How does someone get 100 plus fans in a short period of time? I like having fans but I wonder what it means when a hubber adds hundreds of fans in only one day or less? You know what I mean you see you have a new fan but check out their fans you see hundreds of fans in a short period of time on their profile. Is that normal on Hub Pages? I don't know about you but I want to be a fan of those who have writings that I really like. Any comments on this topic?
I'd say half of my fans come from those who have just gone through adding the first three or four pages of people from the Best Authors page.
When someone becomes my fan, I usually check out their profile and a few of their hubs, and if I like what I see then I become their fan. So, one way to get more fans is to become the fan of the hubbers you like!
What you are saying make sense. I do the same thing as caspar. What is the general attitude towards people how randomly becoming fans of many? okay, not okay, indifferent?
Looking through my list it would appear that I'm the fan of very few.
I won't 'fan' someone I don't know.
You've got to be either very impressive or highly entertaining.
Thanks to you Darkside for being a fan! I'll file myself under highly entertaining.
I think becoming a Fan of someone is great, and in return the person who became a fan of someone that person should then become a fan of them. Hubpages has a high standard of the Hubs users create. And what if a Hubber doesn't have the best Hubs? Why not be there friend and help them with comments and watch as there works get better? It's wrong to not be the fan of someone who is trying and struggling with that trial, even more so if that person became a fan of you. Also, by becoming there fan, then then look at your works and get ideas to improve there own.
I agree mostly with everyone. It is good to add fans but I'm skeptical as to why 100, 200, or more fans are all added within an hour or two or a day or so. I doubt someone adding that many fans in a short time period has had time to really participate in reading the work of the hubbers they have become a fan of. Personally, I want to know that my readers become a fan because of the work I have done and not simply to build a fan list quickly.
Personally, I only become a fan of someone when I genuinely admire their work and have an interest in what they write about. That's what being a fan means, after all. When I get an email saying someone has published a Hub, I want it to be something worth reading!
There doesn't seem much point in becoming a fan of someone who's not a good writer - I'm hardly going to start sending them unsolicited emails telling them how to improve their Hubs! If they ask me for help, that's fine, but I don't need to be a fan to do that.
A lot of newbies seem to think their income comes from fellow Hubbers reading their Hubs (which it doesn't), so they try very hard to get noticed by joining everyone's fan club. If I don't reciprocate and they don't like that, they can always leave my fan club!
Once again, if experenced Hubbers don't encourage new people why would they stay? Don't you remember how it was like? No fans, no big money, no reason to stay. It betters the community. Tell me that statement is wrong
I am not saying add everyone, but adding the ones that at least try hard is a good thing, heck for all you know they will be a great Hubber once they get it down.
If I join a Hubber's fan club, I get emails telling me about every Hub they write. I'm sorry, but I get too many emails as it is, without clogging my mailbox with stuff I don't have time to read. I think it would be more discouraging for me to join their fanclub, then leave later because I'm getting swamped, than not to join in the first place.
I'd rather provide support on the forums or by leaving comments on the person's Hubs than through the fan system.
I turned off email alerts lol. When someone comes up with a new Hub it lists it somewhere on Hubpages, I forgot where I saw it but its like "Newest Hubs from your Fans" or something like that. I can see how the email spam would be a problem (if I got it). But I mostly check on my own there latest Hubs because that doesn't require me to keep checking email (im lazy for logging in, sue me).
I don't think we need to keep arguing. I guess everyone has there own personal opinion on how the make fans, and how they add them. I'm not trying to change your opinion of it, that would be rude for that sort of thing, and I just hope your not trying to change mine
My fans count is just around 50 now. I never join someone I don't like. I mean, I join an author's fan club only if I like some of their hubs(yet to explore few more writers). I hardly invite people to join my fanclub, and it's not in our control here, to prevent somebody joining us even if we don't like...
I wonder, it shows here(below my avatar) like I have 58 fans. But, in my profile page I could see only 51 fans. How? Can anybody explain?
