What's the Best Thing That Happened to You Today?

Jump to Last Post 1-49 of 49 discussions (126 posts)
  1. marisuewrites profile image58
    marisuewritesposted 15 years ago

    I thought it would be uplifting, to hear remarks about the best thing in our day...or any day.

    For me, I reached a new goal at work, I'm going out to dinner with Hubby and Middle Son, we'll eat burgers and listen to some live music....and it's a beautiful day, even if I am in Florida.  LOL 

    And, my dog loves me.

    So, what's your story??

    1. sheenarobins profile image61
      sheenarobinsposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Mine was getting 21 followers on Twitter when I only had two yesterday and my traffic rising in wordpress. LOL

      1. marisuewrites profile image58
        marisuewritesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        anyone remember that song besides me?  Please say yes...I'm aging here...

        Absolutely wonderful, congratulations, succes is measure in inches and it's great to notice it along the journey.  I wish you continued success!!

        Another day, another story:  For me, I reached still yet another goal at work...and my husband got the expected and desired call he needed from Oklahoma to help us reach personal goals...I'm so happy and felt 2 tons of stress leave my shoulders...Now to work on the other 14 tons.  "Ya load 16 tons, and whaddya get...another day older and deeper in debt..." 
        Tennessee Ernie Ford Song....xxxx years ago.  smile) yes, before my time, ahem, but I still like it.

        1. sheenarobins profile image61
          sheenarobinsposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          LOL. I badly need the followers for an upcoming project that's why. Yours is a sensible happiness. My dog will jump up and down tonight when he sees me and that takes away all the stress at least. smile

          1. marisuewrites profile image58
            marisuewritesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            The love of a pet is the ultimate reward...ours waits either at the door, or greets us with wags as waits at the top of the stairs, and when we begin the climb, he runs down cuz he just can't wait for the hug....such joy.

    2. Benson Yeung profile image76
      Benson Yeungposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I removed an irritating stone from a seaman's bladder at 2 AM so that he could head home with his mates at 11 AM rather than stayed in Hong Kong all by himself. That makes me feel good.

    3. profile image0
      shreekrishnaposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      i got a good traffic to my hub tody ,

      not high but fair traffic.

      1. marisuewrites profile image58
        marisuewritesposted 15 years agoin reply to this
  2. SweetiePie profile image78
    SweetiePieposted 15 years ago

    Reading some very good hubs today was a pleasure.

    1. marisuewrites profile image58
      marisuewritesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I agree, hubs is always a fun read!!

  3. Tom Rubenoff profile image84
    Tom Rubenoffposted 15 years ago

    I had the pleasure of communication with hubber poets Frieda Babley and Randy Behavior.  Otherwise I dragged my butt to work and drudged away.

    1. marisuewrites profile image58
      marisuewritesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Yep, everyday has its routine drudgery!! 

      I am hoping this forum, concentrating on the best of our day, will stay positive....we'll show 'em!!

  4. Colebabie profile image60
    Colebabieposted 15 years ago

    I went to lunch with friends to celebrate one of their birthdays. I'm going to see Earth tonight. And my friend gave me all of her GRE books (worth like $200) to help me study. smile

    1. marisuewrites profile image58
      marisuewritesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      That sounds like a good day....oooo Earth!!   terrific I bet!!  glad to hear you had a great day!!

  5. profile image49
    badcompany99posted 15 years ago

    I dreamt I had died then I woke up !

    1. marisuewrites profile image58
      marisuewritesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I'm glad you woke up!!  some dreams are best left in dreamland...

  6. R. Blue profile image60
    R. Blueposted 15 years ago

    I agree with badcompany...just waking up is great...no dirt in my face today!!!

    1. marisuewrites profile image58
      marisuewritesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Yep, a day with nothing going wrong is a good day in my life...tho' rare.  LOL

      The moon over Tampa this morning was a tiney little quarter with a silver star at the lower tip....absolutely loverly

  7. Maryke van Rensbu profile image61
    Maryke van Rensbuposted 15 years ago

    We are having elections in South Africa and the best thing happening is that the current ruling party is not doing as well as they were hoping.

    1. marisuewrites profile image58
      marisuewritesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Maryke van Rensbu, You know, our country has "been there, done that" sooo I wish you good luck with your own vote!!  ever onward...

