I would say...because you made me put up with this sh*t, now I did my part, so let me in. LOL.
You are God.
Would you stop yourself from entering your own home?
Poet Mohit.K.Misra
If every one is going to heaven, why did God create [Earth] and then say that the meek shall inherit it? Who are the meek an alien life form coming after the end?
Were we desighned to live in heaven, or will we need breathing apperatus to survive?
The Hub, with all due respect, creates more questions than can be answered by thinking we all go to heaven.
You ask many a good question,
well from My TellitlikeIseeit way,YHWH created Earth,then he cast Shatan there,then he placed man there as a punishment.Then said in the Last book ,revelations it is said that Shatan has only a short time to do his works,in humans this could be a long time,but to YHWH it is short.
Well we would be the Alien lifeform,caused we were placed here,why we need breathing apperatices is up to YHWH,maybe cause he didn't want us leaving till he comes back.
I may be new,but I love a challange to TellitlikeIseeit.
What Would be your answers to your posed questions?I also like to know how other people see it.
Here is what I would say even though God's not my thing:
"Harps and trumpets irritate the hell out of me, if I can't sin in Heaven you were lying about the whole do as you like bit, swearing is fun and I probably do it far too often, I'm not sorry for my 'sins', you must have been on some really great drugs when you created giraffes, why are you holding a grudge over the whole Lucifer bit and telling other people not to hold them?, oh, and why is there spinach in your teeth?"
"Anyway, there is absolutely no reason you should let me in, especially since I don't want to be stuck forever with those annoy chubby cherubs you see in pictures (unless I get an arrow and get to play cupid with them), but you should definately let me in just to piss off everybody else, and because i'll bring you a toothpick for that spinach. It's annoying me!!!"
I would say "I suggest you stop peddling this rubbish in this way and move over to the religion forum where it at least has some relevance. Or maybe the fantasy/entertainment forum?"
Unless you think your religion is actually politics.
In which case you would appear to be more enlightened than I thought.
And honest.
Your Heaven sux?
All the fun activities go to the sinners, after all ... Hell would be more fun.
Hmmm. No fair moving this thread from the politics forum to the religion forum without saying anything.
I don't know, but I'm not going to beg. If He (She? It?) doesn't think I deserve to go, presumably He has good reason, and really, if He doesn't want me just because I'm agnostic (despite doing my best to lead a good sort of life), why do I even WANT to go? The concept of heaven as some sort of elite club for the "true believers" has always disturbed me.
"IF God said: Why Should I Let You Into My Heaven What Would You Say?"
I would look him straight in the eye and say because I am Jimmythejock
Is it a sin to delete religious spammers then? Go to hell kind of sin.
There was a valuable contribution from the respected member of community on this thread - it could not be deleted
I guess it's better than the ones where they delete the OP and leave my comments instead LOL
Makes it look like I am talking to myself.
Thank you!
I assume you were talking about me...
We are now able to go boldly before the throne and step into our inheritance. No questions asked. I'd just walk right through the door...smiling.
I can see that nearly every reply to this question is a joke. It is good to laugh for sure, but do any of you have a well thought out answer for the question posed?
My oversight Pete.
Misha, have you given it any thought at all? Do you think one must first be prepared to enter into heaven?
No sweat.
What would your answer be? I ask that in all sincerity.
While our sinner-saved-by-grace tendency is to say this, I believe you are the righteousness of God through faith, and, thus, worthy indeed.
SirDent - What on earth has made you feel you are unworthy? All jokes aside and speaking as a person rather than an atheist, which appears to be despicable to you. I know pain when I see it. Why do you feel this way?
Peter - this is why the damn thing needs re-writing.
No rewriting necessary, just de-indoctrination. I understand what SirDent is saying, and I think many people believe this and feel this way (I often do) (the pharmaceutical industry thrives on this), but the truth is that if we are unworthy, then Jesus' sacrifice was insufficient. And it was not.
This is the gospel, and that is why it will prevail in the end.
Peter - I would prefer to wait for SirDent's answer - if he wishes to. We are hearing different things, you and I.
Actually Mark, I see it differently. If we were all worthy, then Jesus sacrifice would have been in vain. Jesus died for those who are unworthy to recieve anything that is good and decent. As men we are all unworthy.
One must be covered by the blood of the Lamb on order to gain entrance into heaven. There is no other way.
Then if all men are unworthy, then all men will go. We all pay the price to enter, it's called death.
I disagee that all men will go. When Jesus taught and preached He warned many times of hell. I will sya that all men have the chance to make it. Jesus died for them all in fact. It is the gift of God, but a gift must be opened in order to be appreciated.
Where did the souls of all the aztecs, hopi, incans, mayans, cherokee, mohawks, apache, and the other indians living on the North, Centra,l and South American continents go after they died before the year 1492?
