Hi all,
I love internet, when I joined hubpages few months ago I wanted to pick a username that should be different and interesting. My profile name is nothing but a combination of 3 words, as you can understand it has atleast two different meanings.
Now, I'm curious to listen from fellow hubbers. What does your profile name stand for? What does it mean? Share something or everything about your profile name
Web Is Mine
Ashwin thats my name.
SPGA stands for Singapore Professional Golfers Association
Mine is describing a dynasty of web wealth, a mecca of networking, helping others and putting a dent in the poverty strikken sub cultures called the rat race. My hubpages name stands for alot of things but mostly it is about bringing fun, wealth, and infrastructure to the web that brings others to frutation of their dreams....
Oh and it's also kinda sorta....
My name.
The other screename I use on my other account is SamurWriter and it stands for Samurai Writer, a writing warrior who will stop at nothing to find success with my writing, and to bring many others along for the ride synergistically so we all help each other... its also...
Just a cool name I came up with when I saw my silver samurai statue and imagined the guys sword as a pen...
Web is mine:
You inspired me with this thread, I had always thought about names and what they meant but never thought to "just ask" I'm going to add a page to my training site about devising a hubpages name/sudo name... kudos for your insight here... brilliant
Would you like to build a hub based on your insight generated here? I'd love to link to it from my site, this could mean alot of traffic from hubbers in training so it would be best if it taught people something like how to choose a name based on your goals with hubpages, your passions, and what your hubs will inspire in people etc.. are you game? (if your not is anyone else?) all hubs created and linked to here will be linked back to in this page:
http://www.howtobuildamoneymakinghubpag … t-name.php
I hope you don't mind I gave you a mention and used your hubpages image to show you off (and a linkback to your profile and this thread) if that's not ok let me know I'll remove them. If you write a hub and link me to it in here I'll put it right under your profile link (top of the page).. I want to let hubauthors know also that if you participate in offering things like this, ideas I can use to help train new authors I will use this system to give you credit, and to give you primo linkjuice on the site.. web is me, your the first so far other than sweetiepie who's helping me on another plane..
My name is who I am. I am the mother of triplets there fore I am TripletMom. Very interesting question because I love to hear where all these names come from. There are some really original ideas and I like that.
Mine is a combination of my sassiness (expecting to be called Miss) and the letter D is for my maiden name.
Well, mine is my real name. It gives me a sense of identity using nicknames doesnt.
I read a book called The Four Hour Work Week. It changed my life. I packed up and moved to Southeast Asia where I travel and enjoy life and I work no more than 4 hours a week.
Mine is my pseudonym. Nothing interesting about it.
Mine - L. Andrew Marr - is my name...
Luke Andrew Marr
I used MissJamie because my name is Jamie and I have a sassy attitude:)
You'll have to ask my parents how they came up with the first name, although I do know that it means 'Little King', which I'm cool with.
Lazur means 'sky blue' I used that nickname many years on the internet. Since LapisLazuli was too hard to pronounce for the most . A Lapis Lazuli is a blue stone. I have one on my collar:) At least I had until a few weeks ago. I'm getting a new one this weekend;)
dishyum = dishoom. A punching, boxing sound?
"Dishoom" means, it is actually the sound effect created when Indians get into a fight as depicted in movies!!
Dishyum! Dishyum!!
Thanks for the responses Nicely going, anyone else to share?
Cool, Great Question
I am a very big pcjunkychick lol ;0)
We were just talkin about this today (starting a group lol PCAA )
in one of my hubs about makin a screen shot.
p. s.
Luv the name..
Lazur means 'sky blue' That so cool
dafla - da (my initials) in fla (Florida). I found out later that it's some sort of language, but only because someone was trying to find me online and told me.
I tried for silver fox but it wasn't available so I went (silver)ag(fox)vulpes, go figure?.
Mine has lots of meanings. People call me bro since the age of 15 and Alex is my name.
broalexdotinfo - is the first domain I`ve registered a while back.
Mine is a take off my own name. Anna is short for Annastasia. Yes, like the wicked step sister in Cinderella, and like the Russian princess. I never liked it, and have always gone by one shortened form of that name ever since. Sometimes Anna, sometimes Stacey.
