and dispicable situation that occured. then after they grab up the money,schools ,property,business.etc. and 300 years later then they say ok you can have equal rights. ha ha ha make me laugh! just  . . .pay . . .the 
                  . . .money!

              3. lovemychris profile image76
                lovemychrisposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                Yeah, but I heard Warren Ballentine say that if they did reparations in America, they'd have to do it ALL over the world!!!!

                That's why they don't want to.

                1. JOE BARNETT profile image59
                  JOE BARNETTposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  so then let them do it! didn't see how it was a problem when they were stealing it from all over the world! you see my point? if it takes twenty years, so what but it must start!

  15. Greek One profile image64
    Greek Oneposted 13 years ago

    We Greeks are typically more 'olive skinned' that white.

    1. couturepopcafe profile image61
      couturepopcafeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I don't even think dead people are white.  I've never really seen a white person.  Well, maybe that guy Jason from Halloween.

      1. soldout1 profile image60
        soldout1posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        There are those without melon.

        1. couturepopcafe profile image61
          couturepopcafeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Albinos?  Yes, hadn't thought about that.  Still, very pale but not white like this page.

    2. soldout1 profile image60
      soldout1posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      True and sometime mistaken as Jews.

  16. BobbiRant profile image59
    BobbiRantposted 13 years ago

    I like President Obama and you are right.  They have attacked him from day one.  Americans are spoiled little brats who are nasty to each other anymore.  He has accomplished quite a bit and yet Bush had 4 years to screw everything up.  Americans are brainwashed as sure as the day is long.  I like this post. The truth hurts Americans anyway.

    1. couturepopcafe profile image61
      couturepopcafeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      What is your home country?

    2. soldout1 profile image60
      soldout1posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Thank You so much for your comment ( BobbiRant)it is much appreciated. Give the man a chance.  Those that help this President make all of these poor financial decision have a nerve to abandon the man.

  17. Ralph Deeds profile image65
    Ralph Deedsposted 13 years ago


    Anybody remember Lou Dobbs and his rants against illegal immigrants and their employers?

    Well, he's contemplating the possibility of running for President in 2012. If hypocrisy is a qualification these days, he's well qualified. The Nation reports this week that he has employed several undocumented immigrants on his horse farm estate in NJ for years.

    His scheduled October 9 address at the Virginia Tea Party Convention will mark his second major Tea Party address of the year, reviving questions about whether the former CNN host is gearing up for an electoral campaign. He recently told Fox's Sean Hannity that he has not ruled out a possible Senate or even presidential run in 2012.

    But with his relentless diatribes against "illegals" and their employers, Dobbs is casting stones from a house—make that an estate—of glass. Based on a yearlong investigation, including interviews with five immigrants who worked without papers on his properties, The Nation and the Investigative Fund at The Nation Institute have found that Dobbs has relied for years on undocumented labor for the upkeep of his multimillion-dollar estates and the horses he keeps for his 22-year-old daughter, Hillary, a champion show jumper.

    Dobbs lives in a sprawling white mansion on his 300-acre estate in Sussex, New Jersey, where he and his family run a horse farm. In 2005 he acquired another house—a spacious multimillion-dollar winter holiday home in Eagle Isle, the most exclusive enclave of the Ibis Golf and Country Club, a gated community in West Palm Beach, Florida. It offers his daughter a place to stay during her competitions at the Wellington Winter Equestrian Festival, one of the most important events in the horse show world.

    Dobbs's daughter keeps five European Warmbloods, a breed that often fetches close to $1 million apiece. In the official results of her competitions, her horses' owner is always listed as The Dobbs Group—a corporate entity for which few details are available on the public record. However, incorporation documents and other state records reveal it to be a New Jersey company of which Lou Dobbs is president. This same company also owns the copyright on Dobbs's books.

    The upkeep of Dobbs's multiple properties creates no small demand for labor in two sectors where undocumented immigrants are known to be particularly prevalent. Jay Hickey, president of the American Horse Council, the horse industry's main lobby group, suggested in 2009 that more than half of the workers in his industry are likely undocumented. Likewise, studies have found that undocumented workers make up an estimated 28 percent of workers in landscaping. In both of these sectors, the use of contractors is commonplace, so it is not surprising that Dobbs has relied on third parties to supply the labor he needs. Vicky Moon, author of A Sunday Horse: Inside the Grand Prix Show-Jumping Circuit, explained that contracting out the care of one's horses "alleviates the time involved in coordinating the horses' care, transport, and management but it also removes the responsibility of hiring competent grooms, providing housing and meals, possibly paying Social Security taxes, health insurance and, most important, making extra sure they are legal."

    Dobbs has heaped scorn on the government for using contractors that hire undocumented immigrants. On CNN in 2007, he called private firms that oppose verification requirements for their contractors' employees "ridiculous." Yet interviews with several such employees show that Dobbs has been far from vigilant about the status of workers laboring on his own properties.

