My short answer is: No?
I mean not as a guest or even as clergy.
I would only be found there if I had to cover the story as a journalist or protect life and property as a policeman.
Come on over and vote?
<snipped link>
Why are so many Twisted Sisters interested in gay people and their lifestye?
Usually this people are 'straight' ones, that sometimes 'bend.'
Straight as an arrow here. I find a woman's body voluptuous and oh so sexy. Mmmmmmmm. No need to seek intimacy in my own gender.
Sounds like a personal problem to me. Like you trying to lure people to your hub with your fake outrage. How's that workin out for you?
I like to be honest up front. Said it already and say it again. Sure I want the promo, but this is more than that. I am disappointed that the pastor mentioned in article actually attended even though against same-sex marriage.
So I am genuinely interested in poll. But forum here definitely pro same sex marriage. I am shocked. Makes me feel like I am out of step with the rest of world. Or is this an indication of influence of liberals and atheists on forum.
Are you Actively Pomoting your Hub?
Or Just the Fact that you hope to benefit from the Subject matter; which clearly you struggle to comprehend, if you feel a need to install terms!
Usually I would be just promoting my hub, but honestly this time I am perplexed by something I heard about a pastor attending a gay wedding just to give support to his friends even though he does not support same sex marriage.
That's like a militant atheist attending a church dedication just to please a friend.
So I would love to see the votes, but already I can see the liberal trend. Wow, we are living in the new age of sodom. Yes, my religious bias is up front. Plus my own personal experience, yea I was picked on when I was young and cute and had to really stand up and say ...NO.
I have been to church, "just to please a friend."
What a shame you do not value friendship the same way I do. It might make you a better person.
I too was picked on when I was young and cute - and was not given the chance to say "no."
Fortunately - I am able to tell the difference between "gay" and "child molester."
And I would suspect there are no more or less homosexual people around than there always has been - but you go ahead and convince yourself that things are much much worse than they used to be and it is all the fault of the liberals,
I have attended a gay wedding, and would certainly do so again, as I have a number of gay friends whom I love to bits.
Why not? It's not like I'd have to go with them on their honeymoon...
Your short answer is No with a question mark -- mysterriious
I am suprised that with such a biased opinion; that you have neglected to state that you Would Attend such an event; If you were the product of a same sex relationship
hahahah... I would prefer going there and enjoy the event.. for me it is the partyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy...........partyyyyyy time!!!!! So I am not gonna miss it anyway
Who cares about other peoples sexuality?
Oh that's right, bloody religion again! Broaden your mind!
What anyone who disagrees with you does so because of religion, AND has a narrow mind rather than one that just so happens to disagree with you?
The question amounts to "are you homophobic or not" well I'm not. What other meaning might it have?
The question can only be if you are scared of homosexuals or not? Really?
So you are narrow minded and religious then?
Now you know that's a pointless question. Religion is everywhere. Whether you, I or anyone else likes it or not
Of course it is. There are always two sides to the same coin. And let's not forget the coin's edge, as on occasion that's what it's turned on
Hey, I'm confused. Isn't not wanting same-sex marriages religious bigotry? Or did I miss something here?
Nope. A homophobe doesn't have to be religious. They can simply dislike homosexuals. They can be ... daring and wing it. Religion isn't for everyone
No, you just don't get it. Nothing unusual about that.
LOL, I already shunned away from it, even with my own thread... It is war zone out there... very stressful...
Apparently so - seeing as the OP is a religionist promoting his religious anti-homosexual hub.
Thank you for pointing that out. I agree with you for once. We should keep religion out of these matters.
Well done.
You seem to ask that question quite a bit, it is listed under gender and relationships, that alone should answer your question.
As for the question that has been brought to the forum; Would you attend a same sex wedding? Absolutely...obviously the invite would be from a close friend or family member, not a perfect stranger. With that said, I do stand by the ones I love no matter their sexual preference, religion or political choices...
Yes, if you complain about bigotry you are a bigot. Get with the program Ernest!
