Hello, this month we are having a slight change in our weekly HubMob to try to accommodate our time to be able to continue writing great content hubs but also to give us some extra time to prepare for the holiday season. That is why in December our weekly topics are going to be "alive" for two weeks in a row, to allow you that extra time to fit everything in.
This and next week we are going to be writing about a very important subject: Rights. I mean, human rights, civil rights and even animal rights.
The third week of January the USA will be celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, to mark the birth and works of King. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, "Life's most persistent and urgent question is: 'What are you doing for others?" Americans across the country answer that question by coming together on the King Holiday to serve their communities. In HubPages, Hubbers from around the world will answer this question writing about human, civil and animal rights. Information is one of the first steps towards solving problems and that is why we have chosen this topic, to inform the world about their rights to help create solutions.
To join this week's HubMob please follow the steps below:
1. START YOUR HUB CLICKING THIS LINK. Choose the "Answer this Question" green button. Choose the MAKE A HUB ABOUT IT option.
2. Include the HubMob RSS Feed in your hub: http://hubpages.com/question/90146/hubm … rights?rss
For more information on how to add the RSS feed to your hub you can click here
4. Add the HubMob graphic http://i665.photobucket.com/albums/vv19 … rights.jpg to your hub so that everyone who reads it will know that it is part of the official HubMob topic of the week
5. Categorize: Please make sure you categorize your hub according to your chosen topic.
6. After you publish your Hub, come back to the forum and post a link to your hub with a brief description of what you wrote about and why.
So, What are you doing for others?
http://hubpages.com/hub/Homeless-cared- … -in-spirit
Not giving the homeless therapy or any assistance beyond substance and protection is a paradox. As numbers of homeless get offered help in the form of food, housing, and medicine there is no emotional or mental support given. To some agencies, the phrase “if you give a man a fish you will have fed him for a day, if you teach a man to fish you will have fed him for a lifetime,” applies to the homeless situation as well.
http://hubpages.com/hub/How-Female-Circ … cial-Gains
I have had a disquitening week our cultural leaders have gone all out and trampled over girls' rights and continue to practice female genital mutilation.
The latest was done last week and 120 girls were circumcised in this event. It is an act that activists are reacting to by wearing white bands for the next 10 days a form of protest. Participate if you will.
Be blessed By Your Act!
Here is my hub about the human right to die a dignified death, a Look at Hospice
http://hubpages.com/hub/Human-Right-to- … at-Hospice
I did this because I have seen how it helps people first hand. First, with my family, then with friends, then as a volunteer. Its a "right" that often, people aren't thinking about.
Human Rights
Just wrote an article on human rights. Enjoy
I have posted a hub already for this weeks topic, which I love by the way! I have another hub, that is on the same topic. What are the rules or guidelines for doing multiple hubs for the weekly topic, if any? I was wondering if we can put two in or not? I thought I had seen it done before, but didn't know if it was officially ok? Thanks
Here is a link to my new hub, Basic Human Rights. I did this because its what I think are core human rights for all human beings. It is a great place to start, and apply to all people no matter the age.
Here is my contributuion to this week hub mob! I enjoyed doing this about parental rights.
http://hubpages.com/hub/United-States-P … Threatened
Hi, everyone!
My hub for this HubMob week:
http://hubpages.com/hub/Language-rights … ights?done
It is about language human rights.
What am I doing for others, Princessa? I teach languages :-)
My Hub is entitled, "You Have No Rights!"
Find out why...
http://hubpages.com/hub/Hague-human-rig … orld-court
Stripped Bare-Naked By Missing Minority Language Rights
Here's one more from me this week:
It is about Welsh language and its victory over language discrimination
great topic! I'm sure there will be some amazing hubs written.
http://hubpages.com/_7v3ma9dlmqor/hub/S … d-Adopting
I wrote on the topic of single people having just as much of a right to adopt as a married couple.
great topic idea. I'll be sure to contribute to this one for sure. Hey princessa, have you and the hubmob ever thought about doing topics based on hanukah, ramadon, and kwanza by any chance? I just figuered since those holidays are also around december and we've already covered christmas, then maybe it might be interesting idea to make some hubmob topics about those too. just suggesting that's all. I for one would love to do a hanukah hub for the hubmob, as i have just the perfect videos I could use for it.
Thanks for the suggestion. We are always open to ideas and we like to hear about what you would like to be writing about.
Unfortunately we have all of December and January covered with topics. So it will need to wait until next year, probably october/november to start gaining views for the main dates in December.
If you have any other suggestions or ideas for future topics, please let us know. Very cute avatar BTW!
Wow! This is a very broad topic, Princessa! Thanks for giving us two weeks to share our thoughts about those rights.
This is my first contribution to the topic. It is about Booker T. washington who was one of our first civil rights leaders. I hope you find it apporpriate.
http://hubpages.com/hub/Booker-T-Washin … ts-pioneer
Hmm...had I known this topic was coming up, I'd have saved my hub on animals to post now. Unfortunately, it has already been 'live' for a week or two, so I'm sure does not qualify for the HubMob.
