The second 60 Day Challenge is set to begin...
This time around we have a strong team of original challengers returning to give support to new participants.
As a result of the demands of the first challenge, we also have a full forum with functioning chat to use for collaborative discussion and one on one assistance.
Today a Hubpages focused online writers toolbar was also created. This tool, with the addition of our dashboard really streamlines the creation and promotion process.
In order to stay true to the personal interaction that made our first collaborative successful and fun, the new participant level will be capped at around 30.
This thread is to gauge interest and answer any general questions for those who may be curious yet unaware of the 60 day Challenge.
The actual composition or writing phase will still be a few days away to give some time for the news to travel for those who are not active daily in the forums.
Im super excited and have spent the last 3 nights trying to come up with ways to make the challenge fun, including some surprise bonuses that I think will go over well.
I would really like to join this time, but school is starting. I don't want to take up a spot if I can't follow through.
Just a quick few questions, please:
How many hours per day is best for each phase? (1-2 in content creation and 1 in marketing??)
Can I re-purpose old hubs or do they all need to be brand new?
What are the start and end dates?
Thanks! I hope I don't have to miss out on this one.
Jule, the content creation part is totally upto you. It depends on your speed.
All the hubs need to be brand new
Officially the challenge will start is a day or two once we are done with the team building process. In short, once we have 30 hubbers, the challenge starts.
I hope you would be able to join us!!!
soft start - about 3 days from now - soft end 63 days from now
Time expenditure?
I imagine you could be a fully active participant with only 45 minutes a day of focused activity.
Pretty much based on your own research and writing styles and your familiarity with the net
Good. thanks for the information. I guess I am going to have to pass. I will watch with interest, tho! Good luck, all.
Josh I am in and have already created my hublog. Though it is not complete as I am still at work, but did not wanted to miss out. I will complete it soon by mentioning my goals and motivation for this challenge. And I am so so happy, by the return of the 60 day challenge. It would be amazing this time!!
You will want to publish it in response to the 60Dc interest question - just as you do with a HubMob
see examples: … 30-days-of (First Challenge)
It helps immensely with organization
*edit*( I see you are all over it already ) wow, I almost dont even have to write any intro material! ES' HubLog is solid!
Although, there will be some revisions to the promo phase...I have to change it up a bit and keep it fun for the return participants!
Hi sunforged, I tried to answer the question, but it is closed. Does that mean that I am too late? I was out of the office all day today.
Not at all - it must have been the question from the first challenge
Ill dig up the current one
Sorry, running on idiot mode right now.
I have made the hublog by answering your question. May be it will take time to show up. Just need to add my goals and I will have my log ready. Also, I am thinking on making two hublogs, like Susana did in the last challenge but again it may disturb the organization process as everyone will have two logs. Or can we just combine the progress log and summary log into one.
Edit:Changes in the promotion phase, wow, sounds good..Can't wait to get started!!
I saw your log, very, very cool! I get to see an immediate result before I head to bed.
I can react to the summary/process issue ..we are not quite there yet
Just concerned with building the team at this point -
I have better ways of organizing in mind .. I promise, Ive had two months to reflect.
..but, must sleep - 3am here - Im back on Daddy duty at 8am - last time I was able to stay up all night when I wanted to ..but I also went to California for a week and another week in NYC so maybe it will balance out.
englightenedsoul, fantastic job on writing your hublog!
Thank you so much for the kind words Boomer!!Looking forward to read yours!!
Thanks SF and may be I am just hurrying things. Not able to contain my excitement. And yea, team building should be a priority now.
New way of organizing..really cool!!
And yea, you should sleep as once this challenge kicks off, you will be the busiest.(we all will help you in every possible way)
Good night and night night to cute Ayla and your beautiful wife!!
I am interested in taking part in the challenge - are their any rules for topics etc. and when is it due to start?
There are no rules for topics and you are free to write on any topic you want. Though there would be some general guidelines like writing only in 3-10 broad categories and the like. But that was during the first 60 day challenge. Though I am sure the rules would be similar but it would be better if we hear it directly from Sunforged.
