The Official HubPages Contest 30 Day Challenge

Jump to Last Post 51-100 of 119 discussions (242 posts)
  1. K9keystrokes profile image83
    K9keystrokesposted 13 years ago

    Always fun to participate in a hub contest! I am so IN for this one Simone. I like the idea of having open topics. 30 more hubs can only help a hubber's score and earning potential. Thanks!
    Thy gauntlet has been retrieved and your challenge accepted...

    1. Simone Smith profile image82
      Simone Smithposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      YAY!!  I'm so glad!

  2. skellie profile image71
    skellieposted 13 years ago

    I always love a good challenge!  Whether i win or lose, i will have fun joining in smile
    I have published my first entry, so no turning back now!

    Good luck to all hubbers big_smile

  3. TeamJesusMin2010 profile image60
    TeamJesusMin2010posted 13 years ago

    I will definately do my best.

  4. lotuslove19 profile image69
    lotuslove19posted 13 years ago

    I have nothing else to do except to have bed rest because of my accident and an operation ,I will try my best to write at least one hub /day if my health permits,I am in . wish me luck so that at least I can write.

    1. Simone Smith profile image82
      Simone Smithposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Best of luck to you lotuslove19!  And I wish you a super swift recovery!

  5. moorebored profile image60
    mooreboredposted 13 years ago

    Should we post links somewhere?

  6. Phanti profile image61
    Phantiposted 13 years ago

    Frankly, the idea of this terrifies me, LOL.  However, I am going to do some research for some excellent subject matter right now!

  7. Longtail profile image43
    Longtailposted 13 years ago

    Count me in!

  8. Pearldiver profile image67
    Pearldiverposted 13 years ago

    Those of us that DO NOT live in the States would really appreciate it if you could once again embed the clock on the main page.

    Right now I have absolutely no idea what your time is, or whether or not sleep is on my agenda in the next 12 hours - being 9.15pm here.

    Thanks smile

    1. skellie profile image71
      skellieposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I am very confused also. I am in Australia, Adelaide and think mine is invalid.
      I posted it at around 12.30pm on the 1st April.
      Does anyone know, if that was the wrong thing to do?

      Cheers Skellie smile

    2. Simone Smith profile image82
      Simone Smithposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Just check this clock … ific-time/ (or google Pacific Time) for reference big_smile

      1. skellie profile image71
        skellieposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Thankyou Simone smile

  9. Maltese-er profile image59
    Maltese-erposted 13 years ago

    although I'm a bit confused with the times, when to post etc and being in a different country, I'm still taking part! thanks for the opportunity

    1. Simone Smith profile image82
      Simone Smithposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I'm glad! Good luck!!

  10. William Turpen profile image71
    William Turpenposted 13 years ago

    I'm in.

    1. Simone Smith profile image82
      Simone Smithposted 13 years agoin reply to this


  11. profile image29
    foluking2004posted 13 years ago

    I will try my best as I seriously looking ways to get a second revenue from this please advice on how i can view my earnings from hubpages on adsense

  12. Tenerife Islander profile image69
    Tenerife Islanderposted 13 years ago

    I am going to give it a go because I want to see my site doing a lot better than it is! OK, I am off to write the first of 30!

  13. Just Ask Susan profile image91
    Just Ask Susanposted 13 years ago

    Posted my first one I hope I did this correctly.

  14. Pamela99 profile image87
    Pamela99posted 13 years ago

    I will try but writing is slow as I'm still recovering from hand surgery. At least I have started and will take it a day at a time.

    Good luck to all!

    1. K9keystrokes profile image83
      K9keystrokesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I hope you are not having to struggle too much Pam. So sorry to hear you had to have surgery. I'm sending you a wealth of prayers for rapid healing. If you need help with anything just shoot me an email.

    2. Denise Handlon profile image88
      Denise Handlonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Pam, I didn't realize you had hand surgery!  Hope you are not in pain and are well on the road to recovery.  Take care.

  15. chasemillis profile image72
    chasemillisposted 13 years ago

    This is going to be very challenging!! But I'm excited!! I'm going to double my current number of Hubs if I can pull this off!! Let's do it!!

  16. vocalcoach profile image93
    vocalcoachposted 13 years ago

    I am definitely in!  So, please excuse me, as I have some serious writing to do.  smile

  17. cardelean profile image85
    cardeleanposted 13 years ago

    Ok, I'm in and I hope I did this correctly.  I may be suicidal by the end but it's a challenge right?

