There are a lot of people who call themselves Christians, but from a simple reading of John chapter 3 we find that the Lord Jesus said emphatically: 'You MUST be born again!' John 3.7.
I am a born-again Christian, born again about 20 years ago. I have the assurance that my sins are forgiven; and I know that I am a child of God, indwelt by the Holy Spirit. For me the Bible is a living Book, whose words speak to me through promises that comfort and strengthen and inspire. They are words of eternal life.
I know that apart from the Lord Jesus Christ I can do nothing, John 15:5. I know also that God takes His children through many trials to purify their faith, 1 Pet 1:7.
I was wondering if there are other born-again Christians here on HubPages, so that we can link up with one another and encourage one another.
How can you be so sure that your sins are forgiven? & exactly what sins are you talking about?
Good luck with that.
(Well, I don't believe in "luck", but that's just an expression.)
Anyway, YES, I'm a born-again Christian, hallelujah!
Nice to "meet" you on here.
I said "good luck" because I've already tried it in the Christian Discussion thread, and we seem to be few and far between around here! But there are some!
So you are lookng to LINK Up with one another?
Are you Sure you don't Mean HOOK Up with one another?
Why exactly do you want to do that?
Are you Hoping to improve your position here beyond that of the missionary position that you appear to be promoting?
It Looks like you are really into John
So you BELIEVE that your sins have all been washed away... down the river to stick to some poor unsuspecting soul doing her washing downstream?
And You've been here for 3 Days and are controlling a forum thread with all the sinless confidence of a Newbie?
Any person who calls themself a "Christian" is born again through baptism. The two are the same.
Being born again is different from baptism. When we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and are saved through the washing of the precious Blood and the regeneration of the Holy Spirit - then we are born again.
Baptism follows. It is a testimony on our part, that we identify ourselves with the death, burial and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.
We should not confuse being born again with baptism. Many are baptized who are not born again!
Interesting that you see it as two different things. chronologically I see it as the other way around; One must first build on their faith by careful study and prayer, and then by the guidance of the holy spirit you are born again through baptism after which you receive the permanent gift of the Holy Spirit.
I think that we are talking about two different baptisms here ... baptism by water is what we do as an outward expression of an inward change in relationship with Jesus. A water baptism isn't always proof of a relationship with Him. Baptism by the Holy Ghost is the infilling of the Holy Spirit as found in the book of Acts which manifests as power both in the natural and the spirit.
Hi, Pratonix. I am a born again christian of nearly 15 yrs. I believe just as you may concerning the things of our lord jesus christ. Do you obey acts 2:38 I live by it. Question for you if you can help me Looking to set up a blog somewhere in the pages here for my church Solid Rock Apostolic Pentecostal Church we are located in Lillington, NC very small found a building to move into from our old storefront but will need funds to do some revamping and to get into the building by 1 Oct. 2010. I will be asking that anyone who sees this particular blog donate only $1.00 or more if they see fit to the cause with their name and address and we will send a loving reply in return for their loving contribution. My name is Matthew Green I am an associate and sound controller in my church. My address is 102 James helen ct Willow Spring, NC 27592 if you wish to send donations. May Jesus always and continue to bless you and your family.
I am a born again Christian, and would love to join your network of other believers. I love your idea of encouraging one another (and encouraging everyone else on here, too...everyone needs encouragement), so I'm glad I "met" you on here.
Bless you, Donna. You're like a breath of fresh air in this 'thread'.
Oh come on. Give her a chance! She only said like two sentences so far! I'm sure once you start comparing notes you'll find that she too isn't a true christian like you...
I have been born again many times all by healing. What born again really means is having clarity from healing inner wounds from your life. A person as spiritual growth by doing so. Thereby, it is so much like seeing for the first time. Like the blinders have been taken off.
I am not religious. I am spiritual. I add my two cents so others know that it isn't only one meaning to what Jesus said. Which many think that it refers basically only to the superficial practice of being dunked in water and then one is magically going to enter the kingdom of heaven.
When the real meaning refers to healing your inner self and by doing so you automatically are born again literally mentally by seeing for the first time in a new perspective and it is life changing more times than not. Which creates spiritual growth!
That's only from my own perspective. My opinion. You can take it or leave it. Sorry if I offended anyone.
Sounds very 'new age' to me. Do you believe that the Bible is the Word of God?
Jesus's words in red writing in the holy text speaks loud and clear. He was an amazing and astonishing man!
My opinion is that we are all son's' and daughter's' of God. Not just one man and that human in flesh was suppose to be god, no. That's why Jesus said "These things I do you can do also!"
I can have mystical experiences and when I go to write down those experiences I am going to shape the writing around my own beliefs and opinions [innocently enough]; as I clarify what I experienced and / or was told about what had transpired.
It is human nature to form written words by ones perception of what happened. Two people having the same experience can both walk away with totally different perceptions of what happened. How we interpret and perceive what is said and experienced from how we received the message determines how we write it.
Did God write the bible...NO! But he sure did have a lot of messengers telling things to the people and the prophets, scribes, priests and many unknown authors wrote the 66 books of the bible. They used their own words, mind frame, opinions, beliefs and so forth as they wrote down what was and what wasn't said.
Furthermore, there's no proof that a God would be jealous and hateful and go along with killing. It isn't spiritual and it isn't natural. Religion equals bloodshed. Always has always will!
Christianity and the Muslim religion /Quran have caused more bloodshed than all the wars combined and then some. Religion is fierce and vicious when it comes right down to the harsh judgments and criticism it unleashes on people and places.
Killing people over religious views is never good. It is like Hitler pretending his way was the only good way. As he tried to convince people of that. And he did!
I'm sure Jesus would disagree with the majority of how the Christian religion was formed and on what principles it is shaped today.
It was 'man' after all who wrote the 66 books of the bible. Man tried to interpret what was said or experienced by some paranormal phenomena in the shape of supernatural experience(s) as best as they could understand, interpret and write down the accounts. Scribes often wrote down the words of many of the prophets so there it goes into a third hand.
I believe in a divine being but not the one that says to sacrifice animals, or kill, and is a jealous God, etc..
I take out the truth from all the holy books that equals to being heart centered and to love and care about all living things.
By no means would I ever consider believing in everything the bible says as true. That would be absurd and would go totally against my own supernatural experiences and spiritual understanding. If Jesus was God he wouldn't have cursed the innocent fig tree and killed it with a form of psychic attack.
Call my way new age if you want. My beliefs and opinions' are only formed by what I have personally experienced firsthand that has opened my eyes to the spiritual self and supernatural phenomena. And by that happening it has paved the way to a higher form of understanding and awareness. A spiritual awareness by experiences alone. One that many books collaborate and help me understand better mystical experiences and the divine consciousness as I venture forth and understand better what is and what isn't.
If you want to believe God wrote the bible word for word fine do so but ask yourself how, why, when, and who as you're reading through the books.
Just to tell you there are evil spirits who are deceiving spirits who 'manufacture' mystical experiences.
If you don't believe that the Bible is the Word of God 100%, then you have reached a dead-end. And there is no way forward!
What a pathetic joke! One religion isn't the only way to heaven. Or religion alone. You have been totally brain washed. Probably your whole life.
There's a verse in the Bible that says Satan masquerades as an angel of light.
Bam, Kimberly, you're dead. The True Christian has spoken it, you must repent. You've been misled, and are actually in league with the devil.
Plus you are far too decent to be truly born again. I see no Spirit within you, no puffed-up pride, no arrogant ignorance.
Clearly you need to be born again.
No offense, Kimberly. Your words were a 'breath of fresh air' compared to the usual Christian stench.
Kind Regards and the tip-o-the-hat.
No it doesn't.
It is born "from above." Not born again.
It is a common mistake, but verse 7 is;
"Do not be amazed that I told you, 'You must be born from above."
Even Nicodemus translated it wrong. He thought Jesus said "born again." But Jesus goes on to correct him. That is what verse 7 is about.
It can be translated 'born again', 'born from above', 'born of the Holy Spirit'.
Just as one is born physically, so also one is 'born again' spiritually. Born again through the power of the Holy Spirit. Born from above, because the Holy Spirit has come from heaven.
Well it can be translated to anything...., but it reads born above. Big difference. That is the problem with Christianity- mistranslated biblical verses.
Very disappointing.
Did you not understand that even Jesus Christ had to correct Nicodemus? Verse 7 is Jesus Christ correcting him on his "translation." He corrects Nicodemus, and said to him "Born from above."
For the second time the verse is; "Do not be amazed that I told you, 'You must be born from above." The do not be amazed, is Christ correcting Nicodemus. The second part is Jesus reiterating what he had said.
Do you not own a bible? The words are in black and white.
In the English language, as well as Aramaic; "above and again" are TWO different words. I'm not trying to be condescending here, but, you do realize this don't you?
"Just as one is born physically, so also one is 'born again' spiritually. Born again through the power of the Holy Spirit. Born from above, because the Holy Spirit has come from heaven."
