This didn't seem worth starting a new thread on, so I thought I'd share my minor celebration here: 2 or 3 weeks ago I wrote a hub that went straight onto the first page of Google, had one click then disappeared the next day, and yesterday I noticed it was back there on the first page !! woohoo! ..... not sure how long it's been there but I haven't had any clicks or much traffic, presumably thats just because it doesn't have high traffic keywords? Right?
Also, how many backlinks do you reckon you need for your hubs to rank well on Google, or bring traffic or make money etc. How many will you use for this challenge? Just curious whether I'm on the right lines or if I need to do more.
It's easy to rank in teh number one spot in google, teh hard part is ranking number one in google for keywords that people are searching for!
Also remember to check your website rankings using a site such as since Google caches pages you visit as more relevant to your interests, so it might artificially place your page on Google.
Just checked, it's the same position on Scroogle. I think that the topic is just not very widely searched, so ye, the keywords are ranking high, but people aren't really searching for those keywords.
I have been using scroogle too it seems to give a more accurate ranking result.
Just found out Scroogle is gone, not available anymore.
As you know from reading my blog, it has always been my goal to achieve $3000 per month ($100 per day) online. I am not so concerned that it come from one Hub or many sources. In essence, I have always been part of this challenge. Unfortunately, it has taken a while to figure out exactly what may be required.
In the spirit of Misha, I have come to believe that backlinking is probably of paramount importance in achieving such a goal. The most wonderful content will earn nothing if not read. While I will continue to develop content, I need to spend more time linking and driving traffic. Too bad it is not as much fun as other online activities, but is a necessary task.
Yeah I've decided that backlinking is also a necessary evil. I stopped doing it as much after some hubbers said they make good money without it. Wow, when I stopped my traffic tanked. So I'm back to backlinking.
I think the Misha plan is to focus on a small number of hubs and link them hard.
I also fell for the old "I don't backlink and make lotsa money," line. My traffic increases the same day I start linking hard. Just my experience. So I have started linking again with results slowly showing up.
I know Keith. I just want to try to play in a different ballgame for a while. So I'm trying for a very competitive word, worth at least $5 to $10/click, that gets searched a lot. I figure we'll all do it a bit differently and see how it goes.
Good luck everybody! There are so many hubbers taking the challenge already that it would be impractical to wish good luck to every one in person - but this does not mean I don't. I wish you all make it, the sooner the better!
This will be a long journey. I'm a newbie, I hope I learn a lot from this. Count me in.
My first milestone will be in Dec 2010.
Welcome Andy, Garfield and everyone else.
I just finished my $100 Hub and have provided two backlinks from two of my websites. I'll report back at the first sign of google traffic.
How about the rest of you? Did you write a new hub or pick an existing one. Remember unlike the other challenges, I do think discretion is important, so I wouldn't recommend sharing keywords, hub names or anything that would identify it to others.
Thanks for the encouragement Misha! Let us know how your journey to $200/day is going!
That's really great Nelle. I might publish my $100 a day hub tomorrow may be under different identity to keep it anonymous. And I will follow your approach and keep reporting my organic traffic here.
Let's see if anyone can achieve this feat before Misha achieves $200 a day. That is my deadline, might be a very short one though;)
Hi Nelle, I plan to write a few related hubs.
Just finished the keywords research and start writing.
I haven't found the ticket, but I'll keep working on a set of keywords that would be worthy of such an exercise.
I may be one of the few people who doesn't mind backlinking. It's sort of mindless, but I think you have to be in the right mood to sit down and do it.
I believe that the hot summer months are a good time to do lots of backlinking. My brain doesn't work as well when it's stifling hot in Texas. I think my creativity takes a nosedive right about then.
Wow this is great, with so many hubbers participating it will be a fun experience, I will be looking forward to finding out what tips and techniques are discovered.
In the event that anyone is fairly fresh to this or isn't but is unsure about how to go about it in order to enhance the possibility of earning the magic $100 per hub you:
1. Research for a keyword/keyphrase - thoroughly. Check the competition, analyse it's potential for future earnings: don't just take a stab in the dark!
