Subdomain Move Update

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  1. agvulpes profile image86
    agvulpesposted 12 years ago

    Well I have now been 'sub-domained' it all went down in about 10 seconds flat. smile

  2. CASE1WORKER profile image61
    CASE1WORKERposted 12 years ago

    If traffic returns, as is likely, I do hope that some hubbers who have been quite vociferous in their comments about HP failing to act will bite the bullet and apologise. When Simone came to London she said they were working on something,  so we just sat and waited. I have complete faith that they could do it and, if this does not quite work, or if there are any glitches on the way, they will be ironed out.

  3. CMHypno profile image81
    CMHypnoposted 12 years ago

    This looks to be a really positive move.  I switched last night and was slightly concerned that my traffic would drop.  It didn't and am eagerly anticipating it rising again (unless I prove to myself that I can't write! smile) So big congratulations to the HP staff for all their hard work and planning.

    I just hope though that this does not mean that hubbers and HP staff will give up on trying to prevent and getting rid of spam and poor quality stuff. It might not affect us all individually so much, but it would be great if HP became an entirely spam-free, high-quality writing site!

    No more 'Somebody you ever wondered how exquisite it can be to get a loan to protection an crisis pauperization without having any publisher learning implicated?'!!!!!

    1. CASE1WORKER profile image61
      CASE1WORKERposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I think you could have a career in spinning! I changed mine an hour ago, being slightly impatient I note "no change". I expect it would be better for me to switch the computer off and come back on  Monday!

      1. CMHypno profile image81
        CMHypnoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        That's not me spinning Case1worker, that's text from an actual real hub that I just flagged! LOL!

        Hope the switch goes well for you and that all our traffic and earnings begin to recover.

    2. timorous profile image81
      timorousposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Haha!  I have a wordpress site, and even though I've got 2 spam filters going, there's always a few to sift through each day.  Some of them are hilarious bits of comment spinning.  Here's one of the better ones:

      "from an early grow older my personal mom utilized to point out tunes calms the actual savage animal We not sure if the girl has been referring to us however i make an attempt to will have yoga music close by"

      I swear, that is it, word for word.  I've saved the juiciest ones in a text file.  I was sort of thinking of writing a hub article on these amusingly profound comments.  I may call it Manglish lol

  4. IzzyM profile image87
    IzzyMposted 12 years ago

    I'm wondering too, if this works for us, will we be allowed to add more Amazon capsules to hubs, and include referral links to other sites again?

    This could well bring back the high earners who have moved their stuff, like Nelle Hoxie.

    1. CASE1WORKER profile image61
      CASE1WORKERposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Just hope they come back with an apology.I think this has been quite a difficult task  for HP to do.

      1. IzzyM profile image87
        IzzyMposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Well, I suppose they had to try everything before they found a solution that worked. So, the links went and the hubbers left, but if it had brought the site back up it might have been worth it, maybe.

        However, it didn't work, and now that we each have subdomains, it is up to us to look after our own. If I put 200 Amazon capsules on tomorrow (if I was allowed to) and Google hates it, it is only me that would suffer, not the rest of the site.

        So HP should lift those restrictions and allow us to find out own feet as we are no longer affecting the site as a whole.

        1. CASE1WORKER profile image61
          CASE1WORKERposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          That is probably quite a valid point. I am sure once the change has been totally done there will be a lot of debate. However Izzy I cannot imagine you putting 200 Amazon capsules on!!

          1. IzzyM profile image87
            IzzyMposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Why not? I must have taken at least that many off, under the new rules.

        2. Marisa Wright profile image84
          Marisa Wrightposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          I think there's a good case for that.

      2. lrohner profile image67
        lrohnerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Seriously? An apology?

        There is absolutely no reason for anyone to come back. The way the site is structured now, they would be better off keeping everything on their own site -- or even popping it up on Blogger for that matter -- and taking 100% of the revenue.

        Going back to Paul's earlier post, he stated that the reasons why HP is better than Blogger or Tumblr, now that they're structured pretty much the same, is because of the HP Ad Network (which none of the big hitters used), the helpful community (of which they were usually the helpers -- not the helpees), and the ability to put more than three AdSense ads on a page (which isn't necessary if you're making 100% of the profit elsewhere).

        He did make fleeting mention of new hubs in the new structure having a performance similar to pre-Panda, and that is the only thing that may prompt one or two of them to post a few hubs here or there -- maybe. Trust me -- you will never see any of them participate in HP again they way they did before. And that is more of a trust issue than anything else based on the way HP handled this whole thing.

      3. SunSeven profile image61
        SunSevenposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        You must be joking, of course. smile

        May be thats why HP Hot Jobs are on Monster -

        Best Regards

        1. PRanj profile image57
          PRanjposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Hi SunZero,

          Why are you making mockery of Hubpages? Please stop this nonsense. On the one hand, on your profile page, you are appreciating for THIS AND THAT about Hubpages and asking people to join UNDER YOU to make more money, and on the other hand you are discouraging new authors. Isn't it ridiculous? I hope that you are also on other Revenue Sharing Platforms, and if yes then you should be aware about the censorship that those platforms have for their authors.

          You may call Paul and Co. to be rude, but you HAVE TO ADMIT the freedom that they give to their authors. Write something like WHAT YOU ALL EMINENT AUTHORS ARE WRITING ON FORUMS on any other similar sites and see the result. I know you are aware of this. You are a MASTER NAH.

          Please stop this nonsense. At one forum, you are proclaiming that 10 M and you are gone. Then, you came back and says that What happened to HPads no update? You should be aware of the fact that a new user once asked the same question......"What happened, no update for HPads?" and a lot of people scolded him/her since everyone is aware of the delay and its reason, save YOU. Why?

          Please don't discourage new authors. You are great like MISHA, but there are so many other who don't understand the inherent technicalities to successfully run a blog or website. I am not criticizing you, but just writing my opinion. I know you are not from Singapore.  You are from India. I don't know about your Gender. And, I am definitely not criticizing you. All I want to say is that please STOP THIS. Please try to understand what HP team has dome. Please be remember the established principles of humanity. I request you and other EMINENT AUTHORS to ponder over a bit..... think about the word done by HP team after Panda update. Please spare a a little bit of your precious time and think about the changes that they had to make. Think SunZero.

          Best Regards
          Your compatriot
          A proud Indian

          P.S. It is a pity that no one wants to say a word against prominent authors. In one forum post Misha was showing the worst form of anger because he didn't get a reply about an email to HP. People was criticizing the whole HP team. But, when Paul Deeds asked Misha about his articles and whether he used 'article spinning' or not...... Misha replied that he used spinning and no one ever replied...... This is what happened with every EMINENT AUTHOR..... at least, what I have learnt since last one month......


          1. theherbivorehippi profile image64
            theherbivorehippiposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            The name is SunSeven not least try to get the name correct before you begin blathering nonsense that you clearly know nothing about.

            1. PaulGoodman67 profile image94
              PaulGoodman67posted 12 years agoin reply to this

              I personally appreciate SunSeven's mischievous sense of humour.  I've not noticed any bitterness in it, just a sense of fun.