The second sentence above makes my point very clear.
Hush! False christian! What know ye, oh spiritless one.
It's okay, Patronix. Just ignore her. She must be catholic or something.
It can be translated anyway you want it to be, huh Patron? Goodness, every true christian knows that!
Born again Christian here...Been saved since I was six years of age and have served God for most of my life. I have grown a lot more in the last 20 years. It is such a blessing to talk to other born again christians and encourage one another along this long and winding road. God Bless!
a lot of people do not realize the effects of being born again
while some others simply outgrow the indoctrination when they first recognise what it is.
its a JOKE to say that i love Jesus and worship Jesus and i am a real Christian BUT I HATE MY ENEMY..this is not Christianity.
Real Christian means a lover of God and all the living entities.
I can change my religious group or sect anytime from catholic to born again, to muslim to hindu etc. Yes anytime.. but it doesnt mean that i LOVE GOD with all my heart mind and entire being.
BELIEVING in GOD is wonderful but LOVING GOD is FAR MORE wonderful.
Pick some flowers and offer it to Him.
flowerpickposted 3 days agoin reply to this
Jesus disagrees with you, but what does 'he' know?
Jesus also said that the church is in you, and all around you. "split a piece of wood and you will find me, lift a stone, and i will be there." but, the cathilics threw that out with the bathwater. Amazing how you can believe in someone so much, and throw their very words away for fear that knowledge of those words would hamper control over the people. sick.
Pratonixposted 3 weeks ago
There are a lot of people who call themselves Christians,"
Just-like-you-do. They also have babble verses to back them up.
I used to be. Then I guess that I became unborn.
Earnest... you are still going at it? (sigh)
klarawieck you are still going at it (sigh)
You know it!!! Greetings from Miami.
Don't go into overtime in this forum. Save your fingertips for more important things
Good advice! I have another exciting hub to write on automotive workshop machinery.
You will be fascinated when you realise that you can't resist this information.
Joking aside, my automotive advice is better received than my religious advice!
Well they are all well read and understood apparently going by the comments.
I never get a straight answer here on these religious forums.
didn't mean nuttin by it;... Just saying howdi
I did not take offence Jerami.
I think most hubbers would find auto workshop machinery to be the most boring thing they have ever read!
Not if it tells um how to save a few bucks on keeping my car running. And if I can't do it myself maybe tell me when someone is trying to "Give It to me"
Took the wife's car to the AC guy to have a lb. of freon put in it cause the compressor didn't kick in.
He wanted me to spend $900.OO to replace the whole thing.
Took it home ck. it out....
$1.25 fuse fixer Ur up.
I can see where you could keep a few peoples interest with auto advice.
True. I have seen hundreds of cases like the one you describe.
Sometimes it is the aft through ignorance, other times people get fleeced by sharp operators. Well at least they think they are sharp!
It is funny though. That shop did have a bunch of Jesus loves you stuff on the walls. I'm always suspicious of the advertisers. Here om forums is diffrent than in the world.
John Wayne never had to tell anyone that he was tough.
And a believer shouldn't HAVE TO TELL either.
What ever kind of person ya are is goina show; out in the real world.
In here we could be lieing about just about anything and get away with it or at least think that we do.
PS that, what kind of people we are comment wasn't a slur from a religious point of view.
You give sound advice in the religion forums. Many people can benefit from your opinion. It's good to have skeptics around. They bring us (dreamers) back to the ground when we start escalating into the higher planes of La-La-Land.
my 64 Covair Spider Coupe was born again....took me 3 years!
Nice! I have an interest in cars getting a second chance.
I'm a born-again-psychic and a born-again-musician. Does that count?
I believe that once you are a "practicing" Christian and not just a "lip-service" Christian, you are born-again and only Christ knows what is in our hearts. Great to find you here in this forum, Klara. Hope this helps!:-)
I am absolutely, praise God! He took this sinful knucklehead and transformed me into a new human, the old man is dead and I am alive, yet not I, but Christ within me!
Shit. It was hard enough getting borned the first time.
Why would anyone want to go through that again?
Oh, right. So their sins can be forgiven.
And their souls saved.
Where I come from, Irish Catholic Land, the soul being saved part is assured by baptism. Which generally occurs when you are a wee lass or laddie. That way, no matter what you do or don't do as you grow up, at least you will always have that protection.
Are you here to tell me that my belief in The Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost are not good enough? Wait'l the Pope hears that. Ha ha!
BTW, Pearldiver, your post was bloody brilliant!
believing in the FATHER, Son and Holy Ghost is not enough, you must believe in the Word, the Word was made flesh[Jesus] and keep the word do your best to apply the Word to your life. You can not be luke warm
And, if you actually did truly apply the word to your life, then you would realize there is no god.
All religions operate doctrines. The major 3 are the same.
Each one unattainable by humans and unhealthy for humans.
oh my god, im pretty sure the pope is going to hell. Oh, and mother teressa by some peoples standards. what a crock of $hit.
In reality, the Spirit 'Christ Jesus became known to them. My spiritual birth was slow but sure.
The reason my spiritual birth was slow is because I had over 240 units of college education; the knowledge slowed me down. Although, my knowledge was as filthy rags to God, He sent me back to dig thru it. What God anoints is than golden.
So he pissed all over you. Golden showers bring Christian flowers?
All of that education can be annoying. Obviously, God likes people who don't think too much.
Y'know, back in college I used to visit with a lot of the Christian groups on campus. I figured, being a Christian myself, I'd find good friends there. But mostly what I found was judgment. I wasn't a "real" Christian because I didn't speak in tongues, or believe that the Bible was the literal truth, or that the Catholics (or the Lutherans, or the Missouri Synod, or the Northern Baptists) were going to Hell.
I decided to chuck the whole "church" thing and just be a Christian on my own. I may one of these days whip up a "Christianity for the Solitary Believer" book as a comfort for those of us who've been turned off by the insularity of so many Christian churches.
Try reading this on HubPages.
Jeff, I feel the same way! I'm a Christian who doesn't care for organized religion.
Hi Jeff! I very much agree with you. There are so many "Christians" out there who pass judgment on other people who do not think or act like they do and like you, many people get turned off by Christianity because of it. Besides, God knows what is in our hearts and we, as Christians, should just keep our minds in Christ-that is our goal. No organized religion or other "Christians" can do this for us. It is just so sad that many Christians do not realize that they are pushing away other people by their "self-righteous" ways rather than bringing them closer to God. Take care and may God bless you always!:-)
Four things God wants you to know
1. you need to be saved
Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. John 3:3
For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God . Romans 3:23
All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way. Isaiah 53:6
2. You Cannot Save yourself
Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us. Titus 3:5
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me John 14:6
3. Jesus has already provided for your Salvation
For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him . II Corinthians 5:21
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16
4. By Faith Accept Him Today
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. Acts 16:31
For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus . I Timothy 2:5
If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. Romans 10:9
Behold, now is the day of salvation . II Corinthians 6:2
Resnskei, right, right. How about taking a look at Acts 2:38 it closes it all in. John 10:30 breaks it some more for you. Matthew 1:21 tells where he is the Son. John 14:26 talks about the Holy Ghost as an example I am a Father, Son and I have a spirit Those are not my name my name it Matthew these are only titles.
Renskei, grateful if you can visit my new thread titled 'Christian Living'. It is about the cross. You will like it.
I get the feeling that those who are anti-Christ are trying to 'hijack' it. At the same time, I am surprised that there are very few born again Christians here on HubPages. No one seems to be interested in knowing the gospel in its fullness.
Maybe you're just too self-righteous even for the other christians. Besides, none of them are true christians anyway. They should all read your hubs, from God's lips to your keyboard, I'm sure.
We do recognize Christian bullshit in its entirety.
As for 'anti-christ' its self-righteous pharosotic hypocrites like you who drive people away from religion.
renskeiposted 2 weeks ago
Four things God wants you to know"
1} I don't exist.
2) I gave you a brain and you left it in the box-unopened.
3) You failed the Turing Test.
4) You may enter Hell now.
I am a born-again Christian. By that I mean that Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God, the second person of the Trinity, the only one through which salvation is possible. For those that know Him, he is our ever present High Priest, our Savior, our Redeemer, the Conqueror of Sin and Death, having bodily arose on the third day. As for the future, He is our returning King and our everlasting abode. One day, all of mankind will bow before Him and confess Him as Lord to the Glory of God the Father. Amen.
Bibowen, you can know the doctrine, but the experience of being 'born again' is most important. Read John chapter 3 very carefully.
The problem with your comment is that salvation is not by experience; it's rooted in a historical event (namely the resurrection of Jesus) by which I receive all the benefits of, appropriated to me by faith. I may or may not feel some "experience," but my faith is not in my experience; it's in the risen Christ.
How was Saul of Tarsus saved on the Road to Damascus?
How was Lydia saved at Philippi?
How was the Philippian jailer saved?
Please don't confuse experience with feelings.
