i read once somewhere that most psychologists believe that when a person sleeps they go into a dream like state where the person lives out a dream inside their mind. However, in most dreams, the person sleeping doesn't remember anything they dream so when they wake up, they'll act like they literally won't remember anything; as the events that happened in the dream are often in our subconscious mind. However, there are a few exceptions though when we wake up and that we CAN remember what we dream about. But according to psychological studies, most dreams you won't remember when you wake up. Anyways, it's been a while since I read it, but I'll be sure to post a link in this forum, once I find it for you if you like.
Sure i will like to have the link;
we spend more that one third of our life in sleep.
If a person lives 90 years....he sleeps for thirty!!!years.
So if i ask him...where were you in those thirty years and what did you do in that time?....i wonder what would he reply?
as far as i could remember in psychology we go through a state of sleeping called deep sleep or (REM which stands for rapid eye movement) people get into this state after 15 to 20 minutes we usually have 8 - 10 dreams every time we sleep at night but we only got to remember 1 or nothing at all. our subconscious mind work when our body is at rest because the mind wont even bother to think what the body should act and the blood flows slows down at this state same as breathing,..
Awesome questions; have pondered on this often.
Deep mysterious subject; doubt we'll ever figure it out. ha
It is a sort of temporary death; Quran clears it:
[39:43] Allah takes away the souls of human beings at the time of their death; and during their sleep of those also that are not yet dead. And then He retains those against which He has decreed death, and sends back the others till an appointed term. In that surely are Signs for a people who reflect.
http://www.alislam.org/quran/search2/sh … p;verse=42
Wow. That's pretty interesting. I always thought a dream was just a jumble of the tidbits our brains were rearranging; kind of like a computer defragmenting.
Ddlg1958, religion has absolutely nothing to do with dreaming or dreaming has absolutely nothing to do with religion. Our mind or soul as some people prefer to call it does not go anywhere when we go to sleep. We simply go into a lower conscious level or energy level when we sleep. Four of our five senses literally are turned off during sleeping thus reducing our sense of awareness. Our sense of hearing is the only sense that is still functioning at it usual level as if we are still awake. This is why we are able to wake up from our sleep when we hear sounds and it is a very important survival function for us. Without it many lives would have been lost if we could not hear while sleeping. The other way we become fully conscious from a sleep is that there is a region of the brain called the hippocampus which sends an electrical signal to the cerebrum portion of the brain to wake us from our sleep and if that signal fails to awake you from your sleep you will actually die in your sleep.
If consciousness is life; then going into a lower consiousness could be termed as temporary death.
Is it possible that we have two seperate areas of consiousness? Here's what I mean, I'm suggesting that we have our personal level of consciousness and our mind has it's own seperate consciousness. We know that the mind doesn't shut down when we sleep, as dreams attest to. The mind is actually freed from the distractions we provide when we're awake, and able to shift into high gear.
Playing the devil's advocate I could make the assumption that the soul is our consciousness and the mind still retains it's own. That would fit with the "Allah takes away the souls of human beings at the time of their death; and during their sleep" passage you posted.
This line of reasoning has been brought to you by a Born Again Atheist, peace everyone.
sry about jumping in here mid stream but this looked like fun.
But mind or brain is a part of our self; it cannot be separated from us. If it is separated from us then we die.
Our sleep does tell us that as our sleep is a temporary death even then we get experiences; so when we have full death we will experience hereafter.
If you look at the mind as a physical object your correct, it is a part of our self. That bring this question to mind... Does the soul have a mind of it's own? How would the soul navigate and survive with out a mind or brain after, the human body dies and the soul departs, as some believe?
Pennyofheaven: I would not say we die daily. We go into a state of unconsciousness, like being in a coma. The body is alive, but the soul and brain are not aware of consciousness. This is not death.
No Dave, coma's result from trauma.
You can read about it here in order to educate yourself, but somehow I doubt you will:
I did not state that a coma was not caused by trauma I merely used a coma as a suggestion of a form of unconsciousness. Of course it is caused by some form of trauma.
