We've scoured the web for the top 5 vegan lunch recipes of all time and here they are!
We've scoured the web for the top 5 vegan breakfast recipes of all time and here they are!
There are two basic emotions from which all other emotions stem from: love and fear.
I'm finally releasing my secret on how to play as monsters in Diablo III. I've been doing this since the game's release and no one else has figured out how to do it yet.
I honestly had no idea I was going to be writing this today, when I woke up, but right now I feel inspired to write and share what I know to be the truth. Most of my articles are more professionally written and actually thought-out about what I'm...
Is forgiveness of others one of the most important steps to receiving salvation and making it to heaven?
In this extensive article, I will present you with all of the information you need to understand how biblical prophecy is unfolding before our eyes. While it may seem scary, it is a message of hope.
Recently many people over on the official Torchlight II modding forums have been asking me how I make various monsters and bosses from the game playable with all of their weapons, sounds, skills and etc. I've finally decided to write out a thorough,...
UPDATE 7/29/2015: I just released my tutorial on how to play as monsters in Diablo 3! This is my third article on how to play as monsters in various video games. Today I will be teaching you how to play as any demon, undead or beast you can...
Many of you have given me tremendously positive feedback on my tutorial on how to play as monsters in Skyrim. In light of this, I have decided to continue and make a whole series of 'How to Play As Monsters' tutorials for various games from...
(TIME IS RUNNING OUT. Find the truth in Christ now.) --- This is part 2 of my 2 part series on how to make monsters fully playable in Skyrim. In part 1, I covered how to fix the camera, enable melee attacks and create different variations of...
(TIME IS RUNNING OUT. Find the truth in Christ now.) --- This is part 1 of my 2 part tutorial on how to make any monster fully playable in Skyrim and shape shift into it with a spell. On this page, I show you how to fix the camera view for each...
First things first, you absolutely MUST see a health professional, such as a doctor on this if you are experiencing heart palpitations. The information on how to handle heart palpitations in this article are not meant as a way to treat them...
This is a step-by-step guide to getting rid of that hickey, so you don't have to go out and be seen with it!
(TIME IS RUNNING OUT. Find the truth in Christ now.) --- This is Part II of my article about the United Nation's Agenda 21 program for population reduction. Part I focused on how Codex Alimentarius was being implemented to irradiate our food of...
Agenda 21 is the United Nations official strategy to implement a number of environmentally beneficial agendas. According to the United Nations, Agenda 21 can be described as "the objective of sustainable development is to integrate economic,...
Try HIIT for your love handles. Here's how interval training, along with the right diet, can help you slim down.
Blackheads are sprouted when excessive oil and grease clogs pores on your face. This is caused by the oil being built up and unable to flow out and be excreted on your skin, due to dead skin cells that block the way or having genetically misshapen...
Below are the top 5 brain foods, starting with the most beneficial. Who doesn't love chocolate? I'll bet you didn't know it's the top food to boost brain function! At least dark chocolate is. Other forms of chocolate still help boost brain...
Recently, I wrote an article called Benefits of Being Single for all of my single friends out there. However, there are also some great advantages to being in a relationship and that's what this article is about. There are a lot of great benefits...
Below are 50 crazy facts that are bound to shock, surprise and maybe even disgust you a little bit. Enjoy! Fred and Wilma Flintstone were the first couple to be shown in bed on television. Women can hear better than men, on average, but men...
You are still fairly awake and aware of your surroundings during the first two stages of sleep each night. The brain produces the smallest and fastest sleep associated brainwaves, called beta waves. The brain begins to produce alpha waves as it...
If you just recently broke up and are trying to figure out what the benefits of being single are, you're in the right place. There are so many advantages to not having a partner that it's quite frankly amazing every time you rediscover all of...
We all totally know a zombie apocalypse is bound to happen some time or another. Will you be one of those big lazy couch potatoes who never took the time to prepare and end up getting eaten first, or will you be a prepared zombie slaying machine...
Addiction is where you get so dependent on a person, substance, object or activity that it causes painful withdrawal symptoms when you have to go without it. It is extremely unhealthy to be so attached to anything that it causes pain when you have...
According to a study done by Chemistry Central Journal, the best chocolate out there is dark chocolate. Surprisingly, dark chocolate has even more anti-oxidants than some of your healthiest fruit juices on the market. In the study, they compared...
What is love? Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me no more. Nah, just kidding. That is a great song, but not what this article is about. First, let's discuss what love IS, because the majority of this article will be focused on what love is NOT. ...
It seems like now days everyone wants to make their relationship more balanced and healthy. Having a healthy, balanced relationship will keep you and your partner both happy to be together through whatever struggles lay ahead in your relationship. ...
Getting over a break up is one of the hardest things we have to do in life sometimes. We've all been there and we've all made it out okay. However, sometimes the pain of a break up can drag on longer than necessary, if we're not doing the things...
Gun control is a popular issue in society. People who are pro gun control imagine a peaceful world, with no violence whatsoever if guns were banned. Is that realistic though? This article will go into detail discussing the pros and cons of gun...
