Is anyone else here feeling pretty much turned off by the elitist moderators on HubPages?
Their explanations for allowing some questions to stand and banning others are beyond lame. Then there is that "thing" of banning decent people without explanation and choosing not to respond to reports on Hate speech, unless the reporter is highly liberal. There is no balance here. Maybe this site should be called BiasedPages. Seriously, this high school nonsense is ridiculous. Well, if I suddenly disappear from BiasedPages without a trace, my friends will know why.
I didn't know about some questions being banned Savvy, but I do know of friends of mine being banned from forums (even though they started the threat) because their (usually creative writing)views differ from those who moderate them and offer most advice. This often leads to heated discussion and the innocent questioner often getting banned. I take it this has happened to you?
I've had questions banned, Jodah, but mostly I am turned off by the poor, if non-existent management of moderators. I've seen a sweet Christian girl get banned for no other reason than that she defended herself. That was really low..
Yes I know the incident Savvy. It made me cringe. I have had many run ins with these people over the years...with their money is the soul purpose of writing for Hub Pages attitudes, but have never been banned.
yves..I am not familiar w/ the incident you mention.U can tell me about it in a private email if U like. I have numerous incidents of mistreatment of many hubbers that U would simply not believe! Admin is not interested in truth. Just power & $$
Thank you, Jodah. That particular incident should never have happened. The banned girl did nothing wrong. You at least, remain the face of reason and compassion, always keeping a cool head, yet making your point. I celebrate that.
"Liberal".. I think this word means different things to different people, depending where you are from. In my country it is just one side of politics...nothing to do with or against religion/Christianity.
We had Blue Dog Democrats in this country. They were conservative as opposed to progressive. However, they seem to have died a painful death. Now we have "progressives" who are"liberal" in all matters. They basically created "political correctness."
Conservatism is linked to young earth creationist evangelical Christian beliefs in the US. While most US liberals and moderates are Christians (Catholics, Methodists, Lutherans, etc.), they are often not recognized as Christians by the right.
Kylyssa, tHst is a narrow viewpoint and not particularly accurate. However, it is the "perception" of progressives.
Did the media or the Democratic party coin the phrase progressive to make liberals appear more palatable? Easy here I am just asking the question.
These latter day Democrats are beyond Liberal, they are left-wing. I classify myself as a Liberal but these Democrats are FAR TO THE LEFT. Savvy, your questions shouldn't be deleted. I LOVE your questions.
@SD When conservatives call my Christian friends atheists, I perceive it and we think it is weird. I also perceive it when they call my Catholic best friend a Pagan. Yes, they are inaccurate.
Again we can set the standards of how we want to be treated ,by our own actions, I have enjoyed sharing bible truth as anyone who would enjoy telling how to prepare a meal, do a wedding, crafts, poems, but it is out of place being attacked for conte
Yves.....Please know that I ceased long ago caring about anything at all coming from HP administration & moderators, etal. Their system, "policies" (if they can be referred to as policies) and/or the ways they enforce what they believe to be "deterrents" are laughable if not maddening.
They may be tending to what in their business minds are far more important matters (mostly how they can stuff their pockets with more money at our expense) However, they miss the boat entirely when it comes to being attentive to their readers and have absolutely no concept of the terms, "Fairness & Justice." They may claim to have "no time" for such things. This is otherwise known as laziness,
What I have witnessed happen REPEATEDLY is their blind, ignorant means of banning the "innocent" individual rather than the toxic commentator who poisons an entire thread with sarcasm, threats & insults. Then that SAME person will report someone for lashing back at them in defense of everyone else.....& they scream "personal assault."
Sure enough....Admin simply bans the benevolent individual, leaving the offender free to insult and torment more. I don't think HP knows how ignorant they are and I also don't think they care, They merely knee-jerk react to a Flag!
I'm positive they're aware they know they are quite guilty of treating their writers as beneath their feet, because in response to a question or concern, they either send a generic auto-response or NO reply at all. No reply at all because they have no acceptable explanation for their bizarre actions. When all they really have to admit to is....WE are the are the servants. We already know this.
