Hello everyone, I am a bit early this week with the new HubMob topic, I hope no one minds. First of all I want to thank all the HubMobsters who contributed to the Thanksgiving HubMob. So far we have 20 great hubs on the topic. Thank you HubMobsters!
Time is passing by very fast and soon we are going to be celebrating another Christmas and as I heard most Americans do their Christmas shopping right after thanksgiving day then why not start writing about all the entertaining toys that we have tried and tested; our most favourite toys ever or the toys that we always wanted and never had. Let's hub about all the toys that parents might want to buy this year for their little ones.
Some ideas for a HubMob hub on toys are:
Your favourite childhood toys
Action Figures
Arts & Crafts
Baby Toys
Bath Toys
Building Blocks
Costumes & Dress Up
Dolls & Doll Houses
Educational Toys
Electronic toys
Flying Toys & Rockets
Handheld Games
Inflatable toys
Light-Up & Glow in the Dark Toys
Magnets & Magnetic Toys
Miniature Cars, Motorcycles, & Trucks
Puppets & Finger Puppets
Radio Controlled & Remote Controlled toys
Skates & Skateboards
Stuffed Animals & Teddy Bears
Tents & Tunnels
Tops & Spinning Toys
Vintage Toys
Water Toys & Boats
To join this week's HubMob please follow the steps below:
1. YOU MUST START YOUR HUB CLICKING THIS LINK. Choose the Answer the Request green button. Choose the MAKE A HUB ABOUT IT option.
2. Choose a relevant title for your Hub to get a good ranking in the search engines, AVOID starting your title with "Weekly HubMob"
3. Include the HubMob RSS Feed in your hub: http://hubpages.com/question/23439/hubm … ew&rss
4. Add the HubMob graphic to your hub so that everyone who reads it will know that it is part of the official HubMob topic of the week.
5. After you publish your HubMob Hub, come back to the forum and post a link to your hub with a brief description of what you wrote about and why. Take advantage of the free publicity!
If you are still not sure about what is a HubMob and the benefits of taking part in one I created this guide http://hubpages.com/hub/What-is-a-HubMo … o-join-one please feel free to come up with any questions if you have any doubts left.
This is my first ever hubmob, hadn't even heard about them until about 4 days ago.
Here's mine, written straight from the heart, it's a true story of a great toy that I wanted ... and still don't actually have. Although now I don't have the space for one... but one day, one day, one of these WILL be mine!
Robo Raptor Robot Dinosaur
Would it be safe to say that adult toys were excluded from the list for a good reason?
Hi, my take about toys.
Great topic.
Quick question, can I use a hub I published yesterday about buying Christmas toys online?
You have to start HubMob hubs with the link, "answering" Princessa's "question". See #1 above.
No, sorry. You have to go through the 'Answer this request' link that is in Princessa's original post. Otherwise, you do not show up in the HubMob feed.
Maybe reslant it for a new hub?
You're welcome! That's a good way to up your hub count, too.
Just wanting to check that HubMob is different to HubNugget, I'm still not 100% Thanks.
Here's Shirley's hub on the overview of HubNuggets.
Toys on Wheels: Matchbox Cars to Skateboards
http://hubpages.com/hub/Toys-on-Wheels- … oards?done
Zhu Zhu Pets
http://hubpages.com/hub/Zhu-Zhu-hamster … s-Chistmas
These are going to be hot for Christmas this year.
The roundup hub is live. Not sure why but HubMerc is not showing up in the feed. It's in his hub, though.
I intentionally did not give the hub a Christmas or holiday slant, hoping that people will read for birthdays, etc. as well.
All the Best Toys for Girls and Boys HubMob
Here is mine. I wrote about model rockets. This was a toy that I loved to play with when I was a kid. I found that it is still pretty inexpensive to do. It is a good toy for girls and boys, and something that you can do with your kids. I am going to try it again, I have a couple of grand kids that would like to try it.