    The Nation also reminded me that all the non-office holder contenders for the presidency, except for Romney, are oneRupert Murdoch's payroll at Fox News. (Huckabee, Gingrich, Palin and Santorum) Does that worry any of you Tea Partiers?

    1. KFlippin profile image60
      KFlippinposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Nice Deflect from the discussion....and a load of wasteless BS, IMO -- of course most intellectual Dems know that already, and for certain you are astute, but Dobbs is just so convenient (but as a Repub, so dumb IMO to use for this) to pounce on and use this close to the upcoming elections, that the effort strikes me as wasteful and intellectually .... bereft...IMO

    2. JOE BARNETT profile image59
      JOE BARNETTposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      RALPH- i did see this. i saw the discussion between dobbs and the girl that investigated it. in typical republican fashion he talked out of both sides of his mouth. basically saying it's not his fault ha ha ha .

      1. soldout1 profile image60
        soldout1posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Tee hee hee, you are funny.

  18. KFlippin profile image60
    KFlippinposted 13 years ago

    Oh, BS, what an attempt to revive Lou Dobbs......deflect, deflect, deflect.......IMO

  19. lady_love158 profile image60
    lady_love158posted 13 years ago

    Anyone living in America that thinks the US Government was complicit or responsible for the 9/11 attacks should just leave our country right now! There's no reason for you to be here! Go to Iran where you belong, or Saudi Arabia, or Egypt...or any socialist Utopia of your choice.

    1. rachellrobinson profile image85
      rachellrobinsonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Amen. How can anyone possibly believe that their government was involved or complacent in the murder of 3000 people? That is just the most insane idea I have ever heard. But you are completely right if someone believes that the American Govt. could be responsible for this then they should move out of this country.

      1. lady_love158 profile image60
        lady_love158posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Hell, I don't think even the democrats would do such a thing! LOL

      2. JOE BARNETT profile image59
        JOE BARNETTposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        i'm not saying that it did happen. what i am saying is you guys are naieve, very naieve!

    2. lovemychris profile image76
      lovemychrisposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Oh Yeah???   well...

      "Anyone who doesn’t flat out know and state that not only was 9/11 an inside job but that the Israelis and their catamites in the American government are responsible, is a gatekeeper or a disinfo agent. I’m not talking about that large segment of the population that is hothousing the de-evolutionary cycle to the point that they look like they are about to drop down on all fours and start feeding off of the landscape. I’m talking about those of us who claim to be informed and ignore or avoid what is inescapably true."--Les Visible

      he can speak for me.

      1. lady_love158 profile image60
        lady_love158posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        He's obviously an extremeist that hates America... if you lie with dogs...

        1. rachellrobinson profile image85
          rachellrobinsonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          I put him into yahoo, he is a "Psychic" who lives in the mountains in England with his wife... just the Psychic part got me.

          1. lovemychris profile image76
            lovemychrisposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            I believe he is in Italy now.
            Smoking Mirrors is his web-site.

        2. lovemychris profile image76
          lovemychrisposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          He loves America, as do I. I want the traitors exposed, tried and locked-up.

          You are content to believe the hog-wash.

          For, as you know...even Bush himself said. "Osama Bin-Laden? I don't know where he is. He's not on my radar."

          FBI has no proof that Bin-Laden did 9/11.

          There is, however, plenty of proof which lends to an inside job.

          Care to answer my question? It's easy. Who could have told NORAD to stand down that morning?

  20. OldSkoolFool profile image59
    OldSkoolFoolposted 13 years ago

    One Acronym you need to know..


  21. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 13 years ago

    Dear Political Correctness forum;

      Ok, folks on the level here, Why is it that race becomes the answer to all the criticism of our president today. I'm a little thirsty but I won't take the cool-aid you're offering, Race ....Race is when you say "white America" as you make a statement of race being the reason for criticising the president today  {soldout1 ], race, is when you can use reverse racism too , isn't it??? , but the Race card is printed on a mirror, my friends  . The next time you point your finger at  whites or blacks or any color for that matter......look at your hand. No matter what color your hand is .........there are four fingers pointing back at You! Sorry people , I said I would not  discuss political topics , but I dispise racism ...NO matter what color racism is!

  22. profile image0
    suarezelec2002posted 13 years ago

    Anymore in politics it matters little the experience of the person, what color they are, whether they are monogamous in a relationship, from New York, LA, Chicago or Texas as long as he/she has the BIGGEST MOUTH. In any election, I vote only out of being loyal but when I look at those who run for office they all act like children ranting and raving to get the candy. And you know why? Who but a crook would spend 10 to 50 million dollars to get a job that will pay them less than 10% of what they invest in a campaign UNLESS they were "crooked." America has gone to hell, and few are willing to look at it "or" change it. The President is what people expected in the White House and now like always they complain. Maybe in the next election, we should vote for God but then again, the ads will be all over the TV bad mouthing him so yet another crook will win the votes. Washington anymore is a joke full of clowns, all willing to do anything for those lobbists dollars for their paycheck is a drop in the bucket for what they are selling out America for to foreign interests.......


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