Hello Hubbers, welcome to our last two weeks of the year. For these last two weeks of 2010 we are going to HubMob about "Eye health, visual impairment and Blindness".
We have chosen this topic because January is National Braille Literacy Month and also Eye Care month. So, to start the year we are going to support this cause and for the next two weeks we are going to be raising awareness about blindness and learning about vision and eye care.
Some ideas for a HubMob on Visual impairment, Blindness and eye health, are:
Louis Braille: who was he, his work, his influence
Eye care
Eye exams
Eye exercises
Eye diseases
Braille books
Modern conveniences that a blind person can use without knowing Braille
Public signs written in Braille
How would a blind person know where the signs are?
Living with a visual impairment
Guide dogs for the visually impaired
Blind Foundations
Activities for the visually impaired
To join this week's HubMob please follow the steps below:
1. START YOUR HUB CLICKING THIS LINK. Choose the "Answer this Question" green button. Choose the MAKE A HUB ABOUT IT option.
2. Include the HubMob RSS Feed in your hub: http://hubpages.com/question/92826/hubm … ew&rss
For more information on how to add the RSS feed to your hub you can click here
4. Add the HubMob graphic http://i665.photobucket.com/albums/vv19 … health.jpg to your hub so that everyone who reads it will know that it is part of the official HubMob topic of the week
5. After you publish your Hub, come back to the forum and post a link to your hub with a brief description of what you wrote about and why.
I have published quite a few hubs on eye care.
Hi, to post links to your hubs in this forum, you MUST start your hubs from the ANSWER THE REQUEST link at the start of the forum post.
You've already done a few hubs on eyecare, why not write a few new ones meeting the HubMob criteria?
I am a fanatic for Better Eyesight Without Specialists...
armed with information about eyesight issues we will be better equipped to handle health problems that may arise -
some Facts and Myths about eyesight...
I have one unpublished hub on vision loss adaptive technologies, how do I ,or maybe I should ask how can I publish it here?
The topic sounds appropriate, BUT you must start your hub from Princessa's link in step 1 of the initial post on this thread. If you do that, and include the graphic and RSS feed, you are in the HubMob, and can post in this thread. I take all the hubs and put them in a roundup hub. See these hubs for more info on HubMob:
http://hubpages.com/hub/HubMob-For-Dumm … HubMob-Hub
Please excuse my intrusion in this thread.
Not an intrusion at all! Deliberately posting a link to an old, previously published hub, for self promotion, that's an intrusion! Just trying to tell you how to get into the HubMob.
If you've already done too much on the hub and don't want to start over, maybe do a related hub from the HubMob link, and link to your other hub on the topic.
I have written a hub on my personal experience of how I came to wear spectacles and how contact lenses were not always a solution.
Newbie here wishing everyone here at HubPages a Happy &Prosperous New Year.
Just thought I'd share a personal ode to a very dear friend of mine:
P.S.Sorry not strictly meeting the criteria of eye health though, but it will lead you to many excellent hubs on this topic and many more
Sorry ment to post at the end of page QudsiaP1 !
I just wrote a hub about my research on Nystagmus. My ex has the eye problem, part of his condition means that he cannot legally drive. When I found out I was pregnant I worried that our son would get the condition, so I looked into what exactly it was. This is a little of the research I found out.
Good topic this week! I hate looking into headlights...
How to Handle Night Blindness and Headlight Glare
Wow very interesting topic, I did my hum on The blind Babies Foundation
http://hubpages.com/hub/The-Blind-Babie … ation?done
A topic very dear to my heart http://hubpages.com/hub/Type-2-Diabetes … etinopathy
A brilliant man who restored the sight to a million diadvantaged people. Hope you enjoy
http://hubpages.com/hub/Fred-Hollows-A- … advantaged
Thank you for your hubs on visual health Patty, lilibees, Bob and jackavc; you were really quick getting them toguether.
What a great start to the week!
I wrote a hub about amblyopia and strabismus which I lived through with my granddaughter. It is a curable disease when caught early.
http://hubpages.com/hub/Disability-from … is-Curable
I have written a Hub on Eye Diseases and Prevention.. The fact is a lot of the lesser eye ailments can be prevented with a healthy diet and lifestyle.
The Hub is here:
I once had an experience with a Detached Vitreous and I find it important to share what I had learned...
Detached Vitreous of the Eye
Sorry hubbers and Princessa to sound so stupid, but when I chose to link with the hub mob topic on Eye Health and press 'answer this question', it doesn't say what question to answer, just a cursor blinking and waiting for ? from me. Sorry. Can someone explain what to do to join in on the topic?
hello, no need to apologize, we all had our "first time" trying to answer the request to join the HbMob.
Here: http://hubpages.com/hub/How-to-Write-a-HubMob-Hub you will find detailed instructions with photos/graphics to how to answer the request, add the graphic and RSS feed.