And you can assume the challenge has started, I mean not the actual 60dc but still it is the team building phase. And the first 30 hubber to participate will continue this journey.
There are no rules.
There are some guidelines that facilitate the group aspects but nothing that would impugn on your personal choice of writing topics.
Please consider me for inclusion in the 60DC. Just need some pointers as to where best to start pre-challenge tasks and to get up to speed on what will be expected of me. I have undertaken some promotional activities for my own hubs but as I am only 4 months in I would welcome all suggestions for collaborative promotional efforts.
Please also let me know if there is any way I can be of assistance in establishing the foundations of this new 60DC. I live in the UK so could possibly extend the working day for the challenge team to 24/7 especially if collaborative tasks are undertaken through Google Docs. I have also written hubs on RSS feed creation and RSS feed submission the contents of which could be extended to show how collaborative RSS feeds could be generated using tags (if this has not already been covered elsewhere).
I'd like to participate. Please let me know if there's anything I can or should be doing to prepare, sites to register at, etc.
Sure! I'm ready to do it again. Amazing results last time.
I already said on the other thread that I was interested in joining this time. Hope it's been noted
Count me in as well. Here are my questions though: What happens if I'm out of town for a few days? Can I write ahead and/or make up hubs so that the final count is 30? And is there a time or place that I need to make an official entry? (I don't want to miss something important.) Thanks!
30 in 30 - not one a day - you can achieve it any way you like.
Cool count me in on this one. I love a challenge that will teach me more about writing online!
Thanks! I'm a little nervous about this, but I'm really excited too!
I haven't done a challenge yet, but would love to join this one. Where do I start? What do I do?
You just need to set up your hub log answering sunforged question which you can find here … the-return
Your hublog should mention your goals and motivations for the challenge. For example, look at this hublog … llenge-Log
I'd love to join this, too! I'm new to this, though, and don't really know what to do or where to start. Also, it's the holidays in Japan at the moment and I will be busy entertaining family members for a few days, so I won't be able to start right away (not until the 18th). Can I still join even if I can't start til the 18th? Thanks!
Yes you can still join, you just need to set up your hublog and you will have 30 days to publish your 30 hubs before we go to the promotion stage.
Sorry I'm new... how do you set up a hublog? And what do I say in it?
Hub log is nothing but a way to keep track of your and other participant's progress. It contains your goals, motivations and summaries of the 30 hubs you would publish in the challenge. You can check my latest hub for example on hublog, but make sure you make a hub only by answering Sunforged's question.
Also, you can refer to the example I mentioned above.
oh I see, so we write it keeping track of our progress while we're doing the 60 Day Chalenge and then we publish it at the end?
No, not exactly. When you publish hub answering Sunforged question sunforged will know that you are participating and he will keep a track on the progress of participants. Also, we would be putting unique tags on our hublog so that we can monitor each other progress and motivate each other. Also, hublog is of vital use in the promotion phase. But you need worry of that now. You can just publish a hub, by answering SF's request. I have already published mine. You can have a look and if you have firther question do let me know.
Well, I had already "answered" Sunforged's question by saying "Count me in." Since we can't answer a question twice, I can make a hub but it won't be "attached" to the question. So now what do I do?
We can answer a question twice. I mean I have two replies for the SF question. One is short answer and other is my hublog!! And I think we can't post two short answer but we can make as many hubs as we want!!
He's in too. It is just a matter of him seeing this thread. And glad to have you back on board!!
I've now started a log - what else can i do in prep. ANy team building things I can help with?
Thank you ES, for providing us with this very relevent info. I shall now go and rush to create a hublog and to dream up 30 hub titles, so that I might be one of the lucky first 30 new sign-ups.
With that in mind, do the hub titles I dream up in the next two minutes to beat the rush I was given no warning of have to be what i end up publishing, or can changes be made later?
Well the challenge only requirement is the hublog, the niche you decide to write in are totally upto you. You will have 30 days for keyword research and publishing.
