Now, on top of the neverending witch hunt, on top of having to ignore the piles of Clinton and Biden dirt, in order to find a speck of dirt on the Trump family. On top of the show trial and the propaganda machine working overtime to destroy Trump, whatever it takes, even it means taking down this Country!!! Now they've invaded and raided his safe haven, his sanctuary, his home!
Again, I say, this better be good! What the heck?! Yes, I am livid! Every American should be, no matter their political persuasion.
There better be a dead body!
They will find a "dead body", that of Miss Liberty.
Who ever issued the warrant had compelling evidence and was quite serious to have crossed this line.
It is a reminder to Trump and others that no one is above the law. That idea being reinforced gives me great comfort.
Again, I am not surprised that you would take comfort in this....
Americans know who seeks to save this Republic and who seeks to destroy it!
"Americans know who seeks to save this Republic and who seeks to destroy it!"
I am American, did I miss the memo?
Correction: a majority of Americans know who seeks to save this Republic and who seeks to destroy it.
I would not even say majority, as Biden won in 2020 by 7 million votes.....
With everything that is currently going on, I am seriously beginning to question that again too.
You and Trump can question the 2020 outcome, but without any proof you remain on a road that has to lead to nowhere.....
Au contraire! Consider this:
Readmikenowposted 28 minutes ago
"I would like to thank the Democrats for raiding President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Largo estate. With the 2022 elections coming, there was a bit of concern with maintaining momentum into the elections. This action has had a very positive effect. This raid has not deterred his followers in the least. It has actually energized the Republican base in ways Democrats can't comprehend. It's huge! Successful fund raising has increased significantly. There are even moderate Democrats who are outraged at this.
This will eventually become to be known as a huge federal law enforcement boondoggle. For those liberals reading this, I will provide a definition.
work or activity that is wasteful or pointless but gives the appearance of having value:"
I doubt the left realizes the more they persecute President Donald Trump, the stronger they make him. I don't expect liberals to understand this, but it would be to their benefit if they accepted it.
All I can say is the huge influence and power President Donald Trump has with tens of millions of voters in the United States is a result of the behavior of Democrats.
If they don't figure out a way to steal the elections in November, Democrats will be in big trouble. I can't emphasize that enough.
I can't wait"
I am certain that Trump's hard core followers would make excuses for him even if he had shot the Pope.
His hard core supporters may well not represent America in total. We are more than happy to isolate a crazed cult from the general populace and not be terribly concerned about its opinion.
Not any Democrats that I know have expressed outrage over the warrant.
We will get that slippery serpent, yet.
I can't wait, either.....
'We will get that slippery serpent, yet.
I can't wait, either.....'
This is the problem. You don't want truth or justice; you just want a vendetta against President Donald Trump.
democrats are abusing the power of the federal government to achieve their political goals.
This won't stand. Not with tens of millions of American citizens, it won't stand at all.
No, I want truth and justice and that is not where I find Donald Trump and his case, today.
Trump and his henchmen have damning evidence of committing a heinous offense against the American people and both he and they will be held accountable.
Don't you worry, the idea that no man is above the law has stood over 2 centuries here and will still continue to stand.
"Don't you worry, the idea that no man is above the law has stood over 2 centuries here and will still continue to stand."
Where was this idea with Hillary Clinton? Where is it with biden and his son hunter?
Doesn't seem like it stood too well in these situations.
"Boondoggle" describes just about everything the FBI does.
I truely believe we have a majority that will seek to save this country. We must hope we do... It is clear many have been somewhat momentarily blinded, but I hold out hope.
I would not bank on that, if I were you, Sharlee... seem so certain, do you know something we don't know, Cred?
AB, I just know that people "did not come to their senses" in 2020, when they denied Trump a second term. A first for any incumbent President, since GHW Bush in 1992 and more akin to that of Jimmy Carter in 1980. At least Bush had an excuse, Ross Perot and a viable third party.
Maybe people have differing ideas as what constitutes destruction of the republic? They seemed to say as much in 2020.
The 2020 election was screwed up by COVID {easier to vote/easier to cheat} and by the fact that the Biden 'True Crime' Family was protected by mainstream and social media.
I, too, have hope, but it will also require, keeping those hellbent on destroying our great Republic, out of our elections and out of our lives!
This will be very hard, I think we can see this administration pretty well doing what they hope to do, and then ignoring answering to the people. It is clear we are in deep trouble. It very well could turn out the greater majority like the path we are on. This is an unfortunate issue.
All we have is hope, we need to hope the majority will wake up and save the country.
Cred, I can appreciate your words. However, can't comment without being overly condemning of those you support, and that would serve no purpose, my friend.
No one is above the law except biden, Marxist Democrats, Antifa and BLM.
When any among those groups get "out of line" a warrant will be issued to search their adherents homes as well, but until then Trump is still in the crosshairs, today and now.
"and pigs can fly."
They can, the one that rountinely travels between Palm Beach Fl. and Washington is a case in point.
So now he's a pig....
I care about America's future, especially for our children and our grandchildren {both yours and mine}
That is my top priority. Not these political games that people play.
I don't need you to believe me.
I don't need you to believe me.
No, you don't, but there are a great deal of decision makers and such that have to, otherwise your side remains "dead in the water".
"My side" isn't the desperate side. No doubt all sides participate, but as I stated before, this is a bridge too far.
Enemies of the State will be eliminated, no matter their position, present or past.
Rage Against the Machine all you want... challenge it and you will be destroyed.
Men like George Soros have been manipulating the world for years, his billions has bought more power than all but a handful of other families. He has crippled national economies, toppled regimes, and funded revolutions, he is just one hand tilling the turmoil, China is another equally invasive force in our nation.
Ultimately though... the Machine is more powerful than any one manipulator, both Soros and China have come to discover this truth in the past few years.
And the Machine is getting ready to really start chewing people up... 87,000 more IRS agents to be hired, literally doubling its size... The Justice Department is ramping up its hiring of antitrust trial lawyers... President Biden is expected to extend the Covid emergency declaration again in order to keep it in place past the November 2024 election...
Most Americans just have no clue what is coming down the pipeline.
Well, Ken more of this "deep state" stuff? It seem to be just a term Trumpies adopted to define anyone who does not go with their program.
All I had to do was watch the latest CPAC to get a pretty idea what the righties plan for the pipeline, and I am not at all amused.... fascism, racism, autocracy seems to be the calling of those who you say challenges "the machine".
Do you mean using a Documentary of pure Fantasy to FISA Court to issue a surveillance warrant on Donald Trump's campaign in 2016? Even after it was proven false, the FBI shopped it around to get 3 more warrants, Nancy Pelosi used it as the Cornerstone of the attempted Impeachment of President Trump, Impeachment 1 and 2. And you call Conservatives a bunch of Fascists. I have a word for people like you, HYPOCRITE!!!
Ex-President Donald Trump, was like any ordinary human being. But he had his own fault and weakness. In this specific case, he took some government papers, or rather WE THE PEOPLE of the United States papers away, while leaving office. If Donald Trump had not took these documents away, would the challenge arise? While, the man is not liked, the Pelosi-like circle will get pregnant, and birth some thing to get the man Trump. That is his build. A tiger can not change the dots on his skin. I like the man. Would not WE THE PEOPLE of the USA forgive Trump, or rather give him some breathe? God save America!
I cannot support what happened in 2016, nor will I excuse it if the agency went rogue when it should not have.
The question still is why did Trump take these documents outside of protocol in the first place?
You are obviously a Rightwinger, coming to that conclusion by just reading a couple of your articles. I will go toe to toe with you or anyone else to show that the real danger to this country is coming from " your side".
Many of Your articles are "all wet" in regards to the "truth" regarding race relations and the GOP's CURRENT Role.
Regardless of your being my latest nemesis, welcome to Hub Pages.
June 9 --- NYT
"Trump Indicted
Trump Is Charged in Classified Documents Inquiry
The seven counts against the former president include conspiracy to obstruct, willful retention of documents and false statements, according to people familiar with the indictment. He said he would surrender to the authorities on Tuesday. … -documents
Forbes - "The DOJ hasn’t released the indictment, so the exact charges are unclear, but Trump attorney Jim Trusty told CNN they appear to include violations of federal statute 18 U.S.C. §§ 793 and “several” counts of violating 18 U.S.C. §§ 1512 and 1519—though he cautioned the charging details aren’t complete or “biblically accurate” since he has only seen a summons, not the indictment."
" Former President Donald Trump has been indicted on seven criminal counts, multiple news outlets reported Thursday, including charges for allegedly mishandling government materials and obstructing justice—which could carry prison sentences if he’s convicted."
Source … d9ed734093
It seems to me that the Marxist Democarts are hell bent on pushing this nation into a civil war.
Don't we all Kenna, but one side has chosen to play dirty and they don't get another pass! This is a bridge too far!
And it seems to me the author and commentor are delusional. Have you been paying any attention for the last six years? How people can still defend him is beyond reasonable.
You would be okay with this! It is "government intrusion" when and where you say it is; such as when it comes to protecting precious LIFE, it is quite another when it comes to doing whatever it takes to destroy the man/the movement.
I wouldn't waste my piss on biden if he was on fire.
It is obvious to me that anyone who accuses anyone that they disagree with without citing a reason may be the delusional ones. Here are some verified facts.
* President Donald J Trump was never successfully Impeached. According to The Constitution of the United States of America, there are two parts to the Impeachment Process.
1 Article 1, Section, 2 Clause 5; The House of Representatives shall choose their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment. MET, Nancy Pelosi was able to successfully get Articles of Impeachment drawn up against President Trump. However, in the second part of that process.
2 Article 1, Section 2, Clause 6; The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. All three Senate trials to Impeach President Trump ended in a not-guilty verdict. Therefore there was no successful Impeachment.
In any court of law, a successful Prosecution ends with a guilty verdict, a not-guilty verdict means the defendant, in this case, then President Trump won.
The Liberals are scared of Donald Trump because he has tried to return power to the PEOPLE, where the Constitution mandates it to be.
Am I delusional for thinking this way? GOD, I hope not, if I am then this Country that I love dearly is lost and will collapse.
And the Government that replaces our Constitutional one, will have no 'Bill Of Rights' that protects the INDIVIDUAL!
Oh, the Humanity. Not a DRUMP SUPPORTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would like to thank the Democrats for raiding President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Largo estate. With the 2022 elections coming, there was a bit of concern with maintaining momentum into the elections. This action has had a very positive effect. This raid has not deterred his followers in the least. It has actually energized the Republican base in ways Democrats can't comprehend. It's huge! Successful fund raising has increased significantly. There are even moderate Democrats who are outraged at this.
This will eventually become to be known as a huge federal law enforcement boondoggle. For those liberals reading this, I will provide a definition.
work or activity that is wasteful or pointless but gives the appearance of having value:"
I doubt the left realizes the more they persecute President Donald Trump, the stronger they make him. I don't expect liberals to understand this, but it would be to their benefit if they accepted it.
All I can say is the huge influence and power President Donald Trump has with tens of millions of voters in the United States is a result of the behavior of Democrats.
If they don't figure out a way to steal the elections in November, Democrats will be in big trouble. I can't emphasize that enough.
I can't wait.
You could be right Mike if the results are some blown-up paper-chase charge. It will taint the Democrats in the minds of more than just Republicans.
However, this is a really serious step. If it results in some kind of serious felony charge, I think it will do the opposite. It will put the Democrats on a victory lap that will taint any Trump-associated Republican in the minds of more than just Democrats.
It's going to be a wave for sure, it's only the color of the water that will be decided.
I would have to disagree with you GA.
Any type of charges will be viewed as political chicanery by tens of millions of people.
For the liberals I will provide the definition of political chicanery. It is "the use of trickery to achieve a political, financial, or legal purpose"
Don't forget the Democrats have put this man on trial twice and came away looking foolish.
Like Ben Shapiro said "We won’t know how fully insane the FBI raid on Trump is until we see the warrant and warrant application. But after Russiagate – years of investigation predicated largely on Clinton campaign misinformation -- if the basis for this isn’t bedrock-solid, there should be hell to pay."
Also he pointed out
"the president has the ability to declassify materials before leaving the White House. So this is even more dicey for the FBI and DOJ than usual, requiring real specifics."
President Donald Trump will even be able to run again for reelection.
"those claiming that a violation of law regarding classified documents would prevent Trump from running, nope -- the statutory penalties for any such violation do not overcome the Constitution definition of qualifications for eligibility."
As I noted, your perspective assumes there will be no serious charges, (felonies), resulting from the search. I agreed that any type of 'paper handling' charges would probably have the effect you described.
If serious, (felonies), charges do result I think your predictions will be as wrong as you think they are right. We will have to wait.
Only in the minds of those who believe there is still legitimacy and objectivity within the DOJ, NSA, FBI, CIA etc.
For those who recognize the spreading shadow of tyranny taking hold of America, for those who recognized the corruption exposed during Trumps four years in office (I am not defending Trump... one can evaluate the biased and fabricated efforts to derail Trump by Senior members in the FBI, CIA, DOJ and NSA while also recognizing Trump had flaws of his own)... they will never accept a felony charge as legitimate.
In today's world, documents, data trails, even videos can be doctored. It is likely there is no agency more capable of doing so than the FBI.
The Crossfire Hurricane hearings on Capitol Hill say it all about the FBI. There are clips of those same hearings all over YouTube.
True, much insight into the depths of corruption, into the unchecked powers within the Agencies of DC and all covert and investigative efforts to derail opposition to them were exposed in their efforts to cover up their shenanigans in Ukraine and to do in Trump and his supporters.
A good, brief, overview for those who are not familiar with those hearings:
"In today's world, documents, data trails, even videos can be doctored. It is likely there is no agency more capable of doing so than the FBI."
They're also professional liars, I might add.
This bunch has taken many "serious steps" before, I need not list them. So ashamed of what our Government has become. No words...
Dems and their minions are already taking "victory laps", all while we, the public, remain in the dark.
Merrick Garland didn't add anything during his quick press conference, guess he had a tee time!
This business is as shady as it comes!!!
Very shady, and very much obvious to me it's a look here, Trump unproven accusations - not here, Hunter and Joe actual crimes, proven by hard documents that prove crimes
All smoke once again, with media blowing on the flames. This is just another Democratic ploy that will backfire. It certainly has many Republicans taking note and waking up to the dirt their sickos are willing to kick up.
It is a wonder they can't see Trump is not going to give up, and many respect him for his tenacity. I think he will once again show these crooks for what they are. I say this will backfire like all the other scams.
This is from Ben Sapiro. He is spot on with his comments.
"We won’t know how fully insane the FBI raid on Trump is until we see the warrant and warrant application. But after Russiagate – years of investigation predicated largely on Clinton campaign misinformation -- if the basis for this isn’t bedrock-solid, there should be hell to pay.
