My first web activity was all about different kinds of model trains, a hobby of mine. I'm continuing that with my first hub -- published about a week ago.
Since I wanted a unique name, I chose to make "fun with trains" one word. Hopefully, I can help people to have some fun with this neat hobby, and perhaps make a little money along the way!
Just think, my profile name will be very popular in January and February!
Mine is my real name actually. It means "cute" in Ukrainian and "melody" in tagolog.
I like witty comments and especially puns, and I especially like when the double meaning of a pun is actually more profound than you would think. I love the English language. (I'm sure I would love other languages, too, but I don't know any other than surface-level Spanish!)
Hi ProfoundPuns.
Given your stated interests let me suggest checking out an author by the name of Louis Dvoretzky. His mastery of the English language, combined with very quirky and sometimes outlandish thinking is worth a visit from pun and language aficionados. He has a website too -, but u really need to see his books, available on Amazon.
My sister named me, then she died the following year-(she was 13) and I never got to find out why she named me that. If I was a boy my brother got to name me, and if I was a girl. my sister got to name me. So that's how I got my name. I wish I knew what it meant.
I love this thread Nice to know what is behind every profile name!
Ely is a massive council estate in Cardiff where I lived and a Bard can be a singer-songwriter, poet and storyteller, which of course is what I do. Big Issue Cymru magazine dubbed me Bard of Ely and it stuck.
mhei--mine is just my name..well, actually, real spelling of my name is MAY (like the month) and since it's way too typical, like something you can get from a convenience store, I tried to improvise with the spelling that's how i came up with mhei.. nothing extraordinary, i know
Mine's from an interest in all arts plus an acronym SIREN I came up with a couple of years ago to fit in with my 'portfolio career':
S= self-employed, salary, savings
I= investments, innovation, ideas
R= royalties, residual income
E= enterprise, entrepreneurship
N= nicely, naturally, no nastiness necessary!
While I'm at it, my avatar combines my passions for martial arts (the taiji - or yin/yang - symbol); nature (by combining a musical flat and sharp to get natural); and bass guitar (the two dots off the bass clef).
Mine was suggested to me by my wife several years ago. C. C.=the initials of my first and last names. Riter is obvious. She likes Elvis and he sang about CC Rider.
I could have used my Cherokee name given to me by my grandma Iskagua Jaylee, Blues Skies Charlie, but like the one my wife bestowed on me.
Great thread, great question.
My user name is VJnator...and I got it for two reasons. I am a German native living in the U.S. and my German name was on one hand to difficult to pronounce for my Amercian colleagues as well as to spell. So I came up with the idea to use just the first initial V. and second last name initial J. Further do I have this kind of Arnold Schwarzenegger dialect and my friends, etc. are making kind of fun of this - so, my signature phrase "I'll be back", dialect and the initials made me the VJnator.
My real name would not fit in the little box.
Sufi because of my love of mysticism and dreamer because I am usually a complete space-cadet.
I have used the "real tomato" on other sites as I found it tells something about me.
Real - it explains where I come from- I don't try to impress people, down to earth, truthful to a fault at times, and I also appriciate genuine people.
Tomato - I tried my hand at organic gardening about 7 years ago- it took a whole lot of prep time- months in fact. The first year 10 out of 14 tomato plants took ( I started from seed) and the whole experience got me hooked on growing vegetables. It not only was rewarding and exciting to watch my little babies grow but WOW it was like tasting a tomato for the first time. Store bought tomatoes can not come close to homegrown.
My real name is Sheila Tombe, not Teresa McGurk, but I'm commonly known as "McGurk" by some of my adopted family members.
I didn't choose the name at random, nor is it an attempt to be anonymous. I've published some stuff under the name Tombe, and used to write for a local weekly under the name McGurk. So I kinda answer to both.
The name Tombe was originally Tomb, French, Huguenot. My grandfather put the "e" on the end, but it didn't stop the jokes, and I was often referred to as a grave little girl in my childhood.
In my teens, I tried to convince my father we should change the family name to "Biscuit-barrel" but he refused. Huh.
