How about that ha? We all pretend to be religious but we still cheat, steel, backbite, consume alcohol, murder, slander...etc and yet, we all claim to be righteous? are you?
i dont claim to be righteous bcoz i am not...
Kill and live happily. Hmmm. Nice profile pic.
Maybe you do all these things but i do not. I know another group of people who do not these things and they can get another group of people who do not..
what kind of a crowd are you hanging around with?
You spelt steel wrong, the word to be used is steal.
I think perhaps you are behind the times of today's Christians. I know many 20 year olds who adhere to the word of god and i know many many older people than myself who also adhere to the word of god. In persecuted countries where mentioning the name of jesus can get a person locked in jail for 3-20yrs, their adherence to the word of god is beyond amazing! they would be so upset to read this!
I myself adhere to the word of God, none of those things do i do, not because i am Mr. wonderful or because neither did i desire to do those things, but because i realized that God is able to overcome all those things and since God dwells in me, (there's that personal experience thing again) as a born-again christian (the born-again part means, born into a new being by the spirit of God IN me which means i do not desire nor do i partake in works of darkness, which you mentioned above).
How about we just kill this stupid thread and you get out more, look around and actually see what christians are doing before you want to kill the only thing that has inputted any good at all into a world of chaos.
Nice nonsensical respond. Just a prime example of the ignorance of religion and those who claim to practice/live it.
Cagsil, judge others and the judgement returns to your front door. Why are a few people ignorant by thinking that people will all know how to behave peaceful and happily without laws and moral values? This is the furtherest from the truth. Civil law, rules, and polices keeps the peace and allow happiness to abound. Nothing else!
Please stop your whining. Your temper tantrums will eventually eat you up.
Remember those who provoke you to anger, rule over you.
Peace and watch those meds
Ephesians 2:3 "Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others".
I agree with you- it's not God's fault that there is so much crime. God is full of love and mercy. Christians need to take a stand and tell the truth and testify what God is doing in their lives. I have nothing but good to say regarding God as I have been blessed over and over as I continue to lean into Jesus. As you can see I'm a born again believer of Jesus Christ.
Bro wrote:
[ I myself adhere to the word of God ]
No, you don't. You haven't given away all your worldly possessions as instructed.
Luke 12 (King James Version)
33 Sell that ye have, and give alms; provide yourselves bags which wax not old, a treasure in the heavens that faileth not, where no thief approacheth, neither moth corrupteth.
brotheyochanan...its not "spelt" its spelled something to think about the next time you correct someone on their spelling
Yes - it is amazing how the most prolific religious zealots seem to be the least literate. Maybe this is why they all see their own version of their books.
A friend of mine is trying to apply 'fuzzy theory' to literature, I think he is on the wrong track, he should be looking at fuzziness in relation to the reader
This is why it isn't too smart to correct the spelling of others on the forums. It usually comes back and bites you on the "asp!"
We "all" don't do such horrible things. It is truly sad that ppl think righteousness is an unattainable state of being. Being a good person really isn't as difficult as ppl make it out to be... it's not like trying to be perfect.
same either way, no question in my mind, righteous is this statement.
Nighty Night!
No need to Kill anyone, but we have to change our attitude and thinking pattern. Before chaning to anyone we need to change oursleves and our thinking. If we think we all are same and from one religion, slowing through our vibration they will also believe we are from one religion. So better change ourself first in all your words, thinking and actions.
Well, I don't do all those things you claim we all do, but then I don't claim to be religious; just spiritual.
Still, the title of your thread, 'Let's Kill all religions and live happily' is certainly a whimsical thought I've often had. I truly believe the world would be a better place if we didn't have religions to divide us. But then, I suppose, we'd find something else that would ...
well killing all religions might be a good idea but i'd rather just do away with all STD's , then the world could be truly happy.
I want to share something beautiful with you.
sometimes music speaks to us more than just words.
Enjoy … re=related
kill all religions and be happy have been tried many times in the history of man with all ending in the same manner...back to searching for God because things had become F- up.
What an amazing OP, screw religion. Girl, I can hook you up in Anger Management and Attitude Adjustment Anonymous (AAA)
Just shout girl, I'll hook you straight up
This dilemma in contradiction for the upstanding and righteous folks of the world, who speak flattery while concealing a dagger - must be taxing on them. Just leave me to my own peace... and don't impose your will on me The two worlds can coexist. Mans greed and avarice are his downfall - a return to sanity is not possible for oh so many. Live and let live is all i'm saying - peace
Of course I am religious. I know that God exists, and I know that angels exist. I also know that Satan exists, and the reason so many "righteous" people live like the Devil, is because they follow the Devil, not God. Claiming to be a Christian does not make you one. Humans are very gullible. How else could con-men rip us off? You may to read the Bible. It is recorded that Jesus said Satan would deceive the whole world, except for a few elect. Most likely you are deceived since you posted this thread. People believe in God because God exists. Miracles happen every day that baffle the hell out of scientists and doctors. If you ever experience a true miracle, you'd understand.
I was in a car wreck on the interstate that totaled 5 cars. I was a passenger in a car doing 70 mph when we hit a traffic jam of stopped cars. They fell like dominoes and crushed like beer cans when the car I was in hit them full speed. I was not in a seat belt, and I had no time to react. Other people hit the windshield, hit the dashboard, got messed up. All I remember was something wrapped around me holding me, I was watching the wreck in slow motion, and I wasn't scared because I felt safe. Everyone in the wreck was amazed that I didn't get a scratch. That's what a guardian angel can do for you, if you have one.
I have other stories, but you probably think it's all in my head. The laws of physics always work. Right? Sure, unless God interveins, then anything can happen. Have you ever seen a dead person come alive after being taken to the morgue? I have, it happened after a preacher prayed for the woman, 4 hours after she died.
Well I can see that you faired better than the others, I just don't understand... why?
Well yes I am. I do not have sex with children, I do not deny any wrongdoings that I might have done and I care for those around me.
So yes I am righteous.
How many religous authority figures have dipped their wick where it hasn't belonged. Why are the authority figures now saying they apologise for robbing many a young poor boy and girl their childhood.
It would take me a long time to turn to religion.
I'm not righteous. I lie, back stab and do almost anything to get what I want. I just learnt when I was young that it's not appropriate to mention that out loud.
Luckily I look sweet and innocent so people don't realize even when I'm lying through my teeth.
At least I own up to it.
Look deep inside yourself - would you REALLY jump off a cliff for somebody? Would you really turn the other cheek?
Righteousness and self sacrifice work great - in theory!
Would you really turn the other cheek? ..ya as long as it is not my cheek
For someone who is worthy, I will, why not.... you seem worthy by the way
i will Wrylilt , at least i`ll try , even if i die i`m sure there will be good things waiting for me , i think that`s the answer of that post question ! it`s hope we can`t kill religion because this means to kill hope !
consider if you were at the same cliff screaming & calling for help, but wait someone is coming ,he can see you.... he can help... is looking directly at you... he...turn the other cheek ...and leave ! believe me it`s the worst feeling ever, you won`t feel safe forever even if you`re among people
in my religion we have a verse that say
"And whoever saves a life it is as though he had saved the lives of all mankind" (5:32)
in math ∫ (∂/∂t life) = life/ t & if t = time we all live
anyway I don`t believe you won`t help, you were good enough to tell a confession most people won`t give
Well, religion is just a way of discepline and sets of rules, but being nasty or bad have something to do with your personality. Religion, though doesn't make sense to a lot, but it doesn't tell you to do all these things!
I don't think religion has anything to do with being a good person. I also think that religion shouldn't be 'killed' I just think that people as a whole need to wake up to what religion actually is, and stop an archaic system of control f-up modern day things.
A book I read many years ago by Michael Korder (spelling?)
"Power how to get it how to use it" describes the same process used by religion to control people. It was a good read and many will know it as a best seller.
Lots of sinners! Christianity has never been popular. The road to destruction is wide with many there on. The road to eternal life is narrow and few find it.
So what are you proposing? Nuclear war? The number of human beings on the planet who believe in some form of religion vs. those who do not is like a billion to one. I could probably verify the statistic but you get the idea.
So to kill all of them while sparing the non-believers would be quite a feat. And to what end?
I mean c'mon. We still haven't managed to kill all the lawyers, as proposed centuries ago by Bill Shakespeare. First things first
Apologies to any attorneys, barristers, lawyers, judges or other legal personnel I may have offended.