This sort of move requires serious levels of trust by the American public in its institutions. That trust no longer exists. If those institutions fail yet again, and target the leader of Joe Biden's political opposition in doing so, this looks like banana republic stuff.
If Sandy Berger shoves classified documents in his pants, that's unqualifiedly a legal violation. But the president has the ability to declassify materials before leaving the White House. So this is even more dicey for the FBI and DOJ than usual, requiring real specifics.
BTW, for those claiming that a violation of law regarding classified documents would prevent Trump from running, nope -- the statutory penalties for any such violation do not overcome the Constitution definition of qualifications for eligibility."
Oh really, we will see.
The generally cautious AG Garland has taken a bold step and I am certain that he has considered the political ramifications of serving Trump a search warrant.
If he can do that, he may well have the conjones to pursue an indictment which must subject Trump and his henchmen to penalties for breaking the law.
He will be methodical and follow the evidence and bread crumbs to where and whomever it leads to.
This will cast an stench over the MAGA movement and everyone who is caught downwind.....
I couldn't disagree more. There is more successful fundraising occurring right now than there has been in recent months. Tens of millions of people are outraged. This is a HUGE motivation to people in the Republican party.
Like Ben Shapiro said..."But after Russiagate – years of investigation predicated largely on Clinton campaign misinformation -- if the basis for this isn’t bedrock-solid, there should be hell to pay."
Did you know a president can declassify documents?
The Democrats and Biden are looking more and more desperate. This was done more out of fear of President Donald Trump and the tens of millions of people who support him.
Technically this is what we are already in.
The 2020 election was decided by "Mail In Ballots" that had no verifiable chain of custody... that had no realistic or reliable signature verification... the election in States like PA were a farce.
The types of shenanigans that went on in 2020 will be multiplied in 2024 because they were successful in 2020... fully supported by a complicit media owned by Billionaires and Corporations that went to great lengths to decide the election's outcome.
We are moving to a Central Government controlled by International Entities where Nation States, what their populations want, will be irrelevant. In most nations this is already the case, the population really has no say in what their government does.
Support these efforts as a politician in America and you can enrich yourself... try to fight them and you will be destroyed.
For the liberals I will provide the definition of political chicanery. It is "the use of trickery to achieve a political, financial, or legal purpose" Oh, like McConnel did when he stole two supreme court seats? And it was Republicans who looked like fools for swallowing the stuff Trump was pulling and letting him get away with it. There is a thing called Statesmanship. Nixon's senators had it when they told him to resign or they'd convict him. And Reagan did more illegal stuff than Nixon. And Trump has done more than him. See a pattern? Might call it chicanery. But this is a fact. Trumpers are in the minority and elections will phase them out.
These excellent questions are from US Senator and former federal prosecutor, Mike Lee.
"Trump raid leaves me with 8 important questions as a Senate Judiciary Committee member
1. Did Attorney General Merrick Garland personally sign off on this action?
2. Why break into the safe at Trump's Mar-a-Lago home rather than seize it, take it into custody, and seek a warrant to open it?
3. Why execute a search warrant rather than seek the items through an informal process such as a subpoena?
4. If this is genuinely about presidential records, why would the former President — who was in charge of declassifying documents — be subject to prosecution for retaining custody of the same documents? It's important to note that classification authority belongs to the president of the United States — NOT to bureaucrats at the National Archives.
5. If this is the product of the growing political weaponization of federal law enforcement agencies, shouldn't all Americans be outraged by the Democrats' plan to hire an additional 87,000 federal agents?
6. How is this aggressive action defensible in light of the FBI's and DOJ's treatment of Hillary Clinton, who was never subjected to such an invasive intrusion of privacy, even though she mishandled classified material and destroyed evidence?
7. Why should we assume that the federal bureaucracy isn't targeting Republicans when the FBI and DOJ have taken no action regarding flagrant violations of the law by pro-abortion extremists threatening Supreme Court justices at their homes?
8. Did FBI Director Christopher Wray intentionally wait to carry out the raid until after his oversight hearing with the Senate Judiciary Committee last week? I asked him whether he was concerned with warrantless "backdoor searches" under Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. He seemed unperturbed." … tee-member
Mike Lee is as genuine as they come, cool as a cucumber and a Constitutional guru! Love him.
"Why execute a search warrant rather than seek the items through an informal process such as a subpoena?" Do Trump and his minions have a record of respecting subpoenas?
Trump Was Subpoenaed for Documents Months Before F.B.I. Searched His Home
The Justice Department subpoenaed Donald Trump this spring, looking for files it believed he improperly took after his term, people familiar with the matter said.
The move suggests the agency tried methods short of a search warrant before taking the politically explosive step of searching his Florida home.
Looking for files it believed he improperly took after his term"?
It is not uncommon for Presidents to take files. ??
This is as vague as Merrick Garland's so-called Press Conference, held a little while ago.
"People familiar with the matter said".
Which people?
So far we haven't learned squat, so much for, 'This Better Be Good'.
Even the Australians are shocked by what the FBI did to President Donald Trump.
I like this news cast, but I like the inspiration ad even better.
Let's see if they release a copy of the warrant. It should be part of the public record.
"The Albany Times Union and Judicial Watch filed motions stating the public has a right to see the FBI search warrant executed at Trump's Mar-a-Lago
The Albany Times Union newspaper and Judicial Watch have separately asked the federal magistrate to publicly release the search warrant tied to the FBI raid on former President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence.
The FBI executed the search warrant of Trump’s Palm Beach property on Monday in what the former president characterized as an "unannounced raid" on his home.
In a letter sent to Judge Bruce Reinhardt, Albany Times-Union managing editor Brendan Lyons requested that the search warrant – filed under seal at the U.S. District Court of the Southern District of Florida – be unsealed.
"[i]t is well settled in this Circuit and others that the public has a First Amendment and a common law right to inspect and copy judicial records," Lyons said. "It has also been settled in federal courts across the country that a district court's discretion to seal the record of judicial proceedings ‘is to be exercised charily,’ and that it is inappropriate to indefinitely seal a warrant affidavit."
Lyons argued that unsealing the search warrant would not impede any ongoing investigation given that the search warrant has been executed and the target of that search – former President Trump – "has full knowledge of what has occurred."
Judge Reinhardt has given the Department of Justice until August 15 to respond to the request to unseal the search warrant. … ch-warrant
Mr. Trump has a copy of the search warrant. California congressman Eric Swalwell said via Twitter. “He’d show us the warrant if he were so wronged. Show it or shut it.”
I agree.
Swalwell is a hard-core democrat. How does HE know President Donald Trump has a copy of the search warrant? What are his sources? I trust anything Swalwell says about as much as gas station sushi. So, this proves nothing.
I think his attorneys would advise against that.
Interesting that Eric Swalwell (D) California is the go-to spokesperson.
Ken has revealed:
"Enemies of the State will be eliminated, no matter their position, present or past. Rage Against the Machine all you want... challenge it and you will be destroyed. Men like George Soros have been manipulating the world for years. His billions has bought more power than all but a handful of other families. He has crippled national economies, toppled regimes, and funded revolutions, he is just one hand tilling the turmoil, China is another equally invasive force in our nation.
Ultimately though... the Machine is more powerful than any one manipulator, both Soros and China have come to discover this truth in the past few years. And the Machine is getting ready to really start chewing people up:
1. 87,000 more IRS agents to be hired, literally doubling its size.
2. The Justice Department is ramping up its hiring of antitrust trial lawyers.
3. President Biden is expected to extend the Covid emergency declaration again in order to keep it in place past the November 2024 election...
If those institutions fail yet again, and target the leader of Joe Biden's political opposition in doing so, this looks like banana republic stuff. The 2020 election was decided by 'Mail In Ballots' that had no verifiable chain of custody... that had no realistic or reliable signature verification... the election in States like PA were a farce. The types of shenanigans that went on in 2020 will be multiplied in 2024 because they were successful in 2020... fully supported by a complicit media owned by Billionaires and Corporations that went to great lengths to decide the election's outcome.
We are moving to a Central Government controlled by International Entities where Nation States, what their populations want, will be irrelevant. In most nations this is already the case, the population really has no say in what their government does.Support these efforts as a politician in America and you can enrich yourself... try to fight them and you will be destroyed.
However, this (raid on Trump) is a really serious step. If it results in some kind of serious felony charge, I think it will do the opposite. It will put the Democrats on a victory lap that will taint any Trump-associated Republican in the minds of more than just Democrats. Only in the minds of those who believe there is still legitimacy and objectivity within the DOJ, NSA, FBI, CIA etc.
For those who recognize the spreading shadow of tyranny taking hold of America, for those who recognized the corruption exposed during Trump's four years in office, ... they will never accept a felony charge as legitimate. In today's world, documents, data trails, even videos can be doctored. It is likely there is no agency more capable of doing so than the FBI."
Thanks, Ken.
My question is, what IS the "machine?"
There are tens of millions of us who are proud to support President Donald Trump. I wonder how many people are ashamed of biden. I think they could also be in the tens of millions.
Only 18 percent of Americans believe that Joe Biden should run for reelection according to the following news article>>>> … 38311.html . Meanwhile, many Americans would gladly vote for Donald Trump to be president in 2024. The statistics never lie.
Kathleen, the following is my response on FB after I heard about the raid at his home. "Ashamed" isn't on my radar right now, ticked off due to this neverending witch hunt to annihilate this man, from day one, is. Have you ever once considered why the D..C. establishment {machine} sought to end him, before he could even begin?!?
We are losing our Country as we've known it. If many things do not change, and fast, we will be just another great Republic which lost its way and went from great to the late great! As in R.I.P.!!
FB Post:
"I thought...okay, maybe, Trump should be done!
Not make another run for the Presidency, just enjoy his retirement, his family, his home....
Then I see how the establishment NEVER let's up in seeking to completely destroy this man!!! While simultaneously... destroying our Country!
It's not enough to compare Jan 6th, 2021 to the Holocaust and Trump to Hitler. Trust me, the left does it all of the time! I counter them regularly. It's their 'thing' right now.
Although, only one person died on January 6th, 2021 in the Capitol Building. Her name was Ashli Babbitt, she was an unarmed, Trump supporter and a veteran!
It is horrible that one person died that day, it is a shame that it got so out of hand, but the propaganda machine is hard at work attempting to make that day, the worst day in history!!!
I digress.....
Now.....the F.B.I. has raided Donald Trump's Florida home!!!!
This is madness.
Knowing my personality, not my ego, but rather my personality, I'd do everything within my power to make another run, at this point, based on principle alone! I would fight for the job, like nobody's business.
I am livid....all of America should be, no matter your political persuasion!
God Bless America!
No dead bodies, just alleged stolen classified (emphasis on that word) government documents. A presidential contender (not a former sitting president), was, rightfully so, investigated for keeping her government emails on a private server. Many on the opposing side are still railing on about it. Time will tell, but devoted followers of Trump will probably never acknowledge it, if he's ever convicted of any crimes. Like Roger Stone's love of Nixon (has a tattoo on his arm of him), the adoration will go on. As Trump famously said himself, and I quote, "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?" That's cult behavior, something as an American I am outraged over.
Granted, if he had said, "I stood in the middle....", I could have better understood the outrage,
BUT he didn't say that, he was attempting to make a point.
I wouldn't have put it that way, most wouldn't, I'm not a New Yorker, I hail from the South, we are more polite (well, we were at one time!) and yes, I too cringed a little, after he said it. I said more than once, why would you say that? But, over time, I began to understand him/his personality/his nature, it took a while for me to come around. I was willing to give him a chance.
But with so many, no matter what he did or didn't say, did or didn't do, he never stood a chance from the get-go. That was by design, not a doubt in my mind.
But, water under the bridge at this point.
Love the phrase "get out of line". Is that GOP-speak for breaking the law? These actions are not being taken for no reason. Breaking the law has consequences. Or are we abandoning law and order in the name of Trumpism?
The law was already abandoned for Hillary Clinton, hunter biden as well as joe biden and other democrats. Remember the US Congressman who had an ongoing sexual relationship with a Chinese spy, his name was Rep. Eric Swalwell. Odd how nothing happened to him. Then there was Sandy Berger who pleaded guilty to taking classified documents from the National Archives relating to Bill Clinton and destroying them. He was only charged with a misdemeanor. Yeah, stuffing document into your clothes is such an honest mistake.
Consequences of the law were abandoned for the democrats long ago.
Are you at all concerned about Biden and how he may be connected to his son's dirty dealings that are being investigated? Breaking the law has consequences.
This is looking more and more as if it was a politically motivated move.
"A source close to Trump who is familiar with the search said there are no plans to release a copy of the warrant. The source added that Trump had personally shown the Justice Department officials the room where the materials were housed during the spring meeting, which the source said took place June 3."
“President Trump and his representatives have gone to painstaking lengths in communicating and cooperating with the appropriate agencies — something that is routine for all similar instances," Budowich said in a statement Tuesday." … -rcna42319
"The Justice Department has filed a motion in the Southern District of Florida to unseal a search warrant and property receipt relating to a court-approved search that the FBI conducted earlier this week," Garland said.
Garland added: "The department filed the motion to make public the warrant and receipt in light of the former president's public confirmation of the search, the surrounding circumstances and the substantial public interest in this matter."
A federal judge Thursday gave the Justice Department until 3 p.m. Friday to certify whether former President Donald Trump supports or opposes unsealing the warrant and property receipt from the FBI's search of his Mar-a-Lago home Monday.
"The United States shall immediately serve a copy of its Motion on counsel for former President Trump," Magestrate Judge Bruce Reinhard wrote in an order on the DOJ's motion to unseal the warrant and property receipt. "On or before 3:00 p.m. Eastern time on August 12, 2022, the United States shall file a certificate of conferral advising whether former President Trump opposes the Government's motion to unseal."
For all the rightwingers asking for the warrant, it is, again, in Trump hands to show it to them.
Probably because there was no "there" "there" in either case. You can't just keep repeating "whatabout" when the questions have been answered.
Cincinnati is a case in point, the Rightwinger learns that there are two entities you don't "mess with" IRS and the FBI.
What do you suppose put this man up to attacking an FBI field office?
What? I think the question is who, and we all know the answer.
I don't know. What put the man up who tried to kill Justice Kavanaugh?
Democrats have to realize this raid on President Donald Trump's home has only made him stronger.
"Trump-Backed Candidates Sweep Board Day After FBI Raids Mar-A-Lago" … syndicated
"Trump fundraising shatters records after FBI raid
More money 'in 24 hours' than ever documented" … -fbi-raid/
Do liberals secretly want President Donald Trump to win in 2024 or do they have no idea what they're doing?
I don't think they want President Donald Trump elected in 2024.