I;m here and I stay here for my good friends I've made. Early on HP lied to me and when called on it, to this day, have had no explanation nor apology. I knew then what they were like. If you want to know who the hubbers are who work for them as moderators (SPIES) just watch to see who jumps to defend them and kiss ass. I'd mention them, but they'd only deny it.
Yes, it is worse than High School Yves....but please don't just leave. So many wonderful people and great writers have left due to being completely FED UP with Admin. Just ignore them and stay with those of us who love you.
Yes, Paula. It is like the Orwell phrase, "All pigs are equal, but some are more equal than others. So, as long as nice little conservatives keep their mouths shut, they may stay. Ha! Hell will freeze over before you and I play that game, girlfriend.
Have never felt a need nor desire to be SILENT & bashed around, since the day I was born and entitled to my Constitutional rights. You're right! Hell will have to freeze over! I bow to no one.
Ha! You're a pistol alright. Loved your entire answer, by the way. I'll try to ignore the high school girls, but sometimes their Satanist routine gets old. Just glad I'm not alone in recognizing this disgusting practice of banning good people.
We are by no means ALONE. Some of the nicest hubbers & best writers have had their turn at being banned. It's like being in a Club Of Honorees, w/ pride for not allowing others to kick us around! W/O people of courage, we'd all be robots!
There seems to be a couple of new "self-appointed moderators" amongst them (ex squids) who are the worst.
I know instigators in the forums. It is called stalking. They stalk continuously, always interjecting & looking for a fight. Sadly, they are NEVER banned but the one who defends him/herself IS.......
My comment was on TSAD's answer, not on yours. You probably couldn't see the way the way the comments are threaded. I won't apologize for pointing out that both TSAD and SD have called it liberal bias because they have.
Once again. I always have & always will speak only 4 MYSELF. I say what I mean & mean what I say. Did I suggest U apologize to anyone but me? No, I didn't. I'm adverse to false accusations & WILL defend myself. I see U made an honest m
I'm not turn off so much by the moderators as I am with the instigators (who are probably one in the same). Although I've been on this site for three years, I've never ventured into the forums until six months ago. And to be frank, there are times it feels like an ideologically-infused wild west show. It sort of reminds me of Yahoo Forum before they began cleaning it up.
The instigators I refer to have a tendency to take good conversation between writers churn them up with name-calling and ridicule and turn everybody against one another. I know of one person who'll start belittling others (usually over politics) and then cry foul when somebody gives him a taste of his own hatred. I wouldn't be surprised this person flags and attempts to get others banned.
Ironically, i think this person inadvertently got a thread banned because he misused a word that came out being vulgar (or he meant it; you never know with this guy).
The point is this: the instigators are causing havoc, the moderators (and doesn't matter if they're liberal or conservative) are reacting-- possibly overreacting, and freedom of speech takes a major hit.
My answer will probably get deleted because it shows this isn't a liberal conspiracy, but I'd like to point out that questions by liberals also get deleted frequently and reports of hate speech aren't always acted on no matter who is reported.
At least two very liberal hubbers I subscribe to seem to get a substantial portion of their questions deleted before I even go to look at them after getting notified the questions exist.
I've also reported several conservative Christian hubs for being hate speech, including one that "cleverly" used the word jigger to imply black people are parasites and to rhyme with the word the hubber clearly really wanted to use. Response has been mixed and I tend to err on the side of the obvious, only reporting hubs that go so far even a Trump conservative would cringe at reading them.
They just don't seem to care much about hate speech, no matter who it's aimed at.
Kylyssa, I do not delete comments unless they are particularly vile and demeaning. Yours isn't. I believe you are right in saying that Hubpages does not care about Hate speech. As for hateful conservatives, I have taken them on too. Believe me.
The way you framed the question implied you see it as a liberal agenda being pushed on HubPages rather than just that staff members don't seem to read the discussions they moderate.
Kylyssa, I would say that your statement is accurate. This issue is complex, and there is much more to the story...
I hope to effect change in which moderators are free to do their jobs.
Personally I don't think any of it should be deleted no matter what people say. It should be backed up. If one runs for soil and water of Dead Horse, AK in twenty years their own hateful stupidity should be hanging around to bite them.
Why do you still believe it's a Liberal conspiracy now that you know liberals experience the same phenomenon? Are you stating you believe my answer was a lie? Please clarify.
