well hubbers, i got tired of seeing this line again & again. and somehow I found it offending. Ahmadi peaceful Muslim? Sounds like all other Muslims are terrorists(except the ahmdais) or Muslims r peaceful but the christians r not. Is it a marketing campaign for Ahmadis. Otherwise why would someone continue to write such line again & again?
Usually universal ignoring them discourages them from continuing. Note that the religion forums are full of people who *haven't* been ignored. Hence the continuation of lunacy.
Good point but I've got a feeling that this one is not ready to stop yet
I think you're right. Clever responses will probably encourage him to continue, however.
nah he's just a harmless little sock puppet. there are other things around here that annoy me a lot more...
It can't helped!
"Brainwashed" religious nuts are everywhere.
They should be ignored.
Responding to them and their "fanatical bigotry," only inspires them to keep going.
Pay them no heed!
I just got off a weeks ban....now I'll probably be banned for good..NP...this is not my life.
I got the impression this guy used this as a signature line.
Why start a thread on this? If the guy really is the 'peaceful muslim' he says he is, is he not gonna be hurt by this thread?
It is a tactic used by many Arabs in the same way a used car salesman will pump your hand and smile widely to gain your trust as he stabs you in the back. Duping others is a way of life for Arabs and a matter of great honor.
Hi friend
Are you an Arab?
I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim
I think you're being paranoid. It did not sound to me like he was implying all other muslims were nonpeaceful. If I had a signature everytime I posted that said "I'm a loving sister", it most certainly would not mean other sisters are mean. Just like this guy is just trying to make sure that, even though muslims get a bad rep, he's a peaceful one (and he happens to mention his sect to be accurate.)
And it certainly did not seem to imply that he thought Christians, or any other religious followers, were not peaceful.
It's just a signature, just a way of describing himself to others.
Don't get me wrong, it annoys me to see it, but only because I find signatures to be distracting when reading - not because it's "offending" (don't you mean "offensive"?)
Stop trying to see propaganda when there isn't.
I am a peaceful Humanist Humanitarian Atheist
Hi friend The10DollarMark
Thank you my brother in humanity.
If Muslims are so peaceful then explain the 9-11 attack on New York City?
Explain all of the children, women and men that strap bombs to themselves to kill others in the name of Your God?
Explain why over 1000 Canadian Armed Forces personell are dead?
Explain why your women are treated like third class citizens, in their own homes, having no rights except thos which the husband imposes?
Explain to me why your women must hide their faces? Are they all that UGLY?
Perhaps I'm the only one who feels this way...but I haven't had any problem with what he's had to post. Yes, it's repetitive...but if you're not interested in what he has to say...just ignore the forum thread. At least I don't see him slinging mud and insults. *shrug*
Theres nothing new in it...its all about marketing. Why should a good reader stop reading a thread bcoz of someone else's annoying repetition??!!
Well then just skip his posts if you find the rest of the thread interesting. He's got just as much right to make posts as anyone else here. I skip over the posts of the people I don't like to read all the time.
Thanks 4 ur suggestion... now kindly start skipping my posts too
I have been, with the exception of this thread. Have a nice day.
You are not alone GlassSpider, I agree with you completely.
Yay! We're in the minority it would seem (I prefer it that way )
I agree. Everyone has the right to post here.
I can see the real Sock puppet here on this thread.
I'm just upset that he hasn’t made himself my fan yet
I am Greek One, the often peaceful Christian (except when I am pissed)
I love Jesus and Mary as they are mentioned in the Bible
Thats a gud one. You made me ur fan though
No, dude, you are totally lying.
I know you're way into mythological gods.
It's written all over that statue face in your avatar!
I am Greek One, the likeable pagan
I love Zeus and Aphrodite as they are written in the Iliad
And I love Sarah Jean & Carmen as portrayed in the Playboy
That would be "Mr. Christian Pagan" to the rest of us then, correct??
Lovely name.
Stereotyping is just that.
