Is it me, or is it just getting boring around the forums lately? And so many people seem to have disappeared.
Where is the fun? Did everyone just get tired of it "all" and pick up their toys and go home?
no it's not you. the board is being taken over of late by certain factions that are dragging it down, which is why i have considered not only leaving the forum but Hubpages as well. the onliest reason i am here right now is to express myself with my writing....all the joy is rapidly going away, unfortunately.
I find I have more time on my hands lately, so I've frequented the boards a bit more often. I have to agree, the joy in the forums is gone. I won't leave hubpages over a forum though. Cosette, you have far too many followers to leave! Keep writing and I hope you find joy in all you write If I had that many followers, I'd be over joyed
Don't you dare leave!
I love reading your Hubs
don't you just love sufidreamer ahhhh he is a breath of fresh air.
You made me blush
Misha - Done! Love the decor around the place. Where do you keep the bar, old boy? I'm parched
dont leave Cosette, just focus on hubs? The forum can get to be too much. But you dont have to leave all yoru hard work? Unless you have a good place to take it too?
@Jane, I am all for having some fun!!
no Justine, i have no place to take my hubs to. they will be destroyed when my account is deleted, which is how i want it. i have pondered this for many days now and have decided this is what i want to do. you can't write when there is no joy in it any longer, and you can't find joy when you read garbage posted by people who refuse to stop with their little insults and when anyone tries to stop it, they all jump on you and attack you. it really bothered me to see what they did to Whitney. and it bothered me to see them self-promoting. and it bothered me to see them sneaking hub links of their buddies into other threads over and over again, and no one did anything. and it bothered me most of all to see so much support and lovebombing for addicts on this forum, when they do so much damage to so many people and ruin so many lives. poor you, right? (speaking to Lyrics here). you think you are the only person in pain? you think you are the only person who is fragile? you think you are the only person who matters? i sacrificed so much for my has been an enormous responsibiltiy but that is what i had to do. i faced all of the fallout and rubble on my own, and still managed to raise an incredible child. no one calls me courageous or a hero. funny thing, isn't it. and when tantrum got banned she was all up in my face in emails berating me for taking Hubpages side, and cut me off without a word just for that. some "friend", hmm?
you think because i don't shed tears publicly i have no feelings? you think i don't weep? well i am used to weeping alone. i weep and then move onto the next chapter. i won't be coming back here. i don't like online worlds. people can create sockpuppets and use them to attack people or promote themselves or do whatever they want. i don't like that, nor do i need it. you might laugh and think oh how funny haha but i am stronger than you because i don't need the mob to stand up, and that comforts me. as soon as i finish typing this i am going to message the hub team and ask them to delete my account. Hubpages isn't the end all and be all for me, and i gave it a go and it was good for a while until you guys got out of control. and i won't be back - why would i? so don't create more sockpuppets and say ooh there she is. when i sign off that's it i wont be back to even read. when i am done with something i am done with it, forever.
enjoy your little kingdom here you guys. it's not enough that you have your own little tribe, it's not enough that you have a jillion threads - you have to invade everyone else's threads too and ruin them, which shows a complete lack of respect for anyone, including yourselves.
Blimey. All I can say is, "Cosette, don't do it!" At least, don't do it without a cooling off period first. (And DEFINITELY don't do it without saving your hubs to your hard drive in Word format or whatever. You say there's nowhere else to put them, but that could very easily change.)
As to the other stuff you've said here about "lovebombing" of addicts: yes, I couldn't agree more.
HP is losing a valuable assett and I hate to see you go. As a woman in recovery and whose parents were (and are) addicts, like you I get it. That's why I would NEVER EVER use or abuse substances as a mother. I get your frustration, boy do I ever. I made that CHOICE when I had kids, that they don't deserve that. I know I didn't deserve that. And nor did you. I can see both sides of this equation, having suffered both sides. But, honestly I have no sympathy for parents who expose their children to their hideous addictions.
This place has taken a nosedive. It sickens me. I feel for Whitney, too. I feel for many of us, frankly. This used to be a respectable environment, but no more. It's just a child's playground for the most part.
I, for one feel awful for what happened to you. I can SO see how this all pushes your buttons, as it does mine. I know I can't change your mind, but I do hope you might reconsider. You are one of the most talented and respected hubbers here.
