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Ancel Marie Bravo Mondia (Ae Clane)

Joined 8 years ago from Iloilo City, Philippines

  • 44
  • 5
  • 0
  • Election and Candidates

    Election and Candidates

    8 years ago

    To vote in an election, people say, is to elect kind school officers, kind government officials. For school officers and government officials ought to be kind. To vote in an election, people say, is to elect smart school officers, smart government...

  • Politeness and Adjustment

    Politeness and Adjustment

    8 years ago

    Politeness is a good trait. A person that is polite is good. Adjustment is a good act. A person that adjusts is good. Politeness is a trait of a good person. Adjustment is an act of a good person. However, politeness commonly springs from...

  • Two Types of Poor Parents

    Two Types of Poor Parents

    8 years ago

    Poor parents produce poor children. Poor children that, commonly, also become poor parents. Poor children are produced by poor parents. Poor parents that, commonly, also are poor children. Poorness is the pattern that poor parents and poor children...

  • Silentness and Talkiness

    Silentness and Talkiness

    8 years ago

    People say that a silent person is a bad person, for they think that a manipulable person is a silent person. People say that a silent person is a bad person, for they think that a stupid person is a silent person. People say that a silent person is...

  • Adulthood and Adolescence

    Adulthood and Adolescence

    8 years ago

    Chastity, adults say, is virtue. Adults tell adolescents to be chaste, for chaste adolescents are good adolescents. Sobriety, adults say, is virtue. Adults tell adolescents to be sober, for sober adolescents are good adolescents. Discretion, adults...

  • Parents and Child

    Parents and Child

    8 years ago

    Parents, commonly, complain about a child’s thinking. A child’s thinking, they find sickening. Parents, commonly, complain about a child’s action. A child’s action, they find aggravating. However, a child’s thinking is the parents’...

  • Duper and Manipulator

    Duper and Manipulator

    8 years ago

    People favor a person that is a blabbermouth, for people think that a blabbermouth is an entertaining person. An entertaining person that is, for people, a worldly-wise person. People idolize a person that is a motormouth, for people think that a...

  • Pal and Relative

    Pal and Relative

    8 years ago

    People, commonly, nitpick a stranger’s work. Nitpickers, people commonly are. Nitpickers that become insulters. People, commonly, insult an acquaintance’s intelligence. Insulters, people commonly are. Insulters that become denigrators. People,...

  • Childish People and Thoughtless People

    Childish People and Thoughtless People

    8 years ago

    The affluent person deludes childish people. The affluent person hypnotizes thoughtless people. The affluent person that is defined by its affluence. The pulchritudinous person deludes childish people. The pulchritudinous person hypnotizes...

  • Better Self and Fake Self

    Better Self and Fake Self

    8 years ago

    To be trusted, a person convinces people that it is resourceful. For resourcefulness attracts trust. To be accepted, a person convinces people that it is benevolent. For benevolentness attracts acceptance. To be esteemed, a person convinces people...

  • Advice and Nature

    Advice and Nature

    8 years ago

    The person whose advice people consider illuminating, enlightening, is the person that people consider hypocrite, for people think that the person whose advice is illuminating, is enlightening, is the person that does not follow its own advice. ...

  • Maleness and Viciousness

    Maleness and Viciousness

    8 years ago

    The male of unenlightened society is the smoker and the drunkard. His maleness is based on his smoking and on his drinking. The existence of the male of unenlightened society is dependent on the existence of his cigarette and his liquor. The...

  • Reality and Truth

    Reality and Truth

    8 years ago

    The person has its reality. Its reality, for the person, signifies rightness. Its reality, for the person, signifies goodness. Its reality, for the person, signifies truth. The person that is unread, the person that is illiberal, has its reality....

  • Difficulty and Weakness

    Difficulty and Weakness

    8 years ago

    When the knowledge of a person, for people, is difficulty, people consider the knowledge as wickedness. When the knowledge of a person, for people, is difficulty, people consider the knowledge as mistake. Knowledge that is difficulty, for...

