I have started a new thread for Hubtrails because I wanted to set up the instructions and other information you need in the very first post. Hopefully this will limit the confusion and help us to get better organized.
First Important news:
Marisa Wright has purchased the Domain HubtrailTravelGuide.com to host our project externally. Clap! Clap! Clap!
UrbanChaos has created a Wikipage to host the project. http://hubtraveler.wikispaces.com/ Nice Job!
Sufidreamer and Habee have been working very hard to contact as many others as they can to join. How cool is that?
Sunforged has offered his technical assistance and marketing know how to help promote Hubtrails. Yeah!
Cagsil has been helping with organization and ideas via e-mail
How to participate
1)Put Hubtrail tag in each hub so that it gets into the feed.
2) Write a capstone Hub for ________(insert your State or region) also include link to all of your subhubs in the capstone.
3)e-mail a link to the capstone to me.
We will have to go back and edit the capstone with links to the adjoining states once I have all the capstone links.
4)You may be asked to include stray hubs into your capstone if they belong to your state or region for example Habee from Georgia has included a Grand Canyon Hub that does not fit under her capstone
5) follow this thread as thing are coming together quickly and Marisa, Sufidreamer, Sunforged or myself may need to include other instructions as things progress.
The hub tier will be set up something like this I think
/ \
US Capstone -------Europe Capstone
/ \ / \
State>>State Region>>Region
/ \ / \
city city city city
Cagsil has written the US Capstone I need volunteers to write the Capstones for the other countries.
If I have missed anything please let me know.
Ohma, you're doing a great job with this!! It's always amazing how people come together for a project like this.. There's a lot of travel articles out there by different websites, but I don't think there's any that even come close to this!
Thanks for the great idea! --and thanks to everyone that's helping to make it work.. You guys are awesome!
Ohma this is brilliant you and your team have done an outstanding bit of work!
Thanks Faybee and just think I just wanted a way to promote my Pa. Hub
PackSecure Welcome aboard I think SirDent has also done a Va. Beach hub that is included so if you could contact him and get together on a capstone that includes both I would really appreciate it.
Sounds really great so far. I hope to be able to be included.
I think if you add the RSS and read through the thread about what Ohma has planned, you will do fine! If you need any help just ask! Also, if you have some little known places that you can talk about, even favorite restaurants or nightclubs. Anything folksy! I am hoping to get my sister involved to do some stuff about Ohio!
This is great! I like to participate and like to write capstone hub for India. But I need some guideline or at least a link for a similar capstone hub.
Hi Cupid! There is a capstone hub link in Ohma's original post up top!
Oops sorry! That link didn't work. Here it is a capstone for Nebraska:
http://hubpages.com/hub/Nebraska-HubTra … l-and-Life
Check out KerryG Nebraska Hub and welcome aboard I will put you in for India Capstone.
The site is up at
One more thing - everyone should add a "rss feed" capsule at the end of their Hubtrail Hubs, and put the hubtrail feed into it. Just the same as you do for HubMob.
To include the RSS Feed -
1) Go into 'Edit Hub'
2) At the top right, where you add text, picture and Amazon capsules, there is one for RSS. Add it.
3) Open the capsule by pressing edit, just as you do with text capsules.
4) Enter a title - something like 'Hubtrail' hubs
5) Where it says 'Feed Url' enter:
http://hubpages.com/tag/HubTrail/hot/?rss or
6) There is a little drop down menu saying 'number of Hubs to display' - set this to 8.
7) For display method, set to full description.
8) Save the capsule, check that 8 Hubs appear, and you are done editing!
Marisa Beautiful and that was more than a little work! WOW!
Marisa great site. When I opened it my hub was under the latest story at the top.
That is one of the coolest things that has happened to me in a long time. What a pleasant surprise. Thanks
Marisa, the site looks amazing! Great job wit this!
in the other thread you talked about the capstones having their own tag would something like
Country Capstone = "hubtrailcc"
State and region = "hubtrailsc"
Here is my capstone hub on India.
Its an old hub, but I have converted it to a capstone hub for my hubtrail hubs on India. Right now I am in the process of adding the rss feed to the hubs.
Best Regards
Okay maybe I did this right and maybe not could someone check it? this is my Capstone hub (entry point)
I used the "hot" in the rss feed, correct or should I use something else since I'm in Fla to link say Habee if Georgia and some else in Alambama?
RTE your capstone looks good.
Sun Seven Yours too.
Please send me the links and do not post them here as they might get snipped and I wouldn't want anyone to get into problems with HP.
