How to eradicate Poverty

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  1. prosmentor profile image61
    prosmentorposted 14 years ago

    My work is to empower people. I need ideas on how to eradicate poverty and how to partner with agencies

    1. prettydarkhorse profile image63
      prettydarkhorseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      that would be a humongous task, in what place, area would you like for it to happen?

      1. Guru-C profile image77
        Guru-Cposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I wonder, is it really necessary to explore the moon and mars? I keep thinking about the good that money could do to help the needy. If this postulate has validity, one would still encounter huge philosophical hurdles in a society that seems to think distributing wealth is a worse sin than those proscribed in the 10 commandments.  In the meantime, on a local level, programs in which people donate business suits so that folks who are unemployed can go on job interviews seem to help. Donating time to Habitat for Humanity is a way of giving poor families a new lease on life. Contributing to women's cooperatives in developing countries so that they can become self-sufficient seems to make a difference. Education will always be the primary route out of poverty. I'll keep thinking.

    2. Blogging Erika profile image67
      Blogging Erikaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Education, education, education!  There are a lot of ways you can help spread literacy and support public education, everything from signing up at a library to do reading time with the kiddies, to helping teach an ESL class at a community college.

      1. brimancandy profile image79
        brimancandyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        people spreading the story that education is the key to economics. I say balony! Our economy only works on income and who is spending. If every person in this country were highly educated at Eistein level, there would just be a lot of very smart people working for Walmart, McDonalds and Burger King. And, they would still be getting paid about the same wage for it no matter how smart they are.

        What this country needs to do is invest in manufacturing the way they did before every business decided to move their factories elsewhere. The problem is Greed, and companies willing to sell out to the highest bidder not caring what happens to anyone under them.

        What they should do is eliminate the stock market idea of the hostie takeover. Make businesses sell themselves legit, not just because their biggest stockholder plans to sell out to a rival company. Once we change the way we do business in this country, things will get better.

    3. profile image0
      Poppa Bluesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      You do realize that for some people poverty is a choice. Now if you're talking globally, then you haven't a chance, there's just way too much corruption to end poverty. However, if you're only looking at America, then you simply need not partner with agencies, at least government agencies, but you need to eliminate them remove the penalties on productivity, savings, and investment and shrink government. Get rid of as much regulation as possible and stand back and watch wealth flourish everywhere!

      1. brimancandy profile image79
        brimancandyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I must have missed this post. Poverty a choice? People are at the poverty level because of the rising cost of goods, and the decreasing amount of income, not because they choose to live in poverty.

        What they should do is level out the cost of housing, insurance, loan interest, and go after the credit card companies. Those industries have been living on the gravy train for too long. The banks are the worst, yet we sank billions in to help them out, when that money could have been given to individuals to spend, or reduce their dept.

        If you ask me,  the government is letting to many people at the top get away with too much of our money. Especially, when it is constantly given to them in amounts that boggle the mind, while they sit on top of millions in their own profits.

        And, then those same people turn around and complain that their tax dollars are being wasted to give welfare to the poor. I don't know, but, when was the last time a small handfull of welfare people were given
        100 billion dollars, so they could go down and party in the bahama's?

        They are lucky to get barely enough to pay the rent for their substandard crime ridden housing. I wouldn't call that a choice.

      2. TheGhostInvestor profile image54
        TheGhostInvestorposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I do not agree with most of your points.  Erradicating proverty world wide is possible, and in America it can be done too.  Eliminating as much "regulation" and downsizing the government as possible will allow us to "watch wealth flourish everywhere" - how naive.

        No regulation = BIG fish will eat small one.  Now, that is bad for the little guy and typically does not promote competition because it makes it extra difficult for the small guy to get to market. 

        Please think 360 degrees before posting.

    4. profile image0
      Brenda Durhamposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Empower all people?  or one particular group? Or what?

      I can tell you this-----you'll never rightly empower people by teaching them how to shuffle money from one hand to another.   If you can come up with a way to create jobs...actual jobs, not pyramid schemes,  then you'll be empowering citizens.

      You'll never rightly empower people if you tell them they deserve something without working for it.

      I'm not trying to offend you, but every time I've heard someone say they want to "empower" people, so far, it's been some sort of scam or a concept directed at empowering people to make money off other people's money......