Just as you were physically born many years ago, so you are born again at a point of time. Some remember distinctly the day they were born again; others remember a period of time.
Most Americans confuse the born again experience with
i. Something they did in childhood. (Actually the seed of the gospel is put into a child, but it sprouts at a later date.)
ii. Acceptance of a doctrine. You may believe in a historical event, but that doesn't save you. It is when you experience the forgiveness of sins, the reception of eternal life and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. In NT language, you come out of darkness into God's marvelous light. In the language of John Bunyan, your burden of sin is rolled away. Redemption, conversion, rebirth - is an experience, and powerful in many cases.
Sorry - I have more questions as you seem to know everything. I hope you don't mind:
All those Christians who are not like you - and think that Jesus died for their sins - are they going to burn in hell for being confused and not having the "experience"?
Mark, I don't know everything. But like the man born blind in John chapter 9, I know that something marvellous happened in my life 20 years ago. And I who once was blind, now can see.
I know that Christ is Saviour, Lord, King and God. He is the Good Shepherd who gave His life for His sheep, and He is the Great Shepherd who goes before us through the dark valleys and high hills, bringing us safely to our glorious destination. (Psalm 23).
Once must be 'born again'. Read John's Gospel slowly and carefully over a period of one month, with an open mind and sincere heart, and you will know the truth. That is the most spiritual gospel out of the four in the NT.
I'm confused. So which of you is really born again?
If believing that the resurrection is true does not save you, you'll have to strip John 3:16 along with Romans 10:9 from the Bible. If we believe on the Lord, believing that he is who he claims to be, believing that he rose from the dead, we are saved and all the transformations that you mentioned are appropriated to us once we believe. No, the effort of our belief does not save, but faith is the mechanism that God promises that he will bless with salvation if we will exercise it.
Don't make this complicated. The Bible makes it simple enough for all to understand: "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved" (Acts 16:31).
Bibowen, I am not complicating things. I've been to America, and there are people who believe in everything written in the Bible, they call themselves Christians, and yet there is no transformation in their lives.
The demons believe in the Scriptures and tremble; but they are not saved. Saving faith is not merely believing in historical facts; it is when the Blood of Jesus cleanses you and you receive the Spirit of God, and you become a 'new creation' in Christ.
I have seen many so-called Christians, who go to church, who are no different from the people of the world.
I suggest that people read John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress to know what the Christian life is exactly.
Blessings to you.~
Then you are not of this world? And have cast off all of your worldly goods, right?
The hypocrite certainly has not. Nor does he follow all of the contradictory instructions in the Bible-which ALL remain in force as heaven and earth haven't passed away.
He'll be very comforted by his upcoming hellfire bath where the worm dieth not.
Are you guys aregiung about which one of you is more saved than the other? Jesus Christ......
Aren't christians just so much fun.
Irresistable grace and preservation of the saints. But her faith is merely based on her feelings. Clearly she's not a true christian.
Are You a Born-Again Christian?
Hi friends
I think not even Jesus was born again in this world; so literally the Christians cannot be born again except in the hereafter like Jesus.
I love Jesus and Mary as mentioned in Quran.
I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim
I am a born again Christian who has been called to be a Minister of the Word. I do not understand people who are not born again. God has blessed me with so much. God responds to all my needs. I am forgiven of all my sins, and I have repented for everything that I believe to be wrongs committed against others. I alway share my faith and the goodness of God to anyone who will listen. I also relish all attacks against me for being Christian, Just shows me that I am on the path to God!
God Bless
Yeh, I see your god finding the car keys for all you "good" christians while children dying in "good christian wars" don't seem to bother him at all!
What a sick belief!
I understand You may not be born again. No problem, But why come on a list that is Christian if you hate Christians? I fail to see your point. Know the history of the world, Christians are the only one who killed in their Gods name. I Live in NYC, I have seen non-Christian war being waged against the USA. They were Christians that took all those Mothers and Fathers? Nice try. If you would like information on how to be a born again Christian, I would live to help. If not, leave us alone with this silliness. Oh thats right were are attacking you when you get on a thread and make fun of us. God never found my car keys, but he has saved me! God Bless and go in peace.
Sorry rev. Did the born again thing. Oh that's right I didn't do it proper like you did!
I think the whole problem is that the gospel is being preached wrongly. It seems that people just have to sign on a decision card, accepting the truths written there, and they think they are born again. But the fact is that it is an experience. It is not something mental or theoretical; it is real.
You know it when it happens to you. It is like coming out of darkness into God's marvellous light. Most evangelicals today do not have a real born-again experience, and that is what turns off unbelievers.
The real born-again experience humbles you, breaks you, breaks your pride. It is God Himself coming and dwelling in you through the power of the precious Blood and the Holy Spirit. How can any man boast? We are nothing, and less than nothing.
Creation's sole purpose is to reflect and radiate the glory of God. We are God's new creation in Christ.
Would you care to elaborate?
There are many emotional experiences, which are transient. But a real spiritual experience, when your eyes are opened, and your heart is washed clean by the power of the precious Blood, is something that remains forever.
No matter how much you backslide.
Wanna bet? I got past the nonsense when I recognised the neurosis.
What?!! What has light to do with darkness? You can't put new wine in old wine-skins. Perhaps you're not a true christian after all.
At last - some one who knows everything. I have a question for you and I have been waiting for some one who knows the purpose of life, the universe and everything. It is a multi part question - but as you know what the True purpose of the Universe is - I am certain you will be able to answer.
What did the dinosaurs do wrong? Were they failed attempts at radiating the glory of God? Did they fall short in some way and need obliterating because they were not glorious enough? And how did Christ really wipe them off the face of the planet - there is just so much speculation.
And do you think this reflects badly on Christ in any way? Or should we just forget this few million years?
And how come it took so many billions of years of evolving to get to Christ - why didn't God just create us the way we are?
Ah finally a question worthy of deep reflection. Please, allow me to answer in an expert pro-intelligent design method. I think all of your assumptions based on outlandish assertations that modern science can tell the age of certain objects is crap.
Thank you.
Oh, and dinosaurs are an invention of the Obama administration.
That is certainly the answer I would have expected from someone who received his scientific education at the Mormon Tabernacle.
So - Mormon who thinks the flood created the Grand Canyon in 15 minutes vs the entire scientific community? Hmmmmm - let me think.
Still did not answer the question really though. What did the dinosaurs do wrong?
Well- Athiest, the grand canyon is a big hole in the ground most likely eroded away by various elements. Possibly rain, floods, tectonic movements, asteroids, alien invaders, Napoleon, Scooby doo, and possibly an ancient hole digging socioty bent on finding an easier way to travel to the other side of the earth.
And I see you are going to keep harping on the whole Dinosaur thing but it won't get Obama back on the ballot in the coming election year, so find another way to spread your pro-Dem porpaganda!!!!!
What does any of that have to do with the undewear?
Stay on topic dammit!
Did the dinosaurs have special underwear?
So many questions, so little time................
How could these so called "dinosaurs" wear undergarments if their hands couldn't even reach their back sides?
Preposterous I say, preposterous.
I think that what actually turns off nonbelievers -and believers as well, apparently- is the ignorant superiority of your posts.
It's fascinating though. Were you born this way, or just born again this way? Arrogance (the unattractive kind)... is it nature or nurture... Did you always think so highly of yourself, or not till after you were born again? Is it you, naturally, or is it your religion?
Oh, and have you given away all of your possessions yet?
Rev Willposted 2 weeks ago
"I am a born again Christian who has been called to be a Minister of the Word"
And the 'word' was legs. Spread the word!
Rev Will, will you kindly visit my new thread on 'Christian Living'. I think it has been 'hijacked' by those who hate gospel-talk, Bible-talk, Christ-talk.
I am surprised that very few Christians want to share their Christian faith on HubPages. There are so many lonely, unhappy people who flock the Internet, and they NEED Christ!
This was actually one of the first poems I wrote once I made the decision to devote everything I write as worship to my saviour. No matter what subject.
Well, it seems there are very few born-again Christians on this site. Guess HubPages has a long way to go. There are not many hubbers on it.
I am sorry that this thread is being hijacked by people who simply close their minds to the Truth - the Truth being Jesus Christ Himself. Did He not say, 'I am the Way, the Truth and the Life'?
Anyway, I found Christians of all 'colours' here, and very few of them have 'sound doctrine', and fewer still have a living faith.
Guess I have to close down this thread.
But - you didn't answer my questions. How disappointing that you run away when presented with a simple question.
That's very hard to validate considering Jesus never wrote anything he said down, it was all written down many years later by others. Anyone could have made that up.
Jesus did write his words down aparently, but aparently the catholic church said that his words were heresy because it is rumored that he married mary magdaline. saw it on the history channel.
Come on now, lets not throw the baby out with the bathwater. There are still plenty of reasonable people , perhaps even a silent majority who read and learn about the attitudes, and actions of of those who profess a belief in Christ.