I do not recall such an apology in "The hitch-hikers guide to the galaxy" They just got rid of em and that was that!
well when i put my self in an atheist shoes i can see the life as follow
life is too short!
it ends at my death!
i`m gonna be dust soon!
i have to take as possible as i could!
they also wanna take a piece of it!
forget about ethics!
ethics are nonsense !
forget about people!
forget about every one!
i won`t allow them take any!
i wanna be more rich !
i wanna have sex with more women !
i`ll do every thing i could to get my goals!
life is short!
time won`t wait!
imagine everybody have the same idea the same desire at the same time no ethics,no religion,no self motivation to right....only selfishness .....&only law stops him....but if law is not there...what`s going to may ask Katrina!
Actually most New Orleans people are religious.
Oh and yeah, thanks for insulting me. It's okay, I know your religion made you do it.
Do you really not know? Can you really not see it?
I have no desire to end religion or kill off religion or any such thing, because I have no desire to attempt to control other people, their minds or hearts.
But I do wish that religiously brainwashed idiots would realize that their beliefs come from the minds of ancient goat-herders and not a god. You think atheists are evil, selfish, unethical people, as demonstrated in your post, simply because people who have been dead for nearly 2 millenia or more said so.
Your misunderstanding is offensive. Your misrepresentation is insulting.
It's really dumb that someone would have to explain that to you.
Elegantly stated! Too bad it's just as impossible to get anyone to realize that as it is to get people to understand, despite scientific proof, that even our memories are for a large part false recollections. Despite the fact that the event that we recall never changes, because it is in the past and is forever static our memories are dynamic in that they can and in fact do change over time to reflect an asynchronous relationship usually in greater relevance to the distance in time since they occurred. This is seen in everyday life as well as in-the-field and laboratory studies. Have you ever lost something and swore it was somewhere you in actuality did not leave them? Has someone ever quoted you and you swore it was a misquote and they present recorded proof of the exactness of your speech? In this and in religion we are so 'certain' that we are right that we deny all alternate possibilities and can never be convinced otherwise. In a different perspective, agnostics claim a god could exist but also could not exist. Some agnostics are practicing in their associated beliefs to try and develop a closer relationship with that god and others do not. Why, then, is it so impossible for religious individuals to claim with 100% certainty that they are in fact correct and the rest of the world is abhorrently wrong. I accept that not all do this, but from these replies alone we can see first hand this is a popular stance. If you cannot look at the world objectively, be it for or against religion, then you effectively cannot even make a responsible decision for yourself. Everyone seems to get so caught up in their own personal attributions that if anyone says something that contradicts us we go berserk. We are defiant for these metaphysical alliances despite the fact that if they exist in all their glory they need no protection from your retaliation. In fact, it can only hurt your message. The truth is no one knows if any religion is correct. Therefore, no one can state they are correct without contradicting the fact that they are humans, and by that notion ignorant. (Ignorance is defined as lacking knowledge because it is not presented, not to be confused with words like 'stupid' which are generally derogatory remarks for incompetence. If you claim that you are not ignorant to the fact of religion then you are effectively stating that it is not a belief but a science, and that you alone are privileged to information not available to the world at large. Note: The Bible or any other religious text is not significant enough proof as we all know that of those of that time that could read and write were already at a significant advantage to writing propaganda to control the uneducated masses, in this case to an extent surpassing Jim Jones, Karl Marx, Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and Saddam Hussein combined. This is not to say either/or are right or wrong, correct or incorrect, and is only a statement of possibility, but is information that should be considered.)
Cloud posted;
[ Why, then, is it so impossible for religious individuals to claim with 100% certainty that they are in fact correct and the rest of the world is abhorrently wrong. ]
Because a Creator deity fails due to; myriad begged questions, furious hand waving and broken logic as it explains nothing.
Objective supporting evidence the universe was manufactured?
Objective supporting evidence your deity can even find its arse using a road map, flashlight, and both hands?
If everything must be manufactured that applies to your deity construct as well.
If your deity construct is exempt, so is the universe.
turguman stated;
well when i put my self in an atheist shoes i can see the life as follow
life is too short!
it ends at my death!
i`m gonna be dust soon!
i have to take as possible as i could!
they also wanna take a piece of it!
forget about ethics!
ethics are nonsense !
forget about people!
forget about every one!
i won`t allow them take any!
i wanna be more rich !
i wanna have sex with more women !
i`ll do every thing i could to get my goals!
life is short!
time won`t wait!
imagine everybody have the same idea the same desire at the same time no ethics,no religion,no self motivation to right....only selfishness .....&only law stops him....but if law is not there...what`s going to may ask Katrina! end quote
Gotta love Christian projection. Please don't lose your chains of superstitions.
Christianity is the epitome of selfishness and the poster is the epitome of foolishness. May I kindly remind you of the common actions of Christians [not all] along the lines you project?
1st im not christian at all
2nd that`s not my way that`s atheist way of thinking because atheist only believe in him self , why should he care for others ?!
No, you've not 'put yourself in an atheist's shoes.' You've projected your actions onto others.
Why do you spout your lying ignorance when you haven't the faintest clue as to what an atheist is?
Not a Christian? Fair enough. You are a theist who can't be trusted 'off leash.' That's what your prior post and this one flat demonstrates.
Whatever your brand of superstition is, please never lose it, as it is the only thing keeping you from running amok-again, as your words show.
I'll leave it to self-centred theists like you to be the monsters.
If you really need me to explain further, I will, but if I have to do so I doubt you'd understand it. I find that quite sad.
don't forget the competition if one person wants many opposite gender lovers. Think about the ensuing battles leading to fighting and no F - ing!
No religion? Well, get set for civil up risings, destroying food and water supples. Our civil laws and those that enforce them has never and never will be adequate to stop massive rebellions. How much food and water can you hide? The world is more contingent than what we first think.
Yeah there would be a civil uprising, because nobody would be anesthesized by the mind and heart numbing drug religion, but atheists generally aren't dumb enough to destroy the food and water supplies.
Pandora, again, you hit the nail on the head.
Regardless of association to race, religion, creed, or social status humans will gather together and throw of the shackles of oppression the conquer a common goal. This is only untrue in cases of absolute stubborn behavior as well as in physical damage to the mental faculties. Just as in one of the most racist times in history when the American government in dire need of more soldiers began enlisting African-American soldiers into the armed services, regardless of the individual belief when they were forced to fight side by side they set aside their differences and accomplished the task at hand. This is true, as I said, in all cases except in the most stubborn of bigots, in which case they themselves were the focus of derision for not participating in the 'new' group. There are other parallels that can be drawn between posts on this board and racism. When you look upon an atheist with derision and say that since they do not have a religion they no longer have control of their morals it is to say we are less/not human. It is not religion that keeps you from murdering another, it is that 3.5 lbs of tissue you so frequently underestimate feeding you shame and guilt through chemical sequences that overpower your conscious mentality. If this was not the case, then atheist would be out murdering and raping everything despite rather or not anyone else in the world has a religion or not. That would not even be a variable. It is amusing to see so many people self-aggrandizing their point-of-view as if their mental faculties are so accomplished that they themselves have transcended to another plane and are speaking with the authority that can only come from the retrospect of a soul already positioned in the afterlife. Also the derogation you expel for those not inside your clique contradicts the intricacies and social etiquette expounded upon inside most religious texts. You see, an objective view is one that accepts all beliefs without accepting or denying them as true. The core of a belief system is personal and should not be instilled. The words are true for non-believers as well. However, the original point of this topic, I believe, is that religions take advantage of the legal system telling others how they can and cannot live. This is in violation of individual human rights.
Laws can be used to protect, but any law is a restriction on freedom. When it gets to the point when groups that would not normally partake in activities any way try to enforce a restriction on the rest of society it becomes a conflict of interest. Just for examples sake, abortion. If it is your religious sects. belief that abortion is wrong then by all means do not do it and never allow yourself to be 'forced' into it. On the alternative side, no where in the Bible does it say that you are supposed to enforce people from sinning. You are only supposed to lead by your good example and express you alliance with the lord. I know this from a lifetime of seminary experience.
I find this thought amusing. If religion was banned they would still al say that their particular religion can't be banned, it's reeeeeeeeeealy real!
Imagine a few hundred different religions all squealing that in unison!
Oh yeah, just what's needed 4 billion people screaming at the top of their lungs.....but god is real. Especially, when all they have is faith and nothing more.
