I'm throwing down the gauntlet, Hubbers. Publish one Hub every day this April. I dare you. And make these the best Hubs you've written yet.
The challenge is not only to publish 30 Hubs in 30 Days - one for every day in April - but to publish Hubs that include...
*A long-tail, niche topic that has not been extensively covered online
*A Search-friendly title (mirrors common search terms)
*Excellent writing (proper use of grammar, capitalization)
*Unique, useful information (not copied from elsewhere online, full of details, examples, names, and figures)
*Attractive formatting (avoidance of excessive link, eBay, or Amazon capsule clutter, excessive bolding or italics, and all-caps)
*Judicious use of relevant capsules (original photos (especially your own), video, maps, tables, links, news, etc.)
These are the judging criteria for the HubPages So You Think You Can Write Online contest. If you include a WritingContest tag on each Hub you publish in this contest, it will be entered to win $50, $100, and even $250 in prizes.
Visit the contest page for full details on the contest, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the official contest forum thread.
If you want your Hub to show up as part of this 30 day challenge, add the tag AprilHubChallenge.
If you want to submit your Hub for the April writing contest, add a WritingContest tag.
You do not need to participate in the challenge to participate in the contest, and you do not have to participate in the contest to participate in the challenge 
Even though I can't win anything in the contest, I'll be joining in on this month's challenge. I hope you will be, too, and look forward to reading your Hubs!