No dog should be off the leash in public...period!
In many states not only is it illegal but you can be held financially responsible for injury your dog brings to others. In Massachusetts if your dog runs off the leash runs into the street and is hit by a car who then swerves and hits a tree the dog owner is liable for all the damages.
There are plenty of places where you can walk a safe off-leash dog and not meet other people, or only other people with safe off-leash dogs. I do it all the time because my dog does not 'just run off' and likes to play with other dogs in designated off-leash parks. Whereever it is crowded or busy or there are leash laws, of course I use a leash.
Use a leash and please use a harness not a colar. and please fit it correctly to the animal. Then team up and have fun on the walk. the leash protects you both. work with the dog, dont force it along. The walk should be enjoyable for both of you.
i think so because even if they're trained they can still get ran over. plus, where i live, my neighbors let their dogs run loose all the time. especially at night when im walking home. like just the other night there was this HUGE rut wilder that was twice my size, and his head was about the size of my chest. granted he was friendly, but i was still scared out of my mind when i saw that huge dog loose and following me. unsure if that thing was going to attack me. luckily, i was able to keep calm and walk home slowly without the dog knowing i was scared while he was following me closely. it's a good thing too. i don't think i could have defended myself against him if he had been vicious.
I Agree dogs need to be leashed, no dog should be left to roam. people need to be responable for their animals. I walk my 125 pound american bulldog leashed an I usually put a muzzle on him cause he gets snippy with other dogs. we was walking an this dog came out an attacked mine i got the muzzle off in time so he could protect himself, to many stupid people let their dogs run wild.
Yes, because someone else may be walking their dog that isnt as well trained.
Absolute, for the safety of the dog and people. I'll never forget the day a loose dog bit me right on my upper thigh. The dog then went after a bicyclist who happened to be an off duty cop. He was able to jump off the bike and use it to keep the dog away from him. The owner came out and called his dog who just happily ignored him and continued running with the owner chasing behind. He's never bit anyone before, the owner called out to me as he ran after his dog.
People don't understand, no one knows what's in the brain of an animal or what it will do. Keep you dog on a leash.
I think so simply because I have malamutes and dogs off leash in places where I walk mine seem to cause nothing but trouble. When they approach dogs ON leash, it sometimes causes problems and the rare instance has been (for me) where the owner could actually recall the dog and have it NOT approach mine.
I feel totally vulnerable walking 1 or 2 80 pound dogs on lead and having them under control, only to be run at by a terrier or rottweiler. Sometimes nothing happens - other times, it's a bad situation.
I think naturally dogs want to interact which is cool but I think having loose dogs is a set up for disaster. No matter how well trained I think mine are, when dogs come running at them, they react excitedly and I'm usually the worse for wear. However, that said, I keep taking my dogs to parks and public places because it is wonderful training for THEM and of course gives me the potential for more comedic material for my hubs! (And a reason to visit the chiropractor)
i also think that if it's a med. to large dog they should not only be on a leash but a harness as well. especially if the neighborhood is full of kids and other animals like squirrels, cats and other dogs.
Yes. In many communities in the US it is the law to keep your dogs leased. Then there is the simple fact that it is an animal. Animals are not thinking, rational beings. Smart yes - totally predictible no. No matter how well trained a dog might be you can't predict how it will react in every situation. I wouldn't want to take that chance.
No, no, no, no. This kind of thing really annoys me. There are more and more irresponsible dog owners around today, and it seems the reaction to that is to put more and more restrictions on all dogs. But why should responsible owners and well behaved dogs be punished for what other people do?
Obviously if there is any chance that your dog will run off, or bite a person or another dog, or get over-exuberant and jump up at people, or anything else that could cause trouble or annoy people then you should choose to keep your dog on a lead. But if your dog is placid and well behaved it should be allowed some freedom.
Absolutely keep your dog on a leash. You never know what can happen. Your dog might be trained, but the other dogs, children, adults, and moving objects your dogs may encounter might not be so well trained. Why take chances? I have two small yorkies and they both love to run and play. I let them run free, but only on my property. Everywhere else, they are on a leash.
Having grown up on a ranch with animals, and in a culture that not only appreciates the techniques and discipline required for raising obedient and well-trained animals, I absolutely and totally think all dogs, even the "perfectly trained, amiable dogs owned by loving, responsible owners" should be on leashes.
