Tons of people get upset, uncomfortable, or edgy when you bring up the subject about Jesus, God, or religion. Why do you think that is? Everything about Jesus is good. So why do we love to hate him so much?
One simple explanation for you.
Jesus wasn't a preacher of religion's god. Christianity didn't exist before Jesus. Jesus' work wasn't religious. The religious leaders saw him as a threat to their religious belief, which would ultimately threaten their ruler-ship and decided to execute him.
The Roman Catholic Church has a perceived notion of chaos, IF humankind isn't held accountable to a higher authority. This notion is based on a pathetic assumption that ALL human beings are evil in nature. This is an out-right lie.
It claims Jesus died for the sins of humankind. Another lie. As I described above. Only those of religious view accuse every other person of being evil in nature. If you don't believe in Jesus or "GOD" or Both? Then you are condemned.
I have had this discussion before in many forum threads and my main goal is get people to understand that- to better understand Jesus' work, you must separate it from religion.
When you do this, then there is NO GOD left. The "GOD" concept was a primitive methodology used to control society, but as more people became aware, that religion's "GOD" concept was false. Civilization of humankind exploded forward, at the time, it was mostly controlled by the Religious Establishment or Church or God-Kings/Oracles and Mystics.
Because, the connection is false and Jesus told people to not submit to religion's "GOD".
Yet, Jesus' work is inside religion, so as to protect the hoax.
Any common-sense objective viewing of any bible, will show the bible of religion is absolutely absurd.
>The Roman Catholic Church has a perceived notion of chaos, IF humankind isn't held accountable to a higher authority. This notion is based on a pathetic assumption that ALL human beings are evil in nature. This is an out-right lie.
What evidence have you to support this claim? Because it seems legit to me. Just look at all the obviously visible evil in this world? The heartbreak, the murder, the destruction? You don't see any of that?
Jesus is real, hunny. That's all I gotta say, and He's here to repent your sins. Ya just gotta ask.
I don't think anyone hates Jesus, just Jesus's followers who want to ram him down our throats, proclaim his way as the only way, and step up on a pedestal that glares down on the rest of us.
So, The Donkey, your question is actually two-fold. Everything about Jesus might be good, but how people respond to being preached to about his goodness is another matter.
It is very sad that some friends of mine have "gotten Christ" to a degree where they do nothing but preach about their beliefs. I love these friends, but I find it enormously difficult to have conversations with them about anything. They are preaching Christ all the time. It's like Christ took over their brains.
Of course, he didn't, that's only what my friends think. Jesus would never dictate what to say or take possession of a human mind. He had more regard for humanity than that. His life and teachings show us how to become ourselves, for the good of all, if only we will wake up and smell the roses.
Are you sure you're not the one on the pedestal?
Well friend. God does say Jesus is the only way he is the truth. I don't think it's preaching down your throat I think it's more like the people with the spirit of Christ instilled in them understand what's coming and why. So I think people do that because they love and care so much for others they want them to accept the only thing that will save us when we die.
Interesting, I was just in the Q&A and told someone I didn't want to be preached at, and not only did they not listen, but someone else piped in and called me the spawn of Satan for not wanting to hear it. Doesn't seem like any of that came from a place of love.
I can understand the theory and if I knew someone was preaching at me because they loved me and wanted me to have the "good things" that they feel religion offers then I could respect and appreciate that. But honestly, most of the time it seems like a right vs wrong argument and people just wanna be right.
With all due respect I'm not preaching:) I guess I just love Christ with all my heart so I apologize if I came off that way.
I wasn't talking about you preaching.
I was referring to when you said this:
"I don't think it's preaching down your throat I think it's more like the people with the spirit of Christ instilled in them understand what's coming and why. So I think people do that because they love and care so much for others they want them to accept the only thing that will save us when we die."
You seem to think that people's intentions are pure and kind when they "preach", which is a nice thought and everything, and I'd be fine with it if people's intentions actually seemed good, but as per my example most of my experiences with people telling me about Christ/Christianity have been quite negative.
I am sorry they have been negative:( for real.
That's very nice of you to say. The negativity doesn't bother me on a personal level but it definitely doesn't help the image of Christianity/religion in general. I know some lovely Christians in real life but unfortunately the ones who come out to play in this kind of environment don't seem to reflect that.
You seem genuine though so I guess you've cancelled out the negative one for today!
The person should've not called ya the "spawn of Satan", although it's all n all kinda true of all disbelievers in Christ.
Why do folks hate muhamad and islam?
Same reason they hate jesus and christianity.
Both are and have been historically responsible for human death and destruction...and for what? MYTH!
That is worthy of HATE.
I don't hate any mythical gods, they're mythical, what's to hate?
People give many reasons why they hate it; the lack of technological advancement, faith-based wars and genocides; taking advantage of religious legalism; etc. But with the growing amount of people who hate it more than anything else, it's only obvious that Satan is at work. I don't use that term lightly, either. But Christianity could be said to be the most passionately hated thing in history.
Could be the reason why is because Christianity has caused more bloodshed and disaster than anything else in history.
My information new to this discussion is that people who kill in the name of Christianity are not following their religion. Jesus taught to turn the other cheek and He healed someone who Peter injured when they ceased Him. This view is like old China which people get out when they would like to discredit Christianity. I know the rule says only add if necessary but I feel it is not fair to discredit a religion because some people who used the name have created wars because they personally wanted to.
The old, old "not a true Christian" complaint has been discredited long ago. As in hundreds of years ago, for that matter.
