I've known for quite a while that Trump supporters weren't uneducated. In reality, 55% of college voters went for Trump, most men did, and the average income of Trump voters was/is $72,000 per year. Hardly poor. They were generally business owners.
http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2 … fault.html
Plus you can read my article which accesses more (The Trump Culture) links to various studies, statistics, etc.
I think I would say, instead, that they are either short sighted and unwise, or they want more than they already have.
There is the perception that business is the only system that enables life to survive on earth. That's not true. Business is just another method of production and distribution, and it is production and distribution that enables life on earth (well, for human beings).
Just saying.
the people of US voted for Trump and elected him as president. We should all accept it as this is democracy.
President Trump will work for the country and its people, he is a hard working person and I am confident he will prove to be a very good president.
Well, the weakness of democracy is that when the electorate are not expert at human psychology, what leaders do, how climate change happens, what is involved in pollution, war, neurology, administration, murder, war, whatver,., then they're hardly able to make the right choices when it comes to selecting a leader.
A democracy is only as good as the sum of its people. If the people are relatively uneducated (just look at Africa), doesn't matter that it's democracy. The leaders don't do much good.
While you may feel that Americans should accept him as president, the popular vote went against him and he is not accepted by any of the leaders in the free world.
"he is not accepted by any leaders in the free world"
Wow... what world are you speaking about?
yes you r right Ken.
Tess point like - "popular vote went against him", "electorate are not expert at human psychology", "not accepted by any of the leaders" etc are just foolish jokes.
Yogyogi, I suggest you do some research into the electoral College, and how it works. I for one do not want to change it. I would never be satisfied with two or three of the largest states dictating who the president should be.... In my opinion this would not be a democracy.
Two or three states with the most electors already chose our president. And small states don't make a difference. What exactly is it that the electoral college protects? 3 million more votes - 3 million.
You have to remember that both campaigns were run to take advantage of that system. Had it not been in place strategies would have been for whatever system was. Hillary lost. She may, or may not, have lost had the latter been the case. We will never know. But, Trump won. Fair and square. Well, let's be honest. Fair and square after Hillary shafted Bernie.
sharlee ken is not saying this that some world leaders are feel confidence in President Trump.
He means not agreeing "not accepted by any of the leaders".
I think you don't like trump, perhaps the paid media (that is big rival of trump) has a good influence on your mind.
But sorry to tell you - no one can remove trump from president post now.
Who, exactly, thinks business enables life to survive on earth? The deer or the buffalo?
Also, human life would lumber on without production and distribution systems.
Congratulations on your new understanding. Perhaps one day it will reach the point that those people that were stupid and ignorant, but are now merely shortsighted and unwise actually understood things better than you did and really were wise.
I think what you need to say more than anything is the person they voted for is president. They are probably a bit too wise to support a woman whose husband is a serial rapist that she enabled, spent years in the Senate with no legislative accomplishments and has been proven to be a pathological liar. We won't add her Email scandal, that speaks for itself. It says a lot about people who supported her. I'm sure we could write many stories about what is wrong with them.
To Whomever:
Thanks to one and all about the "change of heart" about President Trump NOT being uneducated.
Good for you!
Good job giving them a platform for proclaiming their brilliance, Tess. I especially enjoyed this comment, "Wow... what world are you speaking about?"
I pretty much have them grouped into four categories:
1) Bernie men & women who were filled with spite about the underhanded way the dems tried to keep the nomination from Bernie - as if his 100% FREE everything would actually win the election. The GOP tried to do the same thing to get rid of Trump, except they didn't do anything 'underhanded' (that we know of - its not like they are angels). GOP mostly just outright bashed him #NeverTrump It didn't work & Trump ended up hijacking them - kind of like Obama hijacked dems in 2008, except he had much more support within the dem party than Trump did within the GOP.
2) GOP faithful who absolutely cannot vote any other way because their *sshole politicians keep manipulating them by squeezing their hearts on the subjects of abortion & 'matters of faith' that they claim to care exclusively about. Has anyone else ever noticed how much GOP is 'against regulations' & 'big government' - while their verson of 'freedom' creates laws & regulations surrounding things that SHOULD be an individual's decision: like abortion.
3) People who are simply swayed by hype. Trump was an exciting candidate, after all - and some people are impressed by shiney loud things that say mean stuff to cause a commotion. These people also probably support the tabloids.
4) Your basic misogynists who couldn't stand the thought of 'that woman' being in the office - despite that her experience as a politician far outweighed Trump's; and her 'scandals' were TAME compared to most every other MALE politician before her - and certainly MUCH more insignificant than Trump's. You should all be worshipping fake news as The Bible along with the ground Comey walks on, LoL!
I'm not sure how stupid that makes any of them, but 'smart' isn't the first word that comes to mind - especially since Trump hasn't done much to impress me, yet. He's SO far out of touch with everyone aside from his minority of supporters; and so far, his lack of knowledge about 'how things work' and general inexperience has been pretty damn glaring.
The one good thing that I thought MIGHT come from a Trump presidency hasn't happened, and looks unlikely: Get in that office - and tell us honestly (is that possible?) what's really wrong with it; and our systems of government - and how we can realistically improve them in this day & age. THAT might have been helpful.
