Within a span of a few days, an Asian American lady was killed in a NY subway, an African American lady was killed while waiting for a bus in LA and a White American lady was killed while at work in a furniture store.
It's 2022, if there was any other year to repeat, why 2020?
The price to pay for freedom.
Birth Pains - Pregnant women knows all about the pains associated with having a baby, they start in the first trimester of the pregnancy and continues to the third trimester -- culminating when the baby is due.
Days of the End
The Advent Story (Or The Story of Christmas)
If you are called to preach, then you can (and you should).
New Ways Of Doing Old Things
Almost everything we ever wished for are actually all here. As the saying goes, be careful what you wish for.
Join the club.
Technically it is.
Many people do, some do not, and the rest are unsure.
In the Book of Genesis, the bible tells us their version of the “Beginning”, other books have their own version.
If you are a church leader, you would know that for decades now, it has not been easy running a church. And it only has gotten worse in recent years.
Magnitude 7.2 Easter Sunday Earthquake (April 4, 2010)
Memorial Day is celebrated on the last Monday of May
Make No Mistake Everything We Do or Say May Offend Someone
White lie n. An often trivial, diplomatic or well-intentioned untruth.
The things that we do and know as toddlers are practically just the things we need to relearn and practice as "older children".
It’s interesting what you might stumble upon when you read...
I know how you feel!
Cheer up, there is always something to be cheerful about.
Now, I remember why I do not normally visit Religious Forums. Enter at your own risk.
Okay this is serious.
Happy Birthday Earth!
What if God has been speaking to us all this time, we just didn't know?
Feeling guilty even when you know you haven’t done anything wrong but what is that?
Fall from grace, happens to the best of us, happens to all of us.
Yes We Can Believe.
7.2 Baja California Earthquake Easter Day 2010
That's what Easter is all about Charlie Brown.
Night and day, the difference sometimes is so subtle.
Art imitates life, life imitates art, art imitates science or even science imitates art. But what do you think about science imitating life?
Who Am I? A simple question but most of us have not answered it yet.
" I will come back" -Jesus of Nazareth
Yes indeed, and it was a nice try at rhyming.
We are all hypocrites... if you exclude yourself, you may be among the worse ones among us.
It is so easy for us to see the wrong that other people do, than to see the ones that we do ourselves.
Why do we see what is wrong with others but fail to see what is wrong with us? It is just human nature, or just something else going on.
Are you an orange, an apple, a banana, a pineapple, a pear or just a bunch of grapes?
We will all get there eventually, so which will we choose?
Answers Anyone? People just like us have for generations been looking for answers. And now in our generation, more than in any other time in history, we have access to all the answers we will ever need in our entire lifetime.
You Thought It Was Going To Be Easy? No way, otherwise we will all be Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Michael Jordans.
Turn to the left or turn right? Have you ever gone through a time where you had to choose one path over another and found out that with that single decision you have changed your whole life forever?