Vote: no for same sex marriage

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  1. mohamedhmm profile image62
    mohamedhmmposted 15 years ago

    I believe we are as human kind we should defend our human rights and our wellness from any harmful act such as same sex; so, let's come together to protect our human rights and keep our society safe for us and next generation; it's our responsibility to say "no" for same sex because it's just sickness and madness.
    we must stop same sex, we must stop watching their shows we must stop their sickness, we must speak out and say no, no, no for same sex; and, we must let our government to act strong to protect our human rights and say no for same sex whatever power they have; there is no another choice for us if we want to keep our wellness and rights safe from any harm.
    so, vote here no harm, no , same sex marriage..

    1. LondonGirl profile image80
      LondonGirlposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Couldn't agree less.

      I'm hetrosexual, but I was probably born that way. Who I have sex with is not really anyone's business other than the parties intimately involved. So long as sex involves consenting adults, it's none of my business. And none of yours, either.

      1. JamaGenee profile image79
        JamaGeneeposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        LG, I totally agree with you. It's nobody's business but the parties involved. 

        Still waiting for OP to respond to Mark's question about how this issue personally impacts *him*.

        1. mohamedhmm profile image62
          mohamedhmmposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          i will have never feel safe on myself, my kids, and others; if i knew there are some gay families or any same sex family around me; and already some stories about gays did harmful acts sexuality for little kids; you like this would be happened to your kids,others, or even you?

          1. goldentoad profile image59
            goldentoadposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            this is beyond dumb

          2. darkside profile image59
            darksideposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            So a man tampering with your daughters would be less sick, or even appropriate?

            Josef Fritzl wasn't gay, does that make him okay?

            1. mohamedhmm profile image62
              mohamedhmmposted 15 years agoin reply to this

              again; i don't have sick mind...

              1. profile image0
                Leta Sposted 15 years agoin reply to this

                ESL problems:  He's saying men who would abuse your daughters are also sick, making it a moot point (flawed logic).

          3. Colebabie profile image60
            Colebabieposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            People do bad/good things regardless of their sexual orientation. What are you basing your feelings on? Why do you think gay families would harm you? I don't know what "stories" you have heard that gay people "harm little kids sexually," but whoever told you must think like you and therefore they are full of crap.

            1. mohamedhmm profile image62
              mohamedhmmposted 15 years agoin reply to this

              i think i live in another planet; and no same as you...

              1. Colebabie profile image60
                Colebabieposted 15 years agoin reply to this

                sorry I don't understand, could you please explain? keep in mind this in the politics forum not the religion forum. ok? thanks.

                1. mohamedhmm profile image62
                  mohamedhmmposted 15 years agoin reply to this

                  i do not think that i open religion issue-even it's in my site too-; but i am talking about natural law, science all of these approve no way such same sex could be good marriage for living healthy; there are many studies approve these sexual relations for same sex lead to dangerous diseases could effect badly on any community; and you could find more about that on Internet...

            2. bgpappa profile image80
              bgpappaposted 15 years agoin reply to this

              Hard to argue with someone so ignorant and closed minded so this is my last post.  If you actually did research (you know, find factual support) you will see the overwhelming number of child molestors are heterosexual males.  Many have loving wives and adoring kids waiting at home.

              That being said, if you don't want to be near homosexuals, that is fine.  Don't go near them.  But that doesn't mean you get to decide that they (or anyone) deserves less rights.

              1. mohamedhmm profile image62
                mohamedhmmposted 15 years agoin reply to this

                i dont go around them, and i do not wish to be around them; but does they would do the same?

                1. luvintkandtj profile image67
                  luvintkandtjposted 15 years agoin reply to this

                  Trust me I dont think you have to worry about anyone wanting to come near you.

          4. luvintkandtj profile image67
            luvintkandtjposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            First of all you are being completely ridiculous.
            Second of all the average sexual predator is actually HETEROSEXUAL.
            Third what does this fact have to do with marriage?
            Fourth what makes you think if someone is in a committed relationship they would come looking at YOU?
            Fifth Let me get this straight you feel as though homosexuality is an illness that could infect everyone if we allow same sex marriage?
            Finally, I think you as severely homo phobic a perhaps you have some homo erotic tendencies if you are so concerned EVERYONE will turn gay. I don't know about the other heteros out there but I LOVE the opposite sex. i love the procreation and the practice and I'm not giving that up even if it was the growing trend to be gay. Wait i take that back if I found a Brad Pitt look alike lesbian...well lets just say I would consider going over to the other side.

      2. earnestshub profile image70
        earnestshubposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        I'm hetrosexual and I agree. Sexuality means nothing. Personality is another matter.I do not know or care what sex people are and it is their business alone.

    2. RKHenry profile image65
      RKHenryposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      And what of their right?  Your persuasion is abominable rhetoric.

      1. GeneriqueMedia profile image62
        GeneriqueMediaposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Well said. Go RK. smile

        And I thank you for your better words to help describe my argument, Lita.

        1. RKHenry profile image65
          RKHenryposted 15 years agoin reply to this


    3. packerpack profile image61
      packerpackposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I am sick and tired of people like you! Don't you have your own live to live? Who are you to tell people what to do and what not? I will tell you what, you belong to those bunch of people who likes poking their nose in others business.

