Pat Goltz profile image80

Pat Goltz

Joined 9 years ago

  • 121
  • 16
  • 4
  • Wild Desert Garden

    Wild Desert Garden

    9 years ago

    I have a brown thumb, so I have to "grow" things that will grow all by themselves, where they naturally occur, or in similar conditions. I've tried lots of other things. Faggedaboudit! I prefer to let God do the gardening, and I just enhance it a...

  • Tucson Botanical Gardens - a Tour

    Tucson Botanical Gardens - a Tour

    6 years ago

    Tucson has two major botanical gardens. This is the other one (I already talked about Tohono Chul Park). Founded by Harrison Yocum many years ago, it has grown to be a very interesting place. Among the features are the tropical greenhouse, full of...

  • Birdwatching in Southeastern Arizona

    Birdwatching in Southeastern Arizona

    6 years ago

    Aside from Texas, southeastern Arizona is the richest in bird species diversity in the United States. If you live in this region, you should become a birdwatcher! The United States has over 800 species of birds that can be found at some point...

  • Follow the Birds

    Follow the Birds

    9 years ago

    Want to escape the heat? Follow the birds! The birds have left the desert and are now hanging out in the mountains. Well, most of them, anyway. Who wants to give up birding to stay in an air conditioned building when you can be in the Great Outdoors...

  • Night Birds

    Night Birds

    9 years ago

    When birders (birdwatchers, in other words) talk about looking for, er, listening for, birds that make sounds in the night, but remain hidden in the darkness, it's called "owling". The English language is strange sometimes. And owls aren't the only...

  • Hunting the Buff-collared Nightjar

    Hunting the Buff-collared Nightjar

    9 years ago

    Buff-collared Nightjars are really birds of Sonora, so they are rare in Arizona. That makes them all the more sought-after by serious birders. And you probably won't find him in daylight, and if you find him at night, you probably won't see him. If...

  • Birding - Another Quiet Adventure

    Birding - Another Quiet Adventure

    9 years ago

    Dateline mid March, 2014. Here I come with another quiet adventure! Adventures don't have to be noisy. They don't even have to be exciting. And a quiet adventure can be very exciting anyway. I currently have 282 different species of birds on my...

  • The Sound of Music

    The Sound of Music

    9 years ago

    This is one movie that has stuck with me for decades. I can't forget it. I find myself spontaneously humming or singing the songs. I find myself thinking about the movie and the family whose story it tells. I find myself comparing my voice range...

  • Flagstaff - Hub for Scenic Beauty

    Flagstaff - Hub for Scenic Beauty

    9 years ago

    Flagstaff, a city in northern Arizona, is a good place to stay while you explore the scenic beauty in the area. Discusses accommodations, attractions.

  • Strike Two

    Strike Two

    6 years ago

    Some time back, I wrote about various misadventures I had had. One of them involved the time I was stranded in Florida Canyon, without access to a cell phone signal. My car broke! (My car doesn't like mountains, but I like my car anyway). Well, I...

  • Boojum Tree

    Boojum Tree

    9 years ago

    What in the world is a boojum tree? I have a perverse sense of humor. But this really IS one of my favorite plants. Problem is, most of you will probably never succeed in growing one. But regard that as a challenge if you want. It's the kind of...

  • Become a Birdwatcher

    Become a Birdwatcher

    9 years ago

    First, let's talk about insider terms. We call each other "birders". A birder is a birdwatcher. It's too much trouble to say "birdwatcher", you see. Then there is the famous greeting used to sign off on emails about birding: "Good birding". Reasons...

  • Horton Hears WHO?

    Horton Hears WHO?

    13 months ago

    Horton is the famous elephant created by Dr. Seuss, the children's writer. I have long been a fan of Dr. Seuss, for his silly verses and his amazing and silly drawings. My very first Dr. Seuss book was probably one of his first books, but I...

  • The American Southwest

    The American Southwest

    9 years ago

    For purposes of this article, the American Southwest is made up of Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, and (shhh! Colorado). One of the seven wonders of the world, the Grand Canyon, is in Arizona. It draws travelers from around the world, particularly...