      If you or anyone can convince NASA to stop (even for a while) making spacesuits at $2 million a pop,  and rockets at God-knows-what-price,  and stop Obama from taking our jobs away and giving them to the likes of Van Jones and other crap-agenda-minded people,  then that might be a start at empowering many citizens....

      1. creepy profile image56
        creepyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I am in agreement however I am legally insane so that probably wont help you with credibility

        1. profile image0
          Brenda Durhamposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          I'm sure I'm probably I'm sure I guess I'm insane by some standards too.  ha.   I'm in good company today.
          Hey, you're a lotta fun.  Where the heck is your profile info and a hub from you?  I'm waiting to read one.  Not that you'd have known that.  But I bet it would be interesting.

          1. Ron Montgomery profile image61
            Ron Montgomeryposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            It will never happen.  Sock puppets are used for forums only, they don't produce hubs.

            1. prettydarkhorse profile image63
              prettydarkhorseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              RON cant reply to you anymore about OBAMA and the sickle they delete the thread, good day

              1. Ron Montgomery profile image61
                Ron Montgomeryposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                Damn!  the fun ones never last.

                1. prettydarkhorse profile image63
                  prettydarkhorseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                  RON you love drama and all, and intrigues too, hehehehe

                  I know now why you like Palin, just kidding..hehe

            2. creepy profile image56
              creepyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              i have been working on a real money maker

    5. profile image0
      Will Bensonposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I think breaking the poverty cycle has to be done with the youngest poor. Schools may have to provide more meals, recreation and guidance - in other words - they become more involved with the lives of poor kids.

      Not an easy thing to implement since it means education costs go up, but in the long run, it's more economical to produce productive citizens rather than another lost generation to burden our Social Services and Legal systems.

      Just my thoughts.

      Thanks for working to make a difference.

    6. Cagsil profile image70
      Cagsilposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      The only solution for ending poverty is to spread the knowledge and understanding of the best way to leave a poverty mental thought process behind those who are affected by it.

      You must not create jobs, but show them how to work for themselves.

      People have a misconception about life and that's to go get a job. Anyone promoting a job or a career for others, apparently does not understand the best way to end poverty. Jobs don't end poverty, it only promotes uneducated people direction other people want them to go.

      To end poverty, people must be told the truth about what is the best way to make money or accumulate wealth. Without it, you only make poverty a topic of discussion and nothing more.

      Thank you. smile

    7. PB_Smith profile image61
      PB_Smithposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      In my opinion two main factors contribute to the levels of poverty that exist today.

      1) Overpopulation, doesn't need much explaining I think.

      2) Monetary systems that are not based on things or medium of exchange that has any real intrinsic value.

      Poverty has existed as long as civilization has existed. Thinking that it can be eradicated in the current world paradigm is just plain naive to say the least. The eradication of poverty worldwide would require such a radical restructuring of the reality in which we all share as to be beyond our current scope of understanding.

      To the OP. Why in your profile do you talk in the third person and build yourself up to be such a wonderful and accomplished person?

      What I find inconsistent is you would want us to believe based on all your achievements and work that you are some wonderful, altruistic, unselfish person.
      Yet the manner in which you express it shows such a lack of humility and you practice such self aggrandizement tells me you are the opposite of what you claim about yourself.

      Just my two cents worth, or .ooo2 cents worth after adjusting for inflation.

    8. tobey100 profile image61
      tobey100posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I'd think you'd need to instill three things in people:

      Education (not necessarily college, just reading skill, writing
                 and basic math)


      A backbone.  Don't depend on someone to lift you up.  Accept their help, pull yourself up.

      1. AdsenseStrategies profile image64
        AdsenseStrategiesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Clean water, sewage facilities, basic health treatment like childhood vaccination programs, electricity, legal entitlement to own property, and roads might also help, all of which we in the West take for granted and do not "produce for ourselves (as individuals)."

        1. PB_Smith profile image61
          PB_Smithposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Those are all things that could possibly help to alleviate poverty, but to eradicate it will require a drastic fundamental shift in how humans attribute value to something.

      2. creepy profile image56
        creepyposted 14 years agoin reply to this


    9. PB_Smith profile image61
      PB_Smithposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      If you were so hungry for ideas I think you would at least respond to some of the posts at the very least.
      Start a thread and never join in on it?

