What shows that a person has wisdom?

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  1. midget38 profile image88
    midget38posted 12 years ago

    What shows that a person has wisdom?

  2. Taleb80 profile image77
    Taleb80posted 12 years ago

    I think silence & speaking when it is needed is very appreciated by people.
    Also the ability to give a good example from real life is important.

    1. midget38 profile image88
      midget38posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I like this thought....sometimes, the person only wants you to listen and not really say anything. Sometimes speaking at the wrong time has a negative effect.

  3. Opulent1 profile image60
    Opulent1posted 12 years ago

    I believe a person shows wisdom by the way they live their lives.

    1. midget38 profile image88
      midget38posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Yup, embracing bad habits, etc....wouldn't be wise.

  4. BobMonger profile image60
    BobMongerposted 12 years ago

    A wise person will always listen first then speak or do after much thought; this requires patience, empathy, and sometimes even courage. The wise person is aware of their surroundings and has a realistic view of the world they live in; this requires sobriety and discipline, even perseverance. A wise person does not look down on their fellow man but sees them in the true light of their persons; this requires compassion and charity, even pity.
    I could go on, but I think you get the gist of where I'm going.
    For further references I would suggest the Old Testament book of Proverbs which goes into great detail on the subject.

    1. AlexK2009 profile image80
      AlexK2009posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      The person who thinks before acting is usually labelled stupid by those who do not see the possible implications of their actions or even see alternatives. Thus the wise person will be seen as slow and stupid.  The slow deep thinkers are often  wise.

    2. connorj profile image68
      connorjposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Yes indeed; what comes to mind is this relatively old saying... "shallow brooks are noisy."

    3. midget38 profile image88
      midget38posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for the reference, Bobmonger. I have a rule I try to follow always..that we should give ourselves a time frame before answering any question or expressing views. You're so right.. it's really not so easy.

  5. Patty Kenyon profile image67
    Patty Kenyonposted 12 years ago

    Michelle, today is a very uncanny day for us between our Hubs and this question...my youngest son asked me today what wise meant because he heard a neighbor use the word and wanted to make sure it wasn't an insult...lol

    Wisdom to me is a thought process, a way a person thinks, the knowledge they surround themselves with, life experience, and an open mind.  A person can show wisdom through writing, speaking, listening carefully, as well as what Taleb80 and Opulent1 stated they way they live.

    You show Amazing Wisdom through your Haiku!!!  You always leave your readers with something to think about!!

    1. midget38 profile image88
      midget38posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, it's been an uncanny day, Patty! But it also means that we are destined to be friends! Your little boy is really intelligent. Yes, it's how you think, your life experience, and being able to embrace things no matter how tough, if necessary.

  6. SylviaSky profile image73
    SylviaSkyposted 12 years ago

    Marilyn Monroe said it: "A wise girl kisses but doesn't love, listens but doesn't believe, and leaves before she is left."

    1. alancaster149 profile image79
      alancaster149posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Didn't do her much good, did it? Two Kennedy brothers, one in charge of the FBI - might as well have been the Gestapo with McCarthy in charge - the other running the country with Kruschev looking over his left shoulder!

    2. EuroCafeAuLait profile image78
      EuroCafeAuLaitposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I know what you are trying to say.  She didn't let her emotions sway her, she kept control and eyes wide open.  Still, I prefer to be swept off my feet a bit, while keeping a firm grasp of reality whenever possible! big_smile

    3. midget38 profile image88
      midget38posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I think I take Marilyn Monroe's statement as being not to be too reactive to situations, listening discerningly, and knows when to leave a task before things get worse.

  7. LillyGrillzit profile image76
    LillyGrillzitposted 12 years ago

    What shows that a person has wisdom is that they are no longer determined to learn things the hard way,

    But are willing to learn from the experiences of others, as well as their own lessons.

    The after-effects of a wise person's advice, is the only true way to test whether someone has wisdom or not.

