
Jump to Last Post 1-17 of 17 discussions (85 posts)
  1. suzannegrace profile image61
    suzannegraceposted 13 years ago

    Have you ever asked yourself where you were before? Do you remember or have re-occuring dreams? Have you asked your young child if they remember who they were when they were last here? I did this when my little girl was about 3 years old and in her little girl voice she shared with me her story. It was facinating to hear such detail from someone so young. She remembered her name, my name and the fact she was MY mother the last time. Since souls typically remain in the family, this is not uncommon. Now that she is the ripe old age of 9, she doesn't recall me asking nor her answer. She carries around an amazing Indigo child energy as well as great Fairy energy. She is very connected to the earth and to the preservation of it. This is not something we taught her and goes beyond recycling. Our children born today are much more knowledgable than we were as kids - they develop physically much faster and seem born with an inherent knowing only some of us from my generation were born with. As we lucky parents raise our future generations, let us remember to allow them the open minds needed to understand them and collectively embrace and love them as they are truly our future!

    1. Bronson_Hub profile image60
      Bronson_Hubposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Is this a song or a Scientology plug?

      1. suzannegrace profile image61
        suzannegraceposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I am in no way affiliated with Scientology.

    2. pennyofheaven profile image80
      pennyofheavenposted 13 years agoin reply to this


    3. profile image0
      just_curiousposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      That's very interesting. I've never really believed people could truly remember a past life, if such a thing were possible. That must have warmed your  heart when she told you what she remembered.

      1. suzannegrace profile image61
        suzannegraceposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        At the time, I found it a bit frightening although as a child I had a re-occuring dream until my early teens and after doing some research it turned into fact. I was advised to do this by a top Reincarnation expert in the field and she was the only child I had who was so young and with such an open mind.

    4. profile image0
      Brenda Durhamposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I don't believe in reincarnation the way you describe it.
      I think the power of suggestion was strong and your little girl wove a story from that, perhaps combined with something she saw on television or heard, and with her imagination.  That's one thing children surely have---great imaginations.
      "Fairy energy"?.......oh.   Indeed?   That's our future generation's good qualities?    You say that like it's a good thing!

      1. suzannegrace profile image61
        suzannegraceposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I simply asked her a question; she supplied the answers. There was no suggestion in any way. Either you believe or don't - it's your choice after all.

    5. qwark profile image61
      qwarkposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Do you believe in reincarnation?
      What is a "soul" to you?
      If reincarnation were factual, why would one come back as a human?
      Would there be other choices?
      If we were now existing in a metaphysical existence, could we decide not to return?
      what would be the incentive to return and what would there be remaining that could make "decisions" and provide the impetus to return the "soul" to a specific infant?
      Why not come back as an adult or adolescent or at any phase of human life?
      So many questions (and I'm only beginning) that make the proposition of reincarnation the stuff of imagination.

      1. suzannegrace profile image61
        suzannegraceposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I do believe in it; the soul is you - your non-physical form of you. It is energy. The choice to whom you come back as is karmic. Yes, depending on your karma, of course you could decide not to come  back. Doreen Virtue wrote a great book called "Earth Angels" - it is a small, easy read and describes in great detail those who do come back as "walk ins" - essentially souls that come back as adults. Check it out.

        1. Rajab Nsubuga profile image60
          Rajab Nsubugaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          I am not saying anything but why does reincarnation only happens to souls? Why can't it take the bodily form, so that we can have a glance of the Mona Lisas' and Merilyn Monroes? If it is that factual why can't we see a sudden change in the hearts of tyrants? For instance, Hitler killed so many Jews, out of the dead there surely have been one 'jew soul' that must have wanted to change Hitler's heart. I hope I make sense.

    6. britneydavidson profile image61
      britneydavidsonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      nice to hear, let me tell you one thing the human being take birth of human being only not in animal or esle, one soul goes from here and take new birth at other place in human form only, and this cycle repeat again and again and no one can run away from this birth cycle. Thanks!

    7. Shahid Bukhari profile image60
      Shahid Bukhariposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Reincarnation seems to be a good business these days ... cryogenics ... [Pharaohs also tried it, but differently, and are being 'Reincarnated' these days] and Genetics fountain of Youth, and the like... all aiming at human Immortality.

      But ... all this is either stilted on Myth, or upon, a lot of Religious nonsense ... such as the idea of one Reincarnating, into one, in line with ones past life's Actions determined State ... as ... a king, or a pauper ...

      Or in the Modern scientific ... one being raised  ... back into the living, in a distant future, when technology will be able to revive the dead, immersed in liquid Nitrogen for centuries, perhaps, for eons !