If I learned anything in two decades immersed in animal culture and surrounded by people who make their livings with animals, people who know creatures and have the advantage of generations of that understanding behind their ideas and learning, it is that animals are absolutely and totally unpredictable; in fact "sweet" and "loving" ones are even more dangerous because their human-like (human-seeming) docility imparts a false sense of trust in the owner/keeper. The kindest, nicest, sweetest animals will at the most random unexpected stimulus or biological twitch or accidental something-or-other become violent and dangerous animals. Thinking otherwise is naive and reckless. I've seen so many "nice" dogs that "never bit anyone before" bite. I saw one kid literally get his face ripped off (half way off) by the sweetest collie on earth - to the tune of somewhere near 100k in surgeries to repair. The list of anecdotes is endless. Bison, elephants and horses going nuts in parades, lions and tigers mauling famous trainers, cows and bulls going nuts at fairs, dogs killing and maiming kids in neighborhoods, cat scratches and bites to house guests... they are animals. Restrain them.
All those human qualities people ascribe to them are anthropomorphic and dangerous.
Not only should the dogs be on a leash, but so should some of the owners that I have seen over the years...
The only time a dog should be off the leash is in your yard or a dog park set up for that purpose.
I have had three different pit bulls run up on me and my GSD.
My dog pounces on them with his front paws and I place my foot on the other dog's neck until the owner comes to retrieve them, and get verbally berated by me.
So far an owner is always around if not then it would be bye bye pitbull.
Anytime anyone's out in public with their dog it should definitely be on a leash. I always cringe when we're out at the park and there's a dog unleashed. You just never know what a dog's going to do. Why take the chance of something happening? Having them on a leash to me is the responsible thing to do.
Because you don't have control of other people or their dog's it's best to have your dog on a leash even if you can control him via commands. You never know what may happen and for safety purposes leashing is the best.
Dog parks are ok, but responsible owners don't take their dog there, as there are too many if's that are involved.
Yes because there too many outside things that are out of you and your dog's control, mainly other animals. Your dog is much easier to control when confronted by these outside influences.
yes if you walk your dog in public but at home our pet is free and a part of our family she is spoiled she thinks she is human! she's cute and small.
Yes, always! I hate taking my dog for a walk and coming across another dog that isn't leashed. Sometimes dogs just don't get along with eachother and, without a leash, you have no control over handling your dog.
Yes, they should be. Because not everybody likes dogs regardless of whether they're going to hurt you or not. I used to work with an autistic guy who loved to walk our local beach, but who was terrified of dogs. And every single day at least one dog would come running over, jumping all over the poor guy, while its owner stood far back in the distance screaming "Don't worry, it won't hurt you!" Which isn't really the point, if you have a dog phobia.
If you can't prevent your dog from inflicting itself upon others who don't appreciate its attentions, then you shouldn't have it.
Well, at the risk of becoming "Public Enemy Number One", I have known many dogs, most of which were mine, that were brilliant off lead. They didn't need to be restrained by a leash, (that would simply result in them not being fully or efficiently exercised), they never scared or pestered others, did not antagonise other dogs and simply enjoyed sniffing around and exploring. Are we at a stage when we are going to tether our children to us when we go out?? Many people don't like children approaching them, yet they will if left unsupervised. I am not suggesting children will attack us of course, but nor will most dogs, and it seems wrong that if a dog is well trained (as the original question asks), it should always have to be kept on a leash.
"Are we at a stage when we are going to tether our children to us when we go out?? Many people don't like children approaching them, yet they will if left unsupervised."
Yeah, because children are exactly the same as dogs.
"I am not suggesting children will attack us of course, but nor will most dogs,"
Any dog is capable of attacking, and of drawing blood when it does. As Shades pointed out, animals, even the best-trained ones, with the sweetest dispositions, are capable of flipping out because of some goofy thing that happened, that nobody could predict.
Dogs should be on leashes except when in their own homes or (fenced) yards. If you visit a home where a dog lives, be prepared to be investigated by the dog. If the dog makes you uncomfortable, do not ask the owner to put the dog away. Simply grit your teeth and bear it, or if you can't, politely excuse yourself. It's the dog's home, not yours; you're a guest.
But at no time should you be subjected to a dog's unwanted attentions (or leavings) when walking down the street. Responsible dog owners understand this and will restrain (and clean up after) their animals when in public.