Well as a newbie here for me its not about what you write its about if you have the respect to join my fan club example I'll join a persons fan club wait a day and if they dont join back then I stop being there fan and never read there hubs but if you join I'll allways read your hubs even if its something Im not interested in and try to make a constructive comment Like Marisa when I joines 2 weeks ago I became your fan I have not read any of your hubs and you have not joined my fan club so I just stopped being your fan a second ago and theres been others but I have fans that are some of the most popular hubbist here~cool~ cya!
I have to laugh. When I posted about my view of what it means to be a fan, I had 306 fans. Since then I've had several people join my fan club, but I'm down to 303 fans. Looks like a few people read my post and realised I wasn't going to reciprocate!
thank you thranax for pointing that out sure does'nt take long to catch on around here LoL
I always read a hub or two of the people that join my fan club. If I like their hubs I join their club and leave them an encouraging note, if they're new to hubpages I welcome them. I love that little bit of interaction.zs
All great comments! I am glad I asked the question. When I join a fan club I don’t expect the person to become my fan. That would be like asking a Hollywood movie star to become my fan just because I like their movies. Somehow I don’t see Angelina Jolie or Jessica Alba really interested in me no matter how hard I wish! LOL!
Marisa can you join my fan club Ive only published 4 hubs in 2 weeks but I know what you mean I have seen people come in here blast hubs straight up your @#@!@#*&^! and it is terrible but I would never do that Im a newbie but Im not like that Qaulity first, Well plz.
Well I've wondered how people got so many fans so quick too but I don't lose any sleep over it. For me personally, I won't become of fan someone unless I like their stuff. I kind of agree with Marisa...I won't become a fan if I don't like what I'm reading.
Guess you changed your mind pretty quick.
You just joined quite a few fanclubs very quickly withi a minute of each other!
....Careful your Hubtivity is showing!
24 minutes ago Lady Luthi became the fan of Whitney05
25 minutes ago Lady Luthi became the fan of solarshingles
25 minutes ago Lady Luthi became the fan of robertkelleher
25 minutes ago Lady Luthi became the fan of dutch84
26 minutes ago Lady Luthi became the fan of oberbreckling
What is all the fuss about? This is especially confusing since a few people were saying they wanted more fans, so why do you begrudge people who are looking for the same things. Yes it is not a good idea to just add people, but who cares if they do. You do not have to fan back someone if they fan you, so I do not get the fuss.
I agree, SweetiePie. I don't think anyone is making a fuss! Personally, I prefer to be a fan because I'm genuinely a fan, not for any personal gain such as "reciprocal fandom" if I can call it that. If other people want to use it as a kind of friending system, or to gain some kind of brownie points, it doesn't worry me.
I'm not sure why there's been such a flurry of people looking for fans recently, surely it's not that important!
haha Its very important marisa that you stop now and become my fan and me yours LOL
First you have to learn how to use a spell-checker
ahh marisa I do use it but it does'nt allways work but you know just how too end it ok fine I give up ~cool~
Sorry ober. I'm one of those irritating people who notices every misplaced apostrophe and spelling mistake. I know it's unreasonably picky but it spoils my enjoyment of Hubs if there are errors!
Well I still think its rude to know someone is your fan and you dont become there fan sorry just the way I feel raised that way I guess and I make sure spellchecker works everytime when I use it lol ~cool~ cya! Now! lol
I don't think it's rude. There are a lot of great writers here, who simply don't write in a genre that is of interest to me. I check in on them daily, but it doesn't make sense to to fill my inbox with hubs I probably won't read. As it is, it is difficult to keep up with all the hubbers of whom I am currently a fan.
It's easy to keep up with my hubs, rmr!
I have a few "fans" I'd love to ditch, but as has been said on other threads, you can't pick your fans.