I grew up with several
Good Catholic girls
Christian family
Good ole Southern Baptist
Maybe you can think of more....but as we know its just a label
Some kill and murder, create acts of tyranny, plot, spy, defraud , lie ,cheat n steal....in the name of ?? or Patriotism, dont matter as far as Im concerned who or why , just is a fact ...whatever you claim to be says nothing about who you really are......
You're right. It's a marketing strategy for his sect of Muslims. Plain to see. But he's got just as much right as anyone else to post it. So what can we say?
hmm..how abt following 'Greek One's strategy??
Personally, I'd like to meet our peaceful muslim. I've met many that are fabulous people, of course. But I don't think I'd like to talk religion with him. Religion is talked about way too much.
I don't find a signature line offensive but it sure does get annoying.
I am Fonzie the cool one
I love Howard and Marianne as portrayed on the TV
Hi friends
I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim. This is an expression of my faith; I had to suffer for it and my community is till persecuted for being an Ahmadi, and being a Muslim and for being peaceful. I have paid the price for being stedafast on it. It is my identity. It is a history of more that 100 years. It does not harm anybody. It is always good for a peaceful discussion that others know one's viewpoint very clearly. I don't mind if others instead of concealing mention their religion or no-religion with their denomination. If one is on truth and in search of truth; why should one hide one's identity? As simple as that
I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim
I just read up on your religious sect.
It seems that you is a group are evangelical heretics, separate from traditional Islam. Mainstream Muslims consider your founder to be one of the 30 false claimants to prophethood about whom the Muhammad had warned Muslims 1400 years ago.
Here I was thinking that you were bent on converting people with non-stop forum posts on the same subject. But Muslim’s wouldn’t associate them selves with you at all, would they
When you meet new people you do the same ?
like **hand shake, I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim**
Just asking, skeptic ya know
Oh, no...... I thought ya don't suppose to shake their hand because a lot of those folks use their hand to wipe their own arse - possibly others. Yikes!
I never hide my identity; on the first available oppurtunity I would let others know of my identity.
I don't mind if you are Skeptic; at least Skeptics hold reason in high esteem; though they leave it on the first available opptunity. You are welcome; you are a good brother in humanity.
I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim
hello, skyfire! my name is mega1 and I am an obsessive ditherer!
yep Greek you nailed it! 'Ahmadis' are so badly persecuted by Muslims themselves that it's a relief for the poor guy to state the fact countless times here without having a hatchet thrown at him...! It's' cathartic' for him I guess and probably gives him a sense of freedom....... at our expense though!
Paarsurrey, tell me.. is this guy the second coming of the Messiah:
Hi friend Greek One
Yes he is the Reformer whom people of religions were waiting; people remember him with different attributive names. The Christians name his Jesus in Second Coming; Muslims Mahdi and Essa; Buddhist as Buddha's Second Coming; Hindus in Krishna's Second Coming etc.
Hi real name from his father and mother was Mirza Ghulam Ahmad; he was born in 1835 in Qadian, District Gurdaspur, India and he died in Lahore in the year 1908.
I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim
Could be Daniel Boonne ,cept guess the coonskins facin the wrong way
Hi friends
Daniel Boone (October 22 [November 2 new style], 1734 – September 26, 1820) was an American pioneer and hunter whose frontier exploits made him one of the first folk heroes of the United States. Boone is most famous for his exploration and settlement of what is now the U.S. state of Kentucky, which was then beyond the western borders of the Thirteen Colonies.
I think both the persons, Daniel Boone and Mirza Ghulam Ahmad had the only similarity of being only human beings.
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was never interested in any territorial conquests. He was a man of Reason and Revelation. He was born in the British India and was a faithful subject of the Great Britain.
I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim
I actually thought he was saying that because muslims in general get such a bad rap in the U.S. He was letting us know up front that he wasn't terroristic in nature. Yes, I know - I'm naive. I always try to find the good in everyone.