Changing your story again, Dave? Funny how you keep doing that when reality is presented to you. You did in fact refer to that as sleeping, Dave.
exactly right and rightly so for if a person is in a coma they are not dead, neither are they alive and awake.
Ok, but defragmenting is a computer term. I don't think they're a religion.
That's a pretty dumb statement. If your mind is missing, then How do you dream and remember what you dream?
i think you are confusing MIND with something else
MIND= The human consciousness that originates in the brain and is manifested especially in thought, perception, emotion, will, memory, and imagination.
The Human Mind, is the God Granted Human Awareness, of Being ...
This Awareness ... In The Ordained, Is Withdrawn, by the Mind, to give Rest to the human's Physical Body ...
The Mind does not go anywhere, when we Sleep ... In fact, the Mind's Going into Abeyance, induces the State of Rest, in the body ... called Sleep.
But since the Pschologists, cannot understand the phenomenon, they call it "Sleep" ... the human State of Unawareness ... which includes the State of Dreaming ... defined as the manifestation of repressed sexual desires !!!
I would not call it unawareness. Neither the manifestation of repressed sexual desires. I have had many lucid dreams in which I was aware of something on the outside, usually the radio or TV, by its being incorporated into my dream. Carl G. Jung estimated that he studied some 80,000 dreams in his lifetime. He has a lot to say on the significance of our dreams and that significance extends well beyond merely the repressed sexual desires of our subconcious. That is a more Freudian construct. Freud relegated dreams and the unconcious to trash heap of modern psychology. Jung found dreams to be communications of portent from our Self to our ego via the unconcious mind. While in some individuals they may deal with things such as repressed sexuality, do not assume that all dreams are limited to this one aspect of repression. Dreams and their symbology are much more complex than this and cover a wide range of aspects important to us as human beings in life.
Our minds stay within the confines of our human body,but our spirits are free to traverse between heaven and earth. This is how we dream.
Did you just make that up yourself? Not that it's so far off the mark as to be rip-roaring hilarious, but is it even supported by scriptures?
No I did not make it up. It is fact.I am a spirit living in a human form. In Genesis God tells us that He created man in His image. Since God is spirit, so then is man.
I'm sorry Dave, but that is no kind of fact anywhere here on earth, that is why I asked if it was supported by scriptures, which I don't think it is. Obviously, if you didn't get that from some source, you must have made it up yourself.
Yeah, sure you are, Dave.
lol I guess you better be right Beelzedad cos maybe he's sneakin' a peak at ya
As for me - my mind ups and leaves. Takes a hike. Goes a-wanderin', free of the ties that usually bind it good and tight. Me
Out experience of mindfulness is caused by neurons in our brains acting a certain way. Asking where our mind goes when we sleep in like asking where our lap goes when we stand up. Or when the light goes when we douse a candle. It is not an object, it is an action. When consciousness is happening it is happening, when it is not, it is not. Where is goes is "away". And then, under the right circumstances, it comes back.
i was asking about the whereabouts of awareness and the soul in simple words.
In certain conditions too like stroke,what is the phenomenon involved regarding loss of awareness even for months and then it comes back again?
I was explaining why that question is based on a fallacy. There is not 'object' called the mind, ergo it doesn;t go anywhere. You are conscious or you are unconsious, just as you are hot or you are cold, you are standing up or you are sitting down. Consciousness is a behavior, not an object. p.s. I am a psychologist, so this is--to the best of my knowledge and training, 'what most psychologists think'.
Wrong. Conciousness is the awareness of behavior. Conciousness is a state of being. Unconciousness is a state of being. I guess since you have no 'object' called a mind, that makes you mindless. Saying that because 'mind' is made up of neuron synapse firings and therefore is not an object is like saying that space is not an object because it is a vacuum. While I agree that these two 'things' are not 'objects' we associate with physical parameters, they both nevertheless have a presence we endow with qualities, thus we refer to them using nouns(in language) which cause us to think of them as objects, not as actions(i.e. a verb) . You also seem caught up in dualities. I will counter your arguments there:
concious/unconcious- I am semi-concious, in a lucid state of dreaming
hot/cold- I am lukewarm, I am in a comfortable state between hot and cold.
standing up/sitting down- I am prone, I am floating on my back in the sea looking at the stars in space and contemplating with my mind the significance of it all...
