Sometimes you might feel like a little kid asking a million questions of your parent when you are in relationship with Jesus through the Holy Spirit.
I have been abstaining from Social Media and some of the daily News since August 13, 2017 Well, my 21 Days of Renewal has yielded some Wonder-Filled God Nuggets with New and Old Lessons to be shared.
My husband and I sat at a crossroads one evening that was truly a divine appointment of a lifetime. That evening was when my husband and I first met over several cups of coffee as we discussed life.
Fact is definitely stranger than fiction and who better than us to tell the story. Since the age of 18, I have known that the world that we live in is really quite a small place.
There has always been one thing that can get me “Worked Up”. It is to see injustice or abuse, wherever it resides. As such, my personal life events often come with biblical and life applications.
Being manually controlled will cause you to become frozen by fear or what is known as being Shell Shocked by the battle; which will leave you confused, exposed and vulnerable to the wiles of the enemy
A friend once told me that she saw me as being Bulletproof at a time when I felt like more like I had just been through a Gun battle and lost. Riddled with holes and gasping for my last breath...
It seemed all commercially made Bath and Spa products drove my skin crazy, so I went to the kitchen and created my own. Best of all it was with common household products that I was already using!
“Wing-It” type home-cook that might follow a recipe for a time or two, but then I just have to BREAK FREE and fly on a wing and a prayer!
C. D. H. has prompted me to write this honest encouragement for mealtime; especially for those with smaller families. There really is the perfect response to the daily question; what’s for Dinner?
While I am not calling Donald Trump America’s savior or destroyer. What I am saying, is that he is flipping over and kicking in some long held beliefs of the “Chosen Frozen” within every area.
When you begin focusing on the progress instead of trying to be perfect you realize that you are enjoying life more through the process of progress and forgetting about being perfect.
While I am inclined to believe that there is not a Generic Faith or Specific Faith. There is but ONE FAITH that grows as we grow up in our faith. I am open to delving deeper to sort it out for us all.
For those that are able to live in the Now of Life appreciate the past but are focused on the future. Sadly those that are stuck in the past fail to recognize the perpetual blessings of God ahead of
I sliced my chicken breast into equal slices, placed a small pat of butter on each slice, and heated it up in the microwave for 30 seconds. All I could say was "Oh Baby- this crusted chicken rocks!"
We are answering that question several hundred times each day, whether we realize it or not. Consciously or subconsciously, we all are answering the question whom or what are we searching for?
While I couldn’t have planned it better a comment made on part one of this article gave me the introduction to this one which dovetails quite nicely into Couponing 101 with a Steroidal Twist Part Two.
That it isn’t so much that our children are our legacy, it’s the wisdom and knowledge that we leave behind, that is an evergreen legacy to our future generations.
Couponing on Steroids is a hassle-free way to pump up your savings. Double and Triple your savings in a lot less time than extreme couponing. However you will have to change One Small habit.
Working backward from my article, Life Phase #4 is a different world; several readers’ public and private responses required that we share our experience and knowledge about Life Phase #2 and #3.
This is precisely my best advice to everyone, pushed, shoved, or voluntarily jumping into Life Phase #4; you really have no idea where you are for the first 2 years. Yes, I said the FIRST TWO YEARS!
While it is my desire that everyone would read this article fact is, the ones that might benefit from it the most never will. For only 7mins reading time, you just might sleep better tonight!
Little did we know that in less than 2 weeks from our last vacation, one of us would become permanently disabled. Learn what only 1 in 5 people know. Learn from our mistakes about your sunset years!
Through an accident that we now call a blessing in disguise, we have uncovered some hidden secrets about life, aging and retirement. The lessons and secrets that we discovered will help prepare you.
When you want your finances to changes, you must change your perspective. You may even need a name change. This one new word can actually change your financial future, it as ours!
Each year, my little apricot tree tells me what she will be providing this coming year. That is, if ole Jack Frost doesn’t make a last ditched effort to nip her little buds.
Did you know that Mother’s Day is celebrated at different times across the globe? Did you know that Mother's Day is really a call to action for Mothers to become politically active?
While working on a book review, I discover medical breakthroughs that many have never heard about. I found a three-strand link between learning to embrace the Real Self, stem cell and brain research.
Achieve your dreams with these 10 reasons and helpful hints. Dream Big and Dare to be Great and create a legacy for generations to come. Awaken your childhood Dreams and take control of your destiny.
Content is king and the writers of content are many. Find excellent quality content writers in the the most unlike place. See our results from impromptu tests that were conducted by accident.
No longer can we simply rip off the job offer from the job board at the student union and expect some type of response when we apply. Learn whether your application or resume' is caught in the vortex
Having lived my life as one that is to help others led me to wonder, To link or not to link? Through my failures, where my most valuable lessons were learned, I share some of my practical insights.
She was warned that if she walked away from her faith, she would no longer have the covering and protection of the Mormon Church and that her life would become one of misery, agony, and torture.