  • The New Couch

    The New Couch

    6 years ago

    A couple of years ago, we scrounged a couch from one of our sons. We wanted to replace one in the living room that is badly worn. But we hadn't gotten around to it, because it would be a major undertaking just to get the two couches moved. This is...

  • Tohono Chul Park

    Tohono Chul Park

    9 years ago

    No rip-roarin' danger-filled, terror adventure here. If you can't be quiet, you don't belong here. It's the quiet adventure, especially if there are people watching the birds. (Hey, for some people, being quiet IS an adventure!) This little corner...

  • The Casserole

    The Casserole

    9 years ago

    In this article, I will explain how to design your own casserole, using the ingredients you love best. Casseroles and goulash can be thought of as dishes where you can use up leftovers as well. Goulash, to my mind, includes noodles, tomatoes, and...

  • Going Birding for the Holidays

    Going Birding for the Holidays

    9 years ago

    I used to take a couple of trips a year. I was getting physical therapy treatments in northern Arizona, so I would plan several days, and I would travel to scenic spots and take pictures. Nowadays, my physical therapist no longer lives in the state...

  • Baptism in Christianity

    Baptism in Christianity

    9 years ago

    Along with sharing some rather spectacular personal experiences, I concentrate on describing the differences in belief and practice of various denominations, and why I believe as I do, using supporting Bible passages. There are basically two...

  • Book on Atomic Energy for Kids

    Book on Atomic Energy for Kids

    13 months ago

    When I was in sixth grade, my folks made a trip to Oak Ridge, Tennessee. This is one of a handful of towns that was devoted primarily to the development of atomic energy and related research, in the United States. My father had some kind of business...

  • Van Cliburn

    Van Cliburn

    13 months ago

    Van Cliburn first broke onto the music scene when he won the first Tchaikovsky Piano Competition in Moscow. He was ten years older than I, almost to the day, and by that time I was quite aware of his success at the time. I think he was the ONLY...

  • Gnosis Chocolate

    Gnosis Chocolate

    13 months ago

    Vanessa Barg has developed what I would consider the world's best chocolate, bar none (pun intended). Vanessa is a very personable lady, very sweet and friendly. She has personally exchanged emails with me a number of times, and makes me feel...

  • The Birds and the Bees, er Butterflies

    The Birds and the Bees, er Butterflies

    9 years ago

    Birdwatchers, or birders, as they call themselves, are notorious keepers of lists. The life list is the most important one. It contains the names of all the birds a birder has seen in the wild in his lifetime. In addition, there is the Big Year...

  • Marching to a Different Drummer - Reformation vs. Halloween

    Marching to a Different Drummer - Reformation vs. Halloween

    6 years ago

    Joy or terror? You decide. I did. I chose joy. You might say I am a contrarian's contrarian. I seem to be going the opposite direction from everyone else on just about every topic. Halloween is no different. I don't celebrate Halloween anymore....

  • Sabino Canyon Adventure

    Sabino Canyon Adventure

    9 years ago

    All about my haps and mishaps in this wonderful canyon. Sabino Canyon is a gorgeous area located in the Santa Catalina Mountains north of the older part of Tucson, Arizona. It is closed to vehicular traffic, so for a person who cannot hike long...

  • Dr. Seuss: Green Eggs and Ham

    Dr. Seuss: Green Eggs and Ham

    9 years ago

    Green Eggs and Ham is a family favorite, a children's book that kept us in stitches and brightened what would otherwise have been an insufferably, fatally boring day.

  • Warning: His Taking a Psychotropic May Be Dangerous to Your Life

    Warning: His Taking a Psychotropic May Be Dangerous to Your Life

    6 years ago

    Drugs sold to combat depression can make a patient homicidal or suicidal. Even if you never take such a drug, you can be the victim of someone who does. Be warned.

  • Round and Round and Round

    Round and Round and Round

    9 years ago

    Round and round she goes, and where she stops, nobody knows. We all remember THAT line. So I decided to write a lens, and in order to do so, I needed a Round Tuit. A Round Tuit is something you get when you get a round tuit. :) And I just got...

  • Gecko


    9 years ago

    Geckos are small lizards. People find them fascinating. Facts about geckos and other lizards of Arizona and Iraq.