Kylyssa, Are you asking me the "liberal conspiracy" question, or someone else? Are you stating that is has been determined that HP moderators do not lean to the left?
I still believe censorship is important , but kind that keeps everyone at peace, the kind that you can say it but with good taste, trash talking belongs in the garbage, bullying people does too, we do not want done to our kids nore us as Adults.
@SD It's been shown that liberal posts and posters also get heavily moderated and banned as if the moderator had not read the discussions or the flagged items.
If true Kyyssa it's probably because liberals are more prone to profanity, personal attacks and plain old lies, as opposed to others who get moderated solely because their views differ with liberal moderators.
Wow! I have been running a Google Plus stream for nearly 4 or 5 years now (since day 1). I cater to atheists, progressives, and agnostics. The people who attack, etc. are Conservatives. I delete and block. Only option.
WOWEE WOW WOW, and the liberals in movements like BLM and Occupy Wall Street, militant atheists are little angels too.You ever read comments atheist make about Christianity on any mumber of atheist websites? They can't speak without profanity
@Tsad, the only comments I have to reject for profanity or threats on my homelessness and atheism articles online come from Conservatives. Note that I say Conservatives, not Christians; most Christians leave polite and open-minded comments.
I had no idea about such things, but just like other forums do I guess we couldn't expect less of this one. It does make people less likely to join in though if fairness is threatened.
It's not just forums, it has to do with the entire culture. If we speak out enough, maybe one day moderators who are fair will be able to do their jobs. Thanks for commenting, Diana.
Sadly, the policy is BAN first without reason nor logic. We need moderators who are adults, professionals & treat hubbers as such. Unfortunately, we have moderators who view hubbers as kindergarteners & treat them as such.
I notice this much. If you are active and remain of the forums you are either mealy mouthed or connected. There is no other option. And based upon what I have seen to be connected you have to have an attitude that is in line with the moderators, whom we can assume are in line with management.
At best HP is a publisher. Hey they publish my stuff. I have never heard of a publisher that consistently publishes stuff that is opposed to managements view of the world. So HP has that prerogative. They have never censored a hub I have written. They have blocked advertising and they have not featured some -- about .5 percent. So that is minimal and could be easily corrected.
So we have freedom of speech just not totally within the confines of the publication called HP.
I have heard it said that if a writer does not fight with their publisher there is something wrong in the relationship. Perhaps that is true.
"If you are active and remain of the forums you are either mealy mouthed or connected."
Can confirm. Used to post heavily on the forums, am now perma-banned. Someone apparently didn't like my use of logic and reason and biting satire.
Zelkiiro: I think I know who you are talking about (or possibly one of two people). Don't worry the person is a bit unhinged.
There's a person who is so set in the thought that if you try to correct her in a reasonable, non-threatening way, she goes off in these incomprehensible and ideological rants. She call you un-American, liar, terrorist supporter,etc.
Eric, you have listed some of the positives of HP. I appreciate those things as well. However, I do believe HP moderators are not well managed.
very good topic interested it is very useful
being the educated person should learnt this
That's been going on for a while from all kinds of ridiculously extreme perspectives - free speech apparently means that hate speech is Okay; and HP buys into that concept as much as any ugly tabloid.
And, the excuses are always the same when they do decide to respond to stuff like this...
The heads of HP's vision for this site obviously doesn't agree with my vision; nor the vision of many of their best writers - which is why so many have left. I have tried to wrap my brain about why they do so many things backwards to make things harder that don't have to be.
This is actually a pretty amazing site for that reason. In some ways, it reminds me of the Bubblews BS. It's like they have no respect for writing, people - or people who write - at all.
I don't get involved with the folks on HP - moderators and users alike. I have seen horrible hate speech and trash talking of others. It's even why I left HP for over a year because I couldn't stand the people.
I love HP, but don't care for the people. I'm back because I like writing and enjoy interacting with the people who appreciate my content.
Best of luck this time around, David. I've met some good people here. The others I avoid unless I choose to defend someone who is being kicked around.
Wow I have never heard that said before. Very interesting and honest
Eric, the term progressive has been around for some time. They are the group of people who believe we needn't stick with the Constitution as our founding fathers saw it. The name is less palatable for those familiar with the history.
