all your unanswered
- 1Truthful Question
Live to Learn (5 years ago)
- 13Obama"Care"?
Hxprof (5 years ago)
- 0W-H-A-T?...………..W-H-A-T??
gmwilliams (5 years ago)
- 0Oh yes......A-GAIN!
gmwilliams (5 years ago)
- 0Oh Boy OH BOY
gmwilliams (5 years ago)
- 4Medicare for All?
PrettyPanther (5 years ago)
- 11Government in America
Credence2 (5 years ago)
- 2the FEAR
PrettyPanther (6 years ago)
- 12The Big WHAMMY
Miebakagh57 (6 years ago)
ahorseback (6 years ago)
- 21The FBI has been corrupted from the Top - Barack Obama
ahorseback (6 years ago)
- 35Trump signed EO making Poor Work for their Assistance. To What Point?
ahorseback (6 years ago)
- 2Let's Get A-LONG
Credence2 (6 years ago)
- 15Can a State defy the laws of the Federal Government?
Ivan Tod (6 years ago)
- 7Has Jeff Session finally decided he's in charge?
Randy Godwin (6 years ago)
- 3Why are security clearances needed for Federal Government jobs?
dianetrotter (6 years ago)
- 0Conservatives, What Bothers You About Liberals & Progressives?
gmwilliams (6 years ago)
- 15The National Debt is climbing...
Sychophantastic (6 years ago)
- 23Is the US call on Jerusalem justified??
ahorseback (6 years ago)
- 11Once again, Congress has one set of rules for American people and...
Misfit Chick (6 years ago)
- 23It is official, this latest tax reform demostrates the GOP don't know.
GA Anderson (6 years ago)
- 23Is it possible that Paul Ryan could become president?
ahorseback (6 years ago)
- 97Why is help so difficult and slow to reach Purto Rico?
SABoardman (6 years ago)
- 7Will Justice finally be served? Beau Bergdahl pleads guilty...
colorfulone (6 years ago)
- 26Why Should Taxpayers Pay for Hurricane Damage?
GA Anderson (7 years ago)
wilderness (7 years ago)
- 2Big Brother/Big Sister in America
Castlepaloma (7 years ago)
- 6The Latest Test for the White House? Pulling Off Its Easter Egg Roll
Kathleen Cochran (7 years ago)
- 14Should Presidential vacations be curtailed?
Marisa Wright (7 years ago)
- 32Has President Trump committed High Crimes & Misdemeanors Yet?
ahorseback (7 years ago)
- 16FBI ‘Granted FISA Warrant’ Covering Trump Camp’s Ties To Russia
GA Anderson (7 years ago)
- 34Facts about the inauguration
Gemini Fox (7 years ago)
- 40Can Congress make sanctions against Russia if PEOTUS Trump refuses
dianetrotter (7 years ago)
- 60Will Some Trump Voters Die from the Repeal of the Individual Mandate?
wilderness (7 years ago)
- 18Is USA gradually moving towards curtailing freedom of speech?
colorfulone (7 years ago)
- 18Secessionists formally launch quest for California's independence
colorfulone (7 years ago)
- 31Is Congress Making a Grave Mistake By Overriding PBO's Veto?
My Esoteric (7 years ago)
- 20Do you believe an armed revolution may be in America's future ?
colorfulone (8 years ago)
- 108Obama has removed the Pledge of Allegiance from the schools!
GA Anderson (8 years ago)
- 26Why would Obama release so many from Gitmo at such a crucial time?
ahorseback (8 years ago)
- 4Hillary is.......FOUND NOT GUILTY Regarding Benghazi
ahorseback (8 years ago)
- 2One APPRECIATES Rewards When One EARNS Them
colorfulone (8 years ago)
- 1Obama / Clinton Administration Edits Vdeos of Press Conferences .
colorfulone (8 years ago)
- 8Significant premium hikes expected under Obama health law
ahorseback (8 years ago)
- 1Republicans win Obamacare legal challenge, add to insurer concerns
ahorseback (8 years ago)
- 2The Military Draft May Soon Include Women
rhamson (8 years ago)
- 4Foreign-born U.S. military veterans deported despite service
wilderness (8 years ago)
- 14Senators Who Voted Against Background Checks Received $27Mil from NRA
Stacie L (8 years ago)
- 3Do YOU contend that the late President Lyndon B. Johnson's war on
Credence2 (9 years ago)
- 24Netanyahu Says Congress Speech Is 'Not Intended to Show Any Disrespect
Credence2 (9 years ago)