With four billion of them you would reckon the world should be shiny like a new apple!
If only those few atheists would behave!
Oh, I just laughed hysterically at the thought of a world full of atheists and only a few remaining religious people in parallel to "Twilight" where the religious sparkle when they go out into the sun like the vampires do because god is sprinkling them with divinity. Personally I cannot stand Twilight which is probably what makes it all the more hilarious.
And what would be your point to responding to my posted comment?
got your own medicine back at ya
i often wondered that about your posts. You lie so boldly and think no one notices it
Nah! Cags has the capacity to reason, something you as a religionist may find hard to fathom.
i've read his reasonings.. he sounds very much like you,
As i mentioned before reason has nothing to do with God. Did marching around jericho 7 times then yelling at it, sound reasonable. Did all of israel standing on the shore of the red sea sound reasonable. Did joseph being sold to egyptian tradespeople sound reasonable.. LOL... Give it up.
The carnal mind will never understand the things of God. NEVER.
Like i said before
OVER YOUR HEAD! so far over you better hubble it.
You must be H U G E hehe.. cudn't resist. lol but seriously, you can't have outgrown it because you can't quote from it in any sort of correct context. Everything is distorted and wrong. sorry but strewths strewth, cobber. If you were to try and find any church that would accept your doctrine you'd starve as a pastor.
That is amusing, considering the bulk of the bible quotes I insert are straight out of the KJV.
Yes but way way way out of context and without understanding. Your usage is like taking the phone book, pulling mr johnsons phone number out, writing it down and saying hes a queer. Its easy to cut and paste lol.
I have explained to you before and quite clearly. My shock can only be absorbed and justified by believing that you prefer to NOT know bible truths and reasons.
The "context argument. First you try to defend the whole statement then you go back to this old chestnut.
How many times does your pathetic god have to make threats before one of those threats falls in to your "context"
"If you put your hand on a burner you will burn yourself" is not a threat, its a consequence of action. I could say, "a burn will result if you touch a hot stove burner" or i could say, "if ye eat of the tree you shall die" or i could say "azza put his hand to the ark to stable it, and he died" or i could say "if a man have sex with a man, he shall surely be put to death". Not a threat but a consequence of action, an action that was put in place to prevent HIV, syphillis, and whatever else comes with poking someone up the bum.
No, it's a warning. You are warning someone of the danger of burning themselves.
HIV, syphilis and any number of STDs are transmitted by poking females up the snatch also - so it looks like your god it all wrong yet again. What a friggin' useless god - anyone would have thought its pronouncements were written by barely-literate, bronze age peasants - oh wait.
(warning - hypothetical question)If I say to you - "I will kill you unless you stop spreading your religious garbage." (warning - hypothetical question)If I mean to do it - is that a threat, a warning or a consequence?
Simple answer - it is all three.
The simple fact is - you are not qualified to threaten, warn or offer consequences. You do not speak for god. You speak for you and have absolutely no idea at all what will happen to anyone after they die. It is actually offensive that you claim this knowledge in order to attempt to scare people to follow your ridiculous religion.
No morals. None.
"I'll be nice to you in heaven.. oh wait.. sorry, my ridiculous religion may not let you in"
Spending eternity with you in heaven may be some people's idea of hell! I feel quite sure of it, as a matter of fact! LOL!
At last - we have found some common ground, cousin.
Religion has nothing to do with Free Will. Regardless, of the religion you may or may not practice acts that are consider a crime or sin are still subject to an individual's Free Will. Considering that most religions were started as political movements to control populations, religious rules and guidelines have varied over time to suit the controlling power.
However, if you are someone that practices a religion and still chooses to violate the covenants of that religion it is your Free Will the dictates those violations, not the fault of religion. Further, as long as there is just one person that believes in a greater power than that which can be found on Earth then there will never be a death to religion.
C.A. Johnsonposted 95 minutes ago
Religion has nothing to do with Free Will. Regardless, of the religion you may or may not practice acts that are consider a crime or sin are still subject to an individual's Free Will. Considering that most religions were started as political movements to control populations, religious rules and guidelines have varied over time to suit the controlling power.
However, if you are someone that practices a religion and still chooses to violate the covenants of that religion it is your Free Will the dictates those violations, not the fault of religion. Further, as long as there is just one person that believes in a greater power than that which can be found on Earth then there will never be a death to religion. end quote
Free Will does not exist. It does not exist with Christianity and doesn't exist in reality. No matter how much 'Free Will' I have I will never be able to physically flap my arms and fly around the world.
With Christianity all are mere actors in a pointless play hitting their marks and speaking their lines as scripted eons ago when 'God' had too much Odin's Ale and pickled eggs and farted the universe into being.
Free Will does exist. It took the notion of Free Will to believe in whatever faith to begin with. It continues to take Free Will to blindly follow or not follow any given faith.
Free Will is simply the ability to make a choice and the choices we make dictate the lives we lead.
Still it must be nice for the fundies to imagine us boiling in oil at the end of our lives.
I can here it now. "That'll learn em!"
After all they are going to live forever whereas we bone ignorant baby poisoning riff raff are going to be under the power of these fundies wrath through their god, so they are the really big folk here!
its by works that people are judged. Works are the things you do. Hubpages and everything will not be overlooked. In here are hearts bared and inner beings brought forth, people reveal themselves and their attitude toward God and these are the things that God will take into consideration AFTER you are saved.
Good luck with this.
Just a thought, think of all of the problems that would be cleared up if God came down and order the righteous to Heaven, as predicted in many religions. Over population would be gone. Freedom of religion wouldn't be quite the issue it is now, we would be freed from at least of the politicians, and there would be less people complaining about those that don't share their belief.
I have a better one for about how much better the entire world would be if all the religious people were not so selfish?
A lot quieter maybe.
Probably won't ever happen. Most people make it a policy to not do something that someone else would like too much.
Well, there is no doubt in that statement, but unfortunately, if the religious folk weren't so selfish, the planet would not be in such a need to be healed. It's a fact.
hahahaha would be a nicer place if the anti-theists weren't worse than the christians in purporting their faith.
thats a fact
Religious people are no more selfish than all others.
Rubbish! 'Eternal life' is the epitome of selfishness.
There's nothing a believer won't do, or sacrifice, in order to get the 'gold ring.'
We do not operate out of selfishness. I am not in this because God offers me eternal life. I don't even know if i want eternal life so it certainly is not high up on my list if on my list at all, if i even have a list.
You infer to know a truth when you make a guess. Please do not put forth your inferences as truths. You do not know. Eternal life sounds good to you but you are carnal and through the selfishness you descry, you covet.
I don't even want a gold ring.
We are told to hate the world and the things of the world and to deny ourselves this is not selfishness.
You need a dictionary
C.A. Johnsonposted 87 minutes ago
Just a thought, think of all of the problems that would be cleared up if God came down and order the righteous to Heaven, as predicted in many religions. Over population would be gone. Freedom of religion wouldn't be quite the issue it is now, we would be freed from at least of the politicians, and there would be less people complaining about those that don't share their belief. end quote
All the 'righteous' would be promptly shipped off to Hell.
If only the superstitious would keep the drivel to themselves and not bother others about it.
You can take that crap called Pascal's Wager, fold it until its all corners. insert it up your arse, and rotate faster than the speed of sound.
If you folks could think you might be dangerous.
Christians will be the pass around play toys for a bunch of celestial toddlers. These individuals warned you about the eternal dire consequences for not worshiping them or in the right manner. Everyone knows what happens to the toys of toddlers.
Interestingly, I know there's a large mass of christianity in america that does want to make islam illegal to practice here.
Unbelievable, I know, but frighteningly true.
Never be fooled. Many christians would behave just as savagely as muslim extremists do, if we let them.
Christians have already been there and done that. Muslims just have't evolved that far yet.
Evolved? As in thinking for themselves. I'll agree.
Christians have been there, done that, and then moved to America as part of the religious migrations after many europeans stopped following religious beliefs, and after braches of religion such as 7th day adventists were persecuted by the church.
Fact is, all religions have tragic histories of committing and receiving great wrongs all for the sake of a God or gods that have told them so. When it comes right down to it religion is a faith in something more while for an equal amount it is justification for causing harm even though they know it to be wrong.
Take one more step back into history for a reason that religious persons pushs for a law.; it's always people hurting other people for everything under the sun which doesn't have religion. This moves religious people to act in order to stop the danger of innocent people getting hurt. believe me, the murder rate for true believers are incredibly lower than those who profess no religious faith. CA Johnson, it's exciting to release the devil, but boy! It doesn't take long before most want to bind his Ass.