I haven't read all of the replies but I didn't see one where anyone was proclaiming their brilliance. The primary problem I've seen is the left insisting that anyone who disagrees with them must be ignorant, racist, misogynistic or anything else which can be seen as insulting.
Neither side appears to want to find the valid reasons a reasonable and considerate person could support either side. All the ends have to offer are insults and shallow assessments of the other. As showcased by your post.
Right... cuz Trump supporters are innocent & pure with their judgements of anyone who doesn't have the intelligence to have supported him. I mean, really... does anyone else remember their 'no more PC! rhetoric JUST so they could be free to insult the entire rest of the country? T-fans followed a manipulative man who made this bed, and now they get to sleep with him in it. Sorry, I don't even sort of envy you - although I do feel a little sorry for many white women who voted for him & are just now beginning to realize the implications of that, and regret it. He's a manipulative skunk.
This is actually a pretty good article; and I've been saying some of this stuff for awhile, now. Trump has pretty much screwed the GOP. I'm not sure why I care so much - because I certainly wasn't a fan of them before Trump won. Still, it feels a little like watching someone running over the kid of someone you don't really like - of course you still have compassion for them.
Before This Is Over, Republicans Are Going to Wish Hillary Clinton Won
http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/20 … n-won.html
A splash: "The president is too ignorant of policy — he simply agrees with whomever he spoke with last — to even conduct basic policy negotiations with friendly members of Congress who want him to succeed. Nor does Trump know enough to even identify competent people to whom he can delegate his work. He’s a rank amateur who listens and delegates to other amateurs. (In a normal administration, the hilariously broad portfolio charged to his political novice son-in-law would be seen not as a joke but as a crisis.)
And all of this assumes a relatively straight-line political path. Trump has not yet faced a crisis that isn’t of his own making, as every presidency does with regularity. Trump’s partisan opponents cannot be gleeful at the fallout from an erratic, uninformed president and an understaffed Executive branch trying to manage a major calamity. Partisan politics in a two-party system is a zero-sum exercise. But the world is not a zero-sum place. One Republican staffer, dismayed by Trump’s flailing, told Ezra Klein, “If we get Gorsuch and avoid a nuclear war, a lot of us will count this as a win.”
Have you been watching the developing 'Assad/Syria' stuff, today? Trump is 'changing his mind...'
IF he didn't have every damn thing he thinks he knows everything about LABELED as being 'riduclous Obama mentality' - he would have come into that office with an open mind and the intention of 'getting things right' instead of trying to 'prove himself right'. (Is anyone else getting really sick of him blaming absolutely EVERYTHING on Obama?!)
Yes, please... explain to me just how qualified he is & what a wonderful job he's doing...
I don't know whether you have noticed, or not, but I was anti Hillary more than I was pro Trump. I was shocked and amazed when he somehow snaked the Republican nomination but I do understand that it is more disgust with Washington than anything else which allowed it to happen. He was elected in a fair election and I do think we should give him the space to either succeed or hang himself. I haven't seen so much vitriol since the birther complaints.
And, yes I did see the idiots on the news during the election. Unfortunately, I have enough experience with the news media attempting to sway public opinion to know that when you pick and choose your sound bites you can easily sway the opinions of people who are prone to hope to see the worst in others.
I, honestly, don't care about your shallow assessments. Primarily because I know why I voted for Trump, what I hope to see achieved by his presidency; and it has nothing to do with your shallow assessments. I'd explain but experience communicating with you has led me to understand that you wouldn't be able to listen. You'd probably be too busy looking for some cartoons to paste into your response.
I don't feel sorry for white women who didn't vote for Trump even though you say you feel sorry for me. I understand that there are many, many issues we had to grapple with and although I am not a one issue voter I do understand that some women are. It's their right to vote however they choose, no matter how short sighted that choice may be.
It figures you would completely evade the article 'splash' or the Syria/Assad stuff in my response while playing the high & mighty role. Wouldn't want to insert the concepts of logic or common sense into the potus office, would we? Who needs stuff like that? LoL!
Well, let's think about it. You posted someone's opinion which you agree with. Which is why I assume you posted it. You do understand what an opinion is?
As to the Syria Assad 'stuff' I suppose we should wait and see. I could jump on the negativity band wagon but I prefer to give the benefit of the doubt.
Misfit Chick WOW ! All I can say in response to your post is, please read it. All you do is give a very glib opinions of President Trump. He has been in office a couple of months it's hardly the time to state he has failed. It makes you sound a bit foolish. I will not argue one way or the other in regard to the outcome of his presidency. However, I do follow his daily itinerary (which is posted daily on his Facebook) and it very much appears he is working hard to improve America. Perhaps it's time to give him a chance? You know you could end up with egg on your face. Never smart to make predictions, remember this man was laughed at when he said he was going to run for president, and he now lives in the White House...
I realize that not all white women who voted for Trump regret it - most of you are no-doubt very proud of that fact (and even if you aren't anymore, I don't think you'd admit it) - plus, I continue to be chided by them for 'having things so wrong' and 'being so mean' - whatever. I'm beyond trying to remain appropriate or PC.
