by Davinagirl3 15 years ago
I don't see the big deal. We are all naked under our clothes. What are your thoughts on the taboo of nudity in western civilization?
by Nicole Pellegrini 10 years ago
I have one art tutorial which was fine on Squidoo for 3+ years, but I'm wondering if it will be acceptable on HubPages because it features classical painting artistic nudity.It is a tutorial based around reproducing an old master painting, by Titian, talking about the grisaille technique. The...
by SweetiePie 16 years ago
My friend and fellow hubber found a hub that was very adult with nudity in it. I am just curious, I thought in the TOS that it said nudity was not allowed here at Hubpages.
by leeberttea 14 years ago
For adult content? Really? There is no nudity at all in that Hub. I respectfully request that the restriction be lifted. All the images were found on the web in spite of strict filters being imposed upon my search. There is nothing in that hub that anyone couldn't see on a magazine rack in the...
by Kyler J Falk 3 years ago
We all know that, "nude," is a form of art, but we also know that the rules for HubPages are typically against nudity, especially linking to it. At the same time, it is common to see articles on nude pieces, and typically those pieces are classic paintings. However, as we are in the...
by Mamelody 15 years ago
Well yesterday was a very interesting day. I was having lunch in a restaurant with my friend and as we chatted away, a naked man walked into the restaurant and ordered his meal. Of course people were looking but nobody dared asked him anything or confront him as he was a big fella, about 6'11 with...