The base has not only been revived, the base has been expanded and it continues to expand.
At this point, there is no doubt that Trump will run, he has no choice. Principle is not dead, it's in revival!.
Agree, I certainly am very angry how the FBI handled this raid of an x president. But then the Democrats are very for lack of a better word --- scummy.
They are bending over backwards trying to investigate a renagade ex-president with a modicum of respect. Have Trumpers so lost their judgement they can't even see that? I'd take a beat before I started calling anyone "scummy" after supporting this man through all the things he's pulled.
That's just it Kathleen, he hasn't "pulled the things" he has been accused of. There's never any evidence to back it up, but no worries, the harm has been done. That's all that really matters in the whole scheme of things.
We are in a world of hurts right now in this country and Donald Trump has nothing to do with it..... I agree with Sharlee, it is "scummy" how this man and his supporters, but especially this man, has been treated.
CNN? Someone cites CNN as a source.
Just reading the article can show the level of false propaganda it provides.
"The Post cited people familiar with the investigation as saying that federal agents were looking for classified documents related to nuclear weapons, among other items, at Trump's resort."
Who are these "people familiar with the investigation?" What does that mean?
This is hardly a reliable source. Again, as Sharlee said "scummy."
I used the word scummy, due to it being the best and only choice that clearly shared my feelings, in regard to the Democratic party.
This forum has rules, I intend to abide by those rules. So, please take the liberty to imagine my true thoughts, regarding the Democratic party. Summy is the very mildest of the words I would like to share.
I have zero respect for the Democratic party, I feel them very dangerous, and unscrupulous. It's time they are ushered out of Washington on a oneway road.
"Have Trumpers so lost their judgement (judgment) they can't even see that??
Have "Bidunces" so lost their judgment they can't even see that?
I had to create a word for Biden supporters, all in fair play.
" Many on the opposing side are still railing on about it." even though it was thoroughly investigated and no criminal activity was found. Whataboutism does not apply here. There is no precedent for Trump's behavior.
FYI for anyone interested in today's news: … index.html
Bill Maher admits FBI raid is 'saving Trump politically' just as his fortune was 'finally falling'
Bill Maher declares Trump 'the luckiest man in the world' after the raid at Mar-a-Lago
"Real Time" host Bill Maher took no pleasure to acknowledge that this week's FBI raid at Mar-a-Lago could ultimately benefit former President Donald Trump, who has repeatedly hinted at an"In the end, it comes down to what is in these boxes… if it turns out to be the real deal, if it turns out that Donald Trump has violated the Espionage Act, that is a serious crime and he should be held to account," Morgan said. "If it doesn't turn out to be there, that there are legitimate questions, I think, from the Trump supporters about the different standards applied to Donald Trump that hasn't been applied to Hillary Clinton, to James Comey, to Hunter Biden and the others."other bid for the White House.: … ly-falling
The GOP has applied so many different standards to historically important events (nominations to the Supreme Court to name one) that one of them crying foul is ridiculous. The same standards can not be applied to Trump because he has broken so many precedents the standards no longer apply. There is no "whatabout" to compare to him.
Who has weaponized the IRS?
Who has politicized the FBI?
Who has made a mockery out of the White House; having Biden there is almost as if a big joke is being played on us. He is so out of touch, it's scary!
Who has made a mockery out of every line in the U S. Constitution/Bill of Rights, designed to protect we the people?
Got it...that right to life thing isn't something that pleases you, is 87,000 ADDITIONAL IRS agents pleasing to you? Armed with more than pencils and pens and
You all on the left need to get a clue!
Nothing the Dems do is designed to do anything for the people. In fact, every move they make, works against the people! They put us and this Country last in every situation.
You may take pleasure in me being at the front of the line, in the Gov's cross hairs, but there's only so many conservatives to go through...and then it will be your turn.
Cmon, AB. These regulations regarding the handling of classified materials were not just put in place yesterday.
Why is it that all previous administrations were able to make the transitions regarding handling of this material properly, while Trump created a hell storm for himself with his slovenly attitude regarding every proper protocol?
Righties are quite transparent, not taking the effort to even try to be clever. You all always speak of heralding law enforcement until it is applied to one of your own, now that is priceless.
I expect my leaders to follow the rules of his or her office and position and not act as if they are Divine Right monarchs. But, again, that is just my opinion.
I don't want to count how much money is due for taxes that have not been paid? When we speak of waste, fraud and abuse that should be something both your side and mine would want to curb.
Hmmm, so you were saying the same things about your favorite leaders "following the rules" long before Trump came into office?
I must have missed your condemnation of Bill and Hillary, Barack and Joe.
"Waste, fraud and abuse" have the Clinton's, Obama's and Biden's names all over them.
However, I don't remember any of them ever having targets placed on their backs from day one, or bogus dossiers circulated on them, passed along as the gospel! Don't remember them being set up to take the fall in a dreamed up Russian hoax or them having their private homes/offices raided!
I guess I've missed a lot of things and here I thought I was paying attention.
This about says it for how things are right now in the United States.
You folks have lost your judgement. I can't help you.
Barack Obama Has Missing Records. When Will the FBI Ransack His House?
"In the middle of directing the difficult task of transferring the historically important records of the Obama administration into the National Archives, the archivist in charge, David Ferriero, ran into a serious problem: A lot of key records are missing.
A first-rate librarian, Ferriero has been driving a much-needed digital overhaul and expansion of the National Archives over the nine years of his appointment. This will greatly improve the ability of digital search locally and remotely, as well as accessing the files themselves." … s-n2611588
I think we already know the answer to that, Mike.
The deep state/establishment, isn't about to investigate and make a showy show out of it, for one of their very own!
Sorry, you're late.
National Archives counters Trump’s baseless claims about Obama records
The National Archives and Records Administration issued a statement Friday in an attempt to counter misstatements about former president Barack Obama’s presidential records.
In its statement, NARA said:
"The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) assumed exclusive legal and physical custody of Obama Presidential records when President Barack Obama left office in 2017, in accordance with the Presidential Records Act (PRA). NARA moved approximately 30 million pages of unclassified records to a NARA facility in the Chicago area where they are maintained exclusively by NARA.
Additionally, NARA maintains the classified Obama Presidential records in a NARA facility in the Washington, DC, area. As required by the PRA, former President Obama has no control over where and how NARA stores the Presidential records of his Administration."
Yeah, I saw that, too.
So what are you saying now, Mike......
"It's all a conspiracy! NARA is anti-Trump, deep state, SOROS!! etc."
Wait for it...
I say it is always suspicious when the quote is not followed by a listed source. So, I had to do some research.
Where did this information come from. Any guesses?
Tha Barrack Obama Presidential Library.
Here is the link. … al-records
THAT story provides a link to the National Archives. … 2/nr22-001
Should you click on this link, you will find there are no press releases listed that cover obama's handling of classified material. Look for yourself.
Talk about scammy.
The story is BOGUS an the links are BOGUS.
Do you really think someone like me won't check this out? Do you see why you can't trust democrats on any level for anything at any time?
Please, look at the links and then respond.
Should you click on this link, you will find there are no press releases listed that cover obama's handling of classified material. Look for yourself.
Talk about scammy.
The story is BOGUS an the links are BOGUS.
Do you really think someone like me won't check this out? Do you see why you can't trust democrats on any level for anything at any time?
Are you sure? If you read your own link you'll find the August 12, 2022 Statement.
From the source:
"August 12, 2022, statement
The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) assumed exclusive legal and physical custody of Obama Presidential records when President Barack Obama left office in 2017, in accordance with the Presidential Records Act (PRA). NARA moved approximately 30 million pages of unclassified records to a NARA facility in the Chicago area where they are maintained exclusively by NARA. Additionally, NARA maintains the classified Obama Presidential records in a NARA facility in the Washington, DC, area. As required by the PRA, former President Obama has no control over where and how NARA stores the Presidential records of his Administration."
Mr. Trump is grasping at straws on this one. Since the FBI search on his property he comes up with a new story and new excuse a few times daily.
Okay, there are two links. One is to the obama presidential library. That takes you to their website. This is the source you like to quote.
The NEXT link is to the National Archives and Records Administration. This is the source for the quoted press release. As I said before, when you go to the NARA link that provides press releases, there is NO press release that covers the classified documents of obama. So, where is the press release the liberal media is talking about? Where is it? Not on the NARA link. They are quoting from the obama library. I've looked for it.
Where is this alleged press release from the NARA?
It should be easy to obtain, if is actually exists.
As an editor once told me "Just because you say it's so don't make it so, I need proof."
You're wrong. If you go to, you can search for "presidential records" and you'll find it under Press Statements in Response to Media Queries About Presidential Records. You can also find it by checking press releases from 2022, it is under the Feb 2022 ones.
Willful blindness?
Oh hell, the ladies are in tandem Mike, you're in for a haul. A married man once offered these eight life-saving words: 'Yes dear, you're right, I'm wrong, I'm sorry.' You can escape with just four of them. ;-o
You are a wise man GA. I think you are absolutely right on this one.
We are.
But you missed an opportunity.
Instead of a sexist joke, you could have check the link and tell Mike: "You are wrong. They are right. (Not because they are women, but because they are)."
Unless you're going blind? I hope not.
You know, I think that he missed that opportunity as well.
Hang in there bud, it'll come to you. If not, ask IslandMom.
I didn't miss an opportunity. Damn right it was sexist. But it was still very sage advice.
I didn't think you guys were looking for affirmation, (although I thought my sexist response inferred it), and since I wasn't involved in the exchange, and its convergence presented a rare, but golden opportunity: appropriate insertion with a side of wit, (the four words part). Nope, I didn't miss an opportunity, I snatched it in midstride. There was no need for me to be negative when neutral was easier and more fun. ;-)
I am responding, Mike, the statement in question Is found under the Archives website, not any Obama library.
The extent Trumpers will go to misdirect and make excuses for their standar bearer regarding a process that is not rocket science and had been done properly by a least 10 previous administrations, baffles the mind. It would have been so much easier if he had followed proper protocol the first time?
I guess now NARA is part and parcel of the "deep state". Now, that's rich, and has to be enough information to allow you to eat your MAGAT hat.
Cmon, Mike, you cannot see just how ridiculous this all appears?
Here are the facts.
1. A charge is made that former president obama mishandled white house doucments.
2. The obama presidential library makes a claim that the NARA claims this is not true. Liberal media outlets run with this statement.
3. You go to the obama presidential library website, click on the link that has a press release from the NARA supporting the statements made on the obama presidential library. When you click on the link, there is no such press release.
So, an honest person would wonder why provide this disinformation? What is the obama presidential library hiding? Why did they feel the need to lie about such a thing? Why did major news outlets run with the story and not check it out? What was the reason for all of this?
So, all you can do is make all these bogus claims and not think about answers any of these questions. What I think is ridiculous is how liberals are so very afraid of the truth or the pursuit of it.
Do you see a struggle to accept facts, truth and reality as well?
Oh, yes.
Mike, I think it is crystal clear, you'll not even be met halfway on this. Your point wasn't considered from the start. It was doomed, before it was read.
Deflect and detour, point out the speck, while ignoring the plank. It's the only strategy the left has left to their name.
P.S. I call it as I see it, no links required.
I don't get it Mike, I'm checked both the Obama library site and the link therein for the NARA achieves and I see the August 12. 2022 clarification statement at both locations. So, what is there that you claim we are all overlooking?
Sherlock, please tell us Dr. Watsons what we have missed?
Cred, I'm taking the liberal approach to this. I don't care what documents are provide or what evidence is provided, I'm going to ignore all of it and give you a label for not seeing things my way. I'm going to call everyone who disagrees with me an "obama NARA Denier." This is the liberal approach to the problems with the 2020 election. So, all of you who disagree with me are now labeled as obama NARA Deniers.
I think might be catching onto this liberal stuff.
What to do with obama NARA Deniers? I think they are a scourge upon the earth. They are going to ruin the country, cause chaos and are a cause of violence. (This liberal stuff is kinda fun).
You are equivocating and making excuses, Mike, when it is clear to all that your britches are down. Misdirecting does not make your position any more credible.
Cred, I'm new at using liberal tactics. Give me time. I'll eventually catch on to how it's done.
What all are you willing to tune out, in order to continue to go along with?
NOW...the DOJ refuses to release the affidavit concerning the raid on President Donald Trump's home.
This is the information that was provided to a judge in order to make the case for such a raid. The judge, in case nobody knows, is a real anti-Trumper. They're giving the usual propaganda stories to justify it.
"The Justice Department said, however, that releasing the affidavit could jeopardize its investigation and damage the reputations of those involved.
"Despite moving to unseal the warrant, the Justice Department had not yet weighed in on the release of the affidavit until issuing its 13-page filing Monday.
Those advocating for its release argued that the public had an interest in knowing the circumstances behind the highly unusual search." … age%20Act.
This is nothing more than a move by the democrats to eliminate a political rival. It is becoming more and more obvious the democrats are using federal law enforcement agencies to silence political opposition.
When the Republicans take control of the house in 2024, I believe the impeachment of Christopher Wray should be considered. Alejandro Mayorkas should also be considered for impeachment based on his handling of the border crisis.
It's safe to say, there isn't a dead body; there's not even a crime.
Political from the get-go and everywhere in between, is what it is!
the Justice Department made clear the seriousness of the ongoing criminal investigation, saying it "implicates highly classified materials."
"Disclosure of the government's affidavit at this stage would also likely chill future cooperation by witnesses whose assistance may be sought as this investigation progresses, as well as in other high-profile investigations," the Justice Department wrote. "The fact that this investigation implicates highly classified materials further underscores the need to protect the integrity of the investigation and exacerbates the potential harm if information is disclosed to the public prematurely or improperly."
The affidavit contains "critically important and detailed investigative facts," they argued in the filing, which was signed by Jay Bratt, head of the Counterintelligence and Export Control Section of the DOJ's National Security Division.
Those facts include "highly sensitive information about witnesses, including witnesses interviewed by the government; specific investigative techniques; and information required by law to be kept under seal" in accordance with the federal rules.
I would imagine there is also great concern for the safety of those mentioned in the affidavit as we can see the violent rhetoric of the MAGA party increasing.
If and when he is indicted he will receive the affidavit, just like everyone else in America and he will be able to challenge it's validity.
There you go with the "violent rhetoric" comment again, after ignoring months of rioting and abhorrent behavior from the non-MAGA crowd!
Do they get a pass, because they aren't MAGA folk?
Is it me...being nitpicky and petty?
Do tell!
Could this be another incident of lying to a judge to obtain a warrant? Trump has requested the affidavit be released. It is obvious he is confident he is unafraid of the document being released.
It is obvious he is confident he is unafraid of the document being released.
Why wouldnt he be?