You wouldn't recognize truth if it ripped your clit out, oh liar for Jeebus. :\
NO Leave it up and let them show who they love. Satan will have his fun. Every attack is showing us that we are right! Think of the time and effort that they put into proving something does not exist! They fail at that step. IF YOU DID NOT BELIEVE YOU WOUND NOT CARE. But they know that they are wrong. BUT what God says will make them change their ways. Keep The Faith.
I think, Rev Will, the reason why they step in here and make these attacks is because they themselves are dissatisfied with life. There is a void within their hearts, which only God in His infinite mercy can fill.
But the deeper reason (and why I am concerned) is that most Christians as such do not understand the Christian life, and few if any have really experienced it. The Christian life is a spiritual life, life in the Spirit.
Americans are fond of 'how-to-do-it'. Put up a hub on any how-to-do stuff, and you'll have people flocking to it. They think the Christ-life is something like how-do-you-do-it; the Bible for them is a 'work book' with questions & answers at the end of each chapter. "How to become a 'successful' preacher in 40 days through 40 training sessions" Or "How to become a quickie Christian in a week through 14 lessons."
Well, pragmatism has no place in the spiritual life. Having a mega-church doesn't prove that you are right; it only proves there are enough religious crooks to play around with those who live gullible, pretentious lives.
Sad to say the American 'born again kind' of Christianity is a mockery of real Christianity. You don't become a born-again Christian by raising your hand or signing a decision card. You become a born-again Christian when God mercifully steps into your broken life and starts building up the broken ruins. And the building up takes years, because there is so much debris and rubbish to be removed.
Thank you, I have been inspired by your thoughts and your heart. If someone is looking for words to help keep them knowing that Christ does heal and rebuild broken hearts. Once you read through all this other crazy stuff you eventually find someone after Gods heart. God Bless You reading your words is just what I needed for today.
Thanks, bronti. I appreciate your remarks.
The 'biggest blot' in Christian forums is the 'christian' who thinks she knows Christ, but knows nothing at all! No wonder unbelievers mock Christians!
Actually - we tend to mock christians because of people like you. The "Christian Lites," as I call them are a good smokescreen for fundamentalist whack jobs who carry a gun to preach the word.
Sadly. You need them - otherwise your cult would have been wiped out long ago.
I am a sincere believer in Jesus. Not the not born again kind though.
I have a nagging doubt. Don't born again christian indulge in ANY sin? Any insignificant, tiny, minuscule, ever so small sin?
What do you mean, exactly, thirdmillenium?
Religionists are far superior people who are not only smarter than all others, but are going to get another shot at life as well, as they are much better people than others too.
Megalomania plain and simple. Egos the size of small cities!
No kidding! YIKES!
They're great for generating guffaws.
I suspect you'd get a good chuckle from this: … re=related
Loved it, but will bookmark the rest of the series. I saw the first and second ones. This is a very interesting set of videos, thank you.
it would be good if some religionists saw this debate. All of it.
Yes and a Follower of Jesus Christ and a Disciple of Christ Jesus
I must say I was transformed in 1985. I consider it the born-again experience. When I came to know the Lord, everything changed....on the inside. I recieved the Baptism of the Holy Ghost many years ago. Although sometimes we don't always FEEL Him, he never leaves us, unless we leave Him. That being said, I do consider myself a born-again Christian, a mere human, with many vices, imperfect....but striving for Agape love.
I am born again, but not as christian. Jesus was asked "What do you mean, Rabbi, when you say we are to be born again? Do you mean that we are to re enter our mothers bodies, and be in their wombs?" Jesus answered "Yes, truly. Unless you are born again, you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven." This is not the baptism of water, for John was already doing this, and what is described above is not the baptism of the fire of the Holy Spirit because, when one receives the fire, the spirit of truth opens you and fills you to overflowing, and "In that moment, all shall be revealed, there is nothing which is hidden that shall remain covered up." If just one of you has all the answers to all the questions, then indeed, enlighten us!
God does. He keeps them in a lock box next to his commode.
I think it would be better that instead of poking fun at the opening post or the idea of being born again, it would be better if people read the Bible and found out the truth for themselves.
Well, if they don't believe the Bible, then they are at a 'dead-end' and cannot move forward.
The truth of being 'born again' is stated clearly by our Lord Jesus in John chapter 3. Why can't people read the gospel of John and find out for themselves?
Pratonixposted 13 days ago
I think it would be better that instead of poking fun at the opening post or the idea of being born again, it would be better if people read the Bible and found out the truth for themselves."
We did, and the truth has set us free.
man, you religious fanatics almost make me want to join Earnest in Hell lol
It's too cold where I am to be hell.... at least for now. Around December when most of the USA is freezing it's butt off we will be getting hellish heat!
What a terrible time it is too, we are forced to drink lots of beer, and the girls forget to wear clothes. Yep! That's hell alright!
yeah, but I heard you are forced to listen to the Bee Gees day and night
Better that than 'Michael Rows the Boat Ashore.'
Or the classic kid brainwasher. "Jesus loves me this I know, cos the bible told me so"
Hell has better climate and much better company.
If it's all in the Bible (like Ragu?) and being a true born-again is based on your literal belief in the Bible 100% ONLY, why doesn't everyone just go home and read their Bible and be happy?
Why would we need anyone else to interpret or extrapolate the Bible's meaning for us?
We would not need churches, priests, reverends or any other men/women of the cloth.
Christiandom would be completely self-contained.
"Born Again" is not a church, its a process. Actually, it is not related in any way to pentecostalism or many other Christians who claim it.
oh i see, because many people even born-againers don't know this.
Well said brother, if more people understood the process of being born again then there would be more true believers. At this time especially when we are seeing the rise of Satan more and more in the natural disasters which are occurring more frequently globally, the rise of lawlessness which those in enforcement seem powerless to stop, the attitude that anything goes and with it political correctness and also the political chicanery going on behind the scenes as the pro - one world movement gains more momentum against this backdrop. We need to be vigilant, ask intelligent questions and maintain a close relationship with the one true living God, one that enables and emboldens us but also protects us from the Prince of Darkness as we realise that our battle is not with flesh and blood but with powers and principalities. To stand for God in this time is so vital so again I say well said and may the Lord bless all those who are His own.
Not true. What about unborn again?
There must be thousands of people who used to believe and then got an education!
Or are you still claiming they didn't dun it proper?
mandymac41posted 4 days agoin reply to this
Well said brother, if more people understood the process of being born again then there would be more true believers. "
The procedure is called a 'lobotomy.'
Being born again has nothing to do with reality.
The bible appears to be a senseless game...for children.
That's it, exactly. Their reactions are on the same toddler mental level of children first learning there is no Tooth Faerie or Santa Claus.
The Christian God story is senseless.
Got a better believable one? and don't just swine it, put some thought into it. What philosophy would be so enticing as to turn christians away from their God? cmon you can do it?
You've been all over the christian forums thats all you do.. so show us what you got!
Once again I see you haven't the courage or integrity to address what you're supposedly responding to. Such is 'Christian Morality[tm].
A better and more malevolent fantasy? Heck no. One can't top the drivel in the Babble for nonsense.
You're welcome to the drooling idiocies of the Babble. It isn't pearls you folks have, its swine excrement you've shaped.
Do at least try to keep up.
Being born again is the greatest REALITY on earth. When one is born of the Holy Spirit, from heaven above, he knows. Something has happened, which is too wonderful to describe. He has come out of darkness into God's marvelous light.
The problem as I see it is that many so-called 'born again' evangelical Christians are NOT born again, and they are talking about something they have NOT experienced. And that is why their testimony is so shallow and insipid.
Like I said, the bible is a senseless game...for children.
Born Again, Holy Spirit, Heaven, these are all imaginary concepts. Just like Wizards, Santa's workshop, etc. Great for children, but disturbing for adults.
I think it's childish to think that just because you think you are "born again" it makes you a better Christian than the rest.
So, let us assume that you are right:
1) Only people following your strict doctrine get to spend eternity in heaven
2) Spending an eternity with people like you is the most hellish punishment imaginable.
3) Therefore, hell can't be any worse
4) Thus, becoming a born again Christian like you makes no sense
Hi Sufi, nice to see you again. How is Greece?
Hi Jewels - it is very hot and very humid here at the moment. I am cat-sitting for my friends at the moment, and they live close to a beach - I will be off for a nice, cooling swim later on.
Unless, of course, the sight of so much flesh on the beach is unchristian and I have to gouge out my eyes with a spoon.
Book of Bollox 3:12 Thou shalt not ogle nubile Greek girls in bikinis, lest Satan eats your soul and turns your Ouzo into water.
How is life in Oz?
Hi Earnest
Hi Earnest.
Sufi, I hear Ireland is having an abnormally warm summer also. Enjoy the beach and wear protective sun glasses. No point in gouging eyes at your tender age.
It's very wet in my neck of the woods. Lots of rain, I guess the drought is well and truly broken. Now finding the dingy and oars, just in case!