      My question to all the "Re-Incarnatists" ... including, the Hindus and Buddhists, Rejecting Resurrection, in the Hereafter ... Is  ...

      "Why can't one be born, in ones Past ... why is it a single lane, one way traffic of Reincarnations ... always heading for a Present, in the Future ... ?

      I mean, if we were to be 'Reborn' ... meaning, Reincarnate ... here on earth ... why must we follow the Logical Convention of things Emanating from one unto the Next ... why not the other Logical probability, of, Getting born Into our Past life  ...

      The Present, 1 ... Reincarnating into -1 ... why is it always 1+ ... ?

      1. suzannegrace profile image61
        suzannegraceposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        my belief is the past present and future happen at the same time or concurrently. I am not trying to get anyone to "believe" or convert - it is simply my belief system that I shared.

        1. Amanda Severn profile image95
          Amanda Severnposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          We experience time in a linear progression. It makes more sense to us that way. That doesn't necessarily mean that this is the only way to experience it.

    8. Jerami profile image59
      Jeramiposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      If someone had ask you when you were a child the same question that you ask your child;   WHO  knows what ..???

        Though your daughter doesn't remember ;  You did.  That also influensed to some degree the older child that she is today, whether you recognized the ways in which the input you had in her life had or not.

        I like the way in which you describd it.  At that early age the child posessed pure truth, and live has a way of burrying that.

    9. Priyankaa Bee profile image61
      Priyankaa Beeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Ever since I read the book of Dr. Brian Weiss - Many Masters Many Lives, I am always curious and skeptical about past lives. Last year, i attended a Past Life Explorer Workshop and we had 3 past lives regression session. We use visualization to imagine like a dream so my 1st regression, I thought i was just imagine something - I felt I was a man during that lifetime.
      On my 2nd regression, it was unsuccessful. I was 'floating' in the cloud and my imagination stuck there.
      On my 3rd regression, interestingly I was myself as a woman, I can even call out my own name during the regression, I was living in between 1700-1800 - the hairstyle, dressing, horse carriage, greyish big house, huge portrait hanging on the wall, the look of my "husband" and some of my other possessions. I just wrote down whatever things i saw during my regression.
      So when I return home, I type in some of the key items and my past life name on Google, interesting, there is such person ! She lives in 1800s, her possessions that make her famous, her husband's look, the bug grey house where she was born, her hairstyle is what I saw exactly during my regression and I do not know about this 'lady' at all in this lifetime.
      When I told the facilitator about my findings, she encouraged me to go for a regression session but I did not try anymore. What is past, is my past. I do not think I should need to look back anymore. If I claimed to the world that I was "her" in my past life, everybody would think I am crazy !
      My past possessions we no longer mine in this life.....

  2. quicksand profile image81
    quicksandposted 13 years ago

    "Where were you before you were born?" A great question to ask yourself. smile
    ... and welcome to HubPages too! smile

    1. suzannegrace profile image61
      suzannegraceposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks all!

      1. Jean Bakula profile image88
        Jean Bakulaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Hi Suzannegrace,
        I believe in Reincarnation, and am taking Metaphysical courses with my husband. I just finished a book about it, which like you, explains children under age 5 can sometimes recall former incarnations. The book answered some of my questions, and blew my mind with other facts and info, but it was fascinating. I am going to write a hub about it. Welcome to Hubpages. I am a Realtor too, but am not practicing right now. Jean Bakula

        1. suzannegrace profile image61
          suzannegraceposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Thanks Jean! Nice to have a nice post - LOL! I am still practicing as a Realtor but due to our economy I am also a full time student and able to "practice" and share some of my other "gifts" for lack of a better word. Metaphysics is a broad statement in today's world - what are you studying if you do not mind me asking?

          1. Jean Bakula profile image88
            Jean Bakulaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            I don't mind at all. The Metaphysical Center of NJ offers a 12 course section on all kinds of Metaphysical topics. It's very close to my home, but in a modest building on a side street I never noticed until my friend's Mom passed on, and they had her Celebration of Life ceremony there. I like the fact many are having these to honor the life of someone who passes instead of the usual funeral.

            The first class was about the 7 Hermetic Laws and Reincarnation, so I wrote hubs to help reinforce my own understanding too. Now the 2nd course is about chakras, Auras and Kirlian photography, kundalini energy and meditation, and we are supposed to discuss death, the afterlife, ghosts, and ESP. We meet  weekly for 8 weeks though, so it's a lot to take in. My husband & I are interested in these topics and somewhat more knowledgeable  than most. They only offer 2 classes yearly, unless you double up, but there is lots of reading to keep up to speed, even for us. If you want to know more contact me through HP. Nice to talk.