You're right, Trump did win. I, and a whole bunch of other people are not the least bit impressed by him, so far. He's removed the safety regulations on big business & banks that were put in place for VERY GOOD REASONS after the economic almost-implosion in 2008. He's also recently removed important environmental protection regulations. AND he's made some seriously questionable decisions - such as putting his Son-in-Law in charge of so much (as stated, among other concerning things, in the article clip I included, above). Is anyone else here comfortable with that? He wasn't a politician, either. And that is just one example...
This Syria/Assad stuff... He brushed Assad's BS off because it 'wasn't our problem'; chalking US concerns about him up to 'ridiculous Obama thinking' instead of taking the Syrian issue seriously in the first place - cuz HE knows everything and doesn't have to get input from anyone who holds positions in the departments he makes sweeping decisions over.
How anyone can insist he has been doing a good job is beyond me. I chalk it all up to him being a successful manipulator of roughly 1/3rd of the people in this country. He's like a disease 1/3 of our people caught!
While I can certainly see how/why Trump has all his supporters so twitterpated - don't expect to receive much respect for it until if/when he ever actually does something that merits it. I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you - at least, not while he still has access to his Twitter account, LoL!
Looks like Sharlee01 read you like a book.
Honestly, misfit. Every white woman who voted for Trump is not a 'Trump supporter'. They are supporters for a change in our government and a move toward total accountability. Hillary was too entrenched in that system and had profited too greatly from that system to offer any reasonable amount of change in the direction most in middle america are expecting to see.
Since you love to add posters to your responses, I'll add a quote. I think it sums this whole thing up. It's from Eleanor Roosevelt. It says; Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.
What we have here are small minds attempting to divert the conversation from ideas. Average minds attempting to divert the conversation from ideas. If our ideas are implemented and they bring accountability and fiscal responsibility to our government I suppose the little minds and the average minds will continue with their chatter. We can endure it and consider it well worth the effort, if our ideas are implemented
I love Eleanors statement , Where today a many , many women's opinions , especially as shallow as some above ,cannot be questioned out of some people's fear of some kind of a "politically correct "gender meltdown , I STILL say its the face -book factor that either caused some women to vote for him OR against Trump. I believe the last one feeds the incredibly shallow range of understanding and views of the above.
Stop! I can't take it anymore! Shallow, shallow, shallow. Aarrgghhh!
Here, try one of these once in a while - they will still say what you intend to say;
...empty, flat, hollow, trivial, trifling, cursory, depthless, inconsiderable, superficial, unsound, ankle-deep, neritic, skin-deep, eurybathyic, just enough to wet one's feet, knee-deep, shoaly, fordable, reefy, shelvy.
I am a Trump supporter, so let me give you a first hand account of why I voted for President Trump. First, a bit of background on myself. I am well educated upper middle class. I have been married for 51 years, and raised two wonderful children. My son is in the top 1% of wealthy business owners, owning a IT company. My daughter a psychologist. Both voted for Trump. So, one can see one does not have to be ill educated to support President Trump. Let's move on to the why I decided to vote for President Trump. They are so simple, and many would just label my reasons good common sense. They would not seek to call me racist, ignorant, or "poor"... I am 67 years old, and I have had a front row seat to how typical politicians have done nothing in many years to improve America. In fact I have witnessed America going backwards, and adding crushing debt while doing so. I have witnessed politicians dividing the country, by using pure bias despicable rhetoric. I have watched corruption powered by greed. I have witnessed genocide, due to the sheer lack of competence. I have lived through an agenda that ignored our laws. I have watched a Goverment that took away our jobs, and left our children in jeopardy of not having opportunities as they became adults. I am not blaming any one president, these problems have evolved over many decades. So, I took a look at someone out of the box, that offered change. A man that is not a politician, but claims to be a man that wants to give back... A businessman, that is accustomed to seeing problems cut and dried. A man that just may be able to face problems, and make an attempt to solve them. Instead of sweeping them under a large lumpy carpet. He gave clear common sense solutions to growing problems. He was not afraid to give an opinion that was unpopular, but transparent. He said he will put America first, and listen to all of us. I respect this... I also looked at his family, it's clear they respect him, as well as love him. I won't compare Hillary Clinton to Trump. I will say there was a stark comparison in the qualities I listed here in regards to Trump, and Hillary offered none of what I saw in Trump. No, I won't toss stones. The election is over, and he won. I just wish people would stop living under the conception that those that voted for President Trump were "deplorables". Most of my community voted for President Trump, and we are not deplorable, in fact many of us were long time democrats ... We are Americans that used our God given common sense, and voted for change. If in the end we are disappointed, so be it. However, for now I am proud to say he is my president. Maybe it's time to do some research into what he is doing . He posts his daily itinerary on his Facebook age. One can see he is working each day to problem solve. You won't see what he accomplishes daily on the news. It seems dirty laundry sells better than positive news. Please spare me your "what if or how about this " comments. I live in here and now, and facts. I will assure you I will keep my eye on President Trump's actions, and hold him accountable, if facts warrant. "Facts" a being the key word.
"They would not seek to call me racist, ignorant, or "poor"."