2. Write it - making sure you've optimized your hub on-page SEO wise.
3. Backlink. Backlink. Backlink.
Alternatively if you've already written a hub that has potential, use/promote that one instead - just head for #3 if everything else about the hub is great already
And so that the above is better explained, Misha's hubs:
Misha's: Backlink Tool On A Budget and Google Keyword Tool Redefined.
You can count me in too. I have commented in the past about my dismal earnings on Hubpages and I am so now inspired to change all that so I want to become a part of this.
I have chosen the topic I want to hub on. Of course it is - woman's stuff - as I can see thousands of keywords I can go for. I do not mind telling you, (besides, all you have to do is look at my profile for latest hubs and you will see what I am up to), so it is no secret.
I chose this criteria as a personal challenge. It is my crash or burn approach. I will target huge search engine competition, reasonable cpc and huge visitor numbers from the adwords traffic tool. I will use the keyword tool to find the highest cpc with the most traffic and will write on that keyword.
I will make this a break it or bust it approach. I will rely on the power of Hubpages to get high search engine rankings and deep link each new hub on woman's stuff.
I am sure, no I am positive, if I write enough hubs, then surely I will hit that one, that one gem that will make me succeed in Misha's challenge.
I thought I might start things off my saying what I plan to do for my hubpages and trying to get traffic to each one. Maybe others could share their techniques.
I will take my hubpage url's one by one and submit them to one social bookmark a day. That is I will submit one page to Fave It on day 1 and then my other hubpage to Dropjack on day 1 etc..
I will rotate the social bookmark sites each day so I do not leave any footprints and can keep on top of changing the descriptions and times in a day I have bookmarked.
That to me seems totally natural human behaviour. I will also bookmark other pages so there is no pattern of the author name in my hubs. Say, I submit one of my hubpages and bookmark 2 to 3 other urls not related.
I think that might help for link building and maybe some visitors.
I just want to add I will upload my own photos to flickr and see if I can get Google image search traffic as well.
I got serious over the weekend and set 18 backlinks from PR5 and higher blogs, newspapers, and other websites. I focused on 5 hubs, a blog, and one of my websites. Too many to really work well for the time I have available.
Results: My traffic yesterday (Sunday) was the highest Sunday volume I've ever had.
Comments on high PR blogs and newspapers made the difference I think. Google volume is also up over the weekend, a very unusual event for the kind of hubs I write.
Note: I did not write a new hub for this challenge. I want to promote the heck out a few good hubs already written and cash in on them. I'll write more later, but links will become my new passion for a while.
Good luck everyone.
OK, I'll give this a go, but under a different user name.
Just a suggestion to everyone trying to do this.
You could have squillions of visitors, but get very few clicks.
When you are choosing something to write about, try to find a topic where your visitor is really motivated to find out more about a topic, and preferably is willing to spend some money doing so.
For example, a hub on ways to stop a toothache, (with tempting adsense links that lead to further information) would certainly get more clicks than a hub about how to paint a shed orange.
And re the hub that started this challenge:
Did everyone note that Misha used the advice provided in his hub himself?
And that the hub included links to some software?
On which he is paid a commission if someone buys it?
He's not just relying on adsense earnings there.
Misha isn't as silly as he looks! (He couldn't be! )
He's given everyone a great plan to follow.
Eric G.
lol Eric he certainly isn't and at least he doesn't hide his affiliations. If anyone doesn't notice them then they need to step back and learn a little more about online marketing
I'm in too! I might even start getting $1 a day on the targetted hub. This is so bad! I've got all those hubs and I keep churning out more and NONE of them are taking off. Not really. I sent one around multiple places on the internet and it immediately gained 4 backlinks. Now they are gone again
Overall traffic nosedived from the 500-600 that I had for a month down to 200-300 over the past week and no clicks, or maybe one or two low paying clicks.
I can't seem to find popular topics. I don't know what they are. I don't know what people are searching for.
Try typing interesting stuff in the Google search browser, it will come up with top ten searches for whatever you type and just write what interests you more....I do this daily and some of them are really taking off!!!!
Thanks for that waynet! I'll maybe try that, but first before I write anything else, I think I will revisit my earliest hubs, the ones that are getting a little traffic, and see if I can't tweak them with all the things I've learned since they were written.
