My 24 hrs stat shows 30% drop in traffic, I have switched to subdomain long back, all my hubs are indexed and was getting a good traffic till yesterday. Any of you are facing same problem?
No not yet. My traffic is steady at about 100 views a day but it does drop slightly on the weekends.
Mines dreadful, but there again I've only been here for a few weeks so hopefully it will pick up.
Yes Hollie keep writing more. I have 84 hubs and some where written 2 years ago. It takes alot of time.
I will, thanks. On the plus side though I told myself I probably wouldn't make any money for the first year. However, I've made more than a dollar!
After subdomain switch over I was getting around 140-150 views a day, today (24 hrs stat) shows just 97.
Hope it is nothing to do with panda and my SERP, just more people not searched the keywords which my hubs targeting.
Whenever I stop promoting, my traffic drops for my hubs. I don't get natural traffic, really.
I got killed. Traffic dropped massively. screwgle.
Traffic is down, but earning are pretty good.
Boy did traffic drop! But it is the weekend...tomorrow will be better!
I experienced that too... No matter what that is..Just press on..
My traffic is also down. Also, there is basically the same discussion here :
It may also be cos it's the holiday season, perhaps?
Another one. I thought that happened a couple of weeks ago. Are they usually this frequent?
It was monthly. The SEO forums indicate they might be moving towards a more rolling update.
panda sent my traffic from minuscle to microscopic, now I am just in between
I found an initial increase in traffic after the subdomain switch however have foun a slight downward trend recently too
It does always seem to go down slightly over a weekend
I've only been on here a few months and some of my hibs have taken a while to establish however search engine traffic is coming- very slowly to many of them.
Yep. my stats are roughly half what they were yesterday, down below 1000 views for the first time in a while. Funny, yesterday was my highest Adsense earnings since last year. Must be another slap by Google.
Oh well, we cannot do anything about it anyway. We are at their mercy as usual.
Brilliant traffic day yesterday - traffic halved and on the floor today. Panda?
A new hub published yesterday is pushing my stats up, mainly with HP-derived views. However, even without that I am currently at about double the views I had before switching to a subdomain, although still only at two-thirds of the views I had pre-Panda.
All that being said, most of my hubs are still at 0-3 views per day most of the time, with one at 15-40ish views per day. I get about one Adsense click every two weeks or so usually of a very low value, and even that is not always from Hubpages. HPAds are very variable, with eCPM swinging madly over a massive range, but daily earnings generally are not much better than before the subdomain switch despite the increased views.
It's the Irony update. I wrote about this at some length a while back but few people were able to find it, which is itself quite ironic.
If only people could have heeded my message.
<snipped - Mark, please stop posting self-promotional links>
Disclaimer: The message may be completely untrue.
My traffic dropped 50% overnight, lost about 2K daily visitors. This stinks.
Looks like it may not be a Panda update...
It could be the Internet truly is flat, and not round. Traffic may be falling off the edge of the Internet.
Sorry, just trying to cheer people up a bit.
Perhaps one of the high muckedy mucks will deign to speak of this sudden drop soon.
Yup, yup.. I was a little disappointed myself. After the subdomain switch, my traffic boinged up higher than Tigger, but yesterday, well.. over 100 views down from pre-switch traffic. Today isn't looking so hot yet either, but it's still early.
Hopefully it's just a thing, and whatever thing that it is, hopefully it'll go away.
Hum. I haven't had any real changes today. That's not to say I'm anything special, just that I'm not getting any effect. I am curious and concerned, however.
Beware the Sub downsize to 6" subs.
The entire subdomain strategy has yet to be tested by Panda and other Google jigs. Is this it!!
The Cargo Cult is rife again!
Is that a Plane I hear?
A distant rumble, Perhaps?
My traffic have been trending up for the last few days and today I am seeing an increase from yesterday. I see decreases in traffic on weekend.
I am afraid to keep looking at my stats. I think I will leave it alone until tomorrow and hope it doesn't implode... I am hoping it is just some adjustment that will correct itself really soon.
My traffic has been incrementally increasing week on week since before the sub-domain update and since the update the increase has been marginally better than that.
Irrespective of Panda or ANY other algorithm update from Big G, its way too early to tell. Give it a minimum amount of time, from weeks, even months before we see the best (or worst) outcome out of all of these changes.
Me too! My visits have dropped by more like 70% or so today. Since the subdomain thing I had seen a steady increase...nearly doubling my traffic from previous months this year. Now suddenly today I've become invisible. ???
I don't think I have ever seen so many blue arrows! I can't look anymore. I am waiting for it to go down to zero.
Wow this is really happening, I imagined it would but not like this.. I was getting from 140 to 170 hits per day, but most days over 100 and in the last 24 hours my traffic has dropped around 300%. I had about 30 hits in the last 30 hours or so and only 40 hits in the last 24 hours. This is truly horrible!