If faith in christ is a pre requisite for entrance into the kingdom is this faith only available to those who hear the word or read the good book?
Did they go to heaven or did they go to hell or did they have a choice after they died given the fact there was no physical chance for them to hear or read the gospel and the good news?
Also if the answer is "I don't know what happens to their souls", then do you not know what happens to their souls because you do not know how any given person during that time period would have answered Jesus given the choice to accept or reject the gospel message ,(which would imply that said individuals in question would be given a choice due to lack of preaching during their time period), after death or do you not know because such a question is inherently impossible to answer theologically from a definitive standpoint (inherent vagueness due to a theological claim's reference-point scriptural ambiguity on the topic).
Also, what about the soul's of babies who have been miscarried and through no fault of their own have died before a chance was given to them to hear the words of your jesus's gospel from the mouth of your lord?
I am testing for something.....
I am still waiting for an answer SirDent.....
The answer is this. Whoever accepts Jesus as their Savior and believes in their heart that God has raised him from the dead shall be saved.
It is that simple to understand.
Wrong, you are not answering my questions (plural).
Please answer my questions without some simplistic answer designed to dodge the questions (plural).
Prove it wrong. The answer is there. You don't need a dictionary to understand it. You don't need a college education to understand it, nevertheless I will say this. Anyone who has knowledge of Jesus Christ and refuses Him will go to hell at death.
Babies that are born dead or miscarried have no knowledge. Babies that are aborted have no knowledge.
The Aztecs were pagans. they worshiped not the one true God but many false idols. If you would do a little history research you would find that after the flood all men came from three. After a 100 years or so those men were scattered abroad and the land was divided. Also if you search it out you will find that there are three basic races of men. Noah had three sons. Coincidence? Is it also a coincidence that every nation or belief has a version of the great flood? Do some research and search it all out. Just as Israel left God, many others did also.
Now that you pushed me into sayin they would go to hell, have at me all you want. I know most people hate the word hell.
First off I cannot prove you wrong, because there is no way to prove your God does not exist, not by virtue of the fact that he is necessary but by virtue of the fact that you cannot imagine a scenario where his existance was proven false (not his existance per say but your particular version of "God"). So as far as proving you wrong I won't waste my time and I won't let you waste my time. You position is UNFALSIFIABLE.
Second, I do thank you on coming out and out with your cruelty, stating your theological position that pagans on the three continents went to hell before the year 1492. Thank you for answering.
However I am concerned that you cannot see the blatant dishonesty that is present between this:
"Anyone who has knowledge of Jesus Christ and refuses Him will go to hell at death. "
Babies that are born dead or miscarried have no knowledge. Babies that are aborted have no knowledge.
And this:
"The Aztecs were pagans. they worshiped not the one true God but many false idols."
How do you know what god they worshipped when your scripture does not tell you so hmm?
Oh wait, that is right, ARCHEOLOGY tells you otherwise. Hmmm, but isn't it convenient how when you go on to say this:
"The Aztecs were pagans. they worshiped not the one true God but many false idols. If you would do a little history research you would find that after the flood all men came from three. After a 100 years or so those men were scattered abroad and the land was divided. Also if you search it out you will find that there are three basic races of men. Noah had three sons. Coincidence? Is it also a coincidence that every nation or belief has a version of the great flood? Do some research and search it all out. Just as Israel left God, many others did also. "
Is it not convenient that archeology does not confirm the idea that you present here (that other nations besides Israel left "God" as it would pertain to Indians' offspring and them not being able to know about a God they were never taught about in the first place supposing their parents did "leave" god) and that NEITHER DOES YOUR BIBLE!
Again even if the first generation of "indians" abandoned "noah's god" and taught their children the worship of false god's, HOW IS THAT THE FAULT OF THEIR CHILDREN OR THEIR CHILDREN'sS CHILDREN OR ANY OTHER PERSON (AMONG MILLIONS) WHO LIVED UP UNTIL THE YEAR 1492?
Oh wait that is right, your God punishes people for the sins of others, so this cruelty is not suprising at all. If he did it with original sin he could definately condemn people to hell that have no knowledge of Christ like the MILLIONS of pre-1492 indians on two western hemisphere continents.
I could sit here and spite you and call you a hypocrite and a liar but what good would that do ? You are hardly knowledgeable enough to realize why you are wrong, you are surely as a child. Perhaps you should be proud of this childlike quality to not question what others tell you about reality.
In reference to the Indians above that I mentioned I will leave you with your own words:
"Anyone who has knowledge of Jesus Christ and refuses Him will go to hell at death. "
So, why the pain then ? Is this the way ? The only way is pain. Unworthiness? I understand the metaphors, but I also hear the pain.
This thread was moved from an inappropriate forum and replaced here. My first reply was moved at the same time. That was the joke. Guess you didn't notice huh?