I am a guy and both your names are wonderful names of romantic women of great beauty and fame to me. Annastasia also sounds like a beautiful flower. When I think of Marie I think of Anna Marie Von Franz the great psychologist, writer and friend of Carl Gustaf Yung.
Ooooooh I love Anastasia, it already makes you sound like a woman beautiful
Meaning of my profile name weblog is nothing but a blog, though it can be read we blog too
carpesomediem came from the show All My Children. One of the supporting characters a few years back said, "I've got to go carpe some diem." It just stuck with me, and I took it on as my pseudonymn all over the web.
bldskr29: blood sucker ( I am a phlebotomist ) 29 was my age when I created the name!
I have always enjoyed seeing interesting and creative user names--even have used some myself. But since I have published several print and internet articles plus a children's book in my own name, I thought it would be best to be totally frank and use my own name.
HubPages has some very imaginative user names.
I want to know why your pants are so evil.
I guess you'll have to read the hub! It explains my evilpants in detail.
Created my screename by accident, but most likely because I like sweets and pie.
Christopher wouldn't fit, so it's christoph. People have called me Christo, Crisco Kid, Toph, and Topher so, what the heck.
Good Question!!
Earth Angel Publishing is the name of the company I founded years ago!!
My EA logo was designed by James Edmondson right before he joined HubPages with his brother Paul and sister-in-law Robin!!
My avatar is part of the cover art I created for a book of poetry, Sirens of Circumstance by J.S. Allen, that I published this last July!! It's already in its second printing!!
Blessings always, Earth Angel!!
Well that is easy, my name is Rodney and well I have always been a bit ?? so ti was easy to be Just_. ;-0
I read a book called _Sanctuary_ when I was in high school. It was a collection of fantasy short stories. There was a thief character called Shadowspawn that was so amazing and well written that I wanted to create a character in homage to that one and Shadesbreath was what I devised. I've used it as a gaming name since the early eighties and the character gets cameos in lots of stuff I write. The use of it as an Internet persona was inspired by the screen names of Ender's brother and sister in Orson Scott Card's great novel _Ender's Game_. I can only dream of that kind of power. If I ever attain it, Keira Knightley will be sending me nude pictures in my email.
funride, even though it´s not my real name can describe how I like to see my life: as a Fun Ride! It is also what I wish you all, enjoy your ride .
Have fun!
Anime_nanet means Anime on the web in Portuguese.
Since I decided to commit my hubpages to the Anime Topic and i'm portuguese I came up with this name O.O
I use Coolbreeze because thats what my father used to call me when I was a teenager
When i joined hubpages i thought id write on different topics
so i preferred to give my profile name topstuff.
I'm a girl.
I'm a gamer.
Tada! No super secret drawn out mystery there!
mine is just my first initial and my sir name....sorry no story!
I like to research things and I analyze everything.
Mine's pretty much like Gamergirl...From the desert and I'm blond. The desert part is new for me, I'm originally from Oklahoma -- like Marisuewrites -- and have also lived in Seattle and San Francisco and Huntsville, AL. So adopting to this new place and making it part of me....it's gorgeous here and I love that! But it's gorgeous in a really different way than anywhere else I've ever been or lived, which I'm thoroughly intrigued by!
Named after my geek blog. I came to the realization that I am an incorrigible dork. There are some superficial things about yourself that you can change and some things about yourself that if you changed them you wouldn't be true to yourself. I can't NOT be a dork and still be myself, and trying to be someone else takes a lot of energy and you feel like you're lying all the time. Lying is also not me. So I have to use who I am, much like Roseanne Barr capitalized on the fact that she is a fat chick. Dorkage was a term I first heard from Scott Kveton when some journalist made the mistake of quoting Scott as saying MBytes when what Scott had said was MBits. All the geeks jumped on it immediately: Wow Scott, do you really get 10 MBytes per second? Scott said it was a typo, but the difference between MBytes and MBits was just DORKAGE to most people. (It made his network sound 8X faster than it really was!) I went out and bought dorkage.net that day. Hot because it is served up fresh, and also because a few years back I apparently got inducted into the the MILF club of Montana, thanks to some teenaged dancers who saw me at a band gig in makeup and a tight dress..... a whole nother story.