(TIME IS RUNNING OUT. Find the truth in Christ now.) --- UPDATE 8/10/2014: Before we get into the following strategies of eliminating acne, I wanted to cut to the chase by immediately linking you to the absolute BEST method of curing acne that I...
Cardio is short for cardiovascular exercise. Cardio is an effective way to burn fat, without risking serious injury for those people who have serious heart problems or are otherwise unable to do more intense forms of calorie burning exercise. It...
High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT for short) is what professional sprinters and athletes use to cut down body fat levels to the single digits and ultimately put their athletic abilities through the roof. While it is usually shorter in duration...
Depression is the leading mental health problem in America today. In the United States, over 10% of the population suffers from severe depression and even more people suffer with the more mild forms of it. Depression causes the sufferer to...
This article will teach you the fastest way to lose body fat. The diet and workout I prescribe here is not easy, nor for the faint of heart, but if you are serious about losing body fat, it is for you. I guarantee you will drop 1 to 2% body fat...
We all know getting a full 8 hours of sleep is critical for a healthy, long life span, but just how much damage does sleep deprivation actually do? Sleep deprivation is responsible for many of the major health problems in our country today...
Acne is a physically and emotionally painful disease that affects 85% of the population, world wide, at some point or another in their lives. Symptoms include large, red zits that occasionally morph into puss-filled white heads all across the face....
The Law of Attraction is one of the five universal laws. It states that like attracts like and it is the foundation of our very existence. Without The Law of Attraction, the chemical compounds and molecular components that create and make up our...
First things first. If it's frozen, set the chicken out to thaw for an hour or two before cooking it. If it's just slightly cold from sitting in the refrigerator, 45 minutes should do the trick. Letting it sit out to thaw on the counter will...
Jealousy is a destructive emotion -- especially in relationships. It is the leading cause of fights in relationships and also the leading cause of break ups. This article will focus on what jealousy REALLY is, the masks it wears and how to...
The whole term of "Photoshopping" originally came from the ability to remove blemishes and clear up acne, moles and whatever else. When someone says ''Oh that's Photoshopped'', it's because they know how the person in the photo looks in real life...
Understanding and utilizing colors to alter and influence other people's moods can be a very powerful tool to have. Especially so if you are involved in internet sales and marketing. This knowledge can be used in logo design, internet marketing,...
Terrorism is a word that is tossed around a lot now days by politicians and other people trying to use fear mongering to control us. However, not many people have had the opportunity to sit back, detach and really analyze what terrorism is all...
Everybody is looking for something. Everyone out there has their own list of things they want to possess and achieve. Some people want a better paying job, some people want a better body, some people want a bigger house and a more attractive...
(TIME IS RUNNING OUT. Find the truth in Christ now.) --- Every guy in the world wants to figure out how to build muscle, but obviously not many have. If everyone out there knew how to build muscle, then you'd hardly see any little scrawny or fat...
Are you having a hard time figuring out how to sleep? Too much insomnia lately? You might be surprised how subtle of things can make a huge difference in keeping you awake. The purpose of this article is to identify what potentially may be...
Most people now days don't possess enough money to have to worry that their will is strong enough to hold up in court. However, it is still helpful to make your will as professional and well written as possible. That's where this step by step...
If you found your way to this article, chances are you have gotten to the point where you are so miserable that you honestly no longer have any idea why you should live. First of all, I want to make it clear that you are completely normal for...
In this article, I will teach you how to tie a tie by walking you through detailed steps as well as presenting clear illustrations for you to follow a long with. When you tie a tie with the windsor knot, it not only looks professional and helps...
First, you're going to want to set the steak out to thaw for at least 20 to 30 minutes before you intend to eat it. Longer is recommended, if possible, but at least set it out for 20 or 30 minutes. Failing to do this will cause the steak to cook...
Pickling pickles is a lot easier than it used to be with this newer technique. Just about anyone can do it with hardly a drop of sweat put into it. It makes a great, fun activity to do with your family and, as a result, you'll also have some of...
You're probably sick and tired of hearing everyone talk about Twitter and not having any clue what they mean. Don't feel bad. There's tons of people out there who still don't know what Twitter is. Twitter is a popular social networking site...
Hey there. My name is Jared Bangerter and I consider myself an expert on work out programs. I have done about 20 different work out programs over the last seven years and I know which ones promise the best results and which ones you're better off...
Meditation is a calming, focused relaxation method many people use every day to help relieve stress and tension from their lives. It is a therapeutic technique that has been used to treat depression and anxiety as well as to clear mental and energy...
Telling if someone is lying is not as hard as you might think. When accessing certain parts of one's memory, automatic reflex's in the brain cause the eyes to look in different directions. These automatic eye movements are called Visual Accessing...
You know you want a six pack. You know the ladies will be all over you when you have a pack. I remember how much of a difference it made in how much attention I was getting from women when I finally got mine. It takes hard work and dedication, but...