The question is rather funny too.
There's is a really simple answer to this question:
"Actually, it's my heaven. Get out of my seat."
OK. I will play.
Is it good to laugh? When was the last time you laughed? All I hear is pain, pride and "I am better than you."
And every reply to the question was not a joke. No one had replied because this question was posed as an advertisement for the OPs hubs.
Make me laugh. Or alternatively, give me a well thought out response that does not rely on quoting some one else's words.
A challenge, no less.
When I first read this thread it was in the religion forum where it should be. I had no idea it was posted in another forum nor that it was used to promotes someone's hubs.
I know. Even though I told you. And clearly, you did not read the thread all the way through before making a contribution.
And it is not so much what you say, as how you say it.
Feel free to start another thread. I promise I will keep away from it.
Sir Dent, I will deal with that when I hear the question from God directly I don't need middle-men.
My question is, why is God asking this question at all if He's supposed to be omniscient?
You are correct (see my first response), but the question was posed as a hypothetical, so the OP skates by on a technicality...
Well I say you were created in your heaven,and if you are asked why should I be here,you should say,because you already placed me here.For it Was My Birth Right.And never mind the scoffers for they can not handle the bad day they are having so they have to become a bully and pick on someone who has a right to believe,so they dont feel as bad about themselves.
Really I think God will just say, Welcome to my Kingdom, would you like to come in? And all you have to say is yes or no.
Well that is a nice answer Sandra,we have free choice so some say.
I agree with you, SirDent, and it's that very covering that makes you righteous and worthy. We are new creations.
Then you are not unworthy. You were just using a metaphor. When you say I am unworthy you are just saying the words. You do not actually believe you are unworthy?
I feel the pride also.
Feel whatever you want Mark. I was asked a question and I answered it honestly. I am not saying that pride isn't in me at all, but I didn't answer it in pride.
What did you answer it in then? All I hear is pain and pride. And stock, empty answers repeated verbatim.
*yawns* Tear down as much as you wish. I answered honestly and you don't like my answer. I didn't expect you to like it anyway. I must also go offline for now. I will be back later so you can poke and prod more if you like.
Sure another good answer,from My point of view,Sirdent
Sir Dent, do you really believe that people, good people will burn in Hell?
Who says what's good and what isn't? Who is to say that a person is good? How do you detemine they are good?
Jesus died for those who still say that. They must accept Jesus sacrifice in order to gain entrance.
I guess that would fall under our free will section,me for one not wanting to murder anyone would leave me unworthy of him ,wouldnt you say?
No ,I said I do Not want to murder anyone,and that includes Christ,so in many contents that would make me unworthy.Even if it was my Birth Right.
I do not want to murder anyone either. Does that make me worthy?
Not understanding. Please be more clear. Thank you.
We are bound with what we ourselves bind,for they said what you bind on earth you bind in heaven,and what you lose on earth you lose in heaven.
I've got to run for now, more later.
By the way, I agree with SirDent, free will would be a very interesting thread...
Well,if being covered with the blood of Christ means that I myself have murdered him,And that is what would make me worthy,I would not murder him,so Therefore in my opinion I would not be worthy.I hope you understand.
I do understand. I am worthy in that case.
Well you may not understand, but it is what it is,And what is not understood is not understood.So between us there is little understanding.Sorry
No. I understand. I murder Christ every time I question the existence of god or your belief system. Therefore I am worthy. It is what it is.
Sorry you don't understand. Maybe in the next life?
Uneventful and repetitive--I feel like I'm reading Waiting for Godot...
Well then I'll sit with the three Mary's and grieve while you murdering my son,my brother,and my husband,and my friend.Sorry you dont understand.
I will murder them again if it helps. Sorry you just aren't getting it.
Godot never did arrive. I sat there waiting and waiting........
And then there is the covenant of thou shall not murder,and I chose not to break this covenant.
Sorry. I thought you were being metaphysical. As far as I understand it, Jesus is already dead.
And I didn't kill him.
Guess you meant the real world. In that case. I won't be killing anyone.
Glad we understand each other at last.
Okay, the question was: "IF God said: Why Should I Let You Into My Heaven What Would You Say?"
Graceful Guardian, I'm really confused by your responses. Your first response "because you already placed me here.For it Was My Birth Right" and than later it became "I'm not worthy." Which one is it?
Even though I'm late on this topic, I thought I'd add my two cents before I have a brain aneurysm.
I'd say: Look God, you and me--we're tight. We're like peanut butter and jelly, you dig? But I hear this guy Mark Knowles knows a thing or two about real estate. It would be nice if you let me into YOUR heaven, but if that falls through I've got good credit.
I also said even though its my birth right,I am not worthy.For we "in the belief structure"are created in heaven,and it has been said we shall return to the place we were created,so there the birth right,but if I have to murder him to be there,I will not,so from this I would not be worthy.Good Question.