Considering the soul has never been shown to exist, how could such a thing possibly go anywhere from the get go?
mine defragments
i know this because its still doing it when i wake up
luabu says hi
Mine usually goes to the beach. I'm landing a big red while Hugh Jackman is feeding me lobster from the back of a horse, and at the same time, Liam Neeson is massaging my shoulders. All my desires in one dream!!
During sleep, we usually pass through five phases of sleep: stages 1, 2, 3, 4, and REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. These stages progress in a cycle from stage 1 to REM sleep, then the cycle starts over again with stage 1 . We spend almost 50 percent of our total sleep time in stage 2 sleep, about 20 percent in REM sleep, and the remaining 30 percent in the other stages. Infants, by contrast, spend about half of their sleep time in REM sleep.
For me a dream is like reading a personal diary of mine,- something that had happened, something that is happening, and something that is going to happen - the last is the scary part. Luckily it does not happen very often. In real life, not dream I never write any diaries. Never did.
There are many kind of explanations regarding the question;
no solid evidence is available on it.
Its similar to that...if we sleep we come back in the body...when we die...why wont we come back in the body?
I would argue that their is plenty of solid evidence about what physical and physiological conditions are necessary for consciousness. But if you insist on reifying the mind, then you are stuck with an enigma, rather than an empirical question to which we actually have the answer.
okay lets hit the core....what factors are necessary for awareness?
Did you mean consciousness? We are always conscious even when we are asleep. There are many definitions of conscious - capable of thought, will or perception; having an awareness of one's own existence. Awareness is to have knowledge or cognizance of something. To raise one's conciousness is to become aware of one's needs to fulfill one's potential. Awareness in the sense of enlightenment gets into egoism and attachment, magnetic patterns which cluster in our memories and are conditioned by time, causing our perceptions to become distorted. Detachment from outcome and equalminded contemplation are part of achieving purity of mind.
In sleep, the mind often struggles with the attachments we have acquired, whether it be work, addictions, relationships, purchases, creativity, family, chores, duties - anything in daily life. Detaching from outcome, we may find ourselves dreaming with joy. The mind does not go away. As the body recovers from the energy expelled during waking hours, the mind reorganizes thoughts we had during those waking hours. What you think about persists. Mind can be trained, in the minutes before sleep, to contemplate peaceful outcomes, though this is only a step because one is still dwelling on outcome. According to the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali 2.17, "The cause of the avoidable is the superimposition of the external world onto the unseen world." The elements and the senses in play is the nature of cognition, activity and rest so when we sleep, the mind is still relating and correlating.
Excellent quote! My question is: Is the last sentence a continuation of the quote or is that your interpretation/explanation? I do not see quotation marks so I assume those are your words. That is about the best summation I've seen here on this post for the activity of dreams. Very Jungian, yes, yes!
yup i think its more like a temporary death...because there is no accountability of time to anyone when we sleep.]
And we see people even die during sleep!
Still....can we hold ourselves from sleeping for a week;with so much advancements in science?
So, where is your accountability of time where you're awake?
Brain scans and respiration monitoring would show that sleep is not temporary death. As far as the accountable thing goes, that's kind of the "if a tree falls in the forest and nobody hears it does it make a sound" thing... Another comparison: If we close our eyes it doesn't mean we're blind. It also doesn't mean the world went somewhere else either. If our brain goes into a deep sleep mode it doesn't mean we're temporarily dead either.
Another comparison might be with a person with Advanced Alzheimer's Disease: His mind doesn't function that it once did (or should) because of a medical condition with the brain. Still, that person has a mind (it just doesn't function as it once did). The sleeping mind doesn't function the way the awake mind does, but the person's mind is still there as long he's alive.
