Has anyone had any paranormal experiences, whether they've seen or heard a spirit- or any other unexplained activity?
I haven't had any as of yet. However, my mom says that she saw her father in church after he died, and we also smelled his cologne around the house. Also, my sister claims to have seen a shadow figure in my grandparents' house when she was little.
Anyone else like to share their story?
I'm a big skeptic of such phenomenon but that doesn't preclude me from having such experiences. As part of an Intro to Philosophy course I took in college we went out to this farmhouse that was built in the 1700s. The man who'd lived there was a doctor who worked with both his fellow Europeans and even Native Americans in the area. Anyway we went in with a bunch of students and official "paranormal investigation team" from the area.
While in an old barn built on the property in the mid-1800s we heard what can only be described as a female voice. It was speaking in a language none of us could understand and there were at least half a dozen people who all heard it.
There's probably a rational explanation for it but at the time none was apparent. I used to go to cemetery's and old houses all the time looking for ghosts but the barn incident is the only thing even close to a paranormal experience I've ever had. At least its the only one that remains unexplained to me.
Hi Jennzie-
I have seen demons and felt them too. I had one try to push my car off the road, another time it was on me trying to make me stop breathing - these are some examples.They leave if you tell them too in Jesus name. I have pages and prayers on this type of stuff.
God bless you!
Hello jennzie, i wrote about my experiences on here the other day. I have seen a ghost and also experienced an active one too. I don't think i have heard one but i hear voices at times so who know's it could be the ghosts? x
One of my older sisters used to live in a haunted house when we lived in Austin, Texas. She said it almost drove her crazy. There were hot spots, cold spots, she heard voices, and even felt a touch or two from whatever it was that was in her house. It only took her a few weeks, and then she had to pack up and move. On a more personal level, I really think my mom walks through my house sometimes calling my name. Her and my dad both passed away about 5 years ago. If it is my mom, she is welcome to stay here as long as she wants or needs to!
Yes, Absolutely! Also More than once. I stood next to one at an antique store window and for some reason I didn't look directly at him. However I could tell he was wearing an overcoat and a hat called a fedora. I was looking at various items in the window and chatting to the man about them. I didn't dawn on me at the time that he made no comment. Then I noticed an old lamp with a cloth cord. I said "Hey wow that cord has cloth around it"! I still could see him in the corner of my eye but when I turned to look at him he was gone! My first thought at that moment wasn't that I had seen a ghost, but rather "where the heck did that guy just go?" There was nowhere he could have gone, not around the corner, it was to far. Not the bus, it wasn't due yet, I was waiting for it too!
Not going to share.
Somethings just can't be explained...Yet...
I hear them all the time but I don't see them. Course it is a matter of interpretation. I could be wrong. But my interpretation likes the company.
Learned all that at an early age as my grandparents house was haunted where I lived with them until I was 8. The ghost, my Irish grnadfather liked to lovingly call Casper was a thorn in my side because inevitably "casper" would do something in the kitchen and my family would all look at me to get up and see if everything was alright! It would always sound as if the squeaky cabinet doors would open and pans or pots would come rolling out of them and once I got in there there never was anything wrong! Once "casper" attacked me with one of my snake whistle toys and even my cousin saw it and wont talk about it directly to this day, shes 49.
Things would go missing and all we would have to yell is for Casper to give it back and it would show up in the same day. My Grandpa never allowed me to get rid of the ghost when I got older.
That started me on a lifelong journey of supernatural investigation. I was one of the first home parapsychologists like you see investigating on TV today because of all that happened then.
Samantha Stacia
I deal with the paranormal on a regular basis.... smells are also a spiritual sign altho good luck in the interpretations of such..... I live my life within the confines of this and still trying to always make sense of it. Hope you get to enjoy fully the good that comes with it!
I've seen a few. The creepiest one was a few years back. I was taking a nap and I woke up to a young child, about three, crawling into the chair with me. It scared me so badly that I scrambled backwards, knocking the chair over. That was just before two in the afternoon.
I thought that it had been a vivid dream and left the house to go visit my invalid mother. She was legally blind by then and she always saw things that the rest of us didn't see (I always assumed she was hallucinating). As soon as I walked in she started going on about the fact that she had just had the most enjoyable morning. She said I had been there, but not the adult me. It was me when I was three. She said she had visited with the child until about 1:30, at which time the child said she had to leave.