All in all though, feeling great - even if I'm not born again. I have risen like a phoenix from the ashes after much introspection and deconstruction and transformation via meditation and other confronting spiritual practices involving the Self. Hmmmm wonder if that counts? I didn't get a free pass, must have been all those past lives where I bore the sins of my fathers.
No worries - I always wear sunglasses and a dash of lotion. It's not so much the heat here but the humidity that is a killer - you take a shower and then you are coated in sweat again a few minutes later. Nice that you are having rain after so long without it.
Sounds like you are back on track with your spiritual journey - it is good to go through an introspective clean out once in a while. A shame that you didn't decide to become born again - you need to work on developing a judgmental, egotistical persona. The condescending passive-aggression needs a little polish, too
Yeah the self-righteousness was not imparted unto them. Until you are filled with the spirit of self-righteousness, you are not yet born again.
Pratonixposted 4 days ago
Being born again is the greatest REALITY on earth. When one is born of the Holy Spirit, from heaven above, he knows. Something has happened, which is too wonderful to describe. He has come out of darkness into God's marvelous light.
The problem as I see it is that many so-called 'born again' evangelical Christians are NOT born again, and they are talking about something they have NOT experienced. And that is why their testimony is so shallow and insipid."
You've just described your posts-shallow and insipid.
You. Hoist. Petard.
I avoid people with those darned fish on the backs of their cars like the plague.
I think Sufidreamer has it right. Who the hell wants to go to heaven if it's going to be full of the self-righteous holier-than-thous?
Oh no wait, that can't be heaven, that must be purgatory.
It is - dare I say it - sacriligious for the symbol vesica piscis to now be aligned to modern evangelical christian faith. Alas!
The symbol was around in Plato's time. It was adopted by the christian faith which shows that the Christian faith adopted teachings from othe religions of the time, most likely of pagan or celtic origins which is an assumption.
Similar to the 'born again' saying, putting the fish on the back of a car is of hollow significance other than advertising one's alignment to modern EC's.
So true and it doesn't say what's inside.
So many I have encountered have been self-absorbed and totally blind to everyone and everything that's around them.
It's all very well for them to proclaim their faith, but Christianity should be more than simply reading the Bible and going to church on Sundays.
So many of them don't seem to give two hoots about others. They're rude, condescending, patronising and surely that kind of behaviour goes against all they profess to believe in - doesn't it?
It's apparent, particularly when you experience the forums, that you are correct. I have to say though, a true Christian, ie those that model the original teachings of Christianity do not resemble the current mob you see here. There is no patronising nor condescending behaviour. Far far removed from the EC born again variety. Original Christians, and I have to say those that still practice the true teachings of it and doing serious practices will be the ones who are "saved'. Gosh I hate that term! These true seekers are just that, true seekers and go through similar trials as an initiate in any other spiritual culture - like Buddhist or Hindu for example. Ancient texts are translated similarly to original bible texts. It's a matter of translation and interpretation which I am 100% convinced the EC's have no understanding of.
Christians stole the sacred symbol just like they did everything else.
This is an appeal to all Christians on HubPages. I'm drawing your attention once again to the opening post:
There are a lot of people who call themselves Christians, but from a simple reading of John chapter 3 we find that the Lord Jesus said emphatically: 'You MUST be born again!' John 3.7.
I am a born-again Christian, born again about 20 years ago. I have the assurance that my sins are forgiven; and I know that I am a child of God, indwelt by the Holy Spirit. For me the Bible is a living Book, whose words speak to me through promises that comfort and strengthen and inspire. They are words of eternal life.
I know that apart from the Lord Jesus Christ I can do nothing, John 15:5. I know also that God takes His children through many trials to purify their faith, 1 Pet 1:7.
I was wondering if there are other born-again Christians here on HubPages, so that we can link up with one another and encourage one another.
Regards, in Christ,
Absolutely - I'm right by you sister. We need to encourage one another always.
Hopefully we will find others in Hub land maybe even some who may be searching and we'll welcome them with open hearts and warm words. My only request is this: If anyone chooses to find fault with or bad mouth what we represent - please do not respond. It's a matter of respect as we would respect anyone else.
Respect and courtesy is offered to those who show it to those not of the faith. The negative reactions towards various individuals are brought on by the horrendous behaviour of those same Xians, 'true' or otherwise.
Those who project their religion onto those outside it get their statements challenged, shredded, and their empty posturing laughed at.
That's what I've seen time and again in the short time I've been here.
Maybe define the term 'Born again' in the context of transformation of the human malaise. I have heard this term bandied about by people who have no concept of what it really means. Yet I do know of people following the christian faith who sincerely do take the teachings of their faith seriously and 'do as Jesus did' But it's rare.
Often it's by people who think that by turning away from their unfulfilling, lazy, unaware and unawakened existence and find a bible and say "I'm born again, I'm going to follow Jesus." That is so absolutely wrong. Reading a bible and going to church each Sunday doesn't mean one is born again.
Unless a person is prepared to go deeply, very deeply inside themselves, not on a superficial level, but as in 40 days and 40 nights in a desert - which to the normal lay person is not nearly enough, then forget even saying the words born again.
It's very difficult to believe people who say they are born again when they don't portray a person who has 'died' from the luring nature of the bodily senses and grossness it brings with their emotional pulls and reactions to their environment, and risen to their higher selves by moving beyond these levels.
Jewelsposted 4 days ago
Maybe define the term 'Born again' in the context of transformation of the human malaise. I have heard this term bandied about by people who have no concept of what it really means."
Get back to us when all Christians agree on the meaning of the term 'Born Again.'
I'm not trying to be sarcastic here. Y'all need to come to a consensus on this.
Some Christians here would have come to blows over it, if they had been in the same room. Its another thing which doesn't show Christians in a positive light.
An additional thought on the above comment - when stating bad mouthing or finding disagree and bring up other points is a good thing. I have been on other forums where it gets very ugly. Reading the comments listed it's quite refreshing to see the maturity we all enjoy - sorry if there was any offense to anyone, not my intention.
It's laughable, to say the least. Some people here talk about being 'born again' without understanding head or tail of this heavenly event and experience. It's like a blind man (or blind woman) talking about the light. Or a troglodyte talking about the blue skies.
.. or a dumb-assed jesus torching a fruit tree cos it didn't give fruit out of season!
Wow! What a huge assumption Pratonix. Your narrow mindedness and lack of worldly compassion innate in a person who has experienced and aligned themselves with 'the light' is sadly lacking in your words here. Perhaps it is you who needs to question the experience of the light you claim to have had. I am indeed laughing back at you.
This statement reeks of a serious detachment from reality.
Being "Born Again" is an imaginary concept, with no significant meaning AT ALL.
To see someone get all worked up about it, is a cause for serious concern. WTF!
Even most Christians must despise someone with this degree of delusion.
I'm sure they do cringe at posts like the one Pratonix just posted.
There is a phase in transformation work known as "The Dark Night of the Soul" This term is not only in use by the Christian fold, but it is the known adopted term for those who seriously go through a deep transformation of their soul/astral body/little ego within the Christian faith.
Within the depths of this experience (the dark night of the soul), some 'seekers' will experience a vast opening within themselves and it's like a phoenix rising from the ashes. This period before the opening is like a plateau within the bowels of the dark night of the soul and is what is felt as a death. There is death, then renewal, but the renewal comes from choosing to open to the 'lightness within' (the 'heavenly event'), and not be weighed down by an existence that does not serve you as a human.
Now you don't get that experience from reading a book, you have to do some serious involution, serious reflection, serious owning of the grossness of thoughts and reactions. And of course become a more virtuous REAL human being with a heart and awakened brain.
Hello Pratonix , I am just wondering where in the Bible did Jesus tell us we must be born again Christians? He did tell us that we must be born again, but the doctrines of man added the word Christian. Nowhere in scripture did God or Jesus call us Christians. God's word does tell us not to be ashamed if we are called Christian but He never told us to call ourselves Christians. I am a born again believer in Jesus Christ and He calls me Friend. I understand where you are coming from, but I don't understand why so many have the need to call themselves " Christian ". We are called to go and tell the world who He is not who we are. God has told me in His word who I am. I am a sinner in need of a Savior. We can tell all the world how we are Christians but that won't save any one. You speak alot about how these " Christians " are not born again and I think that is a very judgmental statement that you may not be qualified to make. I agree there are many who claim to a Christian while there actions or words don't show it. As to whether or not they have been born again, that's between them and the One Who Saves. I feel your frustration as well. I see where the religious church goers are giving Christianity a bad name, but all we can do is pray for them and let the Savior do the rest.
God Bless
You certainly are laughable, that's for sure, and you describe your short-comings well.
wow, "dumb-ass" is kind of harsh, don't you think? anyway, are you talking about the fig tree? that was an object lesson, not meant to be taken literally.
A lot of believers do take it literally along with the rest of it Cosette.
"Literal" seems to be in the eye of the beholder. I just think that bit is very silly.