Our mind doesn't go anywhere when we sleep. It just rests or else processes things (like sub-conscious thoughts and feelings through dreaming) We wake up, and pretty much most of the time our mind is the same mind as when we fell asleep. Yes, people do die in their sleep. They also die when they're wide awake or in a coma. People can have a heart attack; or in a case like Sudden Infant Death Syndrome the regular process of breathing just stops. Those are physical causes of death. There's a whole lot of ongoing activity that goes on in the body while people are asleep.
There's nothing spooky about it - at least not until someone actually dies (maybe) or else (again, maybe) is close to real death (and even the near-death-experience thing is questionable in a lot of ways/cases).
I am on of those rare people who remember almost every dream
Tina - do you remember having dreamed in color or black and white?
I appreciate it.
Could you please narrate a dream that became true in the real life.
Hmmm...I am not sure in general, but I do know that my last night`s dream was in color since I woke up about half an hour ago.
I really do have vivid dreams, and often dream the same people. I know that my subconscious is trying to communicate, but it is hard to tell what since it uses symbols and you can easily misinterpret it. I think in a few years when I `m older I`ll get back to interpreting my dreams. But for now it is too complicated. I always said that I would be perfect for some kind of research on dreams.
If anyone here is interested in understanding their dreams I suggest you read Carl Jung.
And I do have lucid dreams like once a week. Lucky girl
hi all
someguy called sleep small pockets of death
joseph in the old testament made a good living out of dreams
your brain is being defragmented and in that process new worlds may be revealed
your dreams are mental but are heavily influenced by subconsious forces like fear/love etc
i gave up the drink once and repeatly ended up in a crowded bar where i found it impossible to get the barmans attention
no sex for a month and guess where the dreams went then
its a natural fun process /sleeping and dreaming
as i have become older my dreams are much less lucid and seem more like the top quote
small pockets of death
now i wake up and wonder where i've been
my body has lain in the same place for 7 hrs and myself just disappeared
is this normal for dreams to change in preparation for a some day inevitable real disappearance
God i miss the glory days of lucid dreams
Not really, that would beg the question of how many entities reside within us. What you're claiming would suggest the subconscious is another entity.
All that is occurring in our brains when we sleep is the random firing of neurons.
I'm having great fun with this question up my way
You introduce a (must answer in 10 seconds rule) and spring the question on the victim.
The more intellectual you are the more likely you are to time out speechless. Try it.
You learn more about the awake than the dormant with this method.
I received the following replies
-timed out
-You don't want to know
-I'm not saying
-to dreamland
and probably the best one
Where does your mind go while sleeping?
Answer Nowhere
God I love where I live
If you can lucid dream so easily try meditating/astral projecting/ OBE while you are dreaming. Try to get out of your skull...then stand back and watch what happens.
It marvellous....it means you are a living dream
Wish there wont be anyone who remember all the nightmares !
SLEEP - It is a gift for all to get message .But most people are damaged the channel by the way of using alcohol,tabacco.. etc.
In our life we are spending more time for sleep.It is not a waste one.We do not know and understand the channel.
Someone once offered a thought about sleep and dreaming--it goes like this--Have you ever considered that our awake life may actually be our dream state and our dream state be our real life? I believe there are some theories on this. Sometimes if I'm going around doing the dishes or walking or talking, I'll stop and think, what if this is the dream and my real life is when I sleep? I think it's a interesting premise.
Very interesting indeed! Heres a dream by a Taoist Sage
"Once I, Chuang Tzu, dreamed I was a butterfly and was happy as a butterfly. I was conscious that I was quite pleased with myself, but I did not know that I was Tzu. Suddenly I awoke, and there was I, visibly Tzu. I do not know whether it was Tzu dreaming that he was a butterfly or the butterfly dreaming that he was Tzu. Between Tzu and the butterfly there must be some distinction. [But one may be the other.] This is called the transformation of things."