Hi ES, this is great again and I am looking forward to working with you and the group again,Good jib BTW, you and SF are inspiring me!
PDH, glad to see you taking part again. It is always wonderful to have you as a company!!
I think I understand. I just answered Sunforged's question saying count me in, but now I need to answer again saying 'make a hub about' and this time start a new hub that is a Hublog?
Do future hubs in the challenge need to go through the same question? I hope not because I have 40-50 hubs already started and I was hoping the challenge would push me into actually writing them, but if I have to go through a question each time, like you have to do for Hubmob, then I'll need to go research for new titles.
Only Hublogs are to be made answering SF's question so that he can keep a track and when the quota of 30 participants is full he will close the question.
Other hubs are to be made and publish just like normal hubs!!!
Hi, You add yourself to the list of 30 by publishing a log in response to 60Dc interest question.
Examples of the logs and the general focus and purpose of these devices are easily found.
There are 30 published from last challenge - the term 60DC in a Hubpages search brings up most of the answers to these questions.
Some really stellar examples can be found here:
I really want to join but I find it so difficult to concentrate on writing that I doubt I would ever get 30 in 30 done. Would have to find a way to mega motivate myself.
How many people have you got at the moment?
I believe only two New challengers have "officially" entered.
I would caution to only become involved if you are not determined to complete 30 in 30 and an additional 30 days of promotion.
It is not a flippant decision, as we work and succeed as a group.
Yeah, I know, that's why I'm taking some time and thinking about it. I don't want to waste anybody's time. I've just started working on a series that would give me 13 hubs and I've been thinking about going over some of my old university essays, doing some keyword research and re-writing them. Hopefully the challenge would motivate me to actually get some things written.
I'll think about it tonight and maybe join over the weekend.
Im in - lets pull the team together! *brilliant news Sunforged!*
Glad to see you back Shaz. Did not see you in the forum offlate. But I am happy to see you back.
Thanks SF... looking forward to it - we can achieve!!!
Englightenedsoul - Since the last 60dc, I have been using my time putting the new found knowledge to use. You know, generally tidying up hubs, new tags and promoting on various sites.
Have also had to get my autistic son sorted out as regards to further education - stress was not the word and not an exaggeration, but you will be able to read about the miracle that I performed in getting funding for this further education in one of my 30/30!
I have also been sorting out my businesses - trimming back and making things more efficient (as recession bites - one has to cut cloth to fit). Oh, and it has been festival season! Rocking all over the UK! Met Jarvis Cocker (Pulp), Richard Hawley (Pulp) and The National at Latitude, Lilly Allan, Jade Jagger at Glastonbury. And who knows what adventure I might stumble upon at next weekend's Green Man Fest??? (boast, boast - fun fun!)
Generally, however, I have been getting my house in order *wink* lol
Yeah! Shaz you have been missed around here. .
Just wanted to mention to all the new challengers Shaz is one of the best . .. a great team member for sure!
So happy to see you
This hub from last season is a good first read before deciding whether to commit to the challenge
ht tp://
Some modifications are in order for this second challenge and are being worked on right now.
Posting in this thread does not signify your involvement - publishing a hub in response to the 60dc question does (As you may be familiar with if you have taken part in the HubMob)
I answered the question and started the log. Can someone please post what tag(s) we should be using and what the RSS feed is?
Thanks much!
The tags have not been announced yet.
Any tag info that may still exist from the last challenge is obsolete.
I dont want the two efforts to be confused.
Lrohner keep the hub as is for now. Sunforged will soon be suggesting some unique tags and feed to insert into hublog. And yea, welcome to the 60dc. Glad to have you on board!!
correction: the tag for the logs only "online writing goals"
To be sure I understand what you mean by that, what do you mean by that?
When we created the first challenge, we had the convenience of focusing on one task at a time.
Now that the majority of the process is published, I would hope that we dont get ahead of ourselves.
My current focus is only to organize our new team.
The tag question is not immediately relevant.
But - ht tp://
What they were asking about is outlined above - but, we are not quite there yet.