Her description of the child was the exact same child that tried to crawl in the chair with me.
I see ghosts all the time. I also hear them. I've heard and seen ghosts since I was a little girl.
I have felt their presence a few times.
feels like an electrostatic charge... the hair on my body would feel like it's standing up but wasn't. i've accidentally bumped into them twice.
I don't think they are ghosts though ... i'm a muslim and we believe in the Jinn ... they are similar to humans and live on earth.
This is the Internet. There will be people here who claim to BE ghosts!
I like goats. This may sound strange habee, but in some ways they remind me of cats.
My dad always kept a few goats.
We had a goat once that liked to wear a plastic jack-o-lantern on its head. I kid you not!
Yes, I have heard my grandma's coughing in her room just before she died in crematorium ground.
In my old house I slept above the kitchen and sometimes in the middle of the night I'd hear the cupboard doors opening and closing downstairs.
My dad claims that one night when he was in bed he heard someone knock his bedroom door. He's convinced the place is haunted.
that would be a ghost that is doing what they are use to, They are probably putting the dishes away. The knock on the door could be for any reason, did he hear any voices after the knock?
He didn't mention any voices, just the knock, which would freak me out big time.
I am so use to hearing ghosts it really doesn't bother me anymore. My boyfriend on the other hand was totally freaked when he thought was one of the kids going into the laundry room and it turned out to be a ghost he had seen.
That would freak me out too! I think I may have seen a ghost out the corner of my eye, or even felt one walk by me once but I'm not certain. It was probably just me : )
Perhaps they are all around- I just can't see or hear them with my eyes and ears. Maybe if I try using an EVP recorder I would be able to hear them- I hope that I get the nerve to get one and try it out soon!
I have never seen ghost, per say. Me and my grandfather were very close growing up. We spent all our time together doing things. When i was 12 grandfather died and it really shook me up. About 1 month after his death, I was helping my uncle feed the cattle in the pasture, and we both got this strong smell of hair grease. He used to put grease in his hair every day and his grease had a unique smell. This was the smell. At the same time, the hair on the back of my neck rose and I felt a slight rush of wind, almost like someone walking by you. Take what you will from my experience, but I believe my grandfather was there that day and so does my uncle.
LOL. People who think we know it all already.
LOL! Adults who really, really, really want to believe in ghosts.
I don't know why I posted those. I'm not laughing anymore.
So, tell me how you resolve the totally bizarre and unexplainable. Or do you just bury it in your subconscious because you don't want to admit you can't know everything?
This is easy to resolve but may need some explanation first.
The believer will look for answers to the totally bizarre and unexplainable, immediately turning to the supernatural to fill those answers if one is not readily available. They will undoubtedly question the thinker how they could possibly bury it in their subconscious because they don't want to admit they can't know everything. They will continue to believe in their supernatural answers regardless if the event is explained later on.
The thinker understands the totally bizarre and unexplainable will occur because statistic probabilities indicate they must occur. The thinker also understands that an explanation may not be available and that whatever the explanation, it is most likely of a terrestrial nature and not one of supernatural magic.
The believer will begin bleating about how our brains could never understand completely the world around us and that there are forces and mysteries in the universe that science couldn't possibly find or comprehend.
Does that help resolve it?
Not at all. I don't know about other people, but I am perfectly happy to have a mystery solved. People don't always want to believe. Sometimes we are forced to when no reasonable solutions can be found. Not my silly story here in this thread. I have no reason to believe that couldn't have been chance.
I cannot believe that you could honestly think everyone lies to themselves because they want to believe in something. People don't want to believe. They want answers.
No, we aren't forced to believe in magic.
Read what you wrote. You answered your own question.
Interesting. The way I figure it is anyone that insists on yes or no right now is in the same boat. You guys want to believe what you want to believe. Those of us that accept that you can’t know either way for sure yet are the only true realists. I'll wait for the answers. Thank you.
Yes, but yours is a Pseudorealism; attempts made at amalgamating various abstract ideas to create an imagery which has the appeal of reality.