    1. midget38 profile image88
      midget38posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      It is true that an unwise person tends to cling on to his pride. He cannot accept any blow and refuses to learn the lesson. Wisdom entails benefiting from experience, as you so rightly put.

  8. sradie profile image60
    sradieposted 12 years ago

    I have always defined wisdom this way; 'Wisdom is the well executed application of knowledge'.
    It is a simple matter for man to acquire massive amounts of knowledge in our technological age. Knowledge has no value without wisdom. Wisdom tells us how to use the knowledge we have accumulated. When we use it ethically, morally and consider the spiritual implications of how we use it, knowledge becomes wisdom.

    1. alancaster149 profile image79
      alancaster149posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Doesn't it go a bit deeper than just 'knowing things'? If that was all there was to wisdom, it wouldn't be worth striving for.

    2. sradie profile image60
      sradieposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Yes it definitely goes beyond just knowing things. That is the 'knowledge' in my answer. It's making good use of that knowledge to benefit ourselves and those around us that constitutes wisdom.

    3. midget38 profile image88
      midget38posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      True, Sradle. Using knowledge for the good, morally, is truly wise indeed.Thanks for this lovely insight. As alancaster says though, it's implementing good judgment and experience as well...a lot of things!

  9. John Sarkis profile image83
    John Sarkisposted 12 years ago

    Learning from your mistakes...


    I don't know of a man that would have left Marilyn Monroe ;-)

    1. profile image52
      EstebJposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      A wise man would have never gotten involved in the first place, heh.

    2. AlexK2009 profile image80
      AlexK2009posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Not my type but I know what you mean if you substitute Lucy Liu smile

    3. midget38 profile image88
      midget38posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Yup, it is learning from trial and error. It wouldn't be wise not to try either!

  10. profile image0
    Jesshubpagesposted 12 years ago

    When a person fears The Lord, that person has wisdom.

    1. alancaster149 profile image79
      alancaster149posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Very eastern approach this. How about: what man fears most might do him less harm, it's the little things in life that can chisel away his security.

  11. PastorAndrew profile image59
    PastorAndrewposted 12 years ago

    Wisdom is the ability to see life the way God does.  So the person that shows that they have wisdom is the person that is able to communicate God's viewpoint to others.

    1. alancaster149 profile image79
      alancaster149posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      He who has wisdom does not speak for others, he speaks for himself. In other words: Why be someone else's mouthpiece if you've got a brain of your own?

    2. PastorAndrew profile image59
      PastorAndrewposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      The wise man recognizes that God's thoughts are higher than our own.  He seeks to think God's thoughts after Him.  To equate your mind/thoughts/wisdom with God's is supreme foolishness

  12. profile image52
    EstebJposted 12 years ago

    Wisdom is experience combined with understanding. The crappy thing about wisdom, is when you choose to define it, you're going to end up calling someone else less wise. Everyone has the potential for wisdom, it's simply based off the lessons you learn through personal experience. How you interpret what actually happened, what's happening next and where it's going.

    What shows a person has it? Are they reacting to, or deciding what's next? wink

    1. midget38 profile image88
      midget38posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Making positive decisions and reactions, from my view, would be the wise thing to do.

  13. MarleneB profile image93
    MarleneBposted 12 years ago

    I think wisdom is relative to each individual. When we go about discerning whether a person is wise or not, then we start judging them. When I reflect on my own self, I see that sometimes I am wise and sometimes I am plain ignorant. When I make the determination for myself, that's wise. But, when other people make that determination for me, then that's just being critical.

    1. midget38 profile image88
      midget38posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      True. We should always be confident of our own judgement. We never truly know everything...else we'd be omnipotent.

  14. Rebecca2904 profile image67
    Rebecca2904posted 12 years ago

    I think the ability to listen to others and only speak when they feel they have something valuable to contribute shows true wisdom. I think that small children speak all the time, the truly wise mainly listen... and everyone else is somewhere in between! smile

    1. midget38 profile image88
      midget38posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      True. I try, though not completely successfully, to refrain from comment until I assess the situation. It's this impulsive tendency we have to get over.

