3.69$ gal in SW Missouri,... i drive a 3/4 ton truck,.... it hurts but i pay it and try not to gripe too much,.... you gota get to work you know,.... my first hour and a half wages at work each day is spent on the fuel needed to get there.
while i'm greatfull that fuel is far cheaper in the states than in europe,... try and remember that where i live and 5 generations of mine have lived,... we are very litteraly 30 miles from the nearest ANYTHING,... that green friendly bicycle is just not an option here in the the sticks with the hicks who drive trucks because we need them,... here, a truck is not a fashion statement, it is an honest form of transportation that will reliably get you from point A to point B,... unlike those little cute eco friendly shoe boxes that wouldnt get 5 miles down my roads. i drive a truck because its required, not because i cant win pi**ing for distance contests.
there,.... i feel better now.