I know what you are trying to say, but a well trained dog (as OP is suggesting), is not interested in anything other than a good sniff about and a run around. Good lord, I have a had a Doberman Pinscher that was bitten on the testicle by my pet ferret and never attacked the ferret in retaliation, simply jumped sky high and moved quickly out of the way!!! Let me ask you, how would you react if a ferret bit you on the testicle?
As for this statement "But at no time should you be subjected to a dog's unwanted attentions (or leavings) when walking down the street. Responsible dog owners understand this and will restrain (and clean up after) their animals when in public.", I totally agree with you, hence why OP said "Well Trained Dogs"...... as mine were!
For the record, there are loads of dogs here on Guernsey where I live, many of whom are walked on certain beaches where dogs are allowed (other beaches only prohibited to avoid fouling). On these beaches dog poo bins are provided and dogs are usually left to run free by their owners who tend to generally be responsible. I can honestly say that the cases of any dog bites or attacks are so rare that I can only ever recall about 3 incidents in the local paper in the last God knows how many years, and none of them applied to beaches as far as I can recall.
A well trained dog should never be penalised for the behaviour of badly trained dogs!
I think it is the law in most places in America as it should be. Also the owner needs to pick up after them/it/him/she whatever. One of my pet peeves is dog turds in my front lawn. I carry bags and clean up after my four, which are leashed. They have their freedom at home in the fenced in back yard.
I agree Ralwus, all people should pick up after their dogs or not have them at all. Problem with relying on back yards to exercise them, is that few people have a back yard sufficient to exercise most dogs enough to wear them out. I suggest that the answer is that people with back yards only, (and not at least an acre of land), don't have dogs bigger than a terrier so that exercising them is not a problem.
Yes, because some people like me are afraid of dogs, and will feel more safer if the owner is walking the dog on a leash.
On a leash around other people or dogs, completely free in a more or less restricted place where they have a lot of space to run but can't bother anyone or anything else without me easily taking control again. That's how I work with mine. I have two dogs, one that I caught in the streets when she was four weeks old, and another that was born from the other one and has been with me since her first day. They are both well educated and I trust them. I definitely don't think that it's irrational to give them the freedom they need as animals, as long as it's done responsibly.
I would think so. Not because of your trained dog, because of the other dogs that walk past that will get your dog riled up.
It's funny, just two nights ago, a neighbor couple came down with their two dogs, a St. Bernard and an Australian Sheppard. As we were chatting (and they were trying to pull the dogs away from us, because I was still annoyed from the first time he let the St. Bernard come flop about a quart of disgusting snot on my freshly washed shorts--not to mention my leg... no, that wasn't totally hot and slimy and gross feeling...,which he thought was hilarious)... so anyway, some people were walking their two dogs in the street and, being dog people the lot of them, they brought the dogs together. The walker people had a sort of golden retriever lab mix dog and something else I don't remember. Well, sniff sniff went the dogs, and then ROAR.... HUGE DOG BRAWL IN THE STREET. You should have seen my neighbor trying to pull the monstrous St. Bernard out of that.
For whatever reason, the golden retriever/lab went ape-sh#t. When they finally had them pulled apart, the retriever/lab owner said, as always, "Wow, that's never happened before."
My wife and I just looked at each other and smirked. It's always never happened before.
Yes for your dogs safety, and for pedestrians safety. Better safe than sorry right?:)You could be suid,sued? if your dog did harm anybody even if it wasnt his/her fault! Plus is illegal in the state I live in.Why not buy a retractable leash as a compramise? They allow your pup to explore more than a regular leash would an still are extremly safe! Just watch out for your fingers (ouch i have done that befor haha) Good luck!
What happens to your fingers? Friction burn or something? (Probably a dumb question, but I don't have dogs, so... no clue.)
dogs should be kept on leashes,trained or not something could happen whilst your out on a walk that could provoke the dog to do something unexpected.But still even where i live there have been attacks on people by dogs on leashes,so sometimes even with a leash it is not enough,but definitely to stop anything like this happening they should ALWAYS be kepton leashes in public places
I think it depends on the area the dog and owner are in. If there is no one around, then i see no problem with a well trained dog being off-leash. However, if any people or dogs are also present in the area the dog is in, then they should be leashed. Even if one dog is extremely well trained to stay close to their owner, there may be another dog or person that will cause a fight or some other commotion. And in these situations, you would want and need a leash to bring the dogs back under control, or to completely avoid the situation in the first place.
