What's your favorite romance movie?

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  1. xkristalynx profile image60
    xkristalynxposted 14 years ago

    I feel like I have seen them all but maybe there is one out there that I have missed!

    1. Titen-Sxull profile image71
      Titen-Sxullposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Groundhog Day, one of the only romantic comedies I can stand.

      1. Seafarer Mama profile image79
        Seafarer Mamaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Totally  fun one. Wish there was a "sequal" that focuses on another holiday, just to have Bill Murray repeat his performance in this.

    2. Bredavies profile image62
      Bredaviesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Wicker park <3

    3. Shinkicker profile image57
      Shinkickerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      1. About Last Night
      2. This Year's Love
      3. True Romance

  2. KCC Big Country profile image80
    KCC Big Countryposted 14 years ago

    "The Holiday" with Cameron Diaz, Kate Winslet, Jude Law & Jack Black

    1. couturepopcafe profile image61
      couturepopcafeposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I love The Holiday.  One of my favorites, too.  Also Overboard, A Star is Born (the Barbra Streisand version), Orchestra Wives, You've Got Mail, Romeo & Juliet (the Olivia Hussey version), and the one with Queen Latifah where she thinks she's dying, it's a remake of an old movie.  I think it's called The Last Vacation, Titanic (Leo DiCaprio version), Casablanca, Sleepless in Seattle, Ghost, the one with Jane Seymour where she's in love with a ghost, and City of Angels.

  3. mega1 profile image79
    mega1posted 14 years ago

    "Forget Paris"  Billy Crystal and Debra Winger

  4. profile image0
    Go Writerposted 14 years ago

    "Only You" with Marisa Tomei and Robet Downey Jr. It was really cute and fun.

    1. Castlepaloma profile image75
      Castlepalomaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Before Sunrise (1995)
      Not on the list of great romance movies, but it had me on the edge of my seat the whole time

      I wanted to be there.

      1. profile image0
        Stevennix2001posted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Have you seen Before Sunset also?  That was a great film too.

  5. profile image0
    Stevennix2001posted 14 years ago

    there's too many to name for love stories although my vote would go for something like this

    1. Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind
    2. Brokeback Mountain
    3. William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet (remake with Leonardo DiCaprio)
    4. Talk To Her
    5. Gone With The Wind
    6. Casablanca
    7. Ghost
    8. It Happened One Night
    9. Mr. Deeds goes to Town (not that crappy lame remake by Adam Sandler, but the original)
    10. Tootsi

    1. Castlepaloma profile image75
      Castlepalomaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Yes seen both Movies. Being on the road most of my life , there has been a few women in likeness of that relationships.

      Brokeback Mountain was the first gay romance movie I've ever seen and  it was deeply sad also.

    2. xkristalynx profile image60
      xkristalynxposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I love Eternal Sunshine smile

  6. Ign Andy profile image59
    Ign Andyposted 14 years ago

    In no particular order:
    1. Serendipity
    2. When Harry Met Sally
    3. Before Sunrise
    4. Before Sunset
    5. There's Something about Mary

  7. xxojokermanoxx profile image65
    xxojokermanoxxposted 14 years ago

    While You were Sleeping, Untamed Heart, The Crow, True Romance

  8. alextsui profile image60
    alextsuiposted 14 years ago

    One of my favorites which I still remember to this day is When Harry Met Sally starring Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan.

    This one is different from the usual romance movies because the hero wasn't even attracted to the heroine but kind of ends up being best friends with her. Somehow their weird friendship blossomed into love.

  9. richtwf profile image60
    richtwfposted 14 years ago

    Great films:

    Sleepless in Seattle.

    You've got mail.

    1. ketchup101 profile image62
      ketchup101posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Yes. these two movies are great!

  10. Glimmer515 profile image61
    Glimmer515posted 14 years ago

    The Notebook

    1. know one profile image60
      know oneposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Loved this. Both actors were mesmerizing.

    2. Scarlett My Dear profile image61
      Scarlett My Dearposted 14 years agoin reply to this


  11. maven101 profile image72
    maven101posted 14 years ago

    The Sand Pebbles...

  12. know one profile image60
    know oneposted 14 years ago

    My absolute favourite is The American President. I've seen this more times than I care to admit.

  13. Dee aka Nonna profile image61
    Dee aka Nonnaposted 14 years ago

    There are some really good ones.  But I think my absolute favorite is The Whole Wide World starring Vincent D'Onofrio and Renee Zellweger.  It's based on a true story.  A little quirky but there is a kissing scene that will melt you socks and curl your toes.

    1. know one profile image60
      know oneposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Never heard of it but I love Vincent so will track this down :-)

  14. 2besure profile image82
    2besureposted 14 years ago

    I love Ghost!  Great drama, mystical and the message of love is eternal!

  15. Cagsil profile image71
    Cagsilposted 14 years ago

    I'm going to go back in years here- My Fair Lady! smile big_smile

  16. Mighty Mom profile image75
    Mighty Momposted 14 years ago

    Hands down: Pride and Prejudice.
    The modern version with Keira Knightly and Matthew McFaddon -- OMG, talk about melting....
    I love both characters -- strong, spunky, misunderstood, and of course, destined to be together!

    1. rebekahELLE profile image85
      rebekahELLEposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      one of my favorites also. I'll watch it every time, no matter how many times I've seen it.. same with Sleepless in Seattle.  some have already been mentioned. I also love the Bridget Jones movies.

  17. PFrutuosa profile image60
    PFrutuosaposted 14 years ago

    Titanic and When a Man Loves a Woman...
    They are great.
    Titanic make us dream and cry
    When a Man Loves a Woman show us the power of love and how sometimes some mountains can be moved.

