Smilies for Mark

Jump to Last Post 51-93 of 93 discussions (126 posts)
  1. darkside profile image58
    darksideposted 17 years ago

  2. elisabeth reid profile image69
    elisabeth reidposted 17 years ago

    For those moments of indecision:

    For the sophisticatedly appreciative:

    Self-explanatory (well, they all are, but you know what I mean....)


    (yeah...I've got five pages of the little buggers in my photobucket

  3. profile image0
    RFoxposted 17 years ago

    I found a useful one:

  4. profile image0
    RFoxposted 17 years ago

    And more:

    And my personal favourite:

  5. stephhicks68 profile image85
    stephhicks68posted 17 years ago

    OMG.... I've seen it, but not tasted it....

  6. elisabeth reid profile image69
    elisabeth reidposted 17 years ago

    I can't believe I forgot this one:

    and this one:

    I'll dig up some more later...I've got more on my 'puter at home.

    1. profile image0
      RFoxposted 17 years agoin reply to this the exploding head!

  7. funride profile image66
    funrideposted 17 years ago

  8. Inspirepub profile image71
    Inspirepubposted 17 years ago


    These are too good to have them sink down the list ...


  9. darkside profile image58
    darksideposted 17 years ago

    I've still got more to add. Just need to tidy up around here first.

  10. Inspirepub profile image71
    Inspirepubposted 17 years ago

  11. darkside profile image58
    darksideposted 17 years ago

    I better add this to the collection...

    Another Mark Inspired And Approved Smilie.

  12. elisabeth reid profile image69
    elisabeth reidposted 17 years ago

    Heh...I like this one.

  13. gamergirl profile image88
    gamergirlposted 17 years ago

    I'll do that by the time this contest is over, elisabeth.

    1. elisabeth reid profile image69
      elisabeth reidposted 17 years agoin reply to this

      Heh...I've come close a couple of times this morning...and that's without the contest.  I really, really wanted to do that but time just won't allow it.

  14. darkside profile image58
    darksideposted 16 years ago

    Here's another for Mr Knowles...

    1. Mark Knowles profile image58
      Mark Knowlesposted 16 years agoin reply to this


  15. DJ Funktual profile image66
    DJ Funktualposted 16 years ago

    OMG.  Thank You dark side.  I never saw this thread before.  Wow.  Let me know if they make a DJ!  Or maybe a funky pimp?

    1. darkside profile image58
      darksideposted 16 years agoin reply to this

  16. Bob Ewing profile image65
    Bob Ewingposted 16 years ago

    beyond smile excellent

  17. darkside profile image58
    darksideposted 16 years ago

  18. DJ Funktual profile image66
    DJ Funktualposted 16 years ago

    Yay!    If you guys wanna play I'll be in the Health forum!    This one will be funny!   

    HINT:'s a duo.

    1. darkside profile image58
      darksideposted 16 years agoin reply to this


  19. Bonnie Ramsey profile image68
    Bonnie Ramseyposted 16 years ago

    LOL I see now you found others, too! I would be the one throwing the computer through the window, too!

  20. Eric Graudins profile image61
    Eric Graudinsposted 16 years ago

    How many more wonderful  threads like this are waiting to be mined in the Forum archive ???

  21. Inspirepub profile image71
    Inspirepubposted 16 years ago

    We have an almost inexhaustible supply of fossil cool ...


  22. DJ Funktual profile image66
    DJ Funktualposted 16 years ago

    Great line Jenny.

  23. darkside profile image58
    darksideposted 16 years ago

  24. darkside profile image58
    darksideposted 16 years ago

    A bump to see if any of our newer members have any to add.

  25. Inspirepub profile image71
    Inspirepubposted 16 years ago

    Good thought ... this thread is awesome!


  26. Christoph Reilly profile image68
    Christoph Reillyposted 16 years ago

    These are totally cool!

    1. Zsuzsy Bee profile image86
      Zsuzsy Beeposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      I absolutely love the sword fighters...

  27. ripplemaker profile image79
    ripplemakerposted 16 years ago

    And we can now actually talk without words! lol

    big_smile  lol Enough! Back to work!

    have fun with life!

  28. profile image0
    C. C. Riterposted 16 years ago

    For Ufologists;

    I hope I'm not late with this, I don't recall seeing it.

    1. GeneriqueMedia profile image60
      GeneriqueMediaposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I'm going to e-mail this to Bob Lazar. wink

  29. profile image0
    Rainbow Briteposted 16 years ago

    this is too good to let it disapper, so <bump>

  30. darkside profile image58
    darksideposted 15 years ago

    Here's another for the smilie pantry...

    1. Zsuzsy Bee profile image86
      Zsuzsy Beeposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Darkside... you can stop already the poor thing's already dead...

      I don't know where you find all these gems but thank you.

  31. mohamedhmm profile image61
    mohamedhmmposted 15 years ago

    smile; then, look to yourself...

  32. JamaGenee profile image78
    JamaGeneeposted 15 years ago

    What I'm doing now....

  33. profile image0
    C. C. Riterposted 15 years ago
    me today, for a while anyway.

    1. RKHenry profile image63
      RKHenryposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      That's not good.  You okay C.C.???

  34. Zsuzsy Bee profile image86
    Zsuzsy Beeposted 15 years ago

    These come in so handy at times. You can have a conversation without having to say too much. I just had to bump it back to the top.
    Thanks again Darkside for starting this one.

  35. darkside profile image58
    darksideposted 15 years ago

    Anyone got any others to add to the collection?

    1. tantrum profile image59
      tantrumposted 15 years agoin reply to this

  36. Uninvited Writer profile image76
    Uninvited Writerposted 15 years ago

  37. Jane@CM profile image59
    Jane@CMposted 15 years ago

    Gotta love emoticons.  I'm sure you could add them into the forum instead of having to download them.  I use to moderate a forum and we had all of the emoticons on a sidebar.

  38. Eaglekiwi profile image73
    Eaglekiwiposted 15 years ago

    just practising

    1. Eaglekiwi profile image73
      Eaglekiwiposted 15 years agoin reply to this


  39. Zsuzsy Bee profile image86
    Zsuzsy Beeposted 15 years ago

    while i was hunting for the dead horse flogging one...

    I thought everyone would enjoy seeing these again so I bumped it to the top
    some of these are just fabulous

  40. atomswifey profile image58
    atomswifeyposted 15 years ago


  41. Valerie F profile image60
    Valerie Fposted 15 years ago

    I was going to suggest the rolling eyes, but I like "insert sarcasm here," as well. Either can be very helpful. I also like the wink, because I'm never sarcastic, ever. Not in the least. wink

  42. darkside profile image58
    darksideposted 15 years ago

    I still LOVE this one

    1. profile image49
      badcompany99posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      How do you enter them DS and also photos ?

      1. darkside profile image58
        darksideposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        When you click on quote/reply button look at the code.

        It'll say [ IMG ] (but without the spaces.

        [ IMG ][ /IMG ]

        So the front IMG tag is saying 'we're going to put an image here! then the URL is the location of the image (it can be a .gif or .jpeg, so a graphic or a photo) and then the /IMG tag is saying 'we're done here, turn off the code!'.

        And then it sits the pic right there in your thread post.

  43. profile image49
    badcompany99posted 15 years ago

    Cheers mate, have always wondered, still learning all the time !


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