Correct it does not. Sorry. HubMob hubs must be started from Princessa's link.
I have another one out - A plea for understaning not blocking online media as bias.
Blast! And at that, the danged article sat there for 2 weeks unpublished while I waited to find appropriate photos I could legally use for free... ( a good friend of mine came to the rescue).
You still would have had to start over- unpublish, copy to a new hub starting from Princessa's link, then delete the original. You can still do that.
This helps to answer my question above too.. I would have had to start it from the link at least.
Here are some references for you. At least 2 have screen shots for step by step.
http://hubpages.com/hub/What-is-a-HubMo … o-join-one
http://hubpages.com/hub/HubMob-For-Dumm … HubMob-Hub
Ah...ok...or maybe I'll do a new hub with a slightly different angle or twist, and link them to each other?
You could create another one same topic different point of view..
Hi guys, new to this as you may notice I posted a "hubmob" 13 months and definite discredit is due for my tardiness!
This is a topic, I love and I have lots of theories, I guess that is mostly how I will write peppering them with my life experience (sometimes short on the pepper and heavy on the theory!)
I definitely am going to work on an article to post before the deadline!
Mostly my main theory is on Human rights, civil, and animal is that they are so important and nobody has the right to take those away in any fashion.
FAIL! 13 Months LATE (as you can easily see I haven't been here for 13 months)
THis topic is right up my street hopefully I will be able to summon the energy to produce some fresh and informative hubs...
Best Hopes and Success of the International Committee Against Stoning
Here's my contribution to this week's HubMob...great topic
Basic Human Rights - Don't Take Them For Granted
Democracy is the best for me! I don't want to begin my hub title with it, yet, it still suits me as I did this contribution.
My contribution this week, children's right to be heard. Let's listen.
The Gatehouse - a safe house for victims of child abuse
http://hubpages.com/hub/The-Gatehouse-a … hild-abuse
I completed mine, it changed so much from what I thought it would be!!
I wrote about how following Human Rights we can help in the mental wellbeing of all of humans. And its almost like we have a code to follow.
Moving for the Equal Rights of Everyone and All
Know your rights at work! http://hubpages.com/hub/Your-Rights-in-the-Workplace
Princessa, what an awesome topic! Some of the hubs I've read so far are simply astounding. I can't wait to contribute my article!
Just to wish you all a good weekend.
Remember we are going to be keeping this topic for next week as well so you still have plenty of time to contribute to the HubMob.
I just touched the 'scars' left by September 11, 2001 WTC bombing in New York, USA. The outlook of people on human rights around the world changed drastically.
http://hubpages.com/hub/The-911-Effects … -the-World
I started a hub but its on constitutional rights - would that be considered for this or should I change it?
oh and when do we gotta have em done? Sorry , new at this , just tryin to get back into writing again after a bit of the good ole writers block
Oh, just when I was about to post that I'd really blown it by not writing, and instead getting ready for our annual open house holiday party...since the posts were mostly 7 days old...
I see that it is open till next week! Woo-Hoo! My lucky day! ;-)
My hub is titled 'I want to die now'
It is a powerful insight into the controversial topic about how assisted suicide is treated and whether by it being illegal, it is violating human rights. It contains some real life stories which are extremely touching.
Have a look
Assisted suicide is against the law. The person suffring is not in a good state of mind if they think it is ok. How would anyone know that was what the dead person wanted if they are dead and didn't do it themself?
well there are various legally binding documents which once signed, states that the individual is fully aware that what they are going to do is their own responsibility.
People who seek assisted suicide can often be in perfectly normal states of mind, however they don't wish to continue their lives in a state which they consider to be undesirable. You essentially just made it out that the individual in question doesn't get an opinion on the matter. I personally struggle to reach a final view on the topic, however I have appreciated both sides of the argument in my hub, unlike you have just done there.
Why not read Matthew's hub and comment there?
Here's my contribution having to do with fetal rights and protecting the unborn:
http://hubpages.com/hub/Fetal-Rights-Pr … the-Unborn
Hmmmm, interesting. My ads are disabled on my fetal rights hub - guess someone didn't like what I had to say!
Hmmm... My guess is automatic filters. The ads were disabled on most of our Breast Cancer hubs for Breast Cancer Awareness HubMob, probably for the word "breast". My previous hub on post-op management after mastectomy [did not have the word "breast" in the title] and had ads.
That said, I'd be interested to know what the filters picked up on in your hub. I think I'll elevate this to Simone.
Thanks for your help. It says on my hub I should fix the problem but I don't even know how to do that because I'm not sure what the problem is. I've done other articles on abortion/pro-life issues and have never had this happen.
I wrote Simone last night and asked her to reply to this thread or to your hub. She's probably furiously working on the weekly newsletter about now. Hopefully we'll hear from her soon.
Hahaa- you've got my work patterns down cold, rmcrayne! Sorry for the delayed response.
Cari Jean - ads were disabled on that Hub because some of the content is not quite AdSense friendly and we want to make sure that we adhere perfectly to AdSense standards. Hubs on pro-life policy tend to be alright, which probably explains why other Hubs you've written on the general subject are OK, however it's a rather fine line, and discussions explicitly centering on abortion aren't in the AdSense Happy Zone of Happiness.