What the HECK! I can't believe my numbers and all my traffic is organic!
Initially with the subdomain switch I gained back about 1/2 of what I originally lost, going from 700-800 a day to 1300 a day, now I'm under 500 a day - which is the lowest I've been since my first few months here.
Special thanks to Mark for providing the link to this thread.
My traffic is down by 75% - I have quality content, so dont think my sub domain has been marked down. There could be a hubpages server problem. I think I read somewhere that HP was going to up the server capacity - the transition may have had an effect on our traffic.
It would be lovely if HP would just confirm this - if we know why, we can just run with it.
I think we just need to sit tight and wait it out. It's not Panda, it's something else, and it's not affected everybody. I lost about two-thirds of my traffic but it's levelled out this past 12-18 hours with no further drops - like it's sitting their waiting, trying to decide what to do next.
I got 19 new hubs out of the boost!
Now to concentrate on building my other sites further while we wait.
There's no change in my traffic here, continuing to go up since the subdomain switch. However, I did remove some of my hubs that I thought really weren't up to par -- just kind of getting rid of the content that I thought may hold down the rest on my subdomain.
We can see just how well you are continuing to do Melbel on
SubdomainPercent of Site Traffic 76.79% 0.39% 0.36% 0.31% 0.29% 0.27% 0.23% 0.22% 0.19% 0.18% 0.18% 0.17%
Well done, girl - keep it up
How did you manage to get this information?
Look at the main page then click on Traffic, then Reach. There is a huge list of individual hubber's subdomains there.
I see you on the high achievers list too, Izzy! Though slightly further down than melbel. ;-)
Maybe last week I might have deserved being on it, I don't know, though to be honest my views are not that great compared to some.
This week, however, in the past 48 hours I have lost two thirds of my traffic. It was stable for a while and now it is sliding further, and I have no idea why.
I read one article that speculated that Google had targeted specific keywords for special treatment. Google have denied a new panda this time, as you no doubt know. I am but a small fry in HubPages, but my traffic dipped dramatically and then quickly recovered. The same was true for some of my non-HP sites too. Sorry to hear about some people suffering dramatic losses!
Thanks Paul but it is Panda 2.4 and obviously my hubs or style or writing doesn't suit them
They seem to like me on my own sites. Just need to concentrate my efforts there instead of here.
IzzyM I have had similar results with my own sites... now if it were easy to move stuff from here to those... unfortunately most of what I have here was made for here.
Oh, so it is 2.4 then! I must be behind the loop! lol I must admit that I haven't been to the forums so much in recent times!
Wow! Melbel is doing better than blog.hubpages! Way to go!
I'm curious melbel, were you part of the original Beta Hubber subdomain switch?
Well, I've put my HP profile link into my Google Profile, so I'll see if it makes a difference!
I did the same thing a few weeks ago. But no traffic coming from my Google Profile.
In case any of you have missed the other thread:
Same here, but I'm going to keep writing hubs about stuff I like. So I guess I'm a glutton for punishment. :-)
I certainly could be mistaken but this is my 4th August and every one of them have been like this. Some days up and other days in the pits.
I am betting that as soon as we get through Labor Day in the USA things will be back to normal and increasing until just before Christmas.
I haven't been hit by this guys, My traffic went up straight after the switch and its remained high, especially for my top hubs.
I only switched at the beginning of this month and I immediately added backlinks to support the changed. I need to do some now.
I don't think I'm special, I'm hoping rather that I've been blessed
My traffic is still down by at least 80% in the last 2 days. Went from approximately 600 views a day to 80 and blue arrows all over the place!
Does anyone know what is going on exactly yet or if chances are it will come back?
Pandamonium. Pandaattack. Pandascrewed. Pandadestroyed. Pandaganda. Pandagored. Pandareamed. Pandakilled.
I hope you get the picture.
Even though the numbers say rising, if you look at the alexa stat chart, we are getting killed after a surge if you look at the 3 month chart: … c%2F80606#
I wonder if they put Hubpages in search and then these vigilantes come along on their chrome and vote us down. Something REALLY BAD is happening.
Still feels like Im earning peanuts whichever way I look at it.
Traffic on my hubs feels a lot like watching the stock market...up and can become very upsetting and then exilarating..and back to upsetting..
My traffic had been trending slightly upwards until this past Monday, 8/8/2011. Since then, my traffic has fallen by nearly half.
A few days after my hubs were moved to the new domain I started seeing good improvement in all areas. About a week or so ago as I logged into my account I had a message in red saying something like "you need to approve to move you hubs to the new domain".
I thought that was odd since my hubs had already been moved to my new domain - but I clicked on it anyway.
Since then my traffic has fallen, my hubscore has fallen, my hubber score has fallen, my adsense is nearly non-existant, my ebay is nearly non-existant, my amazon is down and my hubpage ads are down.