    10. profile image57
      Peace Xposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      There is only one way to eradicate poverty


      1. Cagsil profile image70
        Cagsilposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Even that TITLE is disturbing in and of itself. roll

    11. Evan G Rogers profile image60
      Evan G Rogersposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      eradicate poverty?

      That's easy - do nothing.

      If you really want to let people thrive, let them figure it all out. Get government out and let the people figure out how to make their own rules and enforce them.

    12. goldenpath profile image67
      goldenpathposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      It is a noble vision you have.  However, to be realistic we are all mortals and human and, therefore, as individuals cannot tackle the project as a whole, but in sections.  Develop exactly what part of poverty you want to tackle - water, shelter, food, medical, dental etc. 

      If you want to tackle water I would suggest contacting and developing a working relationship with organizations that are already installing wells and water purification techniques to third world countries.  I know that many religious organizations are doing this and to the benefit of millions.

      If you want to tackle shelter work with housing and developers.  Especially seek out wood processors for dealing with their scrap wood.  This can be useful.  Groups that do demolition of old buildings can also be of help.  They have product that they discard that can still have use.

      Food is tricky due to regulations.  For this reason I would strongly encourage involving yourself in religious organizations that actively donate food especially to disaster locations.  You can be an organizing force on the ground for them.

      For medical seek interested individuals with the Journal of Medicine and other groups that actively do volunteer humanitarian efforts.  You might be able to serve as a "pre-screening" force for them making their job swifter and easier.  Same for dental.

      In other words, to do the most good, narrow your field of service.  As you will find out - as you narrow and specialize in a certain field your opportunities will actually grow exponentially.

      1. profile image54
        (Q)posted 14 years agoin reply to this

        But, it was science that brought those to fruition, not any religious organizations.

        Religious organizations are always looking for recruits, hence why they are actively involved. Steer clear of them and work only with non-religious organizations.

        In other words, turn to science, not religion.

      2. h.a.borcich profile image61
        h.a.borcichposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Great advice Goldenpath.
        Those who feel compelled to help need to research the best ways to do that. Donated time is valuable, and the mundane tasks still need doing. Even those who are challenged physically and/or financially can find a means to help.
        Part of the difficulty in reaching those who need help is getting around those who would rather profit from the resources rather than help the process. That and negativity.
        Currently I am doing what I can to help where I feel led, and it is challenging but rewarding. Holly

    13. goldenpath profile image67
      goldenpathposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Regardless of the curious and the usual rhetoric against religion that always follow my posts I stand by my sincere suggestions.  Many religious, AND NON-RELIGIOUS, organizations have done and are doing outstanding jobs in relieving many of the plights of poverty.  In fact it is most often in humanitarian efforts that many faiths tend to work best together.

      Good luck in your endeavors!  If you remain with a sincere heart at all times you will, one day, see your dreams and desires to fruition.

      1. profile image54
        (Q)posted 14 years agoin reply to this

        If one constantly promotes religious organizations where none are required and will usually do more harm than good, one will most certainly hear about it.

  2. Cleanclover profile image43
    Cleancloverposted 14 years ago

    When we think about wealth. focus solely on being wealthy. If we can see ourselves with wealth we will be with it in future.

  3. Misha profile image62
    Mishaposted 14 years ago

    Sell your tie and give money to the poor. smile

    1. profile image0
      Ghost32posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Misha, what do I do if I don't own a tie to sell?  lol

      That said, though I'm not a Christian, I think Jesus got it right when he said the poor will always be with us.  I'll settle for eradicating my own poverty, with maybe a bit left over to share with friends, family, and the occasional homeless person or needy prison pen pal.

      1. Misha profile image62
        Mishaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        LOL this was directed at OP, he has at least one. smile

        How is your house going? I closely watch your reports, but you seem so consumed by Sarah lately you started to neglect this reality show smile

        1. profile image0
          Ghost32posted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Misha, I'm not neglecting the house-raising even a little bit.  It's just that it takes longer to get a "piece" of the building done (one that merits a Hub) than it does to come up with another Sarah promotion.  The "top-framing" Hub for the house should get published in, um, another two days, maybe three.  Slow going, but well worth the wait (at least as Pam and I see it).