    Here's #1 … ght-Choice

    1. cardelean profile image85
      cardeleanposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Sorry, I realized that I put this in the wrong place.  sad

  18. Froggy213 profile image64
    Froggy213posted 13 years ago

    I don't believe as a hubber that you need to post the links to your contest hubs--the staff is already doing that--am I right or wrong Simone?

    1. Simone Smith profile image82
      Simone Smithposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      You're totally right, Froggy123.  I suggest we keep from the link posting... ^_^

      1. Longtail profile image43
        Longtailposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        But in the other thread its okay?

        1. IzzyM profile image82
          IzzyMposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Yes it's fine there smile

          Or were you waiting on confirmation from Simone? I'll just shut up then.

          1. Longtail profile image43
            Longtailposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            I'm sure if your advice is wrong then someone else will correct it. Taking into consideration your 100 hubscore I'm confident you've got the right information. smile

        2. Simone Smith profile image82
          Simone Smithposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          The only place where it's really OK to post challenge-related links is here:
          It's also cool to post links to Hubs in the extreme Hub makeover forum section, but otherwise, it's against the rules smile

  19. Peggy W profile image100
    Peggy Wposted 13 years ago

    Going to give this hub challenge a try.  I completed another one a long time ago and definitely saw an increase in income.  OK...head down and go!  Have a house painting project underway also.  Guess it will be a busy month!!!

  20. SamboRambo profile image80
    SamboRamboposted 13 years ago

    Are your deadlines based on Pacific Time? If so, I think I got my first one in around 1:00 pm today. Does that disqualify it for the first day, since you started yesterday at 12 noon?

    1. IzzyM profile image82
      IzzyMposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      If you submitted 1pm Pacific time today, then your entry will count in day 2 of the contest which started 12.01pm Pacific time on the 31st March.

  21. SamboRambo profile image80
    SamboRamboposted 13 years ago

    So does that disqualify me for some type of status? Or do I need to write two in one day to keep up?

    1. IzzyM profile image82
      IzzyMposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Goodness me no. There is no 'keeping up'. You just write what you want to when you can.

      If you have entered the 30 day challenge, then it's a personal challenge to publish 30 hubs in 30 days.

      There are no prizes...there are no rules.

      There is the contest running alongside. If you are entering the contest, you need to put 'writingcontest' as tag on your hub.

      That might win you some money, the hubchallenge won't, but at the end of 30 days you will hopefully have 30 more hubs that will earn you money in future.

      You can even put your link in special Hubchallenge thread.

      You get a nice dofollow link from that.

      So you missed a day. No big deal. If you can't squeeze two into another day, don't worry about it too much either.

      Do what you can.

      At the end of it, you will wonder what all the fuss is about as you will realise that writing hubs are easy-peasy smile


  22. loveSpaces profile image61
    loveSpacesposted 13 years ago

    I did not see any place where I can look to the daily results? Where will be the results published as the first day of the contest is over?

    I am in both: 'WritingContest' AND 'AprilHubchallenge' and so enthusiast - it is my first participation in a contest here and also my start into writing here - because even I am not a new member I didn't write here till now.

    1. IzzyM profile image82
      IzzyMposted 13 years agoin reply to this
      1. loveSpaces profile image61
        loveSpacesposted 13 years agoin reply to this


  23. Rosie2010 profile image68
    Rosie2010posted 13 years ago

    Geesh.. I didn't want to join the challenge because when I did the 30hubs in 30days challenge on my first month, I was sooo stressed out by the last few days.  But I keep on coming back to this forum thread.  It's really infectious.  I'm in!!!! big_smile

  24. Stephanie Henkel profile image94
    Stephanie Henkelposted 13 years ago

    This is just the challenge I need to get out of my winter slump!  I'm in!

  25. Miss Mellie profile image81
    Miss Mellieposted 13 years ago

    Alright: jumping on the AprilHubChallenge and the WritingContest bandwagons. It's my first participation in Hub challenges!  Wheeee!

  26. chris-diamond profile image60
    chris-diamondposted 13 years ago

    Ooops, just saw this message and today is April 2ND!

    I did not publish any Hub yesterday?

    If one hub is published per day for 30 days, would become a habit doing so.