Has anyone else experienced this?
Something had definitely changed because I have also had a nice gradual increase in traffic since going to my own subdomain and then suddenly this past week I had a clearly defined drop off. I had a severe drop off with my business site this past week as well. So it's obvious that something is going on. It's not clear if Panda 2.4 has been released yet. There are conflicting posts in SEO forums. Officially Google says it was released for other languages. Do a Google search on "Panda 2.4" for the latest.
I hope things will go back to normal.. it cant get worse than this for me
Man, it must be great to see 1000 uv's per day as normal, I guess me needs to kiss a few more frogs
Guys, I just want to point it out that just because you have a few low quality hubs it doesn't mean that Google will slap you because of that. Each hub under your subdomain will quiet sustain it self if you well work at it creating backlinks, optimizing to a pleasing level and really making sure that it's at least 400 words.
All pages are treated individually by Google, so if you have a hub that was really popular and now is dead (my case also) then get the primary keywords, build some links, optimize this
hub(s) and watch the effects. You should only see positive effects other than negative. Just like we are averaging a 50/50 on people that have been affected and others that haven't been affected at all, I assume it's all up to us to get that traffic back to our hubs.
I can say this with the fact that I have a few websites and the ones I have been focusing well and building links for them haven't been affected at all and are still holding it's rankings. I guess we just forget that in order to continue seen success on our hubs we must continue to work at them. We can't just sit around and expect traffic to last forever. We must constantly work to improve our rankings to instead of seen the traffic fall we can celebrate our traffic rising.
I think you are missing the point that something other than the usual is going on when hubbers go from lots of traffic to almost none, for all hubs on that account, overnight.
No, Google does not treat every page as a separate deal. Sometimes they sandbox entire domains or subdomains, which is what is happening to some of us--for unknown reasons.
And this includes some previously very high traffic, expert users with 100s of hubs, who have been doing this for a while. So spare us the usual SEO advice. That is not the issue here.
I bet you are the type of Hubber that just sits around waiting for your Hub views to magically go up. Well in this case perhaps you should stop looking at what you consider to be expert users just because they have hundreds of hubs (lol) and stop waiting for any kind of SEO advice and do something about your traffic problems.
As per your saying :
"Sometimes they sandbox entire domains or subdomains, which is what is happening to some of us--for unknown reasons"
This is totally not the case here because Hubpages has not been sandboxed and we switched to subdomains too recently to start saying that any traffic problem we have is because our subdomains have being sandboxed (lame excuse) just so many can sit around for another 12 months waiting for the red arrows to appear next to their hubs. I have over 10 websites and constantly work around them to improve their rankings. Hubpages to me is a phenomenal way to discover new niches and apply them to my websites and while doing it so I still make some money. My traffic was down but its starting to pick it up again little by little as I work my existing hubs, the competition continues and like I said before, many of us just sit around doing nothing hoping that all our hubs and websites will maintain its rankings constantly with no efforts at all.
I don't believe that's true, Google seems to look at entire websites when deciding whether to sandbox.
Since this thread is a "traffic dropped" one, I'm not sure if it's worth mentioning here; but I had a few days of substantial and consistent decline when other people also seemed to be. It's back up to (and higher) than where it had been in the post-subdomain weeks (before the few-days long "Big Dip" that went on most recently). Tomorrow may be another story, but for now - two/three days of being where it had been. Maybe others have seen a turnaround again too...
by Susannah Birch 11 years ago
Bye bye traffic!My account has dropped from ~3000 views per day to 1700 (and still dropping). At least 1/3 of that traffic is from Pinterest.Google, what are you doing?
by David 470 14 years ago
All of a sudden, since yesterday, my traffic has been cut almost 50%. Has anyone else experienced this? I doubt I will even make payment this month - time for my moral to fall January is a bad month for most I hear, but my traffic was fine earlier in the month, and consistent.
by Holly 11 years ago
Am I taking crazy pills, or is there another google update going on, or what? My traffic dropped on 8/8/13 from about 150 views a day to 0-9. My top hub is getting zero every day now. My hub score dropped from 90-something to 76. No overpromotion, no suddenly unfeatured...
by Susan W 11 years ago
Hi everyone, thanks for checking out this forum post. As the title suggests, I'd like to ask you all how your traffic situation is right now, post-Panda. I got a dreadful hit (a decrease of 50%) last week from Panda but now my traffic is rising again. How's yours? Is it still doom and gloom or is...
by Ben G 13 years ago
I was loving that my traffic was doubled for a while... it was hitting levels I had never seen before on HubPages.But today I just noticed it's down at least 1,000 views, and I check pretty much every day.I'm not sure what could have caused this but the only thing I've done different is I've been...
by Sondra Rochelle 12 years ago
I'm guessing it's because school started this week, but today my page views have taken a drastic drop. They have been cut by more than this happening to anybody else?
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