          As for being "consumed" by Sarah, I understand your choice of that term...but would like to clarify a bit.  I don't personally feel "consumed" by her even slightly.  For example, I'm not running around with my tongue hanging out or anything like that.  The reason for my many Sarah Hubs (hopefully hundreds by 2012) is simple:

          1.  I believe our country is in desperate crisis.
          2.  I believe Sarah Palin is the best shot we have right now at turning that around.  Not a "savior" as some touted Barack Obama to be, but someone whose political views parallel my own on all of the issues that are most important to me.
          3.  I have the time to write in the evenings and have decided to do everything I possibly can to help her get elected in 2012.

          What I'm REALLY consumed with is fury at the idea of being forced to buy health insurance "or else".  In THAT context, "consumed" would be a highly accurate and descriptive term.

    2. loveforu profile image39
      loveforuposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I agree with you completely. I think if people you sell your tie, and give money to the poor this will eventually eradicate poverty. However, there are few who are willing to do this. I think it says in the Bible in the book of Malachi 3:8 "Will a man rob God? Yet you have robbed me. But you say where have I robbed you? In tithes and offerings. You are cursed with a curse for you have robbed me, even this whole nation. Bring all the tithes in the storehouse... and I will open the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing... that there shall not be room enough to receive it". Notice how God said you have robbed me even this whole nation. When people rob God they rob the poor.

    3. kmackey32 profile image64
      kmackey32posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I'm poor....

    4. JYOTI KOTHARI profile image59
      JYOTI KOTHARIposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I can not withstand this types of idea.

      Is it fair to ridicule a genuine idea or question?

      Poverty is a genuine problem of the world and it is better that educated and thoughtful people think and act upon it (to eradicate).

      Poor people should be educated not only for earning but for spending. If they spend judiciously with in the means of their income and start saving they will soon get out of poverty.

      Rajsthan in India has large area of desert and large numbers of people of Rajasthan were  not rich. However, they migrated to various states of India in early 19th century and to overseas since twentieth century. They started their business in those areas with little or no capital.

      However, they knew how to live within their means and accumulated huge money. They invested this money into their own business and even invested in others business. Most of the present days Indian business persons are from Rajasthan. They are rich and wealthy.

      Jyoti Kothari

  4. Olive Optimise profile image58
    Olive Optimiseposted 14 years ago

    Just share your prosperity people!! thats the only way we can eradicate poverty is to stop selfishly holding on to what we have. Just like the the saying if you love it set it free... same applies to your wealth - if you share it, it will come back to you ten fold.

  5. profile image59
    logic,commonsenseposted 14 years ago

    If are goal was to give away our prosperity, what would motivate us to attain it in the first place?
    I am all for anyone giving away what they have if that is what they wish. However it should not be taken by force or coerced by guilt trips.
    I have worked long and hard to attain what I have gained, so when I do share it, it is with those who make some effort to help themselves.

  6. golfnt profile image59
    golfntposted 14 years ago

    Knowledge is the key to end poverty. Teach people a usable trade so they can become self-sufficient.

  7. Lita C. Malicdem profile image60
    Lita C. Malicdemposted 14 years ago

    Poverty is a universal problem everybody wants to do something about.  It's like chasing the stars in the wide sky. You will surely lose count, but if you are persistent, go ahead, be among the few who want to make a difference.

  8. livewithrichard profile image73
    livewithrichardposted 14 years ago

    Poverty is a cycle that most often carries on from generation to generation. To break the cycle one has to learn how not to be poor.  Trouble is, if you are poor, how do you learn not to be poor? 

    Also, poverty in one country can be considered wealthy in another. So, where do you start?  Do you take the poorest people and help them become less poor?

    1. Dao Hoa profile image59
      Dao Hoaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      It is true poverty in one coutry can be consider wealthy in another.

      However, you can learn not to be poor when you are poor by helping yourself. There are free education all the way to PhD and MD if you really seeking for it.

    2. earnestshub profile image80
      earnestshubposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      The most needy first makes sense to me. smile

  9. abcd1111 profile image59
    abcd1111posted 14 years ago

    You'll never eradicate poetry.  People will always want to express thoughts and emotions through verse, free or otherwise.