  • Night Photography

    Night Photography

    9 years ago

    Night photography seems to require a totally different set of skills from daytime photography. In this lens, I will offer ideas and thoughts about how to take pictures at night. Sometimes the exposure needed is quite different from what you might...

  • Imagine Hawai'i

    Imagine Hawai'i

    9 years ago

    I have wanted to spend time in Hawai'i since I was a teenager at least. That's half a century! But I have never gotten to go. My other family members went. Five of them, in fact. But I had already left home when my parents went. I'm still jealous! ...

  • Biblia


    6 years ago

    The word "Biblia" is what the Bible is called in many languages. The word "biblia" or "bible" really simply means "book." The Bible contains writings which were made by individuals under the inspiration of God Himself. I like to think of it as the...

  • A Precious Gift

    A Precious Gift

    9 years ago

    A child with Down Syndrome is a precious gift. I will show you why. Do you remember the man who sold everything he owned to buy a precious pearl? Down Syndrome is like that. It requires more effort on the part of most parents, but the rewards are...

  • Fatherhood


    9 years ago

    Men, I am going to give you some straight talk. This isn't a popular discussion that is going to give you all sorts of warm fuzzies, but it says something many men need to hear, and many other men wish men would hear. The irresponsible men are...

  • Visiting Sea Life

    Visiting Sea Life

    6 years ago

    I can't go snorkeling or scuba diving, nor do I have an underwater camera, and I like to take pictures of fish, so I look for an aquarium. Ever since I went to the New England Aquarium, I have wished for a really good aquarium in Arizona, close...

  • 2


    9 years ago

    Being a collection of personally acquired images of all sorts, that feature the color orange, and a few stories. Oh, and a couple of other things I have collected regarding orange. As a color for art, I really dislike orange. Intensely. But in its...

  • Teensy Weensy

    Teensy Weensy

    6 years ago

    I love tiny things! I spend a lot of time out in nature, looking at things, and I always pay attention to the details, and the little things. I am sharing a little bit of my collection with you. I have a VAST collection. How about that! A huge...

  • Tuna Fish - Necessity for College

    Tuna Fish - Necessity for College

    6 years ago

    Every college student MUST acquire or take a stack of cans of tuna fish to college. This is an absolute requirement! You simply cannot survive without it. It is cheap, nutritious, and you just have to have your daily ration of mercury, you know! ...

  • Compassion Is a Moral Imperative

    Compassion Is a Moral Imperative

    9 years ago

    Who can be compassionate? Under what circumstances? What is compassion? Can you compel other people to be compassionate? Does the government have a role in the issue of compassion? Do particular religions teach compassion? Do other religions teach...

  • Playing the Piano

    Playing the Piano

    9 years ago

    These are little things I learned about playing the piano, mastering it, learning to play well, and so forth, over the years. As I think of new things, I will add them. No special classification for these, they're just random useful items. Some of...

  • Appreciating Orchids

    Appreciating Orchids

    9 years ago

    I have a brown thumb. For this reason, cultivating orchids is not my expertise. I am like the knight who admires the royal lady he can never have as a wife. So I have had to find other ways to appreciate orchids, which has been a challenge living in...

  • Flying Flowers

    Flying Flowers

    9 years ago

    I am concentrating on yellow things found in nature: butterflies, birds, and wildflowers. There are yellow flowers, and then there are yellow flying flowers. Both birds and butterflies are flying flowers. Let a little sunshine into your day! Read...

  • The Mountains - A Place of Refuge

    The Mountains - A Place of Refuge

    9 years ago

    My favorite place is in the mountains, next to being in the desert, that is. So we live in the mountains among desert vegetation. :) When I want to be refreshed, I go higher into the mountains. An alternative would be to visit the ocean, but it's...

  • Off I Go!

    Off I Go!

    9 years ago

    Join me from the safety of your armchair as I get into crazy scrapes and survive! I have a list of places I want to visit, and many of the places on my list are places I have visited already. Sometimes I have unexpected setbacks and difficulties,...

  • The Beauty of Northern Arizona

    The Beauty of Northern Arizona

    11 years ago

    If I had the money, I'd rent a small place in Flagstaff and live there several months. There is so much beauty in northern Arizona, and this would give me leisurely access to all of it. Although I never had a lot of time in one place, most people...