  15. KrisL profile image71
    KrisLposted 12 years ago

    There have been many wise answers . . . not to replace them, but to add another important factor, a wise person does not take him or herself too seriously, and will laugh at herself rather than at someone else.

    1. AlexK2009 profile image80
      AlexK2009posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      This is an importan point I had forgotten. A wise person may seldom be serious, and often laughing

    2. midget38 profile image88
      midget38posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      True, and the most difficult thing to do!

  16. Astralrose profile image90
    Astralroseposted 12 years ago

    Wisdom is when a person knows how to use his or her knowledge without causing harm to other being. A gun can kill...that is knowledge! Whether a person uses it to kill a person or a non-human animal or not requires wisdom.

    1. midget38 profile image88
      midget38posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for pointing out the difference between knowledge and wisdom, Astral Rose! We all have knowledge; whether we use what we know for the good is truly wise.

  17. epigramman profile image60
    epigrammanposted 12 years ago

    when someone leaves me a nice comment at my hubspace
    - sending you warm wishes and good energy at lake erie time ontario canada 2:54pm

    1. EuroCafeAuLait profile image78
      EuroCafeAuLaitposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      ha ha, cute answer!!

    2. midget38 profile image88
      midget38posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Now that's truly wise, Epiman! Lol!

  18. MickeySr profile image79
    MickeySrposted 12 years ago

    That they live a life of joy and are an encouragement to those around them.

    1. midget38 profile image88
      midget38posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Yes. Embracing positivity is true wisdom.

  19. Silver Fish profile image69
    Silver Fishposted 12 years ago

    Someone who knows they don't have all the answers

    1. connorj profile image68
      connorjposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      yes indeed, the wiser one becomes the more aware they have become  that they indeed know less...

    2. midget38 profile image88
      midget38posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      True. We should always admit our fallibility. Well said!

  20. Perspycacious profile image64
    Perspycaciousposted 12 years ago

    I believe a person's wisdom is best demonstrated by the nature of their interactions with other people.

    1. midget38 profile image88
      midget38posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Socialization and interpersonal skills truly make you wise.

  21. cam8510 profile image90
    cam8510posted 12 years ago

    Wisdom is a combination of knowledge and understanding how to use that knowledge in everyday life and decisions.  The life of a wise person, while not without problems, is characterized by dealing with issues promptly and in a way that promotes a return to stability in his own life as well as in the lives of others he effects.

    1. midget38 profile image88
      midget38posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      It's how we deal with things, indeed, cam8510. When we deal with problems with an even more negative reaction, that's not wisdom at all.

  22. profile image0
    KDuBarry03posted 12 years ago

    I believe that a person shows wisdom when they truly listen to someone's words and calmly gives an answer. I believe that when one shows calmness in their words, they know what to say and how to say it; hence, wisdom smile

    1. midget38 profile image88
      midget38posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Keith, thanks for coming by! The truly wise is calm and controlled. It's the impulsivity that's a little harder to negotiate!

  23. Neil Sperling profile image60
    Neil Sperlingposted 12 years ago

    Being able to ask good questions, love life itself for all it is, and bring a smile to another persons face in difficult times...... and most importantly to see life without judgement. Acceptance of both self and others, while continually working at self improvement and encouragement towards others.. 

    Those are some of the characteristics of a wizdom.  - Oh and spelling fonetically kounts as well!  Wizdom!

    1. midget38 profile image88
      midget38posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      LOL! Thanks for the amusing anecdote at the end, Neil. Spelling can cause much confusion! I dislike it when people are judgmental and show a lack of empathy. We should all know that we don't have all the answers.

  24. vveasey profile image68
    vveaseyposted 12 years ago

    What shows that a person has wisdom, is if their capable of correctly judging the true value, worth, meaning or importance of a situation, person, place, thing, decision or choice, and the benefit or detriment associated with those things they've judged..