Hi friend habee
We are being persecuted by the Traditional Muslims and by those who are terroristic in nature because at a very appropriate time Mirza Ghulam Ahmad highlighted the peacefulness of Islam and he shunned killings for conversion. I just quote the very fist passage from his famous book "Jesus in India":
Quote:I have written this book, so that, by adducing proofs from established facts, from conclusive historical evidence of proved value and from ancient documents of non-Muslims, I might remove the serious misconceptions which are current among Muslims and among most Christian sects regarding the earlier and the later life of Jesus (on whom be peace) - misconceptions, the dangerous implications of which have not only injured and destroyed the conception of Divine Unity, but the unwholesome and poisonous influence of which has for long been noticed in the morals of the Muslims of this country.
Spiritual maladies, i.e., want of good morals, evil thoughts, callousness, want of sympathy, are spreading among most Islamic sects, being the result of beliefs in unfounded stories and anecdotes of this kind. Human sympathy, pity and love of justice, humility and humble-mindedness - all good qualities - are disappearing day by day, as if they will soon bid a last farewell to this community.
This callousness and this immorality make many a Muslim appear no better than the beasts of the jungle. A Jain or a Buddhist is afraid of and avoids killing even a mosquito or a flea, but, alas! there are many among us Muslims who, while they kill an innocent man or commit wanton murder, are not afraid of the powerful God, who rates human life higher than that of all the animals.
What is this callousness and cruelty and want of sympathy due to? It is due to this - that from their very childhood, stories and anecdotes and wrong views of the doctrine of Jihad are dinned into their ears and inculcated into their hearts, the result being that gradually they become morally dead and cease to feel the heinousness of their hateful actions; nay, rather, the man who murders another man unawares and thus brings ruin to the murdered man's family thinks that he has done a meritorious deed; or rather, that he has made the most of an opportunity to win favour with his community.
As no lectures or sermons are delivered in our country to stop such evils - and if there are any such lectures they have an element of hypocrisy in them - the common people think approvingly of such misdeeds. Accordingly, taking pity upon my own people, I have compiled several books in Urdu, Persian and Arabic, in which I have stated that the popular view of Jihad prevalent among Muslims, that is, the expectation of a bloody Imam, full of spite and hostility for other people, is a texture of false beliefs inculcated by shortsighted Ulema; otherwise, Islam does not allow the use of the sword for the Faith; except in the case of defensive wars, or in the case of wars waged to punish a tyrant or to uphold freedom. The need of a defensive war arises when the aggression of an adversary threatens one's own life.
These are the three kinds of Jihad permitted by the Shariat, and, apart from these three kinds, there is no other kind of war which is permitted by Islam for the propagation of the Faith. I have, in short, spent a large sum of money on such books, and have published them in this country and in Arabia and Syria and Khurasan, etc.
But, by the grace of God, I have now discovered powerful arguments which are meant to eradicate these unfounded beliefs from the hearts of the people. I have clear proofs, circumstantial evidence of a conclusive character, and historical evidence the light of whose truth holds out the promise that soon after their publication there will be brought about against such beliefs a wonderful change in the hearts of the Muslims.
And I hope - I am sure - that after these truths have been comprehended, there will flow out of the hearts of the righteous sons of Islam the sweet and beautiful springs of lowliness, humility and mercy, and that there will come about a spiritual change which will have a wholesome and a blessed influence on the country. I am also sure that Christian investigators and all other people who hanker after the truth and thirst for it, will benefit from my books. And the fact just now stated by me, that the real object of this book is to correct the wrong beliefs which have become part and parcel of the creeds of Muslims and Christians, requires a little explanation which I set out below." Unquote
http://www.alislam.org/library/books/je … intro.html
One may like to read the whole book consisting about 100 small pages.
I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim
Woot-woot! Go write some hubs... Praise be plutonium!
No, you are killing each other over interpretations of Islam.
Notice how irrelevant your religion has become, even to your own brethren.
A religion would never condone wars under any circumstances, that's one of the main reasons Islam is so dangerous as many Muslims interpret that to suit their needs.
A religion that condones war is not a peaceful religion.