              1. theherbivorehippi profile image64
                theherbivorehippiposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                Exactly! I've never found her to be rude (quite the opposite actually) and she certainly didn't deserve that lengthy comment toward her. So ridiculous

                1. WriteAngled profile image75
                  WriteAngledposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  The comment was stupid.

                  I suspect SunSeven is actually a he...  smile

                  It was the cricket that woke my suspicions in the first place, but some further comments by SS7 are boosting it.

                  1. theherbivorehippi profile image64
                    theherbivorehippiposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    What? Noooo! really? I want her/him to be this beautiful person in the avatar! I'm finding myself oddly disappointed. smile

              2. Urbane Chaos profile image90
                Urbane Chaosposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                ...what ever happened to SunSix?  Nevermind, carry on...

            2. rmcrayne profile image89
              rmcrayneposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              Things are not always as they seem.  Although this person might be a sock puppet (possibly to avoid retribution for these/other remarks), he or she seems to know a lot about this hubber and the overall situation.

              1. theherbivorehippi profile image64
                theherbivorehippiposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                Gee..thanks for the life lesson on things not always being as they seem, I might not have made it without that great wisdom.

                Point being, this person used the wrong name twice...either purposely trying to be very disrespectful in the name that was chosen, or being totally ignorant to the proper one. Either way, I find it intolerable...amongst other things that were said.

            3. PRanj profile image57
              PRanjposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              If you think me a sock puppet then you should report my profile. Well, I was just trying to ask SunZero to stop the nonsense.

              When you claim to be one among top 20 authors at Hubpages, then at least you should disclose you identity. At least, you should tell your followers that whether you are male or female. THEHERBIVOREHIPPY, as your responses show that you are not aware that the profile picture being used by SunZero is of Hansika Motwani, a known [not well-known] bollywood actress. She is HE. A male who had never been in Singapore. Its all a different question about my knowledge about HIM. I know its not against the TOS of HP, but don't you think that top writers should stand tall for their articles? They should tell the world..... Hey! Its me....... HP should start something where all authors after a limit should back their articles in person. It will help. I think.

              I didn't try to attack HIM. But, since last one month I got simply addicted to HP Forum, particularly the 'Politics and Religion'. Whatever, what hurt me most, as I mentioned earlier, is the response to the community for the same question in altogether different manner to two authors. Everyone was badmouthing a newbie for asking about HPAds stats, but when the same queries came FEW DAYS LATER by SunZero then everyone was supporting HIM. I don't know how to link, so you should check the Forum...

              Even though HP is quite flexible, but I think a top 20 author should not masquerade about HIS IDENTITY. And, at least not about his sexuality.

              All I want to say is give a little bit of support to a Team because of whom you have earned a lot in past. Suggest. But, don't be arrogant. History shows that they read forum posts, and they must be listening to all your suggestions. Think on individual level. If everything will turn out to be fine then they will get maximum 40% of your income and you will get minimum 60%. 99% of persons here are part time authors, but for HP staffs it is full time. Support them. Their platform has supported you in the past. That is what I uttered about the established principles of humanity.

              And, at least don't show double standard. If you don't like Hubpages then don't appreciate at your profile page about it and ask visitors to join under your name, if you are cursing it on relevant forum.

              Hubpages will certainly bounce back. Bhagvadgita says that if your intentions are not to hurt someone then be sure that what is happening is correct and planned. I am sure, this Panda update will help Hubpages to cross the boundary that it had never thought. There are lots of business opportunity. With such a wonderful publishing platform it may become the next Wordpress. Whatever is happening is on the right track. Keep faith on the team.


              SunSeven, please don't mind. It is not a personal attack. You take dig on only those people whom you love. Being an Indian I think I have the liberty to attack you without thinking that you will be hurt. Sorry, if I snatched your peace.

              1. Mark Ewbie profile image82
                Mark Ewbieposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                I'm not sure this adds anything but I am using a fake name and a false profile picture, and I tend (not always) to write misleading garbage.

                And I like SunSeven.

                1. wilderness profile image94
                  wildernessposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  I must say that I am totally shocked, Mark.  I always thought that was your photo and admired the haircut.  sad

                  1. Mark Ewbie profile image82
                    Mark Ewbieposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    Well, it emphasises my best features, obviously.  As for you, you look under 18 to me.  That's against HP rules.

                  2. shabarigirish profile image60
                    shabarigirishposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    Hope nobody says now its an avatar of hollywood celebrity. wink

                  3. C.V.Rajan profile image59
                    C.V.Rajanposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    Mark! smile

              2. theherbivorehippi profile image64
                theherbivorehippiposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                Yet you still can't get a name right? I simply stated the obvious and you offer a blah, blah, blah argument that wasn't needed. The point was....put forth a little effort to get the name right. You even spelled MINE wrong. It's annoying, disrespectful and ignorant, especially because clearly you're doing it on purpose. As for not using a real name...a lot of writers use pen names, get a clue.

                I don't care if SunSeven is a she or doesn't really matter. If you're so obsessed with it, you really need to find something else to occupy your time.

                As for the forums....they are not here for everyone to be a cheerleader for Hubpages. I'm sure most of us do appreciate Hubpages as well as the staff but forums are for open discussion and we can discuss a disagreement or a feeling of dislike from time to time as we please. If you can't deal with it....don't read.

                1. PRanj profile image57
                  PRanjposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  I didn't intend to spell your name incorrectly and definitely don't have an iota of disrespect for you. But, that happened. Sorry.

                  However, I am also not interested in going through your blah, blah, blah, and blah. This thread is for Subdomain test and consequent results, not for your illogical and irrational arguments.

                  But, it is me who started all this. ME. Lol!!

                  Chapter closed.

      4. IzzyM profile image87
        IzzyMposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I thought you meant Hubpages come back with an apology, not the hubbers who left!

        Can you clarify what you meant?

      5. lakeerieartists profile image63
        lakeerieartistsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Seriously, I hope you are joking.  Hubpages induced extra work for people who had hundreds of hubs without tangible positive results, and those people had to revised hubs at least twice.

        Many of them have stopped writing here, moved content, and worked over the last months building the lost income elsewhere in an environment that they could control.

        I cannot see any reason whatsoever that they should feel the need to apologize.

        1. pauldeeds profile imageSTAFF
          pauldeedsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          For several years we have been evaluating the quality of a random sample of published Hubs on a 1-10 scale based on stable and reasonably objective criteria.  We've seen considerable improvements in those numbers in the last few months, so I disagree that there have been no tangible positive results.  Whether changes in the average quality of content on a site translates immediately into short term changes in traffic is rather beyond our control, but we believe that it is certainly in the long term interest of both the site and of most authors.

    2. theherbivorehippi profile image64
      theherbivorehippiposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      This is a good point. smile Restrictions should be lifted. If we are accountable for ourselves...we should be able to have a few more capsules/ads, etc. I'd say it would be nice to be able to use our own affiliates as we please but that may be pushing it a little too much. wink

  5. Mandrake_1975 profile image84
    Mandrake_1975posted 12 years ago

    I switched over last night and everything went fine.  My traffic hasn't fallen at all and it's too early to make a call on whether or not it has risen.