Should we also include a link to Marisa's webpage as a Gateway, and would that link be a "shall follow"?
This is my capstone Hub for The Greek Islands. Please let me know if I have got the wrong end of the stick. I will email the link to Ohma.
I need to include the RSS feed I think.
Read it Ethel left you a comment. That is a beautiful Hub. Now I just need to hire a writer to do my Pa hubs as i am running out of time!
Is there a list of capstone hubs? I could write one for Cape Cod and the Islands if it is not done. That could fall under Massachusetts.
Is someone writing one for Ma in general (Cagsil)? I noticed you mentioned he was participating.
Yes Cags is writing The U.S. Capstone to tie all the states together he will be including Links to each state capstone.
As far as the MA cap I was kind of hoping you would volunteer. and by all means yes include the cape and the Islands.
Should I write a seperate one for Massachusetts? Then do another one for Cape Cod and the Islands?
We need a volunteer for western Ma?
Someone could do Boston?
I will do them all but it might take me awhile. I started one for Cape Cod already.
I think the project is just going to continue to grow on its own. so I do not think it really matters how long it takes to produce the new hubs. If I am thinking correctly and I need Marissa to confirm, her site will update as the feed updates once she has it all together.
I am not familiar with Ma., or the Cape so I think I will leave these organizational issues up to you.
ooooh Responsibility I like it. Thanks Ohma for everything you are doing.
Also thank you to everyone else who is putting so much work into this effort.
This is the closest I have felt to the HP community since I arrived.
I guess this is the closest thing to a capstone travel Hub as I have, since I don't write about one region in particular.
And I'm still in the process of adding more of my travel Hubs to it...
Great Relache we are using the tag hubtrail-capstone to sort the capstones from the others in the feed to link them to Marisa's site once she has more time to organize. capstone hubs should have both the hubtrail and hubtrail-capstone tags in them.
The guidelines for the project says that people have to make a capstone, and since the areas I write about are varied, I took my one travel Hub that seemed best to encapsulate the type of travel that I do and made that one it.
I've been asked by more than one person to contribute Hubs, so that's what I'm doing. I figured the organizers would handle the organizing part.
I said I'd write the capstone hubs for GA and FL, and I can also cover the Bahamas, if you like. It might not be today, though. I've been at the hospital all day and have been wrangling with two wild boys. I'm pooped! (New granddaughter just arrived!)
Readyto escape has already done one for Fla. please get with him to include your Fla. Hubs under his capstone. I can not wait to see the Bahama and Ga. hubs
Actually I only did one for my little area of Florida, but I'll can write one for the whole state. Habee seems to have a full plate. Give me a day or so and I'll have it up.
Hey Congrats Habee, Gotta think pink when ya head to the store
Congrats on the new grand daughter habee!! (clapping)
I grew up an hour north of philly if that is any help.
I was so hoping you would stop by.
I have done a capstone about Pa. but I have very little info to cap and not so much time to do more. I would be happy to include yours and any other Pa. Hubs under my Capstone. I would also be happy to make any changes to the Hub other Pennsylvanians might like to see. Please have a look at my Hub and make suggestions. also send me links that you would like to have included in Pa.
I have done a UK capstone hub. Hope that's OK. I had wuite a few hubs to round up. I am going to do a Europe one as I have quite a few european hubs. Unless anyone else has alreadt started.
To date I have just been adding my own hubs but let me have any to add.
http://hubpages.com/hub/The-United-King … oss-the-UK
maybe this is answered before, but do we have to concentrate only on one area? can we use hubs we already have written and edit them?
I can write hubs about this west central area of florida, but I also have some Paris hubs already written. I could make one of them the capstone?
I would think that whatever hubs you have written about a particular area should be filed under the head capstone (gateway) for each state or country. I am assuming that will be done via the tags, but I am still trying to work that issue out myself
I have made a good start but I am supposed to rest my eyes and not be on the comp too long. Will catch up tomorrow and finish. Let me know anythuing I need to know. Thanks all and goodnight
Can anyone join this project? And do you have a capstone for Ohio yet? I have some hubs that can go under that as well.
Glad to have you join and no Ohio is all yours for the taking. Have you read the instructions? you need to follow if not please go back through the thread I think any of the questions you may have can be answered that way but I will happily help if you need more info!
Ok we really need to get this tagging thing sorted out.