  • Apophysis Part 2

    Apophysis Part 2

    9 years ago

    In my earlier, very popular lens, I presented a few of my images made in the flame fractal generation program, Apophysis. I have many more images to present, and rather than add them to that lens, I decided to make a new one. To see the other one,...

  • Apophysis - Flame Fractals

    Apophysis - Flame Fractals

    9 years ago

    Fractal images are calculated by a computer, from mathematical formulas, and designed visually by the artist. Apophysis is a favorite free fractal generation program.

  • Sombreros and Mariachis

    Sombreros and Mariachis

    9 years ago

    Cinco de Mayo is often considered to be "independence day" for Mexico. It is celebrated primarily in the United States, but also in parts of Mexico. In the state of Puebla, it is known as El Día de la Batalla de Puebla (the day of the battle of...

  • Close Encounters of the Bird Kind

    Close Encounters of the Bird Kind

    9 years ago

    Sooner or later it had to happen: a wild bird approaching within six feet of me. These are stories of the birds who came to me or let me come to them. I am not good at estimating distances, but at least these birds were no further than ten feet away...

  • 1

    Glaze Calculation

    9 years ago

    In this article, I give a short introduction for the topic of designing glazes for pottery. There are several possibilities. You can collect recipes or formulas for glazes, or you can design your own by knowing what different ingredients do, and...

  • Saving the Earth - A personal perspective

    Saving the Earth - A personal perspective

    9 years ago

    Environmentalists are often wrong. Here are some different answers. We are stewards of the earth, and our actions are required for balance.

  • How to Manage a Goat Ranch

    How to Manage a Goat Ranch

    9 years ago

    For folks who already know that in order to run a goat ranch, you have to buy or acquire some goats, build fences for them, and feed them. :) These are some personal tips I learned over the years, which I will pass on. Some of these are apparently...

  • My Piano

    My Piano

    9 years ago

    Being a history of my experiences as a musician, starting at age 3, on into motherhood, and passing it on. My mother tells me that when I was only 3, I would sing the Lord's Prayer, in tune. I remember singing in church before I learned how to...

  • Creative Needlepoint

    Creative Needlepoint

    9 years ago

    Needlepoint is done on painted canvases. Usually the artist buys an already painted canvas. Most people probably stick to one or two stitches. But it is possible to get very creative with stitches. I took a class to learn how to do this, and by the...

  • Asian Gardens in America

    Asian Gardens in America

    9 years ago

    Asian gardens are probably the most aesthetically pleasing gardens in the world from the standpoint of artistry. All gardens are beautiful, but somehow, the Asian style of designing a garden appeals to me more than, say, a formal garden in front of...

  • The Green Packrat

    The Green Packrat

    6 years ago

    And I am a packrat. For being a desert dweller, loving green is a bit odd, or is it? Well, I like any color from blue to green, and everything in between. This is a small part of my collection of green things. I am intrigued by things like green...

  • My Volvo

    My Volvo

    9 years ago

    On second thought, Volvos aren't what they used to be, and I don't want you buying one of the good used ones. I want that one to be available when I need to replace my car! I buy used Volvos from someone I trust, who gets them to sell only...

  • Rooster Cogburn Ostrich Ranch

    Rooster Cogburn Ostrich Ranch

    9 years ago

    One of the best roadside shows in the United States, the Ostrich Ranch boasts numerous animals to feed and pet. Designed with a sense of humor, and very enjoyable to visit.

  • Cream of the Crop - My Best Photos, with Hints

    Cream of the Crop - My Best Photos, with Hints

    9 years ago

    The first rule for good photography is to be observant. The second is to study the work of famous photographers you admire, and analyze WHY you like their work. Since this is simply a collection of my best or favorite photos (including some...

  • Humor in the Desert

    Humor in the Desert

    9 years ago

    I see something funny, and I take a picture. Here, I share a few amusing shots, mostly from southern Arizona. Unique to the desert are the crazy poses of some of the saguaro cacti (Carnegiea gigantea). Books of photos have been published. I will...

  • Pysanky


    9 years ago

    The practice of using wax resist to paint designs on Easter eggs has been followed for centuries in Ukraine, but also by these other ethnic groups: Belarusians, Bulgarians, Croats, Czechs, Hungarians, Lithuanians, Poles, Romanians, Serbs, Slovaks,...