  18. Seafarer Mama profile image79
    Seafarer Mamaposted 14 years ago

    Almost anything with Meg Ryan:
    French Kiss
    Kate and Leopold
    When Harry Met Sally
    City of Angels
    What Dreams May Come (Robin Williams)

    The Princess Bride
    Wings of Desire/Far Away So Close

  19. Seafarer Mama profile image79
    Seafarer Mamaposted 14 years ago

    Also, Il Postino

  20. Flightkeeper profile image68
    Flightkeeperposted 14 years ago

    While You Were Sleeping, The Truth About Cats and Dogs, Pretty in Pink and that's all I can think up for now.  And I forgot, Pride and Prejudice, the old TV version.

  21. Greek One profile image65
    Greek Oneposted 14 years ago

    Porky's III

  22. lindacee profile image90
    lindaceeposted 14 years ago

    "Casablanca" and "Now Voyager". Both fantastic love stories and very romantic -- 1940s-style!

  23. libby101a profile image60
    libby101aposted 14 years ago

    I loved "Message in a Bottle" and "City of Angels."

    "Titanic" was good too.

  24. Scarlett My Dear profile image61
    Scarlett My Dearposted 14 years ago

    * Stranger Than Fiction
    * The Thomas Crown Affair ~ the remake
    * The Family Stone
    * Bridget Jones Diary
    * Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason
    * Fools Rush In
    * An Affair To Remember
    * Strictly Ballroom
    * Dan in Real Life
    * It's a Wonderful Life

    I'll stop here.

  25. Tusitala Tom profile image69
    Tusitala Tomposted 14 years ago

    The old 1950s film, "Love is a Many Splendoured Thing," With Jennifer Jones and William Holden springs to mind.  I saw it as a teenager and it left tear in my eyes.  Beautiful movie with a terrific theme song.

  26. moviesposter profile image60
    moviesposterposted 14 years ago

    The Note Book and Titanic

  27. ketchup101 profile image62
    ketchup101posted 14 years ago

    There are lot of great romantic movies, but here are my favorites:

    Pearl Harbor
    If Only
    A Walk To Remember
    The Notebook
    Shakespeare in Love
    You've Got Mail

  28. Joy56 profile image66
    Joy56posted 14 years ago

    I do not cry easily, this one had a whole box of hankies wiped out.

      Truly Madly Deeply

  29. Disturbia profile image62
    Disturbiaposted 14 years ago

    Sabrina - Audrey Hepburn and Humphrey Bogart
    Overboard - Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn
    Pretty Woman - Richard Gere and Julia Roberts
    Casablanca - Ingrid Bergman and Humphrey Bogart
    Gone With The Wind - Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh
    Ladyhawke - Rutger Hower and Michelle Pfeiffer

  30. Critic Acid profile image61
    Critic Acidposted 14 years ago

    I guess "A Walk To Remember" a good one + "PS. I love You".

    I wonder why Nobody mentioned them!!

    PS. I love You ... lol big_smile

    Critic Acid.

  31. Andrilene profile image60
    Andrileneposted 14 years ago

    Dirty Dncing is a good one!! and never forget Love and Basketball!! yeah!! lol

  32. John Redfern profile image60
    John Redfernposted 14 years ago

    Love, The perfect catch its a great love story, mixed with a healthy dose sports humour and its got Drew Barrymore looking particualy fine.

  33. 6stringmethod profile image60
    6stringmethodposted 14 years ago

    Im not very much on those but if i have to pic it would be The Notebook.

  34. Anamika S profile image63
    Anamika Sposted 12 years ago

    I have watched Pretty Woman and The Note Book countless times.

  35. Tusitala Tom profile image69
    Tusitala Tomposted 12 years ago

    The old 1950s film, "Love is a Many Splendoured Thing" with William Holden and Jennifer Jones was good - especially the theme song.

  36. Thelma Alberts profile image95
    Thelma Albertsposted 12 years ago

    1.Love Story
    2. Romeo and Juliet
    3. P.S. I Love You
    4.Wuthering Heights (an English TV film)

    1. Nalini Marquez profile image84
      Nalini Marquezposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      "Wuthering Heights" is a good one! Which English TV version are you referring to?

  37. Jonathan Janco profile image59
    Jonathan Jancoposted 12 years ago

    My Top5:
    in chronological order of course:

    1. Chilly Scenes of Winter
    2. Cousins
    3. Tromeo & Juliet
    4. The Family Man
    5. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (yes, I really do consider that a romance)

  38. profile image0
    creativeroyposted 12 years ago

    The Wedding Singer (1998)

    A simple and sweet story that touches your heart.

  39. Redberry Sky profile image90
    Redberry Skyposted 12 years ago

    Keeping the Faith and Fight Club (I know, I know, but the end scene makes it a romantic movie in my eyes). 

    That *could* be because I have a thing for Edward Norton, though ...

  40. chitradileep profile image60
    chitradileepposted 12 years ago

    Nandhanam, Thuvanathumbikal, Alayipayuthe

  41. Ddraigcoch profile image71
    Ddraigcochposted 12 years ago

    The love story at the base of "The Crow" is one that is hard to beat in my eyes. I love that film.

  42. Ddraigcoch profile image71
    Ddraigcochposted 12 years ago

    and "Ever after" with Drew Barrymore. Totally cheesy but lovely.

    1. Nalini Marquez profile image84
      Nalini Marquezposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I don't think "Ever After" is all that cheesy. OK maybe a little. But still, very, very good.  I really like the plot and characters.

  43. Jamesdawn profile image61
    Jamesdawnposted 12 years ago

    Titanic is my favorite romantic movie.


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