How much time do you spend on Hub Pages each day?
I don't mean on the computer or the Internet, just Hub Pages....reading, writing, whatever.
I don't keep track, but definitely hours. When I am getting an article ready, I usually spend a few hours on that, but even when I'm not, I spend quite a bit of time (scattered throughout the day) on HubPages.
Some of my hubs alone take me six to eight hours, not all in one day but added to the rest, I'm here a lot!
That's a tough one, Mary. if we are counting the writing of the hub, and comments, I guess two to three hours per day. I tend to write all my hubs for the week on Mondays...that's my hub day....and then I just post one per day the rest of the week....anyway, I figure it must be closer to three hours per day rather than two.
Really? I would've thought more for you Bill since you write so many good hubs and seem to comment on this question.
Two to three easily, but my frustration level is pushing me towards moving on to Blogs where I am The Lord of what I write as opposed to HP who is really developing a God complex.
Mad Don
I get off and on throughout the day. Answering and asking questions. Of course, I am on longer if I'm writing.
Hi Mary!
I would say two to three hours per day as well, more sometimes if publishing a new hub. Good question...
I just wondered if I was the only one always on the computer
A day on which I write a Hub, I'd estimate 6-8 hours; this includes writing, publishing, taking pictures if necessary, promoting, thinking, jotting down notes; so that would be an involved hub, too. Some of that is done on other days too. But sounds like a good average. Probably most days, however, I might spend 3-4 hours; commenting, forums, reading, maybe some of those other things I mentioned before, etc. These are very rough estimates, but they are what seems reasonable when I think about the time and work I put in.
Your time on HP sounds a little bit more l ike mine.
It all depends on the hub. I try to write exclusives in my genre, and those tend to be a bit more tricky than if I came up with my own title. I've just started writing for HP in January, so it's only been two months. Currently, I have two days carved out for writing hubs with 2-3 hours penciled in. It does take me longer than that on some days, especially if I'm doing research. If I don't finish in my 2-3 hours allotted, I then spend some of my free time in the evenings and weekends finishing up. I'm trying to write 8-10 hubs per month. I hope as I get more use to having HP in my daily schedule, I will be organized and the words will flow much easier. However, I do come in to HP for enjoyment at other times to read questions like yours.
That's what happens, you keep coming back. Thanks for reading and answering my question!
I spend several hours a day on Hubpages. In between hopping hubs, reading following hubs, writing hubs, and in the forums, I spend a lot of time on hubpages. One might say that I'm addicted.
For getting a hub published about an hour. However, it doesn't mean that it takes me an hour to write a hub. I use the old fashioned ournal where I write down everything I want to write about-which could be a couple of hours. Then when I have time I get it typed out on my word program and then published. I can't even think about how long I sped on hub pages reding through other peoples hubs and answering questions. I would say 2-3 hours a day on my days off. I try not to be on all the time since I have other things to do, since I have a family and am doing several Bible Studies. However, if I get accepted in the apprenticeship program, I am going to have to make some sacrifices.
I know it must be hard with a family. The apprentice program will definitely keep you busy.
Back in 2005-2006 I got my Master's Degree in Business through the University of Phoenix and that kept me busy working F/T on a swing shift with 75 mile commute each way. Familar with the sacrifices that I need to make. Plus work steady nites now
Nearly every day I at least take a look at Hubpages. Sometimes it's a half-hour or so just answering the questions pages. Other time's I could be on for half a day or more. My view of late is: more time than it's worth.
Why? The amount of readership. The rewards have probably already come from the actual satisfactions of writing. Placing the Hub is simply a formality and a hope that someone will actually read what's written.
When you see how many Hubs the automatic system has placed as not worth the weight, one can get discouraged. It is only questions of this type by other Hubbers that keep the system going, I suspect...
Keeping each other going is what keeps the system going. Support.
I really don't keep track, but if I had to guess I would say at least 3 to 4 hours a day.