Blatent unrepentant lie. There's no reason to do so. Believers love bearing false witness.
The results of the Christians vs atheists
in prison investigation.
Catholic 29267 39.164%
Protestant 26162 35.008%
Atheist 156 0.209%
It isn't difficult to realize why.
Atheists Supply Less Than 1% Of Prison Populations
In "The New Criminology", Max D. Schlapp and Edward E. Smith say that two
generations of statisticians found that the ratio of convicts without
religious training is about 1/10 of 1%. W. T. Root, professor of
psychology at the Univ. of Pittsburgh, examined 1,916 prisoners and said
"Indifference to religion, due to thought, strengthens character," adding
that Unitarians, Agnostics, Atheists and Free-Thinkers are absent from
penitentiariers or nearly so.
During 10 years in Sing-Sing, those executed for murder were 65% Catholics,
26% Protestants, 6% Hebrew, 2% Pagan, and less than 1/3 of 1% non-religious.
Steiner and Swancara surveyed Canadian prisons and found 1,294 Catholics,
435 Anglicans, 241 Methodists, 135 Baptists, and 1 Unitarian.
Dr. Christian, Superintendant of the NY State Reformatories, checked
22,000 prison inmates and found only 4 college graduates. In "Who's Who"
91% were college graduates, and he commented that "intelligence and
knowledge produce right living" and that "crime is the offspring of
superstition and ignorance."
Surveyed Massachusetts reformatories found every inmate religious, carefully
herded by chaplins.
In Joliet, there were 2,888 Catholics, 1,020 Baptists, 617 Methodists and
0 non-religious.
Michigan had 82,000 Baptists and 83,000 Jews in their state population.
But in the prisons, there were 22 times as many Baptists as Jews, and 18 times
as many Methodists as Jews. In Sing-Sing, there were 1,553 total inmates with
855 of them Catholics (over half), 518 Protestants, 177 Jews and 8 non-
religious. There's a very interesting qualified statistic.
Steiner first surveyed 27 states, and found 19,400 Christians, 5,000 with
no preference, and only 3 Agnostics (one each in Connecticut, New Hampshire,
and Illinois). A later, more complete survey found 60,605 Christians, 5,000
Jews, 131 Pagans, 4,000 no preference, and only 3 Agnostics.
In one 29-state survey, Steiner found 15 unbelievers, Spirtualists,
Theosophists, Deists, Pantheists and 1 Agnostic among nearly 83,000 inmates.
Calling all 15 "anti-christians" made it one half person to each state.
Elmira reformatory overshadowed all, with nearly 31,000 inmates, including
15,694 Catholics (half), and 10,968 Protestants, 4,000 Jews, 325 refusing
to answer, and 0 unbelievers.
In the East, over 64% of inmates are Catholics. In the national prison
population they average 50%. A national census found Catholics 15%. They
count from the diaper up. Hardly 12% are old enough to commit a crime.
Half of these are women. That leaves an adult Catholic population of 6%
supplying 50% of the prison population.
Liverpool, England produces three percent as many young criminals as
Birmingham, a larger city, 28% coming from Catholic schools.
What does this tell you about parochial school systems or claims that religion
is the guardian of morals?
* Fifty-two percent of people belong to no church, yet live clean lives and *
* supply less than 1% of the total criminal population. So much for *
* religious indoctrination. *
This would be interesting if not for the average inference that not all christians are christians.. if this be true, then we have many people who might be capable of anything.
In america most people in prisons are black or mexican and from low income families. There are so many other modifiers about this narrowly defined set of truths that i really don't buy into any of it.
A much more thorough report needs to be done.
nice try though.
Yes, and now many of them wanna go do it all again. I don't know why we don't sue these people.
It's mostly only the religious who practice religious persecution.
Personally, I believe in the Fates and they have a wicked sense of humor.
Did you ever notice that almost all religion have a man as God? Shouldn't that be a clue to the validity of religion? Even more noticable is the fact that before they elect to persecute other religions it's always a woman's fault.
Prime example: Burkas for Blackberrys in Iran so that women do not corrupt the devices. (Still laughing over that by the way.)
so that`s your problem ok the answer is .....
no not all religion called God a man i`m a Muslim i don`t believe in Christ as god
God said about him self in quran "There is nothing like Him"
God is unique God created us men & women but this doesn`t mean that he looks like us ,God doesn`t eat or Drink or sleep ,God have no wife no son no one equal to him God is the one
Okay, I can respect your viewpoint. In all fairness I have yet to read the Quran but I did go through a phase in my younger years of studying a wide variety of religions because of the diversity of my family's religious outlooks. At a young age I was exposed to Hindu, Christianity, Catholicism, and Druidism. My belief system is unique to say the least, and whichever smarta$$ comments I may make from time to time, I do ultimately believe that everyone is entitled to their own faith or lack of faith. Nor do I judge a person because of their religion.
I still have to laugh at Burkas for Blackberrys though, it just strikes me as funny.
Oh, they do and its all quite common. One can see the savage hatred right here in these threads.
I disagree with this idea of killing he religion. Man can't live alone, faith makes a man a man.. I do understand that there are people who live in this world without God in their hearts and mind. And that is why their life has no meaning at all.
Their lives have no meaning at all.
I just want to emphasize that thought. Because I think it's important that people realize how warped and sick the heart and mind of a christian is.
Actually, I kinda think that may be what is called 'hate speech' and a wide generalisation that cannot be sustained.
I will agree that there are many religions that advocate killing folk who disagree with them, but Christ never said that, believers are to hate the world (system) but love other people as they love themselves.
I'll also agree that many so called Christians do not love themselves, having been trapped in a doctrine rather than a relationship with Christ, but that's no reason to kill religion, more a reason to set people free by showing them Christianity, rather than Churchianity.
Different things!
Besides, we already killed Christ once, but it did not work, He came right back and death was defeated.
You made me go back to the god of love's dad to find all this love.
Here are just a few bits of "love" approved of in the holy bible.
Anyone arrogant enough to reject the verdict of the judge or of the priest who represents the LORD your God must be put to death. Such evil must be purged from Israel. (Deuteronomy 17:12 NLT)
You should not let a sorceress live. (Exodus 22:17 NAB)
"If a man lies with a male as with a women, both of them shall be put to death for their abominable deed; they have forfeited their lives." (Leviticus 20:13 NAB)
A man or a woman who acts as a medium or fortuneteller shall be put to death by stoning; they have no one but themselves to blame for their death. (Leviticus 20:27 NAB)
Then he kills his own son.
The words of a homicidal maniac. Just dripping with love!!!!
Well, yanno its all righteous, loving, and the rest of the claptrap as long as it happens to someone else.
As soon as the 'cross-hairs' of their 'loving' maniac God hit them their view reverses.
These fools never stop to think that to all *other* Xians *they* are that someone else.
Aqua, like all Xians are so-called Xians as they all have different views on what a ttttttttttttrrrrrrrruuuuuuuuuuuuuueeeeeeeeeee
Xian *really* is.
Anyone arrogant enough to reject the verdict of the judge or of the priest who represents the LORD your God must be put to death. Such evil must be purged from Israel. (Deuteronomy 17:12 NLT)
(These are self willed people who arrogantly (see this word in the dictionary) keep on defying Gods plan for a working society. See my hub on "the atheist says show thyself god" for a more detailed look at the impossiblity of god showing himself and the inevitable conclusion of god thinking.. instead of slapping every bodies hands every time they try to sin, how about i just kill them and concentrate on the non arrogant people.
You should not let a sorceress live. (Exodus 22:17 NAB)
(sorcery is selfishness personified you should understand why this is a large nono. Satanic worship... ahem..)
"If a man lies with a male as with a women, both of them shall be put to death for their abominable deed; they have forfeited their lives." (Leviticus 20:13 NAB)
(if you prefer homosexuality over the normal sexual urges of male female no wonder you yell at God, homosexuality give me a creeepy feeling. Too horny for one gender? To fleshy for spirituality! Instead of slapping their hands every time they.... just get rid of them is way way easier)
A man or a woman who acts as a medium or fortuneteller shall be put to death by stoning; they have no one but themselves to blame for their death. (Leviticus 20:27 NAB)
(and you don't get this one either... you need to read my hub and be quiet after the education you will get, leave a comment )
Pandoras Box posted 42 minutes ago in reply to this
Their lives have no meaning at all.