I guess it's ok to disagree with another person's sexuality, why not? But it is definitely *not* ok to discriminate against them via legal means in order to do so
There you go! That it in a nutshell. Equal rights, Equal Justice for all!
Well tksensei has the right to dislike someone, doesn't he. And gay people have the right to dislike tksensei. And I have the right to marry a small piece of plastic wrapper (if a court will accept it). It's all silly -- the only things that should be wrong are the obvious things... ripping off the entire country via a banking institution, for example
As long as there is a big party after.. I don't care who is getting married!
Love is a cause for celebration. I would gladly attend xxxxxxx
Yes, especially if one or both of them are my close friends .
TK stop chewing forum bones ... one of these days one will get stuck in your mouth
As for the OP - I don't mind whether you're naturally homophobic, it's just your personal opinion (that same sex marriages don't fit into the 'ideal' of what marriage is or should be about) or if it's because you're religious and it goes againts the teachings of your faith. Or some other reason.
Each to their own.
As for me, yes I would attend a same sex wedding, happily so.
Me too, if one or both of the people getting married were friends of mine. I really can't understand why anyone has a problem with same sex weddings/civil partnerships. And if you don't agree with them, nobody's forcing you to go to one.
I completely agree. Why shouldn't same sex couples be allowed to wed?
Amanda everything is allowed, this is planet earth. Narrow minded religious bigots like me will die off in another 30 or 40 years and then entire planet will be brave new Sodom. No one to ask questions like this.
Well said, really. And award winning polite for hubpages too. A merry christmas to you. Love the graphics in avatar.
Some of my best friends are gays - so yes, most definitely!
And to answer the question, I would.
I was pleasantly surprised to learn that the traditional Italian grandmother of a woman at work who is getting married is going to attend the wedding. Sometimes you have to support someone you love regardless of what you think of their living arrangements.
A bitter pill to swallow yeah... sometimes we need to especially when it calls for it...
Happy Birthday UW, hehehe your older by a year already but still witty as ever, hehehe guess what is my birthday present to you...
Religion has nothing to do with it. It is about giving approval to some unnatural act. It all boils down to sex. Marriage is quite unnecessary for having sex.
The very definition of marriage is to raise a family, comprising of your biological chidren. Adoption is only a choice or an exception. So, do not bring it into this.
I am all for any one's choice of having sex with anybody/anything or even with open air. But marriage? Whatever for? What do you need social approval for, anyway?
Poor Elton John, one of the best ever singers to have walked the Earth
It's not social approval so much as legal rights!
In many states gay and lesbian couples are not allowed to share health insurance plans. If one partner becomes seriously ill and his or her family disapproves of the relationship, they can often prevent the other partner from having any say in treatment or end of life decisions, and in some cases even prevent him or her from visiting, even if the relationship has lasted for decades.
These are just a few examples. There are over 1,100 federal laws alone in which marital status is a factor in determining benefits, rights, privileges, and responsibilities.
Everyone who is married and does not have children by choice or because of biology...your marriage is a sham and should be cancelled. Sorry about that.
Time to flag this to be moved to the religion forum... sigh
I would hope that would never be a reality. I would however attend a civil union ceremony and bring red licorece whips for everyone!
No, I wouldn't. I'm a Christian, and it goes against my faith. However, I have several gay friends, because I care about people and don't hate anyone just because they don't agree with my views (something a lot of people on the Internet need to learn).
I pray for them, I treat them like human beings (because they are, you know), but I'm not going to go against God.
That's a hopelessly Well thought out perspective isn't it
Shows how Much you would do for a friend (being a caring christian and all)
Then I ask you... how am I supposed to win souls for God without treating people like they should be treated? How many gay people do you know who hate Christians because instead of being their friends, the Christians tell them they're 'going to hell' and shun them?
You need to read up on Christianity before you tell me I'm a hypocrite.