The easier question would be how much time do you not spend on HubPages each day? My boyfriend probably thinks I’m having an online affair and my kids forgot what I look like. No I’m just kidding, but I have to admit I’m super addicted. I don’t think I’ve had more than 4 hours of sleep any night since I started. I just started and I want to start off on the right foot. I want to explore other people’s hubs, I want to create my own. I feel responsible to correspond with people or hubs that I am notified about, which can be quite consuming. I also have to admit that my REFRESH button is probably worn out because I am frequently checking numbers, numbers, numbers. Can you stay on top of your game here if you are not dedicating serious amounts of time?
Good morning, Cantuhearmescream. I am also a newbie and joined the Apprenticeship program. Sign up for it, as you will most definitely get a lot from it and be rewarded.
I was interested in the Apprenticeship but it is "on hold" :-(. Congrats to you though! I was actually looking into finding out if there might be some kind of an idea when they might accept applications again. I don't want to miss the window.
Oh, I didn't know that it was on hold. The Apprenticeship program is for 6 months. I don't know if they have more than one group. My group has 15 apprentices. It started in January, so maybe it will begin in July??? It is an awesome program.
I was extremely interested. What I read was they are reviewing the program to see if they can make any improvements that would benefit both apprentices and the HP community. I really don't want to wait, I feel like I'm ready now, I'm super eager.
To stay in the program, I have to write 8 hubs per month. My goal is to get 2 hubs per week done, and I spend about 4-6 hours/wk on them. I think it will be less as I get more efficient. I get paid for each hub (up to 15 per month) which is nice. :-)
That sounds so great and they guide you along the way, correct? Do they ask you to write about particular topics or is it up to the individual author?
They definitely guide and build on that guidance each month. They encourage you to pick Exclusives for topics, but you can get approval for your own. There are many Exclusives in different genres, so you should be able to find what you want.
I know what you mean. With me though its checking comments and follower's hubs...I can't walk by the computer without stopping to check.
Awesome, I'm looking forward to my chance to get in. Thanks.
Absolutely! I feel guilty going to bed, waking up to 9 comment notifications and scrambling to make sure you get to them before anymore poor in.
As the song goes, "you've only just begun" ..
This is a very good question. I would say if it's a day I am publishing a hub ( and I try for 3 hubs per week) I am on 3 - 4 hours. But on dam not publishing...1 to 2 hours just to check in, read newly published hubs of people I am following, and I enjoy hub hopping from time to time. I also like to check my stats in terms of earning every day, so I am in and out of Hub Pages a lot each day.
In and out a lot each day pretty much says it for me too!
When I'm not writing a hub, I spend at least 2 hours a day answering my comments, commenting on other hubs, and interacting with the forums and questions and answers. When I write hubs, I'm on HP 3-5 hours per day.
It's addictive. Isn't it, Paul? I love it!
Its hard not to check in and see how things are doing, how many comments you have...that's what I look for most.
More time than I should:) (Dishes piled up in the sink, bed unmade, dog begging for a walk.) I would probably estimate about 4 hrs to comment, reply to comments, hopping hubs, reviewing notices and checking out forums. I try to spend time each day on writing a hub and revising sleepers. I like visiting the learning center too - there's so much to learn.
Ha, I feel ya. It's one of those; "yeah, I'll take care of that in just a couple minutes" kind of thing, next thing you know you lost an hour of the day. Wrinkled clothes in the dryer, getting kid up for school 15 minutes late and no more al dente!
LOL... sounds like me. I don't think I've cooked since I've been on HubPages. I'm kind of liking the hubby cooking for once. (Hehehe!)
Is there any frustration in your house because HP pulls you away?
I know, one hour turns into two and then before I know it its been three or four!
Actually, I'm trying to get a grip on my schedule. Like with anything new, I can become obsessed. So, I have to limit my time. However, if the hubby gets on his laptop at night, that's my cue for leisurely time in the hubs. LOL.
I guess it's a good thing to have 2 computers in the home ;-) My family has been patient, but I feel bad when the man of the home has to start dinner because I haven't gotten to it (though it is a nice treat).