Yes, please. Dance around your discomfort with the inability to accept that some things can't be known by hijacking words and redefining them to suit your fancy.
I've always used it, and seen it used, in connection with art and the media. Not real life situations. Unless we're talking subconscious performance art. Which, I guess, is possible.
Of course, there are dozens of types of "Realisms" many of them referring to art. But, I couldn't find one that suited your posts other than the one I mentioned.
A Troubled Man, the word ghosts sounds so elementary and kid-like. I believe spirits is a better word to use. The word ghost brings about fear in many while the word spirits simply refers to something supernatural yet neutral. Neutral meaning not here to harm or help just existing.
LOL! Adults who believe in ghosts but call them spirits because they still want to appear as adults.
Ok a troubled man, how to ou explain the explainable, and the stuff labeled "supernatural" by today's society?
The house my mothers lives in has been in my family for generations, as well as the land around it. My mother, a friend of hers, and I have seen and heard many odd things. The best part is that if they start to annoy us we call out their names (we can sense who it is at times), tell them to stop what they are doing, and they actually do it. I think the best place to be haunted is your own home and have it haunted by relatives because then you know they really are watching over you.
It is one thing to have paranormal experiences and but a whole other ballgame when you have one with communication and feedback with a spirit.
There was a ghost at this beachfront hotel I used to work at. Everyone would say the place was haunted, but then these teenage hippies came along and checked in for a night. They spent the whole night running around trying to catch the ghost and playing really bad early '70s pop music all the while. They finally caught the ghost and revealed that it wasn't a ghost, but in fact a man who was interested in buying the hotel so he could knock it down and dig for buried pirate treasure on the land. He wanted to scare everyone away so he could buy the property dirt cheap.
He probably would have succeeded if those teenagers hadn't come along.
I was wondering did these teenagers have a great Dane and a van called the Mystery Machine. These teens debunk a lot of ghost stories....
I personally have never seen a ghost, nor has anyone I know.I also am a little sceptical about the whole paranormal thing, however, on several occasions I have been in certain situations, like when I'm in my car for example, and something or someone has made me change course to avoid a collision.There have been other times as well when I just feel that someone is watching over me, and helps me in some way to change my actions, always for the better.Can't really explain it any better, especially, as I said, I don't really believe in this sort of thing.
Call me crazy but not only do I believe in ghosts, I can communicate with them and NO, EARNEST!!! THEY ARE NOT MY IMAGINARY FRIENDS!!!
Wonder if posting here will revive the forum. I have no idea if there is life after death. I have had a few experiences , but you know when someone dies you want to see them again so bad maybe your mind makes things up. When my dad died on the way to the emergency room I smelled cherry tobacco from a pipe. He smoked this when I was small and I loved the smell. Also the man I co-parented with smoked that occasionally so in my mind I thought we maybe it is a ghost of a friend comforting me or my dad. My favorite men have all smoked pipes and worn Old Spice so these are smells I would think of when think of them. I kinda hope it was a ghost.
Thats a very informative Article please do read mine too....Thank you
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by Shannon 7 years ago
Anyone have any REAL GHOST STORIES to share?
by Tiffany 14 years ago
Has anybody out there seen a ghost? Or thought they had a spiritual experience like that? I haven't but I am interested in the paranormal.
by beverlyannblock 2 years ago
Has anyone seen a ghost or any type of paranormal activity?
by TANYA CANNING 11 years ago
Do you believe that ghosts and spirits and other entities actually exist? well if you would have asked me that question about 4 years ago I would have said no... I had 1 unexplained episode back then but over the last year I have been experiencing some very frightening things and its getting worse...
by Gabriel Wilson 10 years ago
Have you ever seen a ghost?Have you ever had the feeling that you're not alone yet knowing no one is there: seen something you know is not of the living world? Felt a shiver run down your spine; sensed a spirit; seen a ghost?
by Celiene Scopinich 8 years ago
Okay. This is not a lie. I have come on to the Internet to see if anyone has received the same experience as me. Everyone seems to be making up some wicked story. Mine however isn't too extreme but it's the truth. Okay I am 14 years old but at the time I was in year 3 so about 7 or 8 years. I was...
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