      I am not a gay but I see that it is none of my business to poke into their matter. If they are happy with the way they are then what is the problem? The problem is people like you think what you do is best and others are all fools and so you start dictating terms; do this and don't do that, eat this and don't eat that, worship him and not him and now you guys have even started peeking inside others bedrooms. Please live your life and let other do the same

    4. luvintkandtj profile image67
      luvintkandtjposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I agree that we should defend human rights and protect our rights for generations to come, Therefore i say "YES" ta same sex marriage.  I believe everyone has a right to love and be loved. Now fr those of you who complain that same sex marriages are against god, please explain. I feel it is better for those individuals that are gay to commit to one person that to be promiscuous. If I remember correctly on of the greatest sis one could commit is divorce. Anyways I am rambling but, instead of concerning our selves with hap[py healthy couples that wish to remain together until they leave this earth lets look at more important issues.  Lets look at drug abuse, prostitution, teen pregnancy, the growing number of single parents, the divorce rate or the growing number of orphaned children. I feel like these issues corrupt the "moral fiber" of the Earth much more than two consenting adults joining together in a everlasting union. Preventing same sex marriage is immoral and ridiculous.

    5. funshi profile image60
      funshiposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      [quote=funshi I believe that if they want to be married and they love eachother cool. We as a society are so concerned about other peoples business, I think we should mind our business and let them be!

      1. mohamedhmm profile image62
        mohamedhmmposted 15 years agoin reply to this


        love is beautiful thing; love yourself, love your dad, love your mother, love your husband, love your friend, love your brothers; but, that's not mean have sex with any body you love-same sex especially-; so why some people-gays- change the meaning of love to be so ugly meaning, and use love as excuse for their sickness desires- sex with same sex-.
        i hope you knew the real meaning of love.

    6. profile image58
      wonderkattposted 15 years agoin reply to this


      1. Eng.M profile image65
        Eng.Mposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        hi D
        I m Mo and I am married to one

    7. Dog Ma profile image60
      Dog Maposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I believe you have a right to your opinion.  You even have the right to scream it from a mountain top, but you don't have the right to take other American tax paying citizens freedoms away from them.  Everyone should have the right to have their marriage recognized under our state law. Your intolerance is more damaging to humanity than a couple of consenting adults that want to tie the knot.  And I will continue to watch their shows.

      1. Eng.M profile image65
        Eng.Mposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        let me state it this way sir
        *Will gay marriage affect a community value making , as a  formal existance,obvious changing in childern especially ?
        (with having several spaced periods of history time as a reference)

  2. mohamedhmm profile image62
    mohamedhmmposted 15 years ago

    No for same sex at any ways....

    1. mohamedhmm profile image62
      mohamedhmmposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      please: make sure before you open any link, make sure it's coming from active member in huppages; because, there is a spammer (new profile), just sent links at page twenty; so, be careful at page "20" from this forum,  and from similar posts..

      1. Sufidreamer profile image83
        Sufidreamerposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks for the warning, Mohamed smile

        1. mohamedhmm profile image62
          mohamedhmmposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          you are like brother; and i am caring about any one here or will come here; just no harm for any...

  3. bgpappa profile image80
    bgpappaposted 15 years ago

    It is hard to argue that to protect human rights you have to take rights away from people.  So I vote yes.

  4. mohamedhmm profile image62
    mohamedhmmposted 15 years ago

    you could be more clear?

  5. darkside profile image59
    darksideposted 15 years ago

    My rights as a human being aren't encroached upon by other peoples sexual persuasion.

    While I don't engage in or encourage homosexuality, there is no harm being inflicted upon me if other people choose to be gay.

    I personally wish you good luck in stopping watching their shows.

    1. Eng.M profile image65
      Eng.Mposted 15 years agoin reply to this


      only if some few people and give them rights would affect a community of much more people ..?

  6. bgpappa profile image80
    bgpappaposted 15 years ago

    Ok, you state that in order to "defend our human rights" and to "keep our wellness and rights safe from any harm" we should ban same sex marriage.

    I was simply pointing out the flaw in arguing that in order to protect rights we have to deny rights to others.

    And I was voting to allow same sex marriage as I believe nobody should be denied to right to be united civially simply because some people do not like homosexuals.

    1. Eng.M profile image65
      Eng.Mposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      then an advise by Physicology experts should be discussed..

      1. Eng.M profile image65
        Eng.Mposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        may be they don't hate them
        but don't agree with them
        if it affects the majority badly
        don't you think

  7. gamergirl profile image90
    gamergirlposted 15 years ago

    I think my head is going to burst if I read one more sincere message from someone who honestly believes homosexuality is some form of sickness.

    Maybe my head won't burst but I really will lose my temper.

  8. bgpappa profile image80
    bgpappaposted 15 years ago

    I agree gamegirl.  But if people sincerely believe it is a form of sickness, they are entitled to their opinion.  But that does not mean that their opinion should be used to deny people rights in the name of saving the family, children or the human race (I have seen all of these arguments.)

