… on-easter/
Anybody surprised?
i am not.
Happy Easter! He has risen!
Google is in cahoots with Big Brother.
That would certainly be a dishonestly drawn conclusion that Google are "good little secularists" or that they are "ignoring Jesus on Easter"
Odd, many people turn to bunnies and eggs on Easter. We don't hear anyone complaining about that.
What do bunnies and eggs have to do with Jesus?
We also don't see Christians jumping up to honor Ramadan or Yom Kippur.
The hypocrisy is blinding.
'That would certainly be a dishonestly drawn conclusion that Google are "good little secularists" or that they are "ignoring Jesus on Easter" '
----there are over 1.2 billion Catholics in the world, adding in all other Christians significantly increases that number. It may be a reach to call Google secularist but as liberals, this is provable by Google officers words and actions, secularism comes before Christianity.
"Odd, many people turn to bunnies and eggs on Easter. We don't hear anyone complaining about that.
What do bunnies and eggs have to do with Jesus?"
---- there is an interesting level of ignorance about the evolution of Christian practice and the co-opting of pagan images - perhaps a little open minded reading would help.
"We also don't see Christians jumping up to honor Ramadan or Yom Kippur."
---perhaps you should keep an eye on Google to see if they acknowledge Ramadan or Yom Kippur, as for the Christians I know, including me, acknowledgement of both is very common. Perhaps you should take the recent actions of Pope Francis in washing the feet of a Muslim woman and insisting on a greater effort to reach out to Muslims.
Narrowness and arrogance can also blind.
Would that then be an appeal to popularity fallacy?
It probably comes before all the other religions, too, when it comes to business practices.
They don't, that's the point.
LOL. That's nothing but lip service... or should I say, foot service.
Why then does Christianity promote them so much?
Doesn't mean that Easter eggs have anything to do with Jesus. And, if we're being accurate, shouldn't we be celebrating Christmas a tad earlier in the year?
Perhaps they felt that honoring a man who dedicated his life to improving the lives of ordinary people through nonviolent means and ended up dying penniless was a fitting tribute to the inspiration and sacrifice of Christ.
What did you want? A bunny with a basket of eggs?
Or how about a slightly different question? What would Jesus prefer? A tribute to Chavez, a man he likely would have very much liked? Or you complaining about it? Perhaps you are the true secularist here.
What are such die-hard Christians doing surfing the net on Easter? And then spending the time to write an article about it?
Shouldn't they be in Church?
I was. That was it's after.
Full of the Holy Spirit and ready to spread some love?
You need the Holy Spirit with some of the folks on here.
Because Jesus loved when people stirred conflict.
He was also so full of ego that he would have cared about who was on Google's search page.
Just like he is sending those who don't like and share his picture on facebook to hell.
I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.
~Mahatma Gandhi~
What is really surprising is that there are adults, living in the 21st century. who believe that a character, from a fairy tale, came back from being dead, just because it's written in an ancient book of childish stories. SMH!
Sergey Mikhaylovich Brin is Russian, I am only assuming he does not have a religion.
Perhaps not, here are his own words...
"knowledge is always good, and certainly always better than ignorance"
The powerful people in society can suppress or modify "knowledge". I think he means well by that definition.
Just like the church hid the truth that the Earth is not the center of the universe. Galileo became heretic.
We no longer live in bronze age and medieval times when the Church ruled.
Hey I am not saying that Brin tries to hide the truth, maybe there are reasons why the Easter celebration was not highlighted in Google.
The only fault of Galileo as an astronomer was to point out that the sun is the center of the Universe based on Copernicus theory .
It is not so much the reasons for not highlighting as it is the expectations of Christians.
Actually, what Galileo said was that the earth is moving and this got him in trouble with the Inquisition. He was persecuted and threaten to be burned, so he reluctantly retracted his affirmation, but on his way out murmured the famous "eppure si muove" - "however it moves"
He was a proponent of heliocentrism. I remember reading it in one of the books (reference) - Humanities, when I was in college.