  6. CMHypno profile image81
    CMHypnoposted 12 years ago

    Interestingly, at this point on a Thursday my traffic has usually started to fall as the weekend approaches and it has actually climbed a little today.

    1. CASE1WORKER profile image61
      CASE1WORKERposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, mine is up, but I did not want to say as I didn't want to get hopeful. I have seen a 10 per cent increase!

  7. Gordon Hamilton profile image94
    Gordon Hamiltonposted 12 years ago

    I noticed a very curious effect of what I presume to be this switch when I signed on this morning and it is exactly the same thing that happened when I first joined the HP ads programme a few months back. I transferred to the subdomain about 11pm BST last night - 3pm PDT. I have found that my Google Adsense earnings from yesterday are more than double what they have been on any occasion for months. I have all my Hubs and blogs individually tracked but the increase in earnings is not showing as being from any registered source.

    I first wondered if this could be due to my earnings showing in Pounds Sterling rather than USD and a "Realignment" taking place between and Then it occured to me that while that may (could it???) explain the untracked element of the earnings, it wouldn't explain the increased value. I know this may be an unrelated occurence but it is quite a coincidence that this has happened to me only twice and both times in relation to a change on HP.

    Obviously, this is not something I am complaining about but I would love to know why it has happened, so as I can extend the effect! smile

    Thanks to everyone at Hub Pages for working so hard to counteract the events of the last few months and fingers crossed that this latest improvement is something which will benefit us all...

  8. Andrew0208 profile image56
    Andrew0208posted 12 years ago

    Thanks for this development, I just got mine setup and have tried a few of the old URLs, backlinks, and the swiftly redirected perfectly. As for traffic, I'm not expecting a magic to happen overnight, but I'm quite optimistic that we're in for better days!

  9. Len Cannon profile image87
    Len Cannonposted 12 years ago

    Well, I switched over and I have 30 less views today than I did yesterday AND THE WORLD IS RUINED.

    I dunno, we'll see. I am cautiously optimistic but right before I start making money off of Halloween stuff is a scary time to switch.

    1. Glenn Stok profile image97
      Glenn Stokposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      You are well-respected as can be seen from your high Hubber Score. But you have some Hubs in the 50's and 60's that might be pulling your overall Google Rank down.

      Please note that I am not being judgmental here. I am simply going by posted score numbers.  I have a couple with low scores myself and I plan to review them to see if I can improve them.

      Remember that even though we are no longer hurt by low quality hubs that others write, we have to pay close attention more than ever now to our own low quality hubs.

      1. Lisa HW profile image63
        Lisa HWposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Glenn, I think there may be another factor too, though (and somebody can correct me if my thinking is misguided):

        I have a big mix of Hubs and Hub scores.  If I don't count the Hubs I have "just because I thought they'd make good reading", and if I look at the others objectively, a lot of my low scoring ones have either been a matter of not paying attention to SEO (especially when I was new on here), or just not getting traffic. 

        Both immediately after Panda, and now, after being in the test for several days, I've seen some of the low scorers rise in traffic and score.  So one thing is that with the latest changes in things, I think some low scoring Hubs may eventually, and maybe gradually, rise in score.

        Something I've noticed, though, is that some Hubs that once had really high scores (maybe high traffic, maybe votes up?) have dropped into the 70's.  One factor might be that they had a burst because they were new (although not all were all that new).  Another factor might be that Google just no longer "likes" them.  Fine.  Information-wise, they're solid.  Grammar-wise, the grammar would generally be considered decent enough in offline writing circles.  Anyone who views Internet writing as the "only kind of writing"  might take issue with the fact that the writing is written according to "regular" writing rules - not the "standard" Internet writing rules.  Some present ideas that  (no matter how easily and well can be backed up in any number of sources) are generally unpopular.

        In any case, some may/may not deserve to be in the 70's or 60's.  There are some that I really don't think do.  In fact, some that had done well (score-wise) immediately after Panda, and then dropped substantially since, have shown signs of coming back as far as what shows up in my Google account goes.

        This leads me to wonder if, maybe, they got their boost because they were new.  After they were around for awhile (and maybe new enough not to keep that boost), some may have been voted down by a lot of Hubbers/readers who have a narrower idea of "what a Hub ought to be" than even Google does.  Google's latest standards include room for things like in-depth analysis, writing as an enthusiast, writing "as a human being for other human beings".  Many people focus primarily only on the "information-only" aspect of writing and sometimes overlook the "unique" aspect of a piece.

        The subdomain thing is new (and even testers have had only a short time with it).  I'm not doing anything with any low-scorers until I see what happens.  I think anyone in a similar situation should wait as well (of course, maybe every Hubber, every Hubber's aims as a writer, and every Hub are all so different there's no such thing as any "similar situations" among any of us.

        Some of my previous high-scorers remained high scorers.  Other than that, there's been a big shift in which ones scores well and which don't.  I have a couple/few high scorers that, honestly, are an embarrassment to me as a writer.  Some low-scorers, I know, don't belong on this particular site (or at least haven't in the past).  Some of them, though, aren't just decent Hubs, but they're my better writing.

        Part of me doesn't really care if my crappiest pieces of writing earn me money.  Another part of me (and now that part which does, and should, care about my reputation as a writer) isn't going to want to separate the two.  Basically, when it comes to my own low-scorers, I have to wait and see if what does well shifts over the next x amount of time; because if I lose my reputation as a writer there won't be any money to be earned either.   So, for now (and as long I'm continuing to earn at least a couple of hundred, post-Panda, dollars a month from stuff I've already written), the low scorers aren't going anywhere.   hmm     Main point:  Low scorers aren't always "crap" writing.  High-scorers aren't always good writing.  Now probably isn't time yet to sort out what's a good earner and what's a good traffic-getter.   hmm

        1. Howard S. profile image90
          Howard S.posted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Off-topic, so if you want to direct me elsewhere, that is fine: I would like to know the difference between offline and online writing rules. As an editor and linguist, I have worked with the offline variety for decades, but am new enough online as to be unaware of any differences below the paragraph level. Hopefully, you can direct me to a somewhat thorough treatment, but even an example or two would be helpful.

          1. livewithrichard profile image72
            livewithrichardposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            The rules differ in the behavior of the reader. Surfers do not read, they scan, they search with a purpose, and its been proven that the majority of online surfers read at an eight grade level.

            Also, material published offline often has a targeted audience, eg. subscribers to a magazine, whereas online material must find an audience through use of targeted keywords,which are crawled by the search engine spiders.

            1. WriteAngled profile image75
              WriteAngledposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              For those of us who are not in the US, what age is Grade 8? My perception is that Internet writing has to target the reading level of a not very bright 10-12-year-old. Unfortunately, I am unable to do this, hence my total failure in using this as an income stream.

