Psychological abuse is a spreading phenomenon that may occur in explicit or subtle ways. Being able to identify the characteristics is key.
Choices are hard, especially then it comes to love. Taking time to think about your relationship is important as is taking time for yourself. What type of person are you? What are you looking for in a relationship? How is your personality influencing your decisions?
It doesn’t happen overnight, and if they ever told you that or you thought of having felt that way, you were wrong. That is lust. Here is a little article about what I think... according to experience. How was yours?
Here are a list of the few essential things you NEED on Valentine's Day.
Want to try smoked salmon in a different way? Why not mixing it with cream and pasta for a delicious meal.
It is not an article that helps you really recognise your best friend, but it will sure give you an idea of they importance in your life. They are those important people you will always feel yourself.
Would you like to see your future? How many times have you thought about doing it all over again and hoping that the mistake you did, could just erase itself from history? Give it a chance... and read this Hub.
Who are your real friends? Why is it that after such a long time friends still disappoint you? It is not real friendship if this happens.
Just believe in yourself and don't change who you are just to be liked. You are not the only one that might feel uncomfortable.
Sometimes people decide to share their problems with you, but you might not feel prepared for such responsibility and everything starts to weigh. Read the hub to find out more.
Falling in love with your best friend can be bad... even if with a little fortune things could turn out good.
never judge people from their appearance even if their personality is tricky at times.
Time and dreams... how can they be linked? read and find out.
Milan. Everything you need to know on the City of Fashion, in order to appreciate each and every part of what it has to offer.
Are you feeling lonely? Read on to discover why and learn about some resources to help you.
A hub to help you distinguish between what is really necessary and what can be 'skipped'. Useful and full of tips on shopping.
one of the greatest music events of the year.... worth knowing what it is about and when it occurs..