And as is clearly heard time and time and time again, literal translation is where the born agains fail miserably.
Wow, it took me quiet some time to read through all these posts. To turn things back to your original question, YES, I am a born again Christian. Thank you for posting the question. It was intended for other born again believers to respond and encourage one another which is a wonderful idea. Patronix, you have been very patient throughout this thread and have offered responders some very profound, biblical advice and thoughts. I am exhausted from reading it all. God bless you and I look forward to being a part of your quest to unit Hubpage Christians for encouragement of one another which is what the Lord suggested that we do. Thank you.
Good for you Tina, I had to stop about mid-way and scoot down to the last reply, yours.
What Pratronix meant for good (harmless question) created a mini-monster.
This was a simple enough question posted in what I would say an appropriate forum (Christian Living).
The answers should have been a lot simpler (yes even simpler than this one).
Link me up, man.
What did you DO to become a born again? And how do you define 'born again?"
Hi Jewels, it is nice to "meet" you. Your question is a good one and I am happy to answer it. It is really not complicated at all. There is a series of Bible verses that explains it best.
"For whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved." - Romans 10:13
How You Can Know God's Love?
"There is a God in Heaven who loves you as you are and not as you should be."
While most everyone believes God is... most do not understand salvation. Being "born again" is really just another term for salvation or "being saved."
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life." - John 3:16
We hear Jesus say, "God so loved the world." God's love has no limitations. He loves "so". More than we can imagine. He loves everyone - not just some ones.
Romans 5:8 tells us that God loved us so that "when we were in our sin Christ Jesus came to die for us."
Romans 3:23
"for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,"
This verse tells us that all people have sinned. We have fallen short of God's intended purpose for us. God made us to know Him.... to receive His love and to love him in return.
For love to be love... for God to be God... and for humans to be humans....
God gave us a choice. We can choose to love ourselves and turn to our selfish pursuits. That is sin. In our sin we cannot know God and His love.
The result of sin is that we are lost... separated from God.
Romans 6:23
"For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."
Wages are just payment... due reward... what one has coming because of labor. The just payment for our sin is death.
Death here means spiritual insensitivity. When we are still in our sin, we have no life with God. We are alive physically but dead spiritually. If we continue in that condition, we will be separated from God for all eternity.
The wages of sin is death. but God's free gift is eternal life. While wages are earned, a gift is offered... no strings attached. God says He will give us eternal life - life with Him - in the place of sin's payment of death.
How can God remain true to His holiness and forgive unholy sinners?
Because Jesus, His Son, has paid the price for sin by His death on the cross.
Second Corinthians 5:21 says, "He who knew no sin became sin for us, that we may be made the righteousness of God through Him."
Jesus arose from the grave to conquer sin and death for all who receive Him as God's free gift.
How can you receive God's free gift of love and life?
Romans 10:9-10
"that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation."
A person receives God's free gift of love and life by placing faith in Jesus Christ. To believe is simply to take God at His word. With our heart (whole believing) we believe that Jesus is God's Son who died for our sin on the cross and arose from the grave to live in us as Savior and Lord.
To believe in Jesus will result in confessing that faith with one's mouth.
Romans 10:13
"for Whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved."
This verse says that any person who will call upon the name of Jesus, the Lord, shall be saved.
To call means simply to ask in prayer. The verse does not require one to know more... do better... clean up one's life... or in any way try to add to what Jesus has done for us.
When a person is "born again" or "saved", he or she will usually pray a prayer sort of like this one:
"Dear God, I confess that I am a sinner, and I am sorry. I need
a Savior. I know I cannot save myself. I believe by faith that Jesus, your Son, died on the cross to be my Savior. I believe He arose from the grave to live as my Lord. I turn from my sin. I ask You, Lord Jesus, to forgive my sin and come into my heart. I trust you as my Savior and receive you as my Lord. Thank you, Jesus, for saving me."
When anyone calls on the Lord in this manner, that one is saved according to God's Word. If you pray a prayer of repentance and faith, you are saved.
You have God's word on it.
Oh, well thank you for your explanation. I feel blessed that I don't have to have the condition of placing my faith in Jesus in order to be loved unconditionally by the Divine source.
Do you acknowledge that you actually have to change yourself, personally and that it's more than just faith?
If one continues to place their trust on an external source you do understand that you are praying to a false god?
There is a lot of misinterpretation in the scriptures above. But at least you've clarified what you mean by Born Again.
Ultimately Jesus' intention was to have his followers do what he did. That' why a person follows another, it's to do what they do. It's a huge burden to have someone do it for you. Do you know that there are actually 'christians' and many other spiritual seekers who are doing the hard yards, actually doing what Jesus did? It was the intention. The thing is being nailed to a wooden plank is not something you have to do to become enlightened. That was a political stunt, which worked for the Roman government of the time. It's still working!
Rising from the dead is akin to a transformed physical body which is spoken about in the Hindu tradition. So clearly you don't have to be Christian.
This would be why I despise their abortion of a religion. It actually teaches them to go against nature, that they don't have to do any work or thinking and they then easily swallow the nonsense that somebody else, did it for them.
I really think this is the basis for why they are almost 100% unable to follow their own code of ethics. They never had to think about it and - turns out - "becoz god sed so," is not actually compelling enough a reason - especially as they have another get-out clause ("I repent") further down the line.
Scary religion and I do not think I have ever met (certainly not one who proudly shouts out that they are born again, and bathed in Jesus' blood) a genuine christian who actually understood their own book.
They put it all on some outside entity. No wonder we have developed the society we have done. Oh - and then they bleat about the society we now have as being the fault of not having mandatory bible classes any more.
Not sure what good that would do except teach another generation that they do not need to do any work.
And then they get all "humble" about it, build humongous monstrosities of churches and start threads like this one attacking just about everyone who is not "born again," - I mean - almost 200 posts of ill will and fake, passive/aggressive humility?
Not sure that is what the idea was...................
I've also had a bit to do with reformed born again Christians in therapy The level of neurosis is quite high . It's one of the worse cults there is, actually one of the most powerful because it is so mainstream.
Possibly because there is a lack of assistance for the confused. It's not enough to be 'saved' or decide to turn to 'the Lord'. If you still have a plethora of bad habits, bitterness and reactional tendencies. These are like a chain around the ankle. Just saying - "here Jesus take my sinning ways" sounds lovely, ideal in fact. Most people are not that good at changing lifelong conditioning. Reactions are ingrained, you can't just cover them over without a fair bit of self reflection.
I am aware their are now more 'Christian psychologists', I am not sure if they are melded to conform to the Christian ideology. If this is the case I'm very concerned that one layer of neurosis is covered with another. If however, they are able to stay objective and actually help these 'saved born again' people have a level of peace void of religious dogma, then that's a good thing.
I am aware their are now more 'Christian psychologists', I am not sure if they are melded to conform to the Christian ideology. If this is the case I'm very concerned that one layer of neurosis is covered with another. If however, they are able to stay objective and actually help these 'saved born again' people have a level of peace void of religious dogma, then that's a good thing."
There's nothing objective about Christianity. Yes, there can be a change from one neurosis to another. Drug addicts shift from whatever they were shooting up to mainlining jesus.
No argument about anything in your post. Life can be a hefty load, as you indicate. :wave:
Jesus loves us ALL. That is why he was willing to suffer the conditions of the cross. It is not His desire that ANYONE should perish - suffer the condition of eternal separation from God.
I acknowledge that the CHANGE in me is because of my love for my Lord. If a person makes the decision to make Jesus his/her Lord, that "change" comes as a result of the new relationship between that person and God. I did not have to change anything in order to be loved by Him.
You may choose to believe that my God is false. I believe He is very real.
Jesus' intention was to restore our relationship with God. He set for us an example of how to love others, how to show love for others, how to serve others, how to pray, and how to love God.
A person who chooses to follow Jesus does so because they love Him.
Yes, the things He suffered breaks my heart and it is certainly burdensome to me. That is why I love Him and why I choose to tell others about His love for ALL of us. It is up to them whether or not to believe in Him.
No - noone has to be nailed to a wooden plank to be "enlightened".
All one needs to do is receive Jesus.
There are multitudes of "religions" out there and multitudes of "sects" within those religions. All of them have their own traditions, beliefs, and ways of practicing what they believe and I will admit that there are many who call themselves "Christians" and practice in many different ways. I would never be one to claim to have all the answers. I can only share what I believe and hope that others will understand and believe in Him as well - not me, but in Him.
I do not like the way these threads work. I am new at Hubpages and began writing here out of my love for writing, not participating in forum threads. I especially don't like the way we don't get notified when a person replies to a forum post. Unless I am doing something wrong, or not seeing some kind of notification, I don't know if a person has replied or asked a question unless I go back through the thread and search for the post. Anyway, I am very busy person. I run a daycare out of my home, write, and raise three very active adolescents four if you count my husband)
Anyway, my point is that my desire is not to continue an argument with anyone through a thread that continues to go on and on with any real results. If you would like to continue this discussion, feel free to visit my profile and contact me personally.