Then I will Answer You This Way:
The burden of 'Winning Souls' as you arrogantly put it; starts by 'winning' your own! If you consider that is your role in life then I would suggest that you check your temperature
Your Perspective is badly Flawed. A well balanced perspective on life is not one that tilts one particular way, or is supported with the cowardness of justification at the expense of reality.
Sort out your balance first... as your alleged gay friendship is one of bias towards your tilt. If you have no comprehension of the meaning of friendship; then you have a great deal of work to do on your soul.
I do not recall calling you a hypocrite! I believe I had pointed out errors of your statement (you know..abit like proofreading )
As far as you worrying about my need to expand my knowledge; thanks, but you really need to accept my 'christian' offering here.. with the free advice I am offering you! Your need exceeds my own
My knowledge of religion and life may well be far superior than your own!
Have you considered the possibility of that point?
Boy, talk about arrogance.
Well, the Bible also says not to argue with fools, so I guess I'm done wasting my time here.
Do you "win" many souls with this approach?
NO... Sorry I'm Not A Boy.. Tadpole!
I can assure you I am not being arrogant; If I choose to be arrogant in making a point to you; I'm sure that you would feel as if your landing gear had been violated, rather than your ignorance!
I am merely demon-strating to a homophobic.. that you get what you give! Was it good for you Tadpole?
Yes Yes Yes..the bible also reccommends that you 'Turn the Other Cheek'... perhaps by following that advice.. you will appreciate Your Gay Relationships from a more subserviant position
My intentions aren't to attack you, but i find it funny when ppl say things like i have gay friends but i would't go to their wedding because of my faith. The crazy part about it is their still your friends you excepeted that they were gay. So how does your faith allow you to be their friend but not to attend your so called friends wedding. Something doesn't seem right.
The words you are looking for are "judgmental hypocrite."
You think Almighty God is looking down with a little book.
1. Went to gay friends wedding. Tick
2. Ate Shrimp at said wedding. Tick
3. Took the name of the Lord in vain after drinking too much. Tick
4. Hugged gay friends and wished them well. Double Tick
Yup - going to hell. Too bad - otherwise such a loving christian.
Sorry but I have to say my opinion. You have several gay friends because you care about people??? So they are not your friends for what and who they are but just because from your pedestal you have decided to pity them???
Plus are you rimending yourself that they are human beings??? Because regardless what people in here think if go or not going to a wedding I like to believe that didn't cross anyone mind that they are not human beings.
Maybe you should start to look at yourself and think carefully before write certain statements
And you go against friendship.
Nice friend you are !
A loving child of God
Of course I would. Probably be the best I've ever attended too and what a reception party it would be! Actually weddings are boring, it's the party I like.
My original reaction would have been no had I not had good friends with a gay son. When the subject actually came up, the answer was an overwhelming yes.
I would absolutely attend, and personally I don't see the issue. There are bigger issues for me to concern myself with than whether or not two people are getting married, gay or straight.
I'm really curious about this, and maybe one of the Bible scholars on HubPages can give me the answer. Where exactly in the Bible does it say that homosexuality is wrong?
I'm afraid to say that it is written in the Bible.
Somewhere in the OT
Leviticus 18.22 -
King James Bible
Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.
(Please note, I'm simply answering your question of where in the Bible this is mentioned, because I happened to remember the verse).
Thanks PG. It had crossed my mind that this was something dreamed up in translation, but the verse is pretty clear.
Leviticus 18:22 plus the Creation precedence plus the sodom experience plus paul in Romans chapter 1.
Next to the parts where it says eating shellfish and shaving is evil, that women should be killed if they are "discovered" to be non-virgins when they are married, that anybody who sleeps with a woman on her period should be sent into exile along with her, and instructs you on where to buy your slaves, when it is appropriate to beat them, and what you should use to beat those slaves at that appropriate time.
You will find the bible is full of references to homosexuality being wrong. But you wont find one Quote from God or Jesus saying anything about sex of any kind being bad at all!. Nowhere in the Old or New Testament does God or Jesus say anything about Sex being bad. It's always somebody speaking for God or twisting words to make their own point. The Bible was written by men. The thought of a man with another man is a disgusting thought to a Straight man. And that is who was in control of writing the words in the Bible.