Sadly, "they" will continue to call you a racist, ignorant and poor - it is necessary to insult the opposition while cheering that "their" candidate "won" an "election" that was never held. To accept that Trump supporters are the equal of those that voted for the "right" person just doesn't work for "them".
wilderness, Your statement is very true. However, is it not sad that our society has come to this? Even a bit scary, liberals seem willing to overlook just about anything to promote their agendas The need only innuendo to promote controversy. It seems they don't have the aptitude to wait for actual facts, nor do they care if they are proven wrong. I have to say they are a special breed... Hopefully President Trump will do well, and we can drag the liberals into perhaps a better America.
You couldn't have stated the problem with liberals any better , Any tool to promote that one agenda , I turned away from liberal politics in the late seventies after voting Jimmy Carter , for THAT very reason , Their argument had to make no sense , fiscally , politically , ethically or honestly ! I have never looked back on that move -- the only similarity ,I look back thankfully --- .liberals have NO political memory whatsoever.
You should try to be more efficient. And you should think about maybe using paragraph breaks. Why put so much effort into a reply that was absolutely useless, and only served as something stereotypical?
"Trump’s margin among whites without a college degree is the largest among any candidate in exit polls since 1980. Two-thirds (67%) of non-college whites backed Trump, compared with just 28% who supported Clinton, resulting in a 39-point advantage for Trump among this group. " - Pew Research
Republicans have higher income than Democrats. Republicans voted for Trump. As a result, the average income of Trump supporters is higher.
No college degrees and higher income. Maybe they can teach the rest of us something.
The first thing to learn is that we [trump supporters ]aren't of the assumption that intellectualism is the main ingredient to real and mature intelligence , After all the ivory towers are the reason we are where we ARE today , Two , It is these obvious flaws in maturity that are part of the reason Hilary supporters are in such denial , There are many here that flat out refuse this reality ,
Look at them above us .
The very need to excuse away such blatant immaturity on there part is more than obvious. , You lost , that means you aren't the winners of the election , No amount of personally attacking the intelligence of Trump supporters can explain away that niavite' .
It does all seem strange. To think someone with a degree is somehow more qualified to decide what direction is best for the country comes off as exceptionally arrogant. I have no intention of following them down that path. People choose not to attend university for myriad reasons. Lack of intelligence is rarely one of them.
BRAVO! How is borrowing a ton of money to get a degree a sign of intelligence at all? Thanks for stating something which is yet another thing our horrific mass media wants to pretend isn't true. A college degree isn't a good indication of intelligence.
Now wait just a minute! I earned a college degree myself, in chemistry. I know that hydrogen + oxygen + ignition source = water. I even know that water is H2O!
Are you sure that doesn't qualify me as a financial expert, as someone knowing how to solve the North Korea problem, and gives me the knowledge to know what to do with 10 million illegal aliens? Really, LtL, you're just jealous!
Hahahah. Exactly. And in truth, I AM jealous. Lots of dumber kids than me who I grew up with got to go to universities on football or basketball scholarships. Because playing with some kind of ball apparently means you should get more education for free.
Universities aren't always for smart people. They're often just for rich people, and people who play well with balls.
I suppose. But since I don't think my degree in business gives me super vision over the plumber whom I paid to install my tub, I may not be. Although, I always sucked at chemistry so you might be right.
Ah - business! That explains it - the fuzzy subjects require only scholarship, the ability to read and memorize, rather than true learning and intelligence. My son received an MBA (first masters in the extended family), but it was a huge disappointment that he will never be an Einstein, understanding and explaining the universe. Only doodling in company books and cracking the whip over wage slaves; he could have been so much more!
Seriously though, there are three classes of "successful" students: the rich, those with influence of one kind or another, and the hard workers. Only the last actually learns something and the willingness to work is far more important than a high IQ.
Your post and article could benefit from some accurate facts. I looked at the exit polling data from 6 news organizations, Fox, CNN, NBC, USA Today, Washington Post, and NY Times. There was practically no disagreement with the findings, except for a handful of discrepancies of +/- 1% which I assume is a rounding issue. See below.
Your statement, "In reality, 55% of college voters went for Trump"
- No, Trump received either 42% or 43% of college educated voters, while Hillary received 52%. For voters without a college education, Trump received either 51% or 52% while Hillary received 44%. When the polling data was broken into smaller segments, Trump was 51% high school or less, 51% some college/associates, 44% college graduate, and 37% postgraduate.
"...the average income of Trump voters was/is $72,000 per year."
- Cited directly from your article.
First, I hope you understand how a median measurement is much more reliable than an average, which is vulnerable to outliers. For example, if you have a group of 20 people, 19 of which earn $40k each, and 1 person who earned $5 million, the average income is $288k. Anyone who is citing average is a tourist at best and more likely trying to mislead readers.
Second, in the article which discusses voter incomes, the problems begin in the first line. "Two-thirds of voters making less than $50,000 yearly voted for Clinton". In a rare case of Fox News and CNN agreeing on something, Hillary received 53% of the voters with incomes under $50k. Much more interesting is from the Washington Post, where incomes over $100k were split evenly, 47% to each Clinton and Trump. Where Trump won out was the $50k - $100k segment. Your article's second sentence, "Trump's voters skew wealthy" is sadly, without any factual basis. I'll just go ahead and say it, you're reading fake news.