              1. livewithrichard profile image72
                livewithrichardposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                8th graders here in the US are about 12 to 14. We call them middle school children, not yet in High School.

            2. Aficionada profile image79
              Aficionadaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              The following is possibly something of an urban legend, but:  I recall reading that one famous, big American newspaper (possibly the NYT) used to instruct its journalists to write as if the typical reader were an intelligent sixth grader (11-12 y.o.).  So, an eighth grade reading level might actually indicate an improvement in the average reading ability of the American public.  big_smile  I don't know how it would average out worldwide, though.

              1. Nell Rose profile image90
                Nell Roseposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                That would explain why google picked on Hubpages, we are far too intelligent for the average person! lol joking apart, have any of you read some of the comments on other sites?! bad spelling, swear words, insults and yep more swear words!

            3. IzzyM profile image87
              IzzyMposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              I really did not know this. I assumed, wrongly obviously, that I was writing for adults or at least towards ages 15 and above.
              Now I know where I have been going wrong.

              1. Aficionada profile image79
                Aficionadaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                IzzyM, I haven't read much of your work, but what I did just absolutely blew me away!  It was fabulous - insightful, informative, detailed, well-composed, inspiring, and heart-tugging.  Probably too good for the average internet reader (as Nell Rose said), lol!

                Please don't stop with the quality! Modify, if you must, but keep the quality high.  It is so refreshing!

                1. IzzyM profile image87
                  IzzyMposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  I think I'm in love!

                  What a wonderful thing to say, thank you, thank you, thank you smile
                  We all need a wee boost now and again. I think this is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me!

                  1. celebritie profile image70
                    celebritieposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    I read somewhere that we are supposed to be writing at the level of the AP Stylebook.

                  2. Aficionada profile image79
                    Aficionadaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    Well, that's very nice of you to say that! big_smile

                    But if others have not said the same about your work, it's bound to be because they haven't read it yet, so I hope a lot of Hubbers and others will correct that oversight.

                  3. wavegirl22 profile image46
                    wavegirl22posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    and to think all this time it was me you were in love with. . hehehehe!

              2. WannaB Writer profile image86
                WannaB Writerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                Same here. It's not just vocabulary, but also themes and ideas that might not be compatible with middle school minds and interests. Could explain why I don't make much money, since popular culture and fads leave me cold, and I wouldn't recognize most celebrities if I met them at a party -- even if we were introduced.

          2. Howard S. profile image90
            Howard S.posted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Thanks to all for your thoughts. To summarize, it has to do with style. It has nothing to do with grammar, as I mistook her point. Some have pointed out the need to target a less-educated reading level whenever possible, but that's the same offline as online.

        2. WannaB Writer profile image86
          WannaB Writerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          I agree 100%. One of my best scoring hubs was really a rant I didn't expect to go anywhere, but it was actually my first 100 for about a week. Now it's pretty much died down and is scoring lower. Most of my hubs are now in the 70s and 80s, though many were much higher when they were newer. I'm anxious to see what changes will happen when my switch to my subdomain, which I made today, takes affect. Maybe I'll have an idea by Monday.

      2. Howard S. profile image90
        Howard S.posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        @Glenn, I understand that my own crummy hubs (if I had any wink ) could harm my Google rank. I have two options: to delete them or to move them to another site. Is there any risk in doing the latter? That wouldn't affect Google rank on HP, would it? It's always possible a poor hub might do better on another site--and the backlinking wouldn't hurt either. Right?

    2. Andrew0208 profile image56
      Andrew0208posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      At least we won't all get punished for any assumed garbage or crap all in one parent domain. Blogger, WordPress and many others do well with sub domains for users.

  10. profile image0
    Marye Audetposted 12 years ago

    I am so behind with everything this month

    I also was one of the beta testers. I am thrilled with the results. My traffic is up about 55%... Adsense income is up about 60%... hubpages income about 40% and my amazon and ebay are both up as well.

    The traffic has leveled off in the past couple of days but I have not been active in any of my venues since I am taking time to be with my family as my son is home on leave for the first time in 3 years. I expect that once I begin writing again in a week or so that I will experience another small increase.

    I use my real name in everything I do. I know that is risky in some ways ... but.. one of the things google is looking for is credibility and there is nothing more credible than your name.

    Anyway.. I appreciate being able to be part of the testing and I appreciate Hubpages quick response to the Panda stuff. At this point I am not very far away from where I was prior to the Panda-monium.

  11. paradigmsearch profile image61
    paradigmsearchposted 12 years ago

    The facebook/twitter reset to zero scares the hell out of me, but that’s the way it is. smile

    1. Andrew0208 profile image56
      Andrew0208posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Just noticed the facebook/twitter reset to zero. Well the shared/liked will still hold on their internal backlinks on both social networks, but have lost the impressive look of seeing 100+ likes on few of my hubs

      1. theherbivorehippi profile image64
        theherbivorehippiposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        This was my biggest complaint. I had over 1000 on a few of my animal rights hubs....I feel people are more likely to share when they see others have shared before them. Wish this could have been prevented but hopefully those numbers will accumulate again.

        1. Andrew0208 profile image56
          Andrew0208posted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Since the tend to be useful to their audience and have got the traffic, the numbers will hopefully accumulate again. smile

          1. theherbivorehippi profile image64
            theherbivorehippiposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Fingers crossed! smile

    2. Glenn Stok profile image97
      Glenn Stokposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Yep, I did notice that the tweet count went to zero on my hubs. But the tweets are still out there and the links still work.

  12. psycheskinner profile image83
    psycheskinnerposted 12 years ago

    So do we all have access to this now, and if so, where?

    1. wilderness profile image94
      wildernessposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      "my account", "profile", "subdomain".

      1. psycheskinner profile image83
        psycheskinnerposted 12 years agoin reply to this


        1. wilderness profile image94
          wildernessposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          You're welcome.  May the force be with you in this endeavor! smile

  13. Fiction Teller profile image59
    Fiction Tellerposted 12 years ago

    Starting today, the first full day after the subdomain shift, I noticed my Google Analytics metric "% of New Visits" went way up...what had consistently been under 70% for years went up to almost 100% in a day, which suggests I've lost a chunk of repeat visitors somehow.

    Or have I?  Is this a real effect or a statistical artifact of the shift?  Has anyone noticed it before?  Is it likely to be temporary?

    1. Glenn Stok profile image97
      Glenn Stokposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Mine went up too. But not to 100%. I just checked and my "New Visitor" metric went up to 92%. Prior to using the subdomain it was 61%. Your case of 100% makes me think that it's not counting the traffic to the old url, which prior visitors might be using. But then I would be showing 100% new visitors also. So I don't know what's causing this. Let's wait for a few days of statistics to get a better report.

      1. Fiction Teller profile image59
        Fiction Tellerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks, that's reassuring it's not just me.  Hmmm.  Okay, so maybe return visitors to the old pages would look like new visitors to the new pages.  In which case, we have to wait for them to return twice to bring that percentage back down.