First, no matter what the affidavit says, his cult will find an excuse, a new conspiracy, will shut their eyws, ears and brain, etc.
Second, it will negatively affect the investigation plus he'll know who is talking, "the rat", as they call them.
We have no idea what is in the affidavit. So not sure we should assume anything in the document would affect the investigation. Also, is it fair to guess what any individual will think if the document is released?
I would think trump might fear what is in the affidavit after what he saw the FBI pull to get warrants on Carter Page. I would think Trump has been burnt several times by the crooked dealings of the FBI, and DOJ. Not sure how he could trust anyone in Washington. I felt him brave for requesting the document be released.
WASHINGTON — The Justice Department has concluded that two of the four court orders allowing the FBI to conduct secret national security surveillance on former Trump campaign aide Carter Page were not valid because the government made "material misstatements" in obtaining them, according to a newly declassified judicial order. … r-n1121406
I put nothing past the Democrats, that is my view.
The affidavit contains "critically important and detailed investigative facts," argued in the filing, which was signed by Jay Bratt, head of the Counterintelligence and Export Control Section of the DOJ's National Security Division.
Those facts include "highly sensitive information about witnesses, including witnesses interviewed by the government; specific investigative techniques; and information required by law to be kept under seal" in accordance with the federal rules.
"In addition, information about witnesses is particularly sensitive given the high-profile nature of this matter and the risk that the revelation of witness identities would impact their willingness to cooperate with the investigation," the prosecutors wrote.
So do we want an actual investigation or should we just let all the information out so that witnesses can be bullied and intimidated with violence?
As I had stated previously, if and when he is indicted the affidavit will come out and he will have every chance to refute it.
Ultimately he shouldn't have taken the documents. Until 1974, presidents could take documents with them when they left office. Now every presidential document, from notebook doodles to top-secret security plans, belongs to the National Archives.
Quite simply he was in the wrong. The documents did not belong to him, classified or not. … ealed.html
Ton's has been leaked to the media, this cat is out of the bag. I am aware he should not have taken documents when leaving office. We are well past that fact.
"As I had stated previously, if and when he is indicted the affidavit will come out and he will have every chance to refute it."
Really? And if he is not indited, that leaves many to continue using this episode as an unproven accusation to cling to like all the rest.
No sorry very well appears to be a ploy. The DOJ needs to put up or shut up. Names and inappropriate info can be redacted.
I want to know what he took, and why a judge signed a warrant to search his home. Very simple, I want facts, not unproven leaks from who knows who.
Nice rant, but all water under the bridge Faye. Google is a friend to all, I have moved on from he did this, to time to prove it.
Many are seeing this as just another Democratic ploy, and are very mad at the possibility of the FBI and DOJ being possibly politicized. It is insulting for you to infer Trump has control over any Americans in this situation. People are mad and have become very dissatisfied with the way the DOJ handled this search of a former president's home.
Earlier this year when the FBI took 15 boxes out of Mar-A-Lago, shouldn't Mr. Trump have handed over everything? He was still hanging on to top secret documents.
The DOJ subpoenaed him for classified documents before authorizing the Mar-a-Lago search.
It's sort of seems he could have avoided the whole thing. … ago-2022-8
I was under the impression that last Feb 2022, Trump cooperated with the Archives and offered no objections to the archives transporting all 15 boxes into their care. The FBI did not retrieve the boxes.
"In a statement to NBC News Monday afternoon, the National Archives confirmed that it arranged for the transport of 15 boxes of presidential records out of Trump’s Palm Beach, Florida, residence in mid-January “following discussions with President Trump’s representatives in 2021.” … -lago.html
"The Justice Department inquiry is about documents that Trump removed from the White House as his term was ending in January 2021. Earlier this year, officials from the National Archives and Records Administration, known as NARA, recovered 15 boxes of presidential documents from Mar-a-Lago." … /40851458#
The DOJ went to retrieve documents and were allowed in the room that held the documents, they retrieved and took documents on that day without any problem.
"June 3, 2022
Four investigators, including a top Justice Department counterintelligence official, visit Mar-a-Lago seeking more information about classified material that had been taken to Florida. The four investigators meet with Trump's attorneys and look around the basement room where the documents are being stored. Trump briefly stops by the meeting to say hello to the officials, but he does not answer any questions. During the meeting, the federal officials serve a grand jury subpoena for some of the sensitive national security documents on the premises, and they take away the subpoenaed documents." … e/40851458
Within days the DOJ requested that the room be better secured, which Trump complied with.
It well appears Trump was willing to cooperate with the Archives and the DOJ. The raid seems very unnecessary. Trump gave the DOJ full access to the documents that he kept in June, they retrieved documents with a subpoena. If the DOJ needed further access to the documents they once again could have just once again offered a subpoena to view the documents once again. They did not --- they raided his home. IMO for a big political splash.
The media reports have been twisted, not sure where you feel Trump ignored a subpoena ... The subpoena offered in June 2022 was respected, the DOJ took documents this is factual.
So, I must ask what subpoena was ignored? When was this subpoena served? Are you speaking about the subpoena that Trump respected, and let the DOJ into his home to retrieve documents?
So what date was the subpoena you speak of issued?
I am not sure it is fair to discuss what documents Trump may have kept or not kept. But it is fact he let the DOJ in to take whatever they wanted with them.
All we know now is that some documents were retrieved by the FBI in the raid. Trump is claiming documents were declassified. And hopes that the affidavit is released to have more transparency.
Other than that we have unproven leaks that the DOJ will not confirm or dismiss. I prefer to wait and see some type of evidence, in regards to Trump's claims, and why the DOJ felt the raid was justified, which the affidavit will show. The timeline shows Trump was cooperating with the Archives, and if he did declassify all the documents as he claims, he committed no crime.
It is unclear if he declassified the documents, is it not fair to let him prove that he did just that? We as usual are hearing one side, the media side.
I prefer not to join in with the mob of Googleteers.
I Read this article. I am trying to find something that pieces together the timeline of the attempts to get these documents.
"The DOJ subpoenaed Trump for classified documents before authorizing the Mar-a-Lago raid, NYT reported."
Additionally, the statutes that the doj is considering do not hinge upon classification of the documents so the whole argument of where they classified or not is moot.
And I will be a proud card carrying member of the Googleteers. Not much other way for me to get a range of information, especially where I live. … ago-2022-8
Rep. Jim Jordan
"President Trump left office on January 20, 2021.
The FBI raided his house on August 8, 2022.
If it was such a “national security threat,” why wait 565 days to recover the documents?"
Jim Jordan (Twitter)
President Trump left office on January 20, 2021.
Why didnt give back all the documents he wasnt supposed to have?
Oh, right.
He skipped over the fact that 15 boxes were removed from Mr Trump's residence in January
Yes, they were, and one would think they may have needed to take all they found. But chose to leave them, perhaps because they saw what was there and felt they were harmless. at the time. And since have had second thoughts. Maybe we need to know why all the documents were not taken on the first and second visits. Seems the third time was the charm.
This so looks like a setup, sorry but this bunch had full access to the document twice, and could have taken any and all documents. The more I read the more it's obvious this is a big political witchhunt.
I agree 100%. The documents were not a problem, nor a concern, until some lefties, some rinos, some establishment types... brainstorming(?) make that conniving one night, came up with a way to keep the witch-hunt going.
The Presidential Records Act (PRA) of 1978, 44 U.S.C. ß2201-2209, governs the official records of Presidents and Vice Presidents that were created or received after January 20, 1981 (i.e., beginning with the Reagan Administration). The PRA changed the legal ownership of the official records of the President from private to public, and established a new statutory structure under which Presidents, and subsequently NARA, must manage the records of their Administrations. The PRA was amended in 2014, which established several new provisions.
Most importantly, it Establishes that Presidential records automatically transfer into the legal custody of the Archivist as soon as the President leaves office.
Again he shouldn't have taken anything with him to begin with. It's that clear-cut
Also, remember that before the 15 boxes from Mar a Lago, many of the documents they did transfer were damaged.
In its statement, the Archives said that “White House records management officials during the Trump Administration recovered and taped together some of the torn-up records. These were turned over to the National Archives at the end of the Trump Administration, along with a number of torn-up records that had not been reconstructed by the White House. The Presidential Records Act requires that all records created by presidents be turned over to the National Archives at the end of their administrations.”
That's a fact. But it's said that a USA President can carry working papers to his home, and work on them back and forth. I did that as a civil servant. Yes, as an Administrative Office. But the files were not in the same magnitude as that of a working President. Yes, it's also a fact that Trump failed to return the documents to the Oval Office before quiting the presidency. But he allowed the Achivist, and other goverment agencies to carry away those files. But why did they delay? To witch-hunt jolly good Trump? These Dems should leave Trump alone and advice Biden well. Or rather they all should go to hell!
Good point, it was a very opportune time. From what I have been able to glean, Trump has fully cooperated with the FBI, DOJ, and Archives in regards to the documents he may have taken or ended up with in his basement.
He was more than cooperative, and this is being fully overlooked. We are once again seeing media-caused hysteria. And all the facts that show Trump cooperated are being ignored.
As conservatives, we need to raise above the crazy, and let them burn out. Hopefully quickly.
Again if CNBC report is correct (which due to their reputation it may not be)
I was under the impression that last Feb 2022, Trump cooperated with the Archives and offered no objections to the archives transporting all 15 boxes into their care. The FBI did not retrieve the boxes.
"In a statement to NBC News Monday afternoon, the National Archives confirmed that it arranged for the transport of 15 boxes of presidential records out of Trump’s Palm Beach, Florida, residence in mid-January “following discussions with President Trump’s representatives in 2021.” … -lago.html
The archives took 15 boxes from Trump's home. He fully cooperated with the removal and made sure to comply with more security around what they left in his home. It would seem the article you supplied does not correlate with my source/. So, who knows the truth?
The DOJ returned --- And Trump cooperated if my source is correct.
"June 3, 2022
Four investigators, including a top Justice Department counterintelligence official, visit Mar-a-Lago seeking more information about classified material that had been taken to Florida. The four investigators meet with Trump's attorneys and look around the basement room where the documents are being stored. Trump briefly stops by the meeting to say hello to the officials, but he does not answer any questions. During the meeting, the federal officials serve a grand jury subpoena for some of the sensitive national security documents on the premises, and they take away the subpoenaed documents." … e/40851458
I have found nothing to indicate any further subpoenas were served on Trump. No warning of the raid on his home, no chance to provide the FBI further access to the documents he had in his keeping.
In regard to Trump being responsible for what citizens may do. Americans have free will, and yes many are mad and who knows what they will do. It seems you choose to feel Trump can control all that would break the law. In my view that is an odd attitude.
Google has buried most of the earlier information in regards to the Feb, visit, and June visits of the DOJ, and FBI. I was lucky to find the couple of sources I offered showing Trump was very cooperative and respected the subpoenas. And most likely you'd have once again respected the DOJ's need to return for more documents. A few days ago he sted he would fully cooperate and help in any way he could.
I will meet you halfway on this one, Mike. Excerpt from a news article which has pretty much touched on the main points is provided below.
“Disclosure at this juncture of the affidavit supporting probable cause would, by contrast, cause significant and irreparable damage to this ongoing criminal investigation,” the court filing said.
The development comes as lawmakers over the weekend increased calls to make public the affidavit, as some Republicans toned down their rebukes of the FBI after being quick to take the former president’s side when he first announced that the agency had searched his estate and claimed that the move was politically motivated.
“I think releasing the affidavit would help, at least that would confirm that there was justification for this raid,” GOP Sen. Mike Rounds of South Dakota told NBC's “Meet the Press” on Sunday.
The Senate Intelligence Committee in a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland on Sunday asked to view more information on the search in a classified setting. Meanwhile, the House Intelligence Committee’s top Republican said that the administration should be forthcoming with additional information.
“Congress is saying, 'Show us the goods. We want to know, one, what did the Department of Justice and the FBI tell the judge that they were going to find?’” Rep. Mike Turner of Ohio told CNN’s “State of the Union.” “‘And what did they find?’”
While respecting the position of the Justice Department, the question "why" I say is a valid one. A compromise can be offered by letting members of Congress meet with DOJ to discuss the "why" in a meeting place under complete and strict confidentiality, if that is all possible.
We cannot always presume that like your "Golden Boy", officials subscribe to personal vendettas in the place of professional objectivity in doing their jobs.
Trump is fundamentally an idiot and from his behavior and reactions will ultimately "remove" himself.
I wouldn't count my chickens just yet on the House coming under GOP control in '24. If it does occurs, we will have textbook examples of political vendettas disguised as Routine congressional inquiry.
"If it does occurs, we will have textbook examples of political vendettas disguised as Routine congressional inquiry."
You already have that. It happens every time an administration changes.
I'm not a lawyer. But I assume that the Judge, in granting the warrant of search, should have had...resort to the affidavit. If the Judge doesn't, then FBI agents intruding into Donald Trump home is wrong. Though ex-President Trump was wrong in carting off public documents to his home. God save America!
That seemed to be a prerequisite for any one appointed by Mr Trump.
Nahh. Christopher Wray was apparently one of those fly-by-nights who had an impressive curriculum vitae tailored to make him appear to be something that he was not. When I worked at a law firm, this one lawyer there was always getting people like that applying for job positions there that they were not truly qualified for. Situations like those are always happening to even the best of employers.
Justice Dept. Objects to Releasing Affidavit Used to Search Trump’s Home
Prosecutors say its release would compromise the investigation into Donald J. Trump’s handling of secret documents after he left office. Now a judge must decide.
Trump has asked for the document to be released unredacted.
Not sure if Trump has a copy of this document? In my view, I would think he will release it if the DOJ won't. He has a history of releasing information, such as transcripts of phone calls, and more. he has a history of transparency. I hope if he has the document affidavit that shows the motive for the warrant, he will offer it up.
This document could shed light on the raid. Little is known about the motive for the raid, what documents were actually found, and were these documents declassified by Trump, as he claims.
We could learn a lot if we see the unredacted affidavit.
As ab title indicates --- This Better Be Good.
In my opinion, we the people have a right to the facts, this is all too obvious a political ploy. Dems are known for this dirty dealing just before elections. Russia Russia Russia --- hide the weenie (FBI agents disregarding on Hunter Biden crap as disinformation ) such a history of corruption, one could write a book on this old Dem ploy. We need to see the affidavit, and we need to see it now. Or I feel once again the Dems are pulling out all stops to sway an election with smoke. Hope you will share your views.
"Judge Will Consider Thursday Whether To Release More Detailed Mar-A-Lago Search Documents "TOPLINE A hearing will take place on Thursday to determine whether a federal judge should unseal the affidavit that the FBI used to justify last week’s search of former President Donald Trump’s Mar-A-Lago estate after the Justice Department said doing so would compromise the “ongoing criminal investigation” and Trump called for the document’s “immediate release.”