  10. abcd1111 profile image59
    abcd1111posted 14 years ago

    Oh, you said "POVERTY!"

    Nevermind.  big_smile

  11. avangend profile image59
    avangendposted 14 years ago

    Create jobs - especially those that will have a domino effect of creating more jobs in the future.
    The greatest, most fundamental reason for poverty is not lack of resources, but lack of ability to transport them effectively or inexpensively. If you created jobs in Mauritania that set people to work building new highways, or laid underground powerlines to citizens of rural Appalachia, you would have opened up new opportunitites for employment, outlined a direction of future progress, and stimulated the nation's economy as a whole.
    Finding the funding for these projects is the difficult part...but this is the principle. Create jobs that create other jobs.

  12. Misha profile image62
    Mishaposted 14 years ago

    If you think that poverty could be eradicated, you fool yourself. smile

    1. avangend profile image59
      avangendposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      But to not attempt to alleviate it is something of a disservice, both to oneself and to those elsewhere. Just because the battle cannot be "won" does not mean it should not be fought.

      You are right, though. Poverty will always exist - it always has. A sad yet necessary observation of human existence.

      1. Misha profile image62
        Mishaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I don't fight hopeless battles. I prefer those where I have good chances. Like, in the theme of this thread, pick one poor and help him/her to overcome his/her poverty smile

        1. avangend profile image59
          avangendposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Well said, sir.

  13. profile image0
    Denno66posted 14 years ago

    Eliminate the Human Species; that'll do it.

  14. The Revelationist profile image68
    The Revelationistposted 14 years ago
  15. waynet profile image69
    waynetposted 14 years ago

    With some good hard drugs....oh sorry poverty, not puberty!

  16. habee profile image93
    habeeposted 14 years ago

    Here are my thoughts:

    Okay, some people can't get decent jobs becasue they lack training/education. They can't get that because they can't afford it, especially if they have kids.

    I say we (taxpayers) support these people for 2 years so that they can go to school. We'll pay for child care, rent, etc. - as long as they're attending school and getting passing grades.

    This would be better for them and cheaper in the long run for us - a win-win situation.

    Also, some people who want to work can't because they can't afford daycare. We need state-run daycare for these people.

    Of course, all this hinges on there being jobs for people to get!!

    1. profile image0
      Star Witnessposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Wow, Habee, this sounds like...socialism, ?  wink  haha...I am surprised.

      The odd thing is, I don't agree with it entirely.  For those students who WANT to be in school or university, I say, yes (and there are many more of these than people realize).  I lean left solely for these kids...and adults.

      Unfortunately, I've seen too many (just speaking of education now), who just don't care and are impossible to convince to care.  Pretty convinced they should probably just stop having so many kids as a solution to poverty, really.  That and minimal, adequate financial and other assistance to those most vulnerable...and even lazy...out there who will always be there.

  17. sannyasinman profile image61
    sannyasinmanposted 14 years ago

    Start by dismantling the IMF and the World Bank, and end their tyranny over the worlds developing nations.

  18. Len Cannon profile image89
    Len Cannonposted 14 years ago

    Wow, if this is your job and you need our help maybe we're in worse shape than we thought.

    1. habee profile image93
      habeeposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Len, you have me laughing out loud!

    2. Dao Hoa profile image59
      Dao Hoaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      smile smile smile

  19. habee profile image93
    habeeposted 14 years ago

    What if every middle-class person helped an underprivileged person? And one wealthy person could help two indigents. The super wealthy could adopt an entire third-world nation!

    1. profile image0
      Star Witnessposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Yes.  And my indigent underprivileged girl will now be a physician.

  20. Dao Hoa profile image59
    Dao Hoaposted 14 years ago

    "Wow, Habee, this sounds like...socialism, ?    haha...I am surprised."

    There is no Real Socialism!

  21. profile image0
    shinujohn2008posted 14 years ago

    Poverty can be stopped only if rich people decide to share their wealth with people who do not have money.

  22. sannyasinman profile image61
    sannyasinmanposted 14 years ago

    We live in a world of abundance. There is no shortage of anything. The problem is one of distribution.

    However, there is no political will to eradicate poverty and so the situation will not improve.

