… journalism
Naturally another holiday, like Christmas, that MUST go.
Why do people always have to start with a label these days to make a point. Not all Liberals nor all Conservatives think alike... And the man opinions are just that, his own opinions
Just hide and watch how many agree with him.
I am also waiting for whom will inevitably attack the messenger.
Well the Label "Why do Liberals suck all the Life out of the room?" Will start the battle because they're “fighten words” So I am sure you will not be surprised if there will be those who back up his opinion.
"Oh who will attack me? Which of you dirty filthy scoundrels will attack me for no reason, you rats?"
Critical thinking is what is at issue here. Our schools and even universities introduce many ideas to our young people and us but they can't leave well enough alone. They have to put everything in a box. Either you are this or you are that and never the twain shall meet. The way to think your way through something depends on what exposure you have to the subject and the ability to suspend your bias or predjudice until you arrive at an answer that makes sense to you.
So the author of the peice has surrounded the op-ed of another by referenced bias and predjudice all the while contending that the message has no merit on it's face statement. Do I think the founding fathers were Nazis? Hell no, but there is evidence that there was an arrogance towards the indians as savages and summarily were not given as much respect they deserved as another society.
You have hit the proverbial nail on the head.
It's not just it's his opinion. This is going to come out in his classroom instruction.
Oh silly little me that doesn't matter or won't happen.
This is a college professor; he is not instructing minors. If you have raised your children to be good little propaganda sponges, then a little accuracy about the role of our white ancestors in the genocide of Native Americans won't penetrate their blind, nationalistic pride in the good old U. S. of A. now, will it?
Neither will words like "genocide", which clearly never happened.
Okay, let's call it an unfortunate side effect of claiming the land that sustained them. Feel better?
Absolutely! Particularly if you add that we reclaimed the land they stole from someone else.
As far as I'm concerned, this is somewhat similar to the German custom (not sure it is still done) of school trips to concentration camps; it was done, it is over, but never forget nor repeat. No need (or value) in vilifying the people that did it - they are long dead and found nothing wrong in the practice - but recognize that we now find it unacceptable and not to be repeated. There is a great deal that our ancestors did over the millenia that we now find completely unacceptable - live with the fact that it happened and don't let it happen again.
I have a feeling that many people who lived then were morally repulsed by what they saw but could not or would not stop it. So, I don't have a problem vilifying those who, as you say, "found nothing wrong in the practice."
Yes, we must live with the fact that it happened, but that doesn't mean we can't call it what it was.
Pretty close though. Got to get 'em all to call it "genocide," huh?
Of course, genocide implies systematic annihilation. White people we're much slower to kill most of the Americans, and disease played a great role in eliminating many before Europeans even showed in many areas. It's more like "long-term kill them when they get in your way racism leading to a slow-ish genocide-like scenario."
All kinds of "extra-curricular" ideas are being taught in schools, with extreme liberal A ND extreme conservative ideals. In Texas, history has been changed in textbooks, keeping those children ignorant of some of America's uglier past, as well as trying to raise them up as "good republicans" instead of leaving that stuff for good ole mom and dad to teach at home. Professors have been pushing their own agendas in schools since schoolhouses began. Whether they have more liberal or conservative views. You're only crying because you don't agree. Forget that the Native Americans actually were massacred by the people who "discovered" this country....
This is a perfect example of why this is complete nonsense, some few morons want this, the vast majority do not and some people for their own purposes try to twist it into being part of liberal ideology or some other such nonsense.
I am as far left as you are likely to meet and I think it's rubbish.
The number of people who want it can be counted in the hundreds, it's totally irrelevant.
So do you disagree with the professor or are you just mad it was brought up here? … ts-murder/ … itive.html
Yes, it is HIS opinion. However, I do recall how every solitary conservative was a birther because of Donald Trump, pro-rape because of Akin, etc etc etc. and not one of you feeling so insulted and righteous about this thought there was anything at all wrong with lumping people then. Just saying.
Well, talking about Thanksgiving and his opinion is hardly on par with talking about "legitimate rape" Birthers are entitled to their opinion as are people allowed to make fun of that opinion. And I, for one, have never believed that every single conservative believes exactly the same thing, some of them actually make sense.
Why does the subject matter? I was speaking of the outrage about lumping people. The subject does not matter, it is the deed. I would think that the more serious the subject, the lumping attitude would be far worse an assumption then as well.
But don't assume everyone of a political belief all think the same. This thread began by lumping people together.