When a major religion decides that it's perfectly okay to massacre millions of people several times throughout history, people tend to be a bit distrustful towards it.
You are incorrect Troubled Man. The total number of deaths estimated to lie at the feet of humanity's poor practice of Christianity is approximately 17 million, which is indeed horrible. However, the largest number of human deaths in history have been caused by disease, government, general human stupidity and cruelty. (no religion required). … death_toll
How is it the fault of Jesus that humans don't understand what words mean?
Islam 690million deaths since 622 ad
Christianity 0 deaths since 0 ad
Catholicism 45 million deaths since 328ad
I wouldn't say I hate Christianity but I would say I find many things about it's doctrines and teachings to be morally questionable, logically inconsistent and factually incorrect. Many teachings of Christianity are downright immoral, as are many deeds of the Christian God.
As for the claim that everything about Jesus is good I think you should re-read the Gospels again. Jesus says and does some questionable, bizarre and arguably stupid things. Here's just a few:
In Matthew 10 Jesus claims that those who love their family members more than they love him are not worthy of him. He also admits that, rather than being the prince of peace, he has actually come to bring about division even admitting that families will turn on each other. Instead of peace and unity Jesus is explaining that his teachings will cause the opposite.
- Jesus claims that simple lust is like committing adultery, creating a form of thought-crime
- Jesus teaches that you shouldn't worry about tomorrow
- Jesus teaches that, rather than stand up for yourself, you should give those that manipulate and steal from you EVEN more than they are intending to take. This teaching is in the SERMON ON THE MOUNT, one of Jesus' most famous speeches.
- Jesus kills a herd of pigs that he does not own by allowing demons he has just cast out to inhabit them and send them over a cliff.
- Jesus leads his disciples in a symbolically cannibalistic act where they pretend they are eating and drinking his flesh and blood.
And I could go on and on. In short Jesus' teachings have their high points but there are plenty of things that Jesus supposedly said or did that are not good.
If we expand that to the entire Bible things get much much much worse.
Well, is your family going to bring you into the hereafter?
But I hope I didn't offend you. I wasn't trying to come at you with this dogmatic approach and condemn you. I 'm not a hardcore christian, I can't even lie I haven't even been to church in the last few years but I have grown a personal relationship with Jesus and even I have questions. My point was to actually clear things up because I get your stance and how you feel about it. I just wanted to inform you of some of things you mentioned because you seem a bit confused on your interpretation of it and it's turned you off...again believe me I have been in your shoes so I get it.
Everything about Christ is perfect! The bible is truth and when people want to argue the bible it tells me they understand it, accept it, but allowed the devil to take control and move their focus away from the bible because it is perfect and everything Satan is... well it's a LIE. So it's a good thing to see passion it just tells of how the devil is working overtime right now. Why? Well because it's about to go down. The only reason we live is to love and go to heaven! God made it clear. Repent and accept Jesus to get your name written in the book of life. Just believe in him you know? Why is that so hard? His doctrine is perfect by all means and I personally can't wait for death to unite with Christ! Best day of my life that day
LOL. Laughing at this because it's so not true.
The Last Supper- have you heard of symbolism???
Your entire religion is symbolism, surely!
Each and every one of us is free to interpret those symbols as we see fit for and in our life.
Yet that desire for the mystical fairy of a god in the sky hijacks your thinking and your emotions...then you want to convince everyone else your thinking is the right way.
I could utter an expletive but will not.
Nope. It is of teaching, salivation, truth, trust, and love. Consider it sometime.
Nope. It is of teaching, love, trust, and salvation... consider it sometime.
Have it your way - continue to salivate.
I will contuine to witness, if that's what ya mean. You can not stop meh...
BLESS you and may Jesus make His way back into your stubborn heart.
It is not my place or wish to stop you witnessing to what you believe; only to open your eyes to what you are doing: that is, satisfying yourself, not me.
So, go your own way Galaxy. Bye.
you don't know how to rightfully divide the scriptures, nor do you know what awaits those who deny the truth, if you did you would see Jesus as we do.
For goodness sake. How many times have we heard that? Every new sect that pops up has the same spiel.
People don't hate Jesus. They simply hate having to listen to this type of thing again and again, as if it meant something of value.
If some one died for you instead of you and spared you .You would be so greatful because life is precious.
We love to live as humans so many things to learn and do and see and discover.
Thats not all possible with a short life.
Jesus value was so high .He paid for generations of lives to enter in a new world under a Heavenly Goverment as its new citizens.
The only hope we have as humans is valuble.
Because not even man can stop death.
But the Heavenly Father will continue to grant life forever.
Psalms 37:29
'And they will live forever on it'
Sorry, JW stuff isn't really what it's all about.
Concerning you L to L thats your personal choice and opinion . But millions have learned and appreciated and accepted what Jesus has done for us all as humans Jw happily share that appreaction with the world.
What ever you did, you did for yourself, praise your own imagination and getting off your butt..
For Jesus was just a man with better idea for his hardship time period. When people could barly live pass age 30. He was lucky to live pass age 33 with his magic adventures.
Not much great sacrifice there.
Because Christianity has set a poor example as Christians for centuries.
Hate is a bit of a strong word. I think some people just have different beliefs. You can't hate something that you don't believe.
This is because of the spiritual battle that takes place after the truth of God's word is spoken. For those who haven't yet come to Jesus, Satan will jealously guard his own territory, therefore the moment the word is spoken, the conflict begins. Much of the excuses you hear are actually people repeating the words and thoughts whispered to them by the enemy of our souls.