Imagine how the Bible would have looked if Women were in charge back then. Do you think women would still be considered one step above Cattle in the bible if that had been the situation? Men wrote the bible with their own likes and dislikes written down for all of us to follow and live by. That's why you have to use your own intelligence when reading the Bible. You will be able to easily separate the words of God and Man.
Fundamentalists will disagree with you. And they will also tell you their specific interpretation of the Bible is the one ordained by God. (There are interpretations of the "homophobic" passages that say they are corruptions of the original Hebrew and Aramaic)
There are alot of things that are written in the bible but ppl don't follow those things to a tee. For instance your not supposed to have sex until your married, but ppl do it all the time. So that's a sin as well. So ppl need to stop acting as if marrying the same sex is the worst thing that you can do, because it surely is not. Everyone wants to talk about ppl being gay and that's not important if you really want something to talk about, talk about rapists now that's who we really should be focused on.
I would attend a same sex marriage, in fact been there and did that already.
By the way, Leviticus also sanctions killing of homosexuals:
Lev 20.13
"If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltiness is upon them".
The Old Testament (and parts of the New) is not suitable for children. Or adults.
Dave has the answer for everything...
Some of the plot-lines in the Old Testament are pretty grim in terms of their lack of humanity.
Amanda, Wikipedia actually has a pretty helpful run down on the subject: … osexuality
It covers both passages that are considered to prohibit homosexual relations, and some that can be construed to support them, including that whole thing with David and Jonathan.
Thanks Kerry, I just had a quick look, and there's a lot to digest. There's also a lot of very questionable stuff in there too. Like the bit about Lot preferring the crowd to have their way with his virgin daughters rather than get chummy with his male visitors! Seriously scary!
Daughters he later impregnantes himself!
Ugh. I remember graduating from a kid's story Bible to the real thing when I was 12 or 13 and my eyeballs practically popping out of my head over that story, and David and Bathsheba, and Onan and Tamar, and Amnon and Tamar...
People tend to forget that the Bible is full of more kinky sex, brutal violence, and general bad behavior than the average Hollywood executive could come up with in his wildest dreams.
Not religion forum. But this is one of arguments for Bible. You cant make up this stuff. They told the whole story including the bad PR.
If there is an open bar and good food, I'm in. If the wedding is for two hot chics, even better!
Open your mind....tolerance is the key to living in peace.
you know what i have never actually known two people of the same sex dating....... it is not so common here, i cannot even think of going to a single sex wedding...... i don't actually think i would
I would go. definitely. people who love each other - I don't care bout all that other stuff - good reception too!
I'd go. Wouldn't matter to me if it was a same sex wedding or not. A friend is a friend and I would be there to support them in their decision.
However - if the food sucked at the reception - then I'd have a problem :-)
I would go to a same sex wedding. I am all for same sex weddings! Why should only the straight partners get to celebrate their love by becoming married? If someone loves one another then I say let them show it off by getting married just like everyone else is able to!
Friends are friends and friendship is a two way thing; irrespective of race, religion, age, sexual orientation or gender.
Sadly; some fool themselves that friendship should be measured by a 'What's in it for me?' perspective. By taking that stance; one misses out on one of the most precious things in life; that of true friendship, that spans a lifetime.
Get real, if your friend invited you to deal in drugs or commit murder would you not draw a line?
You would ... right?
omg haha
they want to get married. those, those fiends.
I knew it was coming...
Why does everybody try their best to get me banned? 1...2...3....Being a gay man or woman is not the same as being a criminal going out there and hurting and killing people. Sooner or later I always here that out your GOOD CHRISTIAN mouths. That why your cult is the most SICK, TWISTED, AND EVIL cult out of them all! You are even willing to Dance and Sing in heaven with those same Drugs Dealers and Murderers instead of people who never hurt another person in their life. God loves me and I love God. Let me make that clear! You use the Bible to promote your own hate against your fellow man. God is nowhere in you. Be a man and claim your hate as your own. I dont like you, because I DONT LIKE YOU!!!. No justifying it. That's what a man does. Guess I'll see you all in a few days.