  14. WoodsmensPost profile image61
    WoodsmensPostposted 12 years ago

    I noticed that the hubs urls are now listed under google search results as:

    Title of Hub

    where as before the title of the url showed up,the one that we added in the url box. Is this new to the sub domain change? I'm not complaining because I hope the change is for the better, but now choosing the proper topic and category will be much more important. I may have to revisit all the available categories that I listed my hubs under. Anyone have some input on this Thanks

    edit: Its possible this was a change by Google and I just didn't notice it. Still the url is listed as category instead of url title... as it was pre panda and pre sub-domain change

    1. WoodsmensPost profile image61
      WoodsmensPostposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Was this already discussed elsewhere?

    2. IzzyM profile image87
      IzzyMposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      It's been like that for a while.

  15. andromida profile image56
    andromidaposted 12 years ago

    Just booked my sub-domain

  16. waynet profile image69
    waynetposted 12 years ago

    I'm totally glad I created two separate accounts, one here for waynet and one for my full name wayne tully now I can focus on writing or at the very least finish my unpublished hubs at some point,,,even though I is right royally busy on my own sites and with ebooks and graphic novel shenanigans!!!!

  17. Patty Inglish, MS profile image88
    Patty Inglish, MSposted 12 years ago

    I just moved to subdomains and we'll see how it goes. I'll report in future.

    1. Paul Edmondson profile imageSTAFF
      Paul Edmondsonposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I'm really looking forward to seeing your results.

  18. ricoramiro profile image59
    ricoramiroposted 12 years ago

    Hi, I just got my subdomain and it took less than two minutes.  I was asked a question to verify my identity and once I answered I received my subdomain!

    I'm still smiling....  :-)

    1. Teddletonmr profile image69
      Teddletonmrposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I found this forum today and made the change, it was easy. Thanks to all of Paul's and the rest of the hubpages staff hard work, thanks guys. Now all I need is someone to spen a bit of time reading my hubs. Best of luck to all the hubpage community.

  19. Pcunix profile image92
    Pcunixposted 12 years ago

    Good thing I still remember where I met my wife!

    I moved mine.. I'll be watching closely.

    1. WriteAngled profile image75
      WriteAngledposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      And was your wife happy about being moved?????

      1. celebritie profile image70
        celebritieposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Ha Ha, that was a good one!

      2. Rosie2010 profile image68
        Rosie2010posted 12 years agoin reply to this


      3. Pcunix profile image92
        Pcunixposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        As long as I put her down gently, she generally doesn't mind being moved.

        More importantly, she had no objections to the sub-domain move, although she never did like "pcunix" or my rainbow wig.

  20. Stacie L profile image88
    Stacie Lposted 12 years ago

    I moved mine this morning and don't see any measurable results yet..and it was easy

    i also like the fact that I didnt have to change any links

    i chose

  21. BobbiRant profile image60
    BobbiRantposted 12 years ago

    Must be only Some work right now?   Mine does not work.sad

    1. Fawntia profile imageSTAFF
      Fawntiaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      BobbiRant, you need to go to my account > profile > subdomain in order to move to your subdomain. Here's the link.

  22. Nell Rose profile image90
    Nell Roseposted 12 years ago

    One interesting thing that I have noticed is that since I have changed, I looked up my hub, and it first of all came up with the old url, and then I noticed that, when checking a couple of others, this hub came up again with the new one! so does that mean its floating around the internet twice? just wondered, hope so! ha!

  23. DzyMsLizzy profile image86
    DzyMsLizzyposted 12 years ago


    "Subdomains" ???
    "301's"  ????   
    "PR8's" or 5's  ???????? 

    roll      ***head spinning!!***  roll

    1. Aficionada profile image79
      Aficionadaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      No worries - all you have to know about is how to move to your subdomain. (See Fawntia's post above.) Don't worry about the rest - it's taken care of.

  24. 2uesday profile image66
    2uesdayposted 12 years ago

    Thanks IzzyM and celebritie I feel better now you've said that I was a bit concerned not being able to have exactly the same sub-domain as my profile name. Now, I will stop being envious of everyone with their own profile name as a sub-domain.

    It was probably not the wisest choice to begin with as when I Google- 2uesday my pages are there along with night clubs and bands with similar names. smile

    1. celebritie profile image70
      celebritieposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Ha Ha that's funny, well at least you can get more traffic to your sub-domain now that your username is popular.

  25. 2uesday profile image66
    2uesdayposted 12 years ago

    So, his wife got a new domain too? smile

  26. WriteAngled profile image75
    WriteAngledposted 12 years ago

    I spent decades working in an organisation where our materials were aimed at the typical reader of the "London Times". This level and higher works well for me, but I find it very difficult to sink to the level of a child and all the more so to sink to the more customary level of an educationally subnormal child.

    No wonder our societies are sinking if everything necessarily has to be geared towards those who are thick as two short planks.

    1. celebritie profile image70
      celebritieposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      According to Wikipedia, the average reading level for adults is between 7th and 9th grade level.

      Here is a quote:

      "The most popular novels are written at the 7th-grade level."

      " The two publications with the largest circulations, TV Guide (13 million) and Readers Digest (12 million), are written at the 9th-grade level."


    2. Aficionada profile image79
      Aficionadaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Maybe.  But isn't there room for material geared towards the general public as well as towards a targeted audience?

      I read a very interesting article a few years ago about some educators' justification of homogeneous vs. heterogeneous classrooms.  Their belief - based on their observation and studies - was that when lower intelligence students were placed in the same classroom as students of higher intelligence levels, the benefit (to the less bright) far outweighed the disadvantage (to the brighter students).  They said that the brighter students were always more motivated and more self-directed in their learning, to the extent that they would on their own add to everything that was taught within the classroom. The less capable students, though, simply by being in the same classroom as the brighter ones, would learn far more than they could or would when in a classroom of their "peers."  A controversial perspective, I believe - but maybe it's a good subject for a Hub.  Hmmm.  Research time.

      Anyway - I think there's plenty of room in HP, on the internet, and in life for writers of many different styles, writing levels, and audiences.  Vive la difference!

      1. celebritie profile image70
        celebritieposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I agree that the web is full of people at all intellectual levels of comprehension so having writers who are capable of creating content for the masses is only beneficial.

        I don't know if you are familiar with a blogger by the name of Allyn Hane of

        He wrote a blog post about this, that is where I first heard of the idea that freelance writers will need to write in the AP Stylebook format in the future. He seems to think that it will somehow influence rankings of websites.

        Here is the article:

        It is an interesting read, he talks about readability scoring, associated press grammar usage, as well as social language used on twitter.

        1. DzyMsLizzy profile image86
          DzyMsLizzyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Unless the freelancers are writing for 'content farms,'  online news periodicals, or other work-for-hire sites whose editors are striving for a uniform appearance,  I see no need for a forced use of "AP Style."  It is petty and artificial, and makes everyone look the same--the old trying to put square pegs in round holes.

          It leaves no room for creative writing or individual style.

          As I said in a post on another site about this very topic, no one ever called out James Michener for overly-long sentences; e.e. cummings was not spanked for refusal to capitalize; etc.