Right I've got my log prepared, but apart from writing a little about the actual 60 day challenge and my aims, I don't have much more to add because this is a LOG right, so my hubs as they are written will be added. I've written about 500 words. Do I hit publish now and add more stuff later?
Sorry if this is a stupid question....
Also I am wondering if I can write in multiple accounts for this? I'm guessing no because it would be too complicated for others, huh?
I don't write under this account. Not for money anyways. But this is the account I use in the forums, and also the account which I just signed up under.
That said, of course I had existing goals and plans which involved all of my accounts and I would rather incorporate the challenge into my existing goals and plans rather than put my existing aside for the sake of the challenge.
Still, if I must do it all under one account to participate, then I will because I'm certain working directly with you through this process will learn me quite a bit. I've read a whole lot of stuff, but have trouble actually utilizing it, and I think this challenge will help me to better do that.
Let me know, and I'll adjust accordingly.
you can do that.
We are connected by our tag selection.
You would make our interaction easier by selecting only one profile as your "face" of interaction and publishing your hublog under that profile.
Are your various profiles openly connected together or would you be attempting to keep them private?
As the interlinking would be difficult if nobody knows who you are?
Your plan is an added difficulty but it can be managed.
Although it is fun to see so many write ups on the 60dc as part of the logs and some general background is wise to include for any search or random visitors.
It is your personal log - use it as you wish.
I should point out that I am in day 4 of work at home/stay at home dad duties. With a 9 week old girl.
My only uninterrupted work time for direct responses is between around 10pm-3am EST
I get around... but please dont feel slighted if i miss a response before that time.
There is at least 40 hubs published that reference elements of the challenge and past experiences of members .. processes etc.
When our team is complete (signified by the publication of a team hub such as this one .. h ttp:// ) then we can begin on the very simple additions that make this a group challenge.
For now ..just seeing who is interested and announcing that we are "challenging" again?
Oh yeah, I read that somewhere and meant to congratulate you on it next time I encountered you. But then I forgot. Kudos! Babies are so precious, enjoy every minute you can while it lasts.
Alright, thanks for your response on that. Some are already publicly linked from this account, and some aren't. Wait lemme think. At least one isn't. But I don't really care, wasn't a privacy issue or anything, I just didn't think my money hubs would benefit from being affiliated with me, you know, me being such a anti-religious witch in the forums and in my PB hubs and all.
So yeah, that'll be fine with me if it won't be too much trouble on ya'll's end. I don't want to be a hassle.
I could put my PB avatar on any other accounts I use for the duration of the challenge, and put PB in for my location. That should make all of them easily recognizable as mine.
Ok, lemme think for a few hours.
bump, those of you who are interested look at this thread as well
Great stuff folks - it looks like everything is progressing nicely.
I am very busy for the rest of tonight and tomorrow, but I will make sure that I have a 60C log up and running on Sunday
Sign me up.... I am leaving my job in 3 more days, and no way that I will start another within the month so I will have some time to spare in between job hunting...
Hi Tony, (Leanman)! Now you can start to write your HUBLOG by answering this link with a hub -- … the-return
Just wrote up a quick hublog to get in there and will update as I go along.....
Hello All,
Quick request - Please Do Not copy any of the tags from the original challenge
It will seriously complicate the organization of this challenge.
All tags will be announced before the writing phase begins.
Just a thought ...
tags are a great seo resource here at Hubpages -
At this time any reference to 60 day challenge and the dozens of variants I have seen is not something that will help your traffic grow!
I absolutely promise there is a good reason!
Oh and of course I am in!
Time to go create my Log:)
For all the new challengers. . get ready for the best ride ever:)
OK .. so I've been reading some people's hub logs. I think I get what it's about now However, what I don't understand is do I have to write a hub log summarizing each hub we do for the challenge? Would it be like, I write a hub for the challenge each day AND a hub log about that hub each day (so basically 2 hubs a day)? Also, the hub log is blog-style, right? Sorry for such noob questions
Oh, one more thing. Once I put up a hub log answering Sunforged's question, that officially begins my 60DC and I need to have a hub published everyday thereafter, right?