I notice you say "be a man!" type-stuff very often. Why is that?
The evil arrogance of some of you is just breath taking. I'm posting this on all of the religious forums. Time for you people to learn some humility.
St Peter stood guard at the golden gate, with solemn mien and air sedate. When up to the top of the golden stair, a man and a woman ascended there. Applied for admission, they came and stood, before St Peter so great and good. In hopes the city of peace to win, and asked St Peter to let them in.
The woman was tall, and lank, and thin, with a scraggly beardlet upon her chin. The man was short and thick and stout, his stomach was built so it rounded out. His face was pleasant, and all the while, he wore a kindly and pleasant smile.
The choirs in the distance, the echoes awoke, and the man kept still, while the woman spoke.
"O thou who guards the gate," said she "we two cam hither, beseeching thee, to let us enter the heavenly land, and play our harps with the angle band. Of me; St Peter, there is no doubt, there is nothing from heaven to bar me out. I've been to meeting three times a week, and almost always I'd rise and speak. I've told the sinners about the day, when they repent of their evil way. I told my neighbors, I've told them all, 'bout Adam and Eve, and the primal fall. I've shown them what they'd have to do, if they'd pass in with the cholsen few. I've marked their path of duty clear, laid out the plan for the whole career. I've talked and talked to em loud and long, for my lungs are good, and my voice is strong. So good St Peter you'll clearly see, the gate of heaven is open for me.
But my old man...I regret to say, hasn't walked in exactly the narrow way. He smokes and he swears, and grave faults he's got. And I don't know if he will pass or not. He never would pray with an earnest vin, or go to revival, or join in a hymn. So I had to leave him in sorrow there, while I, with the chosen, united in prayer. He ate what the pantry chanced to afford, While I, in my purity, sang to the Lord. And if cucumbers were all he got, It's a chance if he merited them or not. But O St Peter, I love him so; to the pleasures of heaven , please let him go. I've done enough, a saint I've been, wont that atone? Cant you let him in?
By my grim gospel, I know tis so, that the unrepentant must try below. But isn't there some way you can see, that he may enter, who's dear to me? It's narrow gospel by which I pray, but the chosen expect to find some way, of coaxing, or fooling, or bribing you, so that their relations can amble through?
And say...St seems to me, the gate isn't kept as it ought to be. You ought to stand by the opening there, and never sit down in that easy chair. And say...St sight is dimmed, But I don't like the way your whiskers are trimmed. They're cut too wide and outward toss, they'd look better narrow, cut straight across. Well, we must be going, our crown to win, so open, St Peter and we'll pass in."
St Peter sat quiet and stroked his staff, but , in spite of his office, he had to laugh. Then said with a fiery gleam in his eye, "Who's tending this gateway, you or I?" And then he arose in his stature tall, and pressed a button upon the wall, and said to an imp, who came all aglow, "Escort this woman to the regions below."
The man stood still a piece of stone, stood sadly, gloomily, there alone. A lifelong settled idea he had, that his wife was good and he was bad. He thought if the woman went down below, that he would certainly have to go. That if she went to the regions dim, there wasn't a ghost of a chance for him.
Slowly he turned, by habit bent, to follow wherever the woman went. St Peter, standing on duty there, Observed that the top of his head was bare. He called the gentleman back and said: "Friend, how long have you been wed?" "Thirty years"(he said with a heavy sigh). And then he thoughtfully added, "Why?"
St Peter was silent. With head bent down, he raised his hand and scratched his crown. Then, seeming a different thought to take, slowly, half to himself, he spake: "Thirty years with that woman there, no wonder the man hasn't any hair. Swearing is wicked, smoking's not good, he smoked and swore...I should think he would.