3rd para
The Catholic Church has repudiated the entire Galileo incident. The Catholic Church was not the only body that found the drive to understand planetary motion and celestial mechanics troubling but, due to its wide reach in Europe - where the most vibrant scientific inquiry was happening - the Catholic Church was at the center of many of these controversies. Remember, Copernicus was a priest, Galileo and Descartes were both faithful Catholics - science and faith are not enemies, though science has always proved troubling to authority - both religious and political.
Lol. Google generally doesn't do religious holidays, but it has definitely done more Christianity-based doodles than any other religion. They haven't made a Hannukuh, Ramadan, Kwanzaa, etc etc etc Doodle. They did an Easter doodle once.
But of course, people have to be offended at something.
Christians fail to acknowledge the goddess of fertility on another earth pregnancy day, I am not surprised. Also yes Google is secular in opinion and somehow that is a bad thing? grow up.
I thank God Google is secular every day...
I actually have to research on there.
I mean I'd hate to look up the neolithic period to find "404 page not found, the world did not exist 12,000 years ago"
someone should make this search engine
Carbon dating image result:
Agreed. There is a SEPARATION of church and state in America. Sunday is like any other day. The Blue Laws are almost a thing of the past.
That might actually be there tomorrow...
Just a reminder to be on your toes.
Dont, you guys ever stop? The rightwinger, of course, despises Chavez and what he tried to do because he dared to interfere with greedy capitalists. I rather see his memorial than some commoration of Easter Egg hunts. Everybody knows about Easter, who knew about the cotributions of Mr. Chavez?
Why should Google do anything other than what the owners want it to do?
And if that is not surprising, why post about it?
If it bothers you so much, use a different search engine. You are not forced to use it.
Your post piqued my curiosity, so I did a "world" tour...
uk, nothing
india, nothing
yep, canada, nothing
australia, nothing
Check out
Pilipinas, nothing
Check out Africa,
italy, nothing
Nederland, nothing
ireland, nothing
romania, nothing
new zealand, nothing
singapore, nothing
Sverige, nothing
mexico, nothing
germany and france, nothing
It wasn't on either. I have a program that can set my ip in the US.
Still there for me. I wonder if that software is as good as promised. Google just might be coordinated enough to ignore the front IP and checkout the back IP.
Yep, I've already seen a post on Facebook. Can't have a Christian holiday without the accompanying Christian outrage about some offense or another. I wonder who fueled this one? Based on Google results, I'm puttin' my money on
I think you're probably right. Breitbart had a story up about it some 18 hours or so ago that now has 1,000+ Twitter and Facebook shares and 865 comments. Might also have been Malkin's Twitchy. Not that it really matters. They are all basically the same thing. Liberal this, liberal that, socialism, Obama sucks, world ending...
Shame on you, OP, for forgetting about Ishtar, for whom the holiday is even named in the first place.
Go make an offering to Ishtar, and stop disrespecting her holy day.
Lol, I posted on there asking if it was true because I couldn't see it and they deleted my comment.
1. All Christians, including right-leaning ones, are not incensed by Google's actions:
"First Things, a conservative-leaning Catholic journal, argued that it is fitting to remember Chavez on Easter Sunday. So many of his actions, the site said, were driven by his religious convictions.
"For Chavez, social reform was never merely external," reads a post on the site. "Without peace of spirit and purity of heart, there was little point in pursuing justice. Collective bargaining, just wages, shorter workdays: for Chavez none of these made sense outside the fact of his risen Lord."
2. Google hasn't produced an Easter doodle since 2000. In other words, today's move is not exactly a departure.
3. Don't like the Google Doodle? Switch to Bing, which has Easter eggs on its homepage.
Bing, which has Easter Eggs on its homepage.
Look at the decline of Church attendance in European nations as well as in the U.S. and Canada.
Actually the members of the New Left have always waged war against Christ and the Church. They started with the dismembering of Christian values in the U.S. during the 1950s. What came next was wild exposure of porn, the death of prayer in schools and the weakening of morale.
You forgot to mention the hyper-explosion of knowledge, the advent and outpouring of civil rights, and the ridiculously higher quality of life for the average American.
Then the New Right began to re-write the book of morals, which had as their basis: You're a mug if you get caught, but always show a face of disbelief if they are ever broken.
At least there is less hypocrisy on the Left.
Now the Right can rule the Cyber Space and work out ways of not getting caught using it.... if they are lucky.