You seemed to have gotten the "lump effect." What you don't seem to get is Sassie's pointing out that conservatives are "lumped together" to satisfy a liberal's itch.
Both sides practice lumping together all the "liberals" or "conservatives" together. It's honestly part of the problem with how politics work in this country. There tend to be a few policies that each side generally agrees on, but everyone's not the same across the board.
Akin and the other senator who claimed pregnancy from rape is a gift from God are elected members of the Senate for the GOP making that situation very different as fro Donald trump and birthers I don't remember anyone ever claiming that was an aspect of conservatism having said that it is infinitely more popular then this lets ban thanksgiving rubbish, there are several states were half the population believe Obama is not American prove there are anything like that kind of number of the "ban Christmas" nutters.
True. My best friend, a lefty, LOVES Christmas and Thanksgiving! I think this is another example of those on the fringes often having the loudest voices, although they're few in actual number.
This is bad....
That I find myself agreeing with you, I mean.
So you are denying we committed genocide? History is history my friend.
I don't agree with the professor that this means we should NECESSARILY disregard thanksgiving as a holiday. The current meaning isn't celebrating genocide; it's about being thankful for the good things in life and spending time with family.
The title of your post is offensive, and your suggestion that liberals agree with everything said, written or promoted by anyone else that classifies themselves as 'liberal' is absurd and ludicrous, at best.
Just as 'conservatives' disagree with each other, so do 'liberals'. It is not a question of liberal vs conservative. It is simply that all people disagree on many things.
I have viewed many of your forum posts--- My feeling (and I speak for just myself), you may suffer from tunnel vision. My suggestion, and not because I am a 'liberal', Get over it!
Funny. You all talk trash about this guy, and call him an idiot.
Yet...look at all the free views he's getting. Guy is a genius imho. Profiting from your anger.
P.S. I know some extreme Christians/conservative who want to end Christmas and Easter because they are holidays with pagan-roots... which they are. They say it's well known now that Jesus wasn't born in December and the Easter comes from "Ishtar" a pagan fertility goddess... so it's not just the "liberals."
If you know anything about the times that was at the feast of Passover.
Indeed... I know more than you think. However, celebrating "easter" with the eggs and the bunnies, and doing anything more than just going to church and celebrating Jesus' "resurrection" is considered pagan... Same as Christmas. No presents, no trees, no Santa. Just going to church to talk more about Jesus, and probably eventually moving the actual celebration of his birthday closer to when "research" shows Jesus was actually born. Talk about "sucking the life out of the room."
I haven't heard anyone saying that "Christmas must go."
The most amazing thing is that Thanksgiving does not celebrate the atrocities that were committed against Native Americans. At its origin it represents a time when Pilgrims and Indians came together, despite their differences, and even the acceptance of the Pilgrims of some Native American culture. The feast we enjoy today was actually a time of fasting and atonement for the Pilgrims, however, they adopted the feasting, dancing and celebratory traditions of the Native American harvest celebrations.
Oh but the positive does not matter.
It's like equating modern Christians with the Crusades. It's your fault dammit!
Have you stopped to consider the devastation that celebrating these holidays brings to turkeys?
Some "modern" (an oxymoron) Christians are worse than the Crusaders and Inquisitors.
If advocating for social justice, equality, fairness, inclusion and for those who suffer from poverty are not Christian concepts, than I have read and re-read the Bible incorrectly...
Guess what, Barefootfae- It does not matter what religion a person claims to be part of, or even if they are atheists, their actions demonstrate what and who they are. Suggesting that liberals do not believe in God or cannot be Christian indicates blind hatred, and last time I looked, Missy, that is definitely not Christian...
I never suggested it but there gets to be a lot of animosity from some liberal areas about it.
And I will absolutely never be caught saying someone can't be Christian.
I love how we are all straying from the professor spewing hate to it being my fault for bringing it up.
No, it's the fact of the title you gave to this thread...
I gave you a challenge....make me a liar.
It's the WAY you brought it up, Barefootfae...Your forum title and your comments are more examples of "spewing hate" than I've seen on a forum since the U.S. election ended. You didn't issue a challenge--you threw down a hate-filled gauntlet.
A forum should provide an opportunity for civil conversation and opinion exchanges, not simply name-calling and mud slinging. Civilized people should be able to disagree yet engage in discussion or debate of opposing views without descending to nasty tactics.
The manner in which you began the thread and your comments throughout make it clear you don't want to have a conversation. You only want to state your hatred loud and clear. Well, you certainly accomplished that, but you'll notice that some others who responded tried to add to the discussion in a more civilized manner.