'Progressive' means anything but pro-Constitution now.
David Lawrence, likewise. Except I left for about 2 or 3 years and only came back as a result of Squidoo. I just avoid all conversations that aren't to do with technical stuff.
Wow I have never heard that said before. Very interesting and honest
I am very new to, writing is not one of my best attributes, I do like telling true stories, about life as I see it. As to the trash talk on here or any other site, it is common, most people thing they know better
Well this site has changed quite a bit from when I joined in 2013. Suddenly hubs are un-published or not to their expectations. If I do not fix a hub I might be thrown off this site. Personally I liked it when I first joined. Sure I have not published a hub in a long term. I have writer's block I guess you could say. However, sending me messages that if I do not fix old hubs I will be banned from this site. Come on give me a break.
You're far from the only person to have these feelings. Suffice it to say what is and what isn't acceptable in San Francisco - won't be the same in other parts of the civilized world.
Google is every bit as biased, if not moreso. Everyone is biased, actually.
The thing I learned is that in order for me to have a good time and be productive on this website, I've simply got to spend very little time in these forums. I don't like the forums here much. The useful ones are the ones dealing with the facts and fictions of publishing on the web.
Very true, Wesman. Forums should be avoided like the plague (in most cases) Nevertheless. I've made a few appearances.... But I've not asked a question in a forum.
HP forums are troll city. It's like facebook with someone else's mother running the show. I think I'll stick to facebook for arguing, nobody there can shut me up
Google can afford to be biased, because their primary customers are consumers of information.
HubPages can not afford this same ideology, because their primary customers are creators of content (us). No authors = HubPages Content Graveyard.
Wesman...C'mon're talkin to Effer now, buddy. NOBODY can shut you up anywhere...and who would want to? I LOVE it when you talk nasty!! ROFLMAO! I'm huggin you real big!!
I am quite new to Hub Pages so I havent experienced any publications been removed. But I do see on other platforms that moderators are biased liberals. I am also a firm believer in free speech and should I write something that may offend someone then they should do the same as I would if I found something offensive. JUST DONT READ IT! I find many things on the internet that I find offensive but I still firmly believe that it is their right to say it if thats what they believe. That is what a modern society is based on. The free exchange of ideas, difference of opinions and without it the world would be a dull place. So as much as I dont like what some people publish I would still fight for their right to publish it. Especially if they were backing up their statements with facts that could be intelligently debated. The world can be a dark place. One mans freedom fighter is another mans terrorist. Both sides need to be heard. I will keep an eye on this on HP because I often write political or religious posts. The idea is not to tell people what to think but teach them how to think and if content is removed because some people might not like it then that is the same as been told what to think, because people never get to hear the other side. Children will start growing up in world where the cold hard truth of reality has been hidden from them and when reality comes knocking (and it always does) they are unprepared. Like Winston Churchill said when the British public was been deliberately misinformed about Nazism by liberals "England is living in a pacifists dream" Very similar to whats happening now. The people are misinformed, when you write about the dangers of whats coming to Europe and the USA (the whole world for that matter) your content is removed. Just while we are on the eve of a huge disaster that will costs millions of lives. For the sake of not getting my comment removed I will not mention what that threat is. But anyone with their eyes open will know exactly what Im talking about.
Amen, Paul. You couldn't have said it any better. Our world has become less safe as a result of biased editing. A liberal professor did a study on the media, believing it was fair. He was shocked to discover a 95% leaning to the far left.
I used to do the hop hubpages thing until I discovered a new hubpage where almost every other sentence contained severe profanity aimed at Christianity.How does that get past moderation when pages with truthful links about Islam are removed?
Interesting TSAD, I also remember recently as of last year a person coming on directly threatning.believers , his words we are going to gather them and get rid of them , he was on awhile, no moderation ,here a threat, but I have seen less of grammar
Based on what I've seen the moderators do (and not do) I sincerely doubt there is even one Christian involved in management of this company, if there is shame on them for turning a blind eye to some of what goes on in the ranks.
tsad...things "get past moderation" because the hubs you read in the Hoppers have not gone through moderation yet.....OR have failed. That's How.
Paula,What do you mean have failed?My hubpages are moderated before they get to any"hopper"And remember I asked u about logging in, when I log in it still goes to hubs instead of feed like it used to no matter how many times I've changed it.