The hearing will take place at a federal district court in Florida at 1 p.m. Eastern time on Thursday, U.S. Magistrate Judge Bruce E. Reinhart ruled on Tuesday, as he decided to take the issue of whether or not to unseal the documents under advisement."
Forbes Article - Please read more --- … 1712e45ea2
In regard to classification of the documents Mr. Trump took:
"The classification system that protects most government secrets is, in fact, a product of executive order and thus can be amended by the president. The most recent such order, Executive Order 13526, spells out detailed criteria and procedures for both classification and declassification and doesn’t give the president any direct role in the latter. Nonetheless, other presidents have directed declassification on occasion, as President Biden recently did for certain information relating to the September 11th attacks. A president can also amend the rules and procedures governing declassification as he sees fit. There is thus little reason to doubt that, if Trump had wanted to declassify the documents recovered from Mar-a-Lago while he was president, he almost certainly could have done so.
The more difficult question is whether Trump actually took such a step. There are well-established procedures in place for declassification, none of which Trump appears to have pursued. Nor did Trump take any administrative steps to change or install exceptions to these rules. He also failed to issue any memorandum or executive order directing declassification, as he did in other cases through the very end of his presidency. Indeed, at present, Trump does not appear to have memorialized whatever declassification decision he may have made in any meaningful outside way. His own former National Security Advisor John Bolton has stated, “I was never briefed on any such order, procedure, policy when I came in [or after],” and has described Trump’s assertion that he had a standing order to declassify documents as “almost certainly a lie.” … classified
"No president has the right to retain presidential records after he or she leaves office," Baron said. "And so it is an extraordinary circumstance if presidential records are found in a former president's residence or anywhere else under his control." … -watergate
Fox News anchor Steve Doocy does a wonderful job in his rebuke of Tim Scott and explains why the DOJ wants the affidavit to remain sealed.
"The government claims the release of the arrest warrant would “do significant and irreparable harm to these ongoing criminal investigations”. Pointing out that Scott should know this, Doocy also said, “The senator knows that in a criminal investigation like this, they don’t release her until they determine whether or not someone is charged.”
“And if they’re not charged, they don’t release it, lest they unfairly tarnish an innocent person’s reputation,” Doocy said.
On Monday, Doocy also said “it would be great” if Trump issued a statement condemning “violent rhetoric” against FBI agents. Crickets though. … he-public/
I didn't realize that you're a Fox News and Steve Doocy fan.
Live and learn.
The liberals seem to forget a president has the right to declassify documents. President Donald Trump has a right to do these things.
"WASHINGTON — Former President Donald J. Trump’s claim that he had declassified all of the documents that the F.B.I. seized in the search of his Florida home last week — including those marked as top secret — has heightened interest in the scope of a president’s power to declassify information."
On Friday, Mr. Trump’s office claimed that when he was president, he had a “standing order” that materials “removed from the Oval Office and taken to the residence were deemed to be declassified the moment he removed them,” according to a statement read on Fox News by a right-wing writer Mr. Trump has designated as one of his representatives to the National Archives. … explained/
None of the criminal provisions listed in the search warrant hinge on whether the documents recovered at Mar-a-Lago are classified or not.
The three statutes listed on the warrant have nothing to do with whether a document is declassified. … classified
It all comes down to the affidavit the FBI refuses to release. They give their standard answers, but it is all nonsense.
"The search warrant released on Friday indicates that the federal magistrate judge who authorized the search found probable cause that at least three different criminal violations had been committed and that relevant evidence was most likely present at Mar-a-Lago. Who may have committed these offenses is an open question—one best answered by the affidavit the FBI no doubt submitted in support of the search warrant, which thus far remains under seal."
...and a "credible" case can never be made when it comes to getting Trump once and for all and keeping him far removed from the People's house.
Get with the program Mike, this is how it works!
The deep state {aka: establishment, swamp, etc.} definitely doesn't want him anywhere near the People's house again and the foot soldiers (although they don't realize or do, but don't care) are doing their small part.
After Liz Cheney's shellacking, I wonder who she is in talks with, all by design, to continue to keep the People's President out of the People's house.
Yes, it is certainly quite comical to watch the GOP turn on Liz Cheney on behalf of a man who was a registered Democrat until 2008 & had Bill & Hillary Clinton at his third wedding.
Kudos to the people of Wyoming for electing a cuckoo as Cocoa Puffs woman who actually said President Biden is a human trafficker.
Do you think the Cheneys or anyone else in the D.C. swamp care one iota about what you think?
When Biden stopped the building of the wall and stopped securing our border, he became complicit in human and drug trafficking, that's not cuckoo, that's truth.
I think it is quite comical when Democrats say anything about Republican members of congress. Democrats have such stellar representatives such as "The squad" whose combined IQ has a decimal point in front of it. Then there is Maxine Waters, entire stores have been written about her stupidity. My favorite quote of hers is "I have to protest for abortion because my mother couldn't have one." Then there is the brilliance of Hank Johnson who is worried about Guam capsizing if too many people reside there. Then we have Shirley Jackson Lee who lectured people about the US Constitution being 400 years old. She talks about Neil Armstrong planting an American Flag on Mars. These are just a few of her well-known quotes.
So, kudos to the Democrats who keep electing these glaring examples of America's failed educational system.
True stories all, Miebakagh; embarrassing but true!
Found this concerning the timeline
"Feb. 25, 2022: The House Committee on Oversight and Reform seeks additional documents from the National Archives as part of its investigation into Trump's handling of White House records.
The committee chaired by Democratic Rep. Carolyn Maloney of New York laid out a series of documents it needed to determine if the former president violated federal records laws when he took the boxes to Florida.
Spring 2022: Investigators from the Justice Department and FBI visit Mar-a-Lago to get more information about classified materials taken to Florida, according to a source familiar with the matter. Federal officials also served a subpoena for some documents believed to be at the estate." … ida-estate
In spite of all the friendly co-operation Trump fopq the gives the DOJ, FBI, and other agents, the Dems still embarrased the man, further.
Exactly, why are they so afraid of him?
What are they trying, so hard, to hide about themselves?
Time will tell. No secret that can't be reveal exists.
Maybe he learned from the Clinton's, the Obama's, I don't know, but it is touching that you suddenly care so much.
P.S. Aren't you the least bit curious as to why President Trump wants the affidavit {used to justify the raid on Mar-a-Lago} released, unredacted and why the Justice Dept. does not!?!
The witch hunt continues.....
It is touching that you suddenly dont care.
Oh, we know why Trump wants the affidavit released, and more importantly, unredacted.
I love how you stand behind what you believe in...
But in the world of politics..
Don't they all understand that their lives is now an open book?
The one reason I don't have much respect for Mr.Trump is the arrogance he somehow he is better than everyone else.
Sorry...but he's just a man. He's no better than you and I
I agree Brenda, he is just a man and he is far from perfect!!!
I like that he is a man of the people and a fan of this country, and not a sellout nor a traitor to this Country! We have enough of those in office and they are doing irreparable harm to we the people and to this great Republic of ours.
I have found information that is pertinent to the timeline and the fact Trump was cooperating with the DOJ in regard to letting them have full availability to all documents at his home. The DOJ had every opportunity to remove any documents in June. Why the Raid? It would seem all the DOJ needed to do is issue another subpoena to get access to Trump's home, he cooperated with two visits thus far.
USA Today --- … 302760002/
"Justice Department officials declined to comment on the June effort and Trump's attorneys did not respond to inquiries after the existence of the subpoena was first reported by the conservative outlet Just The News.
Earlier Thursday, one of Trump's lawyers, Christina Bobb, retweeted a story from the Just The News website, bearing the headline: "Trump got grand jury subpoena in spring, voluntarily cooperated before home was raided."
The June action represents a months-long attempt to secure the documents before Attorney General Merrick Garland disclosed Thursday that he personally approved the decision to seek a warrant to search Trump's home.
Garland said he greenlighted the action after determining there was the required "probable cause" that a crime had been committed.
"The (Justice) department does not take such a decision lightly," Garland said. "Where possible, it is standard practice to seek less intrusive means as an alternative to a search and to narrowly scope any search that is undertaken."
The attorney general made no allegation against Trump during a brief statement, in which he also announced that Justice would seek to unseal the warrant, barring an objection from the former president.
Trump and his lawyers did not immediately say whether they planned to object.
In recent days, they have refused to release their copies of the search warrant and supplemental materials.
Trump, meanwhile, has continued to decry the search as a personal attack in which he has been targeted by federal authorities.
"These are dark times for our Nation, as my beautiful home, Mar-A-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, is currently under siege, raided, and occupied by a large group of FBI agents," Trump said Monday when he first disclosed the law enforcement action. "Nothing like this has ever happened to a President of the United States before."
The disclosure unleashed a wave of vitriol from the former president's supporters, some of them issuing verbal threats against the FBI and the attorney general.
On Thursday, Garland concluded his remarks with a defense of federal authorities.
"Let me address recent unfounded attacks on the professionalism of the FBI and Justice Department agents and prosecutors," Garland said. "I will not stand by silently when their integrity is unfairly attacked. The men and women of the FBI and the Justice Department are dedicated, patriotic public servants."
FBI Reportedly Issued Subpoena And Took National Security Documents From Mar-A-Lago Months Before Raid … 1adcd16d1c
ABC -- … d=88252177
CNN … index.html Feds removed documents from Mar-a-Lago in June with grand jury subpoena
It appears to be the case that the FBI took 15 boxes, thought that that was all to be taken. As the archives starts to dig through it, they realize that's not all of it. Another subpoena is issued which Mr Trump did not comply with and therefore you had the most recent search which did uncover additional boxes of documents that should have never been there. This really sort of all boils down to the simple fact that he shouldn't have taken anything with him when he left office. He was in the wrong.
I find it despicable as Mr Trump continues to show his lack of character and morality by not speaking out against all of the violence directed toward federal law enforcement.
"Another subpoena is issued which Mr. Trump did not comply with and therefore you had the most recent search which did uncover additional boxes of documents that should have never been there. "
I read the archives requested and received 15 boxes in Feb. Trump operated completely with the archives request. Again ---
National Archives retrieved 15 boxes of Trump White House documents from Mar-a-Lago
The National Archives and Records Administration retrieved 15 boxes of White House records that had been sent to former President Donald Trump’s resort-home Mar-a-Lago.
"The National Archives and Records Administration last month retrieved 15 boxes of White House records that had been sent to former President Donald Trump’s resort-home Mar-a-Lago instead of the National Archives as required by law, the agency said Monday."
In a statement to NBC News Monday afternoon, the National Archives confirmed that it arranged for the transport of 15 boxes of presidential records out of Trump’s Palm Beach, Florida, residence in mid-January “following discussions with President Trump’s representatives in 2021.”
Trump’s representatives “have informed NARA that they are continuing to search for additional Presidential records that belong to the National Archives,” the statement said." … -lago.html
THE FACT IS TRUMP WAS COOPERATING. The boxes were removed in Feb 2022.
The DOJ served Trump with a subpoena in June 2022 due to the archives feeling documents were missing from the 15 boxes. On June 3
June 3, 2022
Four investigators, including a top Justice Department counterintelligence official, visit Mar-a-Lago seeking more information about classified material that had been taken to Florida. The four investigators meet with Trump's attorneys and look around the basement room where the documents are being stored. Trump briefly stops by the meeting to say hello to the officials, but he does not answer any questions. During the meeting, the federal officials serve a grand jury subpoena for some of the sensitive national security documents on the premises, and they take away the subpoenaed documents.
June 8, 2022
Trump's attorneys receive a letter from federal investigators, asking them to further secure the room where documents are being stored. In response, Trump aides add a padlock to the room in the basement of Mar-a-Lago.
He respected the request without any problems, and let them visit, he cooperated fully ... They took documents on June 3. I would assume they could have taken any documents at that time.
I must question you about Trump being served with another subpoena prior to the raid. I have found only one subpoena Trump was served with that was the subpoenas he respected in June.
Please provide a date and source where you found Trump was served with any other subpoena prior to the days up to the Raid. Not sure where you came up with this.
We have already agreed Trump should not have taken documents from the White House. Although he claims he declassified the boxes. That is yet not been proven. He has spoken out in the last few days about the problems of hate in the country. And offered to do what he could to bring down the temperature. … r-fbi-raid
"If there is anything we can do to help, I, and my people, would certainly be willing to do that," Trump said.
"There has never been a time like this where law enforcement has been used to break into the house of a former president of the United States, and there is tremendous anger in the country — at a level that has never been seen before, other than during very perilous times," Trump said
"Trump told Fox News that his team "has not heard yet" from the Justice Department on whether they will accept his offer for help.
"I think they would want the same thing — I’ve never seen anything like this," Trump said. "It is a very dangerous time for our country."
He added: "I will do whatever I can to help the country."
Trump, reflecting on the "years of fake witch hunts and phony Russia, Russia, Russia schemes and scams," said that "nothing happens to those people who perpetuate that — nothing happens with them."
It is obvious you feel the several sources I have offered are not sufficient.
I am keeping an open mind, as I did through the Russian accusations. We all know that turned out to be a very dirty political scam. That many still today do not acknowledge the truth of what the DMC perpetrated.
I want to hear the other side of all of this. It is obvious that many could care little about any other side. I am not with that group, and I pride myself on being open to both sides of any issue. We have seen little of that from the left, now have we?
In no way am I a sharp legal mind and the disjointed haphazard manner that all of this information has come out through the various media makes it even harder to piece together.
The Hill discussed the subpoenas but also at the same time one of Mr Trump's lawyers was claiming back in June that all classified material have been returned, when we now know it wasn't.
I think it's going to be quite some time before we understand the timeline of exactly what was going on. … 022-08-13/ … ch-report/
Yes, we may never provide facts, and the media is doing a great job insinuating the June subpoena was not respected, yet it was. The DOJ visited Trump's home twice and could have removed anything they felt they needed to remove. That is what I have found to be factual. Twice the Government had access to the documents and could have literally cleaned out every document if they wanted to. Common sense should tell all that could have been done. Yet it was not.
Maybe more should be asking why not? Trump fully cooperated with the FBI, DOJ, and the Archives. This is factual thus far. Why these agencies did not take all is what sticks out to me.
This seems once again a scummy ploy that included weaponizing the FBI and the DOJ.
The more I read the more I agree. This is slimy... To what depths will this bunch go?
The "rat" is talking and Trump & co. are worried. That prompted the warrant. (Allegedly that and surveillance video.)
One of the reasons he wants the unredacted affidavit.
You are not making any sense whatsoever.
I will ask you a question, just asked:
Why are they [Dems, Rinos, FBI, DOJ, etc.] so afraid of him [Trump]?
What are they trying, so hard, to hide about themselves?
