all your unanswered
- 256After the Great Flood, How Was The World Populated
jonnycomelately (10 years ago)
- 122Let's be REASONABLE OK
Castlepaloma (10 years ago)
- 15My Oh My Oh My
EncephaloiDead (11 years ago)
- 4Do YOU believe that Liberalism/Progressivism in American society will
Ceegen (11 years ago)
- 57Why is there a severe and discordant disconnect between religious
tlmcgaa70 (11 years ago)
- 85Freeform Discussion on the Issue of Religion
Disappearinghead (11 years ago)
- 157Gayness and Christians
jonnycomelately (11 years ago)
- 4In your opinion, what are the ways that organized religions are
grand old lady (11 years ago)
- 2Which foot?
Beth37 (11 years ago)
- 87Blind Obedience vs Willful Obedience
Kathryn L Hill (11 years ago)
- 20How does religion bind people?
lone77star (11 years ago)
- 0Correlation Between Religious Beliefs, Religious Attitudes, and
gmwilliams (11 years ago)
- 3How did St. Augustine greatly contribute to the Judeo-Christian
Beth37 (11 years ago)
- 80Where science ends and faith begins and where faith ends.
A Troubled Man (11 years ago)
- 358Why do so many Christians believe the bible to justifies homophobia?
JMcFarland (11 years ago)
- 11Hmmmmm, Great Food For Thought
Emile R (11 years ago)
- 86Belief of the intelligent design
A Troubled Man (11 years ago)
- 66I thought this was beautiful and sad.
iilovemykiidz (11 years ago)
- 17Why do most religions feel like black iron prisons?
Emile R (11 years ago)
- 43How much should society allow minorities to influence it?
peeples (11 years ago)
- 180Why are Organized, Patriarchical Religions Threatened by the Feminine
MasonZgoda (11 years ago)
Mark Johann (11 years ago)
- 52What About Religion?
A Troubled Man (11 years ago)
- 18What are the challenges for us Humans of this Modern Age?
jonnycomelately (11 years ago)
- 1,795Mike Huckabee says removing God from schools is to blame for shooting
Chris Neal (11 years ago)
- 36Is the monetary system moral/ethical?
pennyofheaven (11 years ago)
- 8Religion and Power
Paolocruz (11 years ago)
- 2Many People Attitude Towards Religious Authorities
pennyofheaven (11 years ago)
- 12Taking Responsibility For One's Own Life
pennyofheaven (11 years ago)
- 5New Revelations About Mother Teresa
allhailtexas (11 years ago)
- 1,165Why do Christians have a problem with Homosexuals?
rebekahELLE (11 years ago)
- 1The Popes Sweet Retirement Deal
wilderness (11 years ago)
- 43What if it IS just in the Human Mind?
Chris Neal (12 years ago)
- 7St. Malachy Prophecy
SimeyC (12 years ago)
- 10Atheist, meaning no God
Deepes Mind (12 years ago)
- 33Is proof always avaliable?
Jerami (12 years ago)
- 67Are PROSTITUTES really victims?
Beth37 (12 years ago)
- 214Queen James Bible Now Theres a Gay-Friendly Version of Scripture
MelissaBarrett (12 years ago)
- 3The 3rd Fatima Prophecy
Emile R (12 years ago)
- 42what is the common thought running through all religions?
Jerami (12 years ago)
- 7Has Santa spoilt Christmas?
wilderness (12 years ago)
- 52What is more important to those that belief in God?
violetheaven (12 years ago)
- 2Pat Robertson is upset Again
Rad Man (12 years ago)
- 6God is Zero where the World Exists
berojgaarnews (12 years ago)
- 3Why is it that some people hate those that fight/ call for freedom.
C-ing Eye (12 years ago)
- 1Later Regrets
Emile R (12 years ago)
- 24Marilyn Manson credits christian school for his success
ForbiddenBitch (12 years ago)
- 7Socrates and Nehemiah
knolyourself (12 years ago)
SmartAndFun (12 years ago)
- 24Are religious people more generous?
secularist10 (12 years ago)