So, laugh on powers of discouragement,for you already had little faith,cause of your beliefs.If breaking a covenant makes me worthy,I chose not to believe in this falsehood.
See I told you there is no understanding between us,Why should I explain.But Since You ? I shall answer.You look like a lamb,but you speak like a dragon.A quote from scripture,the man who spoke it doen't matter,he was just a messenger.If you break a covenant then teach others to do it,it is a sin.Thou shall not murder,so please dont teach me to do it.I am not worthy!
No I understand both you and sirdent just fine.
You know the "correct," answer.
I am worthy! LOL
Mark, it's certainly true that (at times) you speak like a dragon....
But .... look like a *lamb*?
Oh, come on!
I find it worrisome that 'murder' is a word that you keep tossing out. I'm curious where you got this idea that murder would be on the menu at the pearly gates. I'm happy to know that you won't murder anyone alive or dead though.
Here's a question for you: if we are created in God's image and we're imperfect, does that make God imperfect?
No just like a clone we are imperfect,only a branch from a strong vine.
I'd tell her I need more information (I know God's a female because I read "Golfing With God.")
Also, I heard about a traveler who arrived in heaven and found it very nice. After a short time there God informed him that he was required to spend some time in Hell. When he arrived in Hell he was astounded by its beauty. It turned out to be a luxurious place with first class golf courses and untold splendor. After a short time, the traveler was called back to heaven where God told him he must choose where he wanted to spend eternity. Heaven was really nice, he told God, but he wanted to spend eternity in Hell. He hadn't realize Hell was so nice. So God sent him to Hell. This time Hell was all fire and brimstone. Nothing but misery. The traveler asked God, what happened? God told the traveler, "The first time you went to Hell was the campaign. This is the election."
yeah, I am pretty comfortable being perfectly imperfect. I guess if we were perfect God would be jealous.
When it comes to Jesus...I don't know. Christains say, take his blood so you can go to heaven...I guess I don't buy it. I think that death is our punishment and promise of Heaven.
Anyways, if we could come out of nowhere on Earth via, the big band, via evolution etc. I don't see why it wont happen again and we will be back. I guess we just wont remember that we ever existed here. But maybe one day, in the new world we will travel to this dead Earth but it may never cross our minds that it was us all along. I mean, that we always existed, we just come about differently depending on our envorionment.
So, I don't think this is it, I just wont remember I was ever here. I guess that is what a soul is.
I believe that God will not ask that question.
But for the sake of discussion, "what if he asks me, why should I let you into My heaven?"
I'd smile and say, "Because you love me."
Then I'd run to Him and hug him.
That's the best answer I have heard yet.
I remember my first "hug" from God, it was fairly recent, but It was unlike anything I have ever felt or experienced in my life. I can't wait to do it again.
Oh Peter...thank you for sharing. You just made me smile. Good night.
The very first time I talked to God, I was 8. And the God that I know is vastly different from this condemning, punishing God that we fear about--the one who is vigilantly watching if we have done wrong and ever ready to send us to the burning fires of hell. Gee (if you believe in that God, good luck) The God I know is someone I can run to and hug, talk to, and encourages me to be me. He loves everyone unconditionally. Even those who do not seem to believe he exists. That doesn't matter really. He is love...pure energy...eternal spirit... whatever term/name you may call it/him/her. It's a difficult concept to fathom, a love that is so unconditional that it just goes beyond and beyond anything you can ever imagine.
If you choose to believe otherwise, it is okay. I respect that.
But I choose to believe in an unconditional love of God.
And it is this love that encourages and inspires me to find my higher self...the best self...the beautiful self...
I think you are taking a bit much on yourself as to pose a question,
that is never going to be asked.
Anyway why do wish to go to heaven if you feel unworthy?
This thread sure has wasted a lot of time. I am off it.
I think whoever said that God wouldn't ask, because he already knows all about you, got it right.
by Elisabeth Van Valkenburgh 7 years ago
If you were to stand before God today and He should ask you, "Why should I let you into Heaven?"...what would your response be? Looking for serious soul searching answers. Would love to help anyone seeking true understanding.
by Thinkaboutit77 16 years ago
All religion and man made philosophies can not give the human heart peace about having a home in heaven immediately upon natural death. Why?Room, what say ye?Don't go off the subject, with ridicule, name calling or other nonsense. Just stick to this subject and answer the question if you can. Thank...
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If you get to heaven and God asks, "Why should I let Y O U in?"What would your answer be?
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Enjoying the Photos of beautiful Tollywood heroines is the sole purpose of this thread. So anyone can add beautiful pictures of telugu celebrities.I am starting with the photos of Jhansi who is an extra actress who acts in telugu movies. In Next pages you can see more Photos
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