I think the best subjects to pick for high ad clicks are products. Who buys the ads that show? Stores that sell products.
So if you write a hub about the top 5 digital cameras, your going to get ads showing those cameras. Someone who came to your hub will be,,,, looking for those cameras, so that are likely to click those ads.
Whereas just writing about "how to" stuff might show unrelated ads, or ads that will not be clicked much. Same with just general subject matter, the ads will not be that specific.
Listen to Eric folks, he is giving a very valuable advice. Both about buying through my affiliate links and what hub topic should look like. Let alone my looks
Andria, thanks for the links
Bill, no, products never worked for me on adsense.
Keith, how did you figure out my CTR? Did I fail to conceal it somewhere?
Misha, if you look close you can see your CTR in the images you provided.
Reminds me of the time I posted a picture on a forum of my new computer desk layout,,,,,, complete with a paper I taped on my wall of all my passwords!!!!
Okay I really just let the hub sit there for a few days after adding 2 backlins. Only 2 visitors from Google - time to start adding more backlinks.
Even just hearing that you start out with 2 visitors helps inspire me. If you had said, published hub, got 500 visits in 24 hours, I would have been crushed - a little bit pleased for you - but mostly crushed .
It sounds like something very exciting is happening here. Wish everyone luck
I would really like to join this challenge. I may still be fairly new and definitely not even earning $100 a month yet, but I know this is going to be a bit of a journey and not a sprint done in thirty days. I will be getting my hub up by the end of this weekend after I do a little more keyword research. This will definitely be a learning experience. Sounds like there are a lot of experienced hubbers here to learn from. I am excited!
Susana I totally agree with you. I just researched a few topics and I have found some keywords which have high search volume and low competition. I mean when I checked the PR of the first 20 sites the highest PR was 4. And many of the sites, don't have that keyword in their title. So I think with effective promotion I can land on the first page. I would publish that hub today under different account. Let's see how it goes.
But I would really like to thanks Misha and also Nelle, if it weren't for these people I would have never done so much of detailed keyword research. Previously my brain was wired to think that too much search volume is too much competition but I was so wrong!!
Best of luck everyone!!!
Me too, Ive one main hub that I am working on that I will use for this, but not until next week.
Susana and Enlightened, looks like you are on the right track! Happy for you, guys!
What an absolutely brilliant idea for a long term goal for writing on Hubpages.
I have just finished a Hub a couple of days ago on a short term goal I had in mind for a couple of weeks. Didn't hit the goal, but didn't expect to either
Have been toying with a long term goal for a while and came across this thread.
One Hub to make $100 a day (One Hub To Rule Them All??? sorry could not help myself their)
To come out of income from Adsense, Amazon, Kontera, Affiliate Links, and other forms of income generation.
No time limit
Choose to report back with hints, tips, tricks and your progress and only if one wishes, without giving away the exact profile and/or Hub.
Hmmm, may even set up a new small Blogger Blog, just for record keeping progress reports.
Awesome idea Nelle,
Count me IN!
If for nothing else, I believe there will be some remarkable events occur for alot of Hubbers along the journey and many will be richer for it (no pun intended)
*takes a deep breath and dives in the deep end*
I've got to admit this is a challenge, as I intend to focus on Adsense, and I haven't had any real success with it so far. I know the theory, but putting that into action is really difficult.
I've written my article. The keywords get about 1600 searches a month, there's about 50,000 sites currently in competition with this keyword. The secondary keywords associated with this have much more competition and corresponding traffic (15000 a month for one of the terms), and the ads pay more. The highest ad costs $17 to buy for the primary keywords, which is pretty high paying. Micro Niche Finder tells me that I'll need roughly 32 backlinks to have a chance at the front page of Google.
I've submitted to one site, and have just joined up at Imautomator with a free account, which gives me 15 more backlinks over a 45 day period. This phrase doesn't have enough searches, I know, but I want to see if I can at least iron some of the bugs out of the way adsense articles are written and backlinked first. I hope I can get some trickle down traffic from the secondary keywords to help it along.
I think in the meantime I'll have to go back and tweak the article a bit.
How's everyone else going?
Hovalis, this is a great find.
Thanks for sharing..