  9. cindyvine profile image80
    cindyvineposted 15 years ago

    I don't really care, to each his own.  Seriously, there are far more important things in life than worrying about who is banging each other and who is marrying each other.  Just so long as I get invited to the wedding and the company and catering is good, who gives a fuck?

  10. Mark Knowles profile image57
    Mark Knowlesposted 15 years ago

    I am keen to know how the OP's wellness is being harmed. lol

    1. Pest profile image79
      Pestposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      This is where the damn Hub score is relevant...  the OP's score is a  the tick on my cat's ass did better.  To be honst after the last two relationships I have been in...I wish Toad was single.

      1. sheenarobins profile image61
        sheenarobinsposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        LOL, Pest...there you go again! Goodmorning, smile

    2. profile image0
      Whikatposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I am with Mark on this. I have had many friends who are homosexual, co-workers who were homosexual and married to each other. I have also had an opposite sex homosexual roommate. Never has any harm come to me, my family, or friends as a result of living, working, or being near these homosexual couples.

      In fact, These homosexuals have been probably the most peaceful, non-violent, non-judgmental people that I have been blessed to have in my life.

      1. SEM Pro profile image83
        SEM Proposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        I agree Whikat - the married homosexual couples I'm friends with have much more peaceful relationships than the heterosexual couples I'm familiar with in most cases. Perhaps because they've had to truly accept and surrender rather than go along because that's the way it's "supposed to be"

      2. LondonGirl profile image80
        LondonGirlposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        My experience is different. I've met gay people who are complete idiots, in roughly the same proportions as I've met straight people who are complete idiots. Sexuality is just one part of a person.

    3. rekhareddy profile image56
      rekhareddyposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      i am ready to have sex with mr darling.......

      1. mohamedhmm profile image62
        mohamedhmmposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        you are welcome to the forum...
        any opinion?

  11. cindyvine profile image80
    cindyvineposted 15 years ago

    What the hell is the OP?  And Pest, why aren't you in bed?

    1. Pest profile image79
      Pestposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      OP=original   I posted new crap

  12. cindyvine profile image80
    cindyvineposted 15 years ago

    I just read your crap, Pest and for me it's stuff of nightmares.  I don't watch horror movies as I get nightmares

  13. profile image0
    Hovalisposted 15 years ago

    I vote 'Yes' to same sex marriages. Actually I don't see why there should be a vote at all. Civil ceremonies have nothing at all to do with religious beliefs, and lots of couples do not marry in a church, same sex or otherwise. All you have to do is keep your nose out of other people's business. It's easy once you get the knack. (well, maybe not as easy for some)

    1. earnestshub profile image70
      earnestshubposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I agree. I see no need for a vote either, my friends and family are whatever sex they turned out to be. It is none of my business        any more than it is the OP's

      1. Eng.M profile image65
        Eng.Mposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        your 13,14 grand grand son see it's OK to choose to be gay
        or there are no outside effects , people becomes only gay by born ?

    2. profile image0
      pgrundyposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I second that.

      We'd be better off outlawing heterosexual marriage. It would rid the world of so many divorce lawyers. big_smile

      1. packerpack profile image61
        packerpackposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Sorry to say but you too sound like the OP. What irritated me about him is that he is trying to poke is nose in others business. This comment of yours is no different. Why can't we all just live our lives

        1. countrywomen profile image59
          countrywomenposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Knowing Pam (Pgrundy) I feel she was just joking. As I too saw a funny cartoon in family counselor's office showing that divorce rates have come down drastically over the last decades then there is a small chart showing that people have stopped marrying in the first place wink

          But seriously I feel when you don't allow one section of society to exercise a right which others have then aren't you treating them like a second class citizens? Everybody should have equal rights and duties under the constitution irrespective of there personal beliefs (which should strictly be left as personal). I mean if somebody wants to get a marriage certificate through a registrar then they should be allowed to do so but when they want to solemnize in a church/mosque/temple (then it is up to there rules whether they want to allow it or not) smile

          1. Make  Money profile image67
            Make Moneyposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            Maybe getting a marriage certificate through a government registrar should be outlawed.

            1. earnestshub profile image70
              earnestshubposted 15 years agoin reply to this

              Maybe all options should be available without religious prejudice and sexism playing any part in it.

          2. profile image0
            pgrundyposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            Thanks CW. I was only half joking. On a serious note, I don't see why the government needs to poke its nose into marriage at all. Why should married people have any more rights than single people? Why should they be taxed differently? Why is marriage embraced by government as a social institution regardless of the sexuality of the married people?????

            It seems to me that marriage is a religious institution. If people choose it, that is their business regardless of their sexual practices and regardless of their personal beliefs.

            All people deserve equal rights under the law. Why is marriage part of the law? If people want to live together and form a contract, let them see an attorney and draw up a contract. Why must government broker religious ideals?

            I think it's messed up.

            1. Shirley Anderson profile image74
              Shirley Andersonposted 15 years agoin reply to this

              I second that and think that you've expressed it perfectly, Pam.