Third, and frankly, the funniest part. Right after your article said $72,000 a year, it then made three amazing statements.
1. "It's surpassingly unlikely..." is hardly a follow up to a specific average income
2. "We don't have solid data..."
3. "...but we can infer..."
I'll check out your other "statistics", but I have a feeling they will be laughable as well.
Its a well-known fact by this time that the number & kinds of people Trump was able to manipulate into voting for him fall under several categories, not just one - such as 'uneducated'. I've already written a response in here that narrows them into four general categories, including 'elitists' and educated folks. You each have your own reasons for being dazzled by him.
Pretty much anyone who is a consistent Fox-only media listener or anyone whose mind is suseptible to brainwashing. *I* actually don't watch TV; but I read Fox News along with lots of other sources so as not to be deceived by any media's swaying tactics. Its just a common-sense thing to do; and it always has been - they are all guilty of 'reporting' for themselves.
However, I will say this for Trump after the missile strikes in Syria... Despite that I think it might have been a good idea to wait for an investigation (for someone who is so suspicious of fake news, he sure seemed to pull the trigger fast)... It DOES look like the man actually has the capability to FEEL for other people. If we don't end up causing a war over this, I would chalk that up to a good thing.
Go ahead... tell me how shallow I am again; cuz it is so convincing.
Hilary losers have blamed the Trump phenomena on just about everything in the tool shed at this point from the Russians to lower educated rural America ! Although its long past time to put on the big boy and girl pants ; Liberal criers and ego damaged establishment right wingers WILL CONTINUE to invent excuses for it.
Trump victory ; pick from the following ;
- Hillary was sick
- Ignorant Trump supporters
- The Russians are coming
- Redneck rural America
- Bernie interference
- The incompetence of the DNC
- Younger voters staying home on election night
- Voter Fraud
- The Grinch
- Irish trolls
- A computer glitch
- A corporate By Out
- The military industrial complex
-Take your pick - And Move On.
Thank you for proving my points above... Anyone who blames everything on leeberals (and moderates, which is what I am) has allowed their minds to be brainwashed.
Note how surprised, disappointed and downright ANGRY many of Trump's supporters are now over him bombing Syria because they voted for 'America first' - NOT to become entangled in the messes of other countries. Many of them feel that he acted on fake news, anyway; because you all THINK you know SO MUCH MORE than people whose job it is to know these things.
I've been saying this for a long time - In the end, there is ONLY ONE GOVERNMENT in that office no matter whose guy holds the office of POTUS. The only small difference is how much that person actually also cares about 'we the people'. War makes us money and that is really all our politicians seem to care about. Quite frankly, I've been suspicious of how deep our divisions have gotten from the beginning - its like someone has been trying to make them unbearable on purpose, as if it has all been part of a bigger 'manipulative' plan. If that is the case, SOME of us need to stop jumping through their hoops.
This was one of our anti-Trump concerns - that his 'hot' egotistical head would set off a fireball and start something ugly. The surprise is, he supposedly did this because someone showed him pictures and he found his heart - kind of like the Grinch, ha! While that is a commendable thing (finding your heart); that isn't necessarily the sole perspective we want him acting on either if it turns out to be too soft. Now opening up room for some refugees to come through as we promised, would be a very good thing.
Btw, the manipulative reasons people voted for Trump really don't have much to do with Hillary beyond media manipulation. Be proud of your wishy-washy mind and continue to defend your thinking. I mean, really... What else can you do?
Sadly , your political immaturity won't allow you to see even Bi-partisan efforts to address the need for a strong foriegn policy presence , I know , peace ,love and tie -dye right ?
Two , You won't find many Trump supporters disappointed in the Syrian attack, except the immature elements of the left that were not happy with a Bernie or a Hilary vote , That statement is politically delusional . Yes ! ,There IS only one government when it comes to doing the right thing . Geee , maybe Bernie would have been the exception .
The wishy- washy minds are all the lefts to own , What niave minds cannot see the need to punish the tyrannical leaders like Syria's , Even Obama - Clinton could see that , mature up !
You're not a "moderate " If you cannot see the need for occasional military actions , you're a pacifist wanna be .
Let's look at this from a different angle for a moment. Assad is, in all meaning of the words, a horrible person. That said, if the U.S. military, or any other military, take out Assad, won't that destabilize even further an already destabilized region? Sadam was a horrible person, but he kept the Taliban in check. Doesn't it stand to reason that Assad is doing the same thing with IS? The crimes against his own people are reprehensible, as were Sadam's. One has to stop and think that Trump's intervention will do to Syria what Bush's intervention with Sadam did.
Also, no one should think that this wouldn't have happened if HRC was in office. It absolutely would have.
Obama's - Clinton's 'Arab Spring " was essentially a shaking up the baby to stop them from crying
for the entire middle east , They created half of the Syria and Assad problem child , Assad should be dealt with by the Russian's as much as anyone else , If there are millions of Syrians displaced from their homelands , the cities of Syria are entangled in a civil- regional war what harm does Trumps attack against the horrors of an unchecked tyrant cost ? Taking out Assad , by us , wouldn't be good . He's the Russians problem puppet , the chemicals however are the rest of the free worlds problem ------How long do you think it would take for Iran , Syria , Hezbelah , ISIL-ISIL , or Mexico for that matter , to use chemical weapons or worse , a dirty bomb , IF We Did Nothing ?