"imagine a puddle waking up one morning and thinking, 'This is an interesting world I find myself in, an interesting hole I find myself in, fits me rather neatly, doesn't it? In fact it fits me staggeringly well, must have been made to have me in it!' This is such a powerful idea that as the sun rises in the sky and the air heats up and as, gradually, the puddle gets smaller and smaller, it's still frantically hanging on to the notion that everything's going to be alright, because this world was meant to have him in it, was built to have him in it; so the moment he disappears catches him rather by surprise. I think this may be something we need to be on the watch out for."
Douglas Adams.
Go watch inception
haha, just kidding...
Personally I don't dream at all, but I don't think that anyone can really answer where our mind goes when we are dreaming. Every person is just too unique!
If you were to be studied while sleeping, you will likely be found to have dreamed. The mind is said to need dreams as a means by which our lives are sorted out. Without them, we might go insane. Ok, Leon. Don't even go there.
BestConcerns, our mind does not go anywhere when we go to sleep. We simply go into a lower conscious level or state when we sleep. Four of our five senses literally are turned off during sleeping thus reducing our sense of awareness. Our sense of hearing is the only sense that is still functioning at it usual level as if we are still awake. This is why we are able to wake up from our sleep when we hear sounds and it is a very important survival function for us. Without it many lives would have been lost if we could not hear while sleeping. The other way we become fully conscious from a sleep is that there is a region of the brain called the hippocampus which sends an electrical signal to the cerebrum portion of the brain to wake us from our sleep and if that signal fails to awake you from your sleep you will actually die in your sleep.
I've heard that if you die while dreaming, you actually die. Most people, if dreaming of a danger in which they might die, wake up.
Couturepopcafe, I do not think that is true. Our dreams are only activities of our brain processing all the information it received during our awaking hours. We have several dreams a night and every night during the REM stage of our sleep cycle, unfortunately, some people do not remember them after they wake up. Also, there no meaningful connections to our dreams and what we experience after having them.
melpor - I should rephrase. If one dies in ones dream, one has actually died, though we would have no way of knowing this. (To the knowledge of those left behind, at least.)
Also, I respectfully disagree with the lack of connection to our dreams. Perhaps it's a matter of semantics but if the mind sorts and correlates our waking 'issues', in essence recovering itself for future use, is this not a form of meaningful connection - to potentially experience something better after having them? At the very least, a form of self-discovery?
Couturepopcafe, dreams are just random images generated in the vision region of the brain. You are right our dreams may affect our decision making process to determine what we will do in the future but this not a direct correlation to future events. It is the same way me make decisions about future activities based on our previous experiences.
tiredness might indicate information overload
when this information is sorted and duplication issues resolved during sleep we wake up ready for the new day / sorted so to speak/ simple
a totally natural process that can only be messed up by unusual events like stress /trauma/ drugs/hubbing etc
Not sure if my sense of hearing remains active. My wife says it would take World War III to waken me !
About-The-Home, You will wake up eventually if your ears pickup a loud or high frequency sound while you are sleeping. As I said in a previous post this a survival mechanisms build in most higher forms of life especially mammals. If you were out in the wild you will not survive long if you could not hear and would probably be killed while sleeping. This is why smoke alarms emits a high frequency sound to wake up everyone.
@Tina Kachan
Could you please narrate a dream that became true in the real life.
I personally never had a dream that became true in real life. At least not one that I am aware of. As what I understood, to know that a dream has made true in real life, first you should know what a certain dream means to its fully extent. And I already mentioned it is hard for me to interpret a dream.
But my brother has experienced that. It`s more in the little things. For example, his dream warned him of a person that is going to come in his life and how he should treat that same person.
Well people say that some of their dreams have come true that they saw in their sleep.
And has it happened to anyone that someone came in your dream and the next day the same person disclose that you have also come in his/her dream the same time!
I now, this guy once wrote that he dreamed that he was driving in his car on a highway. In front of him was a truck. Then all of a sudden stuff started falling out of the truck. And then he had an accident because of that.