My name's kind of my real name. Kind of.
Kika: This has an interestingly odd story about it. My name's actually Monika. I'd met a girl in Choir in 10th grade (high school) named Amanda Saxton. We hit it off pretty well. She was home-schooled, and I always found home-schooled kids interesting. One day, she ran into the room and yelled, "KIKA!" and literally knocked me over. I just stared at her for about ten minutes before she said, "What? What'd I do? Did I say something? Is there something in my teeth? Spit it out, woman!"
I replied, "Amanda, my name's Monika."
"... Well, I know that."
"Well, you called me Kika. What the hell's a Kika?"
"... ... ... I have no idea."
Somehow, the name stuck, and EVERYONE started using it. To this day, I still don't get it. o_O
Rose: Aha, it's my middle name. :-P I'm not a big fan of putting my last name on the 'net. Information security and all that, y'know. But I like making up names to use on the web. I was gonna go with Amile Willows, which is my penname on a couple of writing sites, but I opted for Kika Rose instead. Dunno why.
Hi Webismine. Mine is simple Anitha(my name)1978(the year i was born) if i only knew i would not be able to change my username i would not have added my year. anitha was not available so i just tyed a quick one thinking i would change it later. mmm they say you should never ask a girl for her age, but here i am displaying it to everyone
My name is my web site name which is done using Adobe Flex. It is also my business name on Second Life. Finally Mobius is just my online name that I use almost everywhere
It's actually a three-way coincidence. I've always loved the name Emily. But it wasn't until my early 40s that I realized how coincidental the love of that name actually is. (Okay folks, I wasn't using my brain for a long time!)
I was very fortunate to know two of my great-grandmothers. My father's grandmother's first name was Emma. My mother's grandmother's last name was Lee.
So, ta-dahhhhh.... on the net I'm proud to use a combination of their names which is also pronouced as the name I'd often wished I'd been given. LOL ..
Oh, and the Mrs? I'm always proud to announce I'm married (to a wonderful man).
Ma profile name is ma Name....Luckly this time i got ma name....in all other cases the damn computer will say,,,sorry ....username already exists....
atleast this time am not late... ...ma God...ma name is so famous...hihi
Okay since I love star trek I added Trekkie to my name and used my first name as Melissa so you get Trekkiemelissa.
My name is Terence Yap.
My favourite number is 7.
My friends either call me terence or T for short. (either one is fine with me)
I've used may nicknames on the internet. This is just one of them. According to Chinese astrology I'm a Snake. And I've been working with that theme for quite some time now. Either in the form of my nickname, or in the form of a profile picture or both. Ananta comes from Ananta Sesha, one of the primal beings of Creation. The snake representing eternity or infinity, who carries the God Vishnu on its coils.
"The foremost manifestation of Krishna is Sankarshana, who is known as Ananta. He is the origin of all incarnations within this material world. Previous to the appearance of Lord Krishna, this original Sankarshana will appear as Baladeva, just to please the Supreme Lord Krishna in His transcendental pastimes."
1965 is the year this incarnation of Ananta was born
My is same it just my name first name :adrain
last name sean. so adrainsean.
I use my first name and my last name, as it would be in Chinese. For me, the last name is a reminder that half my heart is and always will be in China, where my only son and now newest grandaughter live.
My pen-name -"Cranston"- is the moniker of the beloved, scratchy, cartoon character (in case you couldn't tell - a cat) featured in my blogs.
The character was created by my father in my early childhood and has since become an alter-ego of sorts-- a symbol and reminder of the humorous and lighter side of life, and is just a fun avatar.
Nature's Encore was my first e-business where I marketed handmade, all natural,cold-processed soaps, lotions, linen sprays, lip balms, etc. All natural products are in high demand, and I simply created nature's second performance.
I absolutely loved making those items, especially since they relieved my family of our eczema and psoriasis issues.
Nice Still there are lot of interesting profile names....Come on hubbers
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