Looking for a way to try perfume with out a full commitment to a whole bottle. Scentbird may be the way to go. Tell them a little birdy SCENT you!
Daily devotions for spiritual growth and peace of mind.
If you ever smelled Angel then you may want to also try Alien. It's a unique perfume that will get you noticed, her is my review.
The benefits of using Yogi teas products.
Has our society warped us to the point of not knowing when love is real? Do you place a time frame on falling for a person?
Have you been ignoring the internal signals your body has been giving? Maybe it's time you stopped and listened.
This is a overview of my perfume collection. It's a collection of perfumes that I enjoy and ones that were inspired by watching Youtube videos.
Liquor is the beverage of choice for most individuals. In what ways do you drink liquor? Do you like the mixed drinks or would you rather have something straight up?
Find out what someone really means when they say "we can be friends" It's always useful to read in between the lines,everyone doesn't talk in a straight forward manner.
Do you have a collection of perfumes or colognes? Which ones bring you the most joy when you smell it?
Easter is approaching so of course the store is filled with Delicious and beautifully wrapped chocolates. Makes my mouth water to think about them. Here are a few of my all time favorite chocolates.
Have you ever watched a love story movie and said to yourself. "I want a love like that" Well here are a list of movies that will invoke that feeling.
These beautiful exotic plants are actually simple to care for, here are some tips for taking care of your orchid inside.
Beer is an alcohol that is sold world wide, what's your experience with beer?
Molly fish are amazing creatures, the live breeders have been known to change sex for various reasons.
What to do when your confused about life and what it has in store for you?
There are five love languages that we use to communicate with our lovers, to show them how and what they should know about us.
Alcohol comes in many forms, red wine is one that can be beneficial to you.
More ways to keep you engaged in being positive.
Good friends are hard to come by,so hold on to the good ones you have.
Do you watch the show Biggest Loser? Well what have you learned from watching the trainers at work? Lets examine the different styles they have.
When relationships go left,instead of right. How do you cope? Here are some tips along with great music to help you get through it.
Sometimes the world can get you down, here are some ways to keep a positive outlook on life.
How often do we use silence as a way to gain leverage or distance ourselves? Does it work and why?
What movies did you watch that scared the living day lights out of you? These top five may be on your list of movies that gave you goosebumps.
Are we capable of giving and receiving love? Let's explore the many possibilities of what it looks like and feels like.
Freedom of expression through poetry. Writing is a great release but we don't have to be formerly trained in the art to express ourselves. Take pieces of your life and create a poetry masterpiece.
Here today, gone tomorrow, it happens in a blink of the eye. Communication can make a huge difference when trying to get to know someone, but what happens when everything stops?