Mr Trump is all about vengeance
Anyone named in that affidavit you better be ready to go into the witness protection program or face the wrath of MAGA. The online chatter is calling for executions
"Face the wrath of MAGA", there is no "wrath of MAGA"!
All that wrath you speak of, that's ALL ON anti-MAGA!
All the Antifa shenanigans and BLM shenanigans, Leftist/Marxist shenanigans; death, riots, fire, graffiti, looting, targeting police officers, targeting innocent babies,
toppling historic structures and memorials, destroying property, destroying major cities, pointing guns at one another, cheating in elections, destroying Mom and Pop businesses, assaulting random people, defunding the police, etc. and so on!
Continue to live there, in the state of denial, if you must, (for some strange reason) but history proves it.
I am not afraid of him more than I want him contained as a thief, liar, coward and a plethora of other adjectives that I haven't the time to include.
Everything he has ever touched become soiled beyond redemption. Wiser minds will see the necessity of bringing an end to the political career of Donald Trump.
It is not about hiding more than about revelation regarding the levels of corruption Republicans are fine with as long as it is just applied to their adversaries.
Do you believe JFK Jr. is alive? Do you know gematria?
Deflect, detour or is it detour, deflect? Whichever, you anti-MAGA's are so good at it! See, a compliment from me.
Exactly, questions that make sense. What are the. DEMs, DOJ, and so on afraid of ex-President Trump?
Here is 44 U.S.C. ß2201-2209, gov otherwise known as the Presidential Records Act.
Presidential Records Act - States that the United States shall reserve and retain complete ownership, possession, and control of all Presidential records. Requires the President to assure that the performance of official Presidential duties is adequately documented and that documentary materials be appropriately maintained. Permits the President to dispose only of such records which have no administrative, historical, informational, or evidentiary value if the President obtains the views, in writing, of the Archivist of the United States concerning the proposed disposal schedule of such records and the Archivists states that he does not intend to take action under the provisions of this Act. Permits the President, if the Archivist states an intention to take action, to dispose of such records if copies of the disposal schedule are submitted to the appropriate committees of Congress at least 60 days of continuous session of Congress in advance of the proposed disposal date.
Requires the Archivist to assume custody, control, and preservation of and access to the records of a President upon the conclusion of the President's term of office; making such records available to the public as rapidly and completely as possible. Requires the Archivist to place such records in a Presidential archival depository or another facility operated by the United States. Authorizes the Archivist to designate, after consultation with the President, a director for each depository or facility.
Permits restrictions on access to Presidential records for up to 12 years if such documents have been validly classified as secret, relate to a Federal appointment, certain trade secrets or other commercial information obtained under privileged circumstances, consist of confidential communications requesting or submitting advice between the President and his advisors between advisers, or contain personal information, disclosure of which would constitute an unwarranted invasion of privacy. Establishes limits on the duration of the restriction of disclosure of Presidential records.
Subjects Presidential records to subpena or other judicial process for the purposes of any civil or criminal investigation or proceeding. States that such records shall be available to an incumbent President and to either House of Congress. Makes the records of a former President available to such former President or the designated representative of such former President.
Applies all provisions of this Act to Vice-Presidential, as well as Presidential records. … bill/13500
Hi Ladies,
President Donald Trump is not perfect, but he is the perfect man to get us out of this mess. He was not a politician—he was a businessman. Our country is in this shape for one reason—the old fossils that have stayed in Congress for many years think they are above the law. Truth be told, I am not happy with either party--some have sucked off the tit of our government until it is going DRY. And we will know this when another country starts calling the shots.
I try not to write about politics because I get mad, and I do not need any more wrinkles. I pray that we will make it--and I am sure we will because Congress will go down with us first.
A country girl's opinion,
Bobbi Purvis
Amen and hear, hear Bobbi, now seek cover and watch out for anti-MAGA wrath!
Amen Bobbi --- so please you shared, very sound words. You have entered the twilight zone, so beware of all the smoke and mirrors.
Well, it's like this, Bobbi. During all four years that Donald Trump was in the White House, he never accepted one red cent of the salary that presidents are normally paid. Instead, he donated his six-figure presidential income to charitable causes. I cannot think of any other president that has ever done that. After Louisiana was ravaged by a major flood back in 2016, Donald Trump and Mike Pence both went to Gonzales, Louisiana and helped unload supplies for the flood victims. Trump's then-political opponent in the presidential race, Hillary Clinton, was nowhere to be found during that same rescue mission in Louisiana.
So humble, so good a man and his boy! America, bring back Trump.
M'am: When did you write this comment? In 2016? I hope so. No one could still possibly be this blind to the person Trump is.
And yet she shared her feelings, and her views, and was very respectful and kind in doing so. Now read your comment.
"M'am: When did you write this comment? In 2016? I hope so. No one could still possibly be this blind to the person Trump is."
Enough said
I hear you. There isn't a lot of common decency and civility left in our current society. Also evidenced by the horrendous names that have been flung at Liz Cheney after her loss in Wyoming. When did it become okay for people to be so brutal?
There is little decency left. This is more than apparent. It has now come to a head. Some seem to feel they can say anything, and they fully expect that no one will question their thoughts, their propensity to be rude.
We have a new society where many will come back and point out anti-social comments. Fighting fire with fire has become almost a necessity.
Yes, many are being brutal toward Cheney. I feel she stood by what she believed. I give her credit for that. I don't agree with all she has promoted, but she has the right to say and do whatever she pleases.
I don't think it fair to bash her, just because one can. At this point, I feel she is water under a bridge. Will she resurface, probably? She has the right to run for president, and share her views, and policies.
I must admit, I had a little fun with the comparison to Abe Lincoln. But I wish her well, whatever she decides to do.
I have a big problem when people don't know where they stand or what they believe in, from one day to the next!
If there isn't a set of core beliefs in place from the start, don't run for office!!!
We don't need and certainly can't afford, people like that in office. It is not about how being in office benefits an individual or an individual and family or an individual's pet is ALL ABOUT doing what is in the best interest of this Country and We the People, at all times, in all cases (.) Period
"If there isn't a set of core beliefs in place from the start, don't run for office!!!
Which of her long held core beliefs has she changed?
I do you see quite clearly that her primary opponent Harriet Hageman changed some of hers.
She once once openly described Mr. Trump as “racist and xenophobic,” and and the “weakest” contender the Republicans could put forth.
What I am expressing is very basic, I am not picking on Liz Cheney. I changed my mind about Trump, people change their minds all of the time. I think I was pretty clear in my outline:
"I have a big problem when people don't know where they stand or what they believe in, from one day to the next!
If there isn't a set of core beliefs in place from the start, don't run for office!!!
"We don't need and certainly can't afford, people like that in office. It is not about how being in office benefits an individual or an individual and family or an individual's pet is ALL ABOUT doing what is in the best interest of this Country and We the People, at all times, in all cases (.) Period"
What do you disagree with or do you automatically feel challenged to question everything I post?
Trump put WE THE PEOPLE or 'America First'. Why then did America fail to understand Trump, lest like him?
"I have a big problem when people don't know where they stand or what they believe in, from one day to the next!
This is the statement specifically that I am a little bewildered by since many Republicans and those in the MAGA party have flip flopped back and forth between condemnation of Mr Trump followed by cult-like adoration. Seems a little insincere to say you can't stand the man one day and then when it benefits you he's the greatest thing since sliced bread.
I feel if a politician campaigns on their ideologies, and set their agenda on those ideas, they need to stand by them. After all, we send our voices to Washington with our votes. Yes, it can be human nature to change one's mind due to events. However, it is only fair to continue to support the people's view that gave you the job. The majority...
I can respect she was bold to step up and speak her mind, but it ends there. Could I vote for someone that put their own ideologies above those that sent them to represent? No, I could not. I feel in this case I would find her very much a person that would not promote what she promised a majority that put her in office. She puts her own views above that of the people. --- If I trust a person to promote my views, I don't want mid-way to have that person take it on themselves to only promote their own perhaps ever-changing views. I believe in the majority, and that the majority voices are heard loudly over just one politician's voice. In my view, Cheney put her own views, her own ideologies before that of her constituents. It was clear by the large majority that voted her out, that they felt she could no longer represent them, for one reason or another, their votes spoke loudly.
Agreed Sharlee. Even now in interviews, her reason for doing everything she does, every move she makes, is all about keeping Trump out of office...why I wonder?
What's really behind all of this?
Why wouldn't she be happy with the fact that Trump kept us safe?
Our border was secure, we weren't at war, we were energy independent, not relying on any foreign sources, not beholden to anyone?!?
What's not to love?
Bracing for anti-MAGA wrath!
You need to think about the fact Trump exposed the very ugly side of Washington. he was very transparent. The elites of the apple cart do not want all the truely rotted bunch they are exposed to. Trump was doing a great job in every respect, and he made it all look so easy. Just think prior to Trump, the politicians in Washington made it all look so impossible to get anything done. Trump is a problem solver, he jumped on problems before they happened. This all makes to show we were being had ...
He is literally hated in Washington, and they have tried everything but murder to get rid of Trump. he continues to fight, thus far he has won on every front. Just think of the endless list of crimes they said he committed, all just made up, and pushed as truth.
And it is sad many as of yet still are willing to buy into this BS.
Yes, so many were conditioned to hate him from the start, for all of the reasons you've stated!
He doesn't belong in the inner circle, the establishment doesn't want him there.
Doing the work of the people, considering the will of the people, isn't even on their radar any longer...if it ever was!
I've made this statement more than once, for what it's worth! {sigh}
Sitting inside a dirt poor state with an abysmal educational system, a predominance of low paying jobs, a rampant opioid addiction epidemic, no substance abuse services, no mental health services, bottom of the barrel ratings on all socioeconomic factors and now abortion illegal in every instance... I fail to see what Republicans or the MAGA candidates bring to the table. My state is drowning in these politicians. You know why folks here latch on to that rhetoric? The hate that's embedded. The racist dog whistles, that's all.
I'm sure all can see it's not a place people are actually flocking to. What am I missing here in the America first agenda? Because it sure seems to have passed by this place.
Perhaps you should have given the man more than 4 years. It will take a lot more than 4 years and one man to undo the damage done by dug-in devil, establishment type, swamp dwellers!
Why do the people in poor, crumbling inner cities elect Dems over and over...for 100 years + in some cases, in some cities.
I don't know makes no sense, whatsoever to me.
I'm sorry that you are from one of those type cities and that in your case, Republicans are responsible. Obviously, they need to be voted out and then start all over again.
"I fail to see what Republicans or the MAGA candidates bring to the table. My state is drowning in these politicians. You know why folks here latch on to that rhetoric? The hate that's embedded. The racist dog whistles, that's all."
"Now, we are cookin' with gas".
It is hard to get white folks to admit what I see quite clearly and what seems to be all the more reinforced as the driving force for MAGA where you live. Your location and observations are not isolated.
It starts with resentment over the election of Barack Obama.
This Trump has a long history of race baiting and violation of housing discrimination laws going back into the 1970's
Trump loss in the EC was blamed on the flood of votes from large urban areas within battleground states, black folks. There was a great of resentment associated with that.
The composition of the January 6th mob was practically culled from a local Klavern.
In spite what all the Righties say, outside of your revelation, he has nothing else to redeem him as he is nothing more than a common thief and grifter.
I can only speak for myself and my reasons for changing my mind about Trump.
I was a Ted Cruz supporter and had been following him since the early days of the tea party movement. I felt as if Trump's celebrity, overshadowed every other Republican running, including Cruz.
That wasn't the fault of Trump, but rather the fault of people and their fascination with celebrities!!!
Trump impressed me during the debates, he knew his stuff, it wasn't all for show. I started to see him in a different light. Once he took office, he followed through on campaign promises. He actually put this Country and we the people, FIRST. As every Country should do, look out for your own Country/People, the security of your own Country/People; once you're good, safe, financially stable, solid, etc... then assist other Countries.
But don't assist other Countries at the expense of your own Country!!
It was a refreshing change with Trump.
I am not in love with the man, I don't get New York humor or condone every move he made... but he did a damn good job as President, bottom line.
So much for "reducing the temperature"
Mr Trump retweeted the following on his social media site:
"The FBI has become the Fascist Bureau of Investigation, a government agency weaponized against American citizens it doesn't like,"
From "back the blue" to attack the blue.
How does one correlate local police with the FBI?
From my experience most police have no love lost for the alphabet agencies.
Okay so the FBI is fascist and we should defund it?
Maybe fascist wasn't the right word, but it does start with an 'F', he needed a word that starts with an 'F' for effect!
'P' for politicized doesn't work, 'S' for sold and souls won't do, nor will 'M' for militarized.....
What are you going to do when you need to vent and you need an F word!?
Cut the man some slack; everybody and his brother is out to get him!
Besides, you and Cred aren't exactly Ms. Roses and Mr. Sunshine with some of the things you post... ya'll posted some doozies today and yet, Donald Trump continually offends you with his?!?
Very strange.
'What are are you going to do when you need to vent and you need an F word!?' Oh, I'm an outsider Trump man. I would suggested (Foolish) Bureau of Investigation! The agency act very foolishly against Trump. They're doom to fail, as they failed in impeaching him. God save Trump! God save America!
It is not strange at all. I expect Mr Trump to respect the office and its protocols and not subject everything he does in relation to it to his mere caprice. As for the document issue, he knew better as there is no reason to have brought this down on himself.
Just as you are about President Obama, I don't like Trump from a very fundamental level. And I never have liked him, so I am not picking on him as he continues to live down to my every anticipated expectation.
I am against anyone whom taunts our political system and break rules of protocol and decorum just to see if he can get away with it. I guess that it is just a pet peeve of mine........
"Respect the office and protocols"... You mean the protocols utilized by the dug-in establishment swamp and the never-ending witch-hunt he has endured since before he even stepped one foot into office?
America? Defund the FBI? Is that a Democratic or Republican reasoning? Well, how about defunding the Federal and State governments? That would lead to anarchy, is not it? I'm a Nigerian. God save America!
Perhaps we need not be so extreme. However, after what we saw with Hillary's email/ private server/ Russian hoaxs. all that involved the FBI covering for her illegal doings --- Maybe do the very common sense thing and clean out the crooks in the FBI. It is very logical that the vast majority of agents are hard-working, honest workers.
It is very obvious the FBI has been compromised on several occasions by the Democrats.No need to defund(very hyperbolic) just cleared out of those that are doing the bidding of the Demacrats. In the last couple of weeks, 14 FBI agents have stepped up and been spilling the dirt...
Many not hiding in the shadows, but are willing to give their names.
Agreed, I think the gop's calls to defund the FBI are hyperbolic and dangerous. I also think it will hurt them in some of the midterm races
I disagree, we need drastic drastic action to stop the corruption in the FBI. As of now, I have little faith in the agency. They have become visibly corrupt.