  • Adults and Adolescents

    Adults and Adolescents

    8 years ago

    Adults, commonly, are persuasive adults. Adolescents, adults persuade. Adults, commonly, are governing adults. Adolescents, adults govern. Adults, though they are unsuccessful adults, persuade, for they think that the adolescents they persuade, are...

  • Ownership and Relationship

    Ownership and Relationship

    8 years ago

    Ownership signifies rights. Rights that signify manipulation. Rights that signify oppression. Relationship signifies responsibilities. Responsibilities that signify nurture. Responsibilities that signify support. Ownership is not relationship....

  • Defect and Merit

    Defect and Merit

    8 years ago

    Juvenility is defect. Defect that teenagers possess. Juvenile teenagers are defective teenagers. Shallowness is defect. Defect that teenagers possess. Shallow teenagers are defective teenagers. Juvenility, that is defect, magnetizes criticism....

  • Schoolteachers and Schoolkids

    Schoolteachers and Schoolkids

    8 years ago

    Schoolteachers are the embodiment of broad-mindedness, for people, schoolteachers are broad-minded. Schoolteachers are the embodiment of impartiality, for people, schoolteachers are impartial. However, schoolteachers, in truth, commonly do not...

  • Perfection and Restriction

    Perfection and Restriction

    8 years ago

    Perfection that leads to admiration is restriction that holds detestation. The perfect person, the perfect beauty, that people admire is the restricted person, is the restricted beauty, that restricts, that detests, its true person, its true...

  • Normality and Deformity

    Normality and Deformity

    8 years ago

    Hypocrisy is not involuntary, for, in truth, it is voluntary. Hypocrisy does not spring from human involuntariness, for, in truth, it springs from human voluntariness. Humans are not involuntarily hypocritical; they are voluntarily...

  • Richness and Poorness

    Richness and Poorness

    8 years ago

    The upper class signifies richness. Richness that leads to evil-mindedness. Richness that leads to evildoing. For richness leads to evil-mindedness, to evildoing, the upper class that signifies richness, is deemed eviler than the lower class....

  • Studentship and Personality

    Studentship and Personality

    8 years ago

    Compliant students, for schoolteachers, for schoolkids, are compliant persons. Compliance in studentship, for schoolteachers, for schoolkids, signifies compliance in personality. Diligent students, for schoolteachers, for schoolkids, are diligent...

  • Love and Society

    Love and Society

    8 years ago

    Love, society says, is self-existent. Love, society says, is innate. Love, society says, is God. However love, for sexist society, is not self-existent, is not innate, is not God. Love is sexist society’s invention. Love is sexist...

  • Parents and Society

    Parents and Society

    8 years ago

    Parents facilitate, for society, parents signify facilitation. Parents provide, for society, parents signify provision. Parents refine, for society, parents signify refinement. Parents, for society, facilitate enlightenment, enlightenment that is...

  • Two Kinds of Appreciators

    Two Kinds of Appreciators

    8 years ago

    Objects are appreciated. Persons are appreciated. Objects, and persons, are receivers of appreciation. Appreciation that appreciators give. Appreciators that are givers of appreciation. However, objects, that are appreciated, that are receivers of...

  • Studiousness and Insaneness

    Studiousness and Insaneness

    8 years ago

    Studious person, that is researcher, for people, is insane person; thus, researcher is regarded as unimportant misfit. However, studious person, that is researcher, in truth, is sane person. Researcher, in truth, is world’s vital...

  • Oppositeness and Sameness

    Oppositeness and Sameness

    8 years ago

    Relationship, for people, is created by oppositeness. Relationship, for people, is ought to be comprised of an introvert and an extrovert. Relationship, for people, is ought to be comprised of a simpleton and a genius. Relationship, for...

  • Foreignness and Atypicality

    Foreignness and Atypicality

    8 years ago

    Beauty has innumerous definitions. Definitions that people create. Definitions that people make. Beauty is defined as pleasingness. Beauty is defined as tidiness. Pleasingness and tidiness, that people consciously presume, that constitute beauty....

  • Two Types of Learners

    Two Types of Learners

    8 years ago

    Matter, commonly, signifies physicality. Space, commonly, signifies emptiness. However, matter, truly, is more than physicality. Space, truly, is more than emptiness. Matter, that is more than physicality, significantly signifies learner. Space,...

