What’s the price of regular gas where you live?

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  1. paradigmsearch profile image59
    paradigmsearchposted 13 years ago

    $4.03 - Somewhere in Western USA.

    edit: Default is USD and gallons. If other, then so specify. smile

    1. dutchman1951 profile image60
      dutchman1951posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      4.89 today Fri 4/22/2011

    2. DTR0005 profile image61
      DTR0005posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      $3.88 per gallon - can be had as low as $3.71 - Walmart seems to be the cheap buy.

    3. Scosgrove profile image61
      Scosgroveposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      ~$3.80 per gallon here.

    4. CHRIS57 profile image60
      CHRIS57posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Wed. April 27, 2011: Just above 4 USD/gallon in Moscow, Russia for 95 octane.
      Interesting thing: Moscow oblast is well supplied with gas, other regions, especially in Sibiria are not, leading to gas shortages and price increases. Apparently 4 USD is too low, because even state owned oil companies sell off their production on the world market at higher prices.

      Back in Germany on Friday April 29, 2011: Super goes for 1,60 Euro/liter, which is around 9 USD/gallon

    5. Pamela Sarzana profile image57
      Pamela Sarzanaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      4.36 a Gal. as of yesterday 5/52011...stinks.

    6. JamaGenee profile image78
      JamaGeneeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      As of 2 days ago in central Oklahoma, $3.15 - $3.23 a gallon.  Two weeks ago, it was still under $3.00.

    7. JaleneStone profile image61
      JaleneStoneposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      $4.05 Sacramento, CA

  2. DIYweddingplanner profile image68
    DIYweddingplannerposted 13 years ago


    1. Michael Willis profile image68
      Michael Willisposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Same here!

  3. livewithrichard profile image74
    livewithrichardposted 13 years ago

    $4.29/gal in Chicago 20 cents cheaper in the suburbs.

  4. manlypoetryman profile image81
    manlypoetrymanposted 13 years ago

    I'm too afraid to look!

    1. paradigmsearch profile image59
      paradigmsearchposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      You are ~$3.55. smile

      1. manlypoetryman profile image81
        manlypoetrymanposted 13 years agoin reply to this


      2. manlypoetryman profile image81
        manlypoetrymanposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Message to the Powers that be...

        Sorry, but this just wasn't in my planned budgetary expenses for the current fiscal year. I am going to have reduce spending in this category...and deny you any further increases until I receive sufficient funds to meet this unplanned expenditure.

        Over and Beyond Expense: Denied*

        (* In Other Words: I will be watching closely, every dollar that I spend at the pump.)


        CEO of My Life, Inc.

  5. rebekahELLE profile image82
    rebekahELLEposted 13 years ago

    $3.63 is lowest in this area.

  6. WriteAngled profile image81
    WriteAngledposted 13 years ago

    About £6 sterling per gallon, making it US $9.73

    I drive about 15,000 miles a year, none of it work related so cannot be claimed back.

    1. Gordon Hamilton profile image97
      Gordon Hamiltonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      That's $9.73 per British gallon. A US gallon is approximately 80% of a British gallon. That means you're approximately the same as here in Scotland, where it worked out at $7.87 per US gallon on 31st March.

  7. Alastar Packer profile image68
    Alastar Packerposted 13 years ago

    $3.89 in Caroline. Or round about.

  8. superwags profile image68
    superwagsposted 13 years ago

    Around $10 a gallon by my reckoning - £1.35 litre.

  9. Cagsil profile image69
    Cagsilposted 13 years ago

    Western Mass is $3.77 for regular unleaded. sad

  10. writinginalaska profile image80
    writinginalaskaposted 13 years ago

    $4.07 last night here in Alaska,  but i am sure it went up this morning. sad

  11. superwags profile image68
    superwagsposted 13 years ago

    I just cannot believe how cheap petrol (gas) is in the USA!!!

  12. BristolBoy profile image64
    BristolBoyposted 13 years ago

    £1.45 a litre which according to Wolfram Alpha is $10.81 a gallon.

    1. superwags profile image68
      superwagsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Wow, someone else who knows about Wolfram Alpha! I thought I was the only person in the world who knew about it!

  13. cindi h profile image61
    cindi hposted 13 years ago

    FREE!!!   As long as you have a really fast car!! hehehehe

    Seriously   4.29 reg
                4.34 super
                4.49 premium

    Notice how the difference between reg and super is only .05 but from super to premium it's .15??  I've heard too that there's no difference in the grades, think that's true?

  14. MaineWriter profile image39
    MaineWriterposted 13 years ago

    The price for gas is currently $3.90 a gallon.