It's a statistical fact when education increases church attendance and faith recedes, knowledge is the cure to a belief system based on ignorance.
I did not ask you
I was talking to some one else.
Mind your own business in this public forum where I am publicly posting to the public. Haha, hilarious!
You probably refer to the dismembering of Christian values that made sure Blacks were no longer segregated or second class citizens.
Christians were responsible for getting rid of slavery as well. Abolitionists were behind the anti slavery movement. Many bank rolled the building of the underground railroads.
I love when anti religious and anti Christian people fight so hard to dismember Christianity. I often speak of the good Christians have done.
However, you may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you. You may also purchase the children of such resident foreigners, including those who have been born in your land. You may treat them as your property, passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance. You may treat your slaves like this, but the people of Israel, your relatives, must never be treated this way. (Leviticus 25:44-46 NLT)
Definitely brilliant on slavery them Christians
You seem to have a jag against Christians. What made you so bitter?
I was one for a long time, saw what it did to my friends and community. I don't have any problem with people worshiping any faith the problem is when people attempt to make the law around that faith or insist that others pay service to their faith (i.e. expecting Google to acknowledge a stolen holiday as being Christian).
Yet blacks were still obligated to submit to, and slavishly worship, a white man:
There were just as many "Christians" that used the scriptures to support slavery in Antebellum America
I believe Jesus would have chosen the Chavez doodle over a bunny with a basket.
I also can't believe people are wasting time and energy worrying about this. It reminds me of when I was a kid and I would whine to my mom that she put more jelly on my brother's sandwich than she did on mine.
The Chavez thing was a misjudged April Fool. If you click the link it takes you a site selling a mini figurine on a hot cross bun.
Not the worst though.
The Italian Google has a naked Pope doing the Vaticancan.
I was unaware I had a slip. It must suck to be Josak. So many people believe in Christ and not that many believe in heathen atheism. No matter how hard that person tries, Christ and people who believe in him will always prevail. It is like God prevailing over the Devil.
When someone comes out with the next post, Josak will not slip up and post something silly as usual. He is the resident troll.
No silly rabbit, YOU'RE the troll hahahahaah
Haha, your posts of almost no value here, but at least the GOP can count on you as a voter
If they have no value, why answer them <personal attack removed>?
Leave the GOP out of this. They have nothing to do with your trolling.
Again....says the person who hasn't added a single valuable point in any of his posts......
It seems like the fool keeps going on with nothing of value to add.
To get back on topic... Caesar Chavez was a great American and should only rightly be acknowledged on his birthday. Why all the outcry this year when Google said they haven't had an Easter-related one since 2000?
The United Farm Workers tried to keep illegals from crossing the Mexican border to the point of bashing heads. It is fine for labor unions to bash heads that is why Chavez is so revered.
Gee, if it were true you'd think the Tea Party would be treating him like a messiah.
Organized labor can engage in all the violence they want against whom ever they choose. Any other organization that did so would be a criminal operation.
Besides, what Tea Party. Weren't they undone by the 2012 election? Were they ever about bashing Mexican heads? Specious silliness abounds.
Lol.....What Tea Party?
The Tea Party that keeps trying to win elections and influence American politics....
The answer to a funny joke
What Tea Party - are they a registered party? What is THE Tea Party? What violence has been traced to THE Tea Party? What violence can be traced to THE Occupy Movement?
Oh leave him be. He's happy in his little fantasy world.
Still a good question I am not aware of any violence caused by the tea party. I know the occupy movement has cases of murder and rape.
First hit on google - … the-causes
There is no evidence that the Tea party was involved in any of that. Some bricks were thrown through windows, a window was shot with a pellet gun. The accusation was made that it was the Tea party and not one shred of proof. I guess that is all that's needed to convince some people.
OK, prove that the offences you cited were orchestrated and condoned by Occupy.
I took these from the site I directed you to , they are sourced for you.
