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Cathy Slaght (checkyourvibe)

Joined 10 years ago from St. Petersburg, Fl

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    9 years ago

    We are without an adequate understanding of the impact of electromagnetic frequency (EMF) on our health. It could even be making us fat. Learn what you can do to turn this around!

  • The Power Of Timeless Beauty

    The Power Of Timeless Beauty

    10 years ago

    We have a perfect, healthy program that doesn't diminish with age. It may have been made dysfunctional by false information that says we lose our vitality, sex appeal, and so on. Must we accept this?

  • Eat Healthier!

    Eat Healthier!

    11 years ago

    Devoting energy to the career so you can pay the bills. Squeezing in some family time. Trying to find time to exercise. Forcing yourself to have a little fun once in awhile. (most of the time you aren't up to it, you are just too tired) But...

  • Relationship Problems? 5 Books That Can Help You Find The Love Of Your Life!

    Relationship Problems? 5 Books That Can Help You Find The Love Of Your Life!

    11 years ago

    Set them aside, just for a little while. If you REALLY are interested, that is, in finding your true love. Because books like that can lower your frequency. You're an energetic being, and unfortunately most of the modern romance stuff- whether we...

  • The Top 5 Reasons You Aren't Rich

    The Top 5 Reasons You Aren't Rich

    9 years ago

    Get comfortable with the opportunity to receive money-abundance-prosperity!.

  • Answered Prayers

    Answered Prayers

    10 years ago

    What if your prayers could be answered beyond your wildest imaginations?

  • Avocado Seed-Secret Ingredient For A Powerful

    Avocado Seed-Secret Ingredient For A Powerful "Key Lime" Pie

    11 years ago

    Ok, sometimes, when it comes to love, you've got to take the bitter along with the sweet. And the avocado seed is a little bitter if you don't combine it with the right foods. But it's packed with nutrition! Look at the size of it! Size DOES...

  • What Is A Real Man?

    What Is A Real Man?

    11 years ago

    The other day I tracked down a friend- she had stopped emailing. I knew something was wrong. "I've been extremely depressed, and have no money at all", she said. "Because I can't pay my half of the rent, my boyfriend wants me to move out. I have...

  • Life Is A Celebration

    Life Is A Celebration

    9 years ago

    Whenever I have to do an "about me" section for a blog or, I start by talking about my passion, which defines me- so here goes. I am a stress management specialist who works with people on a "quantum energy " level. I do this through the...

  • Failures:

    Failures: "Are They Signs From The Universe" ?

    10 years ago

    Years ago, after a second divorce, I had a burning desire to prove to someone- anyone- but particularly my ex and also my critical mother- that I was "something". My self-esteem was crushed. A first divorce had been devastating, but I'd bounced...

  • Your Unique Vibration

    Your Unique Vibration

    11 years ago

    It was none too soon. That's because by that time my health was rapidly going downhill, I was nearly broke and had about 60 extra pounds on my 5'0 frame. Do I need to mention I was also profoundly depressed? Then a friend told me about a new...

  • My Favorite Star

    My Favorite Star

    10 years ago

    Don't get me wrong, when I was in my youth, I dreamed of meeting my dreamy heartthrob to live happily ever after with. However, with the advent of YouTube, music videos, the internet, and IPhones, the sense of innocence has disappeared. It's all...



    10 years ago

    Some experts say there is not one shred of evidence that anything called "mental illness" or "chemical imbalances" really exists. Sounds impossible! But life teaches us to investigate...will you?

  • Law Of Attraction- Does Your Diet Influence It?

    Law Of Attraction- Does Your Diet Influence It?

    11 years ago

    She led me to her kitchen and handed over a bag of chia seeds and some chia seed recipes. Then, with what I'd call a smirk, she grabbed a spoon and made me taste a tablespoon of "chia gel". Now, don't get me wrong. I appreciated her concern for my...

  • Good Luck, Bad Luck

    Good Luck, Bad Luck

    10 years ago

    Or is it luck at all? After all, you set your remote to tune in with a wavelength energy coming down from the satellite! You were in control. Quantum scientists say we are ALL surrounded by frequency wavelength energy, and "operate" much like a TV,...



    11 years ago

    When people decide to be a vegetarian sometimes they don't get their nutrition facts. As a result, their diet doesn't provide the essential amino acids. And why is this a big deal? Well, it can whack our brain chemistry. And no doubt about it, we do...

  • Keep Loving a Psychopath or a Sociopath?

    Keep Loving a Psychopath or a Sociopath?

    9 years ago

    "Psychopath" describes a dangerous pattern of behavior. It can run the gamut from serial killers, con artists, or even ruthless corporate or political figures. Every decade has it's brand.


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