Thirty years with that tongue so sharp? O Angel Gabriel, give him a harp. A jeweled harp with a golden string. Good Sir, pass in where the angels sing. Gabriel, give him a seat alone, one with a cushion up near the Throne. Call up some angels to play their best. Let him enjoy the music and rest. See that on the finest ambrosia he feeds, he had about all the hell he needs. It isn't just hardly the thing to do, to roast him on earth and the future too."
They gave him a harp with golden strings, a glittering robe and a pair of wings. And he said as he entered the Realms of Day "Well this beats cucumbers, anyway." And so the Scriptures had come to pass. The last shall be first, and the first shall be last.
Written By,
You keep saying "Be a man!" because you are so humble?
Because he's defending his whole person against bullsh*t, TK. And he's right about his inherent definition of 'a man.' Why, I'd bet even gay guys have balls (just like chicks), whereas some men, figuratively, do not.
Lita...This guy doesn't have a clue to what your're saying.
Some "people" haven't notice I have not address their comments for weeks. Thanks for clearing up that question for me Lita. Kiss Kiss
Is this anti-woman, Friendlyword? .
Yes, I'd go to a same sex wedding. I used to go to gay clubs, too. haha (true.)
I respect anyone's right to their religious beliefs, until it translates into bigotry. I actually thought Mr. Caba was different...I guess not. I perhaps see some of these things as somewhat ordained by age and culture (homophobia, basically), and taking that into consideration, end up having empathy for them as people and their lack of knowledge. That doesn't excuse it, however.
I love how sweet you are when you slap somebody down. I really wish I could do that.
Calm down and express yourself. I feel your pain but the idea was to use the extreme to make the point. Dont take it personal. Nothing in your comment to get banned. This is not about hate. It's about ethics.
Dont assume hate here. Not even hate speech.
Lordy, won't someone please put the KJV to bed already - it's the 21st century. We don't treat cancer with the same knowledge we had 20 years ago, why are we still reading a translation of the bible that was made from the best knowledge available at the time of the KJV publication. If you want to build your faith on what you read in the bible, at least learn the history of the bible first. God gave you a brain - tout it out, brush it off and spend some of those cells learning and getting your own understanding of what was happening, this is the real beginning of true faith.
...AND yes I absolutely would go to a same sex wedding - have and will again...and again...and again. God's gift of sending you love is an honor for everyone.
I would absolutely attend. I'd make a speech, play my flute, get ordained online if the couple needed someone to marry them and I'd have a great time. I had a blast at my sister-in-law's lesbian wedding and I look forward to when my best friend, who is a gay man, eventually gets married.
I've attended a lesbian wedding and enjoyed it. It was not different in any substantial way from the heterosexual weddings I've attended.
Absolutely why not. Free country last time I checked, but you would never know it sometimes!
Yes I would. I've attended a commitment ceremony, it was beautiful I would love to attend a same sex wedding.
I'm sure I could find something more important to do like laundry.
If they were a friend or family member, of course, I would treat them the same as any other.
If one of the betrothed was a friend? Sure why not? Hey there is a lot worse things going on. To each his own!
Actually it would not be as bad as being attending a train at a bikers function. A lot less smelly too.
by Heidi 12 years ago
Do you think that a person who does not agree with same sex marriage is homophobic?
by kosakwe12 14 years ago
what does god say about same sex partners
by Christina 12 years ago
Why is there so much controversy over same sex marriage?
by weblog 15 years ago
What causes people to be homophobic? What can be done to tackle homophobia?
by mdawson17 15 years ago
In my own personal belief I do not think that the marriage of the same sex was ever blessed by God. I am curious what my fellow hubbers response would be if they were asked if same sex marriage was ok in the eyes of God?
by mohamedhmm 15 years ago
I believe we are as human kind we should defend our human rights and our wellness from any harmful act such as same sex; so, let's come together to protect our human rights and keep our society safe for us and next generation; it's our responsibility to say "no" for same sex because it's...
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