I think in public and especially in a park or street then yes they should definetly be on a leash and not only that but they should have an adult holding the leash, it makes me laugh how people will have a go at me for taking my large german sheperd dog for a walk in are park when she's on a leash, fully trained, under control and doing nothing to them yet they think nothing of a little kid walking by with a medium to small size dog, which is from my experience the size of dog that is normally the most likely to react the most to a situation, and if something did happen I can control my dog easily and I also know she is so mild tempered she would barely react anyway yet that kid has no chance of controlling that dog if it reacts.
However, here they have sections of the park where its an enclosed field with a locked gate which is purely for dog users where dogs can be let of there leashes and run around, which I think is a good idea as dogs need to be able to run around purely cause especially with larger dogs they need the excercise so as long as its enclosed and with only other dogs and dog people I don't think theres a problem letting the dogs off the lead.
Yes a dog should be on a leash at all times because you can never trust other peoples dogs or things do happen where you need to control your dog.
Yes for his own protection even if he is a well trained dog he should be on leash during walks.... unleashed him if the place is conducive, comfortable and safe... I used to think that way, my peso "does not need to be on leashed he is a very smart dog, he will just follow me", but dogs are dogs, and I am an exagerrated thinker, or human to them, I was too scared with the idea the someone will just shot him because they were threatened...
Absolutely. I have heard about and seen too many so called well trained dogs run amok, attack and maul children and other dogs who are on a leash. For the safety of children and adults who might be around, dog owners should be more responsible about keeping their dogs under control at all times. I'm not saying all dogs might be a threat, but why take the chance. If the dog attacks someone it would be put down, so it's logical to keep pets on a leash in public places.
In answer to the question - yes.
Our dog is well trained. But she is not 100% safe. As much as we love her, as wonderful as her personality is, or even how gentle and loving she is (and she is!) to those that she knows ... she can be unpredictable when presented with a strange person/dog/situation.
This is related to the fact that in her previous life she neve really saw anything beyond her previous owner's garden.
We work hard with her, she really is very well trained. TBH, I cannot fault her in any other way. And the worst thing is - her one issue is given, caused, rather than it being in her nature.
That said, I'm fair sick of the amount of times people see us out and they look, think 'awww she's so cute' and come walking up to her, hand out, thinking they can just touch her. It's always a disaster.
Guess who always ends up apologising? She is a dog. You don't know her. She doesn't know you. Dogs are not people. Another dog would never hurriedly walk into the space of another dog univited - unless aggression was involved. And certainly never from above - any of which can trigger most dogs into the flight/fight/or freeze mode.
Anyway, my ten cents. Dog leashes are good. And please don't pet our dog. She's scared of you
Where I live, there are leash laws. A dog off-leash leaves you susceptible to a fine, or worse. We're not a super-congested community, but there are enough dogs that when one is off-leash he could pose problems for residents and their dogs. I've seen it happen too many times.
As others have said, no matter how well-trained, a dog is a dog. If your community has leash laws, then it's best to abide by them. If you don't abide by them, you risk friction from your neighbors at the least, a fine or even a law suit at the worst.
Communities with leash laws often have dog parks where dogs can do their thing. Take them off the leash there.
Well, my dogs never go out unless they are leashed. We do have leash laws in my city.
However, I have taken note, and know certain dogs that belong to my neighbors who are sometimes out on their front lawn with no leash, with the owner nearby or within earshot. This includes a boxer, a miniature schnauzer, and a dalmation mix.
I'm certainly not going to tell my neighbors they need to keep their dogs leashed. I would if their dog was unfriendly or threatening. Three years ago, a dog got out and attacked my prior dog who I was out walking with, and I did call Animal Control.
My miniature schnauzer reacts much better to dogs that are off-leash. When she sees one being walked on a leash, she yaps wildly, like she is insecure. My dog does great at dog parks and at "Doggie Day Camp."
But, should dogs be on a leash? Yes, they should.
No. Dogs with the proper training should not be required to be on a leash. I heal all of my dogs off leash. They are better behaved when off leash than on leash. This is because my dogs tend to get lazy and rely on the leash to tell them what to do. When off leash, they need a lot of self control and need to pay close attention to me to walk by my side. This establishes a great deal of predictability.