            2. packerpack profile image61
              packerpackposted 15 years agoin reply to this

              Now you sound correct! Actually I did not understand your joke and so was bit rude with my reply. Don't take it seriously. Friends??

              1. profile image0
                pgrundyposted 15 years agoin reply to this

                Of course. smile No worries!

                1. countrywomen profile image59
                  countrywomenposted 15 years agoin reply to this

                  Glad to see that there is a better understanding now of other views. Quite an interesting discussion in this thread. I was just wondering why the governments usually have different tax mechanisms for singles vs married folks (in fact from my personal experience I feel married folks should be charged more since they get to lessen there expenses when they are together unlike single folks) smile

  14. kerryg profile image84
    kerrygposted 15 years ago

    I vote emphatically "yes" on same sex marriage. Same sex couples deserve the same rights as straight ones.

    You can also add me to the list who goes all explodey when people call homosexuality a "sickness." smile

    1. Pest profile image79
      Pestposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Take just a moment to think of how the "vote" is still influenced by religion, the same religion that burned witches at the stake.  Bunch of fags!

  15. aniketgore profile image60
    aniketgoreposted 15 years ago

    Do many of you need to say here that he/she is heterosexual? 

    Lolz i am also a heterosexual and i think it depends on everyones choice whether he/she wanna be homosexual or heterosexual. You cant ban anybodies personal choices.

  16. AEvans profile image74
    AEvansposted 15 years ago

    God made us all in his own image, so I don't care if they marry I have other thinks to be concerned with besides someone committing to someone else. Good for them as they are people too and are entitled to there rights as human beings. I am heterosexual and married, I have friends who are homosexual and married life and love is what makes the world go round. I vote yes. smile

    1. GeneriqueMedia profile image62
      GeneriqueMediaposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Good call, AE. wink

      Personally...I think we need to do away with Marriage as a form of governmental institution. Its not even working for straight people. I'm down with the legal aspects of it..joint custody, inheritance, all of that. We need to come to an agreement Nationally that people who are married should have the same rights no matter who their partner is as long as its a)human and b) of legal consent.

      The divorce rate being what it is...its not like straight people can ever claim that marriage is "sacred," 'cause they're sure not acting like it as a general whole.


    2. Vladimir Uhri profile image59
      Vladimir Uhriposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Some voted yes. It is said. We do not walk by feeling but by Word.

      1. AEvans profile image74
        AEvansposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        I gotcha smile

  17. Anamika S profile image62
    Anamika Sposted 15 years ago

    Anyones sexual preference is their own business. Everyone has the right to live the way they want.

  18. profile image0
    Leta Sposted 15 years ago

    Yeah, I've never understood why another person's choice (and it is debatable if being gay is a choice--perhaps, heredity--perhaps a combination of factors) is such a cause for alarm to some personally.  And why keeping others from enjoying the same rights they enjoy is like some badge of 'honor.'

    I think it absolutely has to do with homophobia. If you are sure of your own sexuality (or even unsure of it, but, lol, just not repressing anything) you have no issue with other people's 'choices.'  Then there is always fundamental religious doctrine to contend with...

  19. SEM Pro profile image83
    SEM Proposted 15 years ago

    I agree with everyone on here that my human right to choose or the choice of another individual or couples’ sexuality doesn’t in any way interfere, inhibit, or affect my life – so why should it be law?

    It is the people who feel they do have the right to control and dictate another’s life that need to have their ignorance reigned in. Perhaps we can come up with a law that might eventually force the control freaks to back off and focus on what human rights are all about (sorry so adament, still reeling from Shaw Valley).
    I can however add the fact that I’m glad, as a heterosexual, that stating my preferences in the bedroom isn’t the basis upon which I am judged – especially not by the laws of the land.

    1. SEM Pro profile image83
      SEM Proposted 15 years agoin reply to this
      1. mohamedhmm profile image62
        mohamedhmmposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        there is a just a joke about marriage for every body here:
        A woman woke in the middle of the night to find her husband missing from their bed. In the stillness of the house, she could hear a muffled sound downstairs. She went downstairs and looked around, still not finding her husband.

        Listening again, she could definitely hear moaning. She went down to the basement where she finally found her husband crouched in the corner facing the wall, sobbing.

        "What's wrong with you?" she asked him.

        "Remember when your father caught us having sex when you were sixteen?" he replied. "And remember he said I had two choices: I could either marry you, or spend the next twenty years in prison."

        Baffled, she said, "Yes, I remember, so what?"

        The husband sobbed, "I would have gotten out today."

        1. Pest profile image79
          Pestposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          I see you have returned from answering fan mail.  Brilliant.

  20. profile image0
    Leta Sposted 15 years ago

    Agreed, GM--

    I stated this before.  Why should married people have more rights than single people, gay people, heterosexuals living together, etc.?  It is not logical.

  21. Lisa HW profile image62
    Lisa HWposted 15 years ago

    I don't happen to have a problem with the idea that some people are homosexual; but even for those who do have a "problem" with it, the way I see it this:

    The world is full of some awful things - violence, cruelty, terrible storms that destroy whole towns, disease, crime, human rights violations, poverty, hunger, and on and on and on.  When it comes to the relatively small minority of people who are homosexual, are THEY (or their marriages) the biggest problem in the world that anyone has to "spin his wheels" over?