After reading through this thread, I haven't had a problem because I stay inside the practical nuts and bolts of writing for the most part.
I once spent lots of time on forums (elsewhere) and lists... and I would unequivocally say that all politics and religion forums are Wild West shows and have strongly biased moderators. It is just the nature of the online beast.
Definitely, Ilona. I've never posted a question on a forum. I've had comments deleted, like when I asked "How people feel about the Iran deal?" The question was unpublished. Huh? Another case of biased editing. So wrong.
I spent a short stint trying to be part of the forums. It didn't last long. No conversation or debate going on there, just cat fights for no reason other than the glee of scratching at someone. I avoid all forums except to report technical issues.
Interesting ! I will see if there is some truth to this, I have some issues of my own.
I certainly think we should give them a chance to carry out the concerns, but they are not robots at our hands to do as we please, I do feel there are people that appear to be trouble, and because of this can turn good potential writers from HP, because who wants to or need unessary drama , they love the art of writing and making money.
If we pick drama , ok, but forced is a turn off.
Thanks for sharing.
I've given them chances....even written to the general manager. I don't think he even read the letter. Well, life isn't always fair...
Maybe one day they'll get the hint, but it would have to come from upper management.
Maybe there are no moderators because profanity has been used in forums.there is something we do not know
But I much believe that HP is of good morals .
But I put all things in God's hand anyway. He is the top.
@K&T I think you've nailed it on the head. Perhaps there are no moderators, just people who act only when a question, comment, or answer is flagged by a reader. Such a system allows people to grudge-flag & might explain what we all see happen
I just ignore em. Some of my lowest rated hubs have got the most hits. As long as they publish me I don't care. I did have them block one of my hubs for some stupid reason. I just started a new one, change a few words in each paragraph and published it again.
Nope, I haven't noticed it even though I have had my own issues with the moderators (or rather their sledgehammer of a computer program).
I have to say that I have had run ins with the "Dream Police" too often. I think the banning process has been arbitrary and capricious. It is THEIR take on things and you have no right to an explanation. It's just done, I find that arrogant.
Of course, the banning process is EXTREMELY arbitrary & capricious. A very esteemed fellow hubber has written various hubs on the process. The policy is ALWAYS BAN FIRST........
While I do completely agree with you - there is a degree of egomania in the HP staff (This does not apply to the entire staff, but I'd say it is in the majority - which is one of the many reasons I backed off of the site a few years ago) that is leading them into an obvious path of decline with some seriously poor decisions....I think HOW you came to this conclusion is probably a bit of an issue itself.
This question for example, does not belong in the "questions" part of HubPages. This is a discussion post, and it belongs in the forums. HubPages questions are meant to be informative ("Is it ok to feed my dogs raw chicken?" would be an example of what belongs here).
Unfortunately, almost every question that ends up here (Including this one) is completely against the Questions rules (Which obviously nobody reads).
If your question can not be turned into an informative hub, then it probably doesn't belong in questions (But is more than welcome in the forums).
That said - yes, I think if HP fired half of its staff and started listening to the overwhelming majority of people here on *certain* topics instead of holding onto the "No, I'm right because I said so" stance all the time, it would probably do them some good.
Thanks Steven. Your comment has been most helpful! So....if I get complaints from those who hate my questions, HP has a reason to delete them. Lol. Still, I wish my objections to their hate speech got half as much attention. Thanks again.
I do agree. There is a certain 'group' of people that seem to gather at this site and just spew nasty rhetoric and hatred. It's disgusting.
Steve's right, and I have flagged many questions based on the rules he cited but they ignore the rule, it seems except for mine or unless it serves a moderator's agenda then they allow stupid questions that are simply yes or no answers?
It is disgusting,mattforte. Sometimes I feel compelled to "speak up," particularly when I know the "information" being spewed is blatantly false or distorted. Many readers believe the distortions and I find that highly unfortunate, at best.
Paula's Answer says it all and she's not one to throw around false accusations!
''Beyond lame" is an understatement. My experience has been they NEVER give any specific or detailed explanation for their actions and always totally ignore any follow up questions about it.