  • The Dawkins Deficiency

    The Dawkins Deficiency

    9 years ago

    Wayne Talbot, whose background is IT (information technology), argues that Dawkins' book, The Greatest Show on Earth, is nothing but a polemic, with no real evidence or logic. Talbot uses mostly logic to debunk Dawkins' book as any kind of viable...

  • The Game of Go

    The Game of Go

    9 years ago

    The board game commonly called "Go" in English, originated in Asia. It is basically a war game, where each side tries to take territory and capture the opponent's assets. A board (usually wooden) is crosshatched with straight lines, 19 in each...

  • 7

    Fish in the Sonoran Desert

    9 years ago

    Bet you didn't know there are fish in the desert. But if you know where to look, you can find them. Fish live in the rivers and lakes in the desert, and yes, there are rivers and lakes. They also live in the Sea of Cortez, which is right smack dab...

  • Snow in the Desert

    Snow in the Desert

    6 years ago

    An unusual snowstorm on Easter Sunday in April, 1999, left snow in the valley in and around Tucson, Arizona. This is the story of my photos taken that day, with illustrations.

  • The Meaning of Red

    The Meaning of Red

    9 years ago

    Except when I like it. Red birds are beautiful. Red carpets drive me up a wall. It depends partly on context. Too much red hitting the eyeballs causes me to go into a tailspin, wishing to be someplace else. I would never buy a red car. I guess the...

  • Wild Animals in My Back Yard

    Wild Animals in My Back Yard

    9 years ago

    These are photos of the various wild animals that have appeared in our yard. Most of them were taken by me, on our property. If not taken there, I will say so, but the reason for selecting these other photos is because I didn't get good photos at...

  • Picking on the Little Guy

    Picking on the Little Guy

    9 years ago

    If this reads like a Wild West tale, there's a reason. It IS a Wild West tale! Only, this one is real! Tombstone, Arizona made history of sorts when it decided to railroad over some small property owners in the mountains. Tombstone is the little...

  • My Favorite Recipes

    My Favorite Recipes

    9 years ago

    It's too time-consuming. If I can pop something into the microwave and read while I'm waiting on it, that's my style. That said, there are some things I like to eat that are quick and easy to prepare, and I do them now and then. Since I like ethnic...

  • Birds in Motion

    Birds in Motion

    9 years ago

    Birds tend to move around a great deal. They fly, hop, and do other things. They are so quick that for the most part, and because it takes time to prepare a shot, no matter how quick, a photographer can usually only catch them when they are sitting...

  • Birds Up Close And Personal

    Birds Up Close And Personal

    9 years ago

    because he is a wonderful bird photographer who has graciously shared his work with us, and because he did a lens like this, and I wanted to show my own bird portraits. So without further ado, I dedicate this article to him. I must say this has...

  • Terragen


    10 years ago

    A digital landscape generation program is a computer program that will allow an artist to design a scene, and then instruct the computer to "render" the scene into an image. The computer sets a numerical value for the color of each pixel, and...

  • The Hiding Place

    The Hiding Place

    9 years ago

    This autobiography is about a Dutch woman who grew up and lived in Holland during the Nazi occupation. The drawing on the left is a picture of the watch shop which the ten Boom family owned and operated. It was the place where many Jews and members...

  • Edible Desert

    Edible Desert

    9 years ago

    While I have heard that there are maybe 50 edible foods in the Sonoran Desert, I think there are more like 450. I share my personal experiences with these foods. Most of them can and should be eaten in the wild, right by the plant where you got the...

  • The Twelve Days of Christmas

    The Twelve Days of Christmas

    9 years ago

    People all over the world celebrate Christmas. A major way people celebrate is by decorating their homes. This lens focuses on lights and decorations on the outside of homes in southern Arizona. In the western world, people usually celebrate...

  • Sedona, Arizona

    Sedona, Arizona

    9 years ago

    Most people have heard of Sedona, a town in northern Arizona. The area is full of world-famous red rock spires, cliffs, mesas, and other formations. Sedona lies at the lower end of Oak Creek Canyon, another beautiful spot full of trees. The town is...