I applaud you for never using drugs as a mother. Takes a strong Woman not to judge those that had to
There's no "had to" about it, Lyrics. Sorry. BTW, I did catch the little capital "W", so it wasn't for naught.
Cosette, very glad you're staying. I'm fed up with the BS here, as well. It seems many of us are. Warmest wishes.
i have to say, the Hubpages team is amazing. they are a class act all the way. and i'm not going anywhere. it felt bad to delete the hub for my nephew, and the one for my son, and i am glad they are restored. there is no other venue for posting adsense, or for writing, that can hold a candle to Hubpages as far as I am concerned. you rock, WS. just think about how liked and respected you are and you will see these things in their proper perspective. worked for me!
omgsh someone was watching that?
well this morning when i logged on to my email i was invited back so i hurriedly undeleted them all 'cause you only have 24 hours to do that. then they are history. thanks, WE.
Great to have you back cosette - Glad that you managed to save your work - you put too much into it for it to be lost forever.
Anyway, off to bed - night all
PS - don't know if it is just my browser, but when I click preview, it deletes the text. Copy and paste
Thanks Cosette, why didn't you mention our emails or support. Easy to trash me on the way out. Ok, your better than me you don't give up, oops you just did. Hope you feel better, really do when you know my pain better than anyone. Nice exit.
Man that was hateful. Call out my defects? Oh Boy, better get high.
what a phoney you are. you sent me an email yesterday with "hugs" in the subject title.
i didn't even open it. i have no interest in anything you have to say. and now here you are calling me hateful because you think i won't read this.
how was it hateful? expressing my feelings is hateful? oh right...yet when you do it, you're a fragile flower. i know addicts firsthand, how sneaky they they manipulate people and their emotions. you are a regular Blanche DuBois, i daresay. and blaming others for YOUR CHOICE to get high. that is convenient...
it just so happens HP does not want me to go, even though i asked three times to have my account deleted. and i have had tons of messages from lots of people asking me to stay and agreeing with me that you and your little henchmen are posioning this site.
so i am going to stay, but if i don't need the forums to keep my hubscores, i will stay out of the forums until you and your little gang are under control.
i am tired of keeping silent. if you and your friends don't like it, too f***ing bad.
and now, if you will excuse me, i have to undelete about 40 hubs.
thank you.
just a quick question for the Hubteam or for someone like DS or you need forum particpation to keep high hubscores?
that is the only thing i need to know right now. thank you.
Look at the top Hubbers, and you will see that some of the top writers, like Marye and Chuck, rarely venture into the forums.
So, the answer appears to be no
my score usally goes down some when in the forums alot. I would guess its helpful for newcomers to establish visability, but I would bet your all set.
You're staying! I'm so glad!
Yu don' need no steenkin' forum particeepashun to keep yor hubscores high! Yor heartfelt writeen' weel do eet!
OK Cosette, you win. good luck. Sorry you didn't read my email. Nice to see your still here.
You say :
' and when tantrum got banned she was all up in my face in emails berating me for taking Hubpages side, and cut me off without a word just for that. some "friend", hmm?'
HELLO ????
i sent you an e-mail telling you I was banned. so what ?
You opened athread saying HP was right with the bannings.
I only replied in an e-mail ,saying ' Thank you '
Is that being all over your face ???
Grow up !
You though HP was right, so ?
Of course I would disagree.
and I saw all the times you said nasty things about me in the forums. I didn't reply because I thought it was such a nonsense !
and now you come insulting Lyrics as well !!
I think you're totally wrong.
so if you want to leave, leave.
i'm not going to miss you !
Jane, I don't recognize anybody anymore, also I find a thread is being opened less than every 5 minutes, it's off the first page in 15. Too many people too many threads, too many people gone, even i admit ive backed away
The fun is where people do not take themselves so seriously!
So smile for awhile and let's be jolly, so on and so on......
I haven't been on here for around 4 weeks when I used to be on all the time.
It's true.
I'm getting bored.
Back in the day, when I first joined, people read your work and liked it. Now, in the 9 months (I was banned for a couple) I've been a part of this site people no longer do. My last 20 fans haven't been because they like my work. They were all because they wanted fans themselves.