And these people hiding behind cross necklaces and praising this and that. A sham.
As a Christian, I've got to say this line of thought offends me. Sometimes, a little self reflection can help one have a better understanding of what people 'hate'. Rarely is it Jesus and Christianity. It usually involves a reaction to a lot of judgmental comments and behavior displayed which is completely alien to the example of Jesus.
The unbelievers will continue to not believe until the day comes when they will ask for His mercy, and they will get it.
It's not hatred. It's just frustration when seeing illogical thought.
I get edgy at the thought of no invisible Spirit animating all! Such a belief doesn't seem logical.
There are no doubt higher intellects in the universe, call them spirits if you will. I just doubt that any of them are interested in being our father figures.
we were created by Mighty Triple O. Mighty Triple O is both Mother and Father in the sense that Spirit created us in his/her imagination.
I imagine.
Ya made me look up "Mighty Triple O". Let's keep it serious.
Yep, we could indeed have been created. Are you supporting my lab rat theory?
Omnipresent, Omniscient, Omnipotent invisible spiritual force = Mighty Tripple O.
seems to be a force of Goodness.
Good - o = ______
Because beyond the physical is the metaphysical. The illusions of the material world seem so real. but …
and everyone one must prove it for themselves. There is no proof I can give you.
except that I exist.
We agree as to our existence and there are higher intellects. The problem is what is the higher-intellects' agenda. Should we not use empirical observation to figure that out?
Really people hate what they do not understand, it is complicated, when complicated it reflects an attitude , many times
Because you do not understand it is a judgment that something is wrong with it not them.
The same with Rubic cubes , many could not do the puzzle, and yet those that could works the puzzle in swiftness , and accurately.
Many just never persue the knowledge of how
After being unsuccessful , instead frustrated.
Also many may hate the subject based on one's lifestyle if they find their addictions or their
Unbreakable habits condemned in the scriptures.
The problem is the bible is for man , not God
He lives on through out eternity , we just was given the privilege to live during a test period of time.
We need the instructions of how to keep living as God Almighty does, many closing their own possibility.
But this is not nothing new the bible clearly says people will hate him and the truth
New World Translation
Joh 7:7 The world has no reason to hate you, but it hates me, because I bear witness about it that its works are wicked..
So clearly it is understood why they hate.
Because people are not donkeys, in short.
In length because bible itself says that Lucifer (the morning star) and Jesus are the same.
He is subversive, anti-establishment and isn't too keen on soulless money grubbing bastards. Money, the thing that people put before people. A rumor isn't a rumor that doesn't die.
Simple. They resent what they can't feel, that I can understand.
I think most people invest to much in the texts, if you're receptive to it, you can see and hear Him all around you. There's no need to wait. That could be a very scary thought to some.
I think the real story is just largely untold. And it's untold because the real story wouldn't be good for business, donations would end and lots of liars out of jobs.
Imagine a world where you have direct access to Him. And you do if you're a child of peace. Can you not see how devastating this way of thinking is to the establishment?
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who gives two shts?????
"Who cares about the environment?"
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who gives two shts?????
Perhaps if something is asked millions, billions or trillions of times it warrants a discussion.
It's interesting how people that've been on Earth for such a small amount of time discount a conversation that's been in the works for thousands of years so easily. Is it arrogance or ignorance or both?
I do nat hate any of the above. To hate something you must first believe that it exists. as far as being uncomfortable when the subject come up it is only because I know that any argument is likely to ensue over my beliefs.
I don't think that's the message, I don't believe that the take away is that he is perfect, I think imperfect yet it's okay, it's human to have and show weaknesses. And accepting yourself is perfection, that's my view on it.
Do you think really? I think it's ego for most people, they want to believe they're bigger than God or at least in control...the idea that they have to take second best doesn't go down to well with people who think they're big shots.
Because it/he's shoved down our throat when we tell you that we dont believe in him? So we'd rather not talk about him in fear that you'll go off on a rant about him/it.
Than why are you on a site like this? Obviously, subcontiously your crying out for Christ. Just accept him and let him do the work. I was more lost than you can imagine and he never ever ever left my side. He didn't push anything but he was waiting for me to turn to him and when I did...ohh man I didn't like where my life was at but its cool now because he works miracles daily for me for you for everyone and maybe it's not for us to understand but believe me he's more real than anything! Faith brother faith
Not everyone that believes Jesus will ram it down your throat. I believe Jesus. And like you, I have a right to express my beliefs. For example, I believe that Jesus is Lord and I believe that the only reason I believe this is because Jesus made it possible for me to believe.
I have been around a few people who jump at the chance to try to convince me that Jesus is a lier or a lie. So I know the feeling of having someone try to shove their beliefs down my throat. Not only do they press on on debating the issue, they will ever try to convince me that my believing Jesus is oppressing me. Some really believe they mean well, others are just playing the, "I know I'm Right Game". Either way, I don't waste my time. My point is that you shouldn't put everyone who believes Jesus (or in any particular thing for that matter) in your little box. This only serves to divide. And by the way, I believe in Satan too. This guy is a master of division.