  • Organ Music for Christmas

    Organ Music for Christmas

    9 years ago

    What can be more appropriate for Christmas than organ music for the aficionado of organ in the classical genre? There is a huge body of sacred literature for organ, of which much is attributed to Bach, a real genius. However, in this lens, I...

  • Robin Hood & Captain Nemo

    Robin Hood & Captain Nemo

    11 years ago

    These are both heroes that I admired when I was young. I don't remember what version of Robin Hood I read, because there are a number of them available. I read both Robin Hood and 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, ten times for each. It was rare for me...

  • My Nature and Scenic Articles - A Guide

    My Nature and Scenic Articles - A Guide

    9 years ago

    I have pursued the activity of photography for over ten years, concentrating on nature photography. I have traveled throughout Arizona and into southern Utah. I photograph the desert and the mountains, the plants and wildflowers, birds, butterflies,...

  • For 3D Thinkers - Lytro, Printers

    For 3D Thinkers - Lytro, Printers

    9 years ago

    These are the perfect PRACTICAL gifts for your geek, or, for that matter, the geek in you. Unlike many of the "new" products often promoted in various places on the internet which are merely re-designs of existing products that have been around a...

  • Dr. Seuss, best children's writer

    Dr. Seuss, best children's writer

    9 years ago

    Theodore Seuss Geisel has written a number of children's books, and a handful of books for older folks. He writes under the pseudonym Dr. Seuss. Not only are his written words witty, so are his drawings. Silly, too. They will make you and your...

  • If You Hate Cold Weather, Spend Your Holiday in Arizona

    If You Hate Cold Weather, Spend Your Holiday in Arizona

    9 years ago

    Arizona is the place to go if you hate snow, or are tired of being cold. We get many, many winter visitors. In fact, we get so many from cold places, we call them "snowbirds". So be a snowbird, and come visit! Temperatures are generally mild in the...

  • Tropical Birds

    Tropical Birds

    9 years ago

    Tropical birds are incredibly beautiful, often with exquisite bright colors, and have many interesting features. We are very fortunate to have a zoo in Tucson that maintains TWO tropical bird exhibits. One of them covers Central and South America,...

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    John 3:16

    9 years ago

    This single quote from the Bible is probably the best known quote ever. In the King James Version, it reads: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting...

  • Stories of Hope and Transformation

    Stories of Hope and Transformation

    9 years ago

    For years, I have followed the efforts and stories of missionaries who went to small and very obscure villages to write down the language of the people, teach people to read, and give them the Bible in their own language. These books are special...

  • The Beauty of Southern Arizona

    The Beauty of Southern Arizona

    9 years ago

    Southern Arizona has many beautiful vistas, from mountains to deserts, cactus, spring flowers, and blue skies with or without clouds. And then there are the sunsets!

  • Fractals - Mathematical Computer Art

    Fractals - Mathematical Computer Art

    9 years ago

    Fractal art grew out of the work of Benoit Mandelbrot. Mandelbrot developed fractal geometry. This has been applied to the use of computers to make fractal art. Not all fractal art uses the Mandelbrot set, but most uses either the Mandelbrot set or...

  • Scenery in Utah

    Scenery in Utah

    9 years ago

    So far, I have not had the opportunity to go further into Utah than the south, although I did go all the way up to Moab on one trip. The places I have visited include Zion National Park, Bryce Canyon National Park, Grand Staircase - Escalante, and...

  • The Hummingbirds of Costa Rica

    The Hummingbirds of Costa Rica

    9 years ago

    If someone you love is a birder, or particularly fond of hummingbirds, this is a wonderful book to give as a present. It has many wonderful photographs of the various hummingbirds that live in Costa Rica, as well as much information about their...

  • Maria Montessori Had a Good Idea

    Maria Montessori Had a Good Idea

    9 years ago

    Maria Montessori (1870-1952) was a physician who devised a unique method of education. She lived in Italy. Her first schools were actually day care centers known as Casi dei Bambini (homes of the children). In these day care centers, she used...

  • Big Bird vs. Classical Music

    Big Bird vs. Classical Music

    9 years ago

    In this Lens I describe the reasons why we should not support media with tax money, and show that alternatives are not only possible, but viable. I treat a number of different facets of this question, including what should happen to Big Bird, where...