    To eradicate poverty, we need to raise human consciousness to a level which would refuse to allow it to exist.

    1. wrenfrost56 profile image55
      wrenfrost56posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Thats just what I was thinking. When a footballer gets paid more then a nurse, there is a problem in wealth distribution for sure.

  23. habee profile image93
    habeeposted 14 years ago

    Funny you should mention that, Ghost. Two of my pals who thought BO was great don't think so now that they're going to have to purchase health insurance...or else! These are both very young, very healthy adults who don't want health insurance. When they go to the doctor, they pay cash.

  24. profile image0
    Ghost32posted 14 years ago

    Agreed, Habee.  We do the same--cash on the barrelhead.

    I don't know about eradicating poverty, but one thing is for sure:  That bill will INCREASE poverty!

  25. habee profile image93
    habeeposted 14 years ago

    Who will pay taxes in the US when we no longer have rich folks?

  26. ddsurfsca profile image72
    ddsurfscaposted 14 years ago

    ending poverty has nothing to do with jobs, working, or learning not to be poor.  Statistics show that 1% of the people own 97% of all the cash and it is getting worse, partly because of families that keep their old money from generation to generation.  How do you get 1% of the public to let go of their stash?

    1. profile image0
      Poppa Bluesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      LOL! Where did you get THAT statistic?

      Poverty by definition is simply living without a means of support, not necessarily money, but food and shelter. How do you think people lived before money was invented?

      As I said, for some people it's a choice a conscious decision not to work and/or to be homeless for others it's imposed upon them by conflict and corruption.

  27. habee profile image93
    habeeposted 14 years ago

    Steal it from them? BTW, love your horse!

  28. profile image0
    Ghost32posted 14 years ago

    Grabbing it from those who have it only impoverishes them.  In a VERY short period of time, that tactic can level the playing field--but it doesn't eradicate poverty.

    I'd rather earn my own way, build a business, drive a truck, invent a better mousetrap, anything PRODUCTIVE.  Doing so is opening a tap on an income flow which can be ongoing for long periods of time. 

    It's the difference between draining a water storage tank until it's empty (pulling $ from the wealthy) and digging your own well (finding a way to be personally productive).  Or in Biblical terms, giving a man a fish (donating wealth) or teaching him to fish (inspiring and/or educating him). Of considerable interest, too, is the fact that--in contrast to those who've passed wealth down through generations--many of our wealthiest citizens HAVE "given up" their money, i.e., been flat broke or near enough to it, more than once. 

    Another fact that's all too often conveniently ignored is that the wealthy don't just let their money SIT there.  It's usually hard at work, and often enough that work actually IS doing something to fight poverty to the extent that it can:  Private philanthropy, business which produce needed energy and provide jobs, etc.

  29. Larry Farlow profile image61
    Larry Farlowposted 14 years ago

    "Agencies" government or otherwise cannot alleviate poverty.  The only way poverty has ever been successfully alleviated (but never eliminated) is through the free market.  If you want to fight poverty, fight government intervention in the free markets at all levels, fight for lower taxes, fight the mindset that poor people are made better off by taking from those who have more than they do and allowing the government to redistribute it.

  30. SweetiePie profile image82
    SweetiePieposted 14 years ago

    It is a very hard thing to do, but I commend those working towards it.

  31. Arthur Fontes profile image74
    Arthur Fontesposted 14 years ago

    Poverty is a difficult thing to describe.  A poor American may be very wealthy if they lived in Darfur.  There will always be some with more than others I do not think poverty could ever be eradicated.  I think the best thing we could do for others is providing education that includes a skill set that could be useful in the outside world would be a good start.  Micro financing self employment and small business support to provide jobs would also be helpful.

  32. qwark profile image61
    qwarkposted 14 years ago

    What is the vatican worth?
    I think a good start would be to sell the vatican, distribute the earnings to the needy it is said jesus would have done and make sure that all prelates of catholicism become ascetics.

    1. Dao Hoa profile image59
      Dao Hoaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      There are many big churches too!

      1. qwark profile image61
        qwarkposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Dao:...Include them. alledgedly jesus spoke in fields to the masses and wore simple clothing....Sell all the expensive edifices which house believers and distribute the $ to the needy.