Jesus says He came to bring peace...but He also says He came to bring a divide!!! Those that believe and trust in His redemptive work and those that don't. I agree with you though.....I don't waste my time. I am grateful that I know Him as my savior as I couldn't imagine life without Him!!! I deal with alot of people concerning spiritual issues. People don't come to Jesus because of PRIDE!! Scripture clearly talks about it......People avoid the light because they love what they do in darkness. I was an atheist and then an agnostic. It allowed me to live my life the way I WANTED....It's my life anyway.....not answering to anyone!! I wasn't looking for Jesus when I came to got the best of me and He restored my soul!!! And to the person that says it is impossible to fall in love with someone I haven't seen or know....Well let me tell you that is true. But I know Him and have seen Him....I would pray for the same for you!!! I put my experience out there and people can do as they wish....Jesus said my sheep know my voice and they follow me....some people just aren't His sheep. I see many on this thing making comments that they clearly know NOTHING about and have likely never read the scriptures....even if they have, it is spiritually discerned. It is IMPOSSIBLE for the worldly mind spiritual. That is why Jesus spoke in parables!!! It is my job to throw seed....God prepares the soil. Seed won't root in hard ground!!!
That is why Jesus is rejected, he brings a sword to divide us. Those acts are nothing short of how atrocious the behavior of the Abrahamic God, to whom is owed the blight of mankind's division.
Not true, an atheist knows only to well he answers to the most important person of all when it comes to how he lives his life; himself.
I believe in the teachings of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. The 'sword that divides us' has been around since the very beginning, when hate found a home in the human heart. There is plenty of secular history that demonstrates this tragic quality of human nature. Jesus came to bring peace, but that peace is between the man and God. Those who reject God and the only way of salvation through Jesus (John 14:6) will find themselves perpetually at war with God the Father.. and this makes some people very angry, and so they rail against this message of hope. I think this happens primarily because of encounters with so-called Christians that have the same prideful hypocritical attitude of the Pharisees, of which Jesus himself denounced. We all have free will to choose of course. There are and have been numerous people that would love to "feed the Christians to the lions" and enjoy every moment of it as they are ripped apart feeling a sense of lurid satisfaction. And there are some pathetic excuses for Christians that have enjoyed the slaughter of nonbelievers (and true believers) with lurid satisfaction as well. Both of these groups are on par with the behavior of demons in my opinion.. literal or archetypal. Take your pick. I for one am diametrically opposed to the spirit and psychology of human cruelty and stupidity.
Excellent post! The only point of disagreement is your comment on the free will of man. See:
John 6:44 - No one can come to Jesus Christ unless he is drawn to Him by God.
Rom. 9:6-21 - it depends, not on man's will, but on God (v.16).
Eph. 1:4 - God chose us, not v.v.
How can man choose when (Eph.2:1) he is spiritually dead and incapable of coming to Christ of his own will?
Eph.2:8-10 - any effort of man (including making a choice) is a work of God, not man.
Much more, but this should be enough to make the point that salvation is totally and completely the work of God: "You must be born again" in order to see (comprehend) and enter the kingdom of God - John 3:3-8.
It is impossible to understand the spiritual things of God with a physical mind.
Great explanation, Herald.
If it's impossible to understand god and what he wants with our physical minds, why would he only create us with physical minds, incapable of understanding him?
I would think the answer to that might be that it is easier to forgive someone for getting you wrong if you were sure they lacked the ability to get you right in the first place.
If we're unable to get it right in the first place just by our nature, why would forgiveness be necessary?
I do apologize, but I was simply answering your previous question. There was no mention of forgiveness in it.
But there was forgiveness as a key element of your answer, which is what I'm attempting to clarify
You left something out of your statement regarding man's inability to understand God. Colorfulone rightly stated it when he said that it's impossible to understand the SPIRITUAL things of God with a physical mind. All men possess a physical mind, but it is devoid of the ability to comprehend the spiritual things of God (1 Cor.1:18-2:16). The mind and heart of man has been darkened through disobedience to God. The ability to understand the spiritual things of God requires an understanding given by He, Himself (Col. 1:9).
God didn't create man with the inability to spiritually understand Him. Man lost it through Adam's disobedience to God's command.
Firstly it's quite possible to use one's mind to understand God.
Secondly we need to use a mind purified of negativity and hate. Hatred for other religions for example.
Thirdly we need to examine our minds and eliminate such hatreds and negativity. This will create a refreshed spiritual mind that will assist in finding our higher self or "God "
Jesus never said He came to bring peace. He actually said "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword." Matthew 10:34
That was actually quite lovely. What a good testimony.
Agreed! Christianity will always cause division and hate. Well said.
After interacting with the many characters that cross this stage, sometimes you notice some appear to be cut from the exact same cloth. I am sure that has been thought of many, myself included. If that were true of one of your biggest admirers, and if in fact that admirer turned out to be a puppet made of the cloth in question, I know who the hand inside would be.
The message is we're all one, it's ahead of its time and will be for the foreseeable future. It'll divide people by definition because they're not ready to realize or admit that their energy affects people and places you'd never imagine.
One world Religion
Not going to ever happen, because everyone will be murdered everyone else before that one Religion happens. Except me I am the chosen one to be very well hidden.
This scripture refers to religion that is condemn by the true God .
Rev 17:16 And the ten horns that you saw and the wild beast, these will hate the prostitute (religion)and will make her devastated and naked, and they will eat up her flesh and completely burn her with fire.
So rather people believe in God and Jesus or not ,it still fulfill this bible prophecy that you hate religion. As written.
But it is something bigger that we should see.
How did he know this !
As far as hate he writes that as well ,its nothing new.
Pr 8:36 But the one who ignores me harms himself, And those who hate me love death.”