My Bright Red Ferrari - a toy for a grown up boy!!
Oh I saw this HubMob just today. It is a really interesting topic and I would really love to do this. I have a RC toy article ready with me. I will publish it over here. Thanks Princessa for choosing such a nice topic at such a good time, as Christmas and New Year are coming near.
O.k. Here goes.... Hey Santa, Women Love Toys Too!
Hi hubbers,
It is time for me to celebrate as I have created and published my 300th hub at hubpages ever which also belongs to HubMob Weekly Topic - Toys and HubChallenge. Here is the link and title for that awesome hub:
HubChallenge Hub #4 Day 5 plus HubMob Weekly Topic Toys Hub#1 Day 2
http://hubpages.com/_myfavoritehubs/hub … led-planes
Best RC Toys - Buying RC kits for building radio controlled planes?
Congratulations on your 300 hub, that's awesome soni2006!
http://hubpages.com/hub/My-favourite-ch … ubber?done
Times have certainly changed. Here are some childhood toys from the past
just a quick message to let you all know that I am not going to be online too much this week. I have a last minute trip -I was only told about it last night- I'll be leaving tomorrow and I won't be back until next week.
Please do keep the HUbMob going, you are all doing a great job creating awesome hubs! Do not forget to keep us all updated about any "first page" that you make or any high traffic reports to your hubmob hubs. We all like to hear about Your success.
Have fun HubMobsters
Thanks a lot Princessa. Have a nice trip. We will keep on updating this thread with our goals and achievements.
Here is my contribution!
http://hubpages.com/_33h903e4djx8b/hub/ … -for-Girls
Here is my HubMob contribution on buying Organic Toys.
http://hubpages.com/hub/Organic-Toys-Wh … ldren?done
Old and new toys from Ohio Art Company --
Videos of vintage commercials and a poll are included. Thanks!
Bummer - wish I would have known, I published 8 hubs last week about toys!
Oh, well, here's another - #1 HubMob all about dollhouses:
http://hubpages.com/hub/christmas-gift- … dollhouses
Here's mine: Nesting Dolls
I love the topic, here's mine :
http://hubpages.com/hub/Teddy-Bear-a-Wa … ggable-Toy
Enjoy, have a great time
I had a great time reminescing about my bicycle riding days...hope I am not done with those days yet but the verdict is still out..heres my hubmob on toys for the week
http://hubpages.com/hub/To-Borrow-a-Phr … y-Far?done
I think this week's hubmob will have more than 50 answers, I predict because Toys are everyone's favorite and the holiday season is approaching near.
I think Soni is right! On Monday, I thought I would have nothing to offer on Toys. I must be a real dolt. It took me a day to realize I actually know LOTS about toys, just not the high tech kind.
Here's My #1:
Toys- Board Games for Children 3 to 8
http://hubpages.com/hub/Toys-Board-Game … ren-3-to-8
These are some of my favorite board games for 3 to 8 year old children, from my years as a Pediatric Occupational Therapist.
First HubMob hub ever - http://hubpages.com/hub/Usb-sticks
Usb sticks - It's more than just a stick
first hubmob I hope I done it correct
for toys
http://hubpages.com/hub/Treasured-toys- … -time?done
Am I too late to do a hub for this week's hubmob
When must it be published by?
I would like to do a hub on hand puppets.
Thank you soni2006
Do I register it with hubmob now or do I wait until the hub is ready to publish?
When you get ready to publish, you MUST start your hub by clicking on the link in the first post on this thread.
Topics run Mon to Mon. Welcome aboard!
Thank you very much for the feedback and the welcoming.
I'm not doing this but I did come across a keyword for My first toys and thought it would be a good idea for some of you. Maybe you could add wooden rocking horses and rocking toys to it. There is lots of scope. Good luck everyone and one day I will join in when I feel I have gained a little more experience. Oh and I thought maybe a hub on toys to invest in like vintage and the real old fashioned rocking horses.