Otherwise, best wishes on Hubpages.
Hahaha, I won't get into the husband discussion!
I just wish you loved yourself as much as you love 'Jesus' You will become more and more effective in the world as a human being and you will be absolutely amazed at what happens with your life. (and the life of your husband)
Loving Jesus is just not enough, you have to love yourself equally and then teach others how to love themselves.
Take care.
Aw, c'mon, you've got to get into the husband bashing {discussion}.
Introspection and knowing yourself takes time, courage, and honesty. Taking things one small step at a time gets one to their current goal faster than one might think.
Sounds to me like you're indicating the relaxation of accepting yourself.
Ultimately Jesus' intention was to have his followers do what he did. That' why a person follows another, it's to do what they do. It's a huge burden to have someone do it for you. Do you know that there are actually 'christians' and many other spiritual seekers who are doing the hard yards, actually doing what Jesus did? It was the intention."
And those are the Christians I have great respect for.
Those like Prat are the reason I despise the religion.
I'd like you to write a hub on this. I am greatly interested.
Sure. I made a note of it and I am working on a hub on a different topic.
A condensed version would be along the lines of:
Religion can be a beautiful thing. Too bad its main use is destructive and divisive.
Does this explanation suffice?
Upon further consideration I see no point in writing such a hub. You've not addressed any points which have been brought up.
Tina, The easiest way to see new activity is to follow the FEED link at the top of each page, or click on FORUM and then on YOURS.... but in any case, don't waste time casting pearls....
There you go casting aspersions again!
I disagree with the post. That makes me and others pigs?
aquasilver, I've not found one pearl among what I've read here. Not even the biblical texts are pearls. Perhaps that too is a matter of opinion. There are pearls and then there are pearls.
There's that vaunted Christian Love again. How 'heart warming.' Then these same folks can't understand why they're held in contempt.
Yep! It seems aqua decided that all who don't follow his version of the version of his version of "the good book" are unworthy of hearing the "word" spoken through aqua. He claims it is like casting pearls before swine.
A lovely old biblical saying that means. "You're too stupid to understand someone as clever as me and dumb as a pig!"
We know more about pigs and people these days!
Condescending tripe without owning it.
The religionist's trademark.
Actually Earnest, you misinterpret both scripture and my reply once again:
"A lovely old biblical saying that means. "You're too stupid to understand someone as clever as me and dumb as a pig!" "
Matthew 76
Do not give that which is holy (the sacred thing) to the dogs, and do not throw your pearls before hogs, lest they trample upon them with their feet and turn and tear you in pieces.
Not MY words at all, just good advice to believers when dealing with those whose agenda is to denigrate God and decry believers.
And your actions prove it's worth, for EVERY time any believer makes an observation, you try to "trample upon them with your feet and turn and tear them in pieces"
I understand that your agenda is to try and stifle any debate concerning Christ, that's your prerogative, and likewise any believer has the prerogative to challenge your assertions that believers are stupid, immoral, liars and deceived (and I am referring to your clique that tag team together on this).
Obviously it would be better if unbelievers refrained from trying to hijack and denigrate every Christian thread, and it is evident that Christians do not try to disrupt secular forum threads, so I say that the blame for you hearing what the bible states is yours alone.
Leave us to wallow in our own mire, if it did not represent such a threat to you, you would not try to stop us speaking the word of God.
You are right about one thing. You pose a threat. Ignorance and superstitious nonsense always does. No threat to me personally though. I am quite sure there is no tooth fairy. Your bible quote says it all.
Condescending nonsense.
See Earnest, calling me ignorant and superstitious, when anyone could know from reading my hubs that this is simply not true.
Keep it up Earnest, you prove our case with every virulent attack!
Would you like some cheese with that whine, Daddy?
Ah! the other member of the tag team has clocked on.... we believers always try to reach unbelievers, however when those unbelievers reject Christ and the gospel, so be it, we are instructed to 'dust our feet' and leave them to their own fates.
Sorry Mark, not in the mood to be goaded today.
But in the mood to spread your "word"
You know the problem with being condescending is that it is transparent to all but you.
You wind up saying who you are no matter what you say!
Funny thing is - he also says he is "instructed" to share the word of god. LOL Can't have it both ways. Talk about a ridiculous philosophy.
Spread The Nonsense as far as possible; do not follow the rules in it and fight with unbelievers as much as possible; but do not share the word with unbelievers because that is like casting pearls before swine.
Then whine about how unfair it is that unbelievers have an opinion.
i guess the last words many people will say right after god judges them will be "that wasn't very loving of god to throw us into the lake of fire". Love thy neighbor...
if only you knew half of what you think you know.
I think that at birth we are aware of "Truth" because we are ingulfed in it. Each of us having our own.
But because someone else tells us that our truth isn't !!
Then we spend our life searching for it, fooling ourselves into thinking that we have found it.
And when we do truly find it, we find that we have come full circle. We shouldn't have left it, searching for it, to find that we should have held onto it in the first place, and we wouldn't have had to live without it all those years.
Born again ?
The 'sins of the father' become black spots within us. They need to be seen in order to become 'as the child' again. Takes a fair amount of awareness to know what the 'sins of the father' are.
Hi Jerami, great to see you again.
The 'sins of the father' are the sins of that individual. They are no 'blot' against me. Nor are the 'accolades of the father' positive points for me.
Becoming 'as a child' equates to unquestioning gullibility.
Jewels was correct.
If your parents were Crack heads it would certainly leave a dark spot on ya that takes extra effort before you can catch up with the rest of society.
Just one instance of the sins of the father visited upon their children.
And this is where awareness is required. Questioning your circumstances, questioning your responses/reactions. What is the motivation for actions is a good question. Often it's to please someone based on conditioning. Amazing how we end up doing what our parents did, even walk similarly, or we do the exact opposite in retaliation and it's because of the actions of our parents "the sins of the father." Sins of the father can relate to your immediate environment, and/or global environment, depending on your standpoint of influence.
Becoming 'as a child' is not about gullibility but vulnerability. But as an adult the vulnerability is more an openness and has naught to do with being a 'sitting duck'. There is a term 'Enlightened Vulnerability.' This state of being is a major strength.
There were a number of responses that I could have made to this statement ... but you said it best...
I will add that most people do not take the time to truly understand that when we become angry at a particular behavior in others that we are guilty of doing the same thing.
Take selfishness for example; their selfishness has just trumped ours. That is what we are really angry about.
We just hate it when their faults are greater than ours.
And we don't want to know that we have it too, even if ours isn't as much.
Or something like that???
Makes us really competitive doesn't it!!! In the end nobody wins this game. Even "I have a better god than you do" is a serious breach of 'Love Thy Neighbour"
Hay Jewels always good to read ya.
Competitive is the word. Organized is another.
Don't know which came first?? I don't think that they should have ever merged.
Organized "Religion" Two more words that doesn't go well together.
I have mixed emotions about these last two!
Brings to mind that passage in scripture that Jesus spoke ill about. making sure you are out on the street corner when the time of day came that you were supposed to pray. Don't do it just so you will be seen in all of your righteousness.
Cause that don't count for much.
When it got all organized , A leader was appointed, everyone follows the leader. Jesus don't follow any of our appointed leaders.
I don't think that he gets angry with us when we don't either. I think that he knows that some of those leaders don't know the way. He even said something about the blind leading the blind.
These guys have been leading the way for over 1600 years.
Too bad that they didn't have GPS back then.
I don't know who to follow so I'll just hope that the higher power is in my heart, cause all I can do is to follow my heart.
And urge everyone else to follow theirs.
That don't mean that I'm not going to point out what I think is misinterpretations of scripture if you profess to be reading the same ones as I
Any way ... good to see ya and keep being you.
Don't know who to follow? - I love the saying "Don't have beliefs, have experiences", and "if your teacher says follow, run the other way." and "A good teacher will never be your leader, he will make you lead your own life, hopefully with virtue" That last one is mine! Just made it up, but sure someone else has said it before. It makes good sense.
Jewels posted
[ And this is where awareness is required. Questioning your circumstances, questioning your responses/reactions. What is the motivation for actions is a good question. ]
Sure. A few days ago on this website a theist indicated if it wasn't for his religion he'd be running amok. Of course, the person projected what he would do onto one who lacks theism. He called it 'stepping into an atheist's shoes.'
He didn't stop to consider the motivational requirement. What motivation does a atheist have to run amok? That question isn't answered.
[ Often it's to please someone based on conditioning. Amazing how we end up doing what our parents did, even walk similarly, or we do the exact opposite in retaliation and it's because of the actions of our parents "the sins of the father." Sins of the father can relate to your immediate environment, and/or global environment, depending on your standpoint of influence. ]
Would you expand a bit on the 'relate to your environment' angle?