  • Colorful Architecture of Southern Arizona

    Colorful Architecture of Southern Arizona

    9 years ago

    Southern Arizona is a rich and colorful place, with many different types of architecture. The Hispanic community likes to build homes and other buildings that are painted in vivid, contrasting colors. The photo on the left is an example. I don't...

  • Zenna Henderson

    Zenna Henderson

    9 years ago

    Zenna Henderson (1917-1983) was a science fiction writer who wrote short stories and novellas. She was born in Tucson, Arizona, and was also a schoolteacher. She is best known for her books Pilgrimage: the Book of the People, and The People: No...

  • Business Scams

    Business Scams

    9 years ago

    This will be a difficult topic because most of the time, people who discuss this topic, they are out to make you a victim of a scam, so there are all kinds of safeguards in place that have to be overcome, but please bear with me. I want to warn you...

  • Flowerscapes


    9 years ago

    During a year when there are abundant winter rains (or something vaguely resembling abundant), I travel in different parts of Arizona in search of scenery that has wildflowers in it, either a carpet of color, or specific flower stands that add color...

  • Learning Foreign Languages

    Learning Foreign Languages

    9 years ago

    I have loved languages nearly all my life, and have had a number of different experiences. This is a collection of recollections of my experiences plus tips that I developed over years of learning languages. My main expertise is reading languages. I...

  • Arizona Butterflies and Moths

    Arizona Butterflies and Moths

    9 years ago

    This is a collection of my personal photos of various butterflies and moths which I have found in southern Arizona. Usually, I find butterflies when I am out looking for something else, such as birds or flowers. Usually, I find moths in my room at...

  • The Key to a Nation's Prosperity

    The Key to a Nation's Prosperity

    9 years ago

    The Bible tells us that some Christians lived communally. They shared everything. The Bible is silent on what happened next. A lot of people think that communal living is Christian and is the ideal. Here is an experience a friend of mine had. She...

  • Think-Outside-the-Box Photography

    Think-Outside-the-Box Photography

    9 years ago

    I like to experiment and play around with my camera. This is about some of my experiments, and sometimes I will tell you how I did it. The image on the left is somewhat similar to one I entered in an art contest. I got third place in the creative...

  • Bellyflowers


    9 years ago

    Bellyflowers grow on plants that remain small and close to the ground. The flowers are so tiny, you have to get on your belly to see them. Hence, they are called "bellyflowers." Quite simple, actually. I got the idea from a book called...

  • Artistic Philosophy and Adventures

    Artistic Philosophy and Adventures

    9 years ago

    About twelve years ago, I was freshly retired from being a full time mom and caretaker for other family members, and got to thinking about what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. We needed for me to make money if I could, and I needed to...

  • Sonoran Desert Dragonflies - Arizona

    Sonoran Desert Dragonflies - Arizona

    9 years ago

    Damselflies, too. Also known scientifically as "Odonata" or "Odes" for short. Dragonflies have some very interesting and unique abilities. The most obvious ability is how they can fly. They are even more agile than hummingbirds. They hover and...

  • Tropical Butterflies

    Tropical Butterflies

    9 years ago

    We are very lucky because we have a local butterfly exhibit that lasts from October through April. For this exhibit, they bring in tropical butterflies from all over the world, and they let them live in the tropical greenhouse. This is located in...

  • Seasons in the Desert

    Seasons in the Desert

    9 years ago

    The Sonoran Desert has five seasons: fall, winter, spring, dry summer, and wet summer. This article begins to explain these deserts, starting with fall, with ullustrations.

  • Hubisms: Abstract Computer Art

    Hubisms: Abstract Computer Art

    9 years ago

    Hubisms are made in computer programs normally made for rendering landscapes and indoor scenes. They have been promoted primarily by Hubert Schaefer of Germany, whom I have the privilege of knowing as an e-friend. He has also developed the art form...

  • Genetically Engineered Food - California, Hawaii

    Genetically Engineered Food - California, Hawaii

    9 years ago

    Genetically engineered foods are dangerous and poisonous. They also result in heavier use of agricultural poisons. The FDA has a duty to require labeling, but fails to do so. Be warned.