Peace , love and tye -dye is a slight , Sorry . But we cannot pacify an extremely tribal , eleventh century cultural region of the world WITH the potential and or proven use of modern germ warfare ,chemical weaponry into a peaceful part of the neighborhood.
Actually, I'm not against Trump bombing Syria. I'll guess you didn't actually read what I wrote, as usual. I know its hard for peeps like you. I think it is a judgement that needs to be made in the future. I was reporting on what many of Trump's rabid supporters - yeah, the really really intense ones - are saying. Its kind of a shame that you only read pro-Trump news. There were also a couple anti-Trump tags from former supporters up on Twitter for the whole day and maybe still. I haven't been keeping up.
Plus, the protests are not only from liberal-pacifists who voted for him - they are alt-right-wingers who voted for Trump because they wanted him to reel America back in from being 'out there' in the rest of the world's business. America First, remember? They want this country to roll back to a time when we were not so involved in other people politics & wars.
I didn't make any of that up. Go check it out.
This is yet another problem... Trump supporters are incapable of seeing anything he's done wrong; and can only accuse MODERATE (oh yes!) people like me of the most ridiculous things. I've made all kinds of really good points in here; but in the end, I'm pretty much talking to walls.
Here is a new one from me on racism. Oh, I know... most of the T-fans in here are not racists. You're all good people with level heads who would never engage in such a hateful activity. However, you also see absolutely nothing Trump-perpetuated when things like racism happen because of his hate-rhetoric during his campaign. It is probably the main reason people protest against him - because he emboldened racists; and you're all just fine with that. Maddening.
I've said this before and I'll keep saying it... The kind of 'change' Trump supporters have sought out at any cost is downright stupid; and it is why people keep accusing you of it. Blubber on and complain about Obama all you want... He didn't instigate hate by doing anything other than having a different skin color than your's, along with a suspicious, SCARY name.
And to the person in here who insisted that the Middle East is all Obama's fault - F*CK YOU!! Is there no one here who remembers the GOP trying to convince us all that we NEEDED to attack Iraq based on false documents - and then, they went ahead and bombed it anyway; and found NO WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION.
Why would they do something like that? Because WAR is PROFITABLE!!! And since Trump has re-infested the swamp with a similar war regime - people have been worried, and now even moreso after what they see as a hasty attack on Syria. (For being suspicious of fake news, he did seem to pull that trigger fast.)
You can be sure that is still a big thorn in our relationships among the people over there, today.
Here's the racism story. This stuff will NEVER be okay in this country EVER again; and it is one of the main reasons why you will continue to see me in places like this until this chapter in our country is done being told.
- "Its why we have Trump"
http://nypost.com/2017/04/07/its-why-we … ian-guest/
Clearly we read different news sources. I have read the same thing in the Guardian, the Independent, the Interceptor, etc. Of course, they're all British...
The nice thing about reading sources outside the USA is that they don't have to please anyone, so they can actually speak the truth about other countries.
The Trump presidency is anything but pretty. But my oh my how much prettier it is than anything Mrs. Clinton could have put together. She was the entitled candidate. It was HER TURN. She neglected the states that mattered because it was HER TURN.
Her election was entirely rigged in her favor because it was HER TURN. The entire mass media was behind her because it was HER TURN. So I thank our lucky stars for those reasons, and oh so many more, that Hillary Clinton is not my president, and will never ever be.
Listen... there are plenty of people out there who think Trump will be removed, and Hillary will then be made President... because its HER TURN damn it!!!
PS - I actually prefer it when someone I am corresponding with states something along those lines, because it informs me they are completely out of touch with how our system of government works, to say nothing of other realities... and to not waste my time.
Hardcore Donald supporters are obviously closet and openly racist plus the greediest of the rich.
Each day passing reveals that Donald is imploding mentally on tv and Twitter.
I predict there will soon be a major health fail for the demented Donald and/or a bigger psychotic episode on tv. There have already been a number of minor Live psychotic episodes.
A liberal change of heart, a coronary improbability given the biased nature of their very existence .
I won't say they were necessarily dumb, I'll keep that opinion to myself, I will say that on top of greed, many were given that platform they long craved. Bigotry became okay. Mocking the disabled became okay. Hate... became okay.
While politicians have long been shady and full of lies, never has this country bore witness to a presidential candidate openly promoting violence.
This country has been shunned by other nations, including allies, and has now been denied the opportunity to speak before the British Parliament. That, speaks volumes.
You want stunning, and an example of what other nations felt about Obama. Here is in full his final speech to the UN. I was pleased to find it, because I actually listened to it on TV the day he gave it. I was shocked to see not one applause. One could here a pin drop. Now this is sad, and I would say, President Trump has a lot of nation building to do. It's time to face some truths and move on. Obama did not open the door to our allies he preached down to them, he pushed his agenda, and care less about anyone else's. His first speech to the UN he received 12 standing ovations.... His last Zero response of any kind. This is proof of other nations disdain. And Trump never hired thug to cause violence, and property damage as did Hillary Clinton. So, tired of listening to lies of liberals... Over it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ji6pl5Vwrvk
I'm not sure if you've done much public speaking, but when someone says "you could have heard a pin drop" during a speech, it's usually a compliment - the fact that people aren't all chattering away but are actually listening.