[ Becoming 'as a child' is not about gullibility but vulnerability. ]
Thing is children are gullible which is why superstition is inflicted on them as soon as they start communicating and before they've any defenses. There in lies the problem.
I don't see how 'vulnerability' comes into play. It all comes down to what can be objectively supported versus swallowing the multitudes of rubbish floating about.
[ But as an adult the vulnerability is more an openness and has naught to do with being a 'sitting duck'. There is a term 'Enlightened Vulnerability.' This state of being is a major strength. ]
{Person's talking about changes after the birth of a child}
"Not the child-like vulnerability we once held, but a new kind of vulnerability; an enlightened vulnerability. We can take any hit the cosmos has for us, but not for our child"
Had to look up the term. Again, this has nothing to do with separating fact from fantasy.
Not at all. There's a hefty difference between the bronze age drivel of Christians and the genetic changes inflicted on the child of your example.
To explain further;
Let's say your Grandfather was a horse thief.
He was caught and hung until he was dead and it wasn't known until several decades later that he had sired children.
In the meantime, the son had died leaving the grandson.
Being in the genetic line, the question becomes; "Should you be hung for the crimes of your forebears?"
If yes, then the 'sins of the father' aspect applies.
If no, then they do not apply.
Back in "that" day and age if my grandfather had stolen a horse and was hung until dead, my fathers name would have been changed by the townspeople to ... "son of horse thief".
Most people lived and died in the same house that their grandfather lived and died in.
It may take some other outstanding act, for the family name to be changed by the townspeople to more reputable name.
I lived for a while in a small town in the Ozark foothills in Arkansas almost a half a century ago. Believe me, it was not so long ago that it might take a couple of generations before grandfathers reputation ceased being implied upon the whole family.
NO it refers to teachability and other childlike qualities of goodness not interested in your hate posts.
Lovely description of your posts and projective mindset.
You folks have nothing to teach, that's the problem. Your constant refusal to address points raised illustrates that nicely.
What I, and others, have been doing is pointing things out and asking questions. If you want to 'teach' something then you've got to deal with those responses as you are well aware your audience isn't all adherents of superstition.
Jewels wrote:
Hahaha, I won't get into the husband discussion!
I just wish you loved yourself as much as you love 'Jesus' You will become more and more effective in the world as a human being and you will be absolutely amazed at what happens with your life. (and the life of your husband)
Loving Jesus is just not enough, you have to love yourself equally and then teach others how to love themselves.
Take care.
Then you can talk about having changed.
I'is always good see you and read your statements of wisdom.
I think that wisdom and common sence are sitting in the same chair.
Usually a rocking chair.
Do born again Christians have to be re-circumcised?...cus if they do, I want no part of it.
Hi, I am a born again believer also. The day that I became a christian, my life has never been the same. I have witnessed God making a way for me so many times.I thank God for supernatural favor in my life.
Are You a Born-Again Christian?
There is no born again Christian in literal and physical sense of the word.
Name any please who is born again physically with brilliant arguments
Being born again means to start over with a renewed mind, heart, and life. Yahshua taught it.
But He said only those who are of God would understand.
Everyone is 'Of God" unless the particular religious sect is into separation which would make it a very dark set of teachings.
Everyone emanated from God.
"OF" means a relationship between someone or something.
Not everyone even knows they emanated from God and therefore don't have a relationship.
Of and emanation are the same. You have to emanate from something. For an emanation to occur there must be an archetype - a central source. If all of humanity are the children of God as written about in the bible, then there is absolutely no separation that has ever occurred. There is only a lack of awareness of our archetype.
The wording "But He said only those who are of God would understand" is separative language and inexcusable in a book that is supposed to bring a person back to 'God'.
God Bless you Pratonix;
Remember "answer not a fool according to his folly".....
I'll try to remember that when you next post.
To one who says “I’m born again!” A question arises, what is God’s name? If you do not know the answer, or you do know, but you repudiate the use of it, then how can you be born again, when John in vision saw the Lamb standing upon the Mount Zion, and with him a hundred and forty-four thousand having his name and the name of his Father written on their foreheads?
I saw, and, look! The Lamb standing upon the Mount Zion, and with him a hundred and forty-four thousand having his name and the name of his Father written on their foreheads. (Revelation 14:1)
The name of the Lamb is Jesus Christ, and the name of his Father is written on their foreheads. John, a Jew, saw written on their foreheads in Hebrew the lettering, יהוה. In having the name of Jesus’ father symbolically written on their foreheads, these sealed ones make known to all that they are Jehovah’s witnesses, His slaves.
As the bride of the Lamb, they would properly take his name. It may have been the sacred Tetragramaton that was written on the foreheads of the 144,000, identifying them as Jehovah’s servants and witnesses. As long as anointed Christians exercise faith, they would see the fulfillment of God’s “precious and very grand promises.”
How did you come to the conclusion that that lettering you wrote there was what was written in their foreheads?
I'm a witness for Jehovah.
But I'm not a "Jehovah's Witness" as in the religion.
All Christians are witnesses for Jehovah. And we don't have to specifically call Him "Jehovah" at any given time, nor specifically some of His other names. His name is also Jealous; His name is also Love, etc...
...Years ago, a "Jehovah's Witness" came to my house. She kept rattling on about calling God by His name, like it was some kind of secret or something, and she said if I was lost from my mother in a crowd of people, how would I know who was calling to me to find me if I didn't know her name.....
Dummy me, at that time I was silly enough to focus on her spiel and wonder what she was trying to make me see, that it didn't occur to me to tell her that HIS SHEEP KNOW HIS VOICE! And I would know my mother's voice too.
Besides, HE can find US anytime He wants to.
I don't think Jehovah's Witnesses claim to be born again? Is that correct?
And don't underestimate the name of Jesus Christ. The Bible refers to Christ's name as the name above all names.
What does that symbol you posted even mean, anyway?
Yes but His name is not Jehovah. That's not YHVH.
Do you know the name?
Born again, baptized in the Holy Spirit, forgiven of my wretched sins. and alive to a new life in Christ Jesus. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
And Kimberly Bunch, I'd just like to say that I see where you're coming from when you say that all roads lead to heaven. That confused me in my young life because everyone had a different God, or a different conception of God. It baffled me because even as a youn girl, it was not logical to me that there is more than one God, and He would be different to each person. My spirit rejected it because God is who he is and we cannot just believe in a God by our own wishes and desires of who He should be. That is creating God in your image.
The Bible says, The LORD our God is one LORD (Deut. 6:4)
For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus (1 Timothy 2:5).
It also says, You shall have no other God's besides Me (Exodus 20:3)
And lastly, Jesus said emphatically, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father except through me (John 14:6).
You are Kimberly Bunch. God made you with a specific blueprint. You are who you are. Someone cannot say, "My concept of Kimberly is this...". This is silly, because you are who you are. No one can make up the things they want you to be and believe that you are that person. It is the same with God.
I did not have the time to go through all 300 responses. But I read a lot. I have heard a million times that Christians are hateful, prejudiced, intolerant, that they think they are better than everyone else. I find this intersting, and often offesive. The reason why is, some of you folks got hostile, sarcastic, demeaning, and intolerante toward Chrisitans. How is it that you can be so intolerant and hostile towad Chrisitans. And you call us hypocrites. There is such a thing as having a heartfelt passionate and respectful conversation without all the namecalling, demaning, sarcastic comments.
One last thing. I think the reason why people get so riled up about Christianity, is because we profess that we (Christians) and all other mankind are sinners, and if they do not turn from their sin, and accept Christ as their Savior, they will not go to heaven. I know this is offensive to you because you do not want to own or be responisble for your own wrongdoings (and everyone, myself included commit wrongdoings everyday) and you certainly don't want to answer to God. This is pride and arrogance. How do I know this, because I once was right there with you with that kind of mindset. Let me assure you though, I am not better than you folks or anyone else. I have just turned to Christ, because of my sins. That's why we all need him. He paid the penalty for oursins, be dying on the cross in our place. This is great news.
Let me just end here with this: God loves you whether you like it, or know it, or not. He will never leave you nor fosake you. Lets have a calm, reasonable discussion without namecalling, and demeaning, sarcastic comments.
May the Lord bless you and keep you; may the Lord make His face to shine upon you, and be gracious unto you.
Not achristian by definition. I veiw Jesus as an "enlightened one" a brother and fellow sojourner upon the earth, I am not against christians, but do feel many are deluded. You are brave, many here throw psychic stones, for sin is a non-concept to them. Much like children throwing tantrums. I am familiar with the bible because of my upbringing, and consider it to be an inspired work. I consider what you have written to be an inspired work, the Spirit dwells in all things. Peace.
No one said there are other God's...but other roads to the One God/Father
Some of us know that the "Christians" don't understand what the Bible means. They do not hold the true meaning of Yahshua's teaching.
How condescending can you be? How judgmental can you be of another person?
You have no idea about anyone's relationship with God.
When you judge people as though they don't have God, because they don't believe the same as you--you're exalting yourself to the throne of God.
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