  • The Question of Marriage

    The Question of Marriage

    9 years ago

    Marriage is now the subject of much controversy. It would appear that a relatively small percentage of the population is questioning the age-old understanding of what marriage is. In addition, a fairly hefty group of people are foregoing marriage,...

  • Explaining Censorship - Why We Need It

    Explaining Censorship - Why We Need It

    9 years ago

    Only the government can commit censorship. Private entities have the right to refuse a platform to viewpoints they don't agree with. Censorship protects children.

  • Danny Hahlbohm - Christian Artist

    Danny Hahlbohm - Christian Artist

    9 years ago

    Danny Hahlbohm was born in New York, and served in the armed forces overseas. When he returned, he began painting, and selling his paintings. He is self taught as a painter. The painting "Footprints in the Sand" is well known. Even the mention of it...

  • The Complexities of Copyright

    The Complexities of Copyright

    9 years ago

    Copyright has become a much larger issue with the advent of the internet. It is much easier to steal content than ever before. In fact, each new technological advance made things a bit easier. These might include the invention of the Xerox machine....

  • The Adoption of Kitty

    The Adoption of Kitty

    9 years ago

    This is the story of a feral cat that became part of our household. Who adopted whom isn't clear. He was obviously able to survive on his own, which is not a mean feat in the desert with coyotes and owls always looking for a meal. He showed up one...

  • Art Is about Beauty

    Art Is about Beauty

    9 years ago

    This lens begins with an essay I published in 2007 about the philosophy behind my art: When I first started using the internet in 1998, I immediately joined a discussion group that was made up primarily of Australian photographers, mostly folks who...

  • Featured Artists - Hyperborea

    Featured Artists - Hyperborea

    9 years ago

    Hyperborea is a husband-wife team that makes digital landscapes with beautiful sculptural images. They work in Bryce, a digital landscape program, and produce their sculptures in programs like Xfrog, Amorphium, and Zbrush. Their names are Willem...

  • Aurora


    9 years ago

    Aurorae (singular "aurora") are lights in the sky, usually observed somewhat close to either of the poles of the earth. The ones in the northern hemisphere are called Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights. The ones in the southern hemisphere are called...

  • 289

    The birds of southern Arizona

    6 years ago

    Southern Arizona is home to over 400 species of birds, some of which live here year round, and others migrate through. We also get many rare birds. Here are a few of the birds I have seen.

  • Let's organize a BUYcott

    Let's organize a BUYcott

    9 years ago

    This lens will concentrate on some of the actions of people who are using boycotts to coerce other people into changing their position on political questions. I will add new situations as they happen. The first one involves the recent statement by...

  • 20

    Harrison Yocum

    9 years ago

    Harrison Yocum lives in Tucson, Arizona. He founded the Tucson Botanical Gardens, and is a recognized expert in botany. Last time we talked about it, he was still maintaining the indoor plants at Tucson International Airport. He's in his 80's, I...

  • Featured Artist - Stephane Hette

    Featured Artist - Stephane Hette

    9 years ago

    Stephane Hette is an artist on Art Limited. He's from France. He starts with a photograph, and then processes it to produce these gorgeous images. Sometimes he uses a chop on the image. I agree that his style is very Asian, so a chop is entirely...

  • kemscrima-doh


    10 years ago

    Kemscrima-Doh is an eclectic martial art that is comprised of techniques and forms of kajukembo-kempo, Shantung kuntao, Filipino escrima, and Okinawan kobudo. Techniques are both soft and hard style. The developer of the modern form is Sifu Glenn...

  • Cast in Bronze

    Cast in Bronze

    9 years ago

    Frank Della Penna and his associates perform on the carillon at various Renaissance Faires throughout the United States. The Renaissance Festivals are an occasion when people, who like to dress up like the folks from the middle ages, wander...

  • Antelope Canyon - Abstract Landscapes

    Antelope Canyon - Abstract Landscapes

    9 years ago

    Personally, I have wanted to go to Antelope Canyon for many, many years. I am particularly fond of abstracts, and this place just seemed different. Antelope Canyon is a slot canyon. This is a canyon produced by rushing monsoon rains, which carve out...


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