Following the rape of two young women in Zuccotti Park, police have arrested a 26 year old Occupy protester that was working as part of the cooking staff for the movement. According to police reports, the alleged incident took place Saturday when an 18-year-old woman from Massachusetts and another 17-year old female complained of sexual assault. Despite the multitude of coverage regarding allegations of police mistreatment, the Occupy movement worked very hard to suppress word of the attacks. … -york-city
Protesters in Portland took ridiculous threats of violence to a new level when they threatened violence on a nearby business that ran out of pizza bread sticks. According to Portland police: “Occupy Portland protesters became enraged when Pizza Schmizza ran out of bread sticks to accompany their entree order. They threatened to assault employees and vandalize the restaurant.” The customers, cops noted, told a Pizza Schmizza employee, “Your job is bullshit, you know you work for a big corporation.” … eat-768532
In Los Angeles today, two women were arrested in different violent incidents that occurred when one of the women burned some one’s clothes as part of an ongoing fight at the Occupy camp on the South Lawn of City Hall and the second Occupy woman was arrested for attacking a man with a tent pole. A third arrest occurred this morning when a man was stopped while attempting to pour flourescent paint on an historic marble fountain. … e-20111105
Try this one : … tos-694066
"The protesters were reportedly affiliated with the Blac Block, a radical faction of Occupy San Francisco that the larger organization has attempted to disassociate itself with in the past."
Try harder.
Equally importantly, no charges, arrests or convictions. It is easy to accuse harder to convict. Unsubstantiated or unproved accusations or attributions do not constitute evidence. Fiery rhetoric is a tradition in all free societies.
Here are stories of actual violent crimes against persons resulting in arrests. … py-events/
So, we've proved that there are violent people at both ends of the political spectrum. That's a bit different from claiming that only the left is capable of violence and that the right are lily white.
I wasn't necessarily implying that the Tea Party was violent.
Its just funny when people try to act as if they aren't trying to push through their own agenda or that they don't exist.
Give me an example of organized labor being violent with impunity.
Oh, so Organized Labor is violent, good to know.
Why would a company get involved in religion? Why would a religion expect everyone to honor their religion when they don't honor all other religions? Why does anyone care what google does on holidays?
Good for them, there are probably hundreds of other religious holidays they ignore as well.
They are the champions of the anti-christ.
They're the champions of Nero?
Hmm...I'm not seeing it. Can you explain Google's connection with Nero to me?
If Google acknowledges the day Nero named his horse Proconsul it would be an interesting little historical factoid and not much more. Google doodles tend to be just that little interesting things that may or may not draw the interest of lots of people.
Google posts all kinds of anniversaries and holidays in their doodles. Usually whimsical, occasionally serious, the Google Doodle is always interesting. I think it unlikely that Google decided to ignore Easter to enrage those looking to take offense. However, Cesar Chavez isn't the saint he is painted to be. Cesar Chavez's birthday may seem significant to Google but not everyone would agree. BUT, to be fair, not everyone would think Clara Schumann's birthday is a big deal.
No one said he was a saint. I still say he was a great American and should be recognized. I doubt he authorized violence and he did improve the lives of many many workers.
I don't care whether Google recognizes his birthday or not, nor do I concern myself with how others may, in their conventional understanding of history, believe Chavez was a great man.
by Will Apse 12 years ago
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by Lori J Latimer 11 years ago
Why are the new conservative Christians upset at Google vs Bing on Easter Sunday?Conservative Christians are perfectly happy with dyed eggs laid by a mythological bunny featured on Bing, but are angry at Google for featuring civil rights / labor activist Cesar Chavez's 86th birthday. Do you think...
by ptosis 8 years ago
How come Christians eat ham for Easter when Jesus was a Jew?I would think having lamb or beef would be the choice. And how did the Easter bunny laying chicken eggs? I know eggs are a symbol of birth and life, but what about the rabbit?
by John Marshall 9 years ago
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by Lori J Latimer 9 years ago
How Do Christians Associate Christ With Easter and Eggs?In 2013 Google featured Cesar Chavez, a heroic activist, and BING featured Easter Eggs. Christians felt Google had let them down, praising BING for their Easter Eggs promotion. I am stumped.
by David Livermore 11 years ago
Let me preface this by stating I am not trying to be mean or a troll. In fact, I avoid the forums because I don't want to get involved. But with so many posts about the topics I'm about to discuss, I wanted to put in my two cents and to offer a reality check to old and new hubbers...
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