  • The Benevolent and The Malevolent

    The Benevolent and The Malevolent

    8 years ago

    Personhood has two opposite facets. One of the facets is benevolence. Benevolence that springs from goodwill. One of the facets is malevolence. Malevolence that springs from ill will. Goodwill that makes the benevolent person. Ill will that makes...

  • Nongrowth and Devolution

    Nongrowth and Devolution

    8 years ago

    These three grow, these three evolve, the person. One of these three is home. Home that represents the parents. One of these three is school. School that represents the teachers. One of these three is environment. Environment that represents the...

  • Advancement and Strategy

    Advancement and Strategy

    8 years ago

    Strength and weakness are the underlying opposites, the inmost contraries, of nature. They regulate the person’s approach. The approach that results in its course. They regulate the person’s response. The response that results in its route....

  • Recognition and Fame

    Recognition and Fame

    8 years ago

    Writings make a writer. Paintings make a painter. Photographs make a photographer. Inventions make an inventor. The doings constitute the doer. The works comprise the worker. The doings that magnetize recognition. The works that magnetize fame. ...

  • Resistance and Will

    Resistance and Will

    8 years ago

    Resistance surfaces inside the person. It may initially sprout in either the intellect or the emotion. It may simultaneously grow in both. Whatever its initial appearance is, it will eventually affect the entire intellectual state. Whatever its...

  • Fear and Hate

    Fear and Hate

    8 years ago

    People fear failure. People hate failure. Failure, for them, demoralizes identity. Failure, for them, devastates individuality. It extinguishes the hope. It terminates the dream. It distorts the reality. It degenerates the self. Failure is...

  • Science and Irony

    Science and Irony

    8 years ago

    Science claims that bodily attractiveness decomposes, that skin-deep beauteousness decays. Bodily attractiveness will eventually plunge into decomposition. Skin-deep beauteousness will ultimately drop into decay. Decomposition, that the people in...

  • Achievement and Change

    Achievement and Change

    8 years ago

    Existence consists of stages. Stages consist of experiences. Experiences that constitute changes. Changes that signify beginning, that signify continuation. Changes that, may, or may not, signify achievement. Achievement that persons seek....

  • Misperception and Sex

    Misperception and Sex

    8 years ago

    With Adam and Eve, the notion of sex begins. Sex that indicates the distinction between men and women. Distinction that leads to sexism. Sexism that results in dehumanization. Dehumanization that diffuses oppression, that diffuses corruption....

  • The Old and Young People

    The Old and Young People

    8 years ago

    Time is a perpetual motion. Time is a nonstop process. Time that leads to years. Years that lead to decades and to centuries. Centuries that hold the immense wonder of the past and the present. The past and the present that both are the creation of...

  • Two Kinds of Loveliness

    Two Kinds of Loveliness

    8 years ago

    Everything seemingly comes out from a colossal explosion. Explosion that suddenly creates the entire universe. Universe that is mysteriously and beautifully fashioned. Universe that possesses the depth both of mystery and of beauty. Mystery and...

  • Memory and Childishness

    Memory and Childishness

    8 years ago

    Memory holds the past life. Memory holds the past identity. However, memory is just the track of time. Memory stays, but time goes. As the time goes, the world expands. As the world expands, the past fades. As the past fades, the youth decays. Youth...

  • Darkness and Sin

    Darkness and Sin

    8 years ago

    Darkness has been abominated by every human, for darkness brings threat. Darkness brings fear. Darkness, the unending darkness, seems the womb that contains discord. Darkness, the bottomless darkness, seems the entity that gives birth to misery....

  • Self-examination


    8 years ago

    Omniscient, people are not. Omnipotent, people also are not. However, many think that they are. However, many act like they are. Their thoughts, their actions, bear effects. The effect of their thoughts is intimidation. The effect of their actions...

  • Tooth and Life

    Tooth and Life

    8 years ago

    Life bestows vast knowledge. The image of life is the entire space. Life possesses the immeasurable depth of oceans, the illimitable height of heavens, and the infinite breadth of the universe. No wonder, life remains an undecipherable mystery. No...


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