However, the point you are making is that there wasn't any applause. That doesn't surprise me and it has NOTHING to do with how other nations view Obama. It has to do with the content of his speech. He made points which would have made those listening uncomfortable - talking about Russia's actions in the Crimea and China's human rights records, and saying that nations needed to address inequality etc. Many of those listening wouldn't have liked hearing home truths. Simple as that.
Rightly or wrongly, Obama is still widely respected in the UK, Europe and Australasia, whereas Trump is regarded as a dangerous buffoon. In Scotland in particular, he is regarded as a nasty, vindictive, lying businessman with no respect for ordinary people, due to his dreadful treatment of the local population during his construction of his golf course there (this is something I have personal experience of, so don't tell me not to believe what I read in the papers!).
Unfortunately, Trump's many personal, business & sexual scandals are not something that seems to have remotely mattered to t-fans before voting for him. Hillary's relatively tame past in comparison to both him & most any other male politician before her was of course a big deal but that's different - she is female.
"So, tired of listening to lies of liberals... "
Yeah well, so tired of listening to t-fans and their alternative facts.
Hillary's tame past? I'd be curious to hear which parts you have decided to white wash.
Just kidding. Not curious. Not even remotely interested.
Average college grad , what ? 22 yr.s old ,$ 150,000 - $200,000 in debt ? Living somewhere in the basement or shacked up with eight other dudes . ummmmm? I sure wish I was that bright .
Why don't liberals for once just admit honestly that they hate trump and create any and all issues falsely , it is so obviously immature and it comes out so blatantly childish , Not one honest and genuine accusation has amounted to anything but a sophomoric safe space whimpering of a dying party.
Ahorseback, I have only one personal experience of Trump and I know what happened. I am not making it up.
I understand that completely. My one experience with Hillary flavored my opinion of all of her actions subsequent to that. Which is why I decided to give Trump a shot. Unfortunately, those who live in the public eye and seek to gain more money in the process will step on more than a few toes along the way.
Liberals seem to have a huge problem blaming everything except the fact that Hilary cannot take in enough Clinton foundation money to even BUY enough female votes , enough minority votes , enough Muslim votes , or enough y niave younger votes, Even the purchasing of the mafia run DNC or the world famous Left-stream media . No.............It just has to be the Russians fault , how totally story -book fake is this whole conglomeration of events ? Perhaps when the Russians throw their hands up and say "please stop it ,we feel guilty " we can move on ? ...Nah , it wouldn't happen then either .
Lame .........
In all honesty, HRC had no place nor business being in office. As a liberal (proud one at that) I can say that she had too much dirt on her hands to be in there, not to mention there was much more.
Don't get excited though, because Trump doesn't belong there either. I won't say everyone that voted for him is racist or bigoted or anything else, but he did give those that are a very open platform. You know, how people say "liberals always do this..." It's the same thing.
Both have dirt they can't get out of, we're in a mess and the BS of everyone keeping the divide but calling liberal this, republican that, isn't going to help.
How many Bernie voters carried the same notion as you? They hated her as much as the GOP does for the same reasons.
The problem is... This perspective of Hillary is also a media bias. Hillary has been bashed because of Bill for decades; and many - especially younger voters - have been listening to the newcasts of their conservative parents for a lot longer than any of them realize. It is really amazing to me how many people literally HATE 'that woman' - its so amazing! Don't like her policies, dislike her because she is a dem, etc... but HATE her the way that so many do... That's media manipulation.
In reality, HRC's 'scandals' were no worse than (and were, in fact, TAME) compared to the majority of her male political peers; and her wrap sheet is certainly much shorter than Trump's when you compare them - and that's not saying anything about how much her decades of experience would have counted in that post.
Believe it or not, this is the main reason why most people have a hard time believing that anyone could have voted for Trump, LoL!
Not sure you have been following the current news. Hillary actually made a statement of support fro Presidents Trump's action in Syria. Plus it was the Obama administration that pretty much caused the entire Middle East conflict. Hillary claimed that she was on board with taking Assad out when he crossed the red line. In my opinion, I would rather help the people of Syria, there has been over 500 thousand killed. This is pure genocide, and America in the past would have never turned its back on this form of killing... Could you fo a moment put yourself in the place of a Syrian that watched their loved ones die in this horrendous manner. Would you pray that someone would offer some form of help? Please view this CNN report. A Syrian man gives his thanks to ut president for helping.
http://www.cnn.com/videos/world/2017/04 … ump-nr.cnn
"Plus it was the Obama administration that pretty much caused the entire Middle East conflict." Please tell me you did not say that. Obama screwed up with Syria, no doubt, but, the Middle East has been in conflict forever. This all began long before Obama was ever in office. I don't support Obama and things he did, but for someone to say he caused the entire conflict over there...ludicrous. You're smarter than that.
Hello SherrieWeynand, your forum participation, (that I have seen), seems to represent a voice of reason. I am not sure we will always see eye-to eye, but I do hope you hang around. I look forward to the chance to argue specifics. So stop being so cautious in your perspectives.