This problem needs drastic measures. Not sure how it will hurt them in the mid-terms. Could help, I mean we now have many agents stepping forward with information that shows corruption. And the corruption involves the Presidents son. Once again shows the Democratic Bunch in Washington have needled their way deeper into the FBI, and that some in the FBI have done their bidding.
So, this outing of the FBI could ultimately help the GOP in Nov.
Plus, it is not clear how deep the FBI is involved in the latest
Trumpgate. Which is beginning to look like just another witchhunt.
Well, Sharlee01, one thing I am not afraid to say about the FBI is that I would never recommend anyone to work for them, especially if that job applicant were someone right out of high school or even college. They treat their lower-level employees like garbage, and there are many management officials there who shouldn't be in any position of authority in the first place. How do I know about this? My brother-in-law is a retired police officer who used to work for the FBI. He told me that they promised him the moon and the stars as a possible FBI agent and they stuck him in some menial, low-paid clerical position working with fingerprint records instead. He told me that his superiors there could never tell him enough lies about his prospect of advancement, and they were always looking for every reason to fire their lower-level employees regardless of how unfair it was. He eventually resigned from the FBI and went to work for a police department. I've known people who went through the same thing as him in the FBI. It is no wonder that that organization is slowly falling apart. If there is a movement in our nation to defund the FBI, I would not doubt that current and former employees of theirs who have had bad experiences with them are a part of that same movement. TV shows may glamorize the FBI into this institution full of heroes, but anyone who has ever worked for that agency in a support-personnel capacity will tell you that the FBI hierarchy is simply not grounded in reality. The fact that the FBI has mistresses working within their organization should at least raise enough eyebrows to realize that not everything they do is completely legitimate. I believe that the FBI has ten years tops before one of our presidents decides to shut that organization down for good. I've seen Federal government agencies come and go throughout my life, and the FBI is not immune to that same fate.
All that talk you hear on television about the FBI standing for "Fidelity," "Bravery," and "Integrity" is a load of hot air and should never be taken seriously. TV shows sugarcoat them into something that they are not. Perhaps that was the FBI that I knew when I was a little kid and that you knew when you were a little kid, but that is not the FBI of today. They may look like good people in Disney films, but they are not so in the real world. At least not the higher-ups in that organization.
I appreciate your sharing. I have seen too much over the last many years to have become very disillusioned with the FBI. The worst was Comey going over all the crimes Hillary committed, yet saying"no prosecutor could prosecute the case. If Trump would have done just one of the many things Hillary did he would have been indited and most likely punished to the fullest. We have sat by and watched nothing be done to the agent that perpetrated the steel dossier crap., and got a warrant to surveil Carter Paige. We watched all of Hillary's associates in crime get immunity.
And now we see that once again the Democrats have weaponized the FBI and DOJ to start once again an investigation on Trump. It well appears Trump was fully cooperating with any and all to give back any document in his possession. He claims to have security footage of all three visits that our government has made to his home.
It would not surprise me at all if he soon starts showing the footage.
I am very sure at this point the FBI is an arm of the White House. I have no trust left to offer those that are higher up and have sold out to the Dem administration. Thus far 13 FBI agents have stepped out of the shadows and are speaking with Republican Congressmen. So, it seems what you predict about perhaps the FBI will be done away with could be correct or at least cleaned out of corruption by honest agents.
It disgusts me to see where the FBI has ended up, corrupt and biased to a party that in my view is hell-bent on ruining America. They are a bunch that seeks ultimate power to tell us what we can and can't do... They have a weak foothold. But I truely feel Americans will in the end see the truth, and rid Washington of this sorry bunch.
Would it change anything if the FBI released their Hunter investigation, with indictment referrals, in the next 30 days?
I'm not arguing the politicization, but do think the villainization is partisan baloney. Folks are forming a mob thing.
I think it is sad we have watched the FBI step out just before our elections with accusations, and investigations of one kind or another for some time now. I don't feel it is fair play, but neither do I feel we should take the high ground when it seems it is Republican candidates that are being slammed with this biased FBI maneuver.
Off the top of my head, yes it very well might change things for the Nov elections if Hunter is indicted, if has committed crimes he should be indicted. He is not above the law. If there is evidence of crimes he needs to be indited, and now.
( I am not in any respect saying charge him and then let's look for crimes, as know has happened time and again with Trump.)
It well appears information on Hunter was buried before the 2020 election. Two FBI agents have identified themselves and have stepped forward with that claim. I feel by the FBI hiding that information certainly may have affected the 2020 election.
I mean are we not working with a society that craves garbage? Is this craving garbage acceptable? No --- but this is pretty much where we are with some. So yes, the FBI has the power to drop a bomb before an election and affect that election in my view. They also have the power to hide pertinent information, as they did in 2020.
In a perfect world, I world I once knew, this BS did not happen. But It does now. Folks are in mob mode, always just waiting for a good cause, are they not? So, do we need to always be controlling the mob, or does making a habit of hiding things to control a mob, just make the mob more pissed off? I think transparency is always the best way to go. We need a huge mob to get out and vote in Nov. I trust conservatives are quietly watching, hearing, noting, and when they are needed they do come out and show their numbers.
I know before I hit Submit, I am going to get your full indignation, Oh well, I can take it. With my personality, I am very accustomed to being on the receiving end of indignation.
"I appreciate your sharing. I have seen too much over the last many years to have become very disillusioned with the FBI. The worst was Comey going over all the crimes Hillary committed, yet saying"no prosecutor could prosecute the case. If Trump would have done just one of the many things Hillary did he would have been indited and most likely punished to the fullest. We have sat by and watched nothing be done to the agent that perpetrated the steel dossier crap., and got a warrant to surveil Carter Paige. We watched all of Hillary's associates in crime get immunity."
I've always suspected that the Clintons gave bribes to FBI higher-ups from the coffers of the Clinton Foundation in exchange for such immunity that you describe. James Comey's behavior was way too suspicious in that regard not to be noticed when he was still the FBI director. The proof of it only waits to be found.
"It disgusts me to see where the FBI has ended up, corrupt and biased to a party that in my view is hell-bent on ruining America. They are a bunch that seeks ultimate power to tell us what we can and can't do... They have a weak foothold. But I truely feel Americans will in the end see the truth, and rid Washington of this sorry bunch."
I agree with you that the FBI has turned into another Gestapo. One only has to know how despotically it runs itself to get a good idea of how oppressive it would run our nation if such an opportunity were ever to present itself to it.
The FBI, Imho needs a cleanse up. A body or burea should be set up to investigate all its suscipious activities from the Cliton era to the present. The burea, should likewise be charge with the responsibility to monitor every activity of the FBI. This to avoid corruption, and other high political end crimes. Significantly, the moitoring agent should be free of any political, and govermental appendage and control. It should be fully independent as the Judiciary. God save America!
The FBI does have a sort of internal affairs division named "The Office of Professional Responsibility." However, they do not do very much to stop corruption from within the FBI.
I feel the FBI has been infiltrated at the top and has been for many years. I feel facts are there that prove my sentiment. However, are being conveniently ignored. We have a deep state of corruption in the Government in my view, it has gotten worse, and we now see them making a move with Biden to change the government to be an authoritarian regime.
Thereis good evidence --- Biden stands on a podium and openly lies.
We have zero inflation " Our Borders are closed". This administration is pushing propaganda, and this is dangerous, due to we have many that just grasp on and believe all is well.
Much that truly is happening is ignored by Americans. We have a proxy war, on the verge of big problems with China. We have drugs pouring in, and no one addresses the fact we have close to 5 million illegal migrants that have come in under Biden. We have historic inflation, we have huge unsolved problems at our shipping ports... And problems crime raising, he has made America dependent on foreign oil once again...The Government agencies have become visibly corrupt.
In my opinion, many don't wish to face these problems. But I can honestly say America has never had so many problems going on at once. The country is in trouble
We need to wake up or accept what we bought.
From a short poking about it seems the FBI has been corrupt since at least the Red Scare. Do you think Wray has sold his soul to the devil?
I am not sure about Wray. I am not convinced he knew what was going on before the 2020 election in regards to a few agents going rouge and canning info on Hunter as misinformation. last week he was in front of Congress and claimed the agents were now being investigated. Let's see how that plays out. I do know the Republicans in Congress will press for the results of the investigation on these agents.
The FBI has a very bright light shining on them.
They are both law enforcement agencies.
But ultimately wouldn't it be great if Mr. Trump called for an end to the violent rhetoric against the FBI specifically?
Trump has called for calm, guess you missed it. In reality, he is not responsible for citizens' actions. People are responsible for their own actions.
The FBI has earned its reputation for doing the dirty work for Democrats. Maybe it would be smart for the President to weed out the agents that have taken it upon themselves to shill for the Democratic party.
Why blame Trump for the anger that some Americans are having in regard to the goings on at the FBI.?
I have not seen any statement by Mr Trump specifically calling for an end to threats against the FBI. Are you referring to his "bring down the temperature" comment? That was just sort of a vague statement.
Really right out of the January 6th playbook of vague language. He is clearly stoking anger and directing it toward the FBI.
This is an example from former vice president Pence on the type of statement that should be made.
"The Republican Party is the party of law and order," Mr. Pence said. "Our party stands with the men and women who stand on the thin blue line at the federal and state and local level, and these attacks on the FBI must stop."
Others have made specific definitive statements also. Where is Mr Trump's?
That's right. He kept attacking the FBI and justifying the calls for violence against them in the same statement where he asked to "bring down the temperature". So we know what he is really asking. "Stop the investigation."
He is disgusting.
Are you psychic? Or do you just have a talent for hearing what you want to?
"So we know what he is really thinking" OMG
It's just what happens when hate consumes a person Sharlee, nothing more, nothing less.
We have a group of friends that get together to talk politics and last night one of them shared a letter, addressed to MAGA folks, which is circulating, talk about disgusting!! The worst part, the woman that shared it with him had been one of his best friends, since Junior High School, nevertheless she sent him this letter. If I can get a copy, I will share it here or on one of the ongoing topics. It will chill you to the bone. :'(
Yes, I am talking about the interview he did last week, and if one looks into the entire context, he said more than bringing down the temperature. I realize the media has covered bits and pieces of the interview, the words that they considered good feed to hype up their followers.
Pence certainly offered a very well-put-together comment right out of the playbook " What To Say To Suck Up".
It is clear anything Trump says is not sufficient. That is a problem that some have. Myself, I like full context and representatives that are not out to dish up politically correct BS. I like people that speak their minds.
And again, I don't look to the government to tell me what to feel or believe due to the words they dish up. I like to form my own opinion. Just never joined in group-type think.
Again it appears that Mr. Trump and his allies are fanning the flames of his supporters' distrust of the FBI and the federal government in general. Of course these statements are then amplified by right-wing media. This situation is almost identical to the manner in which he fanned the flames of anger over false claims of a rigged election.
And at least a few of Trump's supporters now appear to be acting on his anger. I think it's a foregone conclusion that we will see more violence on his behalf.
He is acting in an irresponsible manner by stoking anger in supporters again. Now we have to sit back and wait to see when and where he'll throw the match.
I am going to get my hands on the anti-Trump, anti-MAGA letter which is circulating. Trump and MAGA folks aren't the ones who need be feared!
Perhaps you already have your copy and can share it here.
I am not a card-carrying member of any political organization, ever.
The recent political climate is actually driving me back toward my libertarian roots.
But please post.
As much as I disliked Barack Obama and his chants of transforming this Country which he saw as hideous (other than the fact that it has allowed him to become very wealthy) I never was consumed in hate, as anti-Trump folks are. I don't get it, honestly, I don't.
Gosh AB, the Rightwingers and their resentments are always so transparent to the discerning eye.
With a BA from Columbia and a Law Degree from Harvard, why is Mr. Obama JUST ALLOWED to become wealthy? Would I not expect such an outcome from anyone else with a resume like his?
Do you conservative people ever look at yourselves and what you say? Considering his sterling scholarship, who would say that he should not BE ALLOWED?
The structural bias in conservative reasoning and thought is such that it is subliminal and many of you fail to realize that it is there.
Maybe you might want to consider many Americans are angry for many reasons that don't include anything Trump.
The FBI has now for some years been in the middle of scandal after scandal. Many now do feel the Democrats have weaponized the FBI and DOJ. We feel this is dangerous and unconstitutional. We are not any longer willing to turn our backs on very visible ploys.
Sorry about that... This has little to do with Trump at this point. This is about the FBI which is an arm of the Democratic party.
Republicans in the past have taken higher ground, and our conservative values dictate to placate and offer a long rope. This is no longer the case. America is in ruins, we need to pull in the rope, and stop the corruption. The Democrats have well stepped over a line with their corrupt ploys.
Oh hell. I have to. Roads have guardrails for a reason.
"Pence certainly offered a very well-put-together comment right out of the playbook " What To Say To Suck Up"."
I think you jumped them with that statement.
Yes, I often do. I am very open and outspoken. Never feel I need to construct the perfect words to beat around my point of view. This quirk of mine can rub some the wrong way. Hopefully, I don't grate you the wrong way. I respect your well-contained demeanor and find your comments provoke thought.
Now you have piqued my curiosity - I must ask your opinion, and hopefully, you climb over the guardrails and give it. You will get no judgment or traps in a long conversation.
What are your thoughts on Pence's style of sharing his views with the public?
I have shared mine. I think he is in suck-up mode much of the time. He is very well-versed and well-spoken. He gets an A+ for knowing just what to say to glean conservative support. Please note my short sentiment did not encompass my all-around opinion of Pence. I appreciate him and his service to the country. I find him a moral man of good character and more... I would love to see him run in 2024. My Pro list would be wonderfully long.
Now you ---
On the issue of VP Pence's statements about the FBI, I think he said what he felt. If it was out of any playbook, it was the one about how to display character. Generally, I think his public statements have been appropriate for their occasions.
If Pres. Trump's statement needs the diminishment of VP Pence's statement for validation then it's a weak statement.
Regarding 'picking the perfect words,' it's usually more like picking appropriate words. I think 'suck-up' was needlessly insulting, and thus inappropriate.
Thanks for taking the time to share your view.
"If Pres. Trump's statement needs the diminishment of VP Pence's statement for validation then it's a weak statement."
I did not seek to compare the two men's statements. I sought to point out that Trump's statement was taken out of context, due to choosing a sentence from an interview that was a long interview, and much of his sentiment was left out. No comparing just pointing out how the two sentiments were covered by the media. One in full, one in bits and pieces. Yes, some sarcasm entered the conversation. However, that was clearly my view in regard to one particular statement Pence offered. I feel Pence does know and gives the crowd what the crowd wants to hear. I am not at all as sure as you that he speaks his mind. So I guess we can agree to disagree on that point.