This is my hub about cataracts. some facts and some personal experience.
http://hubpages.com/hub/Cataracts-a-com … of-the-eye
Here is my 1st Hub of the Hubmob Weekly topic:
http://hubpages.com/hub/Precautions-For … e-Diseases
How to improve eyesight naturally with eye health vitamins and proper food
http://hubpages.com/hub/How-to-Improve- … Eye-Health
Here's my contribution, about eye floaters, a relatively harmless but annoying condition from which I suffer.
http://hubpages.com/hub/Specks-Spots-Do … d-Floaters
I've just completed an article for the hubmob, but my rss doesn't seem to be working... this is the link I'm using.
http://hubpages.com/question/92826/hubm … ew&rsshttp://hubpages.com/question/92826/hubm … ew&rss
When I preview it, it works fine as it does in edit mode but as soon as it's posted, I get an error message saying that the rss url seems to be invalid.
Ok, I see that the url is actually doubled but I've fixed that and it still doesn't work...
here's the url to the hub... if that helps (with helping me) :-)
Hello edelhaus and guten tag
The RSS is not working in your hub.
Here's how to put it in it:
• Add an RSS capsule
• In the "Feed URL" box, paste this: http://hubpages.com/question/92826/hubm … ew&rss (right click to copy this link)
• Save
Welcome to HubPages
Hi, I have finished mine on activities for the vision impaired.
I copied and pasted the link (which is the one I already had) and it STILL DOESN'T WORK. Should I be adding something to the ...?? This is kind of driving me crazy now. :-(
This is a common problem when you just select "copy".
Try clicking on the link, taking you to the RSS feed. THen copy the link from the navigation bar.
Or right click on the link, and instead of "copy", select "copy link", "copy hyperlink" or "copy shortcut".
Check out step by step screen shots here:
http://hubpages.com/hub/HubMob-For-Dumm … HubMob-Hub
rm- I didn't know this was a common problem. I've been telling folks to do it this way for quite a long time. Never had a problem with it myself...
I guess we can file this as a Mac / PC issue? Macs grab it as a link. Maybe PCs only grab it as text?
Happy holidays, to all HubMobsters!
Very interesting that it may not be an issue with Macs. But now you can help spread the word with the PC issues with RSS.
Merry Christmas Jen! I think I owe you an email.
Merry (late) x-mas to you too
I've just been laying low... feeling better today! I've going home for the holidays next week instead. My family agreed to give me an extra week before I set out on the 6 hour drive up to the great white north
There are some great hubs for this topic!
http://hubpages.com/hub/LASIKEyeSurgerymystory -- just published my hub on LASIK eye surgery.
So sorry but you are not in the RSS feed, which means you did not start your hub from Princessa's link, and are therefore not part of the HubMob.
Review the steps in Princessa's initial post, or try this step-by-step guide with screen shots:
http://hubpages.com/hub/HubMob-For-Dumm … HubMob-Hub
Reposted - yay, I think I got everything right. This is my first time publishing a HubMob topic. Here is the link:
Here is a Hub called "Abacus For The Blind". It's interesting to learn how people who are visually impaired or blind do day to day tasks such as balance a checkbook, cook, or write a letter. Most people have heard about braille, but I didn't think a lot of people thought about how people who are blind do math. Here is the link:
Thank you!
I'm in this week!
http://hubpages.com/hub/Foods-that-Keep … althy?done
I just published a hub about how to grow up to be a guide dog! I have always been fascinated by the relationship between a handler and his or her dog...so wanted to find out how a puppy became a guide dog!
http://hubpages.com/hub/The-Blind-Side- … -Dogs-Tale
Happy to say I am now a HubMobber. I'm a little slow on learning my way, but feeling more each day that I "belong" to the community. Everyone I've met has been helpful and encouraging. Wishing the best of success to all.
I have just put up a hub on Acai berries and Better Eyesight.
I would also like to take this opportunity to welcome you L L. Woodard.
All you seasoned hubmobster and the community at large-- I wish you a Happy New Year!
...Keep the articles coming in they are beauties!
Common eye infections are easy to avoid once you are mindful of the dirt in your hand and remember to eat for eye health.
http://hubpages.com/hub/How-to-Treat-Co … Infections
Dry Eye - Diagnosis and Treatments for Dry Eye
http://hubpages.com/hub/Dry-Eye-Diagnos … or-Dry-Eye
Give your comments
I have posted a hub about juvenile arthritis and an eye complication called uveitis because my great niece suffers from both. My hub titled, "Dangerous Eye Complications of Juvenile Arthritis: Uveitis" can be found at: http://hubpages.com/hub/Dangerous-Eye-C … is-Uveitis
I just finished my hub on how to identify children with visual impairment and how to support their developmental learning
I didn't tackle about my eye problem, yet, that is astigmatism. I did feature the person who started giving hope to all who are blind and vision-impaired. Please find out on my hub (no, suspense intended ).