Except, when it suits the needs of Muslims and their faith, Muslim will go to war. For example, they kill innocent cartoon artists in the street because Muhammad was depicted.
Not only delusion paves your path, but delusions of grandier, as well.
I don't think there's anything wrong with it.
His statement isn't offensive, besides Forums has been dominated by Christians for a while now - it's nice to have a mixture of other Beliefs.
"Thanks..I am Elena, peaceful Hubber!"
Hi friend Lady_E
Thank you lady/sister in humanity.
Beelzedad wrote:
No, you are killing each other over interpretations of Islam
Paarsurrey says:
Hi friend Beelzedad
I kill nobody
2. paarsurreyposted 19 hours ago
1.Hi friend habee
We are being persecuted by the Traditional Muslims and by those who are terroristic in nature...
2. paarsurreyposted 21 hours ago
Hi friends
I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim. This is an expression of my faith; I had to suffer for it and my community is till persecuted for being an Ahmadi, and being a Muslim and for being peaceful
See..I was write about his repetition. It really is offensive & its not just a signature line. His marketing campaign meant that muslims are terrorists, christians r not peaceful either. Only Ahmadis r peaceful
It's a shame to see some of the intolerant profiling and idiocy that goes on around here.
@Dave: Muslims didn't attack New York on 9/11. There are plenty of violent people in every religion (and non-religion). Over 1,000 Canadian personnel are dead because they signed up to be in the armed forces and their country sent them somewhere to fight. Women are treated with disrespect and violence, even in their own homes, in every country across the world - it's called domestic violence and it's happening everywhere. The tradition regarding women covering their faces has nothing to do with them being ugly and everything to do with religious purity and their being too beautiful to share themselves with every low life who walks down the road.
Your intolerance and insults are rather shameful.
I don't necessarily agree with paarsurrey's religious views...but I don't feel the need to attack him and somehow imply that he responsible for the actions of an entire diverse group of people. That's like saying that all Christians are a**holes because a few of them bombed an abortion clinic.
I swear...people all up in arms over a dude basically saying, "I come in peace." It's a great way to start a war. Everybody running around going, "Does he mean we don't?" "I think he's lying..." "He keeps repeating it...I think there's a secret message!?"
It looks like religion may or may not have been influential in inciting those events, but it certainly didn't help in hindering them either. In fact, the more religious the society, the more domestic violence and crime.
Hi friend TheGlassSpider
I thank you for your good post; I could not have written better than you.
I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim
Aren't you ecstatic she never mentioned the intolerance of religion?
Again...the problem is PEOPLE and what they do with their beliefs...not the beliefs themselves. You know, it's like the saying "guns don't kill people, people kill people." I think the same applies here.
Really, so what you're saying is that I can't produce scriptural passages from a variety of religions that promote killing and violence? I can't produce evidence that wars were fought in the name of religion? I can't produce evidence that would suggest people kill and die for their religions because their religions demand that they do?
If you insist.
Um. No. That's not what I'm saying at all. I think I can produce tons of books, religious or otherwise, that have all sorts of nasty things in them. But not a single one of them actually has the power to do a thing.
Now, a person...perhaps backed with some religious beliefs and perhaps not...a person has the ability to DO all sorts of terrible things that a book can only describe.
Simply because humans screw up what ought to be a decent message doesn't mean the message is f*cked up...it means the people are. I'm just saying PEOPLE need to take responsibility for themselves. We are the ones in ACTION.
ETA: one cannot help but wonder if you are a certain someone's sock puppet.
That is exactly what religion does, it removes the responsibility for ones actions; God did it if it's good, Satan did it if it's evil.
I cannot disagree that this is the way SOME people treat religion. But I think...not all.
That's odd, I get the same impression about you.
Really? That's interesting. I do have a "professional" profile. But it stays out of the forums. When I'm here, this is me...and the only me. I promise.
ETA: I can't help but wonder who else you think I am...LOL
Yeah, "professional" profiles are not usually a good representation of self - maybe fake/pretend self, as the need for "quotation marks" around your usage of the term 'professional' dictates.