  15. Evan G Rogers profile image60
    Evan G Rogersposted 13 years ago

    It won't go below $3.50 ever again.

  16. profile image0
    zampanoposted 13 years ago

    Paris France
    1 US Gallon = 8.56 USD unleaded 98oct

  17. ahsn_foreclosure profile image60
    ahsn_foreclosureposted 13 years ago

    In the south = $3.80 USD/Gallon

  18. Daniel Carter profile image62
    Daniel Carterposted 13 years ago

    Northwest US as of today is about $3.55-$3.70. Vegas is about $3.95-$4.15, from what I can tell.

  19. SomewayOuttaHere profile image60
    SomewayOuttaHereposted 13 years ago

    ..mornin' Daniel!

    ...cheapest I've seen is $1.29 a litre (lowest grade) (west coast Canada) - there's about 4 litres per gallon of gas - so it's expensive, however it's really not when you look at prices outside of N.A.

    1. Daniel Carter profile image62
      Daniel Carterposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Morning to you too!
      As long as I can remember gas in Canada is a lot more expensive than the US. More in line with European prices.

  20. nell79 profile image81
    nell79posted 13 years ago

    As low as $3.52/gallon, but also as high as $3.69.

    I remember a time when it was under a $1 and I'm not old yet! *sigh*

  21. Ralph Deeds profile image70
    Ralph Deedsposted 13 years ago

    $3.95 at Meier's today in Troy, Michigan.

  22. AEvans profile image71
    AEvansposted 13 years ago

    $3.65 to $3.85

  23. james_foreclosure profile image53
    james_foreclosureposted 13 years ago

    $4/gallon = too much!!

    1. wheelinallover profile image76
      wheelinalloverposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Am on a business trip and paying from USD $3.63 to $3.79 in the area they say is the most inexpensive in the country.

      It might be cheaper in Wyoming but won't get close to there. I am not rich so even these prices hurt. It's going to take a lot of business just to repay for the fuel for this trip. So far this trip is not paying its way. Might have been better to stay home. LOL

  24. sn53Anon profile image58
    sn53Anonposted 13 years ago

    Who cares. I am one of those hated rich guys. I can afford to pay it.

  25. stclairjack profile image75
    stclairjackposted 13 years ago

    3.69$ gal in SW Missouri,... i drive a 3/4 ton truck,.... it hurts but i pay it and try not to gripe too much,.... you gota get to work you know,.... my first hour and a half wages at work each day is spent on the fuel needed to get there.

    while i'm greatfull that fuel is far cheaper in the states than in europe,... try and remember that where i live and 5 generations of mine have lived,... we are very litteraly 30 miles from the nearest ANYTHING,... that green friendly bicycle is just not an option here in the the sticks with the hicks who drive trucks because we need them,... here, a truck is not a fashion statement, it is an honest form of transportation that will reliably get you from point A to point B,... unlike those little cute eco friendly shoe boxes that wouldnt get 5 miles down my roads. i drive a truck because its required, not because i cant win pi**ing for distance contests.

    there,.... i feel better now.

    1. profile image0
      PrettyPantherposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I also live in SW Missouri and we have both a truck and one of those cute little eco friendly shoe boxes, in the form of a Subaru Forester.  The AWD comes in handy here and the gas mileage is much better than the truck.

      With all the rain we're getting, I joked this morning that our driveway has little mini-waterfalls in it, so I know what you mean about needing a truck.

      1. stclairjack profile image75
        stclairjackposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        i scared the daylights out of a local would be politician, he drove up at my place go out and anounced tha he would like to talk about roads and bridges,... to which i replied,... "gravel roads are made of gravel, thats how they got te name, if someone doesnt like that they should pack up there rotten grandkids they got stuck raising, load up the SUV that you've never engaged the 4wd on and go back to the city where the roads are paved,... i wana talk about jobs"

        he left.

        1. profile image0
          PrettyPantherposted 13 years agoin reply to this


  26. DannyMaio profile image61
    DannyMaioposted 13 years ago

    New York  Paid 4.23 a gallon 2 days ago.

  27. Paraglider profile image90
    Paragliderposted 13 years ago

    1 Qatari Riyall per litre.

    Works out about $1.20 per gallon.

    What's my prize??

  28. Info Bucket profile image63
    Info Bucketposted 13 years ago

    INR 365 fo 17kg!! About $8 for 17 kgs.........

  29. tony0724 profile image60
    tony0724posted 13 years ago

    Currently paying $4.25 a gallon and it is going to get worse. This could be the final nail in the coffin of the economy.