I feel people no longer read my work. People only become my follower if they want me to become theirs. I'm tempted to have my account deactivated.
That's understandable, although ultimately most of your readers may come from the outside through search engine. Google Analytics would show the pattern in your case.
I agree with what you are describing about followers. Started a new thread about Hubbers reviewing other Hubbers to hopefully create some genuine exposure instead.
It's the outside traffic you want Andrew the most, that's the traffic that makes you the money, good to see you about again and deff don't go closing yer account !
L.A, i've gone through your work. Poetry is something that is i never try so my mind always find it in work of others. You have some other good hubs than poetry as well. Think about lurkers like me,we do enjoy your work.
I think that the current economic difficulties have had an effect, too - people are having to work longer and longer hours, whether online or in real-life jobs.
I used to regularly tour the hubs of people I follow, but now only visit the odd interesting one that turns up in hubtivity.
Come join us in the 'Does it embarrass you to have a mental illness forum?' We have fun there at night.
I am still here, But you are right things seem to have calmed down a bit, I would have thought there would be a lot of people on tonight from the eastern coast. With all the snow around what else is there to do?
You could read HubPages newest jackass's new forum thread, that's a laugh and a half...or actually more like a quarter
I'm off to watch a movie. Have fun...
How many of those people have electricity?
actually I am in southern Pa. and as far as I know we did not have any more than a few cases, even with the 25 inches of snow.
You could read HubPages newest jackass's new forum thread, that's a laugh and a half...or actually more like a quarter
You would'nt happen to be refering to 05ja........ Would you LOL
Many of us are tired so we just read and occassionally comment. I find that when I disagree with someone that all hell breaks loose so personally for many of us who have been here a long time we prefer to avoid the forums and read hubs. Some of the threads are silly and others are just repetitious. When HP first began you could assist each other and actually agree or disagree without heated arguments, badgering, abuse or being banned. Now if you stand your ground and others do not appreciate what your thoughts are, you are in the doghouse.So to answer your question the fun is gone as we knew it unless people grow-up and act responsibly not becoming offended by another person's comment or thought.
I noticed that too, if you don't agree with someone and it's a hot topic, all hell breaks loose. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, whether we agree or not.
seriously? I have been thinking that it may be true people are moving on, and the forums have gotten redundant.
It takes some thought and effort to be clever all the time - much easier just to say
No I don't like nuts..only in Snickers...but that's about it lmao
Actually this is one of the busiest forums I have ever been on! Most get only a few dozen responses a day, at least the other ones I go to.
oh, hey, did you get in touch with that girl (only 23, but legal) who was being so casual about how she'd probably go traveling with you at the drop of a hat!? huh? why not?
when I first came on the forums there were some funny things - like the one about foreskins - and we started to write a play called the "foreskin saga" etc. and I got carried away with that one, or so I thought because everyone else skedaddled. So, but, then there are still funny little quirkly things (and yes, I did mean "quirkly" - which means quirky-squirmy-squiggly) but people are very worried about stuff and get to feeling guilty when they laugh. who agrees with me? who? who? who?
Its a sad state that we can't write what we feel and that the forums are dull and boring. I too have been reading more hubs - so that is a good thing. I've found quite a few good writers who do not frequent the forums (that I know of).
it can be such a time waster, especially when the drama hits.
there are other things to do. I just check in at times to see what's going on.
A group of people who claim to be writers are bored? Where is your creativity, hey?
You're lost because some people left? How sad! Did they do all your thinking for you? No wonder they left!
You don't like the topics because they're redundant? Then create new and interesting ones yourself. Pity the writer who isn't creative enough to keep himself entertained. He will surely bore his readers to death!
i think i will write a hub about my son. he is amazing. i love him.
i did, actually
i shall read your hubs. i love reading about other people's children.
i can't quote everyone with the new setup so i will say to whoever asked about squiggles i killed that account and he won't be coming back here.
and lyrics, please - you and tantrum and your little buddies are on here 24/7 dominating the forums and bumping threads and hijacking threads and encouraging general rabbleousing so don't act all innocent, 'k? and i am not the only poster who is getting fed up with it.
if you wanna flag this comment flag away i don't give a crap anymore.
I hope you'll stay, Cosette, though I don't think you will.