If you are any way familiar with politics and religion in Northern Ireland, where I grew up, you'll recognize that Sheila Tombe sounds kinda Protestant and Teresa McGurk sounds kinda Catholic. In a bid to resolve sectarian violence in the province by procreative means, my family (traditionally Protestant, but as we know there have been many Republican rebels who were Protestant -- an ancestor, Henry Joy McCracken, was hanged in Corn Market in Belfast) has tended to marry Catholics; hence I was raised to understand that religious differences were sources of connubial and domestic bliss, not paramilitary maneuvers.
My mother actually came up with the name Teresa McGurk, it being the most Catholic-sounding name she could think of on the spur of the moment when quizzed by her mother-in-law (who used intermittent senility as a cover for general insolence) (my mother's name was Phyllis Maud Conn). Teresa McGurk then became the family avatar and perpetrator of any misdeeds no one wanted to own up to. She even had a brother, Sammy, for a while.
My mother's father worked in the shipyard, and was a gregarious and generous man who would entertain the friendship of anyone he pleased, "be they Protestant or Catholic, Hottentot or Jew," a statement that would be an amazing lack of political correctness today, but back then illustrated his true openness to ideas.
It's easier to type Teresa than it is to type Sheila. I'm lazy. It stuck.
My flatmate for 5 years is now Dr. Graves.
My name came about when I joined skype. Almost everyname I typed in was used. So I came about my name by looking at one of my angel cards which said I was flying high right now so I typed it in and WOW, now I use it almost everywhere.
I do find that all these social sites are becoming hard work to update.
My name for HP is a nickname I got in high school. If you spell my name backwords and then shorten it to a cuter form, you get Ardie! It has stuck only as my internet name. Nobody calls me it much anymore But oddly enough, it sounds like my husband's initials = R.D.
Mine's just fairly random - but you can guess where I live!
WELL- MamaDragonfly2677... My kids (AND husband) call me "Mama"... And I love Dragonflies... Pure and simple, right? The 2677 is my day and year of my birth... PLUS, my Yahoo ID is dragonfly2677, AND my Google ID is dragonfly2677... (I have a bad memory! )
But you all can call me Shannon if you like!
I've been told many times I am Gifted with all the things I create and make and I am a Grandma to 16...decided it suited better than what I usually use for most of my sites.
Initially I intended to take the nick Charlemagne (dynasty of French kings), but then something made me type in "charlemont", and so it became my web name. "Mont" stands for "rock" in French, so it's not that bad for a nickname
Dame Scribe ... well...scribes were/are writers ... Dame ..a title used for older women ..sorta ... not that I 'm old...but... drop the *e* and you get know ? since my temper goes up and down easily, so, that's all about my nom-du-plume lol
My real name. didn't think about using anything else; didn't know we could. I was SO green behind the ears 4 months ago when I joined and started hubbing. Never had done anything like this before. Now with 120 days under my belt, I'm leaning toward Aqua, I think. ha. ha.
As with the nutty spiel in my profile, and my very sparse icon, I created this account with the intention to use it as a launching platform into new careers and the likes.
I love to self parody, and I'm rather lame at doing it quite too often.
GLM is both a stab at the modern consumer culture as well as a front to further advance the ideas of corporations and capitalism.
I don't know if I wrote here or not. I seem to remember vaugly that someone did a hub on this a while ago.
Anyway, I chose my name a long time ago when I ran a Bulletin Board System and was the System Operator at the time. I love Camelot and King Arthur and all the characters surrounding it. I have Welsh and German ancestry in me and the Welsh is just stronger because it is my father's line. I chose Lady Guinevere because I think I am from that era too. People liked that name, and a few other variations, and it has stuck since way back in the early 1980's.
Anyone doing their ancestry in the Welsh lines of LEWIS (my maiden name) and Spiker. You can look at my genealogy hub:
It is rather long but has alot of where my family came from and ended up in the US.
My german ancestry names are Rank and Jenkins.
Hey Lady Guinevere, you were a sys op for a BBS? Thats awesome! Someday if you'll let me I would really like to interview you (and anyone else on HubPages that ran BBses!) for an article on here about the internet...past, present, and future.
Sure!! Did you run one too? Where? This is cool!!
No, sorry, I've never ran one. I bought a documentary from Amazon called "BBS" or something of that sort. I got really into the whole history of it. When BBSes were all the rage I was only about five years old, but by the time I was eight I was running up our phone bill on a few of them.