  8. Princessa profile image77
    Princessaposted 15 years ago

    I discovered a new lovely white wine smile and visited a "fromagerie" with some of the best goat cheese I've had in ages!

    1. Ivorwen profile image67
      Ivorwenposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Sounds wonderful!

      I rearranged my kitchen counters today.  It made the whole house feels so much nicer.

      1. marisuewrites profile image58
        marisuewritesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        I love a clean kitchen and wine and goat cheese....oh my I'm drooling...

  9. Dame Scribe profile image57
    Dame Scribeposted 15 years ago

    I make a couple soldiers smile by email, smile they love my emails tongue lol big_smile

    1. marisuewrites profile image58
      marisuewritesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Dame, that's wonderful!!

  10. Earl S. Wynn profile image77
    Earl S. Wynnposted 15 years ago

    My boss told me he didn't need me to work on Friday!

    I picked classes out for my next semester at State (Fall '09), and it looks like my schedule is gonna rock!

    1. marisuewrites profile image58
      marisuewritesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I'm glad and good luck with those classes!!

  11. Rochelle Frank profile image92
    Rochelle Frankposted 15 years ago

    I got my 300 fan medal!  Dropped my expensive cell phone service, sorted out a lot of stuff to recyle, also got some laundry vacuuming and closet cleaning done.  An accomplished day.
    (Is tomorrow Sunday?)

  12. princessMAR profile image61
    princessMARposted 15 years ago

    i published my first hub!!!

    1. Ivorwen profile image67
      Ivorwenposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Congratulations!  It's fun, isn't it.  smile

      1. marisuewrites profile image58
        marisuewritesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        yeaaaaaa  I'll go read it!! smile)

    2. profile image0
      Esther Selmanposted 15 years agoin reply to this


      My best thing is a bouquet of orange flowers.

      While I was working at home Monday, the receptionist told me that I had received flowers. I love flowers, but these just made me wonder. My partner is on a tough deadline, and it was highly unlikely he would be running off to the florist. So who could the flowers be from? And how would I explain them to Tom? I even rehearsed a little speech in case they were from Carlos (that's another story). Today, I found out they were from a business client who was happy with my work. Beautiful flowers and no complications!

      1. marisuewrites profile image58
        marisuewritesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        that's wonderful, enjoy the aroma and beauty and may it happen many more times...smile)

  13. Teresa McGurk profile image60
    Teresa McGurkposted 15 years ago

    I got an award for being me.

    1. Rochelle Frank profile image92
      Rochelle Frankposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      And you got it with one hand tied behind your back, so to speak.
      Well deserved! No one can do it(being you) as well as you.

      1. marisuewrites profile image58
        marisuewritesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        I echo, Rochelle!!!

      2. Teresa McGurk profile image60
        Teresa McGurkposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        What cracks me up is that they couldn't think of a category to put me in ("Most Addled Professor of English" or "Professor Most Likely To Lose Her Mind" -- you know, something like that).

    2. earnestshub profile image73
      earnestshubposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Well in that case it is well deserved! You are worth an award for being you.

    3. marisuewrites profile image58
      marisuewritesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Well deserved, it's great to be able to be yourself and have it recognized!!  Congrats!! smile)

  14. Lissie profile image75
    Lissieposted 15 years ago

    I  woke up to several emails telling me about commissions I'd earned while asleep- I love that!

    1. marisuewrites profile image58
      marisuewritesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Now, I would love that to happen to me!!!  Happy for you, though!!  Want a student?  smile)

  15. accofranco profile image85
    accofrancoposted 15 years ago

    My dad just replaced my old car with a clean fairly used 2008 Volkswagen Passat today and i am alive to witness today, what a great thing.

    1. marisuewrites profile image58
      marisuewritesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Excellent!  It's a good year for the Volkswagen!!  I know you'll enjoy it...Man, I love hearing all these good things!! smile)

  16. rancidTaste profile image63
    rancidTasteposted 15 years ago

    I find great joy here...

    smile smile smile

    1. marisuewrites profile image58
      marisuewritesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks, rancid, we all need a little good news, don't we!!  smile)

  17. Choke Frantic profile image57
    Choke Franticposted 15 years ago

    WOW this is a great topic! I love the idea since it's a really good way for people to reflect upon and acknowledge the positive things in their life - something I need.