But for what it's worth, I agree with your post 100%. It's too bad the clique couldn't have been dealt with before it screwed up the forums.
And yes, I know I just made enemies but I don't give a rat's arse.
Im not flagging anything, you did yourself. Too bad u never said anything while you were still here. hmmm... Good luck to you and your son, of course your writing too.
Please do cosette, I love reading about children of any age! I'm sure your son is a wonderful boy. He has a spectacular mother!
hmmmm, cosette, you're not going anywhere, just keep writing those amazing hubs! you are a very talented writer and look at how much you have accomplished.
just keep your focus where you want it.
your latest hubs on addiction and solitude are excellent.
I would love to see squiggles back...
I have to go and do my chores. I'll be back for more fun later today. toodles!
OK, let's us spice this up a little. On the count of three everybody drop your pants or skirt. Ready??? One......Two......Three!!!!!
Its cold, and I am just in a "blah" mood...there is fun somewhere to be found, just not sure where yet.
I took a sabbatical from HP for a while. When I came back, I quickly noticed how different things were... I miss the frequent posting of: Eaglekiwi, Lita Sorenson, Sweetie Pie, AEvans, etc... I know I'm missing people. Boring isn't necessarily how I'd describe it, just non-stimulating. Sigh.
I'm so hoping you're who I think you are (trying not to blow cover). I miss you and Colebabie, too. I might cry now.
Ok, that does it. I'm going to see if there's a forum about underpants or fish or something.
Its me. figured it was time for a pic. cant leave it up long. I miss Kmackey, Goldentoad, Roobee, BC, Cabin Girl, Laughing Mom....
but theres lots of awesome new peeps most everybody pops by now and then, I saw Cole somewhat recently.
I am on a run and will read your replies later, but would you be interrested if I take one of my domains and slap a forum on it? Just for those grown up people who outgrew HP forums? Let me know
Sounds like a good plan - I'll bring the wine and Dolmades
@Wordscribe - Pam has a blog:
I am sure that she would be delighted to see you
YAY!!! I was hoping somebody had that!!! Thanks Sufi!
Sounds good Misha. I used to really enjoy the forums, but have sharply curtailed my participation in the last couple months. One issue was the heated, unfriendly atmosphere in the religious forums, which grew to encompass deceit. The same arguments and insults over and over. The other was the juvenile exchanges hijacking so many threads. IMO this cheapened the whole HubPages community experience. To be fair, the third issue is my new responsibilities with the HubMob, which have contributed to re-prioritizing, leaving less time for “play”.
jane it's here for you
I miss all of the above, too. Where's London Girl and Pam Grundy? BC's kinda still around... I do miss the wild imagination days. Good to see you. I hope you're well.
Arts about, Wild Imagination has set sale for distant ports. Not real sure what happened to everybody. Pam got done, if you have time you can search and find a farewell thread. Im on my Wii, so I cant do links. London girls account is still here, I think.
Im like a Timex....have no fear Im still ticking!! Good to see you!!
BC was actually on the forums a bit today. Seems he as been allowed back.
Personally, I miss seeing more of Frieda.
Yes, where is Babbley? Whatever happened to Scott Life? So many missing hubbers...
Babbley is busy - she has an online magazine and a few other things on the boil. I will try to track down the link decided that he had to leave HP - I assume that he is busy with going back to school. Sadly, I have no contact details - a shame, because I really liked the guy
EDIT: Hey, BC - good to see that they released you from the dungeon
I liked him as well. really decent bloke like yerself of course, I have the lovely Babbley on Facebook so no worries there
I must sort that out sometime - I have that old rogue, CC, on Facebook and must go through his friend list. Sadly, my connection is slow and Facebook times out, so I will have to wait for the better weather
What about Citeh? Still think that you can snatch 4th place?
Too long since we had a good old chinwag
2 matches in hand with the same points we will snatch it, plus win in the cup on saturday then draw Portsmouth, the buggers go bust next week and we get a bye into the semis, oh happy days, if ya have Bab on yer Facebook I am on her friends list so just add me
@BadCo - I'll sort that out when the weather improves. Stuck with 2G signal at the moment, so Facebook is a nogo.
I hope that you manage to take 4th - it would make a change. Mind you, I have to be nice about the other lot. We have Son of Beetroot Face as manager and, I must admit, the two lads we loaned from Man Ure are quality.