  3. profile image54
    Daewalkerposted 13 years ago

    Reincarnation is a fascinating subject but the question I have
    about is if a person does great evil like mass murder and then
    can come back as someone else with a new life and identity does
    this not nullify being held accountable for what one does in this

    1. scottpetullo profile image63
      scottpetulloposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      A "new life and identity" does not mean, in the least, that you escape karmic consequences.

      Whatever harm someone inflicts in this life, it stays with that soul until they balance it, even if it takes 1000+ lifetimes.

      Karma is rarely balanced in the same lifetime. The woman who is mugged in Central Park may have inflicted that same crime in equal proportions to someone else 5000 years ago.

      There are no "victims" in a spiritual sense.

      Your personality is not your soul. Your soul is not your personality.

      Until you do past life regression research or similar work, intellectualizing karma, reincarnation, predetermination and other spiritual tenets with earth-bound concepts won't offer you any meaningful direction.

      Modern science can only give you so many answers.

      Do a google search on famous people (Benjamin Franklin, and Einstein, for example) who believed in reincarnation.

      Scott Petullo

      1. profile image54
        Daewalkerposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Can you factually prove this accountability or this just your expressed
        opinion? It's nice to know that you are an expert on the "soul" are
        you also it creator and judge?

        1. scottpetullo profile image63
          scottpetulloposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Our credentials are the result of empirical research involving our work (clients, public figures, and people of all walks of life and real-world concerns) and we state our findings as theories; we (and anyone else) are unable to disprove them.

          Our theories aren't unique, by the way.

          2/3 of the world's population believes in reincarnation, in some form or another.

          Scott Petullo

          1. profile image54
            Daewalkerposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            I guess this theory is like the theory of evolution I guess this hypothesis
            that cannot be duplicated but is widely accepted by science is also "fact"
            too backed up by "empirical research" Millions of people don't agree on
            many many many things so I guess until I receive irrefutable proof I
            will not accept reincarnation but if the proof comes I will!!!

          2. qwark profile image61
            qwarkposted 13 years agoin reply to this


            "Our credentials are the result of empirical research..."

            "Empirical" means your results are verifiable or provable by means of observation or experiment.

            How can you say your results could be verified by "observation" when you are working with the metaphysical, the supernatural and incorporeal?

            Reincarnation is about as credible a concept as is the concept of this fairytale "god" thing.


            1. scottpetullo profile image63
              scottpetulloposted 13 years agoin reply to this


              Please don't distort my words.

              Empirical = through observation, or "what our findings suggest," or "what our findings show us."

              This is the basis for our theories. You can't prove a theory valid, but you can invalidate it.

              If you wish to invalidate our theories, you'll have to show us exactly how you do that.

              You can't "prove" unconditional love either. Just because you can't touch something doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Are you going to say that love doesn't exist either?


              1. qwark profile image61
                qwarkposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                NP Scott:

                Then use a word other than "empirical" when you express a concern involving "hypothesis/theory" in attempting proof of the metaphysical.  smile:


                1. scottpetullo profile image63
                  scottpetulloposted 13 years agoin reply to this


                  No, "empirical" is perfectly acceptable.

                  Theory through empirical science is allowable.

                  What isn't acceptable is the "science authorities" lambasting anything they can't see, touch, or feel, especially that which refutes their cherished world-view of things.

                  History is full of examples of "hard science fact" being turned into a joke, because new evidence is constantly being found.

                  How about Caucasian remains being found in a mine in CA dating back 100,000+ years? Or how about man-made artifacts being found in Europe, 1000+ feet down in a coal mine that date back many millions of years?

                  And your insistence on saying I'm "attempting proof" is off the mark.


                  1. qwark profile image61
                    qwarkposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    Ok Scott;

                    Metaphysics and empiricism exist at opposite ends of the "reality continuum."
                    If your desire is to believe otherwise, hey, I have no problem with that.
                    You are correct Scott, reincarnation cannot be proved or disproved.
                    To try, at least at this point in human evolution, would be an example of an "exercise in futility."  smile:


      2. Cagsil profile image70
        Cagsilposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        What soul? lol

      3. Rajab Nsubuga profile image60
        Rajab Nsubugaposted 13 years agoin reply to this


        "Your personality is not your soul. Your soul is not your personality"

        So on whose behalf do we repent?