The next day, the guy was driving and noticed a truck like in his dream. He slowed down a little. A few minutes later stuff was falling out the truck just like in his dream. And thanks to his dream today he is alive and well.
Which just proves that our subconscious communicates to us through our dreams.
The subconcious can only communicate the data already in it; it cannot communicate anything of future that is to happen in real life.
This is a faculty in man to prove that the Creator God could communicate with men through dreams that become real in future, dreams which are in symbols, like you told; in vision which are more than the dreams, one may see them while one is awake; and by direct Converse.
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad 1835-1908 had written on this subject vere elaborately.
This is an interesting discussion, I have had many dreams that have come true in real life. The biggest one being that I dreamed my Grandad was going to die...I even woke up crying with tears all down my face...I can't explain how real it was. Then, 2 days later I found out he had an aneurism in his artery....2 months later he died.
I believe that it is the way we feel in our dreams that is important to be aware of, for our feelings are an indication to the energy that surrounds us, that is making up our experience.
My sons response to this question?
It goes asleep
If you have to ask you're not doing it right
What have I created? He's 25
Wow its amazing Tina!
There is a Deja Vu phenomenon....i think its something different from what we are discussing.
Probably if someone can comment and differentiate between the two?
Can dreams warn of illness? There is a condition called RBD in which the dreamer physically acts out the dream, sometimes violently.
Mayo Clinic sleep medicine specialists have found that almost two-thirds of patients with REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD) develop degenerative brain diseases by approximately 11 years after diagnosis of RBD.
I have personal experience with this -- it makes for an exciting night life.
http://www.rxpgnews.com/sleepdisorders/ … 4493.shtml
Wow...its remarkable.
you have provided a third facet in our discussion
dream occuring in reality
Deja VU
and Acting out dreams(RBD)
If your mind was a slot machine, sleep is the movenment you see while the machine is spinning, and you wake when it stops.
Unfortunately the handle or the button is missing, and we don't know what algorithm is used in our brains to process the spin.
We also see that the person changes the sides during sleep....and generally does not fall from the bed....the proprioception persists?!!
The subconcious can only communicate the data already in it; it cannot communicate anything of future that is to happen in real life.
This is a faculty in man to prove that the Creator God could communicate with men through dreams that become real in future, dreams which are in symbols , in visions which are more than the dreams, one may see them while one is awake; and by direct Converse.
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad 1835-1908 had experienced all these and written on this subject vere elaborately.
Which writings Paar? The onces he stole from other well-know authors? It was decided by his own people that he was a false prophet because his writings were plagiarized!
And he swore ALL his writings were directly from God... all of it! Yet he stole from someone else! If this isn't evidence of being fake then I don't know what is!
unawareness is probably different from sleep as it may be an ingredient but does not define sleep completely?
When we are awake our mind is in constraint to all we hear, see, touch and experience. Our thoughts control our minds and we steer and direct these thoughts constantly throughout the day.
When we sleep these constraints are removed. We see nothing, hear not a lot, touch and experience are at their lowest input levels, so the mind is free to wander and run and play.
Which it does
and sometimes it creates some wonderfully imaginative playscapes.
but when we wake up, these mysteriously vanish and our cognition comes into play and our mind is harnessed once again until nightfall when it can play again.
It is when we are in this sleep state that our mind focuses best at repairing our bodies.
Kinda like when we were children, and our mom sent us out to play. This is when she concentrated best at doing her chores around the house.
Sometimes we just took, sometimes we climbed trees, sometimes we went to the library to learn stuff. Sometimes I went to see the little girl next door. Where we went was "Kinda" up to us.
The most important thing to Mom was that we were out of the way so she could do whatever she needed to do.
Sleep is kinda like that. And our subconscious mind is Momma.
Sleep is a blessing...ask those who yearn for sleep.
people in night shifts know the value of sleep.
may be it helps us to forget minor things of the past and prepare us to start our day with new thoughts and energy!