I always keep up with your hubs, GG. But I suspect that that some people join fanclubs just to have their name on more pages. I have a few fans who write nothing but How To Make Money hubs. I doubt if they joined my fanclub for my content. I'm not in this for the money, and have no interest in reading the ins and outs of adsense, so I don't reciprocate.
well I'll just make one more comment because I think your tiered of my opinion I just came to hubpages to grab the whole community not just a select few I read things that Im not interested in all the time because I want to learn and that is because I realize I dont know everthing like last week I read an article from totally insane about breast inlargement now Ive been in coastruction for many years but I read it I learned and that was that I havnt looked after my health pretty much dont care about my health but I read articles on health not because Im interested in them but because I want to learn all I can why? because I know I dont know everything and want to learn more and by others not grabbing the whole community it can make me feel unwelcomed I guess I can throw my hands up and say well if I dont like it I can go somewhere else like some here will tell you to do Its like theres a competition here going on about the hubpages between the writers if you been writing here for a while you dont have to share with the rest of the community except a hand full of others who have been here and the advice you get from the ones who have been here for a while is if you dont like it go somewhere else I understand the great talent of the writers that have been here for a while writing but Ive been the master of what I did for a living before now and I never treated the folks in the construction field like that because it is and incovienance to me or sided with others against the new crowd if anything is was interesting to see what the newbies were up too because once I got on top of constuction it was boring but anyway I'll just stop trying to be as involved with the community I will just stop learning and thats that fine dont read my articles I wont be reading yours.but a select few fine go ahead DONT SHARE
I'm sorry you feel unwelcomed ober, I didn't mean that at all. And I'm not tired of your opinion - I don't agree with you about what a fan should be, but I'm sure we agree on plenty of other things.
I don't see fans as having all that much to do with participating in the HubPages community, really. Participating in the community means communicating on these forums, asking questions if you need help, starting discussions about topics of interest and celebrating achievements.
As I've said before, your Hubs will be successful because of readers coming from outside HubPages, not thanks to fellow Hubbers reading them. Personally I'd rather have 5 fans who really are fans, i.e. people who think I can write, than have 300 fans who just joined to be nice, or because they thought it was a community thing to do, or to get something in return. But that's just me - I know others see it differently, and you're entitled to your opinion.
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There's a difference between an argument and a discussion - it's good to discuss things sometimes, because it means everyone can get on the same page, or at least agree to disagree.
If we were talking about friends, I'd agree with you oberbreckling - "it's rude to know someone is your friend and you don't become their friend". But to take it to extremes, are you saying that it would be rude of Angelina Jolie if she knew you were her fan, and she didn't become your fan?
A fan means an admirer. I choose to interpret that literally here on HubPages, and I only become a fan of writers I admire. Others choose to interpret the word differently. We each make our own choices, and that's the way it should be.
by Deep 15 years ago
Is it not better to stay an enigma and let your words be heard with eyes then your profile to be read loud like facebook, twitter and all other social network.Hi, let me introduce myself. I've been called a lot of things in life but you can call me Deep. As you all can see by now I'm new to all...
by beta1070 17 years ago
First, why does anyone go proactively looking for fans?Do they? There are people who joined after me and have, at best, questionable quality hubs, yet seem to have fans in the double digits. To me, that can only be the result of them proactively working on getting fans. Why?There are hubs here,...
by mdawson17 15 years ago
I joined seven fan clubs last night but yet out of the seven one returned to mine! I have posted various hubs dealing with various topics but yet no visitors (except the few that want to slam my work and act as if they are better than others! When does all this stop when does equality begin?? I...
by justone331 15 years ago
This jus doesnt make sense to me....I spent countless hours faning people and writing sincere comments about their hubs, but I just dont seem to get the love I the only one that notices this? And if im not can someone please give me an explanation as to why people do this.......God, you...
by how-toplayguitar 15 years ago
Is there some trick to getting fans? I don't mean like to trick peopl into being a fan but rather a legitimate path to find interested people and point them to my hubs. I think I write with some authority about my subject matter but it doesn't seem to be attracting anyone. What's the trick?Thanks.
by shazwellyn 15 years ago
I wondered if anyone can inform me of this.Thanks... Im still learning!
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