As I said I feel Pence is a man of good character. However, he is a politician, and I feel he keeps an appropriate tongue, even when he needs to bite it. Just my view.
My sarcastic words "suck up' simply were to make the point, he gives them what they want to hear. My bad.
Yep, 'suck-up' was 'your bad,' but, you've fixed it. Your description of Pence as a man of good character also describes my view. The 'politician talk' is a given, even in men of good character. ;-)
Pence, is a man of character...a good character. For when Pelosi, leading other Democratic leaders persuade him to move against his Trump his boss, he hold his ground on his own initiative. Pence's loyalty to Trump during the 6th. January challege is impecable. It's loyalty to the American nation, and the Republican Party. While Biden and the Democratics are caged by China, to do harm to America. God save America!
I will share with you, that I hope Pence will run in 2024 and win the primary. I think of him as a man that could help truely heal the Nation. In my view, he is a true conservative, a Christian, and a man that can offer the country his vast experience, good temperament, as well as his intelligence.
I also think he is wise enough to bend a bit to the right to respect people that had hope for Trump's return. Time to move forward with all brand
new. In my view, yes he does know when to suck up when needed... But is this not truely necessary in a leader? It would appear, that Pence may have it all.
Who will vote for a peace of wood? He is way too stiff. Compare him to De Santis or Ted Cruz.
At least they are lively and passionate. But Trump has the base. They will not leave because they know it will spell the end of hope. We must vote for Trump.
About a week or so ago, I saw a car go by that had a sign on it that read "Trump in 2024." I hope that that means that he is running for president in the next presidential election.
Kathryn, yes, America must vote for Trump! But is Trump running for the White House Oval Office again, come 2024? I presume he should come as a Senator, whack out the Pelosi Rubbish in Congress. Then, only then, it's safe to land in the White House. Long life Trump! Long life America!
I feel Pence will somewhat pick up where Trump left off. His experience would help him handle the Washington elites, and he is quick with the right answer. He would do battle for conservatives. I also like both Cuz, and DeSantis. Both have qualities I appreciate. I will be voting Republican no matter who runs. I can say that with confidence.
I would love to see Trump have four more years. However, do you think the very deep state would not continue to torment this man, and do we need more of watching this bunch get away with their evil BS?
Would it be a good alternative to have a new president that will continue Trump's agenda and his visions for putting America first? A man with a squeaky clean slate, that they could not touch with investigations.
I'm not anti-Pence, he strikes me as honest and principled, but I don't think he is the man for this job. As you say, it's time for someone new. (from both parties)
So, who? When one really thinks about who will be most likely running, I ask who is up for the job. Do we not need someone squeaky clean, that this bunch can't tear down with scandal, and ultimately investigations?
Hey, I think all know I will be voting Republican no matter who runs. However, I hope to see someone that can't be torn down by the long arm of the Democratic party, that goes by the name of media. I want the media rhetoric and the Washington elites stymied.
So who?
Pence said this in Iowa over the weekend
"In these 80 days, we need to remind the American people that we can have a strong nation, we can have secure borders, we can have a prosperous economy, we can defend all the God-given liberties enshrined in our Constitution, but it will take Republican leadership at every level to do it," Pence said in his speech
Sound like anybody minus the very good grammar?
Now, how about Condoleazza Rice? Just a suggest again. I presume she's not a Democratic? A year or two ago, I post a thread in the forum to that effect. Don't Americans want or like a woman president? What if Kamala succeed Biden? Where's Kathryn? What d'you say?
I believe that there is a common thread amongst Democrats and Republicans in the desire to see fresh candidates. Candidates who haven't spent the better part of their lives in Washington. Candidates who can find consensus and speak to citizens across the political spectrum instead of just one "tribe". I am hopeful there will be candidates who are at least in touch with reality. Currently, the Republican slate of candidates is nothing more than a clown car of crazies offering a platform of meaningless culture issues, autocratic control, "solutions" to non-existent problems and continuing on with the nonsense of a rigged election.
I mean Republican controlled state of Louisiana is forcing a mother to give birth to a fetus that has half of its brain and skull missing. That should tell you something.
The election of President Biden, in my opinion was more of a reaction to Mr. Trump's presidency. I'm hoping we do not find ourselves in a similar reactionary position in 2024.
Your suggestion is quite reasonable, but the American people seem to be hot headed. They love to respond in an emotional reactionary fashion.
They are not calm. They are not intellectual. They are are not patient.
They want what they want and they want it now. They are used to freedom and they will get it ... back.
They are the crying babies and squeaky wheels of this nation.
And their Father/|Mother, will cater to them! To the benefit of All.
Kathryn, We need to truely start looking at the 2024 election. We need to really consider our options in regard to candidates, and who we feel will have the best chance of winning without hurdles. If Trump decides not to run, we need to find someone that will not only carry on with his policies. (the policies we favored, and appreciated) but is a person that is strong and free of scandal that the Democrats can point out, and yes, investigate.
Pence certainly always has supported Trump's policies, and he must realize millions of citizens hope to see Trumpisum survive. He could defiantly get the vote of most republicans, that to include Trump's base.
Yes, we have several other great candidates in the wings, but do they not carry with them the problems that some Republicans held against Trump, on Jan 6th... I think it wise to at this juncture go with a candidate that has been soft-spoken in regard to Jan 6th and is totally on board with Trump's agenda MAGA. We want the party kept whole, we can not afford to stand on anything else but keeping the party whole, a split would be dangerous, would it not.?
My vote will be Republican no matter what. But some may not be of the same mindset as me or you. We need a safe candidate to ensure the party does not splinter. This is what the Democrats are praying for, a renegade, one they can get in the mud with. Pence does not do mud... He has no mud in his background. He would be a nightmare to the deep state.
Pence would not have the support that Trump currently has. I don't know of anyone who would, at this point. Maybe DeSantis? But if do a little digging, you will see that some already hate him and compare him to Trump (based on lies which have been circulated and have spread like wildfire) it makes me so angry, but what are you going to do, it's the times we are in. People can be so dang gullible!
I think that Donald Trump has more support now than he has at any other time; I'm not campaigning for him, simply stating a fact!
People pull for the underdog and while most do not see Donald Trump as an underdog and while he {Donald Trump} would cringe at the thought, he has been relentlessly persecuted by a D.C. establishment that everyone finally realizes exists....and it ain't good!!
Some will see him as the lesser of the evils and vote for him, some, because they love and admire him more than ever before and many will vote for him this time around, based on principle, based on the fact that too many dogs were sicced on him, one too many times.
But, who knows; one day at a time.
It's hard to tell at this point how much support Trump has. I tend to agree with you that he has a lot of support over and above his very faithful huge base. In my circle, no one I know has deserted Trump. As I have said I will naturally vote for Trump, and feel he would once again be a good president.
My thoughts on Pence are on the case Trump did not run. I do think he believes strongly in Trump's policies and would promote Trump's America first agenda. I am not sure if Trump could win, I think that Cheney might run independent and try to split the party.
Yes, Trump once again is fighting this deep state we call government at this moment. My money is on Trump showing that the raid on his home was a violation of his 4th amendment. He will fight very hard to stop the latest investigation from once again hanging over him if he should run.
I am thinking that we need peace in the country, and will Trump be able to bring peace, or could it once again be 4 years of witchhunts?
I am hopeful Trump can prove he was working with the FBI and DOJ to return all documents, and that he will put this latest accusation in the pile with the rest of the failed witchhunts. It is clear the Democrats are pulling out all stops, and if Trump can show them up for what they are. he would have clear sailing back into the White House. If not, this investigation will haunt him, and he could fail to win the 2024 election.
I think we need to consider all of this and more and be well ready to support anyone that has the best chances to win. Pence has no baggage, and I am not sure that Trump would not support Pence if he does not run. He certainly would not want to see Dems stay in the White House.
I think you said it best we need to take it one day at a time, but keep several options open. We need to win, the country is going down, and fast.
I have never actually read any quotes from Pence bad-mouthing Trump. In fact, he has stated that they still speak frequently. Although they don't see eye to eye on what happened on Jan 6th, they are keeping an open friendship. I think Trump and Pence respect one another as individuals.
He has been criticized for not bashing Trump. I think Pence did what he felt he had to due to the constitution. I just remember how when he was VP, he defended Trump through hell or high water.
I just think we need to keep open minds. Trump may not run, we need to be ready to keep the party strong and not split it. We will cut off our noses to spite our faces.
... well, did Pence have the right to "overturn" the 2020 election on January 6, 2021?
Should he have stopped the electoral college counting of votes? Did he have the right to do so, as Trump insisted? Maybe we need to isolate the difficulty of this issue.
Can a Vice President "insert himself into the certification of the Electoral College vote." … trump.html
I don't feel he could have stopped the count. It would have been unconstitutional. I know there is an argument about that, but I have done a lot of research and it appears he could not.
I guess he could have tried, and dismissed Congress, but I feel he would have been found to be doing something unconstitutional.
I think the count would have been resumed with Pelosi conducting the count.
Do you feel we should continue to keep reliving this day or think of the future, winning back the White House? You do know the media is not on our side, and they are keeping the heat on Pence, for a good reason. He is a big threat. And yes a man that is intending to toss his hat in. They are playing the game -- torch any and all the best way they can. In Pence's case, they want Republicans to be very angry at him. He is a threat. to the Dems. Anyone that runs as a Republican is a threat. So thus far they are going after DeSantis, Cruz, and yes Pence. They want us very mad at Pence, mad enough to split our party.
Heym we have no way of knowing who will run as a Republican, but we do know they are on their game... Hence the new Trump investigation, riding Desantis attacking him on all the crap from their playbook, racist, misogynist, authoritarian, another "Hitler"... And Pence, they promote "he gave you republicans the shaft" "he did not stop the count' he bad mouths Trump"... I think if you do just a bit of research you will see Pence has been respectful to Trump, and he is still in contact with Trump.
The media is dangerous, and it's time we realize that.
If Mike Pence had stopped the count, the SCOTUS would have gotten involved in the matter inasmuch as he would have literally been challenging the Electoral Count Act of 1887 with the 12th Amendment to the United States Constitution. Whether Pence would have achieved the intended results in doing so would have been interesting.
In response to your assertion that Pence would have been unsuccessful in his efforts to stop the count, I believe that the SCOTUS probably would not have ruled in his favor. Not that he would not have had a strong basis to prevail in his actions. The fact of reality was that the SCOTUS was afraid to issue any ruling that would have ousted Joe Biden from the presidential victory regardless of what existing laws would have given them the authority to do so. If I remember it all correctly, someone had even overheard Chief Justice John Roberts warning the other Supreme Court justices of the chaos that could have ensued throughout the nation if they had ruled to reinstate President Trump to serve a second term in office and had issued a court order to lock Joe Biden out of the White House come Inauguration Day.
You have put up a good scenario, I can only say we now have what we have. I must say I think Roberts was right the country would have fallen into chaos.
We need to think about new today... The media is keeping us concentrating on the water under the bridge. While we have a real mess in the country, they don't want us facing any form of truth. We can fix this if we keep our heads. If we split the party (which the Dems are counting on )we will not return a Republican to the White Houes.
Let's start looking at Nov, and 2024.
Sharlee, the party has already split between those who hold traditional Republican values and who are attached to reality in terms of the 2020 election and then those who belong to the MAGA party and subscribe to multiple fantastical conspiracy theories.
Not sure why you feel the Republican party is split? Perhaps the two that sit on the Jan 6 committee? Have you picked up on a couple of headlines?
I don't feel the party is split in any respect at this time. Cheney's election sheds light on that. In my view, Republicans have learned a good listen with Biden, and will come out in numbers to vote for whoever the Republicans run. Conservatives are very fearful of the push for socialism. That is our very worse enemy. Our values are in complete opposite of Liberals. Most thinking at this point liberals/Democrats have no values.
MAGA represents Putting America first, repairing the damage that has been done by socialist Democrats. that seek to destroy freedoms, and values we hold dear. We are ready to work on regaining ground we have lost momentarily. That same split has always been there, we have always had a couple of sheep in Republican's clothing.
I think you may want to have a long look at your party and worry about the mess they have offered, and who they will run for in 2024.
Republicans have many that we favor. How about Democrats? Who could they possibly run in 2024?
This is my view Republicans will come out in numbers, they have tasted the Democrat administration and can clearly see what a mess they are, and the fact that we have nothing in common with what they represent.
Thankfully I don't have a party. I've never been a fan of tribal politics or following the crowd for the sake of belonging to a group. Most ideals of the Democrats are just more relatable.
You know what I'm finding sadly hypocritical these days? Republicans in my state gathering to claim and take credit for the repair of our crumbling Bridges and roads and water system. None of them voted for the infrastructure bill but now we see press conferences, little celebratory get-togethers for them to claim what they have brought home to us here in Arkansas. They claim the fruits when they actually fought against it! and the poor, mostly uneducated folk eat it up. Funny how these Democratic ideals are actually what the people want. Not shocking that we want to drive over a bridge and not see parts of it crumble to the ground as we go over.
These are the concrete types of things that matter to me not fake outrage over books or gay people or other nonsense. It's sickeningly disingenuous but it's probably happening in every single Republican state.
But also what freedoms have been destroyed? Other than a womans right to make decisions for her own body in an increasingly number of states? Republicans proposing to impose a federal abortion ban if they gain power, Republicans putting their unskilled input into education, solving "problems" that don't even exist and sticking their noses into private corporations and punishing them for speech? It's overreach overload and culture wars that no one really cares about.
'The media is dangerous, and it's time we realise that'. The media and the Dems seems to be in tandem. My question is: do the Dems own all the media in the USA? As both seems to hate the Republican Party and any candidate being field from the Rep.
Mike Pence is a gentle man. I recalled Pelosi, moved him to invoke a constitutional rule, to oust Trump out of the White House. That at the very end of the Administration. That evil woman, Pelosi! Pence, stood his ground and save his boss. Whether Trump at this time run for the Presidency again or not, is not an issue to me. Americans should encouged and uphold Pence always.
I wish the person who always supported your statements was here to say, 'You're right, Kathryn L. Hill.'
Just thought to drop you a line. The world is different. Things have changed now.
Blessings and Best wishes!
Yes, they did "act very foolishly" and the word "foolish" is, much tamer, but the anti-MAGA crowd would still have a problem with it, because Donald Trump used it. They have convinced themselves that he is the boogeyman, Miebakagh.
"the anti-MAGA crowd would still have a problem with it, because Donald Trump used it. They have convinced themselves that he is the boogeyman, "
No his record of poor if not illegal behavior has convinced us that he is unfit to represent the people of the United States It is not our imagination. It is proven fact - about to be proven again in courts of law.
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