  33. Wayne Orvisburg profile image62
    Wayne Orvisburgposted 14 years ago

    Stop giving people handouts and make them get off their butts. Some people are just lazy. If you give them food, they won't learn to produce it. Etc.

  34. elayne001 profile image77
    elayne001posted 14 years ago

    I believe the answer is hard to pin down, but education and knowledge go a long way in helping eradicate poverty. Some who have been on welfare have a hard time digging themselves out because it seems easier. If they lack incentive, they will just continue on in the same way even for generations. The cycle needs to be broken. Stop giving handouts to paralyze them. Education is key.

  35. Misha profile image62
    Mishaposted 14 years ago

    I can't believe grown ups are seriously discussing a topic of eradicating poverty lol

    Just shoot 'em all, and problem solved tongue

    1. creepy profile image56
      creepyposted 14 years agoin reply to this


  36. Misha profile image62
    Mishaposted 14 years ago

    And paying less to footballer will eradicate poverty, how?

    1. wrenfrost56 profile image55
      wrenfrost56posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Sorry I didn't make myself very clear, using that example.
      I just think that when less then 20% of the worlds population is in possession of more then 80% of the worlds wealth, there is obviously going to be those in poverty and the only way to eradicate poverty theretically is to ensure everyone has a more equal share.

      1. creepy profile image56
        creepyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        If the less than 20% earned it why should they give it away?

        1. wrenfrost56 profile image55
          wrenfrost56posted 14 years agoin reply to this

          I didn't mean for them to give it away, I just mean that those with wealth have often exploited those less privalidged to obtain it.

          1. creepy profile image56
            creepyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Hiring someone to do a job is not exploitation

            1. wrenfrost56 profile image55
              wrenfrost56posted 14 years agoin reply to this

              Only if your getting a fair wage for the job in hand. Not in regards to most argriculteral sectors, or mineing or even textiles for the most part. Especcially in the poorer countries were there are no other options.

              1. Mitch Rapp profile image61
                Mitch Rappposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                If someone takes the job then they thought the wage was fair

                1. wrenfrost56 profile image55
                  wrenfrost56posted 14 years agoin reply to this

                  Sometimes a job is just a means of making money as a way to simply survive, if you do not have any other options, opportuities, power,voice or education. You'll what ever come's fair or not.

                  1. Mitch Rapp profile image61
                    Mitch Rappposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                    Their choice, all of it is!

              2. creepy profile image56
                creepyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                Who determines what a fair wage is the employer or the employee?

                1. wrenfrost56 profile image55
                  wrenfrost56posted 14 years agoin reply to this

                  The employer, they offer the wage and the work. Weather or not it is fair depends on how the employer works and weather they take advantage of the employees situation or not, if they do it's exploitation.

                  1. creepy profile image56
                    creepyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                    It does not depend on the how the employer works if someone takes the job they did so of their own free will if they feel exploited then it is up to them to remove themselves from the situation

      2. Misha profile image62
        Mishaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Communists tried this already. Do people ever learn?

        1. wrenfrost56 profile image55
          wrenfrost56posted 14 years agoin reply to this

          No some people never learn, me being one of them. You're right poverty will never be eradicated because this system obviously works and we probably should not even try.

  37. PB_Smith profile image61
    PB_Smithposted 14 years ago

    Oh, and a sure fire means to eradicate poverty would be to build replicator's like on Star Trek. Then there would be an endless supply of resources and nobody would need to go without.

    You know, throw in old bannana peels and junk and produce a nice juicy roast with all the side fixin's.

    1. creepy profile image56
      creepyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Yes that would be easier

      1. PB_Smith profile image61
        PB_Smithposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        It would be easier and more realistic than any of the other ideas I've read thus far.

        As long as humans still think in terms of wealth and poverty and practice using mediums of exchange that are other than the real item or service wanted, there will always be poverty.

        1. creepy profile image56
          creepyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          I hate it when humans do that

          1. PB_Smith profile image61
            PB_Smithposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            So do I, we Orcs don't have such problems, if someone has something I want I just eat them. Problem solved.

            1. creepy profile image56
              creepyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              Nanu Nanu

              1. PB_Smith profile image61
                PB_Smithposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                Oh Shaazbot!! I didn't know you were from the Planet Ork. Different type of Orc, I'm from Middle Earth.