    1. midget38 profile image88
      midget38posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Pick your battles, that's try vveasey.

  25. SidKemp profile image73
    SidKempposted 12 years ago

    Wisdom, I think is a lifelong venture and an endless adventure.

    The Buddha defined wisdom as the doing what is beneficial to everyone, even when it is hard and painful, and not doing that which is harmful to anyone, even when it is fun or easy.

    The first signs of wisdom, I think, are spaciousness, humility, and humor. So if a man or woman is laughing, listening, and accepting you as you are, you have, perhaps, met wisdom.

    Wise people are always respectful, even when they disagree. Wise people are happy except when faced with a genuine cause for grief. Wise people are not stressed out. When wise people speak, they are sure that each word is true, kind, and necessary. (That may mean they don't say very much!)

  26. alancaster149 profile image79
    alancaster149posted 12 years ago

    What shows that a person has wisdom? What a question! Horns at the front of their head. What shows a lack of wisdom is looking for them, they're probably the horns of a dilemma the wise person avoided being stuck on.
    Hard to see by looking at anyone how wise they are - wise enough to survive in the storm-tossed sea of problems. Go to the man at the top of the mountain and ask him, unless he doesn't look wise enough to you. Stuck, aren't you? After that great long climb you might as well get something out of it. Ask him anyway,
    'Are you wise?' Who's going to say no?

    1. AlexK2009 profile image80
      AlexK2009posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Socrates never said he was wise.

    2. midget38 profile image88
      midget38posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for coming by, alancaster. True that everyone always thinks they are wise...and the one who avoids problems is truly not so. Thanks for the insights and answer!

  27. Diana Lee profile image80
    Diana Leeposted 12 years ago

    I believe wisdom comes from living life and the lessons we have learned over time. I would like to think any of us getting on in years have some kind of wisdom. We are all still learning as time goes by. What we can contribute to others may not be anything we found in book learning, but what we found as trial and error as we live our lives. Wisdom comes as we age.

    1. midget38 profile image88
      midget38posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, wisdom does not come with book knowledge alone but with experience! What we learn as we grow is the true nature of wisdom.

  28. snoblet profile image86
    snobletposted 12 years ago

    I guess understanding the cause and effects from experience or experience of others through history.  But the whole point is understanding I guess.

    1. midget38 profile image88
      midget38posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Indeed, trying to make sense of a bad situation would be wise, Snoblet!

  29. Darrell Roberts profile image70
    Darrell Robertsposted 12 years ago

    The application of your knowledge at the right time bringing about a positive out come.  Knowing what to do, where to dot it, when to do it, how to do it and why it needs to get done.

    Best wishes

    1. midget38 profile image88
      midget38posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      That's a truly wise answer, Darrell. Being positive in the application of knowledge is wise indeed. Look at the nature of war....many times, decisions made are not wise ones.

  30. EuroCafeAuLait profile image78
    EuroCafeAuLaitposted 12 years ago

    Wisdom can be displayed in a person's traits and reactions.  By thinking before they speak, not flying off the handle; being able to inject humor in an uncomfortable situation, putting others at ease; having perseverance to see a project through to completion, being able to lose gracefully knowing that "every dog has his day" and most of all, taking responsibility for his or her own life.  That I think is the kind of person I would call "wise".

    1. midget38 profile image88
      midget38posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Being able to see things calmly, veering discomfort to comfort, determination and losing but raring to climb are all wise features, indeed.

  31. somethgblue profile image72
    somethgblueposted 12 years ago

    Knowledge Speaks, Wisdom Listens-JH

    Meaning those willing to listen to all view points without forming an argument, defense or resentment against it. Learning to show patience and tolerance of all humans and their belief's. Learning to give unconditional Love to every human being while accepting them.

    Learning to forgive yourself and think of others first.

    If one Loves the Creator one need not fear the Creator.

    Fear is the Mind Killer.

    1. midget38 profile image88
      midget38posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Listening...and seeing another person's views is truly wise. It is an unwise person who is quick to pass judgement because of a jaded viewpoint.