I just want to emphasize that thought. Because I think it's important that people realize how warped and sick the heart and mind of a christian is."
Yep. Such is Christian 'Love.' "Strange" how they don't have a problem with people not worshiping other fantasy figures, but then get their panties in a twist when their delusions are treated the same way.
I don't have a problem with people who worship "Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy," but dang if the reverse gets them all fired up.
Excuse me stoned one, God set these rules as part of the first covenant, a covenant of flesh.
Hebrews 8:7 "For if that first covenant had been faultless, then should no place have been sought for the second".
Hebrews 8:8 "For finding fault with them, he saith, Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah":
1 Corinthians 15:45 And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.
1 Corinthians 15:46 Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual.
1 Corinthians 15:47 The first man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is the Lord from heaven.
1 Corinthians 15:48 As is the earthy, such are they also that are earthy: and as is the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly.
1 Corinthians 15:49 And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly.
God says to us, love your enemies. Do good to those who persecute you and other loving stuff. Therefore the heart of a christian is not warped or sick, it may have been at one time, when they were unsaved as i can tell that you are.
I suppose we could just smile and wave as you walk off a cliff but we are not like that. I may be hard handed with you but its because i care that you are in direct line to a cliff. I may be soft and say "its good that you think that way", because i am tired of fighting but at no time do i ever think you are unworthy to be saved, and therefore do WE persevere with you rude children. so
get saved dude
Xian projection noted. A man, or woman, stands on their own two feet while slaves grovel.
ok i will give you a simple equation
atheism = no God (1)
but no god = no good (2)
we know no good = evil (3)
so atheism = evil #
Step 2 is where you go wrong. But if you insist on letting your ignorance make you hateful-
christianity = belief in fairy tales
belief in fairy tales = naivety
naivety = ignorance
ignorance = stupid
therefore all christians are stupid.
Have a nice delusion.
Hey, I believe in fairy tales! Mine just have nothing to do with religion and everything to do with happily ever after.
What bigger fairy tale is there than "happily ever after"?
well i don`t believe in fairy tales
i believe God is there
so i have two chances
a tiny one in that life
& a big one in my other life
, if God is there i will get the big one + the tiny one
if not it`s ok i lived a sound life in my tiny one no harm
but you don`t believe in God so you have only one tiny chance
if not.......if u will be a big loss
believe me i wish you will get both 2
I may not believe in God but I do believe that you get to keep coming back until you get it right. So between the Fates and reincarnation, some of us are going to be here awhile. Smiles.
God *is* a fairy tale and the empty threat of that asinine Pascal's Wager would be laughable if it wasn't so pathetic.
No harm? You forget all the elder deity constructs who promise eternal consequences to those who don't worship them or don't worship in the proper way.
Y'all will be the eternal play toys of celestial toddlers. Everyone knows what happens to the toys of toddlers.
BTW 'God' is doing triple eternity in the Justice League's [tm] Forbidden Zone[tm]. So, no rapture for you.
so Mr stoneyy i think that Pascal thought well than you do !!
at least he didn`t call God "celestial toddler" cause he knew what size is he in that universe to outrage his creator !!
thanx for reminding me that i have 2/3 chances not 1/2 that makes me feel better
No, moron, there's a lot of problems with the stupidity of Pascal's Wager. Look it up. If I recall correctly, he realized it later.
Celestial Toddler is an apt description. That you don't like it is your personal problem.
As for Allah and Mohammed, Urination be upon them both.
I will give you a clue about the Wager. You won't be in Heaven. You'll be the eternal play toy for a bunch of celestial toddlers. Why? Because of the eternal consequences for not worshiping them. Sucks for you.
@ Pandoras Box
by the way i`m not Christian , in fact i believe that Christianity led you here & i`m sorry for that ,cause i red the bible i mean the bibles & i know how you feel right-now ! but it`s not God`s fault that some people decided to write their own personal hubs in there!
The religionists will be the first to agree with killing off all religions.
except theirs which is the only right one!
So what do you think will be said if they find out that there isn't a God?
The same thing they said when they found out there was no Santa Claus.
Others, like the person who 'emulated' an atheist, would run amok stealing, raping, killing and all sorts of other things.
For people like these its 'dog training 101,' they can't be trusted 'off leash.'
They're more than welcome to slaughter each other as they've done for thousands of years.
Divine Plane, Greater Good, and all that stone age bovine excrement.
the question now is did any one prove god is not there ?!
can any one do so ?!
can any one say it for certainty ?!
the answer is ..... No !
No body can claim so !
We are here & we didn`t make ourselves & we know that
so who did make us ?!
Random Events !
Is that what you believe !
Mess brought us to life !
so you left the easy answer!
the simple one!
creatures come from creators
& pick the other one..... the silly one
creatures come from the dustbin !
i`m so sorry but you are wrong....really you are
Can you prove that there is a God? Any god?
No cheating, just because a book says he exists, doesn't make it so.
he doesn`t have to be proved in order to exist isn`t it ?
but ok i`ll give you my secret detection tool it`s " effect "
did you know that scientists cheated on us for long telling us about things as facts that never seen like Energy, fields ,gravity !!
plz read this … ism-matter
& more is coming
Strange, I had always thought the question was if anyone could prove a god was there. Isn't it the believers who are saying one is there?
No "one" apparently made us.
One could spend their entire lives worshiping a god and then find out they picked the wrong god to worship. How do you know you even picked the right god?
I worship the creator of the world directly with no mediators so how can i miss you tell me
Easy, there are a long line of gods waiting in the wings in which you'll have to pass by in order to get to the one you worship.
I doubt that the right one would allow any others to get in his way if he's chosen the right one.
Notice that the primary word in your statement is "if".
So, he may very well be completely convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that he has chosen the right god, but then so are the other believers of those other religions convinced. They too are in the very same predicament in whether or not they have chosen the right god.
And who's to say he wouldn't be right...right for him that is.
You're assuming that all believers are convinced their religion is right and everyone elses is wrong...a fallacy. All religous people don't feel this way, I certainly don't.
Buddhists believe that everyone has there own path to follow, and because that path is right for that one person, does not mean that it will be right for anyone else.
We all have our own paths to follow and for some that means Christianity is right, for some Buddhism is right, for some Shinto is right, but for everybody, it is the the right religion for that person.
Predicament, I don't think so. There is no such thing as right or wrong, merely opinion and perception.
If it's right for him, then that says more about what he wants to believe and not about gods existing.
That makes no sense. If you believe another religion is right, then why don't you follow it?
Again, that says more about what someone wants to believe and has nothing to do with what the religion states.
Then, those are the religions those people want to believe, which says absolutely nothing about the religion itself and everything to do about the person. They can then chose to believe the universe was sneezed out of a giant lizard, and it means exactly the same thing.
You guys are the only ones walking around saying..."PROVE IT, PROVE IT." Have you considered Its already been proven to them.
I didn't say I believed a certain religion was right...I said I didn't believe my religion was right and all others are wrong. I won't try to explain it to you as you believe all religion is wrong and it would be pointless.
The universe was sneezed out...prove it wasn't.
You misunderstand. A believer is free to believe anything they wish, with belief being a private matter.
If you look the folks being challenged are being challenged for their claims about their deity existing in reality and that the tenets of their religion applying to others.
Of course, just like it's been proven to folks who believe in alien visitations, psychics and telepathy, out of body experiences and so forth.
You haven't attempted to explain that particular contradiction. Can you?
I can't prove it wasn't sneezed out just as I can't prove your god doesn't exist or any other god doesn't exist. That is the point. It is up to the person making the positive claim of existence to provide their evidence. No one can. So, we are left to conclude their beliefs are something they want to believe and nothing more.
Any god would be better than the crazed psycho in the OT!
It amazes me that someone would believe in an invisible murderous entity, from a self contradictory pile of retold stories adjusted by the powerful 2,000 years ago to scare the living crap out of the great unwashed as if it had meaning in the world today!
Seriously funny if any of them bothered to read the whole book they would read all the contradictions, hate and psychosis it was written with!
You know Aesop's fables carry the same moral code and are nearly as scary. Oh, and they leave out the death unto others that most religions bury in the small print.
Yep! In one part of the bible, the psycho is supposed to have killed all but 8 of the entire world population, cos someone stole his teddy bear as I recall.
Cue stark raving terror based on the 'Eternal Consequences.'