    My children were born (and adopted) into the traditional, two-heterosexual-parent, home and raised in a nice, caring, environment.  They're grown now, and it's safe to say that their or my wellness and rights have never been threatened by a homosexual person.  There are certain other threats to all of our "wellness and rights" - but homosexual people aren't among those threats.

    I can understand that some people want to preserve the traditional definition of marriage, and may be opposed to gay marriage just for that reason.  Being opposed to it for that reason, alone, though, is very different from all that other stuff about "sickness and madness" and "saying no for whatever power they have".  "Sickness and madness" is what people like Adolph Hitler demonstrated when he thought he'd make a better world by getting rid of whoever he deemed "inferior" .  Then (too late) people figured out he was just a psychologically damaged and little man, out to get power over everyone else.  Gay people aren't guilty of "sickness and madness".  They just want to live their lives and be left alone, while not having people try to "say no to whatever power they have".  If someone chooses to disapprove of "gay-ness" it's their business; but trying to step on the rights of other people isn't something any of us has a right to do.  You're right - people do need to speak up.  Gay people have not done a thing to "take away my rights" - so I think people do need to speak up to make sure nobody attempts to take away gay people's rights either.  You have your right to disapprove of homosexuality if you want to, but I think (respectfully) that you fear the wrong "threats" in this world.

  22. Teresa McGurk profile image61
    Teresa McGurkposted 15 years ago

    What she said!  Brava!

  23. goldentoad profile image59
    goldentoadposted 15 years ago

    I am against gay marriage and I'm against straight marriage too, who created this insanity? I got to wake up to the same nagging voice for the rest of my life??!!!!
    Freedom for Everyone!!!!!

  24. profile image0
    Leta Sposted 15 years ago

    LOL  I'm a little confused between GM & RK, but OK! (GM--those were not 'better' words, just a follow up on yours & what I think.)

    GT-Man, I think YOU have been hanging too long over in Urimidden's hubs.  You are beginning to sound like him.  lol wink

    1. RKHenry profile image65
      RKHenryposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Oh hey, my bad.  I got confused.  I need to retract the anytime Lita statement. 

      Anytime GeneriqueMedia!

    2. goldentoad profile image59
      goldentoadposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      uh oh. How bout if I say, everyone deserves equal punishment, the gays should not be allowed to escape this fine set-up.

    3. LondonGirl profile image80
      LondonGirlposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Watchitt, that's fighting talk!

      1. profile image0
        Leta Sposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Not with GT! Just an occasion to be funnier. smile I think urimidden has fans now--GT might be one of them--can't remember.

  25. Mrvoodoo profile image58
    Mrvoodooposted 15 years ago

    Jesus, is this a post against same sex marriage, or homosexuality in general, this is by far the most hate fueled post I've come across on HubPages to date, and I apologise in advance for resorting to more base arguments than most but mohamedhmm, for someone against the whole homosexual thing, you look hell of a lot like Freddie Mercury, a closet loving of leather chaps and biker caps me thinks.  Whilst I have no desire to marry another man myself, I'd rather have laws against people like you than that!

    1. AEvans profile image74
      AEvansposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      He does look like Freddie Mercury , I never realized that and thanks for pointing it

      1. Mrvoodoo profile image58
        Mrvoodooposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        My Pleasure, I'm all for free speech and all but WTF!

  26. JadedPoet profile image60
    JadedPoetposted 15 years ago

    I have no problem with same sex marriage.  I mean, why not let gays enjoy the same benefits of expensive divorce lawyers, alimoney payments, property settlements, and yearly wrangling over taxes and deductions, just like heterosexual couples?

      For the most part, I don't feel another's sexuality is my business, barring pedophiles, and those who prey on anyone too old, weak, young, or sick to knowingly consent, or legally do so.  I also have a problem with late life gender jumpers, those who marry a person bearing external genitals opposite their own, co-create children, essentially promising them a mother and a father, and then decide after several years that they are really the opposite sex, trapped in the wrong body.  I have personally seen the emotional damage to children in this instance, and if some kind of stand against gay marriage will help keep this from happening, then I will land on the side of a no vote.

  27. Mrvoodoo profile image58
    Mrvoodooposted 15 years ago

    Vote?  What Vote?  I have strong rules against anybody shoving anything up my anus, but if tomorrow that changed and I fell in love with another guy, and anybody thinks they get to vote on whether I spend the rest of my days in happiness with the person I love they are badly mistaken.

    1. profile image0
      Leta Sposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      How well put, lol.

  28. earnestshub profile image70
    earnestshubposted 15 years ago

    No vote is needed to allow human rights.
    Most people regardless of their own sexuality are not that narrow-minded and would probably tell you they don't give a rats what you think.

  29. mohamedhmm profile image62
    mohamedhmmposted 15 years ago

    same sex people; they knew it's wrong act to marry same sex; So, they looking for a kind of authority-government- to legalize their act, and make their feeling better; because they are sick inside themselves; and i hope they could keep it for themselves and stop the madness of same sex marriage and crying loud to force us to accept their act as natural act; but it's not.