  4. Gazillion Lucks profile image54
    Gazillion Lucksposted 13 years ago

    Hi Suzzane, it is quite true that you realise nowadays children getting more knowlegdable than we do comparing our time. Reincarnation is part of long term routine having similarity like yesterday,today and tomorrow. We close the eyes today and open the next morning. She is back to you due to her love emotion atachment, and also her mind power at the very last of her tiny breath when she was still your mom. Your mom was a very good person, and lucky her, her request came true. She got better place but she prefer return to you to be at least by your side in your this life. That is the love from mother. This reincarnation is just a superdupernanotiny in the whole universal law which we can't understand yet.

    1. suzannegrace profile image61
      suzannegraceposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for a beautiful expression - and a kind one at that! Soul families, I believe, stick together - so at some point in time, your best friend for example, could be your brother, sister, husband, in your next life, your mom, the same. There are so many proven studies - and without disrespecting anyones's belief system, educating oneself on the studies is important - and you and your open mind are an example of that. Thanks again!

      1. Jean Bakula profile image88
        Jean Bakulaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Hi Suzanne,
        It's Jean again. I just read a book about how people tend to reincarnate in "soul groups." I have a feeling I was my husband's Dad last time around (weird, I know). I keep seeing the description "Indigo children" and finally looked it up on Wikipedia last  night. My son is an elementary school teacher and thinks parents who have kids with ADD or AHDD sometimes use the term because they need to believe their kids are special and are lazy about discipline. He's a 2nd degree black belt though, so he is a bit strict coming from a martial arts background. I'm thinking of a hub on Indigo Children, it seems interesting.

  5. Extinct Soul profile image60
    Extinct Soulposted 13 years ago

    Not a hub..but a very interesting specially the hubbers comments....I've learned a lot..thanks for

  6. Midnight Oil profile image80
    Midnight Oilposted 13 years ago

    I read recently that reincarnation is making a come back....... wink

    1. Jewels profile image82
      Jewelsposted 13 years agoin reply to this


  7. profile image54
    Daewalkerposted 13 years ago

    Based on many years of research I can emphatically state
    that their are no karmic consequences! This is just one of
    many reasons why evil exist and continue to spread in the
    affairs of humans! Serial killers, rapists, molesters, war
    criminals and others have proven this undeniable fact that
    is why all of the crimes get repeated with more frequency!

    1. qwark profile image61
      qwarkposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Man is "genetically" a killer!
      It's as simple as that!

  8. sergs_pogi profile image59
    sergs_pogiposted 13 years ago

    The concept of reincarnation is biblically untenable.

    1. profile image0
      just_curiousposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      There are those who believe John the Baptist was the reincarnation of the Prophet Elijah. I've always heard the Catholic church stamped put belief in reincarnation by the masses during the dark ages. Before that it was accepted belief.

    2. qwark profile image61
      qwarkposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Nothing biblical is tenable.

      1. sergs_pogi profile image59
        sergs_pogiposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        That's your opinion. However, ultimately everything will be judged according to the rules set forth by God in the Scriptures. Salvation itself is taught by the Bible.

        1. Cagsil profile image70
          Cagsilposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Says you. lol lol

          1. sergs_pogi profile image59
            sergs_pogiposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            No matter how humans may deny the authority of the Bible, God's words will come to pass and no one can prevent it. The world will surely perish but the words of God lives on forever.

            1. Extinct Soul profile image60
              Extinct Soulposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              Are you ready to be stoned (with words) to death? lol

              1. sergs_pogi profile image59
                sergs_pogiposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                What is your basis? Your own philosophy?

                1. Extinct Soul profile image60
                  Extinct Soulposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  sagradong katoliko po ako..
                  But you don't know whom are you dealing with.. that Casgil and qwark...I've read a lot of their posts..they will never gonna let you win lol

                  1. qwark profile image61
                    qwarkposted 13 years agoin reply to this



                    I'm not trying to "win" anything. I'm just doing my best to offer "truths" and "reality."

                    If anything I offer can be proved to be wrong or misleading, I will offer an apology and accept the "new" truth.

                    I love learning.

                    It is my hope that the HP forum can be educational.

                    So far that hasn't been the case, but there's always hope and besides, replying can be exercise for my aging


            2. Cagsil profile image70
              Cagsilposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              It is ironic you fail to see the irrationality of your own statement. lol

        2. qwark profile image61
          qwarkposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          The intent of what you just said is not tenable.

          You are just offering your opinion which is based upon your reading of a book which is filled with untenable nonsense.

          Pls, prove me wrong. You know you can't.

          TY  smile:


          1. sergs_pogi profile image59
            sergs_pogiposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Therefore, you claim that the Bible is nonsense. Is that right?

            1. qwark profile image61
              qwarkposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              Of course!
              Now prove me wrong.