If you are writing a Capestone for a country i.e Cagsils USA cap the tags should be "Hubtrail" and "Hubtrail-Country"
If you are writing a capstone for a US state or region the tags should be "hubtrail" and "Hubtrail-capstone".
Sub-hubs that fall under a specific state should be tagged "hubtrail" and "hubtrail-_________(fill in state)
This will organize the US
And then here is where I need some help, since I do not know how the different countries divide there regions (like the US states)so I need whoever is writing country Capstones to tell us how to tag them.
I think Canada's level beneath the country capstone would be like hubtrail-province
Does anyone understand what I am asking?
OK I am here now I see this is going to mean alot of work so I will undertake all to do with Ireland - I will start tomorrow as it is now 10.15pm in Ireland....Irish
Uh Oh
I just encountered the trouble with one of my hubs not showing in the feed. I was informed by Sunforged that HP disregard anything after 15 tags for inclusion into feeds. I cut back on the tags making sure to leave the Hubtrail pertinent ones and it went right in.
I have noticed many hubs that have more than 15 tags and I think if Hubtrail pertinent tags are not in the first 15 they will not be included into the appropriate feeds.
Only 16 Hubs have uploaded to the Hubtrail site, so I suspect a lot of people are either using too many tags, have the wrong tag or have forgotten to add it.
Marissa I have tried and tried to explain the tagging I feel I am not getting anywhere I could really use some assistance.
and I am also already showing visits from the site!!
I know this is a funny thing to get excited about, but I had two spam comments today.
Usually it takes spammers weeks to find a new site, so it's a good sign!
The fact that the tagging conventions keep being altered or expanded isn't making it any easier on the Hub author end.
I have "hubtrail" as a tag on nearly a dozen Hubs, and not one shows up on the site.
Relache I do apologize for that I am just learning as I go here I really never expected this to take off as it has. I know that my limited knowledge is really hampering this and I wish I knew what to do about it because I feel that it can be a really great project for all involved.
Ohma you have done a great job!
Everything I see you have done is completely necessary. You guys will need your tagging structure in order to create a navigable system of hopping down the hubtrail - the system you have devised seems spot on to me.
It seems as if hubpages only creates or adds your hub to a "tag" page (and in turn an rss) for the first 15 or so tags - I havent personally tried to figure out the exact number.(Thanks to Susana S. for sharing this during the 60dc)
I dont see how any tag could be outranking another? If this somehow relates to search results, its far to early for such things to matter.
Your always going to see inconsistencies in the rss feeds - each service updates at different times - MW now has 27 hubs in the feed - it probably is set to latest? and is never going to show the old hubs? - even if set to hot or best - it cant grab all the previously syndicated content. But these capstones your creating should all be captured by the feed.
Hi, Ohma,
I composed a capsule hub for my Israel hubtrail hubs. I wonder if it is shown in the feeds and also in other sauces of the campaign ...
http://hubpages.com/hub/A-Guide-to-Holy … l-Hubtrail
Should State capstone rss feeds be looking for the particular state tags? And should we enter something like,
RTE If you are writing a capstone for a US state or region the tags should be "hubtrail" and "Hubtrail-capstone".
That will allow it to show up here http://hubpages.com/tag/hubtrails-capstone/hot?rss to be included in the feed to the country capstones.
Reu Vera It may take a while for it to show up in the feed, and if this is a capstone hub for all of Isreal then you should also include the tag "Hubtrail-country"
Not the tags, but in the rss feed capsule for state sub-hubs to follow under for a particular state. So that the capstone hub shows only state hubs
That's what I thought but when I put in the the rrs feed for Florida it came back as unrecognised. I'll try to drop the "usa"
Bingo that worked, Florida Capstone Published
I am glad I could make you happy. I do not understand why only 16 hubs have uploaded to the site there are 120 in the feed right now.
What a great idea!
I'll be writing something up about Minnesota!
Something must have just updated because now I'm seeing my Hubs on the site.
I'd also like to point out that I'm seeing the "hubtrail-(state)" tags outrank the regular "hubtrail" one, so is it really necessary to have both? I've got some great Hubs, but I don't want to sacrifice tags that Google loves for ones just for this project.
One of the things that I learned today is that only the first 15 tags will place your hub in a HP rss feed. so you may be correct in that it is not prudent to double tag. I really do not know but I think google sees them all the trouble is that yeildbuild places them alphabetically and so HP doesn't see the end ones.
Also, can a category be added under "Americas" for Central America? I've got a Hub about my trip last February to Costa Rica.