    In the end we are not against any one act if it doesn't harm us.......

    1. luvintkandtj profile image67
      luvintkandtjposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Please explain how it is an illness. And how does it affect you?

  30. Mrvoodoo profile image58
    Mrvoodooposted 15 years ago

    He's just a poor boy from a poor family,
    Spare him his life from this monstrosity
    Easy come, easy go, will you let me go
    Bismillah! No, we will not let you go
    (Let him go!) Bismillah! We will not let you go
    (Let him go!) Bismillah! We will not let you go
    (Let me go) Will not let you go
    (Let me go) Will not let you go (Let me go) Ah
    No, no, no, no, no, no, no

    1. GeneriqueMedia profile image62
      GeneriqueMediaposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      There's always room for a little Queen in all of our lives and us. wink

  31. gamergirl profile image90
    gamergirlposted 15 years ago

    Please, everyone.

    Stop replying to this thread.  All you're doing is making the OP feel like he's more important than he is, that his opinion is worthy of discussion.

    Hate speech on Hubpages should never be drawn out or encouraged this way.

    I urge you all to report this mohammedhmm's original post as hateful and breaking the forum rules.

    Thank you.

  32. bgpappa profile image80
    bgpappaposted 15 years ago

    I respectfully disagree gamegirl.  He is entitled to his opinion.  But what is more important is the number of posts made against him and his response, which was nothing more than his incoherent rantings.

    Let them rant.  The more they post crazy rants that lack factual or legal support, the more out into the fringes they go.

  33. profile image0
    Leta Sposted 15 years ago

    To speak somewhat in mohamedhmm's defense (and I believe he has a right to his opinion, too), he is an English as a Second Language speaker, from a traditional culture, I'm sure.  I don't condone his beliefs, but has some inkling of where he is coming from, from my experience working with them...

    And perhaps we should report the whole state of California? (Well, actually, we should, but, lol...but likely not happening as gay marriage is now illegal there.)

    1. SweetiePie profile image80
      SweetiePieposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I voted against prop eight and was sad to see it past.  Here in California many are still protesting against it, so hopefully it will be overturned.  Nevertheless, I would not report someone for expressing their opinion because as has been noted he is from a traditional culture that is not as open.  Just think back to how the US was sixty years ago.  My great uncle used to say things that really offended me, but I was not going to report him.  I think sharing our opinions is the best move, and you never know, maybe some people will change their minds.

      1. SEM Pro profile image83
        SEM Proposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Here, here to this hope that one of us may express an opinion that will touch his compassionate nerve somehow, or open his mind just a little.

        1. earnestshub profile image70
          earnestshubposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          I appreciate that the OP is battling with another language and perhaps deeply entrenched beliefs, but like all this type of god-botherer he will probably remain ignorant by choice.

  34. VENUGOPAL SIVAGNA profile image60
    VENUGOPAL SIVAGNAposted 15 years ago

    Such ugly matters need not be discussed in detail.  Same sex can only be friends. Why should we label it sex and spray stench on the matter? Mad people may also do it. But they should be treated as animals and not humans.

    1. darkside profile image59
      darksideposted 15 years agoin reply to this


      Gamergirl will be here shortly to slap the living piss out of you.

      1. Uninvited Writer profile image75
        Uninvited Writerposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        She better get in line

    2. packerpack profile image61
      packerpackposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Yet another hypocrite! Have you been given an authority to decide who is human and who is animal. You know what, one who points a figure to others are actually pointing other 3 fingers to himself/herself. so better look inside yourself and see you are yourself before you pass judgment on others.

  35. MotherHubber profile image61
    MotherHubberposted 15 years ago

    The only real "sickness" that needs to be put to an end is ignorance like the OP's.

  36. MotherHubber profile image61
    MotherHubberposted 15 years ago

    The only real "sickness" that needs to be put to an end is ignorance like the OP's.

  37. MotherHubber profile image61
    MotherHubberposted 15 years ago

    Sweetie Pie, I see where you get your name :-)  His compassionate nerve, though?  If he had any of those, he wouldn't be spewing all that hatred to begin with.  Sorry, I am with Earnest on this one. 

    If people have hateful, intolerant views, I wish they would just keep them to themselves.  But, seeing as this country (U.S./HP's HQ) affords us all free speech, we must in turn be tolerant of even the most hateful opinions.  Let the man speak.  But he should do so at his own risk.

  38. gamergirl profile image90
    gamergirlposted 15 years ago

    You'll just have to excuse me if I disagree with letting someone get patted on the head and insulted on the side just because they're ESL.  I don't let Misha get away with it, and I'll be darned if I let anyone else get away with outlandish or harmful views spread liberally not only on the forums but in Hubs just because they're not a native English speaker.

    My stand is this:  If any one of you was truly offended by something on Hubpages, wouldn't you either A.) Try and reason with the person who'd offended you, or B.) Shoot a note to the Hubpages team hoping they'll monitor/moderate and lay the law down?

    I find myself nauseated by the ignorance, the hateful outlook that it takes for someone to honestly come up here on the forums and say that homosexuality is a sickness, or that gay people are animals.