On two occasions I had to go over the moderator's head to a supervisor to correct what they did. It took forever but they saw I was right.
There is a rogue moderator (or possibly more than one) who exercises his/her prejudices against certain beliefs or points of view with abandon not in observance of the so called "rules' either ignoring complaints about people they agree with or going out of his/her way to punish those they hate.
All you have to do is Google [Hub Pages reviews] and you get a pretty good idea of their "moderator's" reputation, Overall Satisfaction Rating ~1 out of 5.
Here's a good one I found totally accurate:
Love you, TSAD. Thank you for the links. Yep. Some of the moderators here remind me of high school mean girls. I guess they love being prom queens for the day. Sad. But as one commenter said, all publications are biased. Here, it's almost a game.
Savvydating! shhhhhhhhhhh, don't ever say you loveTsad! You just made enemies of every uninformed flaming liberal&atheist hubber(&there ain't no shortage of them here)who reads your comment not to mention that you'll make my female fans jealo
Tsad & Paula are correct in their premise. There are hub trolls who consistently bully those they disagree with yet THEY AREN'T BANNED AT ALL; however, those who DEFEND themselves, ARE. We need MATURE moderators.....
@GMW - I wouldn't be so quick to agree, they are stating it's a liberal bias thing, not a lousy attention to moderation thing.
KLyLyssa....CAREFUL, you throw the word "THEY" around. I stand for what I say....not 4 what I do NOT say. U will not find a single time EVER I used the term "liberal bias." Not here, not anywhere. (I accept UR apology!)
"They" means the people in this particular ANSWER and its comments that GWM is agreeing with. I don't see your earlier comment on this answer so I don't know why you are saying I should apologize to you. Both TS & SD refer to it as liberal bias.
DIRECTLY above UR comment, Grace mentioned me by NAME, ("Paula") then replied with "THEY." Clear as can be. U can't miss my comment. It's long as usual.
Kylyssa, when did i say the moderator's had a liberal bias? I said one, maybe some moderate according to their beliefs or agendas (read my answer to the Q&A) YOU put words in my mouth, and btw Paula's too..
I know myself and my own figures of speech. NEVER have I nor would I use the term "Liberal Bias" because I detest ALL Politicians equally! When I vote, I can only choose the LESS crooked, deceitful & evil. We don't get much of a choice, do we?
Just to clarify, Kylyssa, I do not think HP has a "conspiracy" as you suggested I said. I never said that. Rather, HP has some biased moderators.
I learned years ago to stay out of the Forums unless you have a technical issue to report. This place is highly political and I've never cared to entangle myself in it.
One thing I'm not happy about is having quite a number of my 330 plus Hubs placed in the 'not available to the public' because it is deemed they don't get enough traffic. How will they ever get more if they can't be seen?
Okay, it's vain perhaps to want all the Hubs one has written to be on the 'viewable' list. But, let's face it, we go to a lot of trouble to write and place a Hub. At least, I know I always do.
I expect there are quite a few others like myself who have placed many Hubs but perhaps only half, maybe even less than that, show up in their list of Hubs written and placed.
Good point you've brought up. The banning & the unfeatured process. Regarding the second: if the hubs stay featured long enough, they will receive traffic again. Regarding the bans, another story ENTIRELY......
Yes I am getting VERY sick of this crap. They keep unpublishing my posts and saying they are too promotional when ALL I am trying to do is share FREE knowledge with others about Multiple Sclerosis. They can delete my account for all I care - I may be switching to another blog pages because Hubpages is really starting to SUCK. I follow all of their stupid instructions and they STILL unpublish my pages!
Might I ask who these people are reported to? Since returning to Hubpages, I don't go near the forums (except when I have technical questions). The one time I reported hate speech, the person's account was immediately removed. However, I reported directly to Hubpages, not to moderators.
People use the report button, I would assume. It might even be that x number of flags gets an item deleted and more get the hubber banned from the area. Squidoo used something similar at one point, suspending lenses with a certain number of reports.
The moderators work through the flag button, although flags are ignored by some moderators.
please help sick mom and special needs son at please help in anyway you can I have no family that can help so i am here reaching out in hopes someone will have in their heart to help, please share the page too thank you so much
Hi savvydating. Your question I had never given any thought to though i did have some queries about some of the decisions. But let us not get too tied up in the machinations performed by the powers that be. If I perceive that a person is getting personal in a discussion I would leave the discussion. Slanging matches are never helpful or healthy.