@Wordscribe: Shame about Scott, but he knows where he is going and I have a sneaking feeling that he will get there
I mainly use Facebook to promote to other tattoo sites, I am swamped with buggers sending me pigs and cows for siddin Farmsville which I dont even play, I cud send them on to Preston if ya want lol
hehe - The Beast, Jon Parkin, will eat them all in one sitting. Not that he ate all the pies or anything...
To be fair, I managed to get a live-stream for Tuesday's match, and Parkin was awesome up front, with Wellbeck (going to be a top player, that lad).
And Waynet's here, too! - it's like a class reunion or something.
I gotta say I love Wayne even though bloody Hull beating City beat my bet last week but I sneak into his hubs and learn from the bugger !
Cheers now ....Hull Shitty no more, or at least not on that day!
That's great to hear about Frieda. I love and adore her writing. Scott is a great guy, I also like him. Hopefully, he's moved onto bigger and better things...
There you go, Wordscribe - Frieda Babbley's online magazine
Jewels, Tom Rubenoff and Pam write there, too - it is well worth a read
Tis true the buggers sentence has been served
Oh, how sad about Pam...
I'm glad you're still around. I guess the best way for me to summarize the new HP forums and my intolerance is the pervasive "LOOK AT ME!!!" threads. Know what I'm sayin'?
aww shucks... everybody wants to be looked at now then
I think of it kinda like high school. Were the seniors a whole bunch of freshmen to train up....forumwise... still plenty to do hubwise.
(i DO know whatcha mean..)
Look at all my old buddies coming out of the woodwork!!! YAY! It's a hubber reunion... Thanks for Pam's info Sufi- I will definitely check it out.
Hi Art. How long of a sentence was it? I am so happy to see you. Long live, Cabin Girl.
The Cabin Girl is actually still on hubs, methinks the wench might do a Valentines Poem, she was a romantic lil thing after all, nice ass as well and Laura it's great seeing you about, who knows maybe the old crowd might come back.
Me, I miss my Janetta, I miss her loads !!
I guess with a little investigation I can find the slippery little Cabin Girl. I like a nice Valentine's poem, after all...
Hmmmmmm...... Then let's make it fun! What do you want to do???
had to slip into something a little more comfortable! also brought my beast along, hope you don't mind!
10. Conversations often begin with "Put the down, and then we can talk".
9. The school principal has your number on speed-dial.
8. The cat is on Valium.
7. People have trouble understanding your kids, because they learned to speak through clenched teeth.
6. You are trying to get your four-year-old to switch to decaffeinated.
5. The number of jobs held down by family members exceeds the number of people in the family.
4. No one has time to wait for microwave TV dinners.
3. "Family meetings" are often mediated by law enforcement officials.
2. You have to check your kid's day-timer to see if he can take out the trash.
1. Maxwell House gives you industrial rates.
I'm thinking about setting up a domain for us juveniles who would like to holler and whine and bitch at each other and make softporn jokes continually, also interrupt each other with inanities! I think we'd have a lot of fun without the "adults" let me know if you're interested!
An escaped convict broke into a house and tied up a young couple who had been sleeping in the bedroom. As soon as he had a chance, the husband turned to his voluptuous young wife, bound up on the bed in a skimpy nightgown, and whispered, 'Honey, this guy hasn't seen a woman in years. Just cooperate with anything he wants. If he wants to with you, just go along with it and pretend you like it. Our lives depend on it.'
'Dear,' the wife hissed, spitting out her gag, 'I'm so relieved you feel that way, because he just told me he thinks you have a really nice, tight-looking ass!!!!!!!'
I am SO there. Can I start as many "LOOK AT ME!" threads as I want? I can still think of SO many more animal double meanings, after all. We've barely scratched the surface. We'll wait for the "adults" to go to bed.
no, no, don't wait for the adults to go to bed! Let's think up some more frivolity and soft-porn allusions to our little muffins and our big lollies! After all - it's all fun, just maybe not the kind of fun the in-crowd establishment has in mind - like, maybe pirate talk?