    VENUGOPAL SIVAGNA, mohammedhmm, and people like them should not be allowed to post ugly, hateful, rude, downright backwards crap just because they may have been "raised traditionally in less open backgrounds."

    There'd be no need at all for the report button if people could moderate themselves first before shoving their heads up their rear ends.

    Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go eat my breakfast, which was lovingly prepared by my roommate and best friend in the entire freaking world, who happens to be the sanest and sweetest person I know, and is a total homo.

    1. Karen Weir profile image61
      Karen Weirposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I would agree with you if ignorance and stupidity could actually be countered by not allowing it to be printed, but it can't. The truth is there are many who think like the OP and dialogue is the only thing that has a half assed hope in hell of making a difference.

      1. profile image0
        Leta Sposted 15 years agoin reply to this


  39. kerryg profile image84
    kerrygposted 15 years ago

    I agree, Gamergirl. My husband is ESL and "raised traditionally in less open backgrounds" and he managed to overcome his homophobia at least to the extent of Mr. "I have strong rules against anybody shoving anything up my anus, but if tomorrow that changed and I fell in love with another guy, and anybody thinks they get to vote on whether I spend the rest of my days in happiness with the person I love they are badly mistaken" Voodoo.

    Overcoming homophobia is not difficult. All it really takes is a little human empathy.

    1. Mrvoodoo profile image58
      Mrvoodooposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      lol, personally I've never understood the problem, in fact I try to encourage all of my male friends to turn homosexual, it reduces the competition, more ladies for me.  Unless of course all the ladies turn homosexual too, hmmmm this is gonna take some more thinking through (perhaps if they let me watch...)

      1. gamergirl profile image90
        gamergirlposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        That's my fiance's outlook too, when I get a girlfriend he wants to watch.  ;-)

  40. Amanda Severn profile image91
    Amanda Severnposted 15 years ago

    What's so wrong with same sex marriage? Surely if two people choose to share their lives together out of love, then that's cause for celebration? On a practical basis, two co-habitees wishing to provide legal security for eachother should have that right whether they are the same sex or otherwise.

    Mr Voodoo,
    Have you considered batting for both sides? That way your options are limitless! LOL!

    1. Mrvoodoo profile image58
      Mrvoodooposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      lol, it's certainly something to consider.

      1. Amanda Severn profile image91
        Amanda Severnposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Where abouts in the UK are you? You'd like Brighton!

        1. Mrvoodoo profile image58
          Mrvoodooposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Burnham-on-Sea, Somerset, and yes I've heard that Brighton is very big on that sort of thing, but I only said I'd consider it, I'm certainly not committed to the idea lol, and if I was then that opens up even more questions, would I be the man or the lady in the relationship, the giver or the taker, the top or the bottom?  it's just not as simple a decision as at first it sounds... smile

          1. Amanda Severn profile image91
            Amanda Severnposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            Certainly a lot to contemplate there!

  41. lawretta profile image44
    lawrettaposted 15 years ago

    same sex? "no problem". "hi guys"

  42. profile image0
    Leta Sposted 15 years ago

    Gamergirl and Kerryg--

    Culture is a funny thing, as are age, education and temperament.  Having taught ESL in a refugee center, I was exposed to a pretty broad spectrum of people.  I also had a relationship with an 'ESL case,' lol, but he was 27 and an MD when we met--and yes, he was much more open, even having come from a very traditional culture.

    I repeat, I am not condoning what mohammedhmm says or thinks--I think quite the opposite.  Understanding and condoning are two different things.  It has been said that Abraham Lincoln's views on slavery and blacks, quite different than what we currently believe of him today, were actually those of a "man of his time."  If you read his speeches and other writings, it is obvious that this is the case.  Yet history was changed by his actions.

    Sweetie Pie I think said it best (and good you are telling us what you think, Sweetie, wink!)about discussion, perhaps, hitting his compassionate or empathetic nerve.

    What do you guys think all those artsy Spike Lee movies are about?  wink

  43. reggieTull profile image60
    reggieTullposted 15 years ago

    What an incredible thread of comments - I guess OP did not expect such a pro Choice on this one.  I have a few points, I think as animals we are probably all bisexual, but we are brought up and conditioned quite strongly through religion, education, culture, our role models, etc.  Recently, someone said the Romans did not even differentiate between homo and heterosexual.

    I think part of the problem is our imaginations.  When we think of marriage between the same sex, we image what they do - some of us can handle it - some of us can't.  For those that can't - well, stop imagining and just treat it as two people who love each other. 

    Can we not just celebrate diversity with open hearts?

    1. MotherHubber profile image61
      MotherHubberposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      What a great post.  I am with you, Reggie.  Bravo!

      1. reggieTull profile image60
        reggieTullposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        thanks - usually, I get disagreement to my opinions.  This thread just got to me.  Nice Avatar!

  44. JadedPoet profile image60
    JadedPoetposted 15 years ago

    I am Wiccan/Pagan influenced, mostly, with a touch of Native American Spirituality, and DO believe as long as it harms no one. do as you will.  My area of concern does come into play when children are brought into un\conventional unions or are exposed to things like gender transitioning.  It is here I feel we need to look at the overall effect before we say yes or no.  Two consenting adults, not harming anyone, let them do as they will.