I had read some articles long long ago (when I was working a 12 hr night shift) that said that we do not reap the same benefits from sleeping during day time hours as what we get when we sleep between the hours between 11:00PM and 2:00 AM
Don't know how true this is; but at the time when I was working 7:00 PM to 7:00 Am it certainly seemed to be true.
Time for me to get off of here and go to work. Later
Your mind goes on a journey into inner space, to explore the obscure corners of the hidden realm which exists within you. Here, you can glimpse secrets and mysteries hidden from your conscious self.
Now you're just groovin' on Hugh Hefner's inner self.
mind travels faster during sleep and can create impossible things when we are sleeping
"Where does our mind go when we are sleeping" - it goes into another parallel reality of the non-pysical where time and space have no boundaries. We re-join this parallel reality on a more permanent basis when we die.
I know, because I have been there during a near-death experience after a extremely bad car crash. Where we are now is the dream and we will wake up one day in perhaps 80 years time. That is why I don't fear death as I know it is literally a passing from reality to another. However, I don't have the answer as to why we are here in this physical dream world. To teach us something, or gain enlightenment or as a punishment? Who knows? I certainly don't.
To be honest, I like the dream world, I get to see my late father again and grandparents quite often. And they always look at their best. I also see other people who also interact in my dreams and I often wonder if these are people from a pervious life? People in my dreams sometimes tell me things, and I some times remember when I wake up in this reality. The other night I was warned that a new boss would join my work in a week or so and watch out he is a real slimeball and not to be trusted - He turned out to be right pain in the waking world.
Oh look its nearly bed time - I am off to my parallel reality when its always sunny, without pain and life is easy - night-night
Into the vastness of your own personal universe within. Look forward to your dreams. It is a hidden you speaking to the you we all see. They reveal you, to you.
Stump Parrish wrote:
I'm suggesting that we have our personal level of consciousness and our mind has it's own seperate consciousness.
YEP ... our mind has it's own seperate consciousness,
that what we are aware of is but a small portion.
Mine usually goes to the last thing I watched on television, weird!
It is a sort of temporary death; Quran clears it:
[39:43] Allah takes away the souls of human beings at the time of their death; and during their sleep of those also that are not yet dead. And then He retains those against which He has decreed death, and sends back the others till an appointed term. In that surely are Signs for a people who reflect.
http://www.alislam.org/quran/search2/sh … p;verse=42
Paar this sounds like nonsense to me! Where on earth did Muhammad come up with this sort of talk. When we are asleep... we dream... it is our brain doing this...period!
Qu'ran didn't clear anytihng about this up... it made it worse! It confuses everything! It tries to make a simple dream into our spirit leaving the body while we are at rest! That is crazy talk! And goes right in line with Muhammad's mind-frame... of course this is along his lines... I remember reading he foamed at the mouth too after his so-called visits from angels... so it makes perfect sense to me now!
My mind doesn't go anywhere when I sleep. If yours does, then how do you know when it returns and how can you be sure that another mind does not retun to you? Maybe that's why the Bible commands us to renew our minds daily. Romans 12:2...
In His Service
by jesusthanks 13 years ago
do you completely remember your dreams?
by victoria 13 years ago
How do you remember the details of your dreams?Often I have a fleeting shadow of a world I live in during sleep. Mostly it's just out of reach and I feel so unsettled knowing I was somewhere but not knowing just where. Sometimes the feeling is so vivid I think I will get it any minute but of course...
by Zack Love 11 years ago
Can you remember anything that happened on your wedding day, or was it just a blur?Many people have so much to do on their wedding day that they can't even remember it. It just happened. Do you remember your wedding day?
by Rael Casalme 12 years ago
Does the spirit sleep when we sleep?Is our spirit our consciousness? And does the spirit also sleep when we sleep? If it doesn't, then why can't I know it?
by Ruchira 13 years ago
When you see an attractive person, what goes in your mind...To Flirt or not to Flirt?
by kmackey32 12 years ago
Do you have a moment when your mind goes blank and you can't remember something that you should?
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