          That particular discussion was about whether to use 1 or 2 spaces at the ends of sentences.  My vote stands squarely at 2, as I was originally taught.  Grammar, spelling and correct word choice are far more important than silly nonsense arguments over 1 vs. 2 spaces. 

          I shall continue with creative writing, and write books!  That way, I retain my individuality.

    3. Lisa HW profile image63
      Lisa HWposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      If you haven't done this, you can go to Google's Advanced Search, select the reading filter, and then type in the URL for any written page (your own or someone else's).  That shows the percentage of material/piece (Hub) determined to be of basic, intermediate, or advanced reading level.

      1. celebritie profile image70
        celebritieposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Really that is cool, I will have to try it. Thanks!

      2. Marisa Wright profile image84
        Marisa Wrightposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I find it interesting that Google has such a reading filter.

        It would seem logical that since they've got it, they'd use it in Panda.  Hmmmmm...

        1. wilderness profile image94
          wildernessposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Yes, but which one gets downgraded?  The advanced because no one can read it?

          Of my 12 hubs newly indexed, all 12 are advanced.  Including my profile and a sales hub pushing portable gas grills and aimed at rednecks like me going to a tailgating party!  A hub intended to be humor, about a camping trip.  Another sales hub for mattress toppers. 

          There's something wrong with this picture...

          1. AEvans profile image72
            AEvansposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Now that is a good question. smile

          2. Marisa Wright profile image84
            Marisa Wrightposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            That's why I said, "Hmmmm"...

        2. IzzyM profile image87
          IzzyMposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          I didn't know about the reading filter either. Interestingly, my hubs are 64%, 32% and 4% in that order (basic, intermediate, advanced). The hubs doing best are all basic. The advanced ones are all medical, or health related.

          I don't think it's the writing. It's the topic.

        3. LeanMan profile image79
          LeanManposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Just had a quick look at this reading level filter - says all my hubs are intermediate.. one of my websites is 90% intermediate and 10% advanced... so decided to look at one of my competition and looked at some of the pages defined as advanced....
          the two I looked at that were advanced had three sentences, half a dozen sales links...... well if google wants advanced that is easy!

      3. DzyMsLizzy profile image86
        DzyMsLizzyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Hmm.. I just tried this...and the majority of my hubs from the samples I checked came out at 100% "Intermediate."

        Two, however, came up at 0% across the board.  HUH??  That has to be some kind of glitch.  If not, that can't be a good thing.  sad 
        a Zero is as if the hub was invisible, rather than an actual rating of the reading scale, it seems to me.

      4. Peggy W profile image95
        Peggy Wposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        That's interesting Lisa HW.  Will be curious to see where my hubs rank.

  27. Urbane Chaos profile image90
    Urbane Chaosposted 12 years ago

    So.. Maybe this has already been covered somewhere and I missed it, but with all of the hubbers moving to their own quasi-domains, is flagging of sub-par hubs still necessary?

    1. Robin profile image85
      Robinposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Urbane Chaos, thanks for asking this very important question.  Yes, it is still necessary to flag if we want HubPages to continue to be the best place to write and find high quality articles.  I think most Hubbers want to write on a site that is well thought of and has high quality work; not a place that is full of spam and other low quality writing.  We greatly appreciate those Hubbers that have flagged in the past and continue to do so.  Even with subdomains, high quality writing is important.   big_smile

  28. AEvans profile image72
    AEvansposted 12 years ago

    Since I have moved to a subdomain, I have seen more traffic. smile

  29. Fiction Teller profile image59
    Fiction Tellerposted 12 years ago

    Paul, will there be any changes to the internal linking structure after the subdomain move to nullify the effects of automatic sitewide linking to low quality internal pages? 

    I'm thinking specifically of some interesting comments by the user Alyssa (post #4339818) on the thread on Webmasterworld discussing the HubPages changes:

  30. CASE1WORKER profile image61
    CASE1WORKERposted 12 years ago

    If anyone does not understand the whole sub domain thing. Mark Ewbie has written a very informative article and illustrated it in a way that even those of us (me included) who get confused easily will understand. Well worth a read

    1. Mark Ewbie profile image82
      Mark Ewbieposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks Case! I owe you.

  31. Woody Marx profile image68
    Woody Marxposted 12 years ago

    I've never been a big money-maker, but even my Hubs popped up a little after just one day of changing to sub-doms. So I think it was a brilliant move! smile

  32. waynet profile image69
    waynetposted 12 years ago

    No change as yet, but will give it time, it's only been a couple of days...I'll just wait until the hubs get indexed with the new urls.

    Will just keep plodding along and eating toffee popcorn and drinking chilled red wine whilst sat in the sun with my laptop perched on my wazza! big_smile

    1. IzzyM profile image87
      IzzyMposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I've been leaving the laptop indoors because I can't see the screen in the sunshine, and relaxing round my new tiled terrace round the swimming pool which I just re-filled with water for the first time in 6 years, yesterday.

      On a more serious note, the sharp increase that I saw in stats at the start of this week continued - not increasing but they stayed at a higher level all week.

      Then since I changed to the subdomain a day and a half ago, I am still seeing a slight increase on the increase which is unusual for this time of week when traffic usually falls sharply.

      HP has risen 4 points in Quantcast.

      But, do we still see the benefits of that now that we have subdomains?

  33. andromida profile image56
    andromidaposted 12 years ago

    I am wondering if all the previous backlinks of my hubs will carry any value to Google.I guess those links only keep redirecting my hubs.

  34. seanorjohn profile image72
    seanorjohnposted 12 years ago

    I agree with SEO expert Mark Ewbie , it was really easy to get my subdomain. He has a bluey link on his panda hub.

    1. CMHypno profile image81
      CMHypnoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      SEO expert Mark Ewbie? Mark it looks like you have been promoted! no more jokes, everything to be taken seriously from now on!  smile

      1. Mark Ewbie profile image82
        Mark Ewbieposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Lol.  Oh dear.  Hey, I found a niche!  Now as long as a real expert doesn't come along...

        edit: actually this is quite worrying.  Who's going to get the blame if the change doesn't work?  I don't want a load of smelly (no offence) content farmers marching up my road with torches.

        1. CMHypno profile image81
          CMHypnoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Didn't you realise that we are now all going to blame you if it does go wrong? The pack always does turn on the  main cheerleader! I've already been down to the allotments to get a pail of rotten tomatoes. All I need to do now is to sort out a bit of knitting to do while you are being marched up to the guillotine LOL! smile

          I think that they call it 'taking one for the team'! lol

          1. Mark Ewbie profile image82
            Mark Ewbieposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            I bet Matt Cutts doesn't get this treatment.

            Mind you.. if this doesn't work.  March on Google instead.

            1. CMHypno profile image81
              CMHypnoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              Attempted deflection - I like it!

              Matt Cutts has shareholders - much scarier than a bunch of hubbers I suspect!

          2. PaulGoodman67 profile image94
            PaulGoodman67posted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Great idea, we'll blame Mark E!  (gotta blame someone other than ourselves!  hehe!)