    2. MarleneB profile image93
      MarleneBposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      @ somethgblue - What?
      I didn't understand your comment to midget38. I didn't see how midget38's comment was jaded. Clarification? Thanks!

    3. somethgblue profile image72
      somethgblueposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      MarleneB let me type this very s l o w l y so you can grasp the complexity of the situation. By implying another is unwise for passing judgement you are passing judgement.

      How can you ask a question and argue with anyone's opinion? It's Absurd!

  32. aviannovice profile image86
    aviannoviceposted 12 years ago

    Wisdom equals common sense and humility.

    1. midget38 profile image88
      midget38posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, being able to judge empathically and being humble enough to understand that we do not have all the answers.

  33. Mr. Happy profile image79
    Mr. Happyposted 12 years ago

    My grandmother used to say:

    "The wise man learns from other people's mistakes,
    The smart man learns from his own mistakes,
    While the stupid man never learns at all."

    1. midget38 profile image88
      midget38posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Learning from mistakes is wise!

  34. Ann1Az2 profile image76
    Ann1Az2posted 12 years ago

    A wise person listens more than he talks. The Bible says that the beginning of wisdom is fear of the Lord. So those people who have respect for their Creator, have at least the beginning of wisdom.

    1. midget38 profile image88
      midget38posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Pity that many people fail to listen before speaking. Everyone wants their turn in the limelight! Thanks for coming by, Ann!

  35. NicholasA profile image58
    NicholasAposted 12 years ago

    Someone has wisdom when they can perform a task instead of "knowing" how to do it.

    Socrates-"You know how to clean a windshield right?"
    Dan- "Yes"
    Socrates- "Wisdom is doing it"
    Dan and Socrates- "Way of the Peaceful Warrior"

    "Knowledge is not the same as wisdom"-Socrates

    1. midget38 profile image88
      midget38posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Agree with that, Nicholas. Wisdom and knowledge is different. A person say s" I can do something because I've learned..." and when faced with the actual task, knows not at all how to get things done!

  36. fpherj48 profile image60
    fpherj48posted 12 years ago

    Knowing when to speak and when to remain silent.  Realizing that when you do speak, not everyone will listen.......and that of all those who listen....some will not agree....yet accepting the disagreement with grace and respect.
    "Wisdom," is understanding...that having rights, doesn't mean we're always right.....that freedom is not free......and that "LOVE, only conquers all," when it is shared Universally.
    Wisdom is knowing that winning is not everything, but that giving it your all....IS.   That failure, although humbling, NEVER FAILS to teach us a better way, if we allow it.   
    Wisdom is knowing when you've said enough.       
    Peace, ...........Paula Jamison-Michalek/08/31/2012    "Effer"

    1. midget38 profile image88
      midget38posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for dropping by fpherj48! I like your statement that "freedom is not free..." Though we have freedom of speech, it's wise to be careful.

  37. edhan profile image35
    edhanposted 12 years ago

    Through listening of what the person is saying, you will know that he/she is wise. I always believe in listening when a person is talking with others and I can sense if that person is having wisdom.

  38. dghbrh profile image79
    dghbrhposted 12 years ago

    A person who knows that wisdom is an ongoing process has wisdom in true sense.
    Nice question, Michelle:-)

    1. midget38 profile image88
      midget38posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks dghbrh!! I agree with that, there's never an end to wisdom!

  39. kess profile image60
    kessposted 12 years ago

    Only the wise can behold wisdom and see it for what it is...
    Wisdom and knowledge are inseparable.

    1. midget38 profile image88
      midget38posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      True, wisdom is how you use knowledge.

  40. Insane Mundane profile image58
    Insane Mundaneposted 12 years ago

    For one, a wise person doesn't make a habit of making asinine comments, and they tend to learn from their mistakes while not acting like a pompous imbecile on a regular basis?  Ha!

    1. midget38 profile image88
      midget38posted 12 years agoin reply to this


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