I was brought up in the Protestant church (C of E) and taught to believe that a Christian was someone who didn't lie, cheat, steal or murder etc (the 10 commandments), who helps others even those that aren't 'one of us' (The Good Samaritan) who doesn't squander their resources (parable of the talents) and who shows forgiveness to those that fall by the way-side (The Parable of the Prodigal Son)
I've never had a problem with any of this, and although not a church-goer I've always considered myself to be a 'christian'. Now I'm told by various religionists that I'm not a Christian at all. Apparently you have to be 'born again' whatever that is!
What I want to know, is when did the rules change, and does God know about it?
christianity is not everything out there amanda
The 10 Commandments are good, basic, moral values that I believe everyone should practice and should be taught to every child regardless of anybody's religion.
If you believe in the Scrolls of Christ, they teach that you relationship with God is between you and him. God never required a church or middlemen for you to talk to him or to abide by the covenants set forth in early teachings. It has taken centuries of pollution and interpretation in all religions to bring about the notions of what is right and wrong. There is no need to be "born again" or anything else. As long has you are confident in your beliefs, do not let anyone shake your faith by telling you that you're doing it wrong. You relationship with God is simply that and it is yours alone to decide how you choose to practice your faith.
While I do not believe in any one all powerful being, I do believe that if there is one God then he or she is intelligent enough to recognize the faithful.
Oh God !
relationship with God is between you and him. God never required a church or middlemen for you to talk to him or to abide by the covenants set forth in early teachings.
(O mankind!) Call upon your Lord humbly and in secret. Lo! He loveth not aggressors
do believe that if there is one God then he or she is intelligent enough to recognize the faithful.
Say: He is Allah, the One! (1) Allah, the eternally Besought of all! (2) He begetteth not nor was begotten. (3) And there is none comparable unto Him. (4)
He is Allah in the heavens and in the earth. He knoweth both your secret and your utterance, and He knoweth what ye earn
Then he noeth he is a crock of **** as well eh?
He is Allah in the heavens and in the earth. He knoweth both your secret and your utterance, and He knoweth what ye earn. (3) Never came there unto them a revelation of the revelations of Allah but they did turn away from it. (4) And they denied the truth when it came unto them. But there will come unto them the tidings of that which they used to deride.
And what were the tidings?
"Sorry guys, this is just another recycle from the sun god story, it just kept growing as we added lies to it?"
But, what if there is another god that actually exists and it isn't Allah? What will you do then?
Allah is God, God is Lord, Lord is The Creator of the whole world ; how can be there two creators for the same thing !
There are many religions making the exact same claim as yours, just the gods and the details of creation are different. Perhaps, you're not aware that other religions actually exist, not just Islam.
Beelzedad i have red about many religions talk to people of different religions & no i am not just Muslim by birth if you mean so
but only Islam gave me the simple answer i was seeking
the jews were a chosen people for a while, but that was for a definite purpose,,,,,
Amanda Severn wrote ...
What I want to know, is when did the rules change, and does God know about it?
Yea he knows about it ... He even foretold it ,,(Rev 13)
Each of those Christians considers them self to be God.
The fools at Conservapedia have, again, rewritten the Bible.
God is a sock puppet.
"Let's Kill all religions and live happily?"
How would you kill the religions? Do you believe in violence?
I am an Ahmadi peaceful Muslim
Religion is regarded by the common people as true,
by the wise as false,
and by the rulers as useful.
Seneca the Younger
I am not agree with this statement Let's Kill all religions and live happily.Religion is regarded by the common people as true,
by the wise as false,
and by the rulers as useful.
As all religion tells same things . No religion say disrespect others and to kill others
No all religions are a destruction map set in stone- "Do as I say, NOT as I do" type format. Thus, destruction arises from those who follow it.
That statement seems to be a bit unfair.
The majority of people of all affiliations leave a wake of destruction in their path.
When we are born we have but one destiation. Death.
We were given this directive.
Enjoy yourself while remembering where it came from; Don't take away the joy from others. No sense in hurrying up to your destination.
People couldn't follow this simple directive so laws were created in an appempt to clarify. Mankind searches for loop holes.
The more laws, the more loop holes.
As Jesus said, LOVE GOD with all your heart (enjoy the gift and remember); Love your neighbor as thy self (don't take anyones joy away) If you follow these then you have followed them all.
I know that isn't quite right... But its something like that.
Jerami, the "god" metaphor is about self mastery. Not some fictional character. So, please.
It all boils down to;
Love God. That isn't difficult. He loves us. How can you not love some one when they love us as much as he does.
Love each other as much as your self.. If you love some one and treat them the way ya want them to treat you then there is no need for the other laws.
You will automatically do them, out of love.
Then there are the atheists, and the fact that a happy ending isn't possible until everyone agrees. Waiting on the palestinians, Israel. Syria,Iran, N. Korea and fifteen or so other groups and factions that don't share your veiw. What we really need is one, big, fat, flippin' miracle.
A miracle? What if the christians themselves could all agree on their beliefs? LOL! They all seem to hear different "messages" from the same deity! Odd!
There will allways be a few children that don't play well with others. DARN IT !
make the lil' buggers stand in a corner.
He's separatin' the wheat from the chaff. The suckers from the ones that get it, knockin' on the front door while crawlin' thru the doggie door on the back porch.
But they all think they are the "wheat" and the others the "chaff." Which are you, by the way? LOL!
That is true. They don't have to Love God or even acknowledge him to bring peace to the world... All that they would have to do is to stop trying to take away everyone elses JOY. Them greedy suckers... They want all of the Joy!
That is the mericle that you spoke of ???
nope, the miracle will be that any of us survive this .
There are small miracles happening, some times people don't see them for what they are.
We will see a BIG miracle some day. They are always fighting over in the middle east. Every one over there is against Israel, but, Israel is God's chosen people. When all these nations join together to attack Israel, then every one will see a Big miracle.
Actually, re read that part. The Israelites CLAIM to be his chosen, but he hasn't seemed to be on their side. Case in point. They were told at Mt Sinai or wherever, not to covet their neighbors property, etc. then they came to the land of Canaan, which they took by force. Seems HE just wanted to see if they had been listening. Hmmmm.
Actually that Hebrew Nation that ceased to exist between 135 - 138 AD was said to be his chosen people.
In Daniel 9 they were warned that they were being given 70 weeks to quit sinning and anoint the most holy. They didn't do that. They killed him instead. When they did that, God withdred his favor.
This is what Jesus was talking about in the parable of the husbandmen killing the owners son instead of paying their rent.
The owner ran them off and gave the vinyard to others.
The last great battle will be encamped around the "Holy Mountain" which just happens to be in Jerusalem.
Just my opinion.
Israel has definately disobeyed God from time to time. As most children do. Like most parents they get punished, have things taken away from them.
I do believe God was helping them in the 7 day war. I also believe there is even a bigger war coming, and God will step in then too.
Regardless, a big miracle now would be nice, but I do believe there is a huge one coming.
I wonder if you realize how ridiculous this sounds? War mongering at its finest.
God takes sides?
Disgusting religion really. No wonder you cause so many wars.
Do you not agree that the middle east is in war? The countries that aren't fighting are threatening to.
Do you have children? When they get in a fight do you not find out what it is about and straighten it out? You have to take a side in the arguement and decide who is in the right. Ya know, who had the toy first. Who took it away from who.
If we are disgusting to you, that is pretty easy to solve. When you see my name, skip over me. You know you aren't going to agree to anything I say, so, just don't read it. I'm not making you.
Sorry? What does that have to do with The Invisible Super Daddy taking sides? Oh? You mean when your children get in a fight - you have special ones that you like best and kill the other ones?
Interesting - as I always say - The lack of ethical and moral standards displayed by Christians is my main objection to their ridiculous belief system. Disgusting,
No - I will keep telling you what I think of you and your religion thanks.
I love to judge the judgmental. Just like you ask me to.
Now admit it ... any excuse will do.
Be thankful that The air that we breath is FULL of excuses and alibis that enable us to self justify doing anything that we …. WAS WANTING to do.
I see that you have also found an abundance of them.
No. I genuinely think that your religion causes issues and is detrimental to both our society and the individual's development. You even agree, but then feel the need to defend your religion - and that is far more important than finding solutions. As you keep on telling me - it is too late to do anything positive and it was all prophesied so why try and improve things?
This is one of the reasons I despise your religion.