There are people who will say, "Well what about that one dog in a thousand? Are you willing to let that happen?" Yes I am. If I didn't want any risk in my life, I would curl up in a blanket at home diddle on the Internet all day. Life is full of risk. The risk of a dog biting inappropriately is something that can be controlled almost 100%. Most will likely vehemently disagree with this, but that is fine. All I'm doing is relating my experiences and opinions.
I'm not talking about letting my dogs wander about without supervision. I always have them under control whether that is by verbal, leash, fence, or other method.
As far as dogs being unpredictable, they are as unpredictable as the owners are ignorant. Saying that no matter how good a dog is trained, a dog is still a dog is just an excuse. Having grown up around a great many animals, I can attest that there is always a reason when a dog bites, and that reason is almost always the owner. Dogs are easy to blame and it is extraordinarily hard to take ownership for our actions. Blaming dogs is only a reflection of our inability to properly train our dogs. Putting a leash on a dog is a symptomatic solution that avoids the core problem- the owner.
Having said that, almost all dogs should be on a leash. A good many people that own dogs probably shouldn't own one, and the few that can care for a dog properly, should still use a leash because of their limited training abilities, or as many call it, the "unpredictability" of dogs.
I think they should always be on a leash! I've had several dogs and all of them were very well trained and stayed right with me... but it's a matter of "what if".
One thing you have to remember... there is always a chance that something could trigger your animal to run... or even bite someone. There are cases where dog's have been easy-going and never bitten before and all of the sudden they bite someone out of the blue! You would hate if your animal had to be put down because of your ingorance!!!
And I've also heard of a dog that was accused of being in on a attack on a child when the owner had the dog on a leash! The owner never allowed the dog off the least and this saved his animal's life!
Putting your animal on a leash protects you, other people, and your dog's life!
They should always be leashed unless in a dog park or dog beach or some other place designated for off leash pets. This is not only to protect others, but you and your pets as well. There is a lot of liability involved if your pet hurts someone, or even another pet. Important topic here.
My dog is off leash in dog parks and permitted nature/rural areas and has never come to or caused any harm. I don't think absolute, no-acception rules make much sense. My dog would hate hill walking on a 6 ft leash when he could be walking freely beside me.
I think even trained dogs need to be leashed if you are walking them in places where there are potentially untrained humans around. In those places, the leash keeps the dog safe as much as it does people.
I think all dogs,even well trained ones,should remain on a leash.Anything could go wrong.I personally would be heart broken if my dog were to get into a fight with another dog or even hit by a car. I believe its a smart idea for the owner and pet. It saves medical bills for everyone and even fines.
I believe that dogs (even well trained ones) should be kept on a leash at all times. It is both for their own protection and the protection of others. You never know when they are going to be spooked by something or when their attention is diverted. The dog can easily run out into the street and in harms way of a car or other moving vehicle.
I have learned the hard way this lesson and almost lost my beloved dog. She was on a walk without her leash attached in an open quiet area, something that we did often as she never left our side. A small creature scurried past, caught her eye, and she took chase. The next thing I know, we hear a splash and discover she has fallen into a small pond and can barely stay above water. Thank goodness she was rescued, but the situation could have been worse.
All dogs should be leashed, I have 2 Presa Canario's and when we go out I hate it when someone else doesn't have their dog on a leash and when it see's us runs up to us...My dogs are leashed for a reason so that I have control over them...An unleashed dog has no control why should I be responsible for other people's dogs...The bully breeds already have a bad name and I'm a responsible dog owner but it comes with a price, I usually just yell at the person to get their dog and to consider leashing it cause if my dogs get a hold of it there won't be much left of it...This would not be my fault there's signs everywhere that say all dogs must be leashed, frankly I think the people that don't leash their dogs are just uncaring dog owners and don't give a dam about anyone else or their dog...We weight pull with up to 100 pitbulls sometimes more depending on the event and there is a 3 foot rule, and all dogs must me leashed or crated, if you break these rules your gone...I just can't stress enough how I hate other people's unleashed dogs coming up to us, dogs are unpredictable no matter how well trained they are - just ask a cop about his partner (the dog) and they will tell you the same thing...
Yes, to be on the safe side, use a leash. Better safe than sorry is my motto.
I'm just wondering if anyone knows the name of the
lead/leash that Victoria Stilwell from "it's me or the dog show" uses.
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