They love death because .because he is the God that gives life to all souls.
Lu 20:38 He is a God, not of the dead, but of the living, for they are all living to him.”
So if you hate what keeps you living ,then how can you keep living without his power to sustain your life.
If you die the one who gave life and made you exist ,can return the same favor . Why seal it with hate and die forever.
You pick and choose the words and sentences that fit the story you want to tell. "Cherry Picking."
That is what's so false about you religion.
Hi Jonny! I guess I cherry pick your reaction and response to my comment. It's nice hearing from you
hope things and life are going well for you ,
Wishing you love and peace !
That's like saying I have the right to express a belief that an invisible purple dragon living in my garage made it possible for me to believe he lives there, even though he's invisible and no one can see him.
(Sorry, I know you replied a while ago but I really just wanted to say this.)
You make it sound like you DON'T have a right to believe that. Now, I know (okay, I assume it's sarcasm but I'm basically 100% positive) that you don't mean that you literally believe that there is an invisible purple dragon in your garage. However, to put it to the extent of believing in God, like I do, or being agnostic, like many of my friends and my boyfriend are, or being atheist, like other of my friends are, is the same. I have a right to BELIEVE in God. They have a RIGHT to be agnostic/atheist, or Muslims or Buddhists or whatever else a person is.
Now, just because we each have that right, that doesn't mean you should go around screaming at everyone to believe you and killing those who don't agree. Just as you have the right to believe, others have the right to disbelieve. Which means that it's not okay to kill other people for not believing. Now, other people have said that religion has done bad things for humanity and the world. I know someone who constantly points out that there have been priests who are pedophiles. On that note, priests aren't the only pedophiles in the world. Non-Christians have done bad things too. Hypocrites exist everywhere. I don't believe in hypocrites and people who do bad things when they say they won't, just as all Muslims want to be associated with terrorists.
So, just to let you know, if anyone is forcing their beliefs upon you, that's pure BS, because that's basically like YouTube commenter trying to impose ideas on other YouTubers (aka it doesn't work).
You do. You have that right, but it's ridiculous. Again, you've been on the planet for X amount of years and flippantly dismiss what's been on people's tongues for thousands of years. Is that not ridiculous too? You've got it figured.
They're just words after all, yet those annoyed by words and ideas retaliate with modern day crucifixion, make sense?
And you ram it down peoples throats that they ram it down your throat.
People don't hate Jesus but hate religion, of course religion is man made and selfish causing more harm to humanity. Why do I say so? Some religious cabals will always play their wicked and selfish politics using religion, when their hearts are far from God or whatever divinity they claimed. Jesus Christ kicked against religion in His earthly days.
It is not Jesus Christ per se, but the Roman Catholic's way of "sales promotion" of Jesus Christ, that perhaps make many people become wary of Jesus. A case of essentially good product being sold cheaply in a poor package!
"I think Jesus was a compassionate, super-intelligent gay man who understood human problems." -- British singer Elton John.
I think it is the people who "preach" Jesus who give the guy his bad name.
I would say those who preach Jesus but don't actually do what he says that give him a bad name.
I think it's cause Jesus speaks the truth and people generally hate being told the truth... even if it hurts.
You're insinuation that certain people cannot read, is correct to some extent, but your intentions with the conversation on hand, you've personally attacked every person who doesn't believe like you.
Nice job. Hope you're happy with yourself selfish, righteous self.
And, you want me to smile? Man, you've lost your mind.
Friendship is the only cure for hatred, the only guarantee of peace.
Let yourself be open and life will be easier. A spoon of salt in a glass of water makes the water undrinkable. A spoon of salt in a lake is almost unnoticed.
Better to have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy!
A Texan
You are indeed the voice of experience! Hey Tex!
If I wanted any shit outa you I would have squeezed your head!
Howyadoin Randy?
Pretty good, Tex. Having a beer at the moment. I passed on the lobotomy. Did it hurt bad?
Whiskey, I suppose?! Don't tell me you are a wine guy!
Wine? No, can't say as I'm a wine guy, my ol lady fell off the bar stool when I told her that. Yes, I have a bar, shocking ain't it.
Not at all, Tex. I never pictured you as a wine guy. My wife loves wine, but in her case, sometimes it's whine!
Mine is a Wine connoisseur herself, along with the occasional Cuervo 1800 shot, that's when it gets good around here!
I never doubted we were too different, you know, great minds and all that.
Marine Corps payed for it, unscrew head insert bullshit, Jarhead!
I can make those jokes, I earned the right!
And money well spent, I might say! Later Tex, have one on me, Pearl or Lone Star?
Had the teachings of Jesus been passed on as purely as they came from his lips, the whole world would be christian by now.
Loose quote.
People love Jesus for what he was. We just hate the way he and his teachings have been distorted.
I agree with you there hun.. his teachings have definitely been distorted and people are making up words that he never actually said or interpreting it the wrong way..
misrepresentation . religions are making a fool of god ideas with their self righteous assumptions.
If one were to look into Judeo-Christian teaching (The Bible) there are some serious issues that hits one in the face. Jesus, God are expecting mankind to be accountable and mankind has rejected God's expectation of us since the very beginning otherwise Adam and Eve would have left the tree of knowledge alone.
Mankind has always railed against authority I daresay that's why the wars on this planet are endless. Consider this if it is found that God does exist there will be an awful price to pay for all of us who have rejected him.
And, if God doesn't exist, it's all just a cheesy fairy tale or the biggest hoax to be pulled on the gullible of all time.