Busy writing articles to get backlinks to my hub. I am also trying to figure out how to use BMD. It looks complicated. Hopefully I can figure this out.
So many forum comments and backlinks are "no follow". I see in other discussions where these won't help you. Other sites say that no-follows help a lot. Your thoughts?
All links help, unless you have a link from a site Google considers bad. There has been talk that Google is not looking at the "no follow" part anymore, so they are equal to a do follow link.
Regardless if they are or not, those links do help. So if you can get them, use them, why not?
I have studied Misha's hubs, which are excellent and I highly recommend them.
I have done keyword research and have a nice selection of keywords. Fitting the keywords into my writing and making it seem natural is causing me a little frustration.
I am still learning though, this would be my first hub that I have written with income in mind. Everything else is just self expression.
I figure I might as well learn to do both.
OK, its been ten days since Nelle's OP for this post, is everyone on track for their plans?
Picked a hub?
Starting a new one?
Starting a new account for that new hub ?
Looking for keywords?
etc etc
Since Ive come in after few days of the post and joined in, I have also for the first time, set up a blog, to write and keep track of this 'adventure'. Their will not be any give-aways on the hub as to; what hub it is, what account and so forth.
But I like the feel that I can come back to it, in a few months time and see how far (or not) I have progressed.
Any one else tracking similar like this or using something else?
I've done my keyword research; picked the one I think I will have most chance with after looking at the competition; set up my new account and have started writing - but it's not published yet.
It will be interesting to see how it goes, as the actual keyphrase lends itself more to amazon than adsense. The only tracking I'm doing is keeping an eye on traffic and income!
Ahhh yes,
Spending alot of time I am on keywords, long tailed, searchs, SERPS, SEO the whole shebang. Currently have many gaps in my knowledge so will most likely spend alot of time reading hubs and asking hubbers questions to brush up my education.
I am running a spreadsheet to keep track of that future hub, keywords used, traffic in, where the traffic is coming from etc, its organic, so I will add details to monitor whats going on with it (the hub) over time.
I'm not sure long tail is the way to go with this challenge (unless you can find one with very high search volume). I think 2 or 3 word phrases are what you need to look for. The one I've picked is a 3 word phrase with 450,000 searches per month and just over a dollar potential click value.
Even if I get to number 1 on the search results, it's going to be a scrape to get $100 per day (unless I can work out how on earth Misha gets a click through rate of 22%!!)
Very interesting comment you have there Susana.
I have one hub, although its not the hub challenge one, that has almost no hits for the main keywords, yet is on the 1st page for every other long tail keyword I have, which is 12 long tailed keywords and 12, 1st page results.
But as I am now delving into the complexities of SERPS, SEO, keywords etc for the challenge, I will definitely keep it in mind.
That's really good! 12 high long tail rankings for one hub can add up to quite a bit of traffic if they are well searched for terms. I've got one like that too, though fortunately it also ranks well for the main keyphrase. But even with about 22,000 visits a month it still doesn't make anywhere near a hundred dollars a day, not even that a month. That's one reason why I've gone for something with a much higher volume.
It surprised me actually, all those long tails being picked up, as the main keywords have tough tough competition.
With yours Susana, with 22k visits a month......hmmmm, thought it would be a good earning hub for ya...... very , very interesting.
I'm in...I just haven't grasped the long-tailed keyword thingy yet. Off to find keywords.
Jane, some great details here on Wiki about the definition on long tail keywords. Hope it helps.
For me to get hit by a lighting would be much more realistic. I am out!
Alright, Unofficial $100 Hub cheeleader here!
Go! Hubbers! Go!
Barely hangin' on with classwork at the moment, but I couldn't resist popping in to see how you all were doing. Just skimming the thread I've already learned a lot. Can't wait until I get a chance to jump in!
Well I've made a start, not yet published though. Been very busy so as yet not had a lot of time. However, if by some small miracle I can pull it off, I will be sure to let you all know and say a special thanks. Good luck everyone.
Well I've done mine. Not got any real strategy other than what Misha does - backlink all to Christmas and back. Made a start with writing articles for directories and other writing platforms and will then start hunting for potential sites to link back from.