I am off to bed, chattin to you again has deff been the highlight of my night, night Laura x
So glad it's not me. Your animation is just what I was looking for, and I'd post it, too if I knew how. All I can do is:
Here's what I what I did to find a suitable smiley:
1. Googled "head banging against the wall smileys"
2. Found a site - namely
3. Right clicked on the smiley in question (top left hand of page), and left clicked on "View Image"
4. Clicked once on the resulting URL in the address bar to highlight it, then did CTRL-C to copy it to the clipboard
5. Pasted into my reply with image tags ([img]at the beginning and[/img] at the end). If you click on Formatting Tips next time you reply to a post, you'll see what I mean.
that ruffled cock converses with depressed pussy thing got to you? I agree it was overdone. I confess I am a terrible obsessive compulsive (not lying) and get carried away - it would have be quite alright with me if you had just said that at the time! I repeat - I am not an axe murderer! and I love bad taste sometimes, the more offensive the better - but not all the time and I don't post threads be-rating other hubbers for their warped senses of humor! altho, now that I think of it . . .
I'm still here with hairy palms and y-fronts that look a little stained with beer!
Cosette please dont, you told me not to delete BadCompany for similar reasons and I deleted 50 hubs and 500 fans, please sleep on it ok, you are someone I care about even though I probably dont leave you comments.
Sleep on it, for me, take the advice you gave me which I ignored and now regret !
oh, I know I'm a relative newcomer with spurious tastes and all, but please listen a second - the phrase "lovebombing addicts" is an example of just the kind of thing you all are saying is mean-spirited. The forums have a certain freedom, but this back-biting is horrid. Whether one agrees with what support another hubber gets, or not, does not give them the right to put down people who do support that hubber. And while many of us have suffered for many reasons and do not choose to publish our battles on HP - still, I will defend to the end the rights of those who do use their hubs for these purposes - live and let live, ok? And cosette - I hope you don't go.
I'd sleep on it, too, cosette.
As you might have noticed, I've taken a much-needed break from the forums recently and have focused on Hub-writing. It helps my monthly Adsense earnings and my sanity.
Alright, I'm going to step out of my "nice-guy" costume for a minute here..
Seriously, c'mon.. I don't care how many forums you go to, eventually, you'll start to see that every one of them are the same. They always have the same groups that do the things they do - it's just a fact of life. Leaving because of what some random stranger said is just plain silly.
Let me try a few suggestions here:
1. If you don't like the post, don't read it. The world is full of idiots, and everyone falls into that category at least once in their lives. If it bothers you that much, report the post and be done with it.
2. Don't take things so seriously. I mean it. If it was your best friend saying demeaning things, sure, get upset - go punch that purple barney doll until the stuffing hangs out its rear. But, everyone is different. If someone says something you don't like, so what? You don't really know the person, so why let it bother you so much? Besides, trolls are part of forum life.
3. Get to know the new people, and let the ones that have left go. No matter what site you're on, you'll have people come and go. It's just life.
Everyone has their stories. I've been through hell and back myself. Technically, I shouldn't even be alive. There are some things in my past that still give me nightmares... but hell, if someone doesn't like it, they can build a bridge and get over it. I don't have time to waste on arguing points with people who simply don't get it. Sometimes, it's better to leave things alone and move on with life.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again:
Life is 90% attitude, and only 10% what really happens to us.
If you don't think the forums are fun anymore, then do something about it. Create some excitement, and quit worrying about all that crap that other people talk - it's not worth it. Smile, people will wonder what you've been up to.
I think that about sums up my two cents on the subject.. I'll go put back on my "nice guy" costume again.. what the hell did I do with it?
If I was younger, and more fun, and someone asked me "Where is the fun?"
I would reply, "In my pants."
Alas, I am older now, and refuse to have too much fun, as it hurts my lower back.
Ok, since there is some interest, we can try to make it working. At least we don't lose anything by trying. Now, the major question - what forum software to use? PHPBB, PUNBB, SMB? Any preferences? Justine? Sufi? Rmcrayne?
Nope, don't understand any of that
The important question is what colour is it going to be? Not beige or grey, I hope
What do you think, Justine - Blue, green...?
no wait, blue green? that sounds nice.
Blue-Green is my favourite colour.
What do you think about a sea-theme, or is that overdoing it?
@cosette - Glad you decided to stay! That makes me happy
I said blue green as I was thinking of the sea. we should start a new thread. Im terrified of hijacking now...
cosette, Im glad your still here, AND undeleting hubs.
put back up your pic too?