Thanks for the really nice ideas of wooden rocking toys. I think these are some good ones to make hubs on. I think you have gained much experience, why not give it a go, we are all here to help you. Just push it and when you will be done, you will be amazed to see the results.
With all the benefits of owning a Toy Ferrari (powered by a vivid imagination), why would anyone want a real one?
http://hubpages.com/hub/A-toy-ferrari-w … a-real-one
Here is my take on noisy toys!
Here's my #2:
Toys- Cards, Dice and Other Games for Children 3 to 8
http://hubpages.com/hub/Toys-Cards-Dice … ren-3-to-8
These are classic games for children 3 to 8 years old. I used most of these games in providing Occupational Therapy in the schools.
I'm kind of getting the hang of these commercial hubs.
http://hubpages.com/hub/Disney-Fairies- … r-Under-25
300 Hubs?!! Wow! Well Done Soni! I hope to get around to where you are...eventually.
I have just published this hub
I followed all the instructions - answered the question etc but the RSS feed (although it works when in edit mode) then comes up as invalid after I have published - help me someone!!!
Also the hubmob graphic which displays in edit mode disappears after I publish.
I have done a hubmob before and didn't have this problem. What is the matter with me now? Why won't it work?
Had the same problem with RSS feed a week ago. Did you try right-clicking on the URL and clicking the "copy link location" before pasting it on the RSS capsule?
Hubmob graphic - er can't help you there, sorry. They always show when I upload them.
Here are two - will be back with another I hope
1. http://hubpages.com/hub/Easels-Paint-Se … t-supplies
2. http://hubpages.com/hub/Childrens-Educa … -Christmas
Thanks emievil for your thoughts - I will give it another go. It is weird - in edit mode it all looks fine.
emievil - thanks your advice was sound! I have fixed the problem!
Hi everyone. Just wanted to let you know that I haven't forgotten about you. This is an incredibly busy freelance week for me, so I have been moving hubs over a few at a time, when I take a break from working. I'll get caught up eventually. So far, think I've reached the end of page 2. You guys obviously love this topic. Way to go, HubMobsters!!
All the Best Toys for Girls and Boys HubMob
Who or what would you nominate for the National Toy Hall of Fame? Fun Vids and a poll included.
Here's My #3:
Toys- Board Games for Children and Families
http://hubpages.com/hub/Toys-Board-Game … d-Families
These are some of my favorite board games for children 8 and older, from my years as a Pediatric Occupational Therapist. These games are ideal for families.
Here is another addition for Hubmob, A toy my kiddo enjoyed in UK playschool so just wrote a hub on her favorite toy.
http://hubpages.com/hub/christmas-gift- … astle-toys
Castle toys for girls and boys!
Took me forever to get this one published - there's something strange going on with the capsules - anyone else experiencing weird things?
Here's another one...
Something for the big boys and girls on your shopping list
Did I just read that you could take an unpublished hub and click on the hubmob "answer this question" link to publish it and include it here? Is that correct or am I missing something?
I thought you had to start a new hub from scratch for the hubmob, after you clicked on the "Make a Hub about it" link...
Can someone clear this up for me, please?
...and thank you
Okay people, listen up! This is my first real try at a HubMob. I am pleasantly surprised, its my third ranking hub. It moved up faster than any other hub I've written. So go write!!!
Here's HubMob #3 for me:
Live Butterfly Gardens - Experience the metamorphosis!
http://hubpages.com/hub/christmas-gift- … fly-garden
Okay kids, I have to move the last few to a second hub, they're going all screwy again. The bad news is that I don't know if I'm going to have time to do it tonight. I'll try.
All the Best Toys for Girls and Boys
Here's my #4:
Toys Cards, Dice and Other Games for Families
http://hubpages.com/hub/Toys-Cards-Dice … r-Families
These are classic games, other than board games, such as dice and card games. They are perfect for families. Games are suitable for children 8 and older.
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I read about the HubMob weekly topic? Please point me in the right direction.
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