Sunforged thank-you. I was starting to get very discouraged with things. I am having a difficult time getting people to understand the tagging and it seems to be hampering the project.
You explained just fine. Its pretty straight forward, as you said.
It will just take some time before people catch on to your tagging system - Did you create a central info hub yet? Someplace where the important info isnt quickly lost in a sea of comments?
You probably dont want to depend on readers wading through 5 pages of this thread to find your added tag suggestions - hence the need for a central info hub.
You have started a rather expansive project it will take some time (weeks) to get a handle on the scope as an organizer.
No reason to be discouraged, you should be proud, well done.
Talk to me as if I am three years old - what do I need to do - should I go off and write a Hub about Ireland - I am not technical so explain what I need to do - slowly
Ohma I have gathered all my European Hubs into one at http://hubpages.com/hub/European-Hubtrail
Hope I have not jumped ahead. I never could follow rules
I just need to add the rss feeds throughout various of my hubs.
I think I am going to retitle my TRAVEL hubs group as Hubtrail travel for ease. Let me know any thoughts etc. I am back at work next week and will have less time hence the race now.
Sorry folks being half way round the world from you is making the organizing a little difficult. I am going to write a very specific hub today with instructions today as soon as I clarify some things on my end so please bear with me,
Irish writ hub\s about Ireland's lesser known places to visit until I have the instruction Hub done.
Ohma does it matter that I put Hubtrail, hubtrails and so on in my hub tags. I am not sure if mine are showing up in the feed yet.
Sorry to be a pain.
Will catch the reply tomorrow
That would be great - a how-to like for Hubmob - can anybody play?
...and if so how do I get started?
Ethel yes I have a number of yours showing up in the feed
and redelf you are certainly welcome to play along. as I said I am waiting for some info from MW and when I have that I will be doing a how to guide Hub.
Thanks, Ohma - will I have to unpublish any hubs and start from "click this link" as in the HubMob, or can I go ahead and start writing them as hubs now?
The reason I ask is that I am currently working on some for the hubmob, and need to know if I can link them too, or if I should just write them as word docs and make hubs when you have all the info in line?
Thanks Ohma. I am also going to prune my tags as was suggested.
I finished a hub on Cape Cod and the Islands. I put in a hubtrail-capstone tag as well as a hubtrail-cape cod and the islands.
I am not sure if what I have done is what everyone is looking for?
I am working on one for Massachusetts and should have it done in a day or two.
Just let me know.
Is there a capstone RSS feed?
I have published the capstone hub for India. Please check the hub and let me know whether I have missed something!
Thanks again, Ohma - I saw my hub on the site - looks great! I have emailed Dale, and hope to hear from him soon.
As far as the rest of us not getting confused - hahahahaahaha
Sorry - just had to add that
I am with theirishobserver - I need simple, one-step-at-a-time instructions. I was getting all mixed up between file paths and tags. I'm still not sure how to include other hubs aside from pasting them in, but I am sure that will all be made clear
thanks Ohma - I will write until I recieve further instructions
by Kate Swanson 14 years ago
Sorry to report but I've had some problems with the external website. I tried to fix up the RSS feeds as they weren't picking up all the hubs, and in the process seem to have broken them altogether.Sincere apologies to all - I will get it fixed eventually but it will mean more Hubs get...
by Ohma 14 years ago
Okay everyone it is done! I am sorry for the many changes and delays but as many of you know this project was not really a project in the beginning. I was just throwing an idea out there and everyone jumped in which is fantastic but has made for many garbled and confusing instructions and for that...
by Ethel Smith 14 years ago
Afternoon folks. If anyone has a UK, Greek Island, or European travel hub that I could add to my hubtrail hubs please let me know. Thanks all. Here's hoping
by Dan Harmon 14 years ago
I am writing a hub on travel in Idaho, but am unsure as how to tie it into the hubtrails program. In particular, the idea of a capstone - one place says use it on the first one I write, another says don't use it, and I can't figure out just what to do. Help here, anyone?
by Raymond D Choiniere 14 years ago
Hey Hubberville,I know there are plenty of people working on Hubtrail Hubs and I would like to post this thread, so as to get your attention.I, myself am working on the Capstone Hub for Americas and requesting a link from every person who writes a Capstone Hub for North America(all State Hubs...
by sunforged 14 years ago
Now that the team building phase is complete, what types of questions are left unanswered that should be covered in the next team hub?Any ideas that we should include in our team effort?Any other Hub authors want to lend some off-site promotion to our effort?..im really excited, barely slept due to...
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