Blue green is good, and we can still blame Misha if it goes wrong. We can take the credit if it looks great
Wouldn't worry about hijacking - that is what the Hubber's Hangout is for
sounds good.
Im going to have to get going here anyway, groceries wont purchase themselves!!
Ill prolly pop back in later today.
have a good day all
Enjoy - don't forget the beer. Voodoo intends to get drunk, later on
hehe - we're only yanking your chain. Whichever you think is best!!
Don't know about the name - maybe Misha's Madhouse
@Justine - you know what he is like without his beer. We would need to break out the elephant tranquilizers
HELP!!!! Im trapped in the forums getting nothing done becuase you keep making me laugh!!!
ok really, that was super funny and I have to go.
Im going to push post, and walk away.
really, I can do it.
take care all
I have it up and running more or less. Those who are interested, I am putting a link on my profile.
LOL color is a relatively easy thing to change along the road, software - not so much. Looks like I have to make a decision myself, as usual. And then everybody will have a chance to blame me for a wrong decision
hehe - we already blame you for everything, Misha
Seriously, though, I don't understand a thing about forum software - whichever is easiest for you to maintain.
Hi Ralwus - I am looking forward to the novel. The spring is nearly here, the flowers will soon be out, and winter's cold whiteness will be only a memory
Just want to say hi. I'm here for only a bit. I may be back after while to amuse. Am buried in the smothering embrace of winter's cold deep whiteness. I am writing, much, a novel and some shit my wife has demanded of me for remembrance before I am taken to a new place in the sun. Love to all, must make a wee trip out side and shall return.
You don't need forum participation OR FANS to be successful at HP. I have several identities that never come to the forum, never post on any other hubs and have zero fans. Their hubber score is fine and hubs are doing just great in the search engines. Google anayltics shows they earn as much revenue as "Nelle Hoxie" hubs.
So you can work in splendid isolation on HubPages and have a fine and succesful time if you want to. There's no need to put yourself at the mercy of the forum, if you don't want to.
Ya just need to keep on writing as a nice lil lady told me, oh that's right it was you anyways I am off to write !
Enjoy yer weekend Nelle, oh and everyone else, just loves ya shiny happy people, tis prob why R.E.M wrote a song about ya all
You are sly Nelle aka "insert other identity here"
I second that.
I have many other profiles that have never entered the forums or made a single comment who stay in the high 80's just fine. On top of that, I have abandoned those profiles and now write almost everything in this account and the abandoned profiles dont drop significantly in hubscore
ARGH - I'm not having fun (see my new forum post).
Glad to see you all are That was the purpose of my OP!
Misha, I can't see the link on your profile page. What is it called?
by Christopher Wanamaker 10 months ago
I just went through all people I have been following and purged the ones that have no articles and no activity. I am quite surprised to see how many people have left HubPages over the years and I wonder what made them leave in the first place. I understand the volatility of writing online but there...
by Sophie 14 years ago
I thought HP was a wonderful place, I still think it is except, for a few exceptions. I am surprised at some of the activities on the forums. All of us have an opinion to express and I believe it should be respected ( eg. Topics of religion and spirituality, or what a person has to say about HP...
by Carolee Samuda 12 years ago
I noticed there are hardly any fun threads and was wondering what has happened? All work and no play make Jack a dull boy! Come on people have fun! I really need it.....please....
by Jiberish 15 years ago
When I first joined Hub, I looked forward to good debates, discussion, learning about other Hubbers, and even the occasional arguments. You can learn a lot from what people write, and what pushes their buttons. But over the past couple weeks, since some decided that they were 'offended'...
by Eric Dierker 11 years ago
I am reviled yet my forums create all kinds of participation. I like and I am not going anywhere!There are some who indicated a boycott to not speak ever on what I write. They are writers heretics. I bless them and invite them to stay away. This is not written for you.Writers here are often...
by Emily Tack 10 years ago
While browsing the forums, or reading a hub - I don't remember - I saw a title come up that surprised me quite a lot. I would like to know if it is supposed to be on HubPages, i.e. allowed, or not? I cannot say I was happy to see it - I wasn't. I do not intend to write about it, au contraire. I saw...
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