The word of God does say that this will happen. Forgive me for this but some will say that this is just me interpretation of scripture, but so be it. Might as well paraphrase too then.
God said that there will be a false religion rise up out of the sea and tell lies on him.
This was written approx 1920 years ago.
And you see the lies that this religion is telling.
So ... you are affirming that this prophesy has been fulfilled.
So why do you deny the prophet that told it.
The ones that says worship your church instead of God.
LOL and there you are defending the faith again. What? Any fool can see this coming. LOLOL
Her be wot the biybel sez:
1. Go around telling people wot go sez they shuld do and generally be a condescending a-hole by telling them this is wot god sed would happen.
2. People hate you when you are a hypocritical condescending a-hole.
3. People are going to hate you.
4. As this is about belief in a invisible super being - which does not exist - all religions are false and a false religion will arise.
Wow - prophect fulfilled and Jerami gets to defend his false religion in favor of not doing any work or making any changes - coz it is wot god sed. What a disgusting belief system. You must be very proud.
Gosh - even the goat herder knew that a belief in a god would inevitably end in wars, ill will and false religions. And - still you defend it.
Guess u ain't red wot god sez .
I keep forgetting that you have been in battle offensively defending your beliefs for as long as you have.
Good for you defend your beliefs at all costs.
Sound familiar?
I hope you wake up some day and realize that you are no different than the thing that you detest.
Actually, I hope that we all do.
"So why do you deny the prophet that told it."
How do you know he was a prophet? And how can you tell god told him this? Other than he said so, I meant to say!
I am sometimes only stating what is written is scripture, for those that say that they believe it.
I sometimes speak of things that I believe to be for sure.
In this instance a little of both.
It was written over 1900 years ago that it would be so.
Why would we not believe that it already was.
And if that is true ? That is why it is the way that it is.
I suppose I take the opposite tack, Jerami! Is there any evidence at all the so-called prophet was indeed inspired by god? And why should we believe anything this person states he was told?
I certainly hope you do not run your life using the same logic, or otherwise you would believe anything anyone tells you! How did you get your beliefs? Did you inherit them the same way the majority of different faiths do?
Do you not see that being born into the "correct" belief, whether Christian, Muslim, Jewish, etc. negates the chances of being born into the true cult? Does your god make it harder for some to choose correctly than others? It appears so!
Ok, but, the biggest percentage of the time I just skip over you anyway . I know your beliefs and I know we will not agree. So, go ahead. I don't care what you think of me, or my beliefs. It isn't my place to judge you. I guess that is one of the differences between us.
Isn't your place to judge. OK Good for you. SO - now you don't consider me a child that needs correction and killing - like god does. And anyone who goes against Gods chosen people.
Excellent. I wonder if you really appreciate how nonsensical you sound?
There you go - You have the high moral ground now.
You don't judge - you just skip over. But then reply - oh wait.
Religion has interpreted away all understanding of those things that are written in prophesy.
One thing that they have gotten right is that there is going to be a great battle over there really soon and there is nothing that anyone can do to stop it.
Just look at where we have come from sence WWI and now.
Ya don't have to be very smart to realize that we are but ONE step away from that happening.
If we were to try to avoid this; we should have started a long time ago.
They're ordered to and then blame the victims before stating how; peaceful, compassionate, and loving they are.
By Dave Barnett
Then there are the atheists, and the fact that a happy ending isn't possible until everyone agrees."
Lie noted.
"Religion is the opiate of the masses"
Karl Marx
Religion may be.. People keep forgeting that faith in God doesn't have to have anything to do with religion.
And you keep forgetting to stop using the word "god" for anything other than self-mastery.
Right on! We could survive w/o religion, but spirituality can save the world.
Actually, God is a generic term, and that word could also be well done away with.
I missed this post earlier
or at least define it consistently.
No, God isn't a generic term. God is the name of the xtian daemon deity construct. A lower case 'g' god is the generic term.
As to what would save the world is education and backbone, no stone age superstition need apply.
Everyone would be better off when they realize the spirituality within themselves.
I often wonder if some people have found that spirituality within themselves and evicted it.
This society is geared toward resistence to the inner mechanisms which are required to reach certain conclusions within. Some can acheive it through disciplines like Yoga and Kung Fu. In western society the favored intermediary, the psychiatrist or psychologist are actually an obstacle to true inner exploration. They tend not to believe in spirituality or god.
If ten diffrent people had the authority to do away with what they precieved as meaningless terms.. The dictionary would be much smaller.
God=superstition. Religion is a nomenclature upgrade.
That is the very reason he used the religious model to create Communism. The only real difference is that god is replaced with whoever the leader is of the Communist Party.
read the old testament, it says kill others who are not of your religion.
Mark Knowles wrote I despise your religion.
This thing "despising" ; Is that what happens when our hate for something gains its control over us?
And we loose ourselves to it? We must be careful to not let that happen or the thing that we hate wins.
Ah - lecturing me again - wonderful.
No - I am in control. I did not give it all up to baby jesus and swallow that it is all prophesied so - give up!
Love it that you cut out everything else I said and did not bother to respond to that - Just stopped by to defend your religion.
Which is what is really important to you.
Well done. Jesus must be proud of you for fighting for him.
I would think that the proof of a prophet being one, would have to be in his prophesy.
"If" we can believe that Jesus came back as it is clearly written that he says that he will.
We would then see the prophesy in a different light.
We would then see that most all of them have been fulfilled exactly as they were written.
Yea, yea , a little interpretation of the book Revelation is needed.
We just have to compare the interpretations as given in the book of Daniel by Gabriel as having the same meanings for those same symbols written in Revelation.
With just a little effort we can see that all of these prophesy began being fulfilled immediately after the crucifixion.
As far as being born into a particular religion goes?
They are all wrong if they interpret the true meanings of what Jesus is said to have spoken, to mean something else entirely.
Just a little imagination, you mean! And your faith? Were you lucky enough to be reared in the correct belief, Jerami? Or did you truly examine each cult carefully before deciding which was the true one representing your god? Again, how did you see the light?
I aint swearing that I know best. I'm just trying the best that I know how.
I'm am saying that religion does not teach what is written in their/our bible.
It all makes sense to me that if I profess to follow Jesus that I would believe what is written that he said.
If a religion teaches something that is the oposit of what he said. That would be one of the wrong religions.
Just speaking from the context of the KJV.
Religion says that at the "second coming" Jesus will come in the clouds sitting at the right hand of power.
Jesus said that " Some of you standing here shall see me coming in the clouds sitting at the right hand of power. ???
If your religion says "Don't believe this until we interpret this to mean something else" (You just might be a
RED NECK (Joke)) Ya might be signed up where you ought not be signed up.
Are you purposefully ignoring my question about the source of your faith, Jerami?
Thanks for asking ... again. no really
My faith was born again (excuse the pun)
I think that I had always had a faith that somebody/something
was up there looking down on me. Before I had ever stepped foot in a church.
I had had encounters as I was growing up that proved this in my mind at least.
I by no means lived my life as a believer is taught that they should.
When asked if I was a Christian I would answer "depends on what you think a Christian is"
I've had many experiences that affirms to me that there is a higher power up there/here with us? .
But it wasn't until I read the book of Daniel for my self; and saw that church wasn't teaching what I was reading that my faith in Church was shaken.
It was when I came to understand the words written in red, and I understood that Daniels visions pertained only to that Hebrew Nation that it was written to, ... That my beliefs evolved into what they are. I believe what is written that Jesus said. "This generation shall not pass away til all these things be fulfilled" When I started doubting Church my faith in God got stronger
That is where my faith has come from!
Now I truly believe what I profess.
I think that I have been professing that long enough for you to have some idea as to what that is.
Again thanks for asking.
But was the Christian religion the most accessible to you, Jerami? By this, I mean were you in the Bible Belt or lived somewhere that Christianity was the logical choice? Did your parents or relatives believe the same religion as you?
Do you see what I mean by inheriting one's religion and the danger of being born into the wrong faith?
I see what ya mean. Yea you guessed it bible belt.
But like I said, I believed in a God before I ever heard of one.
Knowing now that the Church that the Roman Empire built is who assembled their choice of different text(New testament) calling it the inspired word of God causes me to question some of its accuracy. But I'm not throwing the baby out with the wash water.
The church back then didn't want anyone to know that
The seven seal judgments were loosed upon the Hebrew Nation around 30 AD. And the trumpet judgments were sounded against the Roman Empire.