Hello All, my contribution to the hobmob is about entropion
http://hubpages.com/hub/entropion-when- … b-your-eye
I was inspired to research this because my mom is actually suffering from it, though we didn't know what is was called, or even that it had a name until I researched the article.
BTW, she's got an appointment with a specialist in the new year, so thanks for inspiring me to write this and get my mother some help.
http://hubpages.com/hub/True-Grit-My-La … -Nightmare
I wrote my story to share my story with others about my experience with Laser Eye Surgery. Not everyone is a good candidate for laser surgery and there are risks for anyone who decides to have this procedure. Also, the long term effects of laser eye correction are unknown.
Hi. I published a hub to join in this HubMob's topic.
http://hubpages.com/hub/Assistive-Techn … Blind?done
Happy, healthy and prosperous New Year to you all.
My 2011 New Year's Resolution is to become a Hub Mobster.
I simply hate the way I procrastinate on my resolutions.
In order to confront my demon procrastination, I've decided to get an early start. ( Actually, this was last year's resolution and I'm squeezing it in just under the wire!)
http://hubpages.com/hub/Eye-of-the-Beho … he-Sighted
Behold! There are technological advances to assist the visually impaired which my article features.
The RSS feed on my Hub says that this does not appear to be a valid RSS feed. I went to edit the capsule and pressed preview and the feed is in place but when I am done editing, the space reads tha the RSS appears invalid. Are there any suggestions to repair?
Select "copy hyperlink" or "copy shortcut" instead of just "copy". OR click on the RSS to go to the feed, then copy from navigation bar. For step by step screenshots:
http://hubpages.com/hub/HubMob-For-Dumm … HubMob-Hub
Great topic! I wrote about my mum's problem with a hole in her retina and the surgery that followed to fix it, as well as a bit on eye health and eye care in general.
Here's my contribution:
http://hubpages.com/hub/Eye-Health-The- … f-Eyesight
Interesting topic. I have just now published a hub using Reiki for eye care.
This is a topic that is important to me as I have had this since birth http://hubpages.com/hub/STRABISMUS-AKA- … -WALL-EYED I started with a lazy eye wore a patch on my bad which all it did was to make my good eye stronger so the two fought giving me double vision.I tried prism lenses with no luck Today wearing regular glasses with 20/40 good eye 20/80 bad eye You learn to adjust with the weaker eye usually not working,no depth perception and double vision when I'm over tired.
Here's my second hub for this topic about Pink Eye
What about the Bates Method for Better Eyesight Without Glasses?
http://hubpages.com/hub/bates-method-fo … ut-glasses
I was surprised to see that no-one had written a hub about this remarkable man's work.
Your HubMob round-up hub. There are 41 hubs in the feed.
Blindness, Visual Impairment, and Eye Health
http://hubpages.com/hub/Blindness-Visua … Eye-Health
Millions of people worldwide are blind. Even more are visually impaired. Causes include glaucoma, cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, retinitis pigmentosa, CMV retinitis, and Usher Syndrome. Read more on these and other threats to eye health.
by Wendy Iturrizaga 13 years ago
Hi everyone, ready to start a new week? First of all, a big thank you to all the HubMobsters who took part in last week's HubMob of Summer Sport's. The special mention for being the most prolific HubMobsters of the week goes to:Simple Tim with 7 hubs, followed closely by...
by Wendy Iturrizaga 13 years ago
Hello, are you ready to start a new month and join in this month's HubPages challenge and contest? I know I am! and for April the HubMob team has prepared a special treat for you so you can keep plenty of ideas coming to join this month's contest.For April we are going to have a two...
by Ryan Hupfer 15 years ago
As the hectic holiday season officially starts this week, the next few weeks are going to be filled with stress, traveling, not-so-great eating habits and time away from your normal, everyday routine. After the dust settles from the holidays and you finally have a little time for yourself, it might...
by Ryan Hupfer 15 years ago
Ahhh yes Hubbers, yet another wonderful week here on HubPages, which means that it's time for yet another super-exciting and awesomely-amazing HubMob topic to get us all fired up for Hubbing. This week I decided to pull out a topic that a lot of people are thinking about right now - Different ways...
by Leandraluv 14 years ago
I read about the HubMob weekly topic? Please point me in the right direction.
by Wendy Iturrizaga 14 years ago
Hello everyone, we are off to start a new week and for the second time this month the HubMob topic will be mirroring the Helpful Health Hubs contest and we are going to be writing about Diets and Weight Loss.First of all a big thank you to all the Hubbers who contributed to last week's topic...
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