  30. Deadsearose profile image60
    Deadsearoseposted 13 years ago

    $3.98 in Minnesota, and my wallet is crying!

    1. LRCBlogger profile image60
      LRCBloggerposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I'm in Fairfield county CT close to NYC.  I was driving into the city the other day, saw 4.79 for regular.  My wallet is not crying, it is cursing

      1. Deadsearose profile image60
        Deadsearoseposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Hahaha! Sorry to hear that.  Guess we all need to grab our helmets and start pedaling.

  31. SomewayOuttaHere profile image60
    SomewayOuttaHereposted 13 years ago

    ...it's cheap now where I am.....50 cents a litre....i'm in the greatgig area.....

  32. HattieMattieMae profile image60
    HattieMattieMaeposted 13 years ago


  33. SomewayOuttaHere profile image60
    SomewayOuttaHereposted 13 years ago


  34. tony0724 profile image60
    tony0724posted 13 years ago

    It has hit 4.25 a gallon here in San Diego and I have seen it as high as 4.69

  35. Evan G Rogers profile image60
    Evan G Rogersposted 13 years ago

    Here's an interesting graph I came across yesterday:


    link to website: http://www.goldmoney.com/commentary/the … o-far.html

    It shows that gasoline and oil aren't becoming more expensive, the dollar is just losing value.

    Wurd. The Austrians were and are right.

  36. bulkdive profile image60
    bulkdiveposted 13 years ago

    $4.21/gallon in Monterey, Ca. It took $62 to fill up my Acura the other day.

  37. TamCor profile image80
    TamCorposted 13 years ago

    Two days ago, we pulled in to get gas, and the sign said $3.74.  My husband paid at the pump, and it had went up two more cents, just that quick.

    By the time we were done, and pulling away, we glanced up and that sign and it said $4.15!!!  If we'd been one minute later, we'd have been paying that big of a difference per gallon! It's crazy... roll

    Edit--forgot to mention, this is in western Ohio... smile

  38. bernieadkins profile image52
    bernieadkinsposted 13 years ago

    $3.79 for standard fuel; $3.29 for flex fuel in Virginia

    1. tony0724 profile image60
      tony0724posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      That is cheap compared to us. We are getting in the $4.50 neighborhood now. San Diego has always been expensive !

  39. Pamela Sarzana profile image57
    Pamela Sarzanaposted 13 years ago

    I forgot to say  Northern Indiana

  40. Crude Oil Trader profile image61
    Crude Oil Traderposted 13 years ago

    Here in Tucson Arizona we have run up to about $3.25

  41. Repairguy47 profile image61
    Repairguy47posted 13 years ago

    $3.13 a gallon

  42. Kris Heeter profile image69
    Kris Heeterposted 13 years ago

    $3.32  in Indiana.   

    We hit as low as $2.99 about 10 days ago but then it shot up .45 overnight last weekend (I think because of the Super Bowl - we are 50 mile outside of Indy - it's amazing how inflated the hotel prices went up because of it.)

  43. AfricaResource profile image61
    AfricaResourceposted 13 years ago

    In the UK right now it's roughly £1:34 per litre which is excessively expensive!

    1. Hawkesdream profile image64
      Hawkesdreamposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Where in the UK are you??  We are paying £1.41 per litre

  44. CWanamaker profile image94
    CWanamakerposted 13 years ago

    I filled up last night and paid $3.45 per gallon.  This was phoenix, Arizona.

  45. wetnosedogs profile image61
    wetnosedogsposted 13 years ago

    $3.32 in Alabama.

  46. pedrog profile image60
    pedrogposted 13 years ago

    €1.6 per liter, that is something like $7.96 a gallon smile

    I live in Portugal.

  47. Stacie L profile image85
    Stacie Lposted 13 years ago

    In south central kentucky it's 3.42 for regular

  48. AfricaResource profile image61
    AfricaResourceposted 13 years ago

    Hawkesdream - This is the price of petrol in Hampshire/Surrey! Where are you paying £1.41?

  49. grandmapearl profile image78
    grandmapearlposted 13 years ago

    I check yesterday and it was $3.75 per gal. in the Southern Tier of New York State.

  50. Druid Dude profile image60
    Druid Dudeposted 13 years ago

    That's about where it is on the Oregon coast 3.75+ ST NY eh? I'm from around that neck o' the woods.: Elmira, Ithaca, and Cortland. Good driving!

    1. grandmapearl profile image78
      grandmapearlposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I'm between Elmira and Corning, NY.  A beautiful area of the country, but then so is Oregon!


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