As to Syria , Hilary also said Trump could have acted in a more positive light in the refugee crisis , She turned ideologically against him anyway , The refugee crisis was mostly created by the Obama -Clinton regime to begin with , the Syrian refugees would not have had to travel the world to begin with if there had been a protected safe zone -THERE in Syria . She is craftily trying to gain political mileage for Chelsea at this point .
Political statement or not , the Obama administration delved into a mess the moment they attempted any foreign policy at all.
".......Plus it was the Obama administration that started ,......................" Syria , Libya , Iran , Iraq --- No Obama - Clinton didn't start the middle eastern problems BUT they threw plenty of gasoline on the desert campfires over there , whether you admit that or not ! And It WAS their disastrous policies in the middle east that fueled a new wildfire all over the middle east .
Trump drops rockets on the Russian puppet;, Another thing we're not talking about here is the Russian - Putin connection This entire Syrian connection disproves any Russian -Trump love-fest .
Thanks GA,
Not cautious... medicated and fresh out of surgery. Not to mention $#%/@&* tired of liberal this, conservative that. We are stuck in this would together whether we like it or not. That said - if I'm anyone's voice of reason - we're in deep trouble. Thanks for the welcome.
Sherrie, your response indicates your surgery went well, I hope that is the case. However, there is a very deep Liberal vs. Conservative divide - obvious in not only these forums, bit in most public forums as well.
The reality is not in tweets, or faceboolk posts. It is in the results of the ballot box. Here's to hoping our conversations help reinforce the motives of those that do vote.
Agreed, the ballot box being something more people need to make use of.
Surgery went well, can't speak for the moment so I'm sure my kid will be pleased for a few days.
Things that do not matter as to Trumps Victory ;
- Income of Trump voters
- Left-stream Media interpretation of Trump victory
- Education levels of Trump voters
- Outside influences in Trump victory
- Popular vote #'s
*The income levels, seriously ? That's virtually a non-issue.
*The left-stream media couldn't tell you the truth in the election , why would they now ?
*Education levels - seriously ? For once the little guy won !
*Outside "influences" are ALWAYS there . That doesn't mean they fixed the voting machines .
*Popular voting is great in high school , A national election is far more complicated for the STATES .
Sweet and simple, good common sense, well put....
"*Outside "influences" are ALWAYS there . That doesn't mean they fixed the voting machines ."
Those evil Russians didn't need to fix the machines - they used mind control, sending mind waves around the world don't ya know! Next time I'm wearing my tin foil cap!
As usual , I guess there is no need to introduce fact into a forum right ? The anti- Trumpets are just not going to swallow an ounce of reality , You're right Tin foil hats ,Ha ! got to get me one . I have been rethinking why we even bother with pointing out political reality to some . I believe there are those among us who should know far ,far more history , current events and foreign policy of existing super powers than do . Or ,for that matter , ever will !
Wouldn't you think , especially those college educated , should be far more reality enlightened ? How can people who went to college be so anti- anything to do with military actions according to treaty , Or in protecting the innocents ,even from other regions ,from world tyrants ?
Misfit chic , Seriously ? Racist ? I guess if one can't make headway in debate , one screams racist !
Is that article the best you got ?
"Rabid Trump "supporter or not , If you can't see the need for a military action like this , you are seriously blinded by Trump hate . You aren't going to convince me of Trump protesters who are selective in their protest reasoning . You obviously hate him like many your age .
I actually watch several outlets of news , even MSNBC , CNN , NPR , Not just FOX and I still support Trump , at this point , In spite of the anti- Trump mainstream media currents . You and many , many need to wake up to this ; American can never "Go back " to a time when we were not a superpower ! At least you'd better hope we don't and for many ,many other reasons too.
I don't even know how to respond to such a lame example of "racism " , How about Fake racism !There's plenty of that around these days . AS to your vulgarity , I'll let Hubpages deal with that , It sounds like an immature reaction to me , you probaly don't even belong in these forums but that's for Hubs to decide . However , Obama - Clinton WERE a major disaster in middle eastern foreign policy . Like it or not ---that's a given .
The level of hatred displayed is unnerving. I think if Trump saved a puppy from drowning they'd blame him for starving a fish.
Ridiculing the disabled is not "saving puppies".
No. It isn't. But Trump wasn't elected to save puppies either. He was elected to implement the ideas that middle America want implemented. Ridiculing the disabled is not one of those ideas. Neither is racism. There is enough hatred on the left and right to go around. Choose to not be a part of it.
I refer you to my previous post with a quote from Eleanor Roosevelt.
And I bet you've never ridiculed anyone ? Problem is , many place the presence of mind and behavior of "leaders" above all others , Trump is just a man , he isn't messiah like you know , like you may have viewed Obama ?
There is virtually no political argument liberals can make that even makes sense ,at this point , they no more believe in the soveriegnity of America than they do the safety and liberty of the Syrian civilian children killed by chemical weapons , They no more believe in the integrity or safety of the American civilian here at home than they do for those in London , Paris , Moscow or Toronto for that matter.
There is only one agenda on the left that trumps all others including either honesty and even reality itself. The imminent introduction of chaos in all reason or order in the political world.
It's simply in their blood.
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