Yes, I do leave. My issue is primarily with good, innocent people being banned.
Savvydating. We should question the reasons why innocent people are banned. Also why some questions are disallowed. I don't join a lot of forums and to date haven't experienced it. The main purpose of any question is clear thought and discussion.
Yes, I agree John. That is what I am trying to do here. I encourage writers to speak up and to contact upper management. Hopefully, HP will know enough to discern who is honest and who is self-promotional.
yes i agree with you ,and you are right some people do like this and some not,but if we are good then when we follow those people of elitist
Some people abused me and I had problem with them.i don't understand sometimes.
I have noticed more of my Hubs are being unfeatured even though I follow the guidelines of what makes a good hub. I am not sure why they are being unfeatured or why they get "snipped". I go in to each one to try to improve them but am at a loss of what needs improving since they follow the good hub guidelines.
From what I gather from more than one person's post on this topic, it sounds like the people who are the angriest want to use "freedom of speech" as a way to demean others. They are dying to find an online outlet to be racist and bigoted against (certain) religions and they get angry when their comments are deleted. I try to stay away from most online forums because I noticed this a long time ago. People get home from their jobs and they want to vent about how much they hate a certain race or how much they hate a particular religion (or whatever) and they hate it when others are offended. They wouldn't dare say the things they say online in public.
Another thing I noticed about most of thee comments under this question is a lot of people are being extremely vague. It leaves a lot to ponder about what they're actually trying to say.
Anyone can get angry with me about what I say (it happens), but all I know is that when people get on the internet, they get childish. If I have an opinion about something and I type up a hub, I let it be known that it's my opinion. I don't have to disrespect other people by doing it.
My Fellow Hubbers......Thank you for all of the valuable comments. I believe we all agree on one thing: All writers want fair representation of their commentaries, and that furthermore, no one’s ideology should be given more precedence over another’s, whether we or the staff agree with another’s viewpoint or not; nor should any innocent person be banned because her attackers outnumber her supporters.
Additionally, no reasonable person believes that comments of a particularly vile, sarcastic and profane nature are useful, in that they do not promote reasonable and healthy dialogue, to include healthy disagreements. Those who believe otherwise have deluded themselves---but that is another matter. Suffice it to say that such individuals are what experts refer to as “weak-minded critical thinkers,” or more specifically, those who “use established structures of power to advance their interests,” or more plainly, those whose primary motivation is in getting what they want, regardless of the well-being of the entity they use.
But getting back to the gist of my question, let me say that we all know, deep down, that rewarding capriciousness, i.e., untrustworthiness in the moderating of hubs and comments is not useful to the overall “health” of HubPages. This is true of all companies. It is even true of nations. Whether or not upper management or the CEO chooses to address this problem is anyone’s guess, but my goal in addressing this issue is to encourage HubPages to do that which will heighten their reputation (by implementing fair practices), rather than doing that which may give them a bad reputation.
Lastly, I do not believe that all moderators on HP are remiss is doing their jobs well. There may only be a handful. However, if the culture of Hubpages management is one that either encourages or turns a blind eye to unfair practices, then this practice must be reversed or--- Hubpages will ultimately fail.
That being said, I am grateful to HubPages for allowing writers to publish their work, and for providing a sense of community for those who are community minded. Hubpages has many positive aspects, but if it is to thrive for the long term, management must realize that there is much to be said for the old adage, “one bad apple spoils the whole barrel.”
Thanks again.
Hubpages is an Oligarchy not a democracy. I have learned to accept it. By staying away from forums you can drammatically reduce problems. I have raised the issue that not one member of HP staff is religious and this creates bias in acting on hate speech. It is essentially an atheist haven but the political left makes it just bearable. Much better than other sites which are almost fascist.
Well just what you'd expect from San Francisco, the Sanctuary city, where criminal illegal aliens are safe from innocent American citizens' right to security provided by their government.
If they are an oligarchy, they will ultimately defeat themselves. Also, this is why I do not post questions on Forums. Some, if not most, of the New Atheists on the forums are base-minded, to say the least.
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