    The more hubs one create, the better. This contest really encourages to get out there and do something!

    I write a lot, and FAST, so this would not be a problem! :-)

    It is great, it makes hub pages a lot of money, and as well as the authors a lot of backlinks and exposure!

    It is definitely a Win/Win!!

  27. ComposerGoneWild profile image67
    ComposerGoneWildposted 13 years ago

    Hey, I'm going to try and do this.  I wrote one yesterday and attached the tag WritingContest to it...anything else I need to do?  I'm getting a good amount of hits.  Not sure if 18 is pretty good or not for one day.

    1. barryrutherford profile image76
      barryrutherfordposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Me too ?

    2. Rosie2010 profile image68
      Rosie2010posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I think you should put both  'WritingContest' AND 'AprilHubchallenge' tags.  You got 18 hits?  Good for you, I got 15.

      @barryrutherford - you too got 18? great!

  28. bharathiyar profile image60
    bharathiyarposted 13 years ago

    I have been away from hubpages for many months. Now I would be part in this contest as far as possible. Not in the aim of winning but for participation.
    Thanks Simone.

  29. Marie McKeown profile image86
    Marie McKeownposted 13 years ago

    I'm in! Don't know if I'm going to make one hub every day but I'm going to try!!

  30. katiem2 profile image60
    katiem2posted 13 years ago

    count me in...

  31. Tenerife Islander profile image69
    Tenerife Islanderposted 13 years ago

    I am entering both I have decided!

  32. Joe Sunday profile image61
    Joe Sundayposted 13 years ago

    I guess it will be fun to take up this challenge, I'm in. Are there any rules I need to know?

  33. Howard S. profile image74
    Howard S.posted 13 years ago

    I'm into both contests and on schedule so far.

  34. barryrutherford profile image76
    barryrutherfordposted 13 years ago

    Just started at the weekend

  35. Uninvited Writer profile image75
    Uninvited Writerposted 13 years ago

    I'd love to take part but i have to write 20 blog articles for a client this month. I don't think I could do both. Maybe next month...

    1. stephhicks68 profile image87
      stephhicks68posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I'm with you!  Too busy with other writing projects this month, but I hope to be able to jump in occasionally.  Good luck everyone!

  36. ABeautifulMind profile image61
    ABeautifulMindposted 13 years ago

    I am In guys! Count me In big_smile

  37. soni2006 profile image71
    soni2006posted 13 years ago

    Okay friends, till now I have published 15 hubs in three days for Official HubPages Contest 30 Day Challenge for the month of April.

    1. prairieprincess profile image93
      prairieprincessposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      wow, that's impressive!

  38. Alma Cabase profile image59
    Alma Cabaseposted 13 years ago

    how will we know who will win? Thanks..^^

  39. Amelia Blick profile image60
    Amelia Blickposted 13 years ago

    Crikey. One a day? This is throwing down the gauntlet indeed. I'll certainly give it my best shot....

  40. Simone Smith profile image82
    Simone Smithposted 13 years ago

    Yay! I'm glad to see so many people taking up the challenge!  We can DO this!

  41. profile image0
    danmitposted 13 years ago

    I started a few days late but I'm going to try to go for the duration. I'll even try to get a couple extra online within April. Here's my first. It's about a short funny youtube video starring a couple cats and an Ipad. Enjoy.

  42. Hyphenbird profile image83
    Hyphenbirdposted 13 years ago

    Whew!!! So far, so good. I am a writing wild woman!
    My mind is in overdrive with ideas.

  43. SamboRambo profile image80
    SamboRamboposted 13 years ago

    I often see something that needs correction or clarifying in my hubs, long after they're published. Does a hub get a new date when I make edits? If so, does this disqualify the hub for the 30-day contest?

    1. Simone Smith profile image82
      Simone Smithposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Nope and nope!  We encourage editing, and feel free to update your Hubs as early and often as you like!

  44. Teylina profile image61
    Teylinaposted 13 years ago

    Nope. Not gonna muddy the waters! Went back to double-check rules and decided better leave well enough alone--Looking forward to lots of good info I don't have to hunt down!! Have fun! Watching!