Who in the hell starts a SP account to raise a three year old thread from the dead just to troll it?
Jesus, take up macrame or painting or buy a damn fish or something.
Any takers on how long it last before the banning this time? I got five on four days.
"He is a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense, and they stumble on it, in that they do not obey the word, for they are appointed to this."
I Peter 2:8
Aramaic Bible in Plain English (©2010)
People who seem to hate Jesus resent the religion more than the focus itself. Most Atheists agree with the morality behind his teachings (except, you know, the whole God part), but his followers have committed too many wrongs just for the sake of their faith for Atheists to morally justify. As a result, they seem to resent the root cause of this, which is Christianity itself.
Personally, I don't blame the entire following of this faith for the shortcomings of others, but I am able to recognize that it has intrinsic and inexcusable flaws. I think that we should all respect each other's views though. I hope this answered your question!
Ghandi said it best with “I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. They are so unlike your Christ.”
This is commonly quoted by many, but unfortunately, this is a false Ghandi quote. It reminds me of the Bill Cosby e-mail that went around. It gains ground and belief by playing towards a specific audience that really wants to believe this whether it is true or not.
"As quoted by William Rees-Mogg in The Times [London] (4 April 2005) {not found}. Gandhi here makes reference to a statement of Jesus: “No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon." (Luke 16:13); also partly quoted in Christianity in the Crosshairs : Real Life Solutions Discovered in the Line of Fire (2004) by Bill Wilson.
I have found no authoritative source for Gandhi saying this. The actual quote is attributed to Bara Dada, "Jesus is ideal and wonderful, but you Christians -- you are not like him." Source - Jones, E. Stanley. The Christ of the Indian Road, New York: The Abingdon Press,1925. (Page 114)"
I think the simpler explanation is that people get edgy when they think they are about to be preached at. That is what they hate.
Can anyone in this thread tell me when and where they have been preached at besides the internet? I do not believe someone is just going to walk up to you (besides Jehovah's witnesses) and ask you about your beliefs or the lack thereof.
Yesterday, I had my weekly visit by the Mormon missionaries who have been sent from Utah to Georgia to spread the word of Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon. They seem like really nice guys, so I let them come in and we talk for a while, then they give me a homework assignment, and set up a new time for us to meet again. I supposed they believe God has sent them over across the states to save yesterday is the answer.
Just to be clear, I find it fascinating because I love studying religions....and to hear their beliefs are quite hilarious like all other religions, but I do enjoy it.
I was talking about outside of your home. Not door to door Mormons or Jehovah's witnesses. Has anyone ever just came up to you and asked you what your beliefs are?
No, not really but no one has really ever asked me about how the weather is today either. My point is people go out of their way to specifically talk about it by coming to your goddamn house!!!!
Now, that I have thought about it, yes. I got asked what religion I practiced every year when I taught school.
Whoa there partner. No need for the language. So what you are saying is you let them in just to mock them and their beliefs. Why not just politely send them on their way.
No, that is not what I'm saying at all. I'm not mocking them. I genuinely find their beliefs fascinating. I guess I didn't know it was going to be a weekly occurrence when I was so warm and welcoming, now I am going to feel like I have let them or God down for not converting to Mormonism when it's all said and done, so I am contemplating just going along with it. Heck, I did that the same thing with Christianity. And, I apologize if my language seemed a bit harsh, sometimes I find it difficult to translate how I would really say the words into text form, and for that I apologize. That's something I need to learn how to do a bit better.
You know I used to discuss their beliefs with them when Jehovah Witnesses came to my door but as soon as I told them I was a born again Christian they ran as if they'd seen the devil. Only had one Mormon incident when two teenage Mormons came a knockin. A couple simple questions revealed they knew nothing about the Bible but wanted to push the book of Mormon on me. When I asked them who sent them out to proselytize people they seemed pretty enamored with their "leader" back at the cult, gave me his name too. So I said, "You go on back to your whatever you call him and tell him I said if he wants to discuss religion with me to send a man and not send children." Funny, never heard from them again. I suppose my soul wasn't important enough.
Now instead of wasting any time and before they go into their spiel I simply say to them, "You ever look up "Jehovah Witness Cult" (or "Mormon cult") on the internet?" They always say no, once one admitted she doesn't have internet. I was going to say go to the library but a little voice said "oh what's the use."
So I say, "I'll be glad to discuss religion with you, go to the internet and Google "Jehovah Witness Cult", study what you find and if you can come back here and explain to me how the JWs is not a cult, I'm all ears, have at it, I'll buy you lunch.
Done this four times so far over recent years, never had anyone come back. If they didn't have enough initiative to do what I said there is no way I, a stranger will be likely to get to them and if they did what I said there is no way they will accept my challenge to come back because they'll know they are in a cult.. Saves me a lot of wasted time.
Funny story actually, because I really had no idea what the hell these Mormons believe. I started asking them questions and you were right they didn't know. I was like so what do you guys do here. I live in a college town, so I figured they went to UGA and did this part time. Nope, this is all they do. They are on a mission trip. I said so what would you say the difference between Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons are? Now, this is when it got interesting because you could see their expressions.."Oh, we aren't like those crazy people"..we believe everybody can get into heaven if they just believe this. Im like ...Oh so its not a set number but its not everybody, so then it is a number? They said, well I guess if you put it that way, yeah it are totally right. They know nothing about this's a cult...and I know about cults I lived in one for a year...its called AA, but that's a different subject.