            Seriously though, Paul E must be pretty confident that he's got it right this time, as expectations have been raised a lot by this!  If he's got it wrong, the moaning and vitriol will reach new peaks for sure!  hehe!

            1. CMHypno profile image81
              CMHypnoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              I think that Paul E and the HP team have done the best they can on this one, which is all that we can expect from anyone. Let's all hope that things do improve.

              Anyway, it is far more fun winding up Mark!

              But an Amazon update would be useful HP! smile

  35. quicksand profile image82
    quicksandposted 12 years ago

    I am totally optimistic about this change. However I am wondering if in the initial stages it would be advisable to limit links pointing to other hubs to just one or two.

  36. Stacie L profile image88
    Stacie Lposted 12 years ago

    I checked my traffic sources and it appears that I'm getting  alot more traffic from Bing and yahoo. Google is about the same.

  37. Glamorously Jacob profile image60
    Glamorously Jacobposted 12 years ago

    I setup my subdomain yesterday, traffic has tanked, but anxiously awaiting its return in the next day or so hopefully!

    1. TamCor profile image80
      TamCorposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I switched a couple of days ago, but mine's slow, also...trying to be patient, too... smile

    2. Ms Dee profile image86
      Ms Deeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Since Sunday I'd seen a slow steady rise in traffic until Thursday when I did the subdomain setup, when it dropped off a little. Maybe busy with the indexing. I'm curious though that traffic started rising even before my subdomain setup.

      1. IzzyM profile image87
        IzzyMposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        That's like me, my traffic was already rising all this week. The only difference is now that I have had the subdomain set up nearly two days, my traffic is shooting upwards, and this is the weekend when it normally plummets.

        1. Ms Dee profile image86
          Ms Deeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          It is helpful to know, IzzyM, that you have seen the same thing. The "shooting" sure sounds hopeful!! Yes, and on the verge of a weekend, at that!

          1. IzzyM profile image87
            IzzyMposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            I am seeing a 45% rise on my stats from one week ago today - 21% of that since the sub domain change was made.

            1. Ms Dee profile image86
              Ms Deeposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              Thank you for your helpful figures, IzzyM smile  So I might expect a bit more rise than I saw between Sunday and the subdomain change.

              1. IzzyM profile image87
                IzzyMposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                My traffic is now up by 64%. Fingers crossed this continues!!

                1. wilderness profile image94
                  wildernessposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  Izzy, how many of the hubs have been re-indexed in the new subdomain?

                  My traffic shows virtually no change, but then only 10% of my hubs have been indexed in the new subdomain and I am seeing a few from the old address being de-indexed.

                  On the other hand, a second account with 18 hubs has 2/3 of them newly indexed and is showing a 50% traffic increase.  Could easily be just a spike (it doesn't get much traffic anyway), but your results could indicate that it is a real increase.

                  1. IzzyM profile image87
                    IzzyMposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    There are 142 results now in google for, which of course may include forums posts and all sorts, so I've no idea how many actual hubs have been indexed.

                    What is interesting to me is that I was hesitant to go with a subdomain, in case it knocked my top hub down.

                    But the opposite has been the case. Today, it is listed under its new name and is positioned #2 in Google.

                    It was at #9 recently.

                    It's gone from a normal Friday traffic of 300 to over 800 (and rising but I do need to go to bed and stop watching stats).

                    One other hub, under its new indexed subdomain, has flown up too, from an average of 50 views a day to over 200.

                    The rest or more or less the same as before - although a hub that did extremely well pre-Panda and was actually coming back on its own, has dropped away again.

                    Have quite a few red arrows showing too, but nothing exciting.

                    I'm just sharing - some hubs seem to be doing well, for me anyway.

                    Exciting days to come to all of us, I think, especially when our new subdomains get indexed.

                    PS I've just realised why traffic has fallen on that hub (and another too). They have been de-indexed and not yet re-indexed. Pity because one was at #1 and the other #3, now they are gone!

                  2. soni2006 profile image75
                    soni2006posted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    @wilderness,. same for me, hubs from my main account are in the process just like you and I am seeing 40% decrease in traffic whereas my other account which has only 24 hubs is showing more than 50% increase in traffic as all its hubs are indexed again. I think it will take another 4 to 5 days for large accounts to see a positive impact.

                    @IzzyM, just write "" and click "omitted search results"  then you will only be able to see your newly indexed hubs and nothing else. no forum posts, etc. This is the way I am checking my newly indexed hubs from my new subdomain at HP.

      2. rmcrayne profile image89
        rmcrayneposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Mine too.

        1. IzzyM profile image87
          IzzyMposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Maybe one of the beta testers of the subdomain thingie was actually pulling the site down! So when his/her stuff got moved, all of ours rose!

      3. AloBeDa profile image94
        AloBeDaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        You are right about that. Traffic in my 2 account started rising about a week ago. Increase in adsense earnings too was quite encouraging, but now????
        Let's wait and see.

    3. AloBeDa profile image94
      AloBeDaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Well if yours tanked, mine fell totally into the dark abyss. Lost half my traffic within 24hrs.
      But i'm a bit hopeful, seeing almost everyone is having increased traffic.

  38. Rosie2010 profile image68
    Rosie2010posted 12 years ago

    I just switched today.  So easy.  Thanks for all your hard work HP team.  It's Friday, weekends are usually slow traffic.  I'll see how it really goes next week.  Thanks all for your input.

  39. J.S.Matthew profile image80
    J.S.Matthewposted 12 years ago

    OK...I just moved mine over! Bring on the traffic!


  40. FloraBreenRobison profile image60
    FloraBreenRobisonposted 12 years ago

    I've just switched to a subdomain name.  It is te same as my own name, only it is all lowercase letters.

  41. applecsmith profile image71
    applecsmithposted 12 years ago

    Just moved mine over and updated the links from other sites. Thank you!

  42. SimeyC profile image89
    SimeyCposted 12 years ago

    Hope this isn't a bad sign - but now that everyone has sub-domains, I suddenly have 30% less traffic - more than I did before the subdomains (20% more) but not as impressive - hopefully it's simply the lull before the weekend!

    1. janderson99 profile image53
      janderson99posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      The weird thing is that my adsense hits are higher with much lower HP counted traffic. Analytics are up, but HP counts are down. I wonder whether the HP counts are out of whack. Naturally, everyone is looking for changes but I think it could take several days or a week to settle down. When is the next Panda squat due?

    2. IzzyM profile image87
      IzzyMposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Hopefully it is just the weekend lull, Simey. Keep us updated smile

  43. LeanMan profile image79
    LeanManposted 12 years ago

    2 days in;

    Only a handful of my pages are indexed by google, some of my best performing pages therefore do not appear at all in the serps..
    Saying that my views are about normal in total even though my usual top few have no views...

    have to wait and see where this settles...

  44. Paraglider profile image87
    Paragliderposted 12 years ago

    I've just noticed this subdomain plan. Will it be rolled out automatically or is there a procedure for signing up for it? I very much want to have mine regrouped under paraglider. It just makes sense!