The Church back then didn't want anyone to know a lot of stuff. That is why no one had a coppy of their bible until a thousand years passes.
Just think about that. Nothing else, just that. WHY ??
If you were born into a Muslim household or country the odds are you would now be worshiping Allah instead of Jehovah. One's childhood exposure to a particular religion determines the adult's faith in most instances. Congrats on being born into what you consider to be the correct faith! All cult followers feel the same way, ya know!
I don't see no cult. Seems like I'm all by my self in this.
It's the same with the scientists who are into religion. I always like to know something about the source so always check bthe background of these scientists.
So far 100% of them had fundy parents, went to a fundy religious school or colleges etc.
Try checking this out, you will see why they decided to defend what they as scientists using scientific method should understand to be bunkum.
I've noticed this too, Earnest! What happened to the so-called Mormon archeologist who used to post here? Remember him? The government refused to fund his digs because he believed the great flood deposited the bones of dinosaurs at the strata indicating they were millions of years old.
He disagreed and claimed they were only a few thousand years old. I can't remember his name, but he was entertaining in a ridiculous sort of way!
Funny how forgettable that was. He was always going on about the grand canyon.
Yep, that's the one! Another example of religion corrupting a persons ability to distinguish fact from propaganda! But the sad fact is, children are still being taught such nonsense by the churches!
I guess children find it easier to believe in fairies than some adults.
What a disgusting way to take advantage of a child's innocence!
Oh come on Earnest, giving children a moral code to live by, and introducing them to the concept of God is hardly abuse, besides which you underestimate the world education system and it's ability to brainwash students into world views when they reach school.
Telling our children about the God concept merely gives them the ability to decide who they will follow, God, or man.
God does not exist. Teaching them that something that does not exist does and scaring them with threats of eternal torment is indeed child abuse. Disgusting practice that takes years to get out of your head once you realize the truth. Sad really.
If you could stick to your "moral code" LOL - You might garner some respect. But you cannot.
Same old nonsense Mark, for someone who writes interesting hubs you really should invent some more creative material. This constant drivel is boring and repetitive.
Still not in the mood to be goaded, you will have to play with your friends for a while, I have some business to do now.
Bye bye. The truth is painful for you I see. Not sure how suggesting you actually try following the laws you spout is "drivel," but - they you go. No morals. None.
Teaching children right from wrong is one thing, but making them think a supernatural creature controls their lives is simply wrong. You did outgrow the Tooth Fairy and Easter Bunny, or did you?
How can it be wrong to teach your own children the best that you know how to?
You will teach your children to at least consider your thoughts and beliefs regardless of what they are.
Who can tell you that your beliefs are "just wrong" and you have no right to teach them to your children?
Where do we draw that line, and who gets to dray it?
You might think that this is a good idea until they come after your children cause they think that you aee exposing them to bad beliefs.
I am hardly forgetting mass communication or the effect it has on children. (I have 3 children, one adopted and 6 grandchildren) Most at school, pre-school or university, 5 computers in our home and have been online since the net started.
Yep the bible was written in latin only for a quite a while, and no one could really understand. Lots of religions don't really encoourage bible reading. It's important to read the bible as god's holy spirit will direct you to the scriptures you need to understand, prayer for help and it will be there for you.......... that is my belief.
Mormons like propaganda! Smith's book was entirely composed of it! LOL! How's it goin AA?
i have looked at the book of mormon, in depth., i personally do not believe that Joseph Smith was a prophet from god. Lot's of mormons do though, and don't mind that the book of mormon does not always back up the bible's teacjomgs. I find i have to admire the integrity of the people that take these teachings to heart, and live their lives in accordance with what they learn, however i do not believe it to be the truth. I believe all the truth we need is written within the 66 books of the bible, and it is not time yet for new understandings.
Facts are almost impossible to acquire in a massive society; distinguishing facts turns into philosophy; eventually a person must have faith in the system. Without religion guess who determines what is right or wrong...a few leaders interpretating the so-called facts who wants more power, followed by a rebellion of the common citizen who are fighting for change...anarchy. Everyone's asses are out!
Don't underestimate the stablizing facts of religion.
Stabilization occurs when all dissent has been eliminated and all are in lock step. Such is totalitarian freedom. Seig Heil!
Take a world history lesson and pay close attention, since no one else seems to, that the majority of leaders and rulers during times of great evil were associated to a religious faction. What is far more scary is that history shows this rings most true predominantly with Christian rulers. The only way that today would be as terrible an age as the crusades would be if world war three were to initiate. We have amazing technology, the most advanced and superior medical health in the history of time, and have ventured to other planets surveying onward for viable resources to aid in our advancement. Scientist are statistically of the least religious in proportion to other careers and yet it is they, not preachers, that continue these amazing comforts you would pray for had these atheist not beat him to it.
To step back and see the whole of picture, of what is going on around us in this day and age, is scary without understanding why these things are happening, and having some kind of positive hope, for the future, would be so scary for me.....
If we are to live without religion, are we ready to move headless cause religion is our heads; it is what you and I carry even in our sleep.
Well ...for one thing ..Religion today is something that is divdin mankind ..imean a muslim will neva approve of hinduism or chritianity and vice versa moreover ...they will keep fighting over difference in opinion leadin to more of communal violence . On the other hand i dont need to b religioua to show ppl that im a good soul . ppl dont judge by wad religion u follow but your karma. But still if you wanna follow a religion for your own peace of mind follow HUMANITY and be human .No religion is bigger and better than HUMANITY
agreed rajiv..religion is too narrow view of worked till humans had limited excess but today when world is global and more exposed, when we know lot about universe , religion needs to be re defined...
They're happening due to mindless superstitions in the world. Those folks refuse to grow up and pick up the tools of adulthood.
oh, and I always get whatever I want, how I want it, when I want it and always exactly where I want it.
To answer your question, sorry forgot to before
Everyone speaks some truth Yes everyone!
Everyone has some wisdom
The problem is that a little wisdom is the most dangerous thing on the earth.
This is very funny!
You wrote something that's over someone's head?
Some one has to vouch for his intelligence, Earnest! I suppose there is no one else to do so but himself! Doh!
Sure it is, as in "Let there be bull$#1+!"
Exactly! I just saw the video debate on the catholic church Stonyy put up on the other thread. Very telling of religion in general.
Glad you liked it. The theists were already in a hole from the start and couldn't stop digging.
This one is a scream.
Michael Shermer, Genesis Revisited: A Scientific Creation Story
Nice find Stoneyy.
Wouldn't it be interesting if the religionists here actually addressed any of these issues?
catholicism is not indicative of any other religion.
can we get a few sentences of truth from you people. Your inferences are just fancy lies.
it is quite frustrating when you have this sliding scale of truth that you use so often and then call us corrupt.
if and when you speak make sure it is truth and not some conjured inference that you think might be truth.
I doubt religionists would know the truth it if bit them. Making vague claims about "you people" doesn't quite cut it as debate.
If you kill religion, I hope you plan to eat religion, or at least use all of it's parts for practical purposes.
Let's Kill all religions and live happily?
How would you kill all religions? Would it be a humane act? I don't think so. Please learn to co-exist peacefully.
Then all the atheists would be lost, we wouldn't want that now would we.
Let's Kill all religions and live happily?
And how you would accomplish the "killing all religions", by killing all those who believe in a religion?
Would it be a peaceful and human thing to do?
They don't care about killing christians.. lol.. just that God can't kill anything.
Then what would the atheists of hubpages do?
if you say something useful, then you point out this is a work of uselessness.
if you say play with our grandchildren more often then you point out this is more important than your grandchildren
if you say, be happy then you point out this makes you unhappy, but you prefer this state of unhappy over playing with grandchildren and uselessness and you tell of your pitiful lives.
if you say, we will go pick on someone else, lol, then you show your goodness is not so good and that you are essentially evil.
if you say, we will go back to our other hobbies, then i ask why is it you cannot do that inspite of religious talk on the forums?
surely by now you see that christians talking about God is far more beneficial for them, than all the hours, and insults and degrading and depraved inferences you make. And that your time is completely wasted. To this fact we have the upper hand. We get to preach you get to listen, in this we are happy and you get madder and madder, lol. In this you can see that your time is completely wasted.
Wasting your life in hubpages is a terrible thing to do even if after this life there is nothing but more emptiness.
God created you for better, but i digress.
have a nice day
Will it be a peaceful and human thing to do by the "Humanists"?
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