Yeah, it's unbelievable. All you have to do is Google any question about any religion, cult, the Bible etc. and you can find in depth answers and explanations for anything. For example misconceptions people have about the Bible are refuted and explained by accredited apologists who have spent their lives studying and researching the Bible but people continue to live with their heads in the ground believing lies they've heard or their feelings and never challenging these opinions which most often are formed without any serious investigation of the facts or both sides of an issue. Atheists often dismiss the Bible as a collection of fairy tales when they haven ever studied it. If they had they would never make an uneducated, uninformed statement like that which would embarrass anyone who values reason.
Billboards everywhere. Government meetings, dinners, etc. that start with a prayer. A rodeo I attended that required the entire audience - Christian, Muslim, Atheist, Pagan, whatever - to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance whereupon they were regaled with a 15 minute sermon on the necessity of teaching children Christianity, disguised as prayer. The sidewalks of Las Vegas where a madwoman with a PA system preached to everyone within a city block. The subway. Radio. TV. Even the locker room of the local YMCA.
A much shorter list would be "Where have I NOT been preached at?". And the answer would be my bedroom and my bathroom.
Strangely enough, with the single exception of Hare Krishna's (sp?) at an airport many years ago, it has all been done by followers of Christ, taking it upon themselves to ignore the words of Christ and interfere with how others live their life.
Quoting Wilderness regarding being preached to: " has all been done by followers of Christ, taking it upon themselves to ignore the words of Christ..."
Sounds like comments on what Gandhi did, or did not say. Christians don't take it upon themselves (implying doing something that Jesus Christ did not command). Christ clearly did command His followers to preach to others: Matthew 28:19; Mark 16:15.
No facts? No sense. No sense? Nonsense.
It is so futile to keyboard words when people apparently don't know how to read. I am done keyboarding about God.
There is the aspect of not wasting shiny white pearls on pink pigs who only trample them with their cloven feet.
Why bother?
Don't let futility sink in. If you know Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, then remember that He never called us to convince anyone of the truth of the Gospel. We are not prosecuting attorneys, only witnesses, telling what we know (Acts 1:8), leaving the results up to God (John 3:3-8). Instead of vanity, be happy that you did what God has commanded you to do.
Aren't you kind of forgetting Matt. 7:12? Or intentionally ignoring the words of the Lord?
Acts 1:8
"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
Matt 7:12
Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.
Matt 7:6
"Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you."
Kind of at odds with each other, aren't they? Unless being witness means only to those that wish to hear the message instead of anyone within earshot.
Kathryn, I'm not sure what you mean, but let me share the following based upon what I think you're making reference to - not sharing the Gospel:
I have already shared the meaning of Matt.7:12 (see my post to wilderness, above). The Matt.7:6 reference has to do with continued sharing of the Gospel when a person has become obstinate after the gospel was preached to him or her, has blasphemed it, and persecuted those who preach it; don't spend a lot of time with that person because it is lost labor, "giving what is holy (the Gospel message) to dogs," throwing "...your pearls before swine." Turn and share it with other needy folks.
No, Matthew does not say anything like that. It says (in this specific case) to keep your mouth shut until asked. Unless you wish others to constantly preach, uninvited, to you?
"No" to your question. In Matt.7:12, Jesus exhorts me to treat others in the same way that I would have them treat me. So I share the Gospel with unbelievers because, if I were one, I would want them to share it with me. To share with someone how eternal condemnation can be avoided, and how he or she can live in eternal bliss with God is an expression of love. I don't share with someone because I hate them; it's because I am genuinely concerned for their soul. However, if a person requests that I not share it with them, I will honor the request. Is that your desire?
But you are not one; you are a christian. Matt 7:12 says not to "share" your religion with others unless you wish them to share theirs with you. Do you wish to be constantly harangued with the follies of your belief, with a stream of "information" about how great Islam is, or Buddhism as opposed to the lie of Christianity? Do you wish to be told 1,000 times over that you will be reincarnated as an insect? Would you like to see 20 billboards espousing the sayings of wicca every day on your drive to work? Do you wish to be forced to sit through chanting Muslim prayers any time there is a public event?
No? Then follow Matt. 7:12 and do not seek to covert others to your belief. You do not wish it done to you: do not do it to others. Keep your words, your written "messages" and your prayers to yourself until asked for them.
Okay, your desire is that I not share with you. I will honor your request. As far as everyone else in the world, I will do as commanded by Jesus Christ.
I know that I must earn the right to be heard; then I will share. If someone responds to my posts on this website, or any other opportunity I have to share, they are implying that I have the right to be heard and share with them. However, if they request that I not share with them, I'll honor the request.
In closing, do you think that you should to continue to share your beliefs with me if you are demanding that I reciprocate (of course, only a fool would think that this world is fair)?
Of course you will continue to "share" your message with anyone that can hear it. Christianity as a whole finds that to be a commandment from their god, regardless of the golden rule (also from their god). It fills the pews, after all, and the collection plates as well.
In general, I do not "share" by (lack of) beliefs...until others have done so or until asked. This would be in line with what Matthew says - until you have expressed a desire to hear different religions preached at you (by preaching your own at others) you won't get it from me.
I do, however, wonder how you justify preaching at those that have not expressly asked that you not do so in view of God's command not to do so?
Dear Harold:
While I believe your intentions are good… sometimes good intentions can pave the way to hell.
I believe one should not presume he/she understands Jesus completely. If you do not understand Jesus completely you are sharing half truths... in which case
why bother.