Jesus Christ, who taught "Love thy neighbor as thyself" lived by that precept. Most Bible scholars include all human beings in the "neighbor" designation. There's a very large segment of humanity I just can't see you attempting to love. However, I'm equally sure you're able to justify your hatred in your own mind. I find that very sad.
Just my opinion.
What about the man to whom I linked?
Does he not spew hatred?
Or does how I phrased my opening negate anything negative from him?
So "two wrongs make a right?" yes he is saying something hateful and biased you are firstly giving him attention by repeating it and then saying something just as hateful and biased, well done.
Well of course, that makes it ok... You aimed your Op at an entire group of people, not just the man you were talking about. The fact that you even started the thread the way that you did, you were venting it seems, but that shouldn't have taken place anywhere but your head. And to expect people to not give you flack for insulting them for the statements of one man is ludicrous.
Let me set this straight.
I purposefully started the thread that way not out of any sort of hatred but just simply this:
I wanted to make certain that folks paid attention and maybe actually read it but of course i knew the reaction because....after all....every one IS NOT like that.
I will apologize on ONE condition.
The next time I see a forum here whereby the Conservatives in this nation are being unfairly taken to task and generalized........
And oh yes it does happen here so don't start all that....
I better see some of my liberal friends being just as horrified and PO'd about it. I really don't think I will see that because just as I predicted I saw a lot of agreements with the professor's politically correct assessment of American holidays.
So accept my apology for the title of the thread. Now....prove it wrong.
Every single person on this thread has said they disagree with what he said.
Yes. I am one. My sister is a deacon. … ist-ending
All I can say about that link is "What an idiot".
Sad that so many of our "intelligent" citizens will swallow this garbage.
Wilderness he is NOT an idiot don't you know?
He is ENLIGHTENED! He holds the future in his brain pan! Or bed pan!
He is one to whom absolutely no vestige of the western way of Christian life must be allowed to survive and i am waiting for the ones who agree with him here to show up.
In other words, you are just angry, and looking to fight with anyone who disagrees with you. Why don't you try putting yourself into the shoes of the Native Americans? Have someone occupy your country, and commit genocide on your citizens, then you would be singing a different tune.
Facts get in the way of the conservative deification of our founders!
You are aware, of course, that every single Native American that had land stolen from them were a part of a society that stole the same land from someone else?
I would love to see you prove that, while plenty of tribes expanded or where conquered from what we know archeologically and from oral records many of the North American tribes lived there in their territory since time immemorial quite possibly from when humans crossed into the Americas.
Plus the "two wrongs make a right" is a very easily seen through argument.
I get so pi$$ed with people who want to stop others from celebrating Christmas and other holidays. If they don't want to celebrate - fine. But leave the rest of us alone!
Oh but Habee you are so evil if you want these holidays! Don't you know that?
I like how he makes you Nazi by extension if you celebrate Thanksgiving.
Habee, have you actually encountered someone trying to stop anyone from celebrating Christmas? I haven't. I've noticed quite a few people of religions other than Christianity joining in to celebrate Christmas.
The Pilgrims wanted more than anything to live in an area where they could live in peace with no one shooting at anyone. They had enough to worry about, and yes, they were very grateful for the help they received from their new neighbors. My ninth great grandfather was William Bradford and he was not a Nazi !
I disagree with him too. And no one is wanting to get rid of Christmas. But doesn't he have the right to free speech?
Why is free speech an issue? I saw not a single person, not even the people who published the article, asking to revoke the man's right to free speech. Yet because conservatives disagree with him you instinctively assert that his rights are being violated.
You are thinking too much into what I said. I would defend anyone's right to say what they want.
Why does my "Feed" always bring me these increasingly stupid posts.
Anybody try looking at it from the Native American Side at the time of Manifest Destiny?
The treatment of Native Americans by the U.S. government is a sorry history of broken promises (treaties) and brutality which persists to this day on many if not all Indian reservations, e.g., Pine Ridge, South Dakota.
Ralph: I agree with you. We were in Deadwood and Tatanka and there the injustice is still palpable. It was all done in the name of Manifest Destiny.
I see the annual outrage and whining about evil liberals trying to steal Christmas from the Christians has expanded to include Thanksgiving.
I suspect Easter will be next.
Well I'm an atheist, and I don't want to ban Christmas, or any other holiday for that matter. Stop lumping all atheists in the same pot!
I wonder how much time it takes to come up with these inflammatory thread titles. What kind of discussion is expected? Who thinks like this?? No one I know.
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