    I do want to say that while I see and hear many people crying about their rights, no one owns up to their responsibilities.  Just because you can do something, it does not mean you should.

    As for marriage itself, it never used to be a legal issue at all.  It was a union blessed by a holy person of the couple's chosen faith.  It was only when it became an issue for taxation that we started regulating it, and fighting over it.  As a purely civil, legal agreement between two people of legal age of consent, I don't care either way.  It's up to them.

    1. Make  Money profile image67
      Make Moneyposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I think it's a good idea to outlaw marriage certificates through a government registrar.  And JadedPoet made some very good points here.

    2. LondonGirl profile image80
      LondonGirlposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      In the UK at least, it's been a legal issues for several thousand years....

  45. Lisa HW profile image62
    Lisa HWposted 15 years ago

    I'd rather see the government continue to be what makes marriages "official".  (The government issues birth certificates.  It issues adoption certificates.  etc. etc. )   Which couples choose to add the religious element to their marriage is up to them, but there's a consistency with the government "calling it" a marriage; and with there being laws associated with it.

    I think, too, whether it's "named" "marriage" or "civil unions", gay/lesbian couples (and any present or future children involved) need that same kind of "official stamp" on what they plan to be a permanently committed relationship.  In fact, with some of the complications involved with biological parents/adoptive parents/other biological parents/donated sperm/eggs, etc. etc., I think the laws need to clearly establish upfront, or at least require the couple to establish upfront on their own; how it will all "work" as far as "establishing" two parents, but (most importantly) how things will work should the couple split up.  I just think parents, as well as the children, need some sort of protection against unreasonable custody issues.  Custody problems are complicated enough when a heterosexual couple divorces (particularly if one is unreasonable).  I do think there is that potential for yet even more complications if some gay/lesbian unions split up.  (Which is why is think having the government issue the marriage certificates is still a good idea.)

  46. Ntweetyd profile image59
    Ntweetydposted 15 years ago

    Well, I certainly have PLENTY to say to the IGNORANT OP.  You see, I am gay and am obviously for legalizing gay marriage.  I have to deal with ignorance everyday.  People should just mind their own business.
    The "mature" thing to do here probably would be to just ignore his post and not speak my mind...but I also have the right to offer my opinion, right??? 
    Wow, maybe I should go to my doctor and tell him I have an illness and maybe he can give me a cure.
    Hate to tell you, dude, THIS IS THE 21ST CENTURY AND BEING GAY IS WAY MORE ACCEPTED AND TOLERATED THAN WHEN YOU WERE BORN!!!!  Or hell, even in America.  So if they don't do this in your country, GO BACK THERE!!!  lol

    Sorry just really pisses me off when people are ignorant.  Being gay is something you're born with.  I just wish people with closed minds also had closed mouths.
    Sorry if I offended anyone.  Just speaking my mind...I apologize!!!

    1. luvintkandtj profile image67
      luvintkandtjposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I agree with you completely about ignorance. but remember two wrongs do not make a right. Do not lower your self to an ignorant persons standards. I am just referring to the racial comment "towel head" I know your in raged and you want to speak out but you should always show that you are above their ignorance. but none the less great post.

  47. Ntweetyd profile image59
    Ntweetydposted 15 years ago

    Oh and I forgot to add....I'm in a COMMITTED relationship with my girlfriend for over 2 years now and we are raising her 18 year old son.
    I have plenty of STRAIGHT friends who are divorced....cheaters....players...hell, even swingers!!!  So tell me how THEY are better then I am???
    I just want to know....and I'M the "sick" one?

    1. LondonGirl profile image80
      LondonGirlposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      THey aren't. As I think I said earlier in thsi thread, you get gay idiots and straight idiots, gay couples who are faithful and loving, and straight ones who do. Sexuality doesn't define a person, it's one part of them.

  48. Ntweetyd profile image59
    Ntweetydposted 15 years ago

    I know....and I apologized.

  49. calebd profile image59
    calebdposted 15 years ago

    Marriage is not a religious institution. Let's not rewrite history.

    1. profile image0
      pgrundyposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I'm not rewriting history, and yes, marriage is a religious institution. People who are not religious rarely feel the need for it, but often they relent because then they can be on the partner's insurance policy, get a better tax rate, or whatever. In this way government promotes marriage, and it has no business doing this.

      On a separate note:

      I love it when people just say what they want to be true as if it is true, as in "Marriage is not a religious institution"--believing in their own minds that the matter is now settled.

      As if just saying a thing with authority and attitude makes it true. 80% of the posts on these forums are in that category. Just say what you personally want to be true as loudly and bluntly as you can, and somehow that will make it true. It might work in your own mind, but when it comes to communicating with other people, it's ineffective and rude.

  50. packerpack profile image61
    packerpackposted 15 years ago

    BTW where is OP Mr. mohamedhmm? Hello sir where are you. Seems he has gone underground. Please reply back, there are so many questions pending on you. We aren't talking on the issue just like that. Come up where are you????

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