  45. Teylina profile image61
    Teylinaposted 13 years ago

    BlissfulWriter, thank you so much for the 'after' info. Unfortunately, having to use a Mac temp and can't check word count before pub'g! Needed that after! Couldn't find out how. Thankssomuch

  46. melbel profile image94
    melbelposted 13 years ago

    I'm not sure I understand the purpose of adding the tag
    AprilHubChallenge to my hubs. If I'm reading everything correctly, this is identical to any other hub challenge in that there is no prize, am I correct?

    The only difference is that it's at the same time as a contest.

    So what is the AprilHubChallenge tag for? I see it mentioned in a lot of replies, but not in the OP so I'm a bit confused. Because of my confusion, I haven't been adding the tag to my hub challenge hubs. Should I? If so, can I make it retroactive to the hubs I published for the contest as I did join the challenge the same time as I submitted my first hub for the contest, I just didn't put the AprilHubChallenge tag in, just WritingContest.

    1. Simone Smith profile image82
      Simone Smithposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      You're exactly right.  The challenge is just a challenge - it just HAPPENS to be running alongside the contest big_smile
      Feel free to retroactively add the tag to your Hubs if you're participating in the challenge, but don't sweat it- the challenge is whatever you make it out to be!

  47. chasemillis profile image72
    chasemillisposted 13 years ago

    Ya there's no way I could keep up with this, school, and Track, I'm going to stick with trying to get 2 every week

    1. chasemillis profile image72
      chasemillisposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      btw, can you get paid without a paypal account..?

      1. Simone Smith profile image82
        Simone Smithposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Sorry to say that's not possible at this time hmm

  48. Chaya Parmessur profile image79
    Chaya Parmessurposted 13 years ago

    This 30 day challenge has been great so far as it pushed me to write regularly, something I had not done since I finished my first novel.
    Unfortunately, (for my hub production only) I have to go to London for 5 days and can't see myself missing out on the world to keep up the hub as they say another one bites the dust.
    But I'll be back!  And good luck to those who are still at it! Great job!

    1. Simone Smith profile image82
      Simone Smithposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Oh, London beats sitting in front of a computer any day!  Just take tons of photos when you're there, and I'm sure you'll come home with a ton of great writing material!

  49. fayx24 profile image59
    fayx24posted 13 years ago

    The challenge was pushing me to write too, unfortunately my last Hub pulled too many strings and I think I will pull out. I'll probably still add some Hubs for the contest though, or at least try to.

    1. Simone Smith profile image82
      Simone Smithposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah, I'm feeling the burn myself, so I understand big_smile
      I'm glad you'll still be participating in the contest, though!

  50. skellie profile image71
    skellieposted 13 years ago

    Wanted to stop by and fill you all in. So far this 30 day challenge, has certainly kept my brain ticking over. What an awesome experience it has been. I did not think in a million year's, it was possible for me to run out of idea's.
    I had to go searching for more lol. I have only been with hub pages for 7 months and really am not sure, how i am going. I simply know that i love hub pages and all the wonderful people on here.
    During this challenge, i have been running a seven day a week business, chasing my one year old, helping out with our karate club and running a household. I am tired but always liven up, after i hit the publish button big_smile
    Do you get an official email, that states you are in the challenge? I have not received any communications and am not even sure if i am registered properly. In the challenge or the writing competition.

    Either way, i am still writing them and having a ball doing so big_smile

    Good luck to everyone

    1. Simone Smith profile image82
      Simone Smithposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Heya skellie! Wow, you're such a champ- all those things, and you're *still* publishing daily!  Way to go!
      There is no special confirmation when you participate in the challenge, though if you want to be a part of the "official" challenge, add the "aprilhubchallenge" tag to your Hubs.  I also recommend adding the "WritingContest" tag and submitting them as contest entries, if you haven't been doing that already big_smile

      1. skellie profile image71
        skellieposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Yep, have added those to my hubs. Not sure if the first couple will count, in the challenge. Overlooked the "aprilhubchallenge" tag, when I first read about the challenge. Have added it since but not sure if it counts.
        Having a ball though!   Thanks Simone  big_smile

        Cheers Skellie

        1. Debby Bruck profile image68
          Debby Bruckposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          I can't believe I just found this forum on the Hubpages Challenge and writing contest. I've been in since Day 1 and haven't posted any tags. Still learning the ropes around here.

          How do we find out all the other participants?

          Good luck to everyone!

          P.S. Some funky error occurs when posting links to other hubs lately.
          Where do we send a report?


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