LOL "professional" in quotes because I hardly use it. I thought this was one kind of place originally, but turns out it is another. So I have a certain kind of written work on the other profile, and it stays out of the forums *shrug* I understand it's a common practice.
And yes, this is "casual" profile. So TheGlassSpider is me, at the water cooler, or behind the scenes, where a more "personal" me can be. It's not like it's a state secret or anything. But you strike me as a sharp Hubber. I'm sure you're intelligent enough to get that, and are just being picky cuz you can
Yeah, this proves, yet once again, just how unnecessary organized religion really is......
I don't think I said anything about religion being necessary. Quite the contrary--I think religion can go take a hike, personally. But other people having religions and proclaiming them doesn't bother me either.
There have been how many times that one man killes another over love for a woman.. Does that mean that no one should love a woman.
People kill for every reacon imagionable.
every ninght ( in almost every state in America) someone gets shot or stabed in a bar cause they lost a pool game.
People kill people and sometimes just cause they want to.
To suggest that everything is the fault of religion????
is not a very inteligent statement..
I possiby could be naked.....
Thanks... I am a peaceful Theravaden Buddhist
Hmmm...I think now I need a signature line.
I am a peaceful philosopher? No...that's not always true.
I am a mostly peaceful...okay, no. Um...Trying to be peaceful? That works.
I am a trying to be peaceful...um...human female...attempting to gain wisdom.
That might work.
I Am a Trying-to-be-Peaceful Human Female Attempting to Gain Wisdom.
Whew, that's a mouthful.
Hey! Welcome to Louisville! I'm in WV...I think about 6-8 hours from you. We're practically neighbors.
i think this signature line thing is great, Mines going to be: "Let us, like Him, hold up one shoe and let the other be upon our foot, for this is His sign, that all who follow Him shall do likewise."
"Let us, like Him, hold up one shoe and let the other be upon our foot, for this is His sign, that all who follow Him shall do likewise."
And i used to think you're spider woman... oh well,i always make mistakes when it comes to cool gals in forums...
Hey, at least you still think I'm cool...that's awesome!
well, well, well, paar... i listened that mirza was claiming himself as a prophet.
com'on let's remove all doubts abt religion.
sunni, shia, ahmadi, ehlehadees, bravi ....
wat i think that sunni's teachings r right one cuz mohommad(pbuh) himself was a sunni so y shai, y ahmadi, y elehadees, y brahvi,
Hi friend
We only follow Muhammad and only for identification purposes we say Ahmadi Muslims.
Yoy may treat me like a sunni as we follow fiqha Ahmadia Hanafia; though we respect others also.
I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim
Hi Ahmadi, good Caliph of Mohammed,
I see you wish to represent the piety of your faith. And I wish you well.It is just a little jarring to find such reverence to Allah in an utterly irreverent place like forums. It is also like a man standing completely still in Times Square suddenly facing east and bowing down (singing that prayer Niel Armstrong heard in the moon that made him convert to Islam) amid the busy New Yorkers, Japanese Tourists with their pastel hats, Italians gesturing wildly saying "what's the matter with you, eh?". And then, on top of it all, that figure will stop and look at you to say "Do you know the way to the Rose Center for Earth and Space?, Thank you! Praise Allah!" It's interesting but disorienting.
Respectfully, (and secretly hoping you have a sense of humour)
I, a peaceful Catholic Filipina,with a Jewish maternal name, an Islamic father, son of part-Hindu.
Hi friends
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad truthfully claimed to be a Messiah/Mahdi or the reformer of End Times needed and prophesised in almost all the revealed religions of the world.
One can see the moral and spiritual degradation all around in the world. A man of God a true Caliph of Muhammad is needed to establish the truthful religion with reasonable, rational and logical arguments with peace.
The purpose is truthful from the angle of Sunni, Shia, Brailvi, Hindu, Buddhists, Zoroastrians etc; and he has done this job most efficiently; hence his advent.
I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim
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