  9. sergs_pogi profile image59
    sergs_pogiposted 13 years ago

    Ok. I think I should not reply here anymore. This does more harm than good.

  10. profile image51
    paarsurreyposted 13 years ago


    I don't think reincarnation has any reality; it never happened.

  11. Jerami profile image59
    Jeramiposted 13 years ago

    Shahid Bukhari wrote ....

      "Why can't one be born, in ones Past ... why is it a single lane, one way traffic of Reincarnations ... always heading for a Present, in the Future ... ?

    = = = = - - -

       Who says that time is a march forward? 
       Why can time not exist totaly within itself, all existing at the same "Time?"

       Reality is kinda like a sandy beach that goes on forever.
       Our ability to precieve it is but one grain of sand washing into the sea.

    1. Rajab Nsubuga profile image60
      Rajab Nsubugaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      A sandy beach that keeps on recurring? So, the past is actually the future?

      1. Jerami profile image59
        Jeramiposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        geen busy sorry for the delay 

          In my mind;  The future, present and future  all exist, and time is relative to our perseption of it.

           Our puny little minds would explode if it had to deal with it all at the same time.

           Just like I think it would if it had to take in and understand everything that there is to know just in in this place in time.

          Something like that anyway!

  12. profile image51
    paarsurreyposted 13 years ago


    I don't think reincarnation has any reality; it never happened.

    1. profile image51
      paarsurreyposted 13 years agoin reply to this
  13. melpor profile image88
    melporposted 13 years ago

    I personally do not believe in reincarnation. It doesn't make any sense to me. How can 6 billion people be a result of reincarnation when at one time there was less than 1 million people on earth. Where are all these other people coming from?

    1. profile image51
      paarsurreyposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I agree with you.

    2. Misha profile image64
      Mishaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Is reincarnation limited by human body only? Somehow I read it is not smile

    3. profile image51
      paarsurreyposted 13 years agoin reply to this
  14. melpor profile image88
    melporposted 13 years ago

    I do not think people are being reincarnated as lower animals if that was case.

    1. Misha profile image64
      Mishaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I thought you said the number of people is growing, not shrinking... wink

  15. Trail Otter profile image61
    Trail Otterposted 13 years ago

    Interesting. I often wonder if I'd been here before. First time I went to Harper's Ferry, WV, I felt like I was home. Usually have to at least drive through if I'm in the area. I've been told by various people that I have an "old soul" Not exactly sure what that means.

    Side note - in college I led a study group for a class on the American Civil War. I did most of the talking. One of my classmates came up to me after and asked if I listened to myself. Apparently in the middle of my talking I switched from third to first person. I was told that it sounded like I was there. Probably a matter of study. However I do feel drawn to that era in American history.

  16. Jerami profile image59
    Jeramiposted 13 years ago

    Why does everything have to be so darn simple that we think we have to understand everything about it  OR  IT  Can't  BE

  17. wormdo profile image60
    wormdoposted 13 years ago

    Don't believe in reincarnation, it doesn't make mathematical sense. The earth is more populated than ever, so how can we all be reincarnations? I guess some of us could be reincarnations of extinct animals, but I'm pretty sure I've never heard a reincarnation believer claim to be a dodo in a past life.

    1. profile image51
      paarsurreyposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      The dodo (Raphus cucullatus) was a flightless bird endemic to the Indian Ocean island of Mauritius. Related to pigeons and doves, it stood about a meter (3.3 feet) tall, weighing about 20 kilograms (44 lb), living on fruit, and nesting on the ground.

      The dodo has been extinct since the mid-to-late 17th century.[2] It is commonly used as the archetype of an extinct species because its extinction occurred during recorded human history and was directly attributable to human activity.

      The phrase "dead as a dodo" means undoubtedly and unquestionably dead, whilst the phrase "to go the way of the dodo" means to become extinct or obsolete, to fall out of common usage or practice, or to become a thing of the past.

      It was a beautiful bird.

      1. wormdo profile image60
        wormdoposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks? I know what a dodo was.

    2. profile image51
      paarsurreyposted 13 years agoin reply to this


    3. Misha profile image64
      Mishaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      If you just bother to read my answer to melpor above, you will likely see that your argument makes no sense. This is not to say that reincarnation is a reality, this is just to say that this particular argument against it is - umm - ungrounded. smile

      1. profile image51
        paarsurreyposted 13 years agoin reply to this
        1. profile image0
          newday98033posted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Time does not exist except as we wish it to be, per Einstein.. So reincarnation is something more than as defined. A reasonable way to look at this place is there is always more to understand, no matter what one is looking at. A personal view cannot encompass the entirety. these other folks can help us out with their viewpoints.


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