                1. creepy profile image56
                  creepyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                  My apologies to your kind

  38. profile image0
    ralwusposted 14 years ago

    I personally think it is fanciful. The poorest American is still many times richer than many in other parts of our globe.

  39. profile image0
    Brenda Durhamposted 14 years ago

    okay....I'm lost.  What did I miss?  Ron can't reply to who? Me?

    1. Ron Montgomery profile image61
      Ron Montgomeryposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Pretty and I were having fun on another thread; unfortunately it was closed down.

      1. profile image0
        Brenda Durhamposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Ohh  okay.
        I'm easily confused. Sorry.

  40. AdsenseStrategies profile image64
    AdsenseStrategiesposted 14 years ago

    Poverty in the West is a different animal completely from poverty in the rest of the world. So the two should be discussed separately.

    Taking a job of any kind is an impossibility if you live in a place with no infrastructure and no businesses of any kind.

    It can be debated as to how things got the way they did in various countries, but speaking purely in terms of the present-day, and in terms of choices that poor people have, there is a gigantic gap between the life of somebody in Haiti or Malaysia and somebody in Detroit or Montreal.

  41. AdsenseStrategies profile image64
    AdsenseStrategiesposted 14 years ago

    Wellll, I wrote a hub on that today! wink (and it is totally different from the hub link in the post immediately above this one...)

  42. profile image0
    china manposted 14 years ago

    I probably said this somewhere else also but - the power of money comes from someone wanting it, not from you having it. So every dollar has an absent dollar, if it didn't you would just have a piece of paper. Poverty is the absence of the wealth of others. Poverty must exist for people to have s**tloads - so until the way we use money changes it will be the same problem. All the ideas of jobs, businesses, redistribution, etc etc just move the poverty around.

  43. thecollecktor profile image65
    thecollecktorposted 14 years ago

    To eradicate poverty it begins at home.   What is poverty to one person is not to another.   Some of the richest people in the world are in the poorest nations.  Helping people understand their potential to accomplish something, to contribute makes a person find self worth.   The other thing is to understand that poverty really is a definition created to understand those without what?  Money,
    Helping a person understand they can make a contribution to society will help eradicate poverty

    1. Patán profile image58
      Patánposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Poverty cannot be eradicated, it is a foolish question. Poverty means that you lack something important while its possession is natural for other people. There will never be enough of that thing for every one. The problem is that the share of many people far exeed their needs when their merits are lagging behind it. Social values have been turned upside down.

  44. Flightkeeper profile image67
    Flightkeeperposted 14 years ago

    You want to empower people, eradicate poverty, and you mean to do this with agencies? roll You're not empowering people if you want to use agencies.  The best thing to do is to help them learn how to start a business and be successful, that's empowering.  Agencies don't have anything to do with it.

  45. profile image0
    sneakorocksolidposted 14 years ago

    Shoot the poor people, no more problem and now we can cut taxes!big_smile

  46. profile image57
    foreignpressposted 14 years ago

    "My work is to empower people. I need ideas on how to eradicate poverty and how to partner with agencies."

    Start a web site. Define your mission and your goals. Update the site regularly with photos and success stories. Also, get to know those who control power and wealth. Goldenpath had some good ideas. But remember, that money is tight and the battle is endless. Perhaps focus less on acquiring money and more on getting others involved. Maybe a privatized Peace Corps where those with skills teach those who have none. Create a microcosm of what you want to achieve; like a small, self-sustaining village with amenities not found in similar areas. Create success on a small scale and transfer that model to a larger scale. A web site that communicates your intent is essential.

    1. profile image57
      foreignpressposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Also, it might help to know what part of the world you're referring to. A self-sustaining village in Africa is not the same as eradicating poverty in an inner city in the U.S.

  47. profile image0
    Twenty One Daysposted 14 years ago

    eradicate poverty: end all economics; monetary systems.
    Food, water, air, housing should not be cost items.
    They should be free of charge. Television and such man-made items, is another story.


    FYI: 80% of poverty in Western society is due to the lack of provision of 'life necessary' elements of food, water and housing.

    crazy huh?

    1. Cathi Sutton profile image67
      Cathi Suttonposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I think poverty wil always exist on this earth... until Jesus comes back.


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