    Well, I published my second hub today and bought some much-needed hair dye, which I shall be applying as soon as I stop procrastinating.

    1. marisuewrites profile image58
      marisuewritesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Choke, that's funny!!  I'm for all the color we can get!  smile) I bet it will look beautiful, what's the color?

      1. Choke Frantic profile image57
        Choke Franticposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Well, procrastinating is what I do best =]
        It;s a deep red and ultraviolet purple!

        1. marisuewrites profile image58
          marisuewritesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Ok, now i'm choking!!!  (teasing)  color is my best friend...I use it everywhere home, hair, bed, clothing,  flowers....smile)  If u like it, others will too.

  18. petersm169 profile image60
    petersm169posted 15 years ago

    Sunshine! I always feel great when I get a chance to get outside during a busy day and enjoy the sun. It is a pretty infrequent occurrence this time of year (due to work load and the weather).

    1. marisuewrites profile image58
      marisuewritesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Sunshine is good for us and DOES BRING cheer....I, too, spend way too much time indoors.  Enjoy!! smile

  19. flamingoes profile image59
    flamingoesposted 15 years ago

    Today someone just missed me.....  ;-)

    1. marisuewrites profile image58
      marisuewritesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      awww, that made me tear up, I'm so glad you had that experience, it's wonderful to be needed.

  20. Choke Frantic profile image57
    Choke Franticposted 15 years ago

    Well, it'll be a new day in around 10 minutes so I'll write this anyway: just sold a pair of handmade coontails on eBay ^___^ So proud!

    1. marisuewrites profile image58
      marisuewritesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      "show me the money" is always a good thing.  smile

  21. Cris A profile image60
    Cris Aposted 15 years ago

    It rained the whole day. I'm happy when it rains. That's a good thing...I think cool

    1. marisuewrites profile image58
      marisuewritesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Cris A, I am one who Loves the rain as well.  Thunder, lightning, all excite me, as long as I'm safe...it cleans the air, and life...smile

      1. Cris A profile image60
        Cris Aposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        I love all that and the sense of freshness and renewal afterwards. Sigh cool

        1. marisuewrites profile image58
          marisuewritesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          I do too, and I love to watch it rain, as I sit by the window or on the porch and vegetate with hot/iced tea.

          1. Cris A profile image60
            Cris Aposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            Ahhh a girl after my own heart! I go out on the terrace with a hot cuppa coffee and a cig, a chair and a foot stool. And i would even have the rain bathe my feet! cool

            1. marisuewrites profile image58
              marisuewritesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

              Knowing how and when to vegg, renews the spirit and heart....way to go!!  smile

              I'm really enjoying this thread and the response!!!

              1. Sally's Trove profile image94
                Sally's Troveposted 15 years agoin reply to this

                For me, adding the rain-loving doggie to the porch makes it perfect.  It rained this AM, doggie and I went out on the porch to enjoy the soft sounds and let ourselves float along random thoughts...no cig for her, though (just for me).  A perfect morning.

                1. marisuewrites profile image58
                  marisuewritesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

                  sounds so peaceful and the very reason i love the soft rains the bestest!!  smile

  22. accofranco profile image85
    accofrancoposted 15 years ago

    I am alive to witness today.

    1. marisuewrites profile image58
      marisuewritesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, feels good, eh?  smile

  23. JamaGenee profile image77
    JamaGeneeposted 15 years ago

    So far, the coffee maker works, same for the nuker, and I can get online. 

    Life is GOOD!  lol lol lol

    1. marisuewrites profile image58
      marisuewritesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I hear that!!  I like it when things "work!"  smile

  24. Colebabie profile image60
    Colebabieposted 15 years ago

    It is my boyfriend and I's 4 year anniversary!!! We can't celebrate until tomorrow because I have an organic chem final to study for... but I don't care!!! smile

    1. JamaGenee profile image77
      JamaGeneeposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Congrats on the anniversary, and good luck on the final!

      1. Colebabie profile image60
        Colebabieposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you so much! smile I need all the luck I can get.

        1. marisuewrites profile image58
          marisuewritesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Good luck on the test, preparation takes away the stress, I know you'll do it! smile

  25. K.D. Clement profile image69
    K.D. Clementposted 15 years ago

    I have been tutoring my daughter who has had troubles with dyslexia. Today we had a reading breakthrough.

    1. marisuewrites profile image58
      marisuewritesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I know you're both thrilled, when it "clicks" with a student, it's a moment of excellence!!!   I celebrate with you and wish for you many more moments just like that!

  26. lawretta profile image55
    lawrettaposted 15 years ago

    I stayed home and watched TV.I am recovering from a surgery.

    1. Princessa profile image77
      Princessaposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Take care and a prompt recovery smile

    2. marisuewrites profile image58
      marisuewritesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      get some rest, and enjoy and be pain free...good wishes for you!!! smile

  27. Princessa profile image77
    Princessaposted 15 years ago

    gardening with the children smile

    1. marisuewrites profile image58
      marisuewritesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      awww that sounds wonderful...did you get to sneak anything fresh off the vine, yet? smile

      1. Princessa profile image77
        Princessaposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        lol not today; today was "flower day".  The boy found a new friend, "Alexandre" the earth warm, and the girl adopted a new "baby": Cesar the Lizard !!!

        1. marisuewrites profile image58
          marisuewritesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          that's great!!  all involved with nature...wonderful times!

        2. lawretta profile image55
          lawrettaposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Thanks Princessa and marisuewrites,you ladies are wonderful

  28. trish1048 profile image69
    trish1048posted 15 years ago

    Let's see.  I did a fairly thorough cleaning of my workspace, got rid of tons of paper.  My work is caught up.  And, I talked to my best friend today.  That always makes for a good day smile

    1. marisuewrites profile image58
      marisuewritesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      sounds like a good day of accomplishment, making the world go round!!  good for you!!!  smile

  29. GeneriqueMedia profile image61
    GeneriqueMediaposted 15 years ago

    I woke up. Way to start the day. wink

    And I got a new hub finished...and some revising done on my novel.


    1. marisuewrites profile image58
      marisuewritesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      that sounds like wonderful progress, and being grateful for each day is an impressive habit, way to go!!!  I'll borrow that from you occasionally!! smile

  30. SeSharer profile image62
    SeSharerposted 15 years ago

    For me, one of my seniors in office pointed some shortages of mine, and let me know how o do in the coming days.

    I believe that I can improve a lot in the near future. lol

    1. marisuewrites profile image58
      marisuewritesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      You are wise to take constructive criticism so well.  That is so difficult for us all!!   good for you!! smile

  31. Lisa HW profile image62
    Lisa HWposted 15 years ago

    Someone gave me some coral colored roses; but also, I got to be out in the Spring-evening rain and enjoy the fresh air.

  32. mandybeau profile image59
    mandybeauposted 15 years ago

    Set a rubbish fire and for the first time ever did not have the smoke go in my direction.

    1. marisuewrites profile image58
      marisuewritesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      now that sounds like a good thing....i wonder why smoke follows us?  seems that way...smile

  33. Ivorwen profile image67
    Ivorwenposted 15 years ago

    Yesterday, my nine year old son and I had a major break-through in his abilities to read and understand language!  I will be writing about it soon.

    1. marisuewrites profile image58
      marisuewritesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I think that's excellent, your labor is rewarded.  Write on!

  34. Zsuzsy Bee profile image85
    Zsuzsy Beeposted 15 years ago

    What really made my day is that I was able to come home from hospital this morning and accept the old tickers warning that life in not to be taken for granted.

    But best part of all is not having to hide the laptop from those nosey nurses anymore who kept me from regular visits to my real home, here on hubpages. After all 7 or 8 posting here in two weeks is worse then none at all.

    I missed you all sooooooooooooo much.

    1. Ivorwen profile image67
      Ivorwenposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Glad to have you back!

    2. marisuewrites profile image58
      marisuewritesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      OOOO  Zsuzsy, we're glad you're ok, welcome back and best wishes for continued good health!!

      1. Zsuzsy Bee profile image85
        Zsuzsy Beeposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks Marisue this tough old bird is on the mend.

    3. Teresa McGurk profile image60
      Teresa McGurkposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Glad you're back.  (I know what you mean about missing HP, too.)

      1. Zsuzsy Bee profile image85
        Zsuzsy Beeposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Theresa I did read about your busted arm. I hope its mending well and not causing you too much trouble.
        regards Zsuzsy

  35. Zsuzsy Bee profile image85
    Zsuzsy Beeposted 15 years ago

    I woke up today...to a beautiful blue sunny sky and about 20 or so Canada Geese squacking in the front yard. Oh Finally spring is here.
    To great new beginnings


    1. marisuewrites profile image58
      marisuewritesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      That sounds "simply" great!  We have a mother crane and two babies in the pasture across the street....they are so funny to watch!!  smile

  36. LondonGirl profile image80
    LondonGirlposted 15 years ago

    We were all in the park, and Isaac rushed over, threw his arms round me, said, "I love you, Mummy" and ran off again.

    1. Teresa McGurk profile image60
      Teresa McGurkposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Dang -- spontaneous bursts of joy from kids are the best.  Cool, LG, way cool.

      1. JamaGenee profile image77
        JamaGeneeposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        That's a big ditto from me, LG! cool

        1. marisuewrites profile image58
          marisuewritesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Always the best part of any day....sweetness!!

      2. LondonGirl profile image80
        LondonGirlposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        It was lovely (-:

  37. DonnaCSmith profile image83
    DonnaCSmithposted 15 years ago

    photographing my beautiful grand daughter and her boyfriend in their prom finery.

    1. marisuewrites profile image58
      marisuewritesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      awww   sweet times and memories.  May they stay safe....

  38. profile image59
    logic,commonsenseposted 15 years ago

    My best friend found a job!

    1. marisuewrites profile image58
      marisuewritesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      a job is wonderful!!  we all celebrate that!!

  39. profile image56
    prince1244posted 15 years ago

    Visited my grandmother, it made her day.

    1. marisuewrites profile image58
      marisuewritesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      yes, and we should all remember our older family members....good for you.

      for me, today I had a great visit and meal with 2 of my sons....we ate at a restaurant on the beach, with a nearby pool, and it was crowded but the people were well-mannered and the food was great.  Soft breeze, sunshine and those I love all in a good mood.  It could all go to hell tomorrow, but today was beautiful.

  40. marisuewrites profile image58
    marisuewritesposted 15 years ago

    You will project that "I feel good" chemistry to others, and that's a great gift to them...smile  keep the faith and way to go!! smile)

  41. frogdropping profile image76
    frogdroppingposted 15 years ago

    A random guy just helped me carry an incredibly heavy bottle of gas. Not good but great.

  42. MotherHubber profile image61
    MotherHubberposted 15 years ago

    I posted my first "HubMob" hub, and I started working on a book proposal. . .finally!

  43. RGraf profile image91
    RGrafposted 15 years ago

    When I came home from a long trip my children, my husband, and my dog ran to see who could hug me first (the dog was faster)

    1. marisuewrites profile image58
      marisuewritesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Rgraf, that's too cute...my dog often wins too!!

  44. Kelsey Tallis profile image63
    Kelsey Tallisposted 15 years ago

    My author score finally hit 75! big_smile

    Edit: Well, it was a moment ago, lol!

    1. marisuewrites profile image58
      marisuewritesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I know, the scores are fleeting, but it's nice to hit a high one!!!

  45. petersm169 profile image60
    petersm169posted 15 years ago

    Attended a picnic with friends. Nice weather, good food and even better friends :-)It was almost like a mini-vacation.

    1. marisuewrites profile image58
      marisuewritesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Lovely, I haven't been on a picnic in years!!   yummmm good food, great gab, and maybe a walk or a nap?  smile

  46. Eldritch Elegy profile image60
    Eldritch Elegyposted 15 years ago

    I had time to reply to old comments and e-mails despite my two-week-old (and I've still spent my quality time with her).

    Also, I ordered my mother's Mother's Day gift, and that made me happy.

    1. marisuewrites profile image58
      marisuewritesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      sounds like a wonderful day!!  I remember my kids when they were infants, nothing any sweeter than that bonding!!

  47. Lisa HW profile image62
    Lisa HWposted 15 years ago

    So far, nothing more than a good cup of coffee.  It's just after 6:00 a.m., and the day is young.

    1. marisuewrites profile image58
      marisuewritesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      that's a good start, and hopefully, it went up from there!! smile)

  48. kbdunn profile image59
    kbdunnposted 15 years ago

    I found some great hubs that saved me money at Barnes and Noble. Free information is always nice, especially if it is written well!

  49. Darker Passages profile image61
    Darker Passagesposted 15 years ago

    No bills in the mailbox today.  Always a relief.


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