Thanks and looking forward to working through this with all of you great people!
Hi Anolinde, this is what I did to my first hublog during the first 60 day challenge -- … ing-Online
you can also check what Ms Susana did by summarizing her hubs after the first thirty days of the first 60 day challenge
you will write only one hublog and within the first thirty days of the challenge you have to finish the 30 hubs
Hublog is for updating your activities during the course of the challenge
If you have time, pls monitor the hub of Sunforged about the challenge and read his past recent hubs they are very helpful
If you have anymore questions please don't hesitate to ask again
Hi I posted earlier to the other forum do do the 60DC - I am looking through the logs etc to know what I have to do. I have heard how fantastic the challenge is and what you can learn so all very exciting. Please let me know what I need to do to be included.
Hi Billy answer this question with a hub -- … the-return
hope you're ok!
I wrote the hub but I didn't do it on the forum as had already answered my intent.
Here it is. … y-60DC-Log
Hi Billy, it is very important for you to start the hublog by answering the question of SF. This is for proper coordination later on for promotion purposes!
Hi Billy, yes because it is very important for tagging purposes, and for easy monitoring by members of the team when we use RSS!
Thanks Maita here it is … s-60DC-Log Sorry about that I copied the comments over also.
oh you are hardworking one Billy, I saw your hub in the feed question, Nice one!
Thanks for this info, pdh, I made my hub before i knew this, so I deleted that one and made a new one.
I just wish I could have kept the comments people left.
Thanks for your helpfulness again. I'm always one step behind, it seems.
this is Sunforged initial hub --
check it out, thanks everyone!
Hi 60DCers,
I took part in the original 60DC, and after managing to do the 30 hubs, had to leave midway for some reasons.
I would love to do the challenge, but I am not sure I would be able to see it through. The writing part is not a problem - neither is the promotion part, for that matter.
So, I guess I will stay out and watch the progress from outside for the 60DC - Part II. I hope better luck for 60DC - Part III!
Wishing the best to all 60DCers!
Okay! I did it! I published my hublog answering the question by Sunforged... I'm hoping someone will let me know what to do next? I don't want to get behind.
Hi, your hublog was included in the feed! Let us just wait for Sunforged (SF) after finalizing the participants!
For the meantime just read SF hubs if you have time!
PDH - can you tell me where I can find the feed you mentioned? I found some listings of the challenge hublogs, but I didn't see mine. Thanks!
feeds dont update instantly - it can be a few hours.
this is the one you requested:
Ah! Okay - thanks! I'll check it again in the morning.
I will be adding the hot feed too - just to mix it up a bit and add more love to the feed... hehehe
by sunforged 14 years ago
Now that the team building phase is complete, what types of questions are left unanswered that should be covered in the next team hub?Any ideas that we should include in our team effort?Any other Hub authors want to lend some off-site promotion to our effort? really excited, barely slept due to...
by Dobson 14 years ago
I am willing to write the thirty hubs, but do not have the computer time to manage the challenge. Is there anyone that would take on this role?
by sunforged 14 years ago
30 hubs in 30 days is great...but how much time did you spend making sure your efforts will be viewed ?Are your 30 Hubs a craps shoot, a gamble ..are you just throwing *it* against the wall and seeing what sticks?Join us in a 60 day challenge that includes a 30 day promotion phase and a community...
by Kate Swanson 14 years ago
It's been pretty quiet so I'm just wondering how everyone is going?We were just having a discussion about the 30 Hubs target. I know some people are still working hard to achieve it (you can make it!), but I also notice one or two people still writing Challenge Hubs even though they've...
by Andria 14 years ago
Now are we doing this again? I recognise many of us are time constrained, wonderful events have occurred and life may be a little busier right now That said - are we up for another, if so - when? I'd love to 'go team' once again, it's hugely beneficial and a great way to work. So ... wassup...
by vinividivici 14 years ago
How to join 60 Day Challenge? Is it open for all? Answer me, cause I`m a 7 day old hubber!
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