I'll tell you why:
* out the desire to be right.
* to be in an authoritative position.
* to change those who you can never change. (And I should know!)
In My Opinion
Ps I just read in the bible that one should only say YAY YAY and NAY NAY!!! !
"But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil." Matthew 5:37
No human being is capable of understanding Jesus Christ - infinite God. Jesus has exhorted His followers, however, to share what we do know about who He is and why He became man. Therefore, I share.
My message is according to the Word of God and not half-truths.
1. I absolutely wish to be right (communicating truth) in my sharing the message of eternal life (or death); and that message of truth is that Jesus is the only way, truth, and life. No one comes to God except through the work of Christ (John 14:6).
2. There is no authority except that given by God. Your statement on this implies autonomous, sovereign power. Only God has this.
3. I know that no one has the power to change (convert) another from unsaved to regenerated, except God (John 3:3-8).
Your commentary on Matthew 5:37 seems not to have taken into consideration its contextual setting: Matthew 5:33-37. Examining scripture contextually keeps one away from eisegesis.
"Eisegesis (/ˌaɪsəˈdʒiːsəs/; from the Greek preposition εἰς "into" and the ending from the English word exegesis, which in turn is derived from ἐξηγεῖσθαι "to lead out") is the process of interpreting a text or portion of text in such a way that the process introduces one's own presuppositions, agendas, or biases into and onto the text. This is commonly referred to as reading into the text. The act is often used to "prove" a pre-held point of concern to the reader and to provide him or her with confirmation bias in accordance with his or her pre-held agenda. Eisegesis is best understood when contrasted with exegesis. While exegesis is the process of drawing out the meaning from a text in accordance with the context and discoverable meaning of its author, eisegesis occurs when a reader imposes his or her interpretation into and onto the text. As a result, exegesis tends to be objective when employed effectively while eisegesis is regarded as highly subjective." Dictionary
Well, what does that phrase mean in your view?
Your research was very good. Your interpretation of Matthew 5:37 seems to have been derived at through eisegesis. It has nothing to do with sharing, or not sharing, the gospel. It has everything to do with being careful if one is contemplating making a vow. We have not been talking about vow-making; we've been discussing sharing the gospel, and how far the Christian should go when so doing. For example, we're called to share the gospel "to all creation," making disciples of converts, and when to discontinue sharing with obdurate, hardhearted folks. It has nothing to do with vows. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the way you wrote that post seemed to either lack continuity, or was misleading.
Because they are totally intolerant of all religions, particularly of religions which are peaceful easy targets.
I just think people fear what they don't know. Jesus is great when you hear the stories about him.
The bible gives the answer, Joh 8:42 Jesus said to them: “If God were your Father, you would love me, for I came from God and I am here. I have not come of my own initiative, but that One sent me.
On the other hand Joh 8:44 You are from your father the Devil, and you wish to do the desires of your father. That one was a murderer when he began, and he did not stand fast in the truth, because truth is not in him. When he speaks the lie, he speaks according to his own disposition, because he is a liar and the father of the lie.
Jesus is one choice satan is the other.
No in between.
What our choices in life are prove who is our Father, Notice lying is a work of satan if we lie he is our father, if we murder he is our father, if we steal he is our Father like Adam and Eve they took God's forbidden fruit. They listen to satan.
The point is either our hearts will condemn us
Or either it will keep us in God’s favor we make the choice.
A pastor gose to the white north and teaches Eskimo man all about the Bible and Jesus. Where the Eskimo knew nothing about Jesus before.
The Pastor ask the Eskimo do you except Jesus Christ as your Savior and lord.
Eskimo - said no
Pastor - Because you know Jesus so well now. You will go to hell for refusing Jesus.
Eskimo- So why did tell me so much about Jesus in the first place?
Go back in time, a 1000 times longer than Jesus period.
We had man and his imagination, where everything man evolved with and achieved was all once imagined.
Including the bible and Hollywood and it's top 10 all time fantasty selling movie series of all time.
Noah is the only Bible story movie that made the top 100 movies of all time. Christian members on earth are lowering greatly too.
I perfer how they run happier non Religious countries.
Making love- my God and nature my Religion. No hate for Jesus or anyone, he was a small part of our history.
Oh, Happy Man. Isn't that a blessing when you see the light of what your life must be? When you have discarded the mental gymnastics of fanatical religion and found a clear path for your life?
Many will try to dislodge you from that path, CP. Stand firm and true.
Yes stay on the true path, don't get, you are sounding very religious JCL.
Preaching the "clear path".
Buddhist perhaps?
We could call it the clear light of impersonal Buddhist atheism perhaps? (Note: Of course Buddhism is a religion with God's, prayers, temples etc)
True, Buddhism is practised as a religion in some countries, like Sri Lanka, Nepal. Yet the "Path of the Buddha" is a personal one, not dependent on ceremony, rite, etc. In the same way that a personal journey of any search for true and deep meaning is independent of outward show-bizz manifestations.
I am not these days "religious," but it would not be against my principles to walk into any place of worship if I felt it could widen my knowledge and understanding.
That "clear path" truly is a personal and private one, for each of us.
And, as I hope you will be aware by now, I am not against anyone being religious if that's their choice, provided they respect my choices (and yours, Oz) likewise.
Is there a true path to universal truth and knowledge?
Each path would be too limited if you stayed narrow to one path.
Cherry picking from each groups ideas then form your own dreams to create your own universe.
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