    1. Randy Godwin profile image61
      Randy Godwinposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Check the first post on this thread, Paraglider.  There's a link to sign up.  smile

      1. Paraglider profile image87
        Paragliderposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Hey thanks - I thought that was just for a finite beta test group. Here we go smile

        1. Paraglider profile image87
          Paragliderposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Wow, that was quick!!

  45. profile image0
    EmpressFelicityposted 12 years ago

    I changed to my new subdomain a day ago and the traffic on my other account has remained stable (low, but stable) but this account has tanked to a miserable 78 hits for 88 hubs!?  A random Google search for two of my hubs shows that they're already indexed under the new URL, so I don't think that's the problem.

    I will be keeping an eye on things because it's early days yet, but so far the change doesn't look great for me.

  46. kids-crafts profile image60
    kids-craftsposted 12 years ago


    I am new here but please don't discount what I am going to tell you. My parents are both hubbers for 4 years and they asked me to come on this forum thread with a message.

    First the good stuff and then the reason why. Some, maybe even most, of you will be doing this already. But for those that are not....

    You need to be pinging your profile, your latest, best and hot links. Then you need to ping ONCE every hub you have. Twelve hours after that review your hub statistics and any hub with the downward blue triangle you need to ping again. Every twelve hours, until you are satisfied traffic is holding steady you do the inverted triangle selected ping again.

    Now the how we know and the why.

    Why - Pinging is like holding your hand up in class to let the teacher know that, despite the fact you have been quiet for a while you have something NEW. Pinging lets search engines know you have something new for them to look at.

    How we know.
    One of my parents was a tester. That account followed the procedure that I just described and with in 2 days had a 60% increase in traffic. By the end of three days the traffic was up to more than 125% of pre test sub-domain traffic. Were talking about from 600 a day to over 1400.

    Then came the second switch. The one back to user named sub-domain.  For the first two days both accounts did no pinging. Traffic stayed the same for the account that had not been in the sub-domain test. The account that had been in the test had traffic drop to 15% above pre sub-domain traffic level. Calm panic and worry.

    At that point both accounts were subjected to that procedure.
    The account previously tested is now up to 40% above the base line traffic before any testing was done. The account that just was given a sub-domain for the first time is up 25% and climbing.

    Hope that helps. Just information for all the fellow hubbers.
    We use Pingler to do our Ping procedure. The free account.
    You need to install the Pingler add on or extension other wise you can only ping a limited number of hubs a day. With the extension and you log in via the extension you have unlimited pinging. But, of course you should only ping when there is something new.  For those hubs that had the blue inverted triangle my parents change some of the tags to justify the pinging.

    Good luck

    1. ngureco profile image79
      ngurecoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      The percentages that you are quoting here are very encouraging. I hope and pray I get such results.

      But I worry that if we all started using mass pinging tools, this may cause penalties from Big G - penalties that we are seriously trying to avoid.What do you think about that?

      And have you seen an increase in the value of clicks?

      1. kids-crafts profile image60
        kids-craftsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        As far as my parents experience goes, on pinging, as long as you genuinely have something new in each hub a ping is justified. Note that you only do the inverted blue triangle ping 12 hours after the first time ping, and then only once every 12 hours. You could do it just once a day.  Most of us need to review and revise tags anyway so if you changed 10% of the tags you have on a hub that is significant enough to justify the ping.

        I would say no one knows how search engines react to tens of thousands of hubbers pinging but for certain a massive change like going to subdomains is a most reasonable reason to ping every hub.

        They also suggest using the free account on IMautomator to do an article directory submission for your profile page, which now becomes a genuine landing page for your subdomain.

      2. kids-crafts profile image60
        kids-craftsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        As to the value of clicks.

        The account that was tested in the sub domain test started to have significant increase in click value five days after the test started. We thought it was significant that all that massive traffic gain happened over the 4th of July weekend.

        At the same time the tested account was going through the roof. The untested account was losing traffic, normal for a big holiday weekend.

      3. Andrew0208 profile image56
        Andrew0208posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Indeed, frequent pinging is simply spamming, and could even trigger Google's hammer to disabling adsense user account at any time, likely with any other.

        1. kids-crafts profile image60
          kids-craftsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Agreed - but pinging for a reason as substantial as starting a new website - or sub domain is justified and allowed.

          No one is suggesting massive pinging. Just one ping for each hub and after that only for hubs that lose traffic once every twelve hours, after making changes to the hub to make it better for the reader.

          Of course it is also possible to just wait and see how long it takes big G to index all of your hubs on it's own.

  47. WriteAngled profile image75
    WriteAngledposted 12 years ago

    I had a little upward blip in visits, which lasted less than 12 hours and was not reflected in extra earnings. Now it is back once again to the level of two years ago, when I had five hubs instead of the present twenty.

    Only two of my hubs are showing on that search.

    I've given up expecting anything. The whole situation is hopeless and I see no cause for optimism whatsoever.

  48. Pcunix profile image92
    Pcunixposted 12 years ago

    I just switched mine yesterday (or was it the day before) and see 26 so far in ""

    It's too early to even bother looking at traffic..

  49. leahlefler profile image95
    leahleflerposted 12 years ago

    My traffic has gone down the drain (I switched over 2 days ago) - I saw an initial uptick, and now my views are way down. I just checked, and only four of my hubs have been indexed (out of 97 hubs). It's just a wait-and-see for now... hopefully things will look up (and more hubs will get indexed) soon.

    1. theherbivorehippi profile image64
      theherbivorehippiposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Mine has tanked too. This is the lowest my traffic has EVER been. Even for a weekend. I did mine Wednesday....this is day three. If things don't pick up I'm going to feel very nervous.

      1. leahlefler profile image95
        leahleflerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I think things will look up once the hubs get indexed. I did write a hub very soon after switching to the new subdomain, and it was indexed immediately - so perhaps it will just take a little time.

        1. theherbivorehippi profile image64
          theherbivorehippiposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Hope so! I'm glad to hear your new hub was indexed quickly though...that's always good news.

        2. profile image0
          EmpressFelicityposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          The indexing isn't (or shouldn't be) the issue - our old URLs have all got redirects on them anyway.  Beats me what's going on.

      2. profile image0
        EmpressFelicityposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Yup, same here.

        1. theherbivorehippi profile image64
          theherbivorehippiposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Well..don't take this the wrong way but I'm glad I'm not the only one. smile

  50. prektjr.dc profile image75
    prektjr.dcposted 12 years ago

       First of all I am new to all of this and the changeover was super simple!  Thank you!!!
       The questions I have are in the links I have to join and to view my profile have the tracker I placed in them.  Do I need to go in to each hub and change those to have the subdomain in the front of the word hubpages? Should I change it to have the subdomain for future hubs?
       Thanks for your help!

    1. IzzyM profile image87
      IzzyMposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Hi and welcome to Hubpages smile

      No from what I gather you do not need to change anything as your original urls have web re-directs on them.

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