I think its a unique slice of internet history that needs a lot more coverage!
There are some that are still running and they are also trying to bring them back. They use Telnet now. I was also involved in the interim between BBS's and Windows. I can't remember what it is right now but when i do I wil let you know. I remember it had nodes though.
Are you speaking of FIDONET?
I'm aware of a few in existence still. I belong to!
YES!! They used to call that the Dog!! MSN is the Bitterfly--dead butterfly LOL
I was in Florda back then. King Arthur's Castle and I ran off of WWIV software. Ansi was what rocked back then.
Ooops I think we hijacked this thread.
We just may have. -=\ I'll shoot you an e-mail.
Sunforged was a student environmental activist group that I started in college.
Sunforged= Students Under Nature FOR a Greener Environmental Dynamic.
Didnt want to waste such a long acronym so I adopted the name into most of my business pursuits.
Starting with an artist collaborative company to whatever it is that I do know.
In my battle to maintain top placement in google, I discovered it is a word used in some MOMRPG, but that is coincidence and I think my 2002 press releases are the first uses of the name online
Mine is pretty simple really. I started using the names that I usually use on the internet, but all of them were taken, so on a whim I tried a nickname that I had earned a few years ago. It didn't stick IRL, but it was fun while it lasted, so I guess I kinda ressurrected the name. "Rainbow Brite" was what my coworkers and customers called me when I worked for Sally Beauty Supply a few years back, because I had short jet black hair with purple, blue, and green bangs and shocks of red through the spikes on top. I had my nose, tongue, and eyebrow pierced (plus two in each ear), plus I had just gotten my first tattoos and was drawing on ideas for new ones using black magic marker almost daily, and one day, somebody said, "You know, you look like some kind of gothic Rainbow Brite!" It stuck for a couple of months, and died shortly thereafter. Who knew it would be ressurrected years later here? Cool thread, now we need Pest and a few others to show up and answer!
Maya = Love
Kanon= Garden
My internet name - Mayakanon.I dont remember where the name come from. But some of my friends call me by the name.
Trooper = cavalry soldier, 22, catch22 a favorite book as well as a unit I was once in. 2nd Squadron, 2nd Cavalry Regiment.
Although I am somewhat disenchanted with "American" politics due to the policies of previous administrations, I used the name here more out of habbit than anything else. Perhaps if I can get something published, I'll change it to my real name. For the moment, this works.
I've said this before.
I was drunk. It seemed funny at the time
Wanted a new email address and something we could easily remember
plus I respect both birds alot
My name is my first initial "d" for Debbie, which I do not like. Williamson is both my maiden name and my married name and no. my husband and I are not related. It does get confusing at family gatherings though because it is like oh, Grandma Williamson said this and we are wondering which Grandma Williamson they are talking about. His brothers and sisters are all Williamson's and so are mine. The funny thing though as a kid I always liked my maiden name and always wanted to keep it.
Elynjo = Ely is my name; N is short for And; Jo is my cat's name.
by Moon Willow Lake 12 years ago
Hi,I know normally there cannot be more than 2 links to any one site on one hub.So, my question is, does that also count for links back to hubpages?For example, if I have two links back to myself and say 2 links to other hubbers' hubs, then is that considered 4 links (over the 2 limit) back to the...
by Ellen 11 years ago
Okay, this is why I dreaded the coming changeover -- Google authorship was working just fine under the old format, but the new profile page won't recognize my Google profile URL because I have an old Google member profile.Which works just fine with Google authorship, but Hubpages' new profile...
by sasta10 12 years ago
Do people use hub pages for exposure?
by MissE 13 years ago
There are such an interesting variety of profile/avatar names on here. I am just wondering if anyone is willing to share how they came up with theirs. Just curious.
by Elisabeth Ellis 9 years ago
Actually it is my name, but now I'm hoping that song is stuck in your head. Uh... HP's changed my name on my profile page. Kinda weird. Im not sure how it happened or why, but the name on my account is "Sed-me" and in that little fill-in-the-blank-real-name-spot, I had my real name which...
by GGtimeshares 14 years ago
Can you write something about your place? Is it nice?
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