Writing was, I suspect, the easy part
I haven't been very active lately here on HP because of a big move to the suburbs and a huge increase business from my day job but this challenge sounds like something I'd be interested in. I've had $100 days but never from just one hub.
Just finished my keyword research and found a fairly low competition highly searched longtail and claimed the HP title. I'll work on the article over the next day or two and publish it under this (my only) screen name.
Good luck to everyone else taking the challenge.
Hi guys, just wanted to let you know that right now there is a terrific keyword research tool available, that will be pulled off the market on Saturday I believe. It automates search assist. I am having a lot of fun playing with it and getting literally hundreds of fresh ideas. Check out my latest hub on this if you are interested. Sorry I could not post earlier because of a forum ban...
Good luck to everybody
LOL I don't really want to discuss it on this thread, cause it might get quite heated and I don't want the admins to shut this thread down
Oh well - if it was over in some of those other threads - that's like outta space for me - I've never been there and probably won't bother going there!!!!
For many people it is exactly the right thing to do
Well, glad you were not banned Misha, otherwise it may have been hard to ask questions and then get no responses!!!!
LOL I was, and some people did not get the answers they waited for, and I had to use email to let them know I am not ignoring them … ost1070703
Thanks again Misha, didn't know that post existed. Now I have a better idea of some of the rules that make forums run (or at least the one here).
Three day time out box is a good idea. But permanent bans are never fun.
I've been looking for the Misha challenge forum, can't find it.
Interested to join. Where is it ?
Viryabo - it originated in the following forum posted by Misha -
Then Nelle Hoxie responded with the challenge.
You can see her response in the first message of this post - Take the Misha Challenge.
Hope that helps.
Travel, I am sorry, your link does not work. For some reason it hyperlinks any punctuation if you add it, so you need to put a space between the url and dot for your link to work, like here: .
Thanks Misha. Just trying to help. I'm glad you picked that up and corrected it. I've made a mental note to try harder
Thank you travelespresso . I'm really interested in this.
well, I'll jump too.
I need to do a better job backlinking, so that's what I'm going to focus on.
Hi All,
I missed Nelle's post by about 10 days but if its not to late Id love to join in.
What a fantastic idea Misha and Nelle.Im going to try and do a 30 hubs worth of effort on the one hub and see what happens. Ive seen some great advice so far that really helps us undergrads to go back and tweak older hubs when we pick up new helpful hints.Thanks for sahring guys and gals
Good luck everyone
Is this a good place to ask a question like this:
I've been getting views from and I can't figure out how. Or why.
Should I get more involved with this site? is mostly a search engine, like google or yahoo. If you are getting views from there, it means your hub is ranked for some keywords
Last fall when I was stumbling around, I used a site that was real similar to
Can't for the life of me remember what it was though....
I'd answer a question and then put a link to a hub.
It drives me crazy when I can't remember something! lol
Wyanjen - I occassionally answer questions on Yahoo Answers. I've gotten a few clicks that way... and since I'm pretty low volume, its alright by me. I'm careful about it though, and only use it if the hub I've written truly answers the persons question.
I'd like to focus on earning $100 a day period, and then maybe focus on one hub earning $100. Some days I get close (sort of), but I'd like the get there and maintain it first.
I have several small series I hope to work on after getting my que of 34 completed. I can't wait to get started. I did some searching on some of the topics, and just did extended series on some existing hubs that do pretty good with ebay sales.
Good luck to all who attempt this feat. Definitely let us know how you do.
So far, I'm not doing so great. Low traffic volume, low sales. But I shall keep on trying.
Ok a question for all you folk who are 'IN' for the long haul for this challenge.
I have a blog Ive set up on Blogger, this blog is just for the purpose of this challenge, and I will be posting my events, thoughts, findings, results, bad days, etc, etc, as this challenge goes on.
I wanted to ask if anyone is happy to provide their name (HubPages Name) and I will set up a module on the blog on the front page, that lists those involved in the challenge.
Example (this is ***not*** on the blog currently)
thanks for the extra motivation...
Some of us may need it
wyanjen, your names not actually on the blog yet, but would you like to be listed?
I am happy to give my name Kangaroo_Jase. And you have set up a nice blog!!
I shall add your name to the 'Honour Roll'
I have also add your name to the 'Honour Roll'
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