Sorry Cari Jean - it's nothing personal against the Hub - it's just a matter of advertisers not really wanting to show up on articles discussing such heated and controversial topics.
The right to dig
Hi there, my hub is about how miners in Austalia in 1854 fought to overcome tyranical laws on the Victorian Goldfields. Hope you enjoy
I work with a Centre for Children's Literature in Bhopal, India, and it has been a part of my everyday experience to see parents thrust books that they feel are appropriate, on their kids. The kids are rarely allowed to choose their own stuff. My hub http://hubpages.com/hub/Letting-children-choose questions this trend and deals with the rights of children to choose between reading and other activities, and their own book, when they feel like reading one.
Thank you HubPages for this opportunity to write about animal rights, a topic that I'm passionate about, it's the least I can do
Ok! Whee! I made it! Here is my post:
http://hubpages.com/hub/Human-Rights-vs … Difference
The title, (which seems to be truncated above), "Human Rights vs. Animal Rights--Is There a Difference?" pretty much says it all. This is a heavy topic, not many will be cheerful and uplifting, I fear, but messages that need to be seen and broadcast.
Thanks for your courage in choice of topic and a platform for educating the masses.
My contribution to the Human Civil Animal Rights question is on the recipients of the Nobel Peach Prize, made especially controversial this year with the winner being unable to attend.
http://hubpages.com/hub/Nobel-Peace-Pri … ary-Things
Is 2000 words too long for a hub? I have a 2000 word paper I wrote at uni about privacy rights for public figures. I don't really want to split it into two hubs and I'm finding it difficult to cut down. But it seems a bit too long ...
It's not too long at all. A lot of veteran hubbers who once aimed for an average of 800 to 1200 words are moving in the direction of longer hubs, 1500-2000.
Sounds like this might also be ideal for "Top of the Class". Check out the link below before you choose (HubMob vs Top of the Class):
http://hubpages.com/hub/HubPages-Top-of … est-Week-5
I never count words. I just write my piece, and stop when I reach the end. Sometimes it's very short, sometimes it's very long. Depends on the topic and the angle I've chosen.
Already submitted it for HubMob before I saw your post rmcrayne, I've been posting a lot of my student papers so perhaps a different one can go for Top of the Class. Do you apply to Top of the Class, like you do for HubMob, or do you just get randomly picked?
Anyway, this is my hub:
Do Public Figures have Privacy Rights
Compelling Our Rights Activists in one place
Self-Help might be useful when feeling that your rights have been abused.
http://hubpages.com/hub/Susan-B-Anthony … s-Activist
I have written a brief history of Susan B. Anthony, one of the early civil right activists
It will just shock you, touch you and may be make you think and cry. I am busy with my exam but could not resist myself from participating in this hubmob. I hope you will read it.
http://hubpages.com/hub/An-Article-on-C … male-Abuse
I have no idea if I did this right and am probably too late but here is my hub on Vietnam Vets. There is a possiblity it may get flagged due to its content, but I thought it was worth sharing. Please let me know what you think.
http://hubpages.com/hub/TheRightsandJud … ietnamVets
some people are voting down few hubmod hubs in the answer section. Why and Who are doing this? If you are here please explain.
I will be writing one about animal Rights later today. Great topic!
Hope it is not too late for my second contribution to the HubMob. This is an important issue in Australia following a government intervention in 2007. It looks at the progress or lack of progress for living conditions of the indigenous Australian since the intervention.
The new topic is out: http://hubpages.com/forum/topic/62634
Thank you to all the HubMobsters who submitted a hub for last week's topic. Like usual, you did a very good work.
by Wendy Iturrizaga 15 years ago
Hello everybody, we had a great party time last week. We had everything from innocent children's and tea parties to the gruesome zombie themed party. The good news is that with 24 official party hubs we have managed to be the third HubMob topic with most daily views and the fourth topic...
by Wendy Iturrizaga 14 years ago
HubMob Weekly Topic: Our RightsHuman, civil and animal rights
by Ryan Hupfer 16 years ago
First of all, I have officially made it to the Las Vegas airport to head back to good ol' HubPages HQ after a crazy week in Las Vegas. I haven't really gotten any sleep today, so I apologize for any bad grammar, misspellings and what not. That's my disclaimer for the day. So, after last week's...
by Ryan Hupfer 16 years ago
awesome image created by Jerrico UsherHere we go again, Hubbbers, it's time for the weekly attack of the HubMobsters! Perhaps someone should warn the Internet? This week's HubMob Topic is getting me excited: It's All About Halloween: Dressing Up, Making Treats and Being Scary. Hub about your...
by Leandraluv 14 years ago
I read about the HubMob weekly topic? Please point me in the right direction.
by Simone Haruko Smith 12 years ago
With icy roads, high volumes of holiday travel, and end-of-year rushes, driving can get pretty dangerous this time of year. In light of our presently risky roads, I am making this week's Weekly Topic Inspiration challenge all about car safety and safe driving.Please share your advice on driving...
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