I know, I always set out to just spend an that ever happened!
Two to three hours a day. This does not include any time used when writing a new hub. I would probably spend more if I could. There is so much to read and it's necessary to balance out writing and reading, at least for me.
Definitely. If I don't read and make comments I feel guilty.
2-3 hours per day on hubpages. Most of the time answering 15 questions and hop hubbing 15 hubs per day too. That excludes starting a new hub!
Nearly 2 hours everyday. There are so many other things to do, besides this in the real world. I can not devote more than this time even if I want to. But when writing a hub, it usually takes 4 to 5 hours. But then other things suffer. I have found a solution however to this. I try to write and complete new hubs in two to three days.
Sounds like you have a sensible system going.
Definitely a few hours each day except after I have published a hub. Then I usually take a break for a day or so. If I am struggling to finish a hub then even longer than a few hours.
Really, a break? The only time I take a break is when we go to see my kids for the weekend and I'm not home....I really am addicted.
I usually spend on an average day 30 minutes. If it is a day in which I am adding a hub I might be on for 2 hours.
Wow. I admire you for beign able to only spend 30 minutes!!
Whether I'm "on HubPages" or just my computer is "on HubPages" are two different things. Unless I have reason not to, I most often have a window up for HubPages. I work from home, so if I have projects that I'm working on it breaks things up for me to pop on and off HP and see if anything new has shown up that interests me for a few minutes. I don't do anything on sites like Facebook or Google+, so HP makes a handy place where some "new little thing" might go on "in the outside world" that interests me.
When I don't have projects that I'm working on (or other stuff to do, work or not) I'll spend more than the throughout-the-day snippets of time on HubPages. I don't write many Hubs per month, but that's when I may use a couple of hours to write a Hub. OR, on a day when I've decided to "do nothing" and "just be a vegetable" I may come to the "Answers" section here and see what questions "inspire" me to come up with something. It's not quite the waste of time that it can seem, because sometimes I get ideas for writing something other than a Hub; and, if nothing else, I'll always save whatever answer I come up with in case I want to use it somewhere else for something. It's kind of my way of taking the occasional day off to "be a vegetable" while still having the possibility of getting ideas/inspiration for writing. On those "do-nothing" days I leave the HP window as the one where I spend more time and go back to other windows for that "scanning" for other interesting stuff or other stuff I might want to do.
So, in spite of the fact that my computer spends a lot of time with a window up for HubPages, and in spite of the fact that I generally pop on and off HubPages all through most days (at different times), I seldom spend much uninterrupted time on the site just writing Hubs (and with the new emphasis on Hubs aimed at search engines, rather than at humans who browse for reading I really don't do much Hub-reading at all these days. I do scan when I pop on or off HP, but finding reading is trickier these days).
So, in answer to the question: Sort of most of the time most days, but also pretty much no uninterrupted time ever these days. To further complicate things, my work load changes from one day/month to the next (which is, I guess, why I've settled into my very flexible "plan" of leaving the HP window open. (An alternative to looking out a "real world" window throughout the day. )
Not including actually writing a hub...just hubbing...I've cut my time down to 1-2 hours a day. Usually in increments of 10-15 minutes at a time or longer if time allows. Then again with my phone I could read hubs while sitting in traffic or standing in the check out line. Unless of course the rag mags at Publix or Target have exciting headlines then I'll read the National Enquirer. OK, I'm done. There goes my 10 minutes allotted for now. Good question Mary!
Ah ha, glad I could keep you here . I wish I had a smart phone!
I always intend it to not take too much of my time, but I just love reading what others have to say. Then when I write a hub and find or take photos to accompany it, it can take hours and hours - but, oh, the satisfaction when it is finished!
Well, I'm brand-new, so I'm not really sure yet. I guess so far a couple of hours per day, scattered here and there. I've only made four hubs, but each of those took me 2-4 hours. I'm not sure how to organize my time here, to be honest...I'm working on freelance writing, but I got a bit discouraged, and then found HubPages. I really don't expect to make any money here, but it's fun and low-pressure. It's like blogging, except you don't have to stick to a niche. I also wish that the apprenticeship program were still happening!
well I have only been on Hubpages for a couple a weeks now but i say i spend about 2-3 hours a day on it now.
I can assure you, the more you write and the more comments you get, the more time you will spend here! Welcome Lucky writer and Lauren.
From what I understood it is getting revamped and then will start up again. Have you heard something different?
Hopefully the apprentice program will be back, I think they are revising it, but not sure. Glad you are enjoying.
I'm new here but I think I spend around 1 to 2 hours a day. If I publish a new hub it would take me about 3 to 4 hours a day as English is not my mother tongue.
I commend you for taking on writing in another language, that's great!
tillsontitan: It works out to 99-78 = 21/99*100 = 21.212121212121212121212 % time less than spent by you
Well, let's see....I probably spend at least two hours a day. It seems to me that some Hubbers just have more hours in their day than I do. I'll never understand how some Hubbers have full time jobs, and yet they seem to be on HP far more often than me: writing, commenting, etc.
I am retired and have my days open and I guess I could send more time here, but I would miss working in the yard baking, and projects like do-it-yourself.
Someone asks me how money per hour I earn. Trust me, you don't want to know! It would be discouraging.
HP is my hobby now, because I just love being here with others who don't want to get rich quick?
Oh, in case you haven't read my Hub on being addicted to HP, check it out.
i use hub for my knowledge not to earn money
You're so right Mary. My husband keeps saying I make pennies a day, but I don't care either. Once the nice weather comes I will spend a little less time here as well.
Well, I spend about 3-4 hours everyday here. I am still figuring out how things work here on hubpages. But in short span of time, I have seen that community here is really engaging and helpful. I am exited to be a part of this awesome community..
Its great to have you here wowtgp! The community really is great and I'm seeing three to four hours is the norm.
I spend about an hour in the morning reading those items from my feed that interest me and commenting on most of them..cup of java in hand. This period gives me the opportunity to discover HP members I may have previously missed.
Later, after dinner usually, I check my email for latest HP notifications and read anything listed that strikes my fancy, since they are written by hubbers I follow. That usually takes the best part of an hour, too, and includes reading and making comments.
Any time I open the site and find that I have comments (I don't get a lot), I answer those immediately (and gladly), but that only takes minutes.
I don't publish as many hubs as others do (I'm still writing--mostly fiction--but with another end in mind), but when I do publish a non-fiction article, the various components of accomplishing it add a considerable amount of time to the total. I do most of my research online, outline in Word, write the article (also as a Word document to be cut-and-pasted in HP), find appropriate photos or illustrations, decide on the layout. I'd say all of that takes me four or five hours. (Ten or fifteen years ago, I could have done it in about half that amount of time, but I've slowed considerably.)
Anything indulged in to an extreme might be termed an addiction. While HubPages is undoubtedly enjoyable--both publishing and reading the work of other writers--there are other activities (including other forms of work) calling my name every day. I have to plan my time and diversify my energy. Most people do, even those retired from "regular" 8-5 jobs.
I spend 1 hours each day on my hub, i read few hub and hub pages give me knowledge.
Keeping active and in-touch is what helps in the long run.
Oh good, I'm glad that I read these comments! Basically, I'm addicted! I love to read what others are experiencing and writing about. I would guess that I'm on for a few hours, on & off all day. I like the community feeling here. I do, however, need to spend some time on my own page!
I spend about two to three hours,commenting,reading hubs and answering questions. My writing time is separate and that's prob three hours or more if I don't get distracted. Lately I've been logging on everyday as well.
It gets to be a habit, addiction, necessity, and just plain fun!
I spend about 3 to 4 hours a day when on break. When I'm in college I can only afford 30minutes a day as an Electrical Engineer major.
I'm amazed you can spend so much time being an EE major!
I can spend hours on Hub Pages, usually 3-5 if I